circus report, april 7, 1980, vol. 9, no. 14

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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1 - 800 - 824 - 7888 - Ext. A-263

HUBERT CASTLE CIRCUS... by Ralph Henderson

The new partnership of Hubert Castle and Tar/an Zerbini brought a truly bigger and betterthan ever Shrine Circus to Spokane for nineperformances in four days (Mar. 13-16).The show staff included: Bob Dunham, person-nel director; Prof. Toca, band leader; Rick Aid-rich, prop boss and Lucky Larabee, ringmaster.Clown Alley concists of Gene Randow, TobyBallantine, Lee Marx and Bill Vaughn.Following the overture, the show opened with aflashy Spage Age Disco production with speciallighting effects, followed by ten Space Angelson the Spanish web. A girl-to-lion illusion wasused to introduce Tarzan Zerbini's cage act, af-ter which the clowns did a lion careing bit assis-ted by Tarzan. An aerial number followed withMiss Stella and Miss Lilia on the pump-overtrapeze; Miss Maya and Miss Debby on singletrapeze; The Brauns, cradle act and the Beranson the balancing trapeze; Next came a dog act(one of the best and cutest I've seen for a longtime) Marie France and her Yorkies.Jorge Resell and his Unpredictable Car follow-ed, after which came three rings of animals -Gary Thomas and a small elephant, the Martialcamels and Hamas and a Lipizzan stallion ridenby Miss Patty.The clowns returned, then came three rings ofequilibrists • Becky and Maya, Martin Lambertiand Les Michels. This was followed by a displaywith three head balancing trapeze stars - SenorJuan, Felipe and Venice. Then there were threerings of jugglers with Ray, Michele and Yolanda,Sampion and Lamberti. The first half came to aclose with a Voo Doo Jungle Fantasy featuringfive girls and Garry Thomas with the five circus

THE CIRCUS REPORT is published oach weekby Don Marcks, 525 Oak St., El Ccrrlto, Calif. •94530 - Phone: 415-525-3332.SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $15.00 per year. Over-seas via surface malt is $20.00 per year.ADVERTISING RATES: (First Come Basis) Min-imum ad $5.00; Quarter Page $10.00; Half Page$20.00; Full Page $35.00

April 7, 1980

Crashing Off the Press Line an Evans Fanfare


Is Coming


THERE is a new title going around for showpeople working the FRONT DOOR - it's knownas TRUST OFFICER.

Sometimes a WARDROBE MISTRESS feelsthat she could use half of the hands of the "700FUSSY TAILORSI"SINCE the trend is to rebates, it might be bet-

ter to change the term of HOLDBACK to RE-BATE.SOME SHOW PEOPLE who never do anything

extra than they get paid for will NEVER GETPAID for any MORE than they do.

LIKE a good JEWELER -a good CIRCUS willmake customers enjoy the RINGS OF QUALITY

elephants.The second half opened with the Zercoffs Com-edy Voltige riding, followed by the Flying Vas-quez (3). The clowns came on with the washer-woman gag, and a display of perch acts with theDiones and Dynamic Berans followed. The Rid-ing Zerbini Family followed (during the Fridayevening show the young man that does the horseto hoiss somersault fell and landed on the ringcurb). Tarzan filled in for the balance of the en-gagement, doing a good job of riding and clown-ing.The next display was an Outer Space Productionfeaturing Mile. Jacqueline and her single trap-eze act below a flying saucer. The Outer Spacetheme was carried out with a walk-around of"Creatures of the Universe" while the net wasbeing set for the Finale, Captain Circus' Rock-et Cannon number.



Marine World ParkwayRedwood City, Calif. 94065

Call: 415 591-7676, Ext. 77

The Circus Report Page 3


No one can say that the 1980 Royal HannefordShrine Circus produced for the Hejaz Temple onMarch 7-9 didn't start with a bang.The spotlight opened on the singing ringmaster,Ernie McClean who reminded the darkenedhouse of the many past achievements of Amer-ica leading up to the first moon landing. Co-ring-master Philip Morris, then broke in with a CapeCanaveral count-down.A rocket hissed upward to a pedestal where wirewalker Herbie Weber waited in the blackout. Ex-plosion. The spotlight zeroed in on Herbie, dres-sed in silver, simulating the first landing on themoon in a backward slide for life. A bigger ex-plosion, then came the house lights and OldGlory fluttering everywhere. Then followed theGrand Parade of "space maidens and moon ca-dets" extolling America.The Philip Morris designed and choreographedspec received a warm audience response. Mean-while as the parade continued, Tajana (StruppiHanneford) guided her mixed Bengal and Siber-ian tigers to their positions. At the close of thespec the cats were already in place and the actcommenced without pause. The smooth sophis-tication of the opening number prevailed throu-ghout the entire length of the Hanneford pro-gram.Other high lights of the first half included theCastro Bros, working on a 30 ft. high wire without a net, the Estrada Teeterboard (Julio andAntonio), Belinda Maynard and four web girlsin an aerial number which began with a beauti-ful calypso theme. Gaylord Maynard's drunkenhorse routine was great as always. The Olmeda'sbicycle number and the Hanneford Riding Actwith nine people including Mrs. George Hanne-ford (now 93 years old), Cindy and Heidi Her-riott, Gary and Terri Bolstrem. and featuringMark Karoly.

Another attractive addition in the program wasthe Hollywood Horses presented by Philip An-thony. This liberty troupe, recently purchasedby Philip from Ian Garden, has been booked forthe Monte Carlo Circus tour of Japan. The halfclosed with an Alice in Wonderland spec, againdesigned by Philip Morris, and featuring a mo-torized hippo, a ditto birthday cake, and NellieHanneford as Alice who presented her fantaildove fantasy.

The second half kicked off with the Flying Ga-onas (Arturo, Julio and David, plus Cindy Her-riott) with 12 year old David consistently per-forming a two-and-a-half . Mark Anthony's comedy car followed, and then came a real showstopper, a western number with menage horsesincluding Mark Karoly, Brad Frank and Gay-lord Maynard.The three ring dressage staged by Maynard in-cluded a hindleg walk down the complete hip-podrome track by Brad Frank, a capreol in thesaddle by Mark Karoly, a rocking forehand byMaynard, and concluded with a Texas Skip byBrad Frank "bringing back the Tom Mix daysin the Thirties" according to producer Tom-my Hanneford.Closing acts were: the four Hanneford elephantsworked by Tommy and featuring Mark Karolywho does a backward somersault propelled byelephant power; The Nerveless Nocks, whosefour sway poles practically touched the auditor-ium celing; and a God Bless America finale fea-turing an 18 ft. vinyl globe which inflated dur-ing the number and blazed forth with an exag-erated outline of America in red, white andblue.Key personnel were: Tommy Hanneford, pro-ducer; Glenn Parkins, executive director andproducer, Dwight Hanson, prop boss with acrew of five, Meg Hansen, lighting director,Mark Anthony and Tina (Tiny Tina) Scotts,producing clowns, Kenny Heller, concessions,Philip Morris, costumes and choreography.

