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Bank & Quotation SectionRailway Earnings Section



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WEEKhY NEWSPAPERRepresenting the Industrial Interests of the United States.




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Copyrighted in 1910 according to Act of Congress, by


In office of Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C.

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A eroplane• 14524-africa, Cape to Cairo RR. (F. S.) 1010Africa, South, Federation of (F- S.) „-937, 1393Agricultural Development in Great Britain(F S.) 882

Agricultural Improvement and the Rail-roads 1140

Airship, Successful Passenger Trip by CountZeppelin (F. S.) 1638

Aldrich, Nelson W., to resign (F. S.) 1067American Merchant Marine, N. Y. Chamberof Commerce Declares in Favor of Re-habilitation (F. S.) 82

American People Uselessly Extravagant(F S.) 1637

American Securities Being Heavily PlacedAbroad (F. S) 662, 1202, 1204, 1446

American Tobacco Co., Case Assigned forRe-Hearing in U. S. Supreme Court(F. S.). 1006

American Tobacco Co., If It Wins againstthe Government 472

Anthracite Coal Production in 1909 274Anti-Trust Cases (Tobacco and Oil) Re-

Hearing Ordered in U. S. Supreme Court(F. S.) 1006

Anti-Trust Law, Decisions Awaited inStandard Oil and American TobaccoCases (F. S.) 656

Anti-Trust Law Employed to Prevent Ad-vances in Rates - 1446

Anti-Trust Law, President's Proposal Re-garding 141, 268, 328

Anti-Trust Law-Proceedings against BeefPackers_....807, 1066, 1079, 1144, 1214,

1576, 1650Appeal to Reason 1522Arbitration, Permanent Court of, Favoredby Secretary Knox (F. S.) 136, 587

Atlantic Coast Line RR.-Macon GroceryCo. Loses Case (F. S.) 187

Australia, Greatest Desiderata for theGrowth of (F S.) 736

Austria-Hungary and Russia-RelationsRestored (F. S.) 937

"rtaby" Bonds of Louisiana 1456Loaltimore Loan Fails (F. S.) 1387Bank Clearings at Leading Cities (monthly)

81, 349, 602, 954, 1218, 1466Bank Clearings, Monthly Features of (F. S.)

330, 535, 585, 938, 1206, 1448, 1451Bank Clearings Represent Dulness in Stock

Operations (F. S.) 1448Bank Clearings and Speculation in 1909__ 80Bank Clearings by Telegraph_ _87, 349, 602-,

954, 1217, 1466Bank Guaranty Deposit Law-Kansas 82, 278, 1399Nebraska 278Oklahoma 82Texas 278

Bank Note Circulation, Proposed Modifica-tion of Tax 277, 535

Bank Notes, Changes in Totals of, &c_ _215,351, 604, 956, 1404, 1534

Bank Stock Sales. .35, 82, 144, 208, 277,344, 427, 478, 598, 670, 746, 819, 891,949, 1019, 1078, 1142, 1214, 1274,

1337, 1398, 1462, 1528, 1587, 1649Banks, Liability of, on Checks of Corpora-

tion Officials 1395Banks, National, Balances with State Insti-

tutions No Longer to Be Treated as Loansby Comptroller 1144

Belgium, Satisfaction with New King (F.S.) 2Bessemer Steel Production in 1909 1213Bills of Lading, Proposed Act Regulating

Issue of 1528, 1588Bills of Lading, Spurious, and Failures

1143, 1214, 1400, 1464, 1528, 1588, 1649Boston Election 140Boston Trust Companies 405, 424Branch Banks Not Authorized in _ 535Brazilian Harbor Improvements at RioGrande do Sul (F. S.) 810

Breadstuffs Receipts at Western Lake andRiver Ports_ __ _200, 409, 477, 668, 1018,

1273, 1526Brewer, Justice, U. S. Supreme Court,

Death of (F. S.) 880British Agricultural Returns 882British Empire and the Rest of the World_ _1521British Financial Necessities (F. S.) 661British Foreign Trade in Striking Contrast

with the United States (F. S.) 529British Government and the London Money

Market (F. S.) 881British Parliament Prorogued 137British Treasury and Borrowing on Account

of Delay in Passing Budget_189, 661, 734,1070, 1327

951 330

951 330405, 417

Brooklyn Bank Failures Brooklyn Heights Association (F. S.)Brooklyn Bank Failures Brooklyn Heights Association (F. S.)Brooklyn Trust Companies Building Operations (Record) in 1909 .143Building Operations, Months' Features of(F S.) 527, 737, 1011, 1391, 1640

Business Corporations. See Corporations.


Canada, Commercial Relations of U. S.with (F. S.) 189, 586, 660, 737, 810, 881

Canada, Province of Quebec, Forbids Ex-ports of Timber, &c 1131

Canada, Tariff Settlement with 885Canada, U. S., Efforts for Trade Reciprocity

with (F. S.) 1328Canadian Bank Clearings 87, 150, 349,

602, 954, 1217, 1465Cannon, Speaker, Fight against and Defeat

of, in House (F. S. 806Capital Needs of Foreign Governments(F. S.) 401, 662

Central Bank and Congressman Fowler(F.S.) 879Chapin, S. B., Suspended from New YorkStock Exchange 145

Chicago Clearing House and John R. Walsh 83Chicago & North Western Results for the

Calendar Year 339Chicago Stock Exchange Record of Prices

for 1909 275, 276China Denies Petition for Early Establish-ment of Imperial Assembly (F. S.) 331

Chinese Labor in South Africa, RepatriationCompleted 1016

Chinese Railways, American Bankers Ob-tain Participation 1390, 1398

City Bond Issues Difficult to Float (F. S.)1326, 1387

Civic Federation. See National Civic Fed-eration.

Clearing-House Loan Certificates Suggestedas a Basis for Currency Issues 479, 892

Clearings and Speculation in 1909 80Coal Miners' Troubles 878Coal Production, Anthracite, in 1909 274Coal (White) Limitations. See "ElectricRailway Section," Feb. 26.

Columbia University Extends Its Work(F. S.) 526

Columbus & Hocking Coal dr Iron Pool Col-lapses (F. S.)_186, 209, 278, 346, 427, 479, 536

Columbus (Day) Holiday Should Be Re-pealed (F. S.) 1126

Commerce Court and Inter-State Commis-sion Rumors that President Will AppointOne or More Members of the Commissionas Judges (F. S.) 1637

Commercial Education, The Expansion of 196Commodity Prices, Advance in, and High

Cost of Living (F. S.) 1387Commutation (Railroad) Rates, The Troubleover 1270, 1448

Commuters Protest against Increases inRates (F. S.) 1578

Comptroller of Currency Institutes Reforms278, 1143, 1338, 1463, 1529, 1650

Coney Island-Public Service Decisionagainst Single Fare (F. S.) 659

Congo Free State and Belgium 1010Congress Selects a New Committee on Rules

806, 813Congressional Elections-Geo. W. Aldridge

Defeated 1066Congressional Elections-Eugene N. Foss

Defeats Republican Candidate in Mass... _ 806Constitutional (U. S.) Requirements and

the Supreme Court (F. S.) 934Constitutional Discount Rates Advance(F. S.) 1130

Contracts and Property Rights, Court'sProtecting 1582

Copper Production and Consumption(mthly.) (F.S.)_134, 398, 658, 935, 1264, 1518

Corporation Tax, Testing Validity of (F. S.) 467Corporation Tax, Lack of Consideration in

Enforcing Law (F. S. 582Corporations, Business, Federal Tax on_ 193Cotton Acreage and Condition June 1_1450, 1457Cotton, Curtailment of Mill Production

North and South (F. S.) 1069, 1580Cotton, Curtailment of Spinning in Great

Britain and Continent Extended (F. S.)_ 467Cotton, Damage from Frost Exaggerated(F. S.) 1128

Cotton, Decline in Price (F. S.) 186Cotton-Fall River Dividends (F. S.) 401Cotton Futures, The Scott Bill Regulating •

Dealings in 1135Cotton Ginning Report; What it Shows(F. S.) 135, 811

Cotton, International Federation Congressat Brussels (F. S.) 1640

Cotton Manufacturing Industry of GreatBritain (F. S.) 1518

Cotton, National Association of, Manufac-turers' Meeting (F. S.) 207

Cotton Pool, Proceedings against, by U. S.1079, 1144, 1214, 1650

Cotton Receipts at Southern Ports__ _ _200,408, 477, 668, 1018, 1273, 1526

Court Decisions-American Tobacco Case Assigned for Re-

Hearing in U. S. Supreme Court 1006Arkansas RR Commission Order Regard-ing Distribution of Cars Held Illegal byUnited States Supreme Court 934

Bush Law of Kansas Seeking to Exact a, .Charter Fee on Western Union Tele-graph Held Unconstitutional by UnitedStates Supreme Court 187

Rights_Crete-Another "Eastern Problem" Crop Prospects Bright (F S.) Crops, Condition of (F. S.) Crops, Warm Weather Favorable to Cuban Finances Improving (F. S.) Currency Holdings, U. S. Treasury_ _ _ _214,

350, 673, 1147, 1341, 1532Currency and Public Utilities, Changes of_ _1643

Danbury Hatters' Case Decided againstLabor Union (F S.) 399

Debt Statement, U. S. (monthly)___ _213,350, 673, 1146, 1341, 1532

Delaware Lackawanna & Western RR. NotRequired to Grant a Physical Connectionto the Rahway Valley Ry. (F. S.) 657

Democratic Party in New York State,Movement to Rehabilitate (F. S.) 329

Differential Rates to Seaboard 1131, 1326Durant dr Elmore (Albany) Fail, Leaving

Fictitious Bills of Lading 1400, 1464

Economy, National, Engages Attention ofLeading Powers (F. S.) 526, 587

Ecuador and Peru, Threatened War Prom-ises to Be Averted (F. S.) 1329

"Eastern Problem," Another 473Edward VII., Death and Funeral.. _1202,

1203, 1209, 1265, 1274, 1327, 1337Egypt, Conditions in (F. 5.) 1329Egyptian Premier Assassinated (F. S.) 529Electric Lighting, Improvement in-TheNew Tungsten Lamp. See "ElectricRailway Section," June 25.

Electric Railway Earnings, Stability andGrowth of 946

Electric and Steam Roads, Comparison of.See "Electric Railway Section,'

, Feb. 26.

Electric Traction in the Last Five Years.See "Electric Railway Section," June 25.

Emergency Currency Issues Not Yet Made_ 950Emigration and Immigration First Quarterof 1910 1139

Emigration and Immigration in 1909 340Emigration and Immigration, Monthly Fea-

tures of 340, 662, 870, 1139, 1450Employers' Liability Law (New) of U. S_ __ 950England, Bank of, Loss of Gold Bullion in aMonth (F. S.) 734

England, Bank of, Reduces Discount Rate(F. S.) 186, 189, 400

England, Bank of, Relation to BritishTreasury (F. S.) 584

England, Business in, in 1909 204England, Bank of, Reinforcement of Posi-

tion (F. S.) 1204England, Bank of, Meagre Reserves (F. S.)

936, 1329England, New Capital Issues in London(F S.) 137

England, New King of 1268England's Constitutional Conflict, NewPhases of 1332

England, Premier Asquith's Difficulties(F S.) 400, 586. 880

England's Parliamentary Struggle, NextMove in 1133


Page.Damages in Danbury Hatters' Case

Affirmed 399Dealings on Cotton Exchange Held Legal 746Inspection of Stock Transfer Books Un-

constitutional in New York 145Kansas Bank Deposit Guaranty Law,

Injunctions against 82, 278, 1399Kansas Law Burdening Inter-State Com-merce (International Text Book Co.)Declared Invalid by U. S. SupremeCourt 934

Liability of Banks on Checks of Corpora-tion Officials 1395

Limitation of Powers of New York PublicService Commissions 1271

Missouri River Rate Cases, Inter-StateCommerce Commission Sustained byUnited States Supreme Court 1455

Nebraska Law Requiring Railroads toBuild Switches, drc., Declared Uncon-stitutional by U. S. Supreme Court_ _ _ _ 934

Omaha Water Co-Supreme Court Up-holds Valuation 1582

Order for Reinstatement of Member ofNew York Stock Exchange Denied 598

Philadelphia Rapid Transit Five-CentFares Upheld 1389

Right of New York Stock Exchange toForbid Intercourse with ConsolidatedExchange Upheld 1215

Standard Oil Case Assigned for Re-Hearing in U. S. Supreme Court 1006

Tax of 1% on Trust Companies in NewYork State Must Be on Average of Capi-tal, Surplus and Undivided Profits.. _ _ 535

U. S. Supreme Court Overrules InterState Commerce Commission in Port-land Gateway Case 657

U. S. Supreme Court Overrules Inter-State Commerce Commission in Requir-ing Physical Connection between Del.Lack. & West. and Rahway Valley_ _ _ _ 657

Courts Protecting Contracts and Property1582473144615181636469


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rv INDEX. LVOL. Lxxxx.

Page.English Budget, Passage Perturbs LondonMoney Market, &c. (F. S.). _1070, 1071, 1129

English Election, The Issues of.. _ _ _73, 137,191, 265, 332

English Banks Strengthening Gold Reserves(F S.) 331

English Politics, Next Chapter in 270, 400English Politics, Next Move in 531Equitable Life Assurance Society, Continu-

ation of Trust 1588, 1650Equitable Life Insurance Settlement 1215European Financial Conditions Improving(F. S.) 1446

Exports and Imports (U. S.) of Merchan-dise Gold and Silver 214, 823, 1218,

1533, 1653Express Companies, Misleading Statistics

Regarding 1334Extravagance, Remarks of N. W. Harris on.1637

Cailures in 1909 79A allures, Monthly Features of (F. S.)_333,

• 585, 938, 1266, 1519Fall River Cotton Mill Dividends (F. S.)

• 401, 1329, 1532Federal Corporation Tax.193, 208, 467, 582, 1577Federal Corporation Tax Law, Treatise Re-

garding Same 532Federal Corporation Tax, Publicity Features

Modified 478, 590Federal Government Cannot SuccessfullyManage Local Affairs-Remarks of Sena-tor Burkett 1579

Federal Incorporation Unmasked 318, 403Federal Incorpoiation, What the StatesWould Lose by 271

Federal Income Tax Amendment, Failure inSeveral States-Action on by States .1205,

1211, 1325, 1388Federal Income Tax and Gov. Hughes_ 76Federal Tax on Business Corporations 193Financial Situation. See first article eachweek.

Finland to Be Absorbed by Russia (F. S.).. _ 882Firemen. See Railway Firemen.Fisk & Robinson, Suspension of, Disturbs

Confidence (F. S.) 328, 346, 599, 821Fiske, J. M.,. & Co. Suspend.. _209, 278, 346,

427, 479, 536, 1080Food Prices and Production 815Foreign Exchange Rates in 1909 35Foreign Exchange, Rise in (F. S.)_ _ _ _525, 1389Foreign Government Bond Prices at NewYork in 1909 34

Foreign Governments, Borrowing by, WillBe Heavy in 1910 (F. S.) 266, 401

Foreign Trade, Monthly Features of (F. S.)468, 660, 738, 1009, 1328, 1579

Foreign Trade, Our, in 1909 273Fowler, Congressman, Assails MonetaryCommission 879

France, Severe Floods in (F. S.) 264, 331France, Tariff Agerement with, by United

States (F. S.) 809Freght Rates, Import Differential InquiryAsked (F. S.) 1326

Freight transportation on Electric Railways.See "Electric Railway Section," June 25.

