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  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016



  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Contents Page No.

    1. Introduction to Accounting 3

    2. Accounting Scope 4

    3. Process Flow 6 4. Chart of Accounts 8

    5. Accounting for Invoices and Related Payments 13 a. Invoice Generation and Complete Payment in the same SSA 14 b. Excess/Double Payments when payment is made in the Billing SSA 16

    c. Partial Payments made in the Billing SSA 19 d. Remittance to different SSA, Same Circle (Complete payment) 22 e. Remittance to SSA of Same Circle (Partial Payment) 24

    f. Remittance to different SSA of same Circle (Excess Payment) 28 g. Remittance to SSA of different Circle (Full Payment) 29 h. Surcharge on delayed payments (Late fee) 30

    6. Accounting for GSM Collections 30 a. GSM Invoice of one Circle, Payment in SSA of same Circle 30

    b. GSM Invoice of one Circle, Payment in SSA of different Circle 31

    7. Adjustments 32

    a. Debit Voucher b. Credit Voucher 34 c. Cancellation of Invoice 36

    d. Write off of Bad Debts 36 e. Collection against Write off 37

    8. Payments from Various Channels 38 a. Payments on CSR counter 38 b. Payments from Post Offices 39

    c. Payments from Banks 40 d. Payments through ECS 42

    e. Payments through Bill-desk f. Payments involving units outside the CDR system(ERU) 44

    9. Cheque Dishonour Scenario 49

    10. Missing Daily Lists Scenario (Unadjusted Credits) 53 11. Reconciliation of channel payments 54 12. Accounting for sale of Pre-paid Cards/Modem through PMS counters 54 13. Accounting for Advance Payments 55

    14. Period End Closing Activities 56

    a. Income Received in Advance 56

    b. Accrued Income 57

    c. Interest on Deposits 57 d. Accrued Interest on Deposit 58

    15. Refund 61 16. Accounting treatment for OYT rebate in CDR System 63 17. Implementing Bundled PC EMI solution in the CDR system 64

    18. Migration Strategy 66 19. Revised Strategy for Financial data/Delta payment Migration 69 20. Journal entries for migrated financial data 89

    21. Handling third party vendor payments collected through CDR invoices 96 22. Accounting for Zonal Electronic Stapling(ES) 99 23. Handling of ES discount in CDR Accounting 104

    24. Account Settlement procedure 105 25. Accounting module-Oracle applications-Operation guidance 108 26. Accounting for amended Service Tax Rules -Point of Taxation 113

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    List of Figures Page No.

    Figure 1: Process flow for Accounting 3

    Figure 2: Billing and complete payment in the same SSA 15

    Figure 3: Excess or double payment in the same SSA 16

    Figure 4: Excess or Double Payment Adjustment in the next invoice 18

    Figure 5: Refund of Excess or Double Payment 19

    Figure 6: Refund for closed/surrendered connections 19

    Figure 7: Partial payment made in billing SSA 20

    Figure 8: Partial Payment adjustment in next cycle 21

    Figure 9: Remittance to different SSA in same circle 23

    Figure 10: Remittance to different SSA in same Circle (Partial Payment) 25

    Figure 11: Remittance to different SSA in same Circle

    (Partial Payment Adjustment) 27

    Figure 12: Remittance to different SSA in same circle (excess payment) 28

    Figure 13: Remittance to an SSA in different circle (full payment) 29

    Figure 14: Surcharge on delayed payments(Late fee) 30

    Figure 15: Accounting for GSM Collections: Payment in SSA of same Circle 30

    Figure 16: Accounting for GSM Collections: Payment in SSA of diff. Circle 31

    Figure 17: Debit Voucher: Settlement of short billed invoice 33

    Figure 18: Accounting for debit voucher (Settlement of short billed invoice)

    on generation of next invoice 34

    Figure 19: Accounting for Credit Voucher where the bill is fully settled 35

    Figure 20: Accounting for Credit Voucher on Gen eration of new Invoice 36

    Figure 21: Accounting for Write Off of Bad Debts 37

    Figure 22: Accounting Entry on Billing 38

    Figure 23: Accounting entry on receipt of daily list 38

    Figure 24: Accounting entry on receipt of TRC Schedule and Cheque 38 Figure 25: Accounting entry on receipt of daily list from Head Post Office 39

    Figure 26: Accounting entry on receipt of TRC Schedule, Cheque from HPO 40 Figure 27: Accounting entry on receipt of payment information from Billing 40

    Figure 28: Accounting treatment for Discount on ECS 41

    Figure 29: Accounting entry for Missing Daily list 53

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    1. Introduction to CDR Accounting

    The integrated accounting has been implemented for the first time in BSNL through the CDR based

    Operation Support System/Business Support System(OSS/BSS). The whole accounting process is

    automated and taken care of by the system with hardly any user intervention. Accounting is done in

    the CDR system based on actual details.

    The main sources of information for Accounting , at present, are:

    Zonal Billing System

    Zonal Payment Management System

    The accuracy and timeliness of data in accounting system depends on data from the above systems:

    Following figure is a representation of the various systems that interact with the Accounting system.

    Figure:1 Process flow for Accounting

    The basic flow within a zone is captured as:

    1. Invoices are generated in CDR

    2. The billing data is transferred to PMS for receiving payment

    3. GL Code based information on billing data from CDR system is sent to the

    Accounting system for doing credit posting to Revenue A/cs with corresponding debit

    posting to the relevant Sundry Debtors and receivable accounts.

    4. Invoices are settled through approved payment channels which operate in offline and

    online modes.

    5. Each channel operates based on a hierarchical structure of Collection Desk (CD) and

    Collection Center (CC).

    6. Collection Centre (or Collection Desk) sends payment data directly in the form of daily

    lists to be entered into the PMS. Collection Center does the monetary settlement with

    BSNL through PMS.

    7. PMS sends daily feed to Accounting - “receiving_SSA” and “Collection_Center” wise .

    Zonal PMS

    Zonal Billing System




    External Financial System

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Based on this ,the Accounting will debit to one of the following accounts:

    (i) Claims Recoverable from DoP

    (ii) Claims Recoverable from WSC

    (iii) Claims Recoverable from Banks

    (iv) Claims recoverable from AO (Cash)

    (v) Claims recoverable from State Govt IT(E-seva)

    (vi) Claims recoverable from EAU(Portal)

    (vii) Claims Recoverable from Others etc.

    with corresponding credit to “CDR TR Collections account”.

    Money from the Collection Center will be received at the prescribed frequency and managed

    by AO Cash simultaneously.

    8. When money received is entered into the PMS (based on Schedule) and the

    information transferred to the accounting system the entry will be to Credit „collection

    center (Claims Recoverable from HPO/Banks/AO Cash/Others/Bill Desk etc)‟ and

    Debit „TRC Settlement account’ operated within the CDR accounting system

    9. PMS sends collection information to the home billing system in the form of lockbox

    files in the required format.

    10. When CDR billing system does the posting of these payments, it sends the GL Code

    based payment information to the accounting system. Accounting system does the

    posting of this by debiting „TR Collection Account „ and crediting the relevant „Sundry

    Debtors and relevant Tax Recoverable heads ‟ created based on billing data.

    Relevant Remittance Accounts will be used in case Receiving and Owning SSA are different

    and also when collections belong to external systems like GSM.