Page 4

Show DatesBeatty-Cole Circus

Apr. 7-8 Lumberton, NC9-10 Myrtle Beach, SC

11-13 Wilmington, NC

Garden-Johnson CircusApr. 7-9 Bismarck, NO

10 Jamestown11-13 Fargo7-13 Springfield, Mo.9-13 Green Bay, Wise.

Hubert Castle CircusApr. 8-13 Sioux City, Iowa

10-19 Columbus, Ohio

Circus VargasApr. 7-10 Thousand Oaks. C

Coronas Thrill CircusApr. 11-13 Macon, Ga.

Dobritch Int'l CircusApr. 12-13 New Orleans. La.

Fiesta de CircoApr. 12 Manteca, Calif.

Garden Bros. CircusApr. 8-13 St. Paul. Minn.

Hamid-Morton CircusApr. 12-13 Asbury, Park, NJ

Hoxie Bros. CircusApr. 7 Merritt Island, Fla.

8 St. Cloud9 Orlando

10 Grovel and11 DeLand12 St. Augustine13 Fernandina Beach

Hubler Int'l CircusApr. 7-12Willkes-Barre. Pa.

12-13 Steubenville, Ohio

Wm. Kay CircusApr. 11-13 Syracuse, NY

Emmett Kelly, Jr. CircusApr. 11 Hanover, N.H.

Oram Temple Shrine CircusApr. 7-12 Kingston, Pa.

Ringling-Bamum - Blue Unitto June 1 New York. NY

Rin^ing-Barnum- Red UnitApr. 10-13 Charleston, W. Va

Roberts Bros. CircusApr. 11 Hawthorne, Fla.

12 Lake Butler

Royal Lichtenstein CircusApr. 7-8 Flint, Mich.

- 9 Detroit10 Warren11 Detroit12 Flint

Shrine CircusApr. 9-13 Madison, Wise.

• • • •MAGIC--"0j

Amazing Con ktinsApr. 7 Golud, SO

8 Taylor9 Glen Ullin

10 Montpelier12-24 New Orleans

Bervvin & BrewsterApr. 7-12 RipU'v, Tumi.

Blackstone Magic ShowApr. 8-27 Boston, Mass.

Prf. Miller's Magic Time USAApr. 7 Chambersburg, Pa.

8 Carlisle9 InwoodIf McConnelsburg12 Columbia13Meyersdate

- - • • O T H E R D A T E S - - - -

Babes In ToytandApr. 11-13 Atlanta. Ga.

The Bisbini FamilyApr. 11-13 Canton, Ohio

Billy Burr's Fun-0-RamaApr. 7-12 Dover, N.H.

April 7. 1980

Dondi, the ElephantApr. 8-12 Merritt Island, Fla.

James H, Drew ExpositionApr. 7-12 Lincolnton, NC

Tony Fossett FamilyApr. 1M3 Syracuse, NY

Gund Western Collectionto Apr. 20 Fresno, Calif.

Gutis Family - Jungle ParodyApr. 11-13 Syracuse, NY

Kaye Hollywood ElephantsApr. 10-19 Columbus, Ohio

The Kursawes - Bicycle ActApr. 7-12 Springfield, Mo.

Rick Legg- ClownApr. 11-13 New Orleans, La.

Los Latinos - Wire Actto Apr. 12 Atlanta, Ga.

John MacKay - ClownApr. 12-13 New Orleans, La.

Tommy Scon's Medicine ShowApr. 7 Warren, Ark.

8 Camden9Hope

10 Texarkana, Texas11 Paris12 Longview13 Mt. Pleasant

Mr. Sensation - AerialistApr. 7-12Wilke$-3arre, Pa.

Dieter Tasso- JugglerApr. 9-13 Madison. Wise.

Harry Thomas- TigersApr. 7-13 Springfield, Mo.

White House in MiniatureApr. 10-15 Wichita, Kans.

Angela Wilnow and Her ColliesApr. 7-13 Albuquerque, N.M.

The Winn Troupe - High WireApr. 8-13 St. Paul, Minn.

Roman Schmitt's AnimalsApr. 7-12 Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

NICK VANOFF, producer of the defunct Hol-lywood Palace Show, got his new variety seriesoff the ground, televised Mar. 4th, for the firstshow of its kind to hit the airways in years. Itwas an uneven production with some good acts,good ideas, and intermittenly successful comedyspots. Ice and water segments were spliced withdance and comedy routines and solo star turns.Some missed the mark, others hit. It seems thatthe ice skating and water ballet numbers wereall too brief and not terribly inspired. A shameas a lot could be done here in the spacious Gold-wyn Studios where the show is taped. Hopefullythe series will click if only to give novelty per-formers a showcase.Talked with JIMMY DOUGLASS in early March

he was up to his neck getting props and clownwardrobe ready for the Beatty show. Jimmyrented four circus wagons, uniforms, and a gor-illa suit to Great Adventure and will furnish onemore clown for the season.VIOLA MacLEOD, long time staffer with Pol-

ack Bros, was brought from Chicago to the Cas-tle produced Flint Shrine date by HENRY BAR-RETT and Shriners from the Elf Kurafeh Tem-ple. She sat next to HUBERT CASTLE andseemed to enjoy every minute of the show andher visit.CLOSEUPS: JON FRIDAY visited the Hanne-

ford produced Medinah Temple Shrine Circusin Chicago, the Eastern Company of Ice Capa-des that same night. Then he visited the Lans-ing date produced by HAROLD VOISE. Thefollowing week he caught the Hanneford open-er in Detroit. He tells me JOHN H. TOWSEN,author of the book "The Clowns" is not a for-mer clown-juggler-acrobat as the hardcover bookjacket reveals, but is actively performing nowwith a group called Towsen, Yockers and Peter-hoff. The group played Flint and Dayton aswell as other dates on the Castle route.. .Newproducer RON KELROY is busy setting fairdates for this season. ..CHUCK CLANCY isback in California after an extended trip to theeast where he set the show's fall route. Mean-while partner TOMMY BENTLEY has been ov-erseeing promotions in Northern Californiawhere the show opens in May for a three weekrun.. .Tommy sez he is still on a weight-losskick but the whole routine is ̂ ginning to borehim.. .ARIAS L vis and Golden Retrievers are