French Floods of Enormous Extent.264, 331, 335French General Election-No ImportantDevelopments (F. S.) 1130, 1266

French Tariff Bill, New (F. S.) 2French Workmen's Pension Bill Passed Al-most Unanimously (F S.) 809

French Trade Relations with the UnitedStates (F. S.) 528

Furness, Sir Christopher, Treatment ofShipbuilding Employees 70

Gaynor, Mayor, Wins Confidence (F. S.)69, 733eneral Electric Co. Report 1140

George V. Succeeds King Edward_ _1265, 1269German Potash Syndicate (F. S.) 138German Trade Revival Demands Capital(F. S.) 137

Germany, Agitation for Political ReformIn (F. S.) 736

Germany, Bank of, Reduces Discount Rate(F. S.) 400

Germany, Satisfactory Situation in (F. S.)..1204Germany Tariff Trouble in (F. S.) 266Gladstone Centenary 4Gold Imports and Exports, U. S. (monthly)

214, 823, 1218, 1533, 1653Gold Imports from London, Possibility of(F. S.) 1638

Gold Movement to Argentina (F. S.) 189Gold Production in January (F. S.) 527Gold and Silver Production and Movement

In the World in 1909 341Gold Production, First Quarter of 1910(F. S.) 1128

Gold, Stock of, in U. S., Has Not Declined_ 525Government Bonds in 1909 34Government Bonds, Variations in Market

Value 1142Government Control of Railway Accounts 1394Government (U. S.) Revenue and Expendi-

tures 351, 603, 956, 1404, 1534"Graft" Disclosures a Political Sign of the

Times 1013Grain Crops, Condition of (F. S.)_660, 880,

935, 1263, 1518Grain Prices Decline 1446Grain Stocks on Farms March 1 (F. S.)._ 660Great Britain, George V. Proclaimed King(F. S.) 1265

Great Britain Parliamentary Elections Nearat Hand (F. S.) 70

Great Britain-Parliament Convenes (F. S.)469, 528

Great Britain's Commanding Position inCotton Manufacturing (F. S.) 1518

Great Northern Ore Certificates Not Subjectto Transfer Tax 536

Hale, Eugene, Senator from Maine, toResign 1067

Harriman, Mrs. E. H., Gives Land for Pub-lic Park (F. S.) 69

Ilegeman, John It., Charges against, Dis-missed 1651

Page.Heinze, F. Augustus, Acquitted 1276High Cost of Living 195, 263, 815, 1387Hill James J., and Railroad Requirements(P. s.) 878Hughes's, Governor, Annual Message 78Hughes, Gov., Appointed to Supreme Court •

of United States (F. S.) 1128, 1142, 1214Hungarian Legslature, Turbulence in (F.S.) 810Hutton, E. F., & Co. Disciplined by NewYork Stock Exchange 1399

Illinois Manufacturers Organize to CombatIncrease of Railroad Rates (F. S.)_ _ _1324Immigration and Emigration in 1909 340Immigration, First Quarter of 1910 1139Immigration, Monthly Features of (F. S.)

340, 662, 870, 1139, 1450Import Differential Freight Rates. See

Freight Rates.Imports and Exports of Merchandise, U. S.(monthly) 214, 823, 1218, 1533, 1653

Income Tax Amendment Adopted by N. Y.Senate, But Fails in Assembly (F. S.)

1325, 1388Income Tax, Federal, The Proposed Amend-ment 76

Incorporation, Federal, What the StatesWould Lose by 271

India Increases Duty on Silver 528India, Opening of the Legislative Council at

Calcutta, a Historical Event (F. S.) ._ 265Industrial Accidents and Liability 1333Industrial Affairs Adversely Affected by

Fears of the Federal Government (F. S.).. 262Industrial Combinations and the Anti-

Trust Law, Position of U. S. SupremeCourt Hard to Forecast (F S.) 1576

Inheritance Tax in New York and GreatBritain (F. S.) 1449

Injunctions Bill as Desired by Mr. Taft(F. S.) 583

Inland Waterways-Lieut.-Gov. Shermanof Illinois 936

Insurance, Effect of Over-Regulition byLaw in Massachusetts (F. S.) 735, 889

Insurance (Fire) Expenses, Attempted Lim-itation of 1646

Insurance Investigation in New York_ _950,1007, 1020, 1079, 1399

Insurance, Life, Prohibition on Writing ofNew Business Removed 1399

Insurance Rates (Fire), High, Wrong Wayof Approaching the Problem of 593

International Court of Arbitration Proposedby Secretary Knox 136, 586

International Finance, An Episode in (F.S.).1209International Harvester Co 1075Inter-State Commerce Commission Orders

Annulled by U. S. Supreme Court (F. S.) 657Iron Production (monthly) 69, 1202Iron Production Last Year, Large 338Italian Ministry, Downfall of (F. S.) 938

Tapanese Statesmen an Example in Conduct.0 of National Finances (F. S.) 332Jews Again Persecuted in Russia 1450Joint Stock Banks Relation with Bank ofEngland 584

Vansas Farmers Favoring Free TradeAl, (F. S.) 264Knight, Yancey & Co., Failure of 1143,

1214, 1528Knox, Secretary, Policy Regarding Man-churia and Nicaragua_ .A36, 190, 265, 659,

601, 737

T abor Difficulties in Process of Adjustment(F. S.) 1007

Labor and a "General Strike" 664Labor Party in England to Favor Measuresof Liberals (F. S.) 400

Labor Troubles in Fair Way of Being Com-posed (F. S.) 808

Labor Troubles in Philadelphia and Else-where (F. S.) 732

Land Speculation Surrounded by Unfavor-able Features (F. S.) 1264

Lathrop, Haskins & Co. Suspend_ _209, 278,346, 426, 479, 536, 820, 1176

Law, Why Not Change? 471Legislation, Movement Towards UniformityIn 1134

Legislation Must Needs Partake of Com-promise (F. S.) 1578

Legislative Corruption, Gov. Hughes Rec-ommends Investigation (F. S.)_ _ _ _1007,

1013, 1020, 1079, 1399Lehigh Valley RR. More Progressive Direc-

tion (F. S.) 187Listings on the New York Stock ExchangeIn 1909 201

Living, High Cost of 195Loewe & Co. See Danbury Hatters' Case.London Money Market and the British Gov-ernment (F. S.) 881

London, New Capital Issues in 1909 (F. S.).. 137London's Stock Exchange, Boom on 941Long-Distance Transmission. See "Elec-

tric Railway Section," Feb. 26.Lords, House of, Reform of.. _662, 735, 740,

808, 880, 937, 1011Louisiana, "Baby" Bonds of 1456Louisiana, Reclamation of Swamp Lands in 888Lumber Exports Prohibited. See Quebec.

MMcCurdy, Richard A (F. S.) 263AvAacon Grocery Co. vs. Atlantic Coast LineRR.-Freight Rates Upheld (F. S.) 187

Manchurian Railroads, Japan and RussiaObject to Sec. Knox's Suggestion forSale, &c. (F. S.) 136, 190, 265, 659, 737

Massachusetts and Its Relations with N. YN. H. & H. RR 187

Meat Boycott, Progress of (F. S.) 263Merchandise Imports and Exports of U. S.(monthly) 214, 823, 1218, 1533, 1653

Mills, Darius 0., Death of 84Milwaukee Elects Socialist Mayor (F. S.) 935Mines, Bureau of, Text of Bill Creating _1461Missouri River Rate Case, Supreme Court

Decision in 1455

Page.Monetary Conditions Very Comfortable Hereand Abroad (F. S.) 1638

Money Rates, Extraordinary Fall at London(F. S.) 1639

Money Stock in the Country_ _88, 675, 956,1404, 1534

Moody, Supreme Court Justice, Law Per-mitting His Retirement 1649

Morgan, J. P., High Estimate of Him byThomas F. Ryan 1650

Morse, Charles W., Fails to Secure NewTrial 36, 84, 1339

Municipal Bond Issues Difficult to Float(F. S.) 1326, 1387

Municipal Bond Sales_ _ _121, 386, 643, 994,1251, 1566

Municipal Bonds Difficult to Sell_ _ _ _1326, 1387Mutual Life Insurance Co., Charges againstFormer Vice-President Grannis Dismissed 1651

Mutual Life Insurance Co. and InsuranceDepartment (F. S.) 1069, 1144

National Civic Federation and Uniform" State Laws (F. S.) 187National Packing Co. Indicted in Chicagounder Anti-Trust Law (F. S.) 807

Naval Expenditures and "Dreadnoughts"Increasing Everywhere 1010

New York Central and Other VanderbiltRoads Increase Dividends 656, 665

New York Central System and Its Recuper-ative Powers ' 880

New York City $50,000,000 Bond SaleAbout as Expected (F. S.) 807

New York Cotton Exchange again the Sub-ject of Attack (F. S.) 1390

New York State Constitution, Confusionover Constitutional Amendment Propos-ing Change in Manner of Making Amend-ments (F S.) 730

New York State Credit, Why Should It. NotBe as Good as Neighboring States (F. S.)..1067

New York State Bond Sale and Credit ofState 1067

New York State Finances, Gov. Hughes andSpecial Session 1639

New York State Legislative Session Ends(F. S.) 1388

New York State Moneys, Regulations Gov-erning Same 345

New York Stock Exchange Disciplines S. B.Chapin 145

New York Stock Exchange Disciplines E. F.Hutton & Co 1399

New York Stock Exchange Institutes Re-forms 879, 891, 1020

New York Stock Exchange Listings in 1909_ 201New York Stock Exchange Makes Inquiryinto Sensational Fluctuations in RockIsland stock • 35, 145

New York Stock Exchange and Manipula-tion of Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron

186, 209, 278, 346, 427, 479, 530New York Stock Exchange Modifies Rulefor Admission to Its Gallery 1338

New York Stock Exchange Reform Meas-ures (F. S.) 879

New York Stock Exchange Share and BondSales (monthly).81, 349, 602, 954, 1218, 1466

New York Stock Transfer Tax Law Amend-ed 598, 670, 746

New York Trust Companies 405, 411, 482Nicaraguan Affairs, Our Diplomacy in(F.S.) 130Nicaraguan Imbroglio 1581Nicaraguan Revolt Fails (F. S.) 661

npen-Hearth Rails Supplanting Bessemer.. 590pen Hearth Steel Producton Breaks AllRecords 1397

Danama Canal Bonds Made Payable inA Gold 277, 345, 670Paris Flood Disaster 335Paris Likely to Ship More Gold to London(F. S.) 1390

Pennsylvania RR. Adjustment of West-bound Rates with Boston & Maine NotAmicably Arranged (F. S.) 1131

Pennsylvania RR. Annual Report, Favor-able Character of 591

Pennsylvania Railroad Commission's Treat-ment of Phila. Rapid Transit Strike 1008

Pennsylvania RR. Earnings and Expenses(F. S.) 333, 588, 883, 1207, 1451

Pennsylvania RR. Work in BeautifyingRight of Way, &c. (F. S.) 584

Personal Property Tax, Mayor GaynorFavors Abolition (F. S.) 466

Philadelphia Newspapers and Import Differ-ential Rates (F. S.) 1320

Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. and theState Railroad Commission (F. S.) 1008

Philadelphia $8,000,000 Loan Fails (F. S.).1326Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. Strike (F.S.)

187, 526, 583, 659, 732, 8()8, 1070, 1389Philadelphia Trust Companies - ---405, 405, 419Pittsburgh Bribery Cases_952, liSo, 1401, 1464Platt, ex-Senator Thomas C., Death of (F.S.) 658Political Incidents of the Week at Washing-ton and Elsewhere 813

Political Matters a Dominant Influence inAffairs (F. S.) 134

Political Sign of the Times 1013Portland Gateway Case (F. S.)657Postal Administration, Side-Lights on_ _ _


Postal Savings Bank _336, 399, 479,1074, 1462, 1528, 1649

Postal Savings Bank, Action Regarding_83,278, 1275, 1462

Private Bankers, Law Passed in New Yorkfor Stricter Supervision 1398

Privileges on Indemnities, Trading in,Stopped 1649

Property Rights and Contracts, Courts Pro-tecting 1582

Prussia and Electoral Reform (F. S.) 1011Prussia, Discontent with Suffrage System(F. S.) 661

Prussia's Government-Owned Mines Suc-ceeding Poorly (F. S) • 809

Public Service Commission, Limitations ofthe Power of 1271

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Page.Public Service Commission (New York)Powers It Is Exercising (F. S.) 135

Public Service Commission (New York) andTelegraph and Telephone Companies_ __ A009

Public Utilities and Currency, Charges of _ _1643

Quebec Prohibits Exportation of Unmanu-factured Timber (F. S.) 1131

Raliway Valley Ry. See D. L. & W. RR.ailroad Bill in Congress_ _ _878, 934, 942,

1015, 1066, 1203, 1263, 1523, 1577,1645, 1647

Railroad Bill as Enacted 1644, 1647Railroad Bill as It Passed Senate 1523Railroad Commissions, State, PennsylvaniaBody an Example of Usefulness (F S.)_ _1008

Railroad Earnings, Character of durrentReturns (F.

S.)_- _134, 329, 1262, 1447, 1448

Railroad Earnings, Gross (monthly)._ _199,476, 667, 1017, 1272, 1525

Railroad Earnings, Net (monthly) 197, 474,744, 1066, 1076, 1336, 1586

Railroad Efficiency, Promoting of, throughEducation 817

Railroad Gross Earnings for Calendar Year 407Railroad Expenses Increased _ _ _1324Railroad Labor Troubles Avert-ed-_-73-2,-808, 1007Railroad Law (New)-the Rate Provisions_1647Railroad and Miscellaneous Stock and Bond

Prices in New York in 1909 24, 34Railroad Net Earnings for Calendar Year1909 594

Railroad-New Form of Advertising (F. S.)1205• Railroad Presidents Call on Mr. Taft with

Reference to Railroad Legislation_ _ _ _69, 134Railroad Rate Advances Enjoined by U. S.1446Railroad Regulations, Recommendations of

President Taft 74Railroad Requirements, According to James

J. Hill 878Railroad Switchmen's Demand; for HigherWages 187, 1007

Railroad Wage Demands 878, 1007Railroads Advance Rates and Meet with

Opposition 1202, 1262, 1324, 1386,1446, 1448, 1516, 1578•

Railroads Agree to Withdraw Advances inRates 1516

Railroads, Beef Packers Withdraw Opposi-tion to Advances in Rates 1636

Railroads, Business Association Makes Ap-peal to Reason 1522

Railroads, Commercial Bodies Make Pleafor 1517, 1522

'Railroads Still Able to Float New Loans _ _1637Railway Accounts, Government Control of _1394Railway Business Association-An Appeal

to Reason 1522Railway Rates and Currency Changes 1643Railway Traffic Associations 1584Rate Provisions of the New (Railroad) Law 1647Rates. See Commutation Rates.Republicans Lose in Massachusetts on Tariff

Issue in Special Congressional Election(F S.) 806

Retrospect of 1909 5Republican Defeat in New York Special

Congressional Election Not a Cause forPresent Depression (F. S.) 1066

Revenue and Expenditures of U. S., Gov-ernment 351, 603, 956, 1404, 1534

Page.Rock Island Stock, Sensational Fluctuationsin, Lead to Stock Exchange Inquiry_ _35, 145

Rolling Stock, New Types of. See "Elec-tric Railway Section," Feb. 26.

