
Post on 17-Jul-2015






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West Coast Paddle Sports 1

West Coast Paddle Sports: Integrated Marketing Communication

Kelly Unruh

COM 411A: Advertising Strategies

West Coast Paddle Sports 2


West Coast Paddle Sports is a family owned retailer in San Diego County that specializes in

stand up paddleboards and accessories. The One Thing that this campaign will get across to

the target audience is that West Coast Paddle Sports has a knowledgeable staff to help find

the right paddle gear for any ability. The target audience of West Coast Paddle Sports has

been defined as all paddlers who value customer service when choosing their paddle gear.

They appreciate the one-on-one service from retailers who are knowledgeable about their

products and willing to go the extra mile. This paper will provide an overview of the six

possible concepts for advertising. This includes show the product, benefit or alternative;

comparison, borrowed interest and testimonials. The accompanying slides utilize images that

represent the type of images that could be used in the actual creative.

West Coast Paddle Sports IMC Plan: Print

Print Concept #1: Show the Product

To “establish a brand image or reinforce that image,” the concept of show the product

is used (Altstiel & Grow, 2013, pg. 113). This helps the consumer quickly identify the brand

or product and look for the benefit second. For West Coast Paddle Sports, this concept will

leverage the logo and tag line. The logo, with its unique fonts and colors, is used so that the

audience can easily identify the company. The tag line, All Things SUP, gives the audience a

glimpse of the type of retailer that is West Coast Paddle Sports. Including the contact

information will direct the audience to their website or store for more information.

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Print Concept #2: Show the Benefit

The show the benefit concept can include a creative layout or copy to reinforce the

benefits to the audience. The benefit can be featured prominently or be implied through the

visuals and copy. At West Coast Paddle Sports, the key benefit is the knowledgeable staff to

help find the right gear for every paddler. West Coast Paddle Sports also carries a wide range

of products, including models that the professional paddlers use. This concept shows that the

audience can feel like they are paddling like a pro even if their ability is not that of a pro. The

top image is of three pro paddlers receiving their awards at a recent race. The lower image is

of the West Coast Paddle Sports owner and two customers getting ready for a race earlier this

year. The headline allows the audience to perceive themselves as pro paddlers while the body

copy reinforces the benefit of knowledgeable staff.

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Print Concept #3: Show the Alternative

The show the alternative concept is based on the “basic wants and needs of the target

audience” and can be overly dramatized through the creative (Altstiel & Grow, 2013, pg.

114). For the West Coast Paddle Sports example, this concept makes a play on the phrase ‘up

sh*t creek without a paddle’. This is visualized through an image of a paddler stranded

without a paddle. The headline puts into words what the image is trying the say. The body

copy reinforces that the knowledgeable staff will find the right gear in order to avoid a bad


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Print Concept #4: Comparison

Online retailers are one of the main competitors of West Coast Paddle Sports. A

major differentiator between online and brick and mortar retailers is the ability to touch and

demo the product. Through a comparison concept, West Coast Paddle Sports shows the

frustrations of shopping online versus the personalized attention gained in-store in a comical

way. The concept shows that shopping in-store has a warm, family like feeling where

shopping online is more impersonal and frustrating. The body copy supports the positive

shopping experience in-store and the personalized attention of the staff.

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Print Concept #5: Borrowed Interest

The concept of borrowed interest utilizes “something seemingly unrelated to make a

point,” that has “no obvious direct connection to the product name or benefit” (Altstiel &

Grow, 2013, pg. 117). The image should be dramatic and eye catching. Many paddlers feel a

sense of calm and peacefulness when out on the water. The visual of the hiker overlooking

the valley is to draw parallels to paddling and the connection with nature. The headline

alludes to how paddling is like hiking a mountain to take in a breathtaking view.

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Print Concept #6: Testimonial

Testimonials can be very effective in advertising if they are also credible. The link

between the endorser and the product must be relevant. West Coast Paddle Sports supports

their customers in their passions. When one long time customer found out she had breast

cancer, the West Coast Paddle Sports staff, family and other customers supported her as she

went through her treatments and the overall cause. One such example is that a paddle team

was formed to participate in the annual Row for the Cure. This concept leverages the

testimonial of this customer, featuring her story and photo, as well as a team photo from one

of the events. This type of testimonial can position West Coast Paddle Sports as having the

feel of being part of a family while supporting the local community, going above and beyond

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just being knowable about the products.