set for the summer with JUNGLE LARRY atSandusky (OH). A nice set up. Two shows aday and one day a week off. Prior to openingat the Ohio Park they will play KennywoodPark in Pittsburgh. The Sandusky booking waseffected through BETTER BOOKING of Bos-ton.CIRCUS VARGAS raised its 6 pole big top re

cently in California and rumors are growing themammoth tenter will be on rails in 1981.. Lookfor a major shake-up in Shrine Circus producersin 1981 and the combining of two shows. Sorry,can't give any more at this time.. .GEORGEHUBLER will again produce a series of Shrinesponsored events in Maryland in July.. .He willalso replay last year's fall dates.. JOE and ELI-ZABETH BAUER left Sarafla to resume house-keeping in New Jersey. They open at Great Ad-venture next month.. .ED MIGLEY's father un-derwent a successful eye operation in late Feb.. .LILLIANA will make the Cape Cod Shrinedate for Circus Odyssey, di t to the R O D R I G U E ZTROUPE.. .LUIS MUNOZ was prop boss forthe Hanneford Chicago date where TINA alsoappeared with her upsidedown walk.. .Otheracts included: Moore's Mongrel Revue, ZoppeArabian Riders, Flying Valentines, Chris James,The Plunketts, Misses Loni and Barbara, theTangiers Arabian Troupe, Jorge Barreda, Pam-ela's Chimps, ringmaster Senor Rai and LeeMaloney, musical director.. JOHNNY JOR-DAN'S Motorcycle Globe of Death preemedduring the AUT MORI GROTTO Circus. Theact features his 12 year old son, JODY.. .Gla-morous LOU ANN JACOBS added chaser lightsto the side guylines of her rigging, makes a dra-matic entrance to great music wearing a full-length white minkl.. .ANN HUBLER, foreverinvolved in civic and artistic pursuits, is nowheading up a Children's Theatre in Dayton, call-ed FANTASY EXPRESS. It's "theatre-in-the-round" and is underwritten by Federal Grants.. .GEORGE HUBLER's Buffalo Shrine Datewas ahead in grosses from last year, broke re-cords. 75,000 paid admissions.MARSHA HUNT phoned in that their baby

elephant DOLLY is dead. The animal was foundlaying on its side by HARRY HUNT, still alive,but barely. Autopsy reports indicate the ele-phant died from Leukemia. Marsha is crushed

(Continued on Page 24)

Page 6


After a mild winter which permitted Gerry Cot-tie and the Hoffman Brothers to put on tentedcircuses at Christmas, England has a mild springand by the end of March, all of our tenting cir-cuses wit) be out on the road once again. Des-pite the usual crop of "end of season rumors"this year's line-up is as complete as ever andthere are even two new shows to add to thecompany.First out was Gerry Cottle with a stand at Jer-sey in the Channel Islands; Austen Brothers, theHoffman Brothers who are fielding two unitsthis season; Sir Robert Fossett's, and the RobertBrothers have all taken to the road again withgood traditional programs.Smaller family circus such as James Bros., andFossett Bros, are due to start out soon. Thethree Chipperfield circuses - Richard Chipper-field, Jimmy Chipperfield and Sally Chipper-field -are all out again, boasting of plenty of ani-mal acts, and there is even a fourth Chipperf ield-asspciated circus to be seen on our lots this year.This one is owned and operated by Tommy Chip-perfield (the late John's son) and Tommy Fossetta clown/juggler and will be known as FosserfieldsCircus. The polare and black bear act from Rich-ard's Circus will be seen at Blackpool Tower Cir-Circus this season, a venue for many Chipperfieldanimal acts in recent years.The other new show is Circus Hassani, owned bythe directors of the Hassani Troupe, Arab acro-bats which have been seen in the U.S. with Cir-cus Vargas and other shows. Circus Hassani hasin its company, Sasha Coco, brotter-in-law to

April?, 1980

Surrender to The Inevitable!


Acts appearing at the Hyatt House in Sarasota,Fla., fora recent Amandis Agency engagementwere: The Rolling Diamonds, roller skaters,Diana, foot juggler, Harry Dubsky, leopards,John Dubsky, dogs, Frank & Estreleta, aerial,Dieter Tasso, juggler, Pietro Canestrelli family,teeterboard, Morgan Ashton, comedy risley,Dubsky, one finger stand, The Bertinis, bicycles,Martha, contortionist, the Roberts Bros. Circuselephant and Florine Oler, organist.

Acts appearing at the Sport Show in Lexington,Ky (Feb. 29-Mar. 2) booked by Amandis Agencywere: Diana, foot juggler, Satani Demon, sword/fire, The Rolling Diamonds, skaters and an airbag dive by Hollywood stuntman B. J. Davis.

Hassani and second son of the late famous Bri-tish clown Coco, and who is using his father'smake-up as "Coco II", has caused some contro-versary by announcing there will be no animalsin its program.By announcing this policy, Circus Hassani hasmanaged to get several City Council-owned lotswhich are not leased to circuses with performinganimals. English circus owners are not quarrelingwith Hassani's policy, but they are angry overstatements put out by this circus in which theydenigrate performing animal acts, calling them"degrading", thus sparking off argument, andojving much support to the Animal protectionsocieties which regularly harass our circuses.

Al Dawley <s'nd




Informotion ̂

ngelo WILNOW

Week of April 7th - Home Show, Albuquerque, N. M.Booked: Entertainment Corp. of America

April 15-1 6-1 7th • Santa Fe, New Mexico

Week of April 21st - Shrine Circus, Indianapolis, Ind.Booked: Eugene C. Lambart andHoward Schultz Agency

April 29 - BOZO TV SHOW, Chicago, III.Booked: Howard Schultz Agency

A V A I L A B L E : O C T O B E R a n d N O V E M B E R 1980

Interested partes, please contact any 1st Class Agency

or Direct

861 Oak Street, Fort Myers Beach, Fla. 33931 - (813) 463 -9006


ACTS • Are you listed with us ?