Roosevelt's (Mr.) Advice to the British..__ _1453Rubber in Guatemala (F. S.) 810Rubber, Its Enormous Increase in Demandand Supply 534

Rubber and Oil Speculation in EuropeWeakens (F. S.) 1070, 1206

Russia and Austria-Hungary, Friendly Re-lations Re-Established (F. S.) 937

Russia Extends Authority of Douma overFinland (F. S.) 882

Russian Government Renews Persecution ofthe Jews (F. S.) 1450

St. Louis Trust Companies 405, 426an Francisco Imports and Exports of Goldand Silver 601, 823, 1533, 1653

Savings Bank Life Insurance 889Savings Banks Little Affected by Lower

Interest Rates (F. S.) 262Savings Banks, More, Reduce Interest Rates

1326, 1399, 1529, 1588, 1651Sherman, Lieut.-Gov., of Illinois on Regu-

lating Railroads (F. S.) 936Silver, 'Drop in Price at London (F. S.) 528Silver Imports and Exports of United Slates(monthly) 214, 823, 1218, 1533, 1653

Silver, India Increases Duty on 528Silver Production in World in 1909 344Socialist Mayor in Milwaukee (F. S.) 935South Africa, Change of Labor Conditions in 1016South Africa, The New Government in 1393South Africa, Federation of (F. S.).._ _ _937, 1393South American Affairs (F. S.) 810Spanish Elections Bring No Changes in Ad-

ministration (F. S.) 1266Speculation and Clearings in 1909 80Standard Oil Case before the (U. S.) Su-preme Court (F. S.) 732

Standard Oil Case, Re-Hearing Ordered inUnited States Supreme Court (F. S.)___ _1006

State Bond Prices in New York in 1909_-

_ _ 34State Railroad Commissions, Usefulness of(F. S.) 1008

Steele, Miller & Co., Failure of _1143, 1214, 1275Steel (Bessemer) Production in 1909 1213Steel Production, Open-Hearth, Breaks All

Records 1397Stock Exchange Prices, Efforts to Depress(F. S ) 1126

Stock Exchange, New York. See NewYork.Stock, Issuing Shares without Par Value

1214, 1338Stock Market Favorably Affected by Re-

Hearing Order in Anti-Trust Cases (F. S.).1006Stock Market Improves on Disposition toTake a Brighter View of Legislation, &c.(F. S.) 466, 524

Stock Market Unfavorably Affected byHigh Money, &c. (F. S.) 68

Stock Market, Favorable Developments in. . 1202

Subways, Building with Private Capital_ 1136

Taft's, President, Duty 268aft's, President, Proposals RegardingAnti-Trust Law_ _134, 141, 268, 328, 398,

471, 525Taft, President, and Public Economy (F.S.) 526

• • Page.Taft, President, Recommendations:Regard-ing Railroad Regulation 74, 134

Taft, President-Why Not Change the Law? 471Tariff Law, Maximum Clause Obviated(F.S.) 882Tariff Relations (New) of United States with

Other Countries (F. S.)_-

_ _138, 188, 266,400, 468, 528, 586, 660, 737, 809, 881,

882, 1328Tariff, Story of, Challenges Senate (F. S.).. A388Telegraph and Telephone, Proposal to Place,under Public Service Commission Controlin New York State (F. S.) 1009

Textile Industry, Great Britain's Promin-ence in (F. S.) 1518

Trade. See Foreign Trade.Trade, Decline in, Not Probable (F. S.) 524Traffic Congestion on Railroads an Immin-ent Probability According to Mr. James J.Hill (F. S.) 878

Transvaal Gold Production at Large DailyRate (F. S.) 1327, 1580

Treasury Currency Holdings_ _214, 350, 673,1147, 1341, 1532

Trust Companies in New York and Else-where 405, 482

Turkish Cabinet Resigns (F S.) 2

Unlisted Department of Stock ExchangeAbolished 891

U. S. Bonds (New) All Made Payable inGold 277, 345, 670

U. S. Debt Statement.. _213, 350, 673, 1146,1341, 1532

U. S. Enjoins Rate Advances 1446U. S. Foreign Trade Balance Adverse (F.S.) 735U. S. Government Revenue and Expendi-

tures 351, 603, 956, 1404, 1534U. S. Government Revenues Improving(F. S.) 934

U. S. Irrigation and Reclamation Certifi-cates Authorized 5,8, 1649

U. S. Steel Corporation, Alleged Combina-tion under Inquiry (F. S.) 1576

U. S. Steel Corporation Developing Schemefor Selling Stock to Workmen (F. S.) 70

U. S. Steel Corporation Quarterly State-ments (F S.) 262

U. S. Steel Corporation Report for 1909_ 741U. S. Steel Corporation's Provision for In-jured Employees (F. S.) 1068

U. S. Steel Corporation, Resolutions andPetitions against 70, 807, 1576

U. S. Steel Corporation's Treatment ofDividend Question (F. S.) 1127

U. S. Sub-Treasuries Law for Punishmentof Subordinates 1142

WWall Street Ignores Washington Legisla-tive Program (F. S.) 583Walsh, John R., and Clearing House 83Walsh, John R., Fails to Secure New Trial_ 213Warships (U. S.), Plans for Bigger_ _ _ _589, 1010Weather More Seasonable, Crops Improving(F. S.) 1636

Western Land Speculation 1264Wheat Speculation, Collapse in (F. S.)_ _ _ _1446Wheat, Winter, Condition of (F. S.) 1263Wickersham, Attorney-General, Makes Dis-

turbing Speech 1006

yukon-New Gold Field (F. S.) 1327



Alabama Bankers' Ass'n_ __ _1081ldrich, Nelson W., to With-draw from Congress 1079

American Bankers' Ass'n__ _36,84, 278, 670, 1020, 1079,

1215, 1338, 1529American Institution of Bank-

., ing 347, 1969American Merchant Marine. Re-

habilitation Advocated by N.Y. Chamber of Commerce_ _ _ _ 82

Andrew A. Platt, Asst. Sec. ofTreasury 1462, 1528

Arnot, Matthias H., Death of__ _ 980Audit Co. of New York ._ _ _146, 428Austin, John Bell, Death of_ _ _1464

Dank Guaranty Deposit Law-Kansas___82, 278, 1143, 1399Nebraska 83, 278Oklalionfa 82Texas 278

Bank Note Circulation, ProposedModification of Tax 277, 535

Bankers' Deposit Guaranty &Surety Co. (Topeka) 1043

Bankers' Encyclopedia 1589Banks National, Balances with

State Institutions No Longerto be Treated as Loans byComptroller 1144

Belt, Eduard 892Belmont, August & Co 36Bills of Lading, Spurious, and

Failures_ _1143, 1214, 1400,1964, 1528, 1588, 1649

Bing, Albert 1021Boissevain & Co 36Boston Stock Exchange.. .i338. 1528Branch Banks Not Authorized

in Ohio 535Brandon (Canada) Clear. House_ 819Bristol, Eugene S., Death of. _ 952Brooklyn Bank Failures 951Brown, A. 0., & Co 480

California Bankers' Ass'n_ _87,899, 1146, 1338

California Banking Department..1531Canada, History of Banking in 396Central Bank, Difficulties Con-

fronting, &e 144, 819Central Bank, Plan for, by Mau-

rice L. Muhleman 1276Certificate of Deposit (Time)

Bill Passed by N. Y. Senate_ _1338Chapin, S. B., do Co., Suspendedfrom N. Y. Stock Exchange.- 145


Cheshire, Frederick N., Death of 479Chicago Clearing House andJohn R Walsh 83

China Loan Agreement (HankowSze-Chuen Ry.) 1398

Chinese Railways, AmericanBankers Obtain Participation.

1390, 1398Clarke, Dumont, Death of. __35, 84Clearing-House Loan CertificatesSuggested as a Basis for Cur-rency Issues 479, 892

Cohen, Clarence M., Expulsionfrom N. Y. Stock ExchangeUpheld by Supreme Court_ ___ 598

Columbus & Hocking Coal de IronPool Collapses_ _186, 209, 278,

. 346, 427, 479, 536Comptroller of Currency Insti-

tutes Reforms_ _278, 1143,1338, 1963, 1529, 1650

Converse, John H., Death of. _1216Corporation Stock Without aNominal or Par Value.. _1214, 1338

Corporation Tax Law Adminis-tration 1142

Corporation Tax Law, Amend-ment of Publicity Provision_ 950

Corporation Tax Law, Suits toTest Constitutionality of orto Prevent Complying with,

&c__208, 277, 345, 427,478, 535, 598, 1462

Corporations Owned by Muniel-Panties Not Liable to FederalCorporation Tax 1587

Cotton Bills of Lading, Irregu-larities in, Discussed in London1649

Cotton Pool Proceedings Againstby U. S....1079, 1144, 1214,

1650, 1675Cox, Luke 0., Death of 672

D Charles P., Death of. _ _1080J-Re Haven, Holstein, Death of. 280Des Moines Clearing House Ass' n ,

535, 598Dickinson, Charles Courter,Death of 1400

Durant & Elmore (Albany) Fail.Leaving Fictitious Bills ofLading 1400. 1464

ECarle, George H., Jr 280dward, King of England,Mourning Tributes to, in N. Y _1274

Emergency Currency Backed byClearing-House Loan Certifies 892


Emergency Currency Issues NotYet Made 950

Employers' Liability Law (New)of U. S 950

Ennis dc Stoppani 747, 1216Equitable Life Assurance Settle-ment 1215, 1588

Equitable Safe Deposit Co 85Evans, Dudley, Death of 893

Carson, John, Death of 213ederal Corporation Tax, Pub-licity FeaturesModified_478, 950

Field, Leonard J _ _1145Fisk de Robinson_ _346, 599, 746, 821Fiske, J. M., & Co., Suspend.209, 278, 346. 427, 479, 536,

747, 1080Fletcher, Stoughton J.. Death of 86Foster, John, Death of 147

Galveston Cotton Exchange andFraud in Bills of Lading_ _ _1214

Gehner, August, Death of_ _1340Georgia Bankers' Ass'n_ 308-1,

1465, 1530Government Bonds-Variations

In Market Value 1142Great Northern Ore CertificatesNot Subject to Transfer Tax.._ 536

Head, Charles. Death of 146cad, Charles, de Co 893

liegeman, John R., ChargesAgainst, Dismissed 1651

Heinze, F. A., Acquitted. &c..85, 279, 599, 1276

Holidays on the Exchanges_ 819,1398, 1651

House, T. W 1340Hughes, Gov., Appointed toU S. Supreme Court_ 1142, 1214

Hutton, E. F., & Co., Disci-plined by N. Y. Stock Ex-change 1399

I Illnols Surety Co. (Chicago) _ _ _1023ncome Tax Amendment. Bos-ton Chamber of CommerceOpposes 427

Indiana Trust Companies Not toServe as Sureties on CertainClasses of Bonds 950

Insurance Investigation in NewYork_ _950. 1007, 1020, 1079, 1390

Insurance, Life, Prohibition onWriting of New Business Re-moved 1399


Interest Rates (High) CriticismAgainst Paying in New Jersey,

535, 1275Interest Rates on Savings De-

posits Reduced..___1275, 1399,1529, 1651

Iowa Bankers' Ass'n 1652Irrigation Certificates to Extent

of $20,000,000 to be Issued byGovernment 598, 1699

TustIce.s, Associate, of the U. S.Supreme Court, Permitted

to Retire on Full Pay 1649

Tjansas Bankers' Ass'n ....481, 1462n.ansas City Clearing House 819Kean, Van Cortlandt & Co 1651Kean, Taylor & Co 1651Kellogg, Charles H., Death of _ _1217Kentucky Bill as to State BankExaminations Vetoed 820

Knight, Yancey do Co., Failure of,1143, 1214, 1528

T acey, Edward M., Death of. 481$+aekland. Rufus J., Death of 600Lathrop, Haskins de Co. Suspend.209, 278, 346, 427, 479, 536.

670, 820, 951, 1276Lee, George Cabot, Death of 820Legislative Corruption, GovernorHughes Recommends Investi-gation_1007, 1013, 1020, 1079, 1399

Life Insurance-Allen Bill Re-moving Restrictions as toAmount to be Written Yearlyin New York Passed by As-sembly 1399

Louderbough, Harry, Death of_ 85Louisiana Bankers' Ass'n 1340Love, Thomas B 535

MeCornick & Co. (Salt Lake C.)1217McDonald, Alexander, Death of 820Marble, J. Frederick, Death of _ _1021Maryland Bankers' Ass'n_1080, 1340May, Moses, Death of 197Meadows, Williams, & Co., Buff.1530Metropolitan Life Insurance Co_1651Michigan Bankers' Ass'n 1145Mills, Darius 0., Death of 84Milwaukee Clearing-House Ass'n 746Mines, Bureau of 1337. 1461Minnesota Bankers' Ass'n_ A81, 538Mississippi Bankers' Ass'n.1217, 1340Missouri Bankers' Ass'n___822, 1021Mitchell, William H., Death of.. 671

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

'VI INDEX. Lxxxx.