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Print Concept Summary

Creating a campaign begins with identifying six different concepting strategies. Each

concept highlights the product and benefit differently. Each concept allows for creativity in

the visuals and copy used. For West Coast Paddle Sports, the main benefit of having a

knowledgeable staff is presented through the show the product, show the benefit, show the

alternative, comparison, borrowed interest and testimonial concepts.

West Coast Paddle Sports IMC Plan: Billboard and Email

To continue the momentum of the West Coast Paddle Sports campaign to support the

One Thing idea that they have knowledgeable staff to help find the right paddle gear for any

ability, out-of-home billboards and emails will be implemented. These mediums target

slightly different target markets from each other. Both need to capture the audience quickly

in order to have the message received for further action to be taken.

Billboards offer a large canvas to tell the brand’s story creatively. The brand can

reach a large audience in a specific location for a relatively “low cost per impression”

(Altstiel & Grow, 2013, pg. 317). A 2011 study found that motorists spent on average “20

hours per week” in their car with at least 76% viewing billboard advertisements (Olenski,

2011, par. 6). Billboards may be best suited for products or services, like beverages or banks,

retailers also benefit from billboards. The same study found that many motorists would shop

at a particular retailer based on viewing their billboard during their commute (Olenski, 2011,

par 13).

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For the West Coast Paddle Sports campaign, the billboard will reinforce the brand

awareness. The image will be eye catching and relevant to the products carried, such as a

paddler. The logo will be large and prominent on the billboard with the tag line “The Right

Gear, Right For You.” This reinforces the benefit that West Coast Paddle Sports is the place

to go for all your paddle gear needs. The address and nearest landmark will help the motorist

easily locate the retailer. The billboard will be located near the closest freeway exit. West

Coast Paddle Sports is a destination retailer and the customer will use the billboard as a way

to find the store.

Email marketing is a great way to say connected with customers and promote events

or to send offers. Email marketing is also a regulated through the CAN-SPAM Act. This law

states that all commercial messages must follow a set of rules, “establishes requirements for

commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have [the brand] stop emailing them, and

spells out tough penalties for violations” (“CAN-SPAM Act: a compliance guide for

business,” n.d., par. 1). Effective emails will have strong subject lines that result in the email

being opened. The copy will be direct to the point, contain an offer and call to action. If an

ecommerce site is available, then links to the site should be included. Relevant images should

be used. It is also a good idea to keep the focus of the email to one message.

West Coast Paddle Sports will leverage email marketing to reach their customers who

have signed up for the loyalty program. An email marketing calendar will be developed to

map out how many emails will be deployed each month and what the message will be. There

will be two main types of emails used. The first will feature an offer in the form of a coupon

that the customer can use in store. The second version will be a monthly overview that

includes an in-store promotion, highlight a paddle event and new products. These emails will

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conclude by reinforcing that West Coast Paddle Sports is the place to go to find all the paddle

gear for any ability and the knowledgeable staff is ready to help. The signature of the owner,

Bob, will also be included. Images will be included that coincide with the touch points. The

overall layout of the email will look similar to the West Coast Paddle Sports website that

includes links to click thru to the site.

Billboard and email marketing can be effective in the West Coast Paddle Sports

campaign to help reinforce that they have knowledgeable staff and a wide selection of

paddleboards and gear. Billboards need to relay the message in a quick yet impactful way.

The emails also need to be right to the point in the message, highlighting the offer or

promotion and clearly stating the call to action.


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West Coast Paddle Sports IMC Plan: Radio and TV

To conclude the West Coast Paddle Sports campaign, local radio and television

advertisements will be leveraged. The common theme of knowledgeable staff and the right

gear for every paddler will be the key message. The message will come to life through the

mention of a specific event and aspirational goals. The ads will air in the San Diego market

where West Coast Paddle Sports is located. Although these advertisements will reach a

generally broad target market, the advertisements will also generate brand awareness for

West Coast Paddle Sports.