OWIGHT DAMONEntertainment Unlimited

Lane Manor, Box 685, Merrimack, NH 03054


THE NEW DOLLYS, bicycle act, is featured inthe Harrah's Tahoe show "Hotter and Hotter"as are the 7 ALEXANDERS, tumbling andcomedy act.

MARJI LANGIN continues to add new schooldates to her route for either clown, puppet ormagic shows. Or. HANK E. PANKY has beenguesting on this circuit this past month.

DAVID DOUGLAS, magician, LORRI LEE,singer and DANNY GANNS, impressionist, areappearing in the afternoon show "Palace Play-mates Revue" at the Nevada Palace in Las Ve-gas.

RON SHAVER, of the Ice Capades, does a tri-bute to Emmett Kelly called "Send In theClowns" and a slide of Emmett Kelly is projec-ted on the backdrop.

BUSKERS PUPPETEERS were booked for athird annual visit at the Medieval Fair at theRingling Museum (Mar. 15-16} where the 425performers played to 25,000 visitors.

BILL BIRCHFIELD, former press agent for BigJohn Strong Circus, was recently signed as roadmanager for Mimes Shields & Yamell and formagician David Copperfield. Bill's traveling is inaddition to his work as lighting director for JohnAscuagis' Nugget in Sparks, Nevada.


April 7,1980

WANTEDMAGICIAN will buy Old Magic Apparatus,Books, Memorabilia, Posters, and Anythingrelated to Magic.

STEVE THOMAS70 Blodget Street

Manchester, N. H. 03104

LADDIE's Unsupported Ladder, and JOHNNYZOPPE's Rhesus Monkey Revue will be appear-ing at the Stoneboro, Pa., Fair, Aug. 29 thruSept. 1st.

HAL HAVILAND will have his dog and ponynumbers at Enchanted Forest, Old Forge, NYfor the summer season starting May 24th. Alsoappearing at the park will be REX N O R T O N ' SBears. The booking was handled fay the TiborAlexander Agency.

THE NICCOLINI BROTHERS Chimpanzee actis currently touring with the Max Schumann Cir-cus in Denmark. They plan to be back in the U.S.A.in1981.

JAMES HALL, of the Kassle Bears, and a daugh-ter of PETER LUVAS, were married at Kountze,Texas, on March 16th.

NOEL and RICH S T R E L A K have the Main StageProductions in the Chicago area, where they teachClown Classes and arrange for clown shows.

PHILIP ANTHONY and his Hollywood LibertyHorses are enroute to Japan where they will beappearing with the Ringling-Bamum Monte Car-lo Circus unit.

DEON and BEVERLY HOGAN AUMAIR, cir-cus clowns, will leave soon for an extended en-gagement in the Orient. They are currently inCalifornia at: 22725 Woodlake Road, El Toro,Calif. 92630.


Contact: Phil Schacht, 5013 Stonehedge Drive, Santa Rosa, Calif. • 95405


Jan. 24-27 - Columbus, Ga. (Mall)

Jan. 30-Feb. 2 • Greenwood, S. C.(Mall)

Mar 12 - San Antonio, Texas(Convention)

Mar. 16-23 - Dallas, Texas (SportShow)

April 1 - Hickory, N.C.(Convention)

April 2 - Virginia Beach, Va. (700Club - TV Show)

April 8-12 - Merritt Island, Fla (Mall)

April 26 - Harlinger, Texas (Magic Show)

April 27 - Weslaco, Texas

April 28 - Brownsville, Texas "

April 29-30 - McAllen, Texas "

May 1 - Uvalde, Texas

May 2 - Seguin, Texas "

May 3-4 - Austin, Texas (Circus)

May 6-10 - Greenville, Miss. (Mall)

May 22-25 - Wilmington, Dela. (Circus)

June 18-21 - Du Bois, Pa. (Mall)

June 30-|uly 5 - Charlotte, N. C.(P.T.L. TV Show)

July 14-30- Baltimore, Md. (Circus)

Aug. 2 - Chicago, III. (Club Date)

Aug. 12-16- Jackson, Miss. (Mall)

Aug. 26-31 - Lake Grove, Long Island,N. Y. (Mall)

Page 10


The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture's new animal im-port center at Newburgh, N.Y. was dedicated onMarch 2 1st.The facility will be used for receiving livestock,poultry, exotic birds and zoo animals from over-seas for health tests, examinations and quarantineprocedures to make sure they are free of conta-gious foreign diseases.James 0. Lee, acting administrator of the USOAAnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service, saysthe facility replaces the 77 year old import cen-ter at Clifton, NJ.Lee said the import center provides isolationbarns, areas for examination, dipping and disin-fection as well as environmentally safe waste dis-posal systems.

April 7, 1980

'Best Of Vegas'Specialty acts nominated for the "Best of Ve-gas" awards include:

The Argentinian Gauchos, Berosini Chimps, theFercos, magic/animals, the Marquis Chimps, Sie-gfried & Roy, illusionists, Pete Barbutti, loungeperformer, Wayland Flowers & Madame, puppet,Jackie Gayle, Irish Show Band, Rip Taylor, com-edy, plus show production or revue principals -Barbara Beverly, Trisha Lee, Heather Victorson,Marlene Vincente, Car) Wallace, Alan Clancy,Maureen Owen, Heidi Page, David Shepard, Lin-da Spinks; county-western star of the year, RoyClark, Willie Nelson, Ray Price, Rogers and MelTill.s.

Voting was by people in the entertainment in-dustry and the show was scheduled to have beenfilmed for TV last week, but will be shown at alater date.

The PATRICKS, Roly - BolyPAT D A V I S O N , Juggling

3612 - 17th Avenue, SouthMinneapolis, Minn. 55407(612)722-0831


Look for us cur ren t ly featured on the Hamid-Mor ton Circus!

You 've got to see It to believe it!



- AVAILABLE AFTER APRIL 15th -As an Act or Full Evening Show


P. O. Box 1310 Belmont, NC 28012

740 - 568 - 5506 or 704 - 825 • 5534

ALSO AVAILABLERingmaster — Plate Spinning — Comedy Gorilla


—By H. T. Webster



The Circus Report Page 13

GEORGE "Slim" LEWIS has been giving lecturesand a slide show for zoos and animal parks. Thetopic is "The Elephant in the American Circusand Zoo."

LEON PINTER, organist and magician is tour-ing with the Harry Beck Jr. Circorama Show.