Moffat & White 1194Moody, Supreme Court Justic,Law Permitting His Retirem ' t .1649

Morgan, Grenfell Fc Co., London 84Morgan, J. P.. High Estimates

of Him by Thomas F. Ryan_ _1650Morse, Charles W., Falls to Se-

cure New Trial 36, 84, 1338Mutual Life Insurance Co_ _210,

1144, 1400, 1651Mutual Life Insurance Co.,

Charges Against Former Vice-Pres. Granniss Dismissed_ __ _1651

National Bank Circulation TaxAdjustment 535

National Bank Examiners_746, 1529National Bailks, Steps to Check

Establishment of, ThroughPromoters 1529

National Monetary Commission,536, 1142

Newcomb, Harrison R., Death of 481New Jersey Bankers' Ass'n 1275New York Central (RR.) Lines_1400New York Cotton Exchange, Va-

lidity of Transactions Upheldby N. Y. State Appellate Di-vision 746

New York Laws (State), BillCorrecting 746

New York State Bank Dep't_ __ _1144New York State Bankers' Ass'n,

146, 210, 279, 1339, 1651New York State Banking Laws,But Few Amendments Rec-ommended 209, 1020

New York State Deposits in Fi-nancial Institutions, Regula-tions to Govern 345

New York State Moneys, Regu-lations Governing Same 345

New York Stock Exchange.. 35,278, 346, 427, 478, 479, 598,746, 819, 891, 1020, 1079,1214, 1276, 1337, 1338, 1398, 1651

New York Stock Exchange Dis-ciplines E. F. Hutton & Co_ _ _1399

New York Stock Exchange Dis-ciplines S. B. Chapin 145

New York Stock Exchange Insti-tutes Reforms 879, 891, 1020

New York Stock Exchange In-vestigation Bill Defeated 1142

New York Stock Exchange MakesInquiry into Sensational Fluc-tuations in Rock Island Stock,

35, 145New York Stock Exchange and

Manipulation of Col. & Hock.Coal & Iron Co.. _186, 209, 278,

346, 427, 479, 536New York Stock Exchange Modi-

fies Rule for Admission to ItsGallery 1338

New York Stock Exchange Sus-tained by Court in Matter ofForbidding Business with Con-solidated Exchange 1214

New York Stock Transfer TaxLaw Amended 598, 670, 746

North Carolina Bankers Ass' n__ 746Norton, Charles Dyer, Secretaryto President Taft 1462

Ohlo Bankers' Ass'n.748, 1276, 1530hio Branch Banks Not Author-

ized by Law 535Ohio Legislature and InsolventBank Liquidations 1338

Oklahoma Bank Commissioner_1531Oklahoma Clearing-House Ass'n 746Oklahoma's Legal Interest Rate_1143Overstreet, Jesse, Death of 1462

Panama Canal Bonds Made Pay-able in Gold 277, 345, 670

People's Mutual Life Ins. Ass'n& League (Syracuse) _ _ _ _209, 1022

Phelps, Erksine M., Death of_- _1402

-Phila. Stock Exchange__ _598, 1589Postal Savings Bank, Action

Regarding_ _ _ _ _83, 278, 479,1275, 1462, 1528, 1649

Postal Savings Bank Bill_ __336,399, 479, 1074, 1462, 1528, 1649

Private Bankers' Law Passed inNew York for Stricter Super-vision 1398

Privileges or Indemnities, Trad-ing in Stopped 1849

Privileges, Trading in, Prohibitedon Chicago Board of Trade_ 1849

Deal Estate Trusts, &c., Amen-8% able to Corporation Tax Law.1020Redmond, Henry S., Death of 598Redmond & Co 36, 84Roberts, Hall & Criss 209, 278Robinson, E. Moore, Death of .._ 84Rock Island Stock, Sensational

fluctuations in ,Leads to StockExchange Inquiry 35, 145

Rose, Hiram Holbrook, Death of 213Rushton, Richard H., Death of 280

San Francisco Clearing-HouseAssociation 84

Satteriee, Eugene, Death of.. _ _ _ 147Savings Banks, New York, Di-

minishing Ratio of Surplus toDeposits 746

Savings Deposits in the U. S_ _ _ _ 891Searing 84 Co 536, 1021, 1529Sneed, S. K., Death of 1277Societe Financiere Franco-Ameri-

caine (Paris) 1589Sortwell, Alvin F., Death of........821South Carolina Bankers' Ass'n 539Southern Bankers' Ass'n 600Southwest'n Life Ins.Co.(Dallas) 535Speyer, Sir Edgar 428, 892State Banks, when Converted into

National, to be More StrictlyExamined 1143

Steele, Miller & Co. Fallure.1143,1214, 1275

Stevenson. John C.. Death of.... 1080Stock Transfer Tax Law, New

York, Inspection of TransferBooks Unconstitutional, &e.,

145, 598, 670, 746Stroup, Henry C., Death of_ _ 480Suydam,Van Marter W., Death of 211


Sweet, Edward & Co 1215

Tennessee Bankers' Ass'n 1462exas Bankers' Ass'n 600, 1146

Texas Deposit Interest Rate__ -278Thomas, E. R 147Thomas, Seth, Death of 480Title Guaranty Fc Surety Co.(Scranton, Pa.) 1402

Tracy & Co 480Trask, Spencer, death of

__9 35

Trask (Spencer) & Co 9999 1079Treasury Subordinates Are Pun-

ishable for Peculations 1142Treat, Charles H., Death of _ _ _1463Trust Companies, Tax on Capital,

&e., What Based on 535Trust Company Decision in Texas 535Twombly, Hamilton McK ., Death

of 146

Unlisted Department of N. Y.Stock Exchange Abolished 891

U.S. Bond & Mortgage Co.(Dallas, Tex.) 1146

U. S. Bonds, New, All Made Pay-able in Gold 277, 345, 670

U. S. Irrigation and ReclamationCertificates Authorized_ _598, 1649

U. S. Sub-Treasuries, Law forPunishment of, Subordinates_1142

Vernon, David, Death of 953letor, George F., Death of.. _ 348

Virginia State Banking Dep't 820

Walker Bros., Salt Lake City_ 282aish, John R., and Clearing

House 83Walsh, John R., Falls to SecureNew Trial 213

Washington (State) Bankers'Association 600, 1531

Watson, Charles Herbert, Deathof 1080

Weir, Levi Candee, Death of 892Wells, Fargo Express Co 36Werner, Nils 0., Death of 600Wiebenson, Edward, Death of .._1022Whitaker, Isaac R., Death of_ _ _1022White, Weld & Co 1144Whitney, Stephenson & Co.(Pittsburgh) 212

Whiton, Sylvester G., Death of_1021Wisconsin State Banks, Bills Per-

taining to the Government of 346Woodward, James T.. Death of _1020

Ziegenhelm, Henry, Death of 822


Allegheny Nat. (Pittsburgh).... 280ii Night & Day (Los Ang.) 1277

American (Philadelphia).. _1216, 1530Am. Exchange Nat___145, 210, 1021Amer.-German Nat. (Paducah.Ky.) 672

Am. Nat. (El Paso, Texas) _ _ 281Am. Nat. (Houston) 1146, 1465Am. Nat. (Muskogee, Okla.)...._ 894Am. Nat. (Richmond) 822Am. Nat. (Washington, D. C.) _1080Am. Nat. (Wilmington, N. C.)_ 953Am. Trust & Say. (Chic.) _1340, 1590Atlanta (Ga.) Nat_ ___672, 822, 1146Audubon National 1145

BDank Directorates, Changes in.. 146arnet Nat. (Jacksonville, Fla.)1146Baton Rouge (La.) 1081, 1531Beaver National 279Beverly (Mass.)

National_- __- _ 480

Borough (Brooklyn) ....211, 951, 1021Bradford (Banking Co. (London) 279British North America 823Broad St. Nat. (Trenton, N. J.) 211Broadway (Brooklyn) -- 821Broadway Nat. (Nashy.)-_-1-2-1-7, 1591Bronx Central 1021Bronx National 1589Brooklyn (N. Y.) 147Brooklyn, Charter for New Na-

tional Bank Refused 1530

California Nat. (San Fr.) -281, 1531anton (0.) State 86

Capital Nat. (Indianapolis) ___ _1080Capital National (Topeka) 87Cedar Rapids (Ia.) National_ 894Cement Nat. (Siegfried, Pa.) 348Central Georgia (Macon) 539Central National (Cleveland)...._1464Central National (Denver) 87Central National (Kansas City).. 894Central National (Topeka)..87, 1465Central Nat. (Wilkinsburg, Pa.) .1530Central Nat. (York, Pa.) _ _599, 1145Chase National 146Chatham National 145Chelsea Exchange 146Chelsea (Mich.) Savings 481Chicago National Banks_ _348, 953Chicopee (Nat. (Springf'd, Mass.) 280Chillicothe. (Mo.) 1146Citizens' (Norfolk) 672Citizens' & Farmers' State (Ar-kansas City, Kan.) \ 671

Citizens' Nat. (Caldwell, N. J.)_ 279Citizens' Nat. (Evansville, Ind.),

212, 348Citizens' Nat. (Macon) 281, 539Citizens' Nat. (Oberlin, O.) _ _ 748Citizens' Nat. (Seattle) 281Citizens' Southern (Savannah) _ _1465Citizens' State (Clay Center, Kan) 87Citizens' Trust & Savings (Chic.) 053City (Richmond, Va.)____1340, 1652City & County (San Francisco).. 673City Deposit (Pittsburgh) 212City, National 145City Nat. (Baltimore) 143City Nat. (Brooklyn) 1464City, Nat. (Cambridge, Mass.),538,599,671,821,1145,1339,1652

City National (Chicago) 538City National (Dallas) 600City Nat. (El Paso, Texas) 1591City National (Paducah, Ky.) _ _ 873City Savings (Youngstown, 0.) _1652Coal Fc Iron National 348, 819Colonial Trust & Savings (Chi-cago) 953, 1531

Columbia 1631


Columbia Nat. (Pittsburgh) _538.1464, 1590

Commerce, National 598Commerce, Nat. (El Paso, Tex.).1591Commerce, Nat. (Providence) ..1145Commerce, Nat. (St. Louis) _ _ .... 539Commerce 80 Trust Co. (Mem-

phis) 822, 1531Commercial (Cincinnati) 1145Commercial. Nat. (Albany) 1400, 1651Commercial Nat. (Chicago) _213,481, 599. 894, 952, 1402, 1590, 1652

Commercial Nat. (Columbus, 0.)1531Commercial Nat. (Raleigh) 894Commercial 84 Farmers' Nat.(Baltimore) 1530, 1652

Commercial State (Seattle) 673Commercial Trust Fe Savings(Chicago) _213, 671, 952, 1023, 1590

Com'wealth Nat. (Dallas, Tex.) _1146Continental Nat. (Chicago) _599,

1081, 1590Continental & Commercial Nat.(Chicago) 1590

Copper, National 346Corn Exchange 210, 1589Corn Exchange (Omaha) 1146Corn Exchange Nat. (Chicago),

148, 1080Corn Exchange Nat. (Omaha).... 672Corn Exchange Nat. (Phila.) _1589Cuba. Banco Nacional (Havana,&c) 601

Cumberland Val.Nat.(Nashy.) 1146

DeKalb (Texas) Exchange.. 950eposit. Nat. (Philadelphia)._ 480

Deshler Nat. (Columbus, Ohio),1402, 1464, 1531

Des Moines (Ia.) National 281Deutsche (Berlin) 279, 1023Dexter Horton Nat. (Seattle) _1591Dollar Savings 146Dominion (Toronto) 601Drexel State (Chicago) .599, 893, 1652Drovers' Deposit Nat. (Chicago) .1402Drovers' Nat. (Kan. City, Mo.) 482Drovers' Trust 84 Savings (Chic.) 148Duquesne Nat. (Pittsburgh) _ 953

Evast Side Banking Co. (Toledo) 821K.ighth National (Philadelphia) 147Erie County Savings (Buffalo) _1400Euclid (Ohio) Banking Co 1402Europe 1080European-American 1276, 1589Exchange Nat. (Pittsburgh) _ _ _ _ 481Exchange Nat. (Tulsa, Okla.) __ 536

Farmers' &Mechanics' Nat.(Hartford) 671, 1022

Farmers' & Mechanics' Nat.(Phila.) 1652

Farmers' & Merchants' Nat. (Mt.Pleasant, Pa.) _ _ _ _893, 1464, 1530

Farmers' & Merchants' Nat.(Balt.) 280

Farmers Nat. (Tulsa, Okla.) 536Farmers' & Traders' Nat. (Cov-

ington, Ky.) 87, 539Farmers' & Traders' Nat. (La

Grande, Ore.) 1591Federal (Los Angeles) 600Federal Banking Co. (Mexico

City) 1277Federal Nat. (Pittsburgh) 212Federal State & Savings (Denver) 87Fidelity 210Fifth Avenue 797. 1651Fifth-Third Nat. (Cinn.), 148,

281, 538, 1145, 1277First Nat. (Arlington, N. J.)....._1022First Nat. (Atchison, Kan.).. _ _ _1652First Nat. (Bayonne, N. J.)......1216First Nat. (Birmingham, Ala.) 600First Nat. (Boston) 480, 747First Nat. (Brooklyn) 197First Nat. (Chicago), 86, 148,

213. 952, 1277First Nat. (Cinn.) 86First Nat. (Cleveland) 1340First Nat. (Covington, Ky.), 87, 539First Nat. (El Paso, Tex.) 1591First Nat. (Freeland. Pa.) 1402First Nat. (Hoboken) 1022First Nat. (Los Angeles) 600First Nat. (Milwaukee, Wis.) _ 348First Nat. (Mineral Point, Wis.) 281First Nat. (Minneapolis) 213First Nat. (Montclair, N. J.)....1464First Nat. (Morristown, N. J.) _ 279First Nat. (Paducah, Ky.) 822First Nat. (Peoria, Ill.) 1081First Nat. (Pittsburgh) 481First Nat. (Portland. Ore.) 1591First Nat. (Richmond, Va.) _ _1591First Nat. (Roanoke, Va.) 1465First Nat. (of Buchanan Co.)(St. Joseph, Mo.) 1402


209, 671893600


First Nat. (San Francisco)First Nat. (Seattle) First Nat. (Syracuse) First Nat. (Tipton, Ind.) First Nat. (Topeka) First State (Keefer, Okla.)First Trust 80 Say. (Chicago)._ 953Flushing (N. Y.) Nat 537Ft. Dearborn Nat. (Chicago). 86,1023Fourteenth Street 397Fourth Nat., 821, 950, 1021,

1144, 1215, 1338, 1463Fourth Nat. (Atlanta) 822Fourth Nat. (Jacksonville, Fla.) 600Fourth Nat. (Nashville) - 953Fourth Nat. (Pittsburgh), 148. 671Fourth Street Nat. (Phila.), 147,

348, 821Franklin (Louisville) 87Franklin Nat. (Phila.) 1339

QallatIn Nat 821arfield Savings (Cleveland) _ _ 212

Gardner (Mass.) (Savings) 1339Gate City (Kansas City) 1591Georgia Railroad (Augusta) _ _ _ _ 822German-American (Minneapolis) 86German-American (St. Louis) ....1465German-American (Seattle)_ 601German-American Nat. (New(Orleans) 87

German-Amer. Sav.(Los Ang.)__ 600German Nat. (Allegheny), 1339. 1469German Nat. (Pittsburgh), 748,

952, 1022, 1339

BANKS-(Continued).. - Page.