    2.Accounting Scope

    The objective of CDR Accounting is to implement accrual accounting at a consolidated level.

    Scope for Accounting:

    o Landline and Broadband: Revenue accounting

    o GSM: Payment to be collected by zonal PMS, Remittance to be passed to GSM at

    circle level.

    o Leased Circuits: Payment to be collected by zonal PMS and accounting to be carried

    out in EFS (External Financial System) with necessary Journal entry.

    o Revenue accounting is to be done based on the feeds from PMS & CDR Billing only

    and no other interface is in the scope of accounting at present.

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    o Accounting system can confirm the consolidated amount received at SSA level and

    not at individual transaction level. Reconciliation with individual customer account

    (which is maintained at Billing system) is not in accounting scope as only

    consolidated entries are done based on feed received from other systems and break

    up of these entries are available in the base systems (for payments in PMS and for

    cleared and outstanding amount in Billing system). Reconciliation shall be carried out

    manually by comparing the accounting output of GL extract and a report from Billing


    o Debtors are maintained at consolidated level in Accounting and individual customer

    accounts are maintained in relevant billing systems.

    o Debtors control account is based on service types eg. Landline and Broadband.

    Reporting scope (feed for External Financial System)

    o GL Extract (SSA Level; for all accounts in the system)

    o Trial Balance (SSA Level)

    In the existing system of accounting where SSA is the basic accounting unit, any financial

    transaction done by one SSA that affects the accounts of another SSA will be settled

    through the operation of “Remittance” heads. The idea of maintaining these heads is that

    while no physical exchange of money will take place, the impact of the transaction will be

    incorporated into the books of accounts of the SSAs involved. For this purpose, the

    following Remittance heads are used

    o Remittance same circle (O) and (R)

    o Remittance between circles (O) and (R)

    Further Remittance heads are used for parking payments received by PMS related to

    invoices generated by GSM etc.

    Fiscal Year:

    o Fiscal year shall be from 1st April to 31st March.


    o Reporting currency needs to be INR.

    o Billing currency for retail customers has to be INR.

    It is necessary to keep the accounts of each month open for a sufficient period in the next

    month to ensure that all the transactions are entered into the system. In the existing

    systems the TR Accounts for the previous month are open until the 25th of the next

    month ie upto generation of SLR reports . In the CDR system also it is proposed to close

    the accounts by 15th of next month from now onwards.

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    3. Process Flow

    With reference to Figure 1:

    Flow from Billing to Accounting:

    o Information required Per Billing Cycle:

    GL Code wise billed amount of revenue/adjustments for revenue owning

    SSAs in each circle, consolidated SSA wise.

    Discounts: As they will be adjusted against amount outstanding as a part of invoice information, posting in accounting to be done GL Code wise like

    normal revenue items during bill cycle run with additional line item in invoice.

    Excess/Double Payments: For all SSAs in each circle when adjusted in

    subsequent invoice. Accounting will capture this as an additional line item

    based on the consolidated GL code wise feed received from Billing system.

    Adjustment entries for deposits and interest on deposit will be passed based

    on the consolidated feed from billing system. The logic for interest and

    principal amount break up is to be maintained at billing system level.

    Refunds: As and when refund of deposit is due, refund of double/excess

    payment and refund on closed/surrendered connections

    Either as an adjustment in next invoice

    Or refund is given in the form of a cheque

    o Information required Daily

    Clearing information in order to clear amount outstanding including both

    revenue receiving and revenue owning SSA, consolidated based on Owning

    and Receiving SSA is received from Billing at end of day.


    Debit Voucher information for all SSAs in each circle.

    Credit Voucher information for all SSAs in each circle.

    Consolidated feed for Interest on deposit for all SSAs in each circle based on

    type of deposit to be posted for provisioned connections based on GL Codes.

    o Write-offs:

    Write offs are manually done in Billing and posted to Accounting on periodic


    Reversal of write-offs not supported

    Collections against write-off, if any, will go to „Other Income‟. Posting to be

    done by PMS to Accounting.

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    o At year end, consolidated feed for Interest accrued on interest bearing deposits for all

    SSAs in each circle based on type of deposit to be posted for unprovisioned new

    connections(prospects) and additional services for existing customers.

    o At end of financial year or quarterly as desired, feed file on Accrued Income: Unbilled

    revenue items (Earned but not billed) grouped SSA wise upto last day of every


    o At end of financial year or quarterly as desired, feed file on Advance Income: eg. Rent

    (Billed but unearned) grouped SSA wise, revenue unearned and unbilled grouped

    SSA wise

    Flow from Payment Management System to Accounting:

    o Daily Basis

    Payment information combined SSA wise:

    Revenue Receiving SSA

    Revenue Owning SSA

    Collection Centre: Details of payment received from Head Post

    offices, Banks, AOCash, Bill Desk etc.

    Information about the bounced cheques both Retail cheques and settlement


    Deposit information

    For all SSAs in each circle, payment received in the form of deposits.

    This information need not be identified as deposits. This identification

    will be done by the Billing system

    o Periodic Basis (mainly by AO Cash)

    Information when schedule is received for Billing System

    Consolidated information on amount received.

    Collection centre (HPO, Bill Desk etc)

    Revenue Receiving SSA

    Flow from Accounting to External Financial System

    o At period closing, a report containing GL Balances will be generated containing GL

    Code, GL Account name, Closing Balance, SSA, Circle.

    o An SSA wise trial balance will be obtained.

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    4. Chart of Accounts:

    Following are some important G/L codes introduced for and operated in CDR system:

    Allotment of account codes under Current Assets Schedule 113 (Basic segment)

    Minor account code:

    Detailed suspense account codes

    1132300 – „CDR based TRC claims recoverable‟

    is allotted

    1132301 – „CDR based TRC Claim from DOP‟ 1132302 – „CDR based TRC Claim from Bill desk‟

    1132303 – „CDR based TRC Claim from Banks‟ 1132304 – „CDR based TRC Claim from Cash counter of BSNL‟ 1132305 – „CDR based TRC Claim from State Govt. IT solution

    channels‟ 1132306 - CDR based TRC claims recoverable from EAU

    1132399 – „CDR based TRC Claim from others‟

    The following existing account codeswill be utilized for booking of the claims, which are not

    pertaining to CDR based TRC claims .

    1130805 – Claims recoverable from DOP 1130813 – Claims recoverable from Bill Desk 1130816 – Claims recoverable from Bank

    1130899 – Others

    Minor account code: Detailed suspense account codes 1131000 – „Revenue Accrued‟

    1131025 – „CDR based Debit Memo Invoicing‟

    1132400 – „Settlement of CDR based transactions

    with CMTS‟

    1132401 – „CDR based claims for bill collection charges recoverable from CMTS‟

    1132402 – „CDR based claims for share of discount on post-paid bills recoverable.