BARRIE SLOAN, stilt walker, has completed asuccessful tour with Circus Knie in Switzerlandand is returning to Great Adventure Park in NewJersey for Joe Bauer.

TRUDY LUVAS and her Poodle Revue were apart of the Shrine Circus in New Orleans, forApril 4-6.

TOM H E N R i C K S w a s i n Decatur, III., with theALBERT RIX bear act on March 29-30. He alsoreports the Zenobia Shrine Circus at Toledo washeld on April 1-4.

DOUG KENNING had his magic show at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, Calif., on March 17-23rd.

Acts appearing with the recent appearances ofthe Emmett Kelly, Jr. Circus include:

Mar. 2 • Grand Junction, Colo. - The Turnos,trampoline; Bill Rivers, chimp; Oino Martinez,hand balance; Bill Rivers and Silver Mist thehorse; Wini McKay, trapeze; Tony's Trio, rolabola; Guy Sherrill, with "Frosty" the brahamabull; Chester Cable, foot juggler; Princess Omar,one finger stand/balance; Les Martinez, motor-cycle on wire, plus Nancy Kelly, ringmistress;Chester Cable, prop boss and Will Smith, band.Mar. 8 - Yucca Valley, Calif. - The Turnos,

trampoline; Billy the camel and Frank Matejha;Emmett and Want More; Dino Martinez, handbalance; Miss Heidi and her dogs; Emmett andthe Hankie; Wini McKay, trapeze; Intermission;Chester Cable, foot juggler; Emmett and magic;Tony's Trio, rola bola; Miss Heidi and Ten Gun,the horse; Princess Omar, one finger stand/bal-ance; Emmett standing on hands; Les Martinos,motorcycle on wire; plus Nancy Kelly, ringmis-tress; Chester Cable, prop boss and Virginia UeFenton, music.

Page 14 April?, 1980

THE 1980 CENTRAL FLORIDA Len Humphries

The 1980 Central Florida Fair celebrated its newlocation, as well as a popular new attraction dur-ing its Feb. 26-Mar. 8 run in Orlando.The biggest success of the fair was credited tothe feature under the big top, the Hanneford Fa-mily Circus, owned and produced by George Hanneford.The program featured: The Bounding Kays, ontrampoline; George Hanneford, liberty ponies;Princess Morning Star, upside down walk; GallaShawn, head balance trapeze; Sally Ashton, weband trapeze; Catherine and Diana, canine revue;Mr. Bell, hand balancing; Ramon Espana, rolabola; Hanneford's Exotic Animal Revue; DougAshton, musical comedy; Ramon Espano, com-edy golliwog; Walt and Wendy Patterson, teeter-board/hand vaulting; Hanneford Family Bare-back Riding Act featuring George Hanneford IIIand the Hanneford elephants presented by Geo-rge Hanneford. Doug Ashton was the producingclown.The show's staff consisted of: Len Humphries,front office and personnel manager; Col. E. T.Bale, equestrian director; Tex and Marcie May-nard, musical co-ordinators; Jerry Swartz. busi-



Box 391. Sunljnd, C«hf. - 91040

213-352-4277 213-352-2454

ness manager/general agent; Victoria Hanneford,legal adjuster; Ms. Irene Bell, public relations;Buzzy Cuttin, concession manager; Ben De Way-ne, elephant ride; Diane Hanneford, supt. ofelephants and ring stock, assisted by Bud OillnerBob (Cowboy) Meyer, prop boss and rigging;Walter Patterson, bit top boss and maintainanceby Radar.Visitors to the circus included: Directors of Dis-ney World, and directors of Circus World; plusofficials from Beatty-Cole and Hoxie Bros., aswell as Whitey Black, Pete and Dorm Cristiani,the Stevenson Family, Houdi Ashton, and hisfamily, Joe McMahon and family. Ron and San-dy Severini, Tommy Baker, Fred Logan and fa-mily, James E. Strates, Ben Burnstein. StanleyGill, Dave Merrifield, the Broward County FairCommittee, Jackie Gleason and Bun Reynolds.While at the Fair, George Hanneford was on lo-cation at the Burr Reynolds ranch with his ele-phants for the filming of the upcoming motionpicture "Smokey and the Bandit, Parti"




The Circus Report Page 15

DOUG HENNING, illusionist, was a guest on theMike Douglas TV Show which was aired the af-ternoon of March 30th.

SHELAGH YELDING, a former circus works as a Savings Counselor for the CoastFederal Savings in Sarasota.

THE ROLLING DIAMONDS, skating act andDIANA, foot juggler will be with the April 10-14Shrine Circus at Manchester, Maine.

THE SUPER LOCOS, knock-about act, is featur-ed with the "Hotter and Hotter" Show at Har-rah's Tahoe Club in Neveda.

KATHERINE ROSS has been signed to star inthe CBSrTV movie "Rodeo Girl" which is aboutthe all-girl rodeo circuit.

MELL HALL visited friends with the Carden-Johnson Circus when that show played LakeCharles, La. on March 18th.

JAMES "Jimbow" DECKER clowned at the"Circus On Parade" celebration at the First Bap-tist Church of Dallas on March 14th.

SIEGFRID & ROY, illusionists, introduced theirwhite tiger cub "White Gold" on a recent showin Las Vegas. The young animal was bom on Dec;23rd.




P. 0. Box 286 Mclntosh, Fla. 32664Phone: 904 - 591 - 2076 or 591 -1053

JOHN McPEAK, juggler, is one of the stars ap-pearing in the show "Burlesque 80" at the Ne-vada Palace in Las Vegas. Also appearing in theshow are VINCENT, singer and APRIL MAIT-LAND, exotic.

BOB and LOU FLOWERS STODDARD eachhave two paintings in the Annual InvitationalArt Exhibition sponsored by the Oak Cliff So-ciety of Fine Arts in Dallas, Texas. The exhibitruns thru April 19th, Lou's portraits of EmmettKelly and Jo Jo Jingles are featured.

DAVID COPPERFIELD, illusionist, was featur-ed on the Mike Douglas TV Show aired the af-ternoon of April 2nd.

GEORGE HUBLER had trouble getting into thebuilding where his show was underway at Pough-keepsie, NY. The security guard didn't recognizehim and he had to recite the flashlight "Pitch"before he was allowed to pass through the gate.