German Savings Institution (St.Louis) 748, 953

Girard Nat. (Phila..) - 1080Gotham Nat 670, 951, 1021Graham & Sons (Chioago) 748Greenpoint Nat. (Brooklyn),

1339, 1464, 1651Greenwich Savings 1588, 1589Guaranty State (Houston) 600Gulf Nat. (Beaumont, Texas) _ _1146

Halsted State (Chicago) __893, 1652amilton (Ont.) 601

Hamilton Nat. (Chicago) ....538, 1340Hanover Nat 1079, 1215Harris Trust & Savings (Chicago),

148, 481, 1591Hayden-Clinton Nat. (Colum-

bus, Ohio) 1402Hermitage Nat. (Nashville) __ _ _ 539Hibernia Tr. & Says. (Charles-ton) 822

Hibernian Banking Assn. (Chic.) 213Holyoke (Mass.) Savings 1463Home (Brooklyn) 480, 599Home Savings (Macon, Ga.) ,894,1081Homestead (Brooklyn) 1651Howard Savings Inst. (Newark,N. J.) 1464

Hungarian-American 480

I llinois Tr. &Say. (Chic.). 213, 1464mperial (Canada) 1082, 1653

Importers' & Traders' Nat 146Inter-State Savings (Denver) 1531Irving Nat. Exchange 210

Jefferson 279, 1400, 1529

add & Tilton (Portland, Ore.) 18538-4a, Salle St. Nat. (Chicago),348. 481 1022, 1217, 1277, 1340

Lewiston (Idaho) Nat 281Liberty Nat 348Lincoln Nat 147, 279Lincoln Nat. (Bath, Me.) 1589Lincoln Nat. (Pittsburgh) 1530Lincoln Nat. (Rochester) 280Live Stock Exch. Nat. (Chicago) ,

148, 213, 671London Cay (Eng.) & Midland_ 279Long Island(Jamaica), 537. 820, 951Lorain St. Savings (Cleveland) .._1530Los Angeles (Cal.) (Tr. & Say.) _ 800Lowry Nat. (Atlanta) 672. 953Lumbermen's Nat. (Portland,

Ore.) 282Lumbermen's Nat. (Houston,Tex.) 1,465

Manhattan Co 146, 820anufacturers' (Pittsburgh) _ _1216

Manufacturers' Nat. (Brooklyn) . 821Manufacturers' Nat. (Waterbury,Conn.) 537

Marine Nat. (Buffalo) _ _211, 480, 670Maryland Nat. (Baltimore) 212Mechanics' (Brooklyn) 147Mechanics-Amer. Nat.(St.Louls) 428Mechanics' National 346Mechanics' & Farmers' (Albany). 146Mechanics' & Metals Nat.._ _346,

537, 1218Mellon Nat. (Pittsburgh) _1276, 1590Mercantile (Seattle) 282Mercantile National 1463Mercantile Nat. (St. Louis) 600Mercantile Nat. (San Francisco) _ 673Merchants' Exchange National.... 146Merchants' & Farmers' State(Milwaukee) 86

Merchants' & Manufacturers'State (Minneapolis) 600

Merchants' Nat. (Baltimore) - - - - 80Merchants' Nat. (Cincinnati) 86Merchants' Nat. (Houston)...672. 953Merchants' Nat. (Jersey City) 893Merchants' Nat. (Phila.) _ _ _ _212, 747Merchants, Nat. (Portland. Ore.) 282Merchants' Nat. (Providence) 212Metropolitan Nat. (Boston) 280Metropolitan Nat. (Pittsburgh) _1145Metropolitan Tr. eC Say. (Chic.).. 148Mexican° de Comercio e Indus-

tria (Mexico) 480, 1589Mexico (Mex.) National 598Michigan Exch. (Grand Rapids) _1081Mid-City Tr. & Say. (Chicago) _ _ ismizMinnehaha State (Minneapolis) _1340Minnesota Nat. (Minneapolis) _ _ 213Mohawk German Banking 84 Sav-

ings Co. (Cincinnati) 821Moison's (Montreal) 601Montreal (Canada) 1400Mount Holly (N. J.) National.._.. 1589Mutual National (Boston) 85

Massau Nat. (Brooklyn) ..__147, 747ew Amsterdam National 147

New Bern (N. C.) National 1217New London (Conn.) National_ -537New York, N. B A 36, 892New York State Nat. (Albany) _ 348Night & Day 210, 1463Nineteenth Ward 147, 347Norfolk (Va.) National 539, 672North Ave. New Rochelle,N.Y.) .1218North Ave. State (Chicago) _ _ _ _1531North River Savings 479North Shore Exchange (Chicago)1277North Side State (Minn.) _ _671, 1340North West State (Chicago)822, 1590Northern 36, 1145Northern Nat. (Philadelphia) _ __ 212Northwestern (St. Louis) 539Northwestern Ti', & Say. (Chic.) 748Nova Scotia (Halifax) 429

Oakland National (Chicago) 821akland (Cal.) Savings 1081

Oklahoma (Okla.) Stock YardsNational 1146

Omaha Stock Yards Nat. (SouthOmaha)..---1652

Orange (N. J.) National 147Oregon Trust 63 Say. (Portland)

601, 1081, 1341

PNat. (South Omaha) _ _ 894

K Park, Nat 479, 536, 892, 1276Pearl St. Market (Cin.) _ _ _599, 1022Penn National (Philadelphia).._ _1276People's (Savannah) 539.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


BANK S- (Continued) .Page.

People's Nat. (Brooklyn) _ _211, 1589People's Nat. "(Charleston, S. C.) 672People's Nat. (Lynchburg) 822People's Nat. (Pittsburgh) _ 348People's Say. (Cleveland) _ __599,- 748People's Say. (Sacramento) _ _ _ _1341People's State (Detroit) ___599, 1081People's Stock Yards State(Chic) 893People's Trust & Say. (Chicago) _1591Phenix Nat.347, 536, 892, 1276, 1651Philadelphia (Pa.) Nat_ _86, 348.

1145, 1401Pittsburgh Banks and the Brib-

ery Investigation 893Pittsburgh N. A. (Pa.) .-2-1-2-,-4-81, 1276Planters' & Mechanics' (Okla.) _ _ 538Produce Exchange (Kansas City) 281Produce, Nat. (Chicago) _ _ _953, 1652Puget Sound Nat. (Seattle) _282,

601, 1341

Rallway Exchange (Chicago) -1340aleigh (N. C.) Savings_ __672, 953

Republic, National (Chicago) _ _ _ 953Reserve, Nat. (Kansas City,Mo.) 672Reserve State (Okla.) 1531Richmond (Va.) 1465Ridgely Nat. (Springfield, Ill.) _ _ 822Ridgewood Nat. (Bklyn.) _ _ _85, 1339Riverhead (Long Island) _ _ _893, 1216Rochester (N. Y.) National_ _ _ _ 952Royal (Canada) 213, 673, 1082Rutland Co. Nat. (Rutland, Vt.) 480

St. Stephens (N. B., Canada) _ 673alem (Mass.) Banking Inst'ns_ 480

Sanders State (De Kalb, Tex.)820, 950

Savings (Peoria) _ 1081Savings Union (San Francisco) _ _ 954Scandinavian-Amer-.Nat

-(Minn.) 600

Seaboard National _ 821Seattle (Wash.) Nat: _282,-60f, 1341Santa Cruz (Cal.) County Nat.._ _1341Savings Union (San Francisco) _ _1531Second Nat. (Boston) 212, 599Second Nat. (Pittsburgh) 1401Second Nat. (Winona, Minn.) _ 86Security 1589Security, Nat. (Lynn, Mass.),...85Security Nat. (Minneapolis) _213, 538Security Savings (Columbus, 0.)

348, 1531Sixth Ward (Atlanta) 822, 1146Society for Savings (Cleve.), 671, 748Southbridge (Mass.) Savings,

280, 538, 1339, 1401South Chicago (Ili.) Savings_ _ _ 671South Cleveland (Ohio) Bank-

ing Co.. 86, 481, 1277, 1340, 1590South Omaha (Neb.) Nat 1652South Texas Nat. (Houston) _ _ _ 954Southern California (Los Ang.) _1340Southern Nat. (Louisville) _ _ _1023Southern Nat. (Richmond_ _1465Southern Nat. (Wilmington.N. C.) 1277

Standard (Canada) 601State (Chicago) 1464State, Nat. (Richmond)_1340. 1652State, Nat. & City (Richmond) _1652State Savings (St. Paul) 281Sterling (Canada) 601. 1653Stock Yards Nat. (Ft. Worth) __ 600Stock Yards Savings (Chicago) _ _1080Swiss Bank Verein (Switzerland) 1023Syndicate (Oakland, Cal.) 1340

Tenth Nat. (Phila.) 212extile Nat. (Phila.) 797

Third Nat. (Knoxville) 1591Third Nat. (St. Louis) 86, 281Tootle-Lemon Nat. (St. Joseph) 672Toronto (Canada) 601Traders' Nat. (Spokane) 282Tradesmen's Nat. (Phila.), 148,

212, 480, 1590Trenton (N. J.) Banking Co _ _ _ _ 480Twelfth Ward 347

Union (Bklyn.), 85, 951, 1021, 1589Mon (Canada) 282

Union (Chicago) 1145Union (Knoxville) 600


Union Dime Savings 537, 1399

Union Discount Co. (London) _ _ 822

Union Exchange 1589

Union Nat. (Columbia, S. C.) _ _ 539Union Nat. (Louisville) 1023Union Nat. (Oakland) 87, 1081Union Nat. (Boston) 599, 1145Union Nat. (Houston) 953Union Nat. (Phila.) 147Union Nat. (Pittsb.), 86, 212, 671Union Nat. of Maryland (Bait,) _ 280Union Savings (Columbia, S. C.) 539Union State (Minneapolis) 86Union Stock Yards (Buffalo) _ _ _ 952Union Stock Yards Nat. (SouthOmaha) 748, 1652

Union Stock Yds. Nat. (Wichita,Kan.) 1465

United Banking & Savings Co.(Cleveland) 1022

U. S. Banking Co. (Mexico City) 278U. S. Nat. (Portland, Ore.) _ _ 673Utica City (N. Y.) Nat 1339

Virginia Nat. (Richmond), 892,1465

Wachovia Nat. (Winston-Sa-lem) 539

Washington Nat. (St. Louis)... 281Washington Park Nat. (Chicago),

821, 1590Wayne County Savings (Detroit) 281

Wells Fargo-Nevada Nat. (SanFrancisco) 1531

Wendell State (Chicago) 281

West Side Savings 797

Whitney-Central Nat. (New 0'141081Wilber Nat. (Oneonta, N. Y.) 821Wyoming Nat. (Wilkes-Barre) _ _1145

Vokahama Specie, Ltd_ _ _670, 1082onkers (N. Y.) Nat 893

Youngstown (0.) Say. dc Bank.Co 1652


Albany (N. Y.) 1145merica 820

American (Boston) 212American (Phila.) 1464American Deposit & (Pittsb.) 348Astor 147

rpaltimore (Md.) 480, 599/1-Palt. (Md.) Trust & Guarantee

Co 480, 599, 797, 1590Bank of Commerce & (Memphis) 281Bankers' 892, 1079, 1463Bankers' (Houston, Tex.) _748,

1277, 1340Bankers' (Oakland, Cal.) 1081Bay State (Boston) 85Bloomfield (N. J.) 211Broadway 1021Broadway Bank & (Nashville),

1217, 1591Brooklyn 85, 211Broome County (Binghamton,N. Y.) 280, 1145

Californta Safe Deposit &(SanFrancisco) 281, 822, 954

Cambridge (Mass.) 893, 1080Canal-Louisiana Bank & (New

Orleans) 822Carnegie 36Central 196, 1079Central (Des Moines) 481Central (Mobile) 894Central of Illinois (Chicago) _ _ _ _ 348Central Bank & (Houston) _600, 1465Chelten (Phila.) 1401Chicago (Ill.) Title & 148, 671Cincinnati (O.) 212Citizens' (Utica) 537Citizens' Savings & (Cleve.) 212, 1652City (Boston) 537City (Newark) 211, 1022City Bank & (Birmingham, Ala.)1146City Savings Fund & (Lancaster,

Pa.) 599, 1401

TRUST CO'S-(Continued).Page.

Colonial (Phila.) 1276Colonial (Pittsburgh) 748, 893Columbia 210, 1144, 1339Columbia Ave. (Phila.) 212Columbia Bank & (Oklahoma).

670, 1143, 1465Commercial 211Commercial (Phila.) 1339Commercial of New Jersey (Jer-sey City) 85

Commercial Bank & (Louisville),87, 281

Commonwealth (Boston) 823Commonwealth (St. Louis) 539Continental (Bait.) 86, 428

Daviess Co. Bank & (Owens-boro, Ky.) 1965

Dollar Savings Bank & (Toledo) 212Dollar Savings & (Wheeling) __ _ 281Dominion of Canada (Montreal)_ 673

Empire 821quitable 892. 1589

Falrmount (Phila.) 1901armers' Loan & 210

Farwell (Chicago) 1145Federal (Boston) 893, 1080Fidelity 279, 1463Fidelity (Balt.) 797Fidelity (Newark) 211, 821, 952Fidelity (Phila.) 1216Fidelity (Portland, Me.) _____ _ _1080Fidelity (Tacoma) 822, 1081Fifth Ave 83First Mtge. Guarantee & (Phila.)1530Flatbush (Brooklyn) _ _ _36, 670, 1530Franklin_ _147, 211, 348, 670, 1216Franklin (Phila.) 280Fulton 210, 1400, 1589

GeneseeValley(Rochester.N. Y.) 211erman- American (Denver) _ __ 600

Girard (Phila.) 1276, 1530Globe Bank & (Paducah. Ky.). 822Greenville Banking & (Jersey

City) 1080Guarantee Title & (Cleveland) _ 599Guarantee Title & (Pitts.) _953, 1080Guaranty_ _83, 146, 210, 279.

347, 670. 1021, 1651Guardian 211, 670, 747Gulf Land & (Beaumont, Tex.) _1217

Haddington Title & (Phila.)._ _1401amilton (Brooklyn) 147, 1080

Hibernia Bank & (Denver) 538Hill Top Savings & (Pittsburgh) _ 212Hoboken (N. J.) 821Home (Brooklyn) 1339Hudson 147Hudson (Hoboken) 85Huguenot (New Rochelle) 537

i ndependence (Phila.) 1145I (Bait.) __480, 599, 1590Iron City (Pittsburgh) 1590

Kensington (Phila.) 1530ings County (Brooklyn) 211

Knickerbocker_196, $47, 535,747, 1079, 1589

Lafayette (Brookyln) 821, 1339a Salle Street (Chicago) _ _348,

481, 1022. 1217Lawyers' Title Insurance &_146, 279Lincoln 347Lincoln (Jersey City) 537Lincoln Savings & (Phila.) 1080Long Island Loan & (Brooklyn)_ 85

Manhattan 35, 196, 951Marine (Atlantic City, N. J.) _ _1589Maryland (Baltimore) 86, 280Massachusetts Trust. Co. Assn_ _1216Mechanics' (Bayonne, N. J.) - -1218Mercantile 211, 463Mercantile (St. Louis) -------600 Mercantile (San Franclsco)1217, 1402Mercer (Trenton) 211Merchants' Loan & (Chicago)86. 1402Metropolitan 210, 1216

TRUST CO'S-(Concluded).Page

MichiganAvenue (Chicago) 481Milwaukee (Wis.) 1531Minnesota Loan & (Minneapolls).1340Mississippi Valley (St. Louis) _87.110

482. 741Montgomery (Ala.) Bank & 281Morristown (N. J.) 280Mortgage (Philadelphia) 747Mortgage Guarantee & (Phila.)_ 952Morton 83Mutual Alliance 211, 892

Massau (Brooklyn) 147. 211View Brunswick (N J.) 952New Haven (Conn.) 547Newton (N. J.) 1080North America (Philadelphia) 1401Northern (Chicago) 481Northern N. Y. (Watertown). _ _1652

Ohlo Sayings Bank & (Toledo). 212hlo Valley Bank & (Cincin.) _ _1217

011 dc Metals Bank dc (Los Ang.)_ 600Old Colony (Boston)._ _980. 537.