    Allotment of account codes under Current Liability Schedule 119

    Minor account code:

    Detailed suspense account codes

    1194500 – „CDR based

    TR settlement / adjustment Account‟

    1194501 – „CDR based TRC Settlement Account‟

    1194502 – „CDR based TR Collection Account‟ 1194503 – „CDR based Unallocated TR Collection Account‟ 1194504 – „CDR based Credit Memo Invoicing Account‟

    1194505 - CDR based third party system TR collection Account 1194506 - CDR based ATC settlement Account

    1194600 – „Settlement of

    CDR based transactions with CMTS‟

    1194601– CDR based claims payable to CMTS for post-paid account‟ 1194602 – CDR based claims payable to CMTS for pre-paid account „

    Allotment of account codes under Schedule 419 in CMTS segment:

    Minor account code:

    Detailed suspense account codes

    4193500 – „Settlement of CDR based transactions with Basic‟

    4193501 – „CDR based claims payable to Basic for bill collection charges‟ 4193502 – „CDR based claims payable to Basic for share of

    discount on post-paid bills‟

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    1132401-CDR Based Claims for bill collection charges recoverable from CMTS:

    With the introduction of PMS, all restrictions on CMTS bill payments get lifted. CMTS bills can be paid

    at all payment points accepting Land Line payments. The collection channels are not required to

    separate out the CMTS payments. It will remain mixed with the LL payments. Similarly the schedules

    also will be common. That is the collection channels will give a single statement along with the

    settlement cheque. The commission on collection will be deducted in advance or paid later by

    the Basic segment even in relation to CMTS Bills. When we have to do Segment Based accounting,

    the bill collection charges that Basic segment has paid for collecting Mobile bills will have to be

    reimbursed to the Basic segment by the Mobile Segment. In fact even for online acceptance of mobile

    bills, the Basic segment should claim a bill collection charges from the Mobile segment.

    While in the first instance, the collection charges will be paid by the Basic segment, it will compute the

    portion to be borne by the CMTS segment based on a report on channel-wise CMTS bill collection

    details to be taken from the PMS.

    When bill collection charges are paid by Basic segment, the following entries are passed in basic

    segment books. These are passed at the PMS if commission is configured there as for Post Office

    or passed manually in the Cash Book when a separate claim for it is received from the channel.

    A. PMS dealing with/recognizing the bill collection charges: a. Collection charges are deducted and settlement is only for the net amount (Post Office) Bill Collection Charges (substitute actual GL code) Dr.

    To Claims Recoverable from

    b. When collection charges are computed by PMS although the channel makes a full settlement.

    Collection Charges will be paid separately by AO (Cash)

    Bill Collection Charges (Substitute actual GL code) Dr.

    To TRC Settlement Account

    When payment is actually made by the AO (Cash) to the channel

    TRC Settlement Account Dr

    To Bank/Cash

    It may be noted that for all transactions passing through the CDR system, AO (Cash) will operate

    only TRC Settlement Account.

    2. Bill collection charges settled outside the CDR system.

    Bill Collection Charges (Substitute actual GL code) Dr.

    To Bank/Cash

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    In both the above cases another MANUAL Journal Entry will be passed in the EFS as follows: 1132401 'CDR Based Claims for bill collection charges recoverable from CMTS' Dr. To Bill Collection Charges (Substitute actual GL code) Cr. A corresponding entry will be passed in the CMTS Segment books to settle this (Exact GL codes to be taken from the GL code list) Bill collection charges Dr

    To 4193501 Caims for bill collection charges Payable to Basic Segment 1132402-CDR Based Claims for share of discount on post-paid bills recoverable from CMTS: This is to deal with discounts given in the ES bills which include bills generated in the CMTS System.

    The discounts are given on the total ES bill by the Basic Segment. The above GL Code will be used

    to deal with that part of the discount to be borne by the CMTS system on account of discounts

    allowed to its bills.

    Allotment of account codes under Schedule 413 in CMTS segment:

    Minor account code:

    Detailed suspense account codes

    4132000 – „Settlement of CDR based transaction

    with Basic‟.

    4132001 – „CDR based claims recoverable from Basic for post-paid account‟

    4132002 – „CDR based claims recoverable from Basic for pre-

    paid account „

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    CDR based TR Remittance Heads –Different circle

    Minor account code-

    1990900 – „CDR based TR Remittance – Different circle (Originating)‟

    1991000 - „CDR based TR Remittance – Different circle (Responding)

    Detailed account code

    CDR based TR Remittance – Different circle(Originating)

    CDR based TR Remittance – Different circle (Responding)

    Name of Circle Assam 1990902 1991002 Calcutta Phones 1990903 1991003 Chennai Phones 1990904 1991004

    Andhra 1990905 1991005

    Bihar 1990906 1991006 Gujrat 1990907 1991007 J & K 1990908 1991008

    Karnataka 1990909 1991009

    Kerala 1990910 1991010 Madhya Pradesh 1990911 1991011 Maharastra 1990912 1991012 NE I 1990913 1991013

    Punjab 1990914 1991014

    Orissa 1990915 1991015 Rajasthan 1990916 1991016 Tamil Nadu 1990917 1991017 UP (East) 1990918 1991018

    UP (west) 1990919 1991019

    West Bengal 1990920 1991020 Haryana 1990921 1991021 Himachal 1990922 1991022 Andaman &

    Nicobar 1990943 1991043

    Chattisgarh 1990950 1991050 Jharkand 1990951 1991051 Uttaranchal 1990952 1991052 NE II 1990953 1991053

    CDR based TR Remittance Heads –Same circle

    Minor account code-

    1991100 – „CDR based TR Remittance – Same circle (Originating)‟

    1991200 - „CDR based TR Remittance – Same circle (Responding)‟

    Detailed account code

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Above remittance heads must not be utilized by any Circle for book transfer of any kind of inter-circle

    and intra-circle transactions other than those for TR transactions (revenue and expense) exclusively

    generated by CDR based billing system.

    Allotment of account codes for Post coneection deposits:

    Minor account code:

    Detailed suspense account codes

    1132500 – „Post connection deposits recoverable‟

    1132501 – Security deposit recoverable 1132502 – Security Deposit (broadband) recoverable 1132503 – STD PT Deposit recoverable 1132504 – Other deposit recoverable

    1194700 – „Post connection deposits under recovery‟

    1194701 – Security deposit under recovery 1194702 – Security Deposit (broadband) under recovery 1194703 – STD PT Deposit under recovery 1194704 – Other deposit under recovery

    The above detailed account codes will be utilized only by CDR Based billing system at the time of

    raising invoice for post-connection deposit, collection of such post connection deposits as per invoice

    and to transfer of such post connection deposits to final account codes related to different types of

    post connection deposits. The above mentioned account codes will not be utilized for any purpose

    other than the invoicing, recovery and accounting to final account code of post connection deposits,

    through CDR based billing system.

    The CDR based billing system must ensure that at the end of each accounting period and particularly

    at the end of the financial year the balance under each detailed account code of minor account code

    1132500 are equal to the balance of corresponding detailed account code of minor account code


    The business process rules as per CDR based billing system, must ensure that the claims raised

    against the existing subscribers for additional deposits / new type deposits and accounted by CDR

    based billing system under the account codes mentioned above for post connection deposits are

    settled within a pre-fixed time frame and no claim raised and accounted under account codes of

    1132500 and 1194700 can remain unsettled beyond the said pre-fixed time frame and CDR based

    billing system must neutralize such unsettled claims immediately after the expiry of the said pre-fixed

    time frame, by passing accounting entries affecting the account code of 1132500 and corresponding

    account code of 1194700.

    The above account codes must not be utilized for accounting the transactions meant for

    collections of pre-connection deposits if any, from the prospective customers.