By CraneMMKT MIOm HWPfc^ TO900ft. GUV! WHY, I BfcT


Page 16

SHOW FOLKS AT TRAILER PARK... by "Circus Joe" Valenciano

This reporter has some good friends nearby,Tony and Elaine Lyle, who own a trailer parkhere in Tampa.A number of show people stayed there duringthe winter, including: David Raymond and hisfamily. The Diaz Family, the Billy Gunga Fa-mily, Jimmy and Judy Devine, Doug and Jean*nie Hacked.The Glenwood Mobile Home Park is located onU. S. 41 South, between Tampa and Gibsonton.Located directly behind the park, across a sidestreet is a big winter quarters type fenced in lot,where a lot of show people stay, this is owned

April 7, 1980

by Mario Zacchini.Mr. and Mrs. Lyle attended the Olympic Inter-national Circus produced by Eddie Zacchini atthe State Fair. Their daughter, Tonya, who ridesshow horses, recently visited Ringling-Barnum'sCircus World Park.The Lyles own a large motorhome and last falltook a six week vacation tour of the mid-west,ending up in Las Vegas where they saw CircusVargas before heading back to Florida.

The Shrine Club in Detroit, Mich., has announ-ced that they have signed the Royal HannefordCircus for a repeat engagement in 1981. Theycall this year's show "the best they have everseen."


Sian Laurel, h/kifeface.**


re?ut*t Urines Citl/, FL

When, as an artiste, one succeeds inwinning the "SILVER CLOWN" titleat the annual Circus Festival in Monacowhose protector is Prince Rainier, onecan maintain at the same time that thisyear at least there was only one act thejudges found better. In December 1975the Nicolrni Brothers represented CircuiBenneweis at this grand Gala Festivalwhich every year attracts virtuallyeverything there is in the way of topcircus acts in the western world.Nicolini's chimpanzees - well let usinclude the brothers as well - combineeverything that is crazy, uproariouslyfunny, mad and charming - necessaryingredients if you are to go down incircus history. And that's exactly whatthe entire troupe did a few months ago- together with a SILVER CLOWN.

General Office:Calle Leyva 54-58. Ent . 2Barcelona 14, Spain


The Great Niccolini BrothersWorld Famous Chimpanzee Act.Record Contracts in Europe:

1975 - Touring with Circus Benneweis, Denmark.

1976 - Circus Benneweis Build-ing, Copenhagen, Denmark.

1977 - Night Club, Scala Barce-lona and Night Club Es Foguero,Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

1978 - Night Club Le Jardindes Champs Elisees, Paris

1979 - Circus Season with Geb-ruders Knie in Switzerland

1980 - Max Schumann Circustour ing Denmark.

Page 18

On The CoverThis week's cover picture, another painting byRobert 8. Johnson, is titled "The Bandwagon"and shows a highly carved circus wagon withthe side show band on top in a traditional cir-cus parade. The wagon is drawn by a team ofeight matched horses with special harness.Unfortunately, this painting seems to have fad-ed, possibly because of its use of water colors.The colors here are predominently green, withthe wagon featuring gold scroll and carvings.

April?, 1980


EFFECT: Photo Flash Cube (MagicCube Type) is tossed or haned out toa member of the audience. Performer'shands are shown to be completely em-pty. Cube is returned to the performerand with no false moves the cube iscaused to flash at the will of the perfor-mer.

There is nothing to add or palm off.

You can shoot all four sides of the ma-Hice cube as desired.

This bare hand miracle works anywhereanytime. Close-up or on stage.

By itself "Wiz Flash" is spectacular anda puzzling attention grabber.

WHAT YOU RECEIVE: A supply ofthe "somethings" that make it work.These can be used over and over for hun-dreds of performances.

Included is a manuscript of twelvestunts, gags and magic effects using "WizFlash". Featured is a routine where youuse the cube as a mini-microwave ovenand bake a cake in spectator's pocket.

Presented on the Cabaret Show at recentHollywood Cavalcade of Magic. The act re-ceived a standing ovation.

Sent complete via First Class Mail


FRANK HERMAN185-8th Street, West

Bandon, Oregon -97411

Destined to Outdazzle The Circus!


Is Coming


The show and operating staff for the Big JohnStrong & Son's all new "Fiesta de Circo" tentshow includes:Advance Crew: Robert (Red) Johnson in charge

of all advance marketing directors - Toby andLaurie Twist, Jay Evans, Mike Weinberger, BobKammer. Charles Kammer, Bettye Hutton, DeeHughes, Virginia Hale, Ray Solann, with AlBuchanan handling the mid-west area.

The staff on the tent show includes: Big JohnStrong, owner/general agent; Ed Russell, gen-eral manager; Enoch Brafford, supt.; JamesWallentin, concessions; Don McLennon, supt.of animals, assisted by Bill Schreiber and RonPace; Ron Perry, pit show; Chris Kenningtonand Pam Perry, office; Paul Woolen, electrician

Carlos Rivera, inside stand; Chris Kennington,novelties; Rose Douglas and Phil Kavanaugh,daily press; "Doc" Harold de Valcount, seats,and assisted by Tom Caravello.

(A list of the show performers will appear in anearly issue).

Good CanuasmnnWHO CAN DRIVE-Put up 100 x 30 and 3 or 4 small grind shows - GoodSalary - Keep you all year round, this,ould be a home for you - Good livingconditions winter and summer.

BOBBY REYNOLDS805 - 524 - 3403

1421 Goodenough Rd. Fillmore, Calif.

Joseph C. ReisingerA T T O R N E Y AT LAW

Entertainment Law - Civil Trials - Immigration

For Free Consultation or AppointmentCall: 4 1 5 - 4 7 2 - 1 0 5 0






This YearEnlarged . *improved andrebuilt to the verypinnacle of circusperfection.

BIG JOHN says: "I have 5 shows to do this coming year for Gene and Sandy Holloway."

Opening: June 1st • in California with Kim Oixon

Opening: Aug. 1st • in St. Louis with "Clowncapades"

Opening: Oct. 20th - in Salt Lake City with the Max Hapner Show

We can still use some High Class Acts. Please send color photos. Acts that have worked forBill and Ian Garden, Jimmy Cole, Jim Nordmark, Stu Miller and Earl Tegge given preference.

Neil Armstrong, organist, can use a drummer

P. S. Mario, if you are not with Floyd call me. Pat and Gwen, John Dubsky and Willy Waltens- why haven't you answered my letters?