747, 952Owensboro (Ky.) Say. Bank & 672

Dark 1400aul Revere (Boston) _ _ _280, 1216

People's (Brooklyn) 980. 599People's Bank & (New Haven)

280, 821Philadelphia (Pa.) Trust. Safe

Deposit & Insurance Co_428, 1652Plainfield (N. J) 211, 595Portland (Me.) 85. 1080

queens County (Jamaica) _-_ 537

Real Estate Title &(Phila.) ___ 747epublic (Philadelphia) 821

Rochester (N. Y.) Tr. dc Dep. Co. 537

Savings Bank &Trust Co. of theRepublic (Chicago) 1591

Security Title & (York, Pa.) _348Standard iii. 892State Street (Boston) 538. 671

Title Guarantee ec 210

Tnion 84, 951, 1021. 1464nlon (Albany) 1080. 1651

Union (Chicago) - 212Union (Detroit) 213Union (Nashville) 1340Union (New Haven) 537Union (Pittsburgh) 348Union (San Antonio) 281Union Bank & (Nashville) 1390Union Bank do (Houston) 953Union-New Haven (New Haven) 537Union Savings & (Seattle).1531. 1652Union Savings Bank & (Cincln.)

1022. 1271United States 670U. S Mortgage do 210, 279.

1339. 1464Utica (N. Y.) Trust & Dep. Co_.. 480

van Norden 36. 347. 1400

Wachovia Bank & (Winston-Salen1) 630

Wachovia Loan & (Winston-Salem) 539

Walnut Street (Phila.) 1022Washington 1339, 1651Washington (Pittsburgh) _.538,

952. 1401Waterville (Me.) 280Wayne Junction (Philadelphia) .1530Wilkinsburg (Pa.) 1530Williamsburgh (Brooklyn) _ _211.

952. 1216Windsor 147, 537, 1080. 1216Workingmen's Savings Bank &(Allegheny. Pa.) 1216. 1401

Zlon Savings Bank & (Salt LakeCity) 1402


Page.Breadstuffs, Agricultural Reportson 719, 992, 1311, 1565

I3readstuffs, British Prices, &c.(weekly). See "Monetary andCommercial English News."

BreadstufTs-Exports from U. S.(monthly) 384, 861

Breadstuffs-Market & Statistics(weekly)_61, 119, 177, 246,313, 383, 457, 512, 569, 641,718, 793, 861, 922, 992, 1053,1112, 1186, 1249, 1310. 1374,

1433, 1500, 1565, 1623, 1888

Butter. See "Commercial Times"

Cheese. See "Commercial Times"

Coffee. See "Commercial Times"

Commercial Epitome. See "Com-mercial Times" (weekly).

Commercial Times (weekly) _ _57,115, 173, 242, 309, 379, 453,509, 566, 637, 714, 789, 857,919, 988, 1049, 1107, 1181,1244, 1306, 1370, 1429, 1495,

1559, 1619, 1684Corn and Corn Meal. See "Bread-

stuffs Market" (weekly).Cotton-Agric. Reports on 1499Do British Mills Extend

Short Time 512

Do Census Bureau Reportson Ginning, &c__312, 8


Do Consumption in Europe,178, 718, 792, 1185,

1374, 1561Do Consumption &Overland

Movement (monthly),118. 382, 640. 991,

1248. 1499

Page.Cotton-Crop Estimates 1447Do Crop in Sight (weekly).Do Curtailment of Produc-

tion, &c 569, 1111Do East Indian Mills_ _312, 991Do Egyptian Crop- -312,

991, 1249, 1499Do Egyptian Report by

Cable (weekly).Do Exports in Detail from

U. S. ports (weekly).Do Exports of Yarns and

Goods from GreatBritain 245

Do Exports from U. S.(monthly) 384, 861

Do Fall River Dividends__ 640Do First Bale 1688Do Freight Rates (weekly).Do Future Markets at New

York, New Orleans &Liverpool (weekly).

Do Height of Rivers(weekly).

Do India Receipts andShipments (weekly)by cable.

Do Interior Towns Move-ment (weekly).

Do Liverpool Market (wkly).Do Manchester Market(wklY).Do Manufacturers' Exports

from U. S 383Do Market and Statistics

(weekly).Do Memphis Exchange_ _ _ 245Do New Orleans Option

Market (weekly)

Page.Cotton-New York Exchange,

1248, 1310, 1623Do Overland Movement,

Spinners' Takings.&c. (weekly).

Do Port Receipts and DailyCropMovem't (weekly) .

Do Print Cloths Market(weekly). See in "DryGoods Market."

Do Quotations at New York(daily).

Do Quotations for Middlingat New York for 32Years (weekly)

Do Quotations for Middlingat Other Markets.

Do Receipts Daily andWeekly at U. S. ports.

Do Sales of Spot and Contr'tat N. Y. (weekly).

Do Shipboard Not Cleared(weekly).

Do Stocks at United StatesPorts (weekly).

Do Visible Supply in World(weekly).

Do Weather Reports byTelegraph (weekly).

Do World's Supply andTakings (weekly).

Dry Goods Market and Statistics(weekly)__62, 120, 178, 248,315, 385, 458, 514, 571, 642,720, 794, 863, 924, 993, 1059,1613, 1187, 1250. 1312, 1375,1434, 1501, 1565, 1624, 1689

Eggs. See "Commercial Times."

PateFlour. See "Breadstuffs" (weekly)

See'Breadstuffs" (weekly).Iron. See "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Jute Butts. Bagging, &c. See"Cotton Report."

Lard Market. See "CommercialTimes" (weekly).

Lead. See "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Meats. &e "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Merchandise Stocks at N. 7.(monthly) _ _115, 379, 637,

988, 1244, 1491Metals. See "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Naval Stores. See "CommercialTimes" (weekly).

Oats Market (weekly). See"Breadstuffs."

Petroleum. See "CommercialTimes" (weekly).

Petroleum Exports from U. S.(monthly) 384. 861

Pork. See "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Provisions Exports from U. S.(monthly) 384. 861

Provisions Market (weekly).See "Commercial Times."

Sugar. See "Commercial Times"(weekly).

Tin. See "Corn. Times" (weekly).Tobacco. See "Commercial 'rinses"(weekly).

Wheat Market (weekly). Sat"Breadstuffs."

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Auction Sales of Securities. See"Commercial and Miscel-

laneous News" (weekly).

Baltimore Stock ExchangePrices (weekly). See Bank-

ers' Gazette.Bank Clearings. See in "Edi-

torial Articles."Bank of England Statements(weekly). See "Monetaryand Commercial EnglishNews." IX

Bank Notes, Changes in Total of,&c. (monthly). See "Edi-torial Articles."

Bank and Quotation Section forJan. 8, Feb. 5, Mch. 5, April 2,May 7, June 4.

Bank Statements of N. Y., Bos-ton and Phila. (weekly). See"Commercial and Miscellane-ous News" (weekly).

Bank and Trust Company State-ment, Chicago. See "Bankers'Gazette' (weekly).

Bank and Trust Company Stocks,Prices in N. Y. See "Bankers'Gazette" (weekly).

Banks of England, France, &c.(weekly). See "Financial Situ-ation" (first editorial eachweek).

Banks, National. See also Na-tional Banks,

Bankers' Gazette_ _40, 91, 152,219, 286, 354, 432, 485, 543,607, 678, 753, 828, 897, 959,1027, 1085, 1151, 1222, 1280,1345, 1407, 1470, 1537, 1596, 1659

Bonds, Prices of All Classes. See"Bankers' Gazette" (weekly).See "Bank and Quotation"Section (monthly).

Bonds. See "Titles U. S., State, 3, IMunicipal and Railroad."

Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimoreand Chicago Stock ExchangePrices (weekly). See "Bank-ers' Gazette."

(lanai and Miscellaneous Stock•.• and Bond List. See "Rail-way and Industrial" Section(quarterly).

Chicago Banks and Trust Com-pany Statement. See "Bank-ers' Gazette" (weekly).

City Bonds, Prices of. See"Bank and Quotation" Section(monthly).

Coin and Bullion Prices in N. Y.See "Bankers' Gazette." Pricesin London, see "Monetary&Commercial English News."

Commercial Epitome. See "Com-mercial Times."

Commercial and MiscellaneousNews.. 36, 88, 149, 215, 283,351, 429, 482, 540,E603, 675,

Page.750, 825, 894, 955, 1024, 1082,1148, 1219, 1277, 1342, 1403,

1467, 153301592, 1654Consols, Daily Prices of, in Lon-don. See "Monetary an.d Com-mercial English News.'

Currency Holdings of U. S.Treasury. "Editorial Articles."

Debt Statement of U. S. Seein "Editorial Articles."

Dividends Declared (weekly).See "Commercial and Miscel-laneous News.

lectriliciSo.Stock. See"Bank andQuotation"Section (monthly)

Electric By. Section Feb. 26,June 25.

England, Bank of. See "Bank."English Correspondence and CableReports (weekly). See "Mon-etary and Corn. English News."

Exchange. See "Foreign Ex-change."

Exports and Imports of Mer-chandise and Specie at N. Y.,Value of (weekly). See "Com-mercial and Miscel. News."

Exports and Imports of Mer-chandise and Specie for U. S.See "Editorial Articles."

ForeIgn Correspondence on Mar-kets (weekly). See "Monetaryand Commercial English News,

Foreign Exchange Market andPrices (weekly). See "Bank-ers Gazette."

Foreign Exchange. Sterling DailyPrices of (monthly). See 'Banand Quotation" Section,

Foreign Government Bonds. See"Bankers' Gazette" (weekly)."Bank and Quotation" Section

Gas Stocks.' See "Bankers' Ga-zette" (weekly). See "Bank

and Quotation"Sec.(monthly).Gold Exports and Imports at N.Y. (weekly). See "Commercialand Miscellaneous News."

Gold Exports and Imports, IJ. S.See "Editorial Articles."

Government Revenue and Ex-penditures (monthly). See'Editorial Articles.'

Imports and Exports of Mer-J. chandise and Specie at N. Y.(weekly). See "Commercialand Miscellaneous News."

Imports and Exports of Mer-chandise and Specie, UnitedStates (monthly). See "Edi-torial Articles."

Industrial Stocks, &c., Prices of.See "Bankers Gazette" (wkly)and "Bank and Quotation"Section (monthly).

Page.Insurance Stocks, Prices of. See"Bank and Quotation" Sec-tion.

London Letter (weekly). See"Monetary and Commercial

English News."

manufacturing Stocks. See"Bank and Quotation"

Section (monthly).Merchandise Imports and Ex-

ports at New York (weekly).See "Commercial and Miscel-laneous News.'

Merchandise Imports and Ex-ports, United States (monthly).See "Editorial Articles."

Mining Stocks, Prices of. See"Bank and Quotation" Section(monthly).

Money Market (weekly). See"Bankers' Gazette."

Miscellaneous Securities, Quota-tions of. See "Bankers' Ga-zette" (weekly) and "Bank andQuotation" Section (monthly).

Monetary and Commercial Eng-lish News_ _36, 88, 148, 214,282, 350, 429, 482, 539, 603,673, 748. 823, 894, 955, 1023,1082, 1147, 1218, 1277, 1342,

1402, 1466, 1533, 1591, 1654Money Market in London, &c.(weekly). See "Monetary andCommercial English News.'

Money Stock in United States.See "Editorial Articles."

Municipal Bonds. See "Bank andQuotation" Section (monthly).See "State & City" Set ionMay 28.

Mational Banks Organized. &c.AI 36, 88, 216, 284, 351, 483,541, 604, 675, 750, 825, 895,956, 1024, 1082, 1148, 1219,1278, 1342, 1403, 1467, 1533,

1593, 1655New York City Bank Statement(weekly). See "Bankers' Ga-zette' and "Commercial andMiscellaneous News."

New York City Exports and Im-ports (weekly). See "Com-mercial and MiscellaneousNews."

N.Y. City Foreign Trade_ _216.675, 750, 1024, 1404

N. Y. Stock Exch'ge. See Stock.

nutside Securities. See "Bank-ers' Gazette" (weekly).

Phlladelphla Bank Statementand Prices of Stocks and

Bonds (weekly). See "Bank-ers' Gazette.

Raliroad Earnings. See "Edi-torial Articles" (monthly).

Page.See "Investment and RailroadIntelligence" (weekly).

Railroad Stock and Bond List.See "Railway and Industrial"Section (quarterly).

Railroad Stocks and Bonds.Prices of. See "Bankers' Ga-zette" (weekly). See "Bank& Quotation" Section (mthly).

Railway Earnings Section, Jan.22; Feb. 19, Mch. 19, April 23,May 21, June 18.

Railway and Industrial Sectionfor January and April

Sliver and Gold Exports and Im-ports at New York (weekly).

See "Commercial and Miscel-laneous News."

Silver and Gold Exports and Im-ports of U. S. (monthly). See"Editorial Articles."

State Bonds. See "Bankers Ga-zette" (weekly). "Bank andQuotation" Section (monthly).

State and City Section May 28.Sterling Exchange. See "ForeignExchange."

Stock and Bond Market andPrices, N. Y.. Boston, Phila.,Baltimore and Chic. (weekly).See "Bankers' Gazette.'

Stock and Bond Tables. See"Railway and Industrial"Section (quarterly).

Stocks and Bonds, General Quo-tations. See "Bank and Quo-tation' Section (monthly).

Stocks, Bonds, &c_,. Volume ofBusiness on New York, Bostonand Philadelphia Exchanges(weekly)__50, 994162, 227,296, 384, 442, 493,1 551, 615,688, 761, 838, 905, 967, 1035,1093, 1159, 1232, 1290, 1353

1415, 1480' 1545, 1606, 1667Stocks (American), Dolly Prices

in London. See "Monetary &Commercial English News."

Street Railway Securities. See"Bank & Quotation" Section.

Street Railway Section-See Elec.tric Railway Section.

Street Railway and TractionEarnings (weekly). See "In-vestment & RR Intelligence."

1111 rid

Telegraph & Telephone Stecks,&c., Prices of. See Bank

& Quotation" Section (mthly).Trust Company Stocks. See"Bank and T ust Co. Stocks."

United States Securities MarketkJ and Prices (weekly). See"Bankers' Gazette." Prices inLondon (weekly). See "Mone-tary and Commercial EnglishNews" (monthly). See "Bankand Quotation" Section,

RAILROADS AND INDUSTRIALS-INVESTMENT INTELLIGENCE.Annual Reports are Indexed in Black-faced Figures.


Abbotsford& Northeastern RR _1237dams Express Co 238, 448

Alabama Consol. Coal & Iron Co.PIP 1241, 1492Alabama Fuel & Iron Co 1679Ala, N. 0. T. & P. Juno. Rye_ _ _ 558Alabama & Vicksburg By 1361Albany & Northern Ry 501Albany & Susquehanna RR_ 913Albemarle & Chesap. Canal Co.._ 374Alberta & Great Waterways Ry. 558Alberta By. & Irrigation Co.. _.....1169Albuquerque (N. M.) Gas, Elec-

tric Light & Power Co 1492Algoma Central & Hudson BayBy 1101, 1553

Allegheny Steel Co 628Allegheny Valley Ry_558, 848, 976Alliance Oil Co 111Alliance Realty Co 700Alpha Portland Cement Co.,Easton, Pa 628

Altoona & Beech Creek RR__ _1237Altus Roswell & El Paso Ry 558Amalgamated Asbestos Corp.,Ltd., Montreal__169, 374, 504, 851

Amalgamated Copper Co.._ _304,628, 693, 700, 1045, 1426, 1550

Amer. Agile, Chem. Co.._.. _304, 1556American Beet Sugar CO.. ..1298, 1360Amer. Brake Shoe & FoundryCo.