    Since CDR based billing system is account based billing and not invoice based billing the post

    connection deposits shall be account based. Therefore, various types of post connection deposits in

    respect of Basic Segment may be accounted under the following account codes only:

    1192701 – OYT Deposits

    1192705 – Tatkal Deposits

    1192710 – Deposits from STDPT Franchisees

    1192712 – Security Deposits for Broadband services

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    1192714 – Security Deposits

    1192799 - Others

    The various types of deposits which are reflected under 1192702, 1192703, 1192704, 1192706,

    1192707, 1192708, 1192709, 1192711,1192713 are transferred to account codes1192714 / 1192799.

    However, in such cases the CDR based billing system shall keep separate information internally

    about each nature of post connection deposits, which will be clubbed and booked to account code

    1192714 / 1192799.

    For the purpose of transferring various type of deposits reflected under 1192702, 1192703, 1192704,

    1192706, 1192707, 1192708, 1192709, 1192711 & 1192713 by CDR based billing system to

    account code 1192714 / 1192799 all concerned circles must reconcile the GL balance under the

    account codes 1192702, 1192703, 1192704, 1192706, 1192707, 1192708, 1192709, 1192711,

    1192713 with the sub-ledger / subsidiary records details and pass on the correct information i.e.

    reconciled full details of such balances to CDR based billing system.

    The claims / demand notes for pre-connection deposits to be recovered from prospective customers

    shall be taken care of by the CDR based billing system internally and such claims / demand notes

    shall not be reflected in the external financial system till such claims / demand notes are paid by the

    prospective customers and after that it should be booked in the relevant account codes .

    Allotment of account codes for Refunds:

    Minor account code:

    Detailed suspense account codes

    1193000 – „Refund due to Telephone Subscribers‟

    1193001- Refund on excess/double payments(existing) 1193002- Refund due on closed connections. (existing) 1193003 – „Refunds due on working connections‟ (new) 1193004 – „Refunds due on pre-connection deposits and advances‟ (new)

    The above-mentioned account codes will be utilized by CDR based billing system for keeping the

    liability towards the (a) refund due on working connections and (b) refund due on pre-connection

    deposits & advances. The amount of liability towards refund booked to above-mentioned account

    codes will be cleared by way of adjustment or otherwise as per sanction issued by the competent


    5. Accounting for Invoices and Related Payments

    All financial data originating in billing are being posted in accounting. In addition, in order to comply

    with Indian Accounting Standards, manual entries are also posted in accounting especially at the

    year-end. Accounting requires all the feeds from various systems at a consolidated level for each

    combination of owning and receiving SSA.

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    a. Invoice Generation and Complete Payment in the same SSA

    Consider a scenario where invoice is generated in Hyderabad and the payment is also made in


    1. On generation of invoice, relevant sundry debtors and recoverable accounts are debited, with

    appropriate credit being given to the various revenue accounts.

    2. Customer makes a payment at a collection centre at Hyderabad. The collection centre updates the

    PMS about the same through a daily list comprising of collections made by it during the day and that

    made by the various collection offices that report to it. This will be sent to Accounting, debiting the

    Claims Recoverable from Others/HPO/Bill Desk account as the case may be, and passing the

    appropriate credit to TR Collection Account in the books of account of Hyderabad.

    3. On receipt of the schedule information and the cheque for the actual payment, TRC Settlement

    account is debited, passing the credit to Claims recoverable from. Others/HPO/Bill Desk etc. The

    corresponding entry of debiting the Bank Collection Account and crediting the TRC Settlement

    Account is done by AO Cash in Cash book of the SSA. Thus the closing of TRC Settlement

    account is manual.

    4. When information is received from Billing System about the payments clearing the Sundry Debtors

    outstanding, the TR Collection Account is debited, crediting the sundry debtors and other recoverable


    Consider that the following invoice is generated:

    Customer Invoice

    Fixed charges from subscriber 180 Local Call Charges 500 International Trunk Calls 200 Installation Charges 500 Total 1380 Add Service Tax 166 Education Cess 3 Higher Education Cess 2 Grand Total 1551

    Net Payable 1551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    (Service tax figures in examples are approximate & assumed for easy representation )

    The accounting treatment is depicted in the following figure.

    Figure 1. Billing and complete payment in the same SSA

    On Receipt of payment posting data from Billing (In the books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 1551 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors 1380 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 166 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 3

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2

    On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement A/c Dr. 1551

    To 1130899 Claims Recoverable from Others 1551

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1130899 Claims Recoverable from Others Dr. 1551

    To 1194502 TR Collection 1551

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors LL a/c Dr. 1380 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable (Telephones) Dr. 166 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 3 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 2 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 180 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 200 To 1310601 Installation Charges 500 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 166 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 3

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 2

    Invoice in Hyderabad, Payment in Hyderabad

    On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of AO Cash) (Outside CDR system)

    Bank Collection A/c Dr. 1551

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 1551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    b. Excess/Double Payments when payment is made in the Billing SSA

    Suppose in the above case, if payment of Rs 2551 is received against the billed

    amount of Rs 1551,then there is an excess of Rs 1000. This will be treated as follow:

    Figure 2. Excess or double payment in the same SSA

    On Receipt of payment posting data from Billing (In the books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 2551 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (Other than WLL) 1380 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 166 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 3 To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2

    To 1193001 Refund due on Double/Excess Payment 1000

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    Claims Recoverable DOP/Others/Bill Desk/AOCash/Banks a/c Dr. 2551

    To 1194502 TR Collection 2551

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors LL a/c Dr. 1380 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable (Telephones) Dr. 166 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 3 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 2 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 180 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 200 To 1310601 Installation Charges 500 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 166 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 3 To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 2

    Excess or Double Payment

    On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 2551

    To Claims Recoverable HPO/Others/Banks/AOCash/Bill Desk 2551

    On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of AO Cash)

    Bank Collection A/c Dr. 2551

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 2551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    For the invoice considered in the previous section, if an excess payment is accepted,

    Billing system will have to identify excess payment. As depicted in Figure 3 above, for an

    invoice of Rs.1551, a payment is received in excess of Rs.1000, that is, Rs.2551. So

    when the TR Collection is cleared by debiting Rs.2551, the exact amount that is enough

    to clear them, is credited to respective sundry debtors and other recoverable accounts.

    The excess Rs.1000 is credited to the account of „Refund due on Double/Excess


    When the next invoice is generated, this excess amount is adjusted by crediting the

    sundry debtors by the excess amount, as depicted in figure 4 and in the invoice depicted


    Customer Invoice

    Fixed charges from subscriber 180 Local Call Charges 1000 International Trunk Calls 500 Total 1680

    Add Service Tax 100 Education Cess 15 Higher Education Cess 5 Grand Total 1800

    Less: Excess payment Adjusted 1000

    Net Payable 800

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 3. Excess or Double Payment Adjustment in the next invoice

    In case the balance needs to be refunded, the accounting entries will be as depicted in

    Figure 5.