Call me in my office Mornings at: 714 - 797 - 0232

Page 20 April 1, 1980



Are all magic books expensive? No, many paperback ones can be found in stores anywhere, butthe best ones are in magic shops. The card expert*can choose from virtually hundreds, while otherspecialty fields like the cups and balls, linkingringi, mental magic, etc., have a lesser but none-theless wide selection to choose from.Two fine low-priced books on magical perform-ers are: "Famous Magicians of the World" and"Great Magic Shows." Written by a world tra-veler, they describe the shows as they would beseen by a person seated in the audience, and areloaded with pictures (each 40 pages, 8^x11).Priced at only $3.00 old timers can relive the bigshows they may have seen, such as Carter, Dante.Houdini, Sorcar, Kalanag, Virgil, etc., while theyoungsters can get an idea of what a big show inthe golden era of magic was all about.They are bargains at $3.00 each, with postage at59c each.


for Training and Show

Lesser Sulphur Crested ... $ 450 ea

Med. Greater Sulphur Crested . .585 ea

White Umbrella Crested ... 550 ea

Citron (Orange) Crested . . . 550 ea

Large Moluccan Salmon Crested650 ea

Large Blue-Eyed Greater SulphurCrested 1,250 ea

B R O N S O N B I R D S70 Nagle Street

New York, NY - 10040

Phone: 212 - 942 • 1150


See: G& G MetalsVenice, Florida


GEORGE AL ARMSTRONG, known as Dmy-A-Ling the Clown, died of a heart attack in hishome in Dallas, Texas, on March 22nd. He wasa member of the Mid-Cities Clown Alley No. 85and served as Sargeant-at-Arms in 1979, andwas elected recently as a Trustee of that organ-ization.He won first place in the White Face Clown com-petition at the Clown Day festivities at the 1979State Fair of Texas.

MARCO WOLFE (87) died recently in BeverlyHills, Calif. He and his late sister Fanchon werefounders with the late M. D. "Doc" Howe of thefamed Fanchon and Marco Stage Shows, Inc. acircuit of the 1930's. They and their generalmanager "Doc" Howe once had over 100 separ-ate stage show units touring nationally all yearround. Each show featured a star of the screenor radio and utilized the Fanchon and Marcolines of chorus girls, plus many circus acts.Theyalso had a large fair unit that booked acts intothe nation's top fairs, which had been original-ly established by "Doc" Howe, their partner.(His son is Eddie Howe, former circus pressagent). In 1939, they leased the Hagenbeck-Wal-lace Circus train and equipment and toured the"Great American Circus" that year. Marco'sdaughter, who lives in Beverly Hills, survives.



WE NEED FOR 480 SEASON - TwoClowns, Booking Agent, Working Men -Show Opens Mat 10th.

WILLIAMS BROS. CIRCUS2635 Norton RoadKent, Ohio-44240






2 Hours For The Family


unmsHinco new

nuiomoBiiECALL: PHILLIP MORRIS'(704) 338 0004

Page 22


"SIR BINGO the PAINTED WONDER"Strictly Center Ring Material • New Props

DAVE KNODERERBox 271 Orange, Fla. 32763

April 7, 1980

REMEMBER,... by William Wotsch

The Al Sirat Grotto Circus was held in Feb. of1940 at the Cleveland, Ohio, Arena. The ring-master was Fred Bradna, who wore a black tophat, red blazer and with that whistle hangingfrom around his neck.On the west end of the floor, just off center,the Wallendas had their high wire rigging set up.The wire was across the floor, with the mainwire tied in to an iron beam in the front part ofour lobby. The other side was tied in to an ironbeam in the back lobby, not far from where wehad the elephants.There were four Wallendas, Karl, Helen, Her-man and Joe Geiger. Joe did the part of a stag-gering guy in an evening suit and top hat. I re-call talking to him and the rest of the troupe onmany occasions.Also appearing in the show was the HannefordRiding act with the famous Poodles Hanneford.Their horses were kept in the north-east tunnel,not far from where Terrell Jacobs had his lions.The Pallenberg bears were kept in a room in thesouth-east tunnel. - ^ ^ ^ ^




• B I L L Y BARTON (Mr. Sensation)




- JOSELITO on Highwire

- THE HORTONS (Bears and Highwire)



Please Write or Wire Sending Full Details and Pictures to

B A L L I N G E R ' S NIGHTCLUB614 Coronation Blvd.

Cambridge, Ontario N1R 3E8

Phone: 519 - 622 • 0002


Page 24

BILLY BARTON (Continued)

by the tragedy, said they never dreamed any-thing was even wrong with Dolly. Marsha andher husband are now operating a highly individ-ual and profitable concession, which keepsthem busy but which she prefers not to publi-cize.

Star-studded program for the Youngstown AutMori Circus, week of March 18 thru 23, featur-ed: Harry Thomas, tigers, the Bertinis, Hangingperch, Fay Alexander, comedy car, Trudy's Dal-matians, Lou Ann Jacobs, aerialist, James Zop-pe Riders, Ron and Joy Holiday, Tino Wallenda,Erma's Chimps, the Flying Lanes, Johnny Her-riott (horse), the Garza Brothers, living statues,Roman Schmitt's elephants, Johnny Jordan andson. Globe of Death, Ringmaster was AustinMiles, musical director Book Boom Browning.ODDS and ENDS: The Grand Rapids Saladin

Shrine Circus got a second cage act with AL-BERT and JEANETTE RIX and their PolarBears. They worked in Tarzan's new mesh cablearena which rises from the center ring curb. Al-son on the date was CHRIS BRUNO's Break-away sway pole.. JACKIE ZERBINI had de-buted her new "flying saucer". It enters thearena under its own power and is then hoisted60 feet. Naturally Jackie performs her daringhalf-twisting bare-foot heel catches while thesaucer revolves, supported by one electric hoist

April Showers Book SaleNational Vaudeville Artists Year Book of

1928 - Some Clips, Some PasteOins, SixPage Ringling ad, Catalog Size $50

Gentlemen Be Seated (Minstrels)... $10Gambling in America (Edited by Herbert

Marx)-(Discard) $ 5The Two - Wallace $7.50Freaks- Fiedler $7.50Dangerous to Man, Caras (Wild Animals

Reputed Dangers) $8.00Noell's Gorilla Show (paper back) .$10.0020 Magazines with circus stories in them

- Old and New $20.00Candy Pitch Grab Bag of Circusiana • Has

Photos, Tickets, Books, Lithos and Pro-grams - Take A Chance $25.00

JACK BENNETTBox 975 Pauls Valley, Okla. 73075

April 7, 1980

Available 1980PEPI THE CLOWN

Clean, Neat, White-face Clown for Circus,Fairs and Shopping Centers - Many yearsof Experience.