Radio is an effective medium for local retailers. The spots can “stimulate immediate

action” through engaging with customers (Altstiel, and Grow, 2013, pg. 227). They can also

be tailored for a specific demographic based on the radio station that the airtime was

purchased. Nielsen recently conducted a study of “the effectiveness of radio advertising” and

found that retailers saw increased sales within a month of airing (“For advertisers, radio is

worth listening to,” 2014, par. 3). The study concluded “that each dollar of ad spend

generated an average sales return of $6 from the listeners” (“For advertisers, radio is worth

listening to,” 2014, par. 2). For the West Coast Paddle Sports radio spot, airtime would be

purchased on local alternative rock, top adults hits and classic rock stations. In partnership

with these radio stations, West Coast Paddle Sports would also sponsor the daily surf report

to reinforce the brand awareness. The media buy will include run of station with some

strategic flights, depending on the message.

For this radio spot, the message will focus on an upcoming demo in which the

listeners can participate and try out various boards and paddles. The message is set up by

reminding the listener that the upcoming race season is fast approaching and that they may

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need new gear or to begin their training program. The main announcer will be a male with

Bob, the owner delivering the tag line. A young female will provide the location of West

Coast Paddle Sports. Sound effects will open with the start of a paddle race and continue

with gentle surf guitar playing in the background.

Television advertising can be just effective and entertaining for local retailers as it is

for national brands. Local television advertising allows the retailer to target a specific

demographic through where the ads are placed. Careful consideration of the time of day and

the channels should be taken. However, television advertising can be expensive to produce

and to air. A local retailer can have television advisements as part of their campaign if they

have “some patience, good negotiating skills and an open mind” (Staff, 2010, par. 7).

The West Coast Paddle Sports television advertisement will drive home the

campaign’s message by appealing to the viewers’ aspirational wants. By featuring five

paddle abilities and locales will show the diverse customer base for West Coast Paddle

Sports and how well they can cater to everyone’s needs. Exterior and interior images of the

store will show the viewer that they carry the products in stock. By showing the product and

mentioning it in the voice over, West Coast Paddle Sports can leverage their manufactures

for some co-op participation to help offset the costs of the advertisement. Bob and his family

will be featured in the advertisement to reinforce the family atmosphere. The sound effects

used will match the imagery as well as the same gentle surf guitar from the radio spot. The

closing screen will land on the West Coast Paddle Sports logo with a super of the address and

website. Local cable and during less expensive air times will be leveraged. Like-minded

channels, like Outside Television, which airs programs specific to paddling, will carry the

West Coast Paddle Sports advertisements.

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Overall, radio and television advertisements can be effective for a retailer on the local

level. They can generate brand awareness, tailor the message to specific targets and add

continuity to an existing campaign while driving traffic to the store and increased sales. The

mediums offer a creative way to express the message. With the right know-how, they don’t

have to be expensive to produce. And they can be entertaining.

West Coast Paddle Sports 21

Client: West Coast Paddle Sports Product: West Coast Paddle Sports

Title: “2015 Race Season” Length: 30 sec.

Writer: Kelly Unruh Medium: Radio


PEOPLE CHEERING ANNCR MALE: Ah, the sounds of race season. In just a few weeks, the two-

thousand-and-fifteen paddle races will begin. Are you ready?


ANNCR MALE: Looking to improve your performance or technique? Or try a

new board or paddle? Is your new year’s resolution to earn a

medal in your race division? If you answered yes, then head on

over to West Coast Paddle Sports, where the knowledgeable

staff can help fit you with all the right gear. From boards and

paddles, to accessories and apparel, they have everything you

need for this upcoming race season.

West Coast Paddle Sports is inviting you to attend the annual

vendor demo, this Saturday at De Anza Cove from seven-am to

noon. Come ready to try out new paddles and boards and to

chat with other paddlers.

BOB: (LIVELY) West Coast Paddle Sports, where we have the right

paddle gear, right for you.

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ANNCR FEMALE: (MATTER OF FACTLY) Located on Morena Blvd, one block

south from Costco.

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Altstiel, T. & Grow, J. (2013). Advertising creative: strategy, copy, design. Los Angeles:


“CAN-SPAM Act: a compliance guide for business,” (n.d.). Retrieved from


“For advertisers, radio is worth listening to.” (2014, April 29). Retrieved from


Olenski, S. (2011 Oct 10). Does outdoor advertising still work? Forbes. Retrieved from


Staff. (2010, September 14). How to buy TV advertising on a budget. Retrieved



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