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 800 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 730 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 55 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 12 To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 3

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 800

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPOBanks/AOCash/Others 800

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    Claims Recoverable HPO/Banks/AOCash/Others/Bill Desk a/c Dr. 800

    To 1194502 TR Collection 800

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (Other than WLL) a/c Dr. 1380 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable (Telephones) Dr. 166 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 3 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 2 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 180 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 200 To 1310601 Installation Charges 500 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 166 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 3 To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 2 1193001 Refund due on Double/Excess payment Dr. 1000 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c 950 To 1110901 Service tax recoverable 45 To 1110906 Education cess recoverable 3

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2

    Excess or Double Payment Adjustment

    On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of AO Cash)

    Bank Collection A/c Dr. 800 To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 800

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 4. Refund of Excess or Double Payment

    In case of refund for closed/surrendered connections, the following entries are made:

    Figure 5. Refund for closed/surrendered connections

    c. Partial Payments made in the Billing SSA

    This section deals with the accounting treatment of partial payments that is payment

    made is less than the amount outstanding. If we consider a scenario where bill is

    generated in Hyderabad for Rs.1130 as shown below.

    A payment of Rs. 565 is received at Collection Centre1, say, a cash counter in

    Hyderabad The payment received knocks off the debit in relevant sundry debtors and

    other recoverable heads through a credit entry in proportion to the payment received, as

    depicted in the figure below.

    1193001 Refund due for closed or surrendered connections Dr. 1000

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 1000

    Refund for closed/surrendered connections

    1193001 Refund due on Double/Excess Payment Dr. 1000 To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 1000

    Refund of Excess or Double Payment

    Customer Invoice

    Fixed charges from subscriber 100 Local Call Charges 500 International Trunk Calls 400 Total 1000

    Add Service Tax 100 Education Cess 20 Higher Education Cess 10 Grand Total 1130

    Net Payable 1130

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 6 Partial payment made in billing SSA

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 565 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 500 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 50 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 10

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 5

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 565

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ Banks/AOCash/Others 565

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/Banks/AOCash/Others Dr. 565

    To 1194502 TR Collection 565

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 1000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 100 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 20 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 10 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 100 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 400 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 100 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 20

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 10

    Partial Payment

    On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of AO Cash) (outside CDR)

    Bank Collection A/c Dr.565

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 565

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    On generation of next invoice as depicted below, the partial amount outstanding is also


    When the payment is received, the outstanding amounts are credited by the proportional

    amount, GL Code wise, based on feed received from Billing system. This is depicted in

    the following figure.

    Figure 7 Partial Payment adjustment in next cycle

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 1695 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 1500 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 150 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 30 To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 15

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement A/c Dr. 1695 To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/Banks/AOCash/Others 1695

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/Banks/AOCash/Others a/c Dr. 1695

    To 1194502 TR Collection 1695

    Partial Payment Adjustment

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 1000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 100 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 20 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 10 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 100 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 400 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 100 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 20

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 10

    Customer Invoice Fixed charges from subscriber 100 Local Call Charges 500 International Trunk Calls 400 Total 1000 Add Service Tax 100 Education Cess 20 Higher Education Cess 10 Grand Total 1130 Add: Balance from last invoice 565

    Net Payable 1695

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    d. Remittance to different SSA, Same Circle (Complete payment)

    In cases where the SSA where the payment is made is different than the SSA where the

    Bill has been generated, we need to pass a remittance entry from the revenue receiving

    SSA to the revenue owning SSA.

    Accounting System is capable of generating remittance accounting entries for payments

    received in SSA other than revenue owning SSA. Revenue owning and revenue

    receiving SSAs can be in different Circles in the same Zone.

    In order to comply with this requirement it is essential that Billing provides SSA

    information for revenue at the time of billing as well as information on revenue owning

    and revenue receiving SSA at the time of payment adjustment against outstanding.

    In the following figure, a scenario is considered where Invoice is generated in Hyderabad

    and payment is made in Vizag, that is both SSAs belong to the same circle. On receipt of

    daily list information by PMS, Claims recoverable from collection centre a/c is debited by

    the amount received, in the books of accounts of the receiving SSA that is Vizag here,

    crediting the TR Collection Account.

    When Schedule information and cheque is received by PMS, TRC Settlement account is

    debited, thus clearing the outstanding Claims recoverable a/c in the revenue receiving

    SSA. On payment feed from Billing system, the correct remittance entries are determined

    and posted. TR Collection Account is debited and Originating Remittance same circle

    credit entry is made in the books of accounts of revenue receiving, here Vizag. The

    responding remittance entry in revenue owning SSA (Hyderabad in this case) is used to

    clear the debtors outstanding and other recoverable accounts in revenue owning SSA.

    Customer Invoice Fixed charges from subscriber 180 Local Call Charges 500 International Trunk Calls 200 Installation Charges 500 Total 1380 Add Service Tax 166 Education Cess 3 Higher Education Cess 2 Grand Total 1551 Net Payable 1551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 9 Remittance to different SSA in same circle

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (Other than WLL) a/c Dr. 1380 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable (Telephones) Dr. 166 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 3 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 2 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 180 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 200 To1310601 Installation Charges 500 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 166 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 3

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 2

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/AOCash/Banks/Others Dr. 1551

    To 1194502 TR Collection 1551

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 1551

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ AOCash/Banks/Others 1551

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA based on feed from Billing system)

    1990401 Remittance same circle (R) Dr. 1551 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 1380 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 166 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 3

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2

    Invoice in Hyderabad Payment in Vizag

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (Automatically generated by system)

    1194502 TR Collections Dr. 1551 Vizag

    To 1990201 Remittance same Circle (O) 1551 Vizag

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of AO (Cash) Vizag SSA)

    Bank Collection a/c Dr. 1551

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 1551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    e. Remittance to SSA of Same Circle (Partial Payment)

    This section deals with the accounting treatment of a scenario of Partial payment made in

    some other SSA of the same circle in which invoice has been generated. Consider a

    scenario where Bill is generated in Hyderabad (AP Circle) and payment is made in Vizag

    (AP Circle).

    Consider the bill to be the following:

    The accounting treatment of the same will be as depicted in the figure below.

    Customer Invoice Fixed charges from subscriber 100 Local Call Charges 500 International Trunk Calls 400 Total 1000 Add Service Tax 100 Education Cess 20 Higher Education Cess 10 Grand Total 1130

    Net Payable 1130

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 10 Remittance to different SSA in same Circle (Partial Payment)

    When Billing sends a payment feed to accounting, the correct remittance entries are used to settle

    the recoverables by proportional amount as posted by the Billing System.

    The next bill is depicted as follows:

    Partial Payment Different SSA same Circle

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/AOCash/Banks/Others A/c Dr. 565

    To 1194502 TR Collections 565

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    1194502 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 565

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ AOCash/Banks/Others 565

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 1000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 100 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 20 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 10 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 100 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 400 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 100 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 20

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 10

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1990401 Remittance same Circle (R) Dr. 565 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 500 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 50 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 10

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 5

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing 1194501 TR Collections Dr. 565 Vizag To 1990201 Remittance same Circle (O) 565 Vizag

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of AO (Cash) Vizag SSA)

    Bank Collection a/c Dr. 565

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 565

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    The accounting treatment of the same is depicted in the following figure.