Contact: BILL SLATER1219 Ashland Ave. Louisville, Ky.


Or: Howard Schultz Agency2525 W. Peterson Ave. Chicago, III.

.. .Grand Rapids was extended to ten days thisyear, grossed more than $90,000, played to13,000 more patrons than during any of theprevious 49 years.. .The Flint Shrine date mov-ed to the new I.M.A. Sports Arena. It is an out-lying area and seats an additional 1,000 people.The old I.M.A. Auditorium sits abandoned.The show did the greatest business ever, withturnaways and sold out houses being the norm... Color scheme for the new Castle show iswhite and blue.. .Center ring has fancy logoand chaser lights.. .I'm told that nearly eightygrand was invested in show wardrobe.. JAN-ET BALLANTINE is the wardrobe mistress..Aerial acts, other than Jackie, are: Flying Vas-quez, and the cannon, are suspended from three40 foot crane bars. The riggings have rubberwheels attached so they can be wheeled intosemi trailers.. .Unique is that web girls are hois-ted aloft simultaneously (the webs attached toelectric winches).. .TARZAN's and JACKIE'Sdaughters SYLVIA and PATRICIA are featuredin the web number with their newly deviseddouble-web, performed similar to a hangingperch.. .All pitches on the Castle show aremade only at intermission.. .The show is fast-paced with minimal announcements. CLEMTOCA created an entire score for the show -most of it (if not all) original music.

I am indebted to JON FRIDAY for the aboveinformation. There is more in his lengthy letterUnfortunately, a deadline approaches and Ihaven't time to sift it all. Will add the rest in afuture column.

SEE YOU down the road, luvs.



CAN USE GOOD COOK (Must be Sober)

Also can use Big Top Help and Useful People in all Dcpts.


Call Toll Free: 1 - 800 • 824 • 7888 • Ext. 2153

Leave Name and Phone Number where you can be reached

Box 561085Kendall StationMiami, Fla. -33156

Winterquarters Phone:305- 592-3909

Page 26 Apr,l7, 1980

. - . by Mike Naughton

The Gutis Family will be spot-dating with theirJungJeland Parody on Wm. Kay's Circus, the EdMigley Circus and the Maine Shrine dates.Tom Sink, clowning on Ron Bacon's spring tourof Ohio. Maddy Sink has the concession dept.,and magician Joe Smiley (Bobby Kaye's broth-er) is also with the show.Clown Mike Naughton and aerialist Oe Lisa Jor-dan were guests on an hour radio show in Albany(NY) to promote the 27th annual Cyprus ShrineCircus which was produced by Bill Kay. The cir-cus enjoyed sell outs on March 8-9.John and Jody Jordan open June 1st in CircusCircus with their motorcycles inside the globe,a real thriller. Jody, only 12 years old, is suc-cessfully performing complete revolutions insidethe globe after a few weeks of hard work.The Flying Lanes worked Albany, NY, for BillKay, Montreal for Ian Garden and Youngctownfor George Hubler.Lottie Brunn, The Gutis, Tino and Olinka Zop-


Work in Midwest


Non-Profit Organizations

Excellent Commissions

No Dead Time

Send Resume and List of

References to:


P. O. Box 1136Jonesboro, Ark. - 72401

A Twisting, Twirling, Thrilling Textl


pe, the Rix Family, Sir Victor Julian's Pets pre-sented by Leo Coffey and Prof. Hardy workedPoughkeepsie for George Hubler, where JessieGriffiths provided the music. Harry Mills hadthe concession and novelty stand.The busy lady on the keyboard, Jessie Griffithsworked the Boston Sports Show, Hubler's NewYork date, Youngrtown, Ohio, then headed forAmarillo, Texas.Tino Zoppeset a new world's record by walkingbackwards up the inclined wire without a pole.His wife, Olinka, also set a world's record bysuccessfully walking upside down using 30 loopsBoth feats were taped for the Buiness Games inHollywood. Tino also did a "sky cross" over 100feet high between two buildings in Houston.Agent Tibor Alexander was busy chatting withperformers during the Albany Shrine date. LouisStem, former owner of Polack Bros. Circus, alsovisited the show.Al and Joyce Vidbel, Mike Naughton, Joe Sher-man, John MacKay, The Bubskys, Hugo Zacchi-ni and Tony Fossett will be among the line-upfor Bill Kay's Syracuse date.Tajana, in a super hero costume, won tremen-dous ovations from youngsters attending thecircus at White Plains, NY.Senor Rai, "the Million Dollar Ringmaster" cur-rently is in his fifth year with the Royal Hanne-ford Circus.Tiny Phillips was visiting circuses alt over theeast coast, from upstate New York to WestVirginia.

Pat Bissonette worked school shows in the midwest, with Mary working the front with novel-ties and concessions. She even has time to getin a game of Bingo.

The Royal Hanneford Circus was filmed whilein White Plains, NY by two separate film crews.One for an upcoming television commercial andthe other for part of a documentary on TommyHanneford, by Brian McConnell, of the PrattUniversity, in Brooklyn, NY.

The Circus Report

BEATTY-COLE J. H. (Jim) Banks

This writer visited the Beatty-Cole Circus on itsopening day at DeLand, Ma., on March 15th. ttwas a sad start when it was learned that EdnaAntes suffered a broken teg in a fall, even so shehad the red carpet out for Mary-Jo Couls andthis writer.Many new faces and a beautiful new ticket wa-gon are on the show. I have never seen this cir-cus look better and each department is verystrong. They have an eight piece band, with itsdirector being Russell Oarr.The talent line-up includes: Dave Hoover, Ma-rie Christine. Rita and Elba, The Great Vashek,

Page 27

HELEN WILSON - Show Organist(own Equipment) 704 - 786 - 4563

The Verdus, Antonia and Julio, Dino and Anita,the Flores Duo, Cernon's Chimps, Bonnie Bale,Irma Cristal, Senor Valdez, the Alvarez Troupe,Johnny Welde, Fred Logan and Jimmy James,the ringmaster.I visited with my friend Buckles, clown and hisfriends in the alley. They have nice and livelynumbers.

Many folks from the Hoxie Bros. Circus were onthe lot to visit friends and see the performance.

top related