238, 561, 1240, 1492, 1556American Brass Co _ 696American Can Co 371, 504, 629American Cement Co 169American Chicle Co 238American Cities B. & Light Co.

107, 913, 1042, 1612American Coal Co 561American Cotton Oil Co.._ _374, 1241Amer. District Telegraph Co. ofNew Jersey 448, 912

Amer. District Telegraph Co. ofNew York 304, 912. 1241

American Express Co_304, 374, 1364American Farm Products Co.... _ 111American Gas Co 978, 1046,

1103, 1422, 1426, 1556, 1615American Glue co 1298American Hardware Corp _ _ _1046American Ice Co 165, 374, 851American Ice Securities Co.. _851, 974American Iron & Steel Mfg. Co.

448, 1556, 1612American Light & Traction Co.

107, 239, 370. 973American Linseed Co 851American Locomotive Co 700American Lumber Co., Cleveland&o 700, 1679

Page.American Manufacturing Co_ - -1615American Milling Co 700Amer. Multigraph Co., Cleveland1679Amer. 011 Fields Co., Los Ang_ _1492American Piano Co 304, 772Amer. Pipe & Construction Co.... 371American Pipe Manufacturing Co 169American Pneumatic Service Co.

169, 449, 504, 701American Poiver & Light Co.169,

851, 1556Amer. Radiator Co.. _ __374, 622. 629American Railways.... _ _165, 235, 371American Real Estate Co 371American Rolling Mill Co., Mid-dletown, 0 701

Amer. Round Bale Press Co...... _ 304American Seeding Machine Co....1046American Sewer Pipe Co.. _ ....561, 624American Shipbuilding Co 1046American Silk Co., New York_ _1426American Slate Co 1679American Smelters SecuritiesCo 300, 1046

Amer. Smelt. & Henn. Co _300. 772American Snuff Co.__ _629, 693, 1492Am. Steel Foundries_629, 1172, 1492American Strawboard Co 374Amer. Sugar Refining Co_ .164.

169, 701, 769, 1615, 1679Amer. Telephone & TelegraphCo__239, 504, 561, 629, 696,

768. 772, 781, 916, 1046Amer. Tobacco Co.... _ _374, 693.

1046, 1241, 1364Amer. Union Telephone Co_ 111, 1492American Water Co., Wichita 55Amer. Water-Works & Guaran-

tee Co., Pittsburgh 449, 504Amer. Window Glass Co.. _1172, 1427American Woolen Co.._ _622, 636. 701American Wringer Co 304Amer. Writing-Paper Co_ ......504, 625Amer. Zinc, Lead de Smelting Co.1241Anaconda Copper Mining Co.

305, 561, 773, 851, 916,1046, 1364, 1551

Anglo-American Telegraph Co_ _1427Ann Arbor RR _446, 770, 976, 1101Ardmore (Okla.) Traction Co_ 913Argentine Central By 1237Arizona Commercial Copper Co _1241Arizona Eastern RR 446Arkansas Okla. & Western RR 235Arkansas de Territorial Oil & GasCo., Fort Smith 239

Armour & Co 370, 1679Arnold Print Works 629Aroostook Valley RR 107Associated Gas & Electric Co _1679

Page.Associated Merchants:Co 694Associated 011 Co., San Francisco

504, 701, 916, 1172, 1484Astoria Seaside & Tillamook(Electric) By 1612

Atchison By., Light & PowerCo_1553Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe By.

302, 848, 913, 1043, 1489, 1612Athens Ga.) Electric By 1101Athens (Ga.) By. de Electric Co.

1101, 1423Atlanta Birm. de Atlantic RR.

165, 235, 1237, 1295, 1489Atlanta & West Point RR_ _235. 913Atlantic City Co., New Jersey 111Atlantic City Gas Co 111,916Atlantic City Gas & Water Co__ 111Atlantic City & Shore RR 1424Atlantic Coast Line Co. of Conn_ 302Atlantic Coast Line RR_ _166, 1238Atlantic Gulf & West Indies SS.

Lines_ _ _374, 504, 1166, 1241, 1679Atlantic Ice & Coal Corporation.. 701Atlantic & Lake Superior By.... 107Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.._ 305Atlantic Quebec & Western By.

107, 1044Atlantic & Suburban By 1424Aurora Elgin & Chicago RR_ __ _ 302Ayer Mills 701

Baldwin Co. (Pianos, &c.), On_ 625aldwin Locomotive Works,

1046, 1104, 1556Baltimore County Water & Elec-

tric Co 916Bait. & Ohio RR_ _107, 166, 501,696, 770, 848, 1101, 1238,

1295. 1361Balt. & Ohio-Chicago TerminalRR____166, 235, 625, 1101, 1295

Bangor & Aroostook RR_ _ _848, 913Bartlett-Florence RR 976, 1612Baton Rouge (La.) Water Co...... 449Battery Place Realty Co 629Bear Valley Irrigation Co., Red-lands, Cal 111

Bear Valley Mutual Water Co..Redlands 111

Beaumont do Great North. RR 235Beaumont Sour Lake do WesternBy 976, 1424

Beaver Dam Coal Co 374Bell Telephone Co. of Canada..... 561Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri 581Bell Telephone Co. of Pa_ _501, 1679Bellefonte Central RR 848Belt Line By. of Montgomery... 107Belton & Temple (Tex.) TractionCo 501, 913, 1295

PageBemis]Bros. Bag Co., St. Louis_ 374Benton (Geo.P.) Co. of Chic.,&c.1172Bergner & Engel Brewing Co.,

Philadelphia 701Berkshire Street Ry_1295, 1553, 1612Bethlehem Steel Corp 974, 1427Big Lost River Irrig. Co., Idaho_ 701Bingham & Garfield By 1674Binghamton (N Y.) BY 770Birmingham (Ala.) By., Light& Power Co 53

Birmingham (Ala.) Terminal,Co_ 848Bituminous Coal Cos 916, 1679Bieecker Street de Fulton FerryBy., N. Y 913

Bloomington Pontiac & JolietElectric By 235

Bolivia Railway 107Booth Fisheries Co_ 106, 701, 1492Borax Consolidated 851Borden's Condensed Milk Co_ 1241Boston & Albany RR _1169, 1612Boston Cape Cod & New YorkCanal Co 1364

Boston Consol. Copper & GoldMining Co., Ltd 701

Boston Elevated By. ..105, 235. 1554Boston Fish Terminal, Inc 1172Boston & Lowell RR_ _108, 625, 696Boston & Maine RR....235, 446,

501, 625Boston Railroad Holding Co.,

371, 446, 501, 770, 1612Boston Suburban Electric Cos..- 53Boston & Worcester Elec. Cos_ _1674Boston & Worcester St. Ry_625, 770Bridgeport Brass Co 701Brill (J. G.) Co., Philo 449, 501Brinson By 1554, 1674Bristol (Va.-Tenn.) Gas & Elec-

tric Co 976, 1295Bristol Manufacturing Corpora-

tion, New Bedford, Mass 1046British Columbia Electric Ry 625British Columbia Packers' Assn.,

239, 305, 449Bronx Gas & Electric Co_ _ _701, 1679Brooklyn Borough Gas Co_ _629, 773Brooklyn City RR. 558. 625, 770, 1044Brooklyn Development Co 773Brooklyn Heights RR 168Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co _166,302, 502, 558, 625, 696, 770,

976, 1044, 1238, 1295Brooklyn Union Elevated RR _1295Brooklyn Union Gas Co_916,1365Brunswick Terminal & By. Se-

curities Co 53Buckeye Steel Casting Co 374Buffalo & Lackawanna Trac. Co_ 235

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Page.Buffalo Roch. & Pitts. Ry_ _371, 558Buffalo & Susquehanna Iron Co.,

374, 449, 1365Buffalo & Susquehanna Ry_371,

446, 848, 1044, 1238, 1361. 1489Bull's Head 011 Wks., San Fran_ 773Burlington County By., Mt.

Holly, N. J 236, 1361, 1612Burroughs Adding Machine Co__ 773

Co.,Burt (F. N.) Toronto__ 701Bush Terminal Co_ _629, 1167,

1427, 1615Butler Bros. Chicago 239, 1046Butte Coalition Mining Co 1552Butte Electric & Power Co 561Butterick Co 847

California-Arizona Pipe LineCo.1492alifornia 011 Record 1492

California Petroleum Refineries,111, 1298

Calif. Western RR. do Nay. Co 625California Wine Assn 701, 1612Calumet & Arizona Mining Co__ 978Calumet & Hecla Min. Co. .978, 1492Oalumet & South Chicago Ry.,

53, 1044, 1483Cambria Steel Co., Phila. _ _239,

769, 773, 1365Camden do Trenton Ry_ _ _ _446,

770, 913, 1238Camden & Trenton Traction Co_1361Canada Atlantic Ry 1169Canada Bolt & Nut Co.

' Ltd_ __ _1679

Canada Cement Co_ _916, 1168, 1172Canada Iron Corp., Ltd___239,

773, 916, 1427Canadian Car & Foundry Co.',

Ltd 170, 374, 504Canadian Cereal & Milling Co.,

Ltd 1172, 1241Canadian Collieries, Ltd 1427Canadian Colored Cotton Mills Co.1241Canadian Cons. Rubber Co_629, 1294Canadian General Electric Co.,

916, 1365, 1611Canadian Northern Ry_108, 236,625, 696, 770, 976, 1295, 1424,

1489, 1674Canadian Northern Ontario By. 770Canadian Pacific Ry_1044, 1169,

• 1295, 1361, 1674Canadian Steel Corp., Ltd_1556, 1679Canadian Western Lumber Co.,

Ltd 1427Canadian Westinghouse Co 916Capital Gas & Electric Co.,

Frankfort, Ky 851Capital Traction Co., Washing-ton, D. C 166, 621

Carbon Transit Co 1674Carbondale (Pa.) Ry,_ 1044Carborundum Co., NiagaraFalls,N. Y 1493

Carlton Cons. Lumber Co., Ore 111Carolina Clinchfteld & Ohio By.. 558Carolina Power & Light Co.,

Raleigh, N. C 1361Carriage Factories, Ltd ........978978Casein Co. of America_ _ _1298, 1489Castle Valley Coal Co., Salt LakeCity 112

Catawba Power Co 773Cedar Rapids (Ia.) Gas Light Co_ 1679Central Counties By., Ontario 1169Central District & Printing Tele-

gragh Co., Pittsburgh 112Central Foundry Co., New York

504, 561, 629, 773, 979Central Indiana Lighting Co_ _ _ _ 979Central Iron & Coal Co 629Central Leather Co_

- _558, 561, 1173

Central Maine Power Co 851Central Mexico Light & Pow. Co.

239, 449, 701Central New England By. _1238,

1295, 1362, 1489Central RR. of New Jersey_ _236,

502, 697, 976, 1296, 1612, 1675Central By. Syndicate_ ..1296, 1424Central & South American Tele-

graph Co 851, 912Central Union Teleph. Co_ _851, 1173Chambersburg Greencastle &Waynesboro Street By. (Pa.). 236

Charleston (S. C.) Consol. By.,Gas & Electric Co 1101, 1169

Charleston (S. C.) Consol. By. &Lighting Co • 1101

Chattanooga Southern RR_ _771, 848Chattanooga & Tennessee RiverPower Co 1365, 1427

Chesapeake & Delaware CanalCo. 1556

Chesapeake & Ohio Ry_502, 771,848, 913, 1170, 1362

Chesapeake Steamship Co 1365Chicago & Alton RR_ _372, 697,

771, 1296, 1424, 1613Chic. Blue Isl. do Joliet Elec. Ry_1613Chicago Burlington & Quincy

RIt 302, 372, 1675Chicago Cincinnati & LouisvilleRR 1044, 1362, 1424, 1675

Chicago City & Connecting Itys.53, 108, 558, 625, 848, 1675

Chic. City Ry_53, 372, 625, 767, 771Chicago Consol. Traction Co_166,

302, 446, 1362, 1424, 1613, 1675Chicago & Eastern Illinois

RIt_- 559

Chicago Great Western RR_ _53,626, 1044, 1554

Chicago Indiana & Southern RR. 692Chic. Indianap. & Louisv. By,697, 1613

Chic. Joliet & St. Louis Elec.Ry_ 236Chicago Junction Rys. & Union

Stock Yards Co 55, 444, 1615Chic. Lake Shore & Eastern By.

108, 1170Chicago Lumber & Coal Co_ _674, 979Chicago Memphis & Gulf RR.... 302Chicago & Milwaukee Elec. RR_ 372Chicago Milwaukee & St. PaulRy__108, 771, 848,1170, 1238,

1296, 1424, 1489, 1554, 1675Chic. & Milw. Transportation Co. 561Chicago North Shore Street By.

166, 302. 1362Chicago & North Western By.

166, 372, 559, 697, 1489Chicago Peoria & St. Louis By.

53, 104, 1675Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co_500,

561, 1104. 1241

Page.Chicago Rallways_302, 446, 559,

1099, 1362, 1424, 1489Chicago Railway Equipment Co_1168Chicago Rock Island & PacificRy_108, 166, 236, 302, 502,

626, 771, 848, 913, 1170,1362, 1424, 1675

Chicago Southern By 1490Chicago & Southern Traction Co.

302, 626Chicago Subway Co 771, 848Chicago Telephone Co 449, 701Chicago Term Transfer RR_108, 166Chicago Union Traction Co_ 559Chic. 44 West. Indiana RR 447, 1296Chicopee (Mass.) Gas Light Co_ _1241Childs' (Restaurant) Co., N. Y.

375, 505, 916, 1615Chippewa Valley By., Light &Power Co 697

Cin. Bluffton & Chicago RR__ _ 697Ctn. Hamilton & Dayton Ry_54

236, 626, 771, 1044, 1101, 1554Cincinnati Milling Machine Co_

- - 629

-Cincinnati Northern RR_ _ _372, 697Cincinnati Union Depot &Term-

inal Co 1362Citizens' Gas Co.. Terre Haute_ _1365Citizens' Gas & Electric Co.,

Waterloo, Iowa 305Citizens' Gas & Fuel Co., TerreHaute 1679

Citizens' Light & Transit Co.,Pine Bluff, Ark 976

Citizens' Teleph. Co. of Houston.1241Citizens' Water & Light Co.,Shel-

byville, Ind 239, 1556City & Elm Grove RR 1613Clafiln (H. B.) Co 165, 561Clev. & Chagrin Falls ElectricRR 447, 771

Cleveland, Cinc. Chic. & St. LouisRy., 108, 372, 447, 626, 691,712, 1238, 1296, 1424, 1554, 1613

Cleveland Electric Ill, Co., 112,305, 375, 505

Cleveland (Electric) By., 167,302, 502, 626, 771, 1044, 1675

Clev. Painesville & East. RR__ (21Clev. & Sandusky Brewing Co__ 561Clev. Southwestern & Colum. By. 913Cleveland SS. Co 851, 1493Cleveland (0.) Worsted Mills Co.