    Customer Invoice

    Fixed charges from subscriber 100 Local Call Charges 500 International Trunk Calls 400 Total 1000

    Add Service Tax 100 Education Cess 20 Higher Education Cess 10 Grand Total 1130

    Add: Balance from last invoice 565

    Net Payable 1695

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 81 Remittance to different SSA in same Circle (Partial Payment Adjustment)

    Partial Payment Adjustment (different SSA same Circle)

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr.1000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 100 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 20 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 10 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 100 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 400 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 100 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 20

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 10

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ AOCash/Banks/Others Dr. 1695 To 1194502 TR Collections 1695

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 1695

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ AOCash/Banks/Others 1695

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1990401 Remittance same Circle (R) Dr. 1695 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 1500 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 150 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 30

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 15

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (Automatically generated)

    1194502 TR Collections Dr. 1695 Vizag

    To 1990201 Remittance same Circle (O) 1695 Vizag

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of AO (Cash) Vizag SSA)

    Bank Collection a/c Dr 1695

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement 1695

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    f. Remittance to different SSA of same Circle (Excess Payment)

    Figure 9 Remittance to different SSA in same circle (excess payment)

    The accounting treatment here is similar to that where excess payment is made in the owning

    SSA itself as depicted in some other Section earlier. The only difference being in remittance


    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (Other than WLL) a/c Dr. 1380 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable (Telephones) Dr. 166 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 3 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 2 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 180 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 200 To1310601 Installation Charges 500 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 166 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 3

    To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 2

    Excess or Double Payment Different SSA same Circle

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ AOCash/Banks/Others Dr. 2551 To 1194502 TR Collections 2551

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of Vizag SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 2551

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/ AOCash/Banks/Others 2551

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1990401 Remittance within Circle (R) Dr. 2551 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 1380 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 166 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 3 To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2 To 1193001 Refund due on Double/Excess Payment 1000

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (Automatically generated)

    1194502 TR Collections Dr. 2551 Vizag To 1990201 Remittance same Circle (O) 2551 Vizag

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of AO Cash Vizag SSA)

    Bank Collection A/c Dr. 2551

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 2551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    g. Remittance to SSA of different Circle (Full Payment)

    Figure 10 Remittance to an SSA in different circle (full payment)

    On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS (In the Books of Bangalore SSA)

    Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/Others Dr. 1551 To 1194502 TR Collections 1551

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1990309 Remittance between circles Karnataka(R) Dr. 1551 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) 1380 To 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable 166 To 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable 3

    To 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2

    Invoice in Hyderabad Payment in Bangalore

    Accounting entries on Invoice Generation (In the Books of Hyderabad SSA)

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (Other than WLL) a/c Dr. 1380 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable (Telephones) Dr. 166 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 3 1110909 Higher Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 2 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 180 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 500 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 200 To1310601 Installation Charges 500 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 166 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 3 To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 2

    On Clearing outstanding by Billing (Automatically generated)

    1194502 TR Collections Dr. 1551 BLR To 1990105 Remittance between circles AP (O) 1551 BLR

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of BLR SSA)

    1194501 TRC Settlement a/c Dr. 1551

    To Claims Recoverable Bill Desk/HPO/Others 1551

    On Receipt of Schedule (In the Books of AO Cash BLR SSA)(Manual Entry Outside CDR)

    Bank Collection A/c Dr. 1551

    To 1194501 TRC Settlement A/c 1551

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    In the previous figure , a scenario is considered where Invoice is generated in Hyderabad and

    payment is made in Bangalore, that is both SSAs belong to different circles in the same zone.

    On receipt of daily list information by PMS, Claims recoverable from collection centre a/c is

    debited by the amount received, in the books of accounts of the receiving SSA that is

    Bangalore here. TR Collection Account is credited by the same amount. When Schedule

    information and cheque is received by PMS, TRC Settlement account is debited, thus clearing

    the outstanding Claims recoverable from CC(HPO/Bill Desk/Others) a/c in the revenue

    receiving SSA. On payment feed from Billing system, TR Collection account is debited, The

    corresponding originating Remittance credit entry is made in the books of accounts of

    receiving SSA. The responding remittance entry is used to clear the debtors outstanding and

    other recoverable accounts in revenue owning SSA. The remittance account used here is

    Remittance between circles.

    h. Surcharge on delayed payments (Late fee)

    Surcharge on delayed payments is created as an adjustment in Billing system. So when the

    adjustment is created the following entries are passed to accounting module:

    Figure 11: Surcharge on delayed payments(Late fee)

    6. Accounting for GSM Collections

    a. GSM Invoice of one Circle, Payment in SSA of same Circle

    Consider a scenario where for a GSM Invoice belonging to Punjab Circle, a payment of Rs.

    5000 is accepted in an SSA (Ludhiana) of the same Circle. On receipt of feed file from PMS

    for Daily list, the amount and the receiving SSA is recognised, with a flag for Collections for

    GSM. At this time itself, the accounting entries are passed to debit Claims recoverable from

    Others and passing correct remittance entries because in this case there is no clearing feed

    obtained from Billing System in this case. On receipt of information at the time of schedule,

    TRC settlement account is debited and Claims recoverable account is credited.

    Figure 15: Accounting for GSM Collections: Payment in SSA of same Circle

    I. On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS with a flag for GSM Payments Particulars Dr Cr Books 1130899 Claims Recoverable from Others A/c 5000 LDH

    To 1192899 Claims Payable to CMTS 5000 LDH

    II. On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (IN THE BOOKS OF Ludhiana SSA)

    Particulars Dr Cr Books

    1194501 TRC Settlement Account 5000 LDH To 1130899 Claims Recoverable from Others 5000 LDH

    Invoice in Punjab Circle

    Payment at Ludhiana (Punjab Circle) (Full Payment)

    1110101 Sundry Debtor (LL) Dr. 1000

    1310701To Surcharge on Delayed Payments(Late fee) 1000

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    The credit entry to TRC Settlement A/c is made in the books of AO Cash with a debit to Bank Collection A/c on receipt of schedule.

    b. GSM Invoice of one Circle, Payment in SSA of different Circle

    Consider a scenario where for a GSM Invoice belonging to Punjab Circle, a payment of Rs.

    5000 is accepted in an SSA (Gurgaon) of Haryana Circle. On receipt of feed file from PMS

    for Daily list, the amount and the receiving SSA is recognised, with a flag for Collections for

    GSM. At this time itself, the accounting entries are passed to debit Claims recoverable from

    Others and passing correct remittance entries because in this case there is no clearing feed

    obtained from Billing System in this case. On receipt of information at the time of schedule,

    TRC settlement account is debited and Claims recoverable account is credited.

    Figure 16: Accounting for GSM Collections: Payment in SSA of different Circle

    I. On Receipt of Daily List data from PMS with a flag for GSM Payments Particulars Dr Cr Books 1130899 Claims Recoverable from Others a/c 5000 GGN To1990114 Remittance between Circles (Punjab)(O) 5000 GGN 1990321 Remittance between Circles (Haryana)(R) 5000 Punjab

    To 1192899 Claims Payable to CMTS 5000 Punjab

    II. On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS (In the books of AO Cash)

    Particulars Dr Cr Books Bank Collection A/c 5000 GGN To 1194501 TRC Settlement Account 5000 GGN

    Invoice in Punjab Circle Payment at Gurgaon (Haryana Circle)

    (Full Payment)

    III. On Receipt of Schedule data from PMS Particulars Dr Cr Books

    1194501 TRC Settlement Account 5000 GGN To 1130899 Claims Recoverable from Others 5000 GGN

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    7. Adjustments

    The adjustment would update customer balance in billing system and appear on

    subsequent bill. The adjustment voucher is required from the billing system to post

    accounting entry. Also, when the amount is included in the next invoice, the relevant GL

    Code based information will flow from Billing to accounting as depicted in the following


    a. Debit Voucher A debit voucher on account of revenue would arise on account of the following reasons.

    Detection of short billing on a previous invoice

    Detection of non-billing for any previous period.

    To create cheque dishonour charges, if any.

    To create late fee to be incorporated into the next invoice.

    To deal with special charges to be levied for bold entry in telephone directory etc.

    When the billing is done in the above cases, the revenue being invoiced would be

    belonging to a previous bill cycle falling within the same fiscal (Accounting) year or an

    accounting period in respect of which final accounts have already been closed. In the

    former case, no accounting issues are involved and the revenue would be billed as

    current year income. In the latter case, we have to follow the accounting policy on dealing

    with “prior period income”.

    Based on this the amount would be booked either as income in the current year or as

    prior period income. Booking of Prior Period income will be done in accounting as a

    manual journal entry.

    Take an example where short billing on a previous invoice is detected. For recovery of

    charges subsequent to generation of bill, a debit is posted in the Billing System. The debit

    voucher updates customer account balance in Billing system and appear in subsequent

    bill. The debit voucher is posted in accounting simultaneously.The debit voucher is

    required from the billing system to post accounting entry. The taxation part of the debit

    entries will be taken care of at the time of actual billing. Only the basic amount will be

    entered as a debit voucher. This is depicted in following Figure .

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 12. Debit Voucher: Settlement of short billed invoice

    Customer Invoice Fixed charges from subscriber 1000 Local Call Charges 5000 International Trunk Calls 4000 Add: Adjustment for short Billing 5000 Total 15000 Add Service Tax 1000 Education Cess 200 Higher Education Cess 100 Net Payable 16300

    For all debit amounts, applicable taxes will be computed and added while it is invoiced.

    On generation of next invoice by the billing system, the debit voucher entry will be passed

    like other adjustments as line items, debiting the Sundry Debtors and crediting the

    account pending for adjustment. This is depicted in following Figure.

    Debit Voucher: Settlement of Short billed invoice

    Scenario: Debit voucher against short billing Bill Generated in HYD for Amt. Rs. 10000

    (5000 short billed amount) Adjustment of short billing in next invoice

    Customer Invoice Fixed charges from subscriber 1000 Local Call Charges 5000 International Trunk Calls 4000 Total 10000 Add Service Tax 1000 Education Cess 200 Higher Education Cess 100 Grand Total 11300 Net Payable 11300

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 11300

    1110101 To Sundry Debtors (LL) 10000 1110901 To Service Tax Recoverable 1000 1110906 To Education Cess Recoverable 200 1110909 To Higher Education Cess Recoverable 100

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 10000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 1000 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 200 1110909 Higher Ed Cess Recoverable Dr. 100 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 1000

    To1310201 Local Call Charges 5000 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 4000 To 1192301 Service Tax Payable 1000 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 200 To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 100

    On Detection of Short Billing (Debit Voucher information from Billing) 1131025 Debit amount pending for adjustment Dr.5000 1310101 To Fixed Charges from Subscriber 2500 1310201 To Local Call Charges 2500

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 18. Accounting for debit voucher (Settlement of short billed invoice) on

    generation of next invoice

    b. Credit Voucher

    The credit voucher would update customer account balance in Billing system and

    appear in subsequent bill. The credit voucher will be posted in accounting

    simultaneously. The credit voucher is required from the billing system to post accounting


    The scenario in the following figure depicts a case where the bill is generated for

    Rs.11300 and payment is made for Rs.11300, clearing the bill. Post the settlement of the

    invoice, it is realised that the customer was billed in excess for Rs.5000.

    Debit Voucher: Generation of Next Invoice

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 10000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 1500 1110906 Ed Cess Recoverable Dr. 30 1110909 HEC Recoverable Dr. 15 1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) Dr. 5000 To 1310101 Fixed Charges from Subscriber 1000 To 1310201 Local Call Charges 5000 To 1310303 International Trunk Calls 4000 To1 192301 Service Tax Payable 1500 To 1192306 Education Cess Payable 30 To 1192309 Higher Education Cess Payable 15

    To 1131025 Debit amount pending for adjustment 5000

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 19. Accounting for Credit Voucher where the bill is fully settled

    On generation of next invoice, this account created for parking the excess credit pending

    for adjustment, is debited and the appropriate Sundry Debtors and recoverable amounts

    are credited with the excess amount. This is depicted in the following figure.

    Scenario: Credit voucher against excess billing

    Bill Generated in HYD for Amt. Rs. 10000 (5000 excess billed amount) Adjustment of excess payment in next invoice

    Customer Invoice

    Fixed charges from subscriber 1000 Local Call Charges 5000 International Trunk Calls 4000 Total 10000

    Add Service Tax 1000 Education Cess 200 Higher Education Cess 100 Grand Total 11300

    Net Payable 11300

    On detection of excess billing 1310101 Fixed Charges Dr. 3000 1310201 Local call charges Dr. 2000

    1194504 To Credit amount pending for adjustment 5000

    1194502 TR Collection a/c Dr. 11300 1110101 To Sundry Debtors (LL) 10000 1110901 To Service Tax Recoverable 1000 1110906 To Education Cess Recoverable 200 1110909 To Higher Education Cess Recoverable 100

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 10000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 1000 1110906 Ed Cess Recoverable Dr. 200 1110909 HEC Recoverable Dr. 100 1310101 To Fixed Charges from Subscriber 1000 1310201 To Local Call Charges 5000 1310303 To International Trunk Calls 4000 1192301 To Service Tax Payable 1000 1192306 To Education Cess Payable 200 1192309 To Higher Education Cess Payable 100

    Credit Voucher: Where the bill is already fully settled

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 20. Accounting for Credit Voucher on Generation of new Invoice

    c. Cancellation of Invoice

    Although the system is capable of accounting for invoice cancellation, but as a part of

    best practices, this scenario is not present. The adjustment to the invoice will flow

    like normal adjustments to accounting. Correspondingly, entries would be passed

    in Accounting related to the reversal/cancellation.

    d. Write off of Bad Debts

    Write offs are manual. Reversal of write-offs not supported.

    Collections against write-off, if any, will go to „Other Income‟. Service tax need not be

    taken into account for that. The flow to accounting will be from PMS.

    For an active customer there will be no write-off; only adjustments will be posted to

    customer account in Billing. Write-off can only be for a closed account.

    Credit Voucher: Generation of new invoice

    Scenario: Credit voucher against excess billing

    Bill Generated in HYD for Amt. Rs. 10000 (5000 excess billed amount) Adjustment of excess payment in next invoice

    Customer Invoice Fixed charges from subscriber 1000 Local Call Charges 5000 International Trunk Calls 4000 Gross Total 10000 Less: Adjustment for excess Billing 5000 Net Total 5000 Add Service Tax 500 Education Cess 100 Higher Education Cess 50 Grand Total 5650 Net Payable 5650

    1110101 Sundry Debtors (LL) a/c Dr. 10000 1110901 Service Tax Recoverable Dr. 500 1110906 Education Cess Recoverable Dr. 100 1110909 HEC Recoverable Dr.50 1310101 To Fixed Charges from Subscriber 1000 1310201 To Local Call Charges 5000 1310303 To International Trunk Calls 4000 1192301 To Service Tax Payable 500 1192306 To Education Cess Payable 100

    1192309 To Higher Education Cess Payable 50

    1194504 Credit amount pending for adjustment Dr. 5000 1110101 To Sundry Debtors Landline 5000

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    Figure 21. Accounting for Write Off of Bad Debts

    Any write-off because of erroneous usage will come as an adjustment in the subsequent

    bill. Account of the same will be done based on the feed received from Billing.

    e. Collection against Write off

    For Collections made against written off amount, feed will flow in to accounting from

    Payment Management System. The accounting entries made will be:

    1194502 TR Collection Dr. 1000

    To 1410199 Other Income 1000

    In case of Receiving SSA being different from Owning SSA, the correct remittance

    entries will be passed before crediting Other Income account.