1427, 1493Coal & Coke By 1613Coaling° Water & Electric Co..

Fresno, Cal 1556Cockerill Zinc Co., Pittsburgh,Kan 449, 1241

Colorado Fuel do Iron Co 1104Colorado Midland By 447Colorado By. Light & Power CoTrinidad, Colo 167

Colorado Southern Irrigation Co_1104Colorado & Southern RR 372Col. So. N. 0. & Pao. RR 848Colorado (Bell) Telephone Co.. _1298Colts Arms Co 1616Columbia Gas & Elec. Co., 239, 845Columbia Motor Car Co.. 1173Col. Delaware & Marlon Ry 372Col. (0.) Gas & Fuel Co.., 1486, 1680Columbus & Hocking Coal & IronCo 305, 1365, 1556, 1680

Col. (0.) By. & Light Co., 303,502, 559, 1238

Commonwealth Edison Co., Chic. 561Commonwealth Power & Electric

Co., Georgetown, Colo 629Commonwealth Power By. &

Light Co__108, 447, 626, 916, 976Comstock Tunnel Co 916Concord & Montreal RR 54Coney Island & Brooklyn RR.,

697, 771Connecticut Valley Street By.,Northampton, Mass 1554

Conrad Land & Water Co., Mont. 170Consol. Car Heating Co 1680Consol. Coal Co. of Saginaw, Mich 375Consol. Cotton Duck Co.

' 702,

845, 916, 1556Consol. Gas Co., New York, 301,

702, 773, 851, 916, 1104Consol. Gas Electric Light & Pow.Co., Baltimore, 375, 970, 1046

1173, 1493, 1557Consol. Ice Co., Pittsburgh 702Consol. Indiana Coal Co 505Consol. Lighting Co. of Vt 1173Consol. Milk Exchange 629Consol. By, do Pow. Co., Fayette-

ville, N C 848, 1170, 1613Consol. Rubber Tire Co 916Consol. Telephone Cos. of Pa .1493Consolidation Coal Co , Md _773,

846, 1298Consumers' Gas Co., Toronto,

112, 773, 1046, 1487Consumers' Gas & Fuel Co., At-

lantic City 112, 916Consumers' Gas Trust Co., In-

dianapolis 629Consumers' Pow. Co.,Chic.,1298,1680Continental Can Co 505Continental (Fire) Insurance Co.,N.Y 629

Continental Telephone & Tele-graph Co 1427, 1493, 1557

Copper Range Consol. Co 1241Copper River & N. W. RR___ _1490Corn Products Relining Co. 845,

851, 1173, 1294Coatilla Estates Dev. Co 629Courtney Co., Charleston W.Va. 505Cramp (Wm.) & Sons, Ship &

Engine Building Co... .910, 1616Crex Carpet Co 449, 695, 1241Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co., Ltd_1168Crucible Steel Co. of America

55, 773, 1616, 1680Crystal City & Uvalde RR 447Crystal Park olo, Spas-. 305Crystal Springs

Co.,(Mass.) Bleach-

ing & Dyeing Co 1557Cuba RR 167, 1675Cuban-American Sugar Co., 916

1046, 1680Cudahy Packing Co., Chicago,

305, 375Cumberland (Bell) Telephone &

Telegraph Co 375, 501Curtis Publishing Co 449Cuyahoga Telephone Co., Cleve-

land 112. 505, 1104


Dallas Cleburne & Southw. By. 502anbury & Bethel Gas & Elec-

tric Light Co 375Dartmouth & Westport St. By.. _1296Dayton Breweries Co 375. 1046Dayton (0.) Gas Co 702Dayton (0.) Gas Lt. & Coke Co_ 702Dayton (Tex.) Lumber Co 505Deere & Co., Moline, Ill 375Delaware & Hudson Co 54,

167, 911, 1044. 1296, 1424Delaware & Eastern By.. _447,

559, 626, 697Delaware Lackawanna & West-ern Coal Co 55, 561

Delaware Lackawanna & West-ern RR 54, 557, 559, 697Delaware RR_ _167, 447, 502,

559, 913. 1554Delaware River Iron Shipbidg.& EngineWks.,Chester,Pa.629, 851

De Long Hook & Eye Co 917Denver City Tramway 109Denver Gas 44 Electric Co_ _112,

449, 702Denver Gas & Electric Lt. Co .112Denver & Inter-Mountain By.,

697, 1675Denver Laramie & Northw. RR_1238Denver & Northwestern By.... 167Denver Northwestern & PacificBy 502, 697

Denver Reservoir Irrigation Co.,1427, 1557

Denver & Rio Grande BR. .620, 848Denver Tramway Power Co_ _ _ _1044Denver Union Water Co_ _1298.

1493, 1616Deschutes Irrigation & PowerCo 112, 449, 917Des Moines & Fort Dodge RR _1675

Detroit Edison Co. .375, 449,562, 773, 1616

Detroit Mackinac & MarquetteRR. Land Grant 914. 1489Detroit Toledo & Ironton By.,167, 447, 559, 626, 1490, 1554

Detroit United By.. .372, 445,976, 1101

Diamond Match Co. .239, 375,449. 501, 1237, 1242

Dierks Lumber & Coal Co., Kan-sas City 851

Dilworth Coal Co, Pittsburgh 979

Distillers' Sec. Corp_ _305, 375, 449Doe River Electric Lt. & Pow. Co1298Doherty Securities Co 375Domestic Sewing Machine Co _1680Dominion Atlantic By... 1238,

1362. 1424. 1490Dominion Coal Co _55, 702,979, 1042, 1044. 1104, 1242

Dominion Iron & Steel Co_ _55,702. 1044, 1104, 1173. 1616, 1673

Dominion Natural Gas Co 449Dominion Power & Transmis. Co. 626Dominion Steel & Coal Corp.,

1104, 1557, 1680Dominion Textile Co 1493, 1553Draper Co.

' Boston 979

Dreamland Corp., Coney Island_1298Duluth Missabe & Nor. Ry_236, 1362Duluth Superior Traction Co.,

627, 848, 1296Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific By.,

1424, 1490Dunkirk Allegheny Valley & Pitts-burgh RR 848, 1490

Dunlop Connellsville Coke Co_ _ _1616duPont de Nemours Powder Co.,

499, 507, 1173, 1365, 1616duPont International Powd. Co. 449

Vast Liverpool (0.) Traction& Light Co 1490East Ohio Gas Co_240, 375,

629, 852, 1173East St. Louis do Suburban Co 54Eastern Kentucky By 1362Eastern Michigan Edison Co_ _ _ _1616Eastern Ohio Traction Co., Cleve-land 167, 447, 1238, 1613

Eastern Steel Co, Pottsville, Pa_ 170Eastman Kodak Co. .852, 975, 979Easton & Washington (N. J.)Traction Co 1170

Eau Claire (Wis.) Gas Light Co 449Economy Light & Power Co..

Joliet, Ill 979, 1616Edison Electric Ill. Co. of Bos-ton 55, 112. 1046, 1298, 1680

Edison Phonograph Co 375Electric Bond do Share Co_ _170, 852Electric Properties Co 1365Electric Storage Battery Co_ 769Electric Vehicle Co 702Electrical Development Co 917Elizabeth River RR. of Virginia_1044Elizabeth & Trenton RR 1362Elizabethtown Terminal By.,

236, 1044'. 1362El Paso (Tex.) Electrlc Co_ _109, 502El Paso (Tex.) Gas & Elec.Co 852El Paso (Tex.) Water Co 1298Empire District • Electric Co..Kansas, Mo 112

Empire Steel & Iron Co 917Enid (Okla.) Electric & Gas Co_1616Enid Ochiltree & Western RR 447Erie RR___303. 1362, 1425, 1613Esmond (R. I.) Mills 505Estates of Long Beach, N. Y__ _1680Evansville Railways 1362Everett (Wash.) Gas Co 1242Everett & Tacoma By 1101

rairbanks (N. K.) Co., Chicago_ 375airmount & Clarksburg Trac.Co 109, 1044, 1238

Fall River (Mass.) El. Lt. Co_ __ _1493Fassett (Quebec) Lumber Co.,Ltd 1173

Fayette County (Pa.) Gas Co.,1173, 1298, 1493

Federal Light do Trac. Co., N. Y. 1490Federal Mining & Smelting Co_ 1365Federal Sugar Refining Co 1298Federal (Independent) Teleph.& Teleg. Co., Buffalo 107

Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.,Akron 1493

First Nat. Copper Co 979Fisk Rubber Co., Chicopee,Mass 505, 562

Fitchburg RR 109, 167

Page.Florida Central RR 1170Florida East Coast By 1362Florida By 447, 1362Ford Collieries Co 773Ft. Dodge Des Moines do So. RR.1554Ft. Smith Light do Traction Co..

236, 303, 372, 914Ft. Wayne & Springfield (Elec.)By 1101

Ft. Wayne & Wabash ValleyTraction Co 627

Ft. Worth & Denver Term. By... 372Ft. Worth Stock Yards Co 449Forty-Second St. Manhattanville& St. Nicholas Av. By., 54,372, 771, 1170, 1425, 1613, 1675

Fountain Valley Land 44 Irrig.Co., Colorado Springs 305

Frederick (Md.) RR 1296French Bros.-Bauer Co., Cinn_ ..1298Frisbie & Stansfield Knitting

Co., Utica, N. Y 1104Frontier Telephone uffalo_ 112Fulton St. RR.. New

Co.,Vork 1675

Galveston Harrisburd& San An-tonio Ry 372, 914, 1554.

Galveston-Houston Elec. Co.,372, 559, 1613

Galveston-Houston Elec. Ry____ 697Galveston Wharf Co 1488Garden City Drainage Co., La_ 449Garland Corp. (Pittsburgh) 696Gary & Interurban By 1675Geary St. Park & Ocean RR.,San Francisco 54, 1170

General Asphalt Co., 449, 1298, 1423General Chemical Co., 306, 369.

505, 702General Electric Co., 1167. 1178, 1298General Motors Co., N Y. 852General Railway Signal Co.1489, 1616Geneva Corning & South. RR_ _ _ 167Georges Creek Coal & Iron Co.,

Baltimore 112, 630. 1298Georgia & Florida Ry 842Georgia Power Co 1242Georgia RR. & Banking Co. 559, 1362Georgia By. & Electric Co., 236, 502Georgia Sou. & Fla. By 848Georgia Southwest. do Gulf RR 109Gila Valley Globe do Nor. By. _ _ _ 447Gilbert Transportation Co 1557Gilchrist Transport. Co_ _ _ _106, 449Glenwood Springs (Col.) Light &Water Co 240

Goff (D.) & Sons, Pawtucket,R.I. 852Goldfield Consol. Mines Co 1680Goshen Coal Co., Cleveland 375Gottlieb-Bauernschmtdt-StraussBrewing Co., Baltimore 1173

Granby Consol. Mining, Smelting& Power Co., Ltd 112, 852

Grand Rapids & Indiana Ry.,1044, 1166

Grand Rapids-Muskegon PowerCo 112

Grand Trunk Pacific BranchLines Co 1044

Grand Trunk Pac. Devel. Co_ _ _ _ 306Grand Trunk By., 167, 447, 502,

559, 627, 771, 1044, 1165, 1170Grand Trunk Pacific By... _303, 1044Grand Trunk Pacific Terminal &Development Co 306

Grand Trunk Western By 1239Gray's Harbor Ry. & Lt.Co.,914.1490Great Lakes Towing Co.

' 1104. 1680

Great Northern Iron Ore Proper-ties 562, 630, 846, 917

Great Northern By 303, 559697, 771, 842. 1613

Great South Bay Water Co.,Islip, &c 1173

Great Western Cereal Co., 1493,1557. 1673

Greeley Square Realty Co.. N. Y.1816Green Bay & Western RR 30$Greene Consol. Copper Co 1616Groveton Lupkin & Northern By. 109Guanajuato P. do El. Co., Colo.Springs_240, 449, 702, 1104, 1169

Guayaquil & Quito By 1170Guggenheim Exploration Co_ _ _ _ 369Gulf Coast & Prov. City Ry___ _1363Gulf Line By 502Gulf & Northwestern By 1613Gulf & Ship Island RR 447Gulf Texas & Western By 109Gunther's (C. G.) Sons, N. Y.(Furriers) 773

Ilackensack Water Co.. Wee-hawken. N. J 1,4,

Harlingen (Texas) Land & WaterCo 1298, 1427

Hamilton Mfg. Co.. Lowell 1365Hamilton (Ont.) Steel & Iron Co. 449Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. 505Hardwick & Magee Co., Phila 630Harrison Bros. & Co. (Inc.) ___ _1046Hartford Carpet Corp 562Hartford City (Conn.) Gas Lt. Co. 449Hartford Electric Light Co_1298,1616Hartford Gas Securities Co 449Hartford & Springfield St. By.. _1239Hartford & Worcester St. Ry_ ..1296Harwood Electric Co 1616Haselton (Pa.) Steel Tube Co_ 376Havana Electric Ry_1044, 1490, 1610Havana Tobacco Co 630, 693Hawaiian Commercial Sugar 00_1104Hegeman & Co 630Helena (Mont.) Water-WorksCo 240, 1365, 1557

Helvetia Copper Co., Boston.. _ _ 702Hemming Mfg. Co., Garfleid,N.J. 376Henderson (Ky.) Traction Co__ _1363Hilo RR., Honolulu 1425, 1613Hocking Valley Ry.697, 771, 849,976, 1101, 1239, 1296. 1363. 1613

Holmesburg Tacony & FrankfordElect. By., Phila. _109, 976, 1490

Homestake Mining Co 630, 852Home Telephone Co. of PugetSound 1174, 1680

Home Telephone & Telegraph

Co., Los Angeles 1427

Home Telephone & TelegraphCo. of Portland, Ore 1174

Honduras Nat. BR.. .109. 559, 849Honolulu Rap. Tran. do Land Co. 976Hood Rubber Co 240Hoster-Columbus Associated

Breweries, Columbus, Ohio_ _ _ 306

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INDEX. Lxxxx.

Page.Hotel La Salle, Chicago 630Hotel Sherman, Chicago 1174Houston (Tex.) Ltg. & Pow. Co.. 112Houston & Texas Central RR

54, 914, 1363Hudson Companies_ _ _234, 236,

447, 502, 627, 1614Hudson County (N. J.) WaterCo 170, 449, 979. 1242

Hudson & Manhattan RR_ _110,502, 1041, 1044, 1296, 1425, 1614

Hudson Navigation Co 376Hudson Illy. Elect. Pow. Co.. 505, 630Huntingdon & Broad Top Mtn.RR. & Coal Co 372, 447, 911

Huron Steel & Iron Co.._ _ _306. 1242

Illinois Brick Co_ _55, 446, 449,852 ,917, 979, 1242

Illinois Central RR 1554Illinois Lakes Light & Power Co.,

Chicago 376Illinois Light & Traction Co..

Streator, Ill 1614Illinois Southern Ry_ _167, 697, 1239Illinois Traction Co .. _303, 559Illinois Tunnel Co_ _ _ _559-, 771, 849