    Write Off of Bad Debts

    When Bad Debts written off (Flow from Billing to Accounting) 1742006 Bad Debts Dr. 4900 ST payable etc Dr 500 To 1110101 Sundry Debtors Telephones 4900 ST recoverable etc 500

    At close of Accounting Period (Manual Entry in EFS) 1200115 Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts Dr. 4900

    To 1742006 Bad Debts 4900

    If Provision is insufficient (Manual Entry in EFS) P&L Account Dr. 1000 To 1200115 Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts 1000 In case of Excessive Provision (Manual Entry in EFS) 1200115 Provision for bad and doubtful debts Dr. To To

    1410314 Other Income – Excess provision written back Cr.

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    8. Payments from Various Channels

    a. Payments on CSR counter

    On Billing:

    Figure 22 Accounting Entry on Billing

    The online collections made in a day by each CSR counter will get captured in the PMS

    database with the necessary details. The collections made by each counter will be tallied and

    also the total collection by each online collection center. The total collections as per the daily

    collection statement for each Collection Center will be accounted for as follows based on feed

    from PMS. The account to be debited would be Claims recoverable from AO(Cash).

    Figure 23 Accounting entry on receipt of daily list

    Periodically, the PMS will generate a schedule of collections for each online collection center.

    It should be noted that the TRC Schedule is prepared by the collection centers concerned in

    respect of offline collection, which is reconciled with the corresponding payments entered into

    the PMS. However, since the collection in this case is directly accounted for in the SSA level

    Bank (Collection) Account on a day to day basis, by the AO Cash, the schedule would be

    generated by the PMS and got verified and certified with respect to actual amounts in the

    collection account from the AO (Cash).

    The schedule will show the total amount of TR collection made by the center. Differences if

    any arising out of verification prescribed above will be examined and reconciled. PMS will

    provide an interface for entering the actual collection for the month as obtaining from the SSA

    bank books (which should be the amount generated in the schedule). Based on feed from

    PMS, accounting will record another transaction as follows:

    Figure 24 Accounting entry on receipt of TRC Schedule and Cheque

    1110101 Sundry Debtors Landline Dr. 4500 1110901 Service tax recoverable Dr. 540 1110906 Education Cess recoverable Dr. 20 1110909 Higher Education Cess recoverable Dr. 5 1310101 To Rental charges 500 1310201 To Call charges 4000 1192301 To Service tax payable 540 1192306 To Education Cess Payable 20

    1192309 To Higher Education Cess Payable 5

    1132304 Claims Recoverable from AO(Cash) Dr. 5065 1194502 TR Collections 5065

    1194501 TRC Settlement A/c Dr. 5065 1132304 To Claims Recoverable from AO(CASH) 5065

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    The credit entry for this TRC Settlement account is created in the books of AO Cash when

    Collection bank is debited.

    Bank/Cash A/c Dr. 5065

    1194501 To TRC Settlement 5065

    b. Payments from Post Offices

    Post Offices collect the payments against invoices presented to them along with cash or

    Cheque drawn in the favour of the Post Master concerned. Each Post Office will prepare

    a daily list of collections being a list showing the account number, phone number, bill date

    and the amount collected in multiple copies. One copy of this list along with the

    counterfoils of the invoices is sent to the Accounts Officer of the SSA concerned. The

    Post Office sends no money along with the daily list to Accounts Officer. The Cheques

    received are sent for collection by the post office and is credited to the post office

    account. The concerned Head Post Office does the account settlement for collections

    made by post offices. The collecting office will incorporate their daily collections in their

    accounts and sent this along with a copy of the daily list of Telecom Bill collections to the

    HPO concerned.

    Post Office accepts cheque only in the postmaster‟s name. Settlement is done only at

    Head Post Office. Daily list is received on a daily basis from Post Offices. Schedule can

    be received periodically from head post office along with a cheque after deduction of tax

    and commission. A summary schedule is received at the end of the month.

    On receipt of Daily List:

    The online collections made in a day by each Post Office will be captured in the PMS

    database with the necessary details. The collections made by each Post Office will be

    tallied and the total collection by each Head Post Office. The total collections as per the

    daily collection statement for each Collection Center (HPO) will be accounted as follows

    in the PMS

    Figure 25 Accounting entry on receipt of daily list from Head Post Office

    On receipt of TRC Schedule and Cheque:

    The periodical TRC schedule will show the total amount of TR collection made by the

    collection center, here HPO. Differences if any arising out of verification prescribed above

    will be examined and reconciled. PMS provides an interface for entering the actual

    collection for the month as obtaining from the SSA bank books (which should be the

    1132301 Claims Recoverable from DoP Dr.5000 1194502 To TR Collection 5000

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    amount generated in the schedule). Based on this entry, the following accounting

    transactions will be entered:

    Figure 13 Accounting entry on receipt of TRC Schedule, Cheque from HPO

    The Post Office is entitled to commission at the prescribed rate for doing the TR

    collection. They are authorized to do the settlement of accounts after deducting the

    commission and service taxes due on the commission.

    On outstanding settlement feed from Billing:

    There will be a flow from the Billing System regarding the clearance of sundry debtors

    outstanding, after receipt of relevant information from PMS. Thus the TR Collection a/c is

    debited with corresponding credit to Sundry Debtors.

    Figure 27 Accounting entry on receipt of payment information from Billing

    c. Payments from Banks

    The accounting entries remain the same as for other channels except that the GL code to

    be debited on receipt of daily list is:

    1132303 Claims Recoverable from Banks

    Bank Charges can not be deducted directly from the cheque sent to BSNL. Banks have

    to claim from BSNL and get it settled.

    Accounting for commission of banks is to be done in EFS.

    d. Payments through ECS

    ECS will be considered as a part of Online(Cash Counters) payment channel. As and

    when PMS gets updated about the amount collected from this channel it will update

    1194501 TRC Settlement A/c Dr. 4850 1742701 Commission to DoP Dr. 100 1131505 Service Tax(input service) Dr. 40 1131506 Education Cess Dr. 8 1131509 Higher Education Cess Dr. 2 1132301 To Claims Recoverable from DoP 5000

    1194502 TR Collections Dr. 5000 1110101 To Sundry Debtors Landline 4940

    1110901 To Service Tax recoverable 50

    1110906 To Education Cess recoverable 8 1110909 To Higher Education Cess Recoverable 2

  • E3- E4 CHAPTER 7 -- CDR ACCOUNTING MANUAL Rev Date 31.3.2016


    accounting. For the ECS customers additional discount is provided and feed for the s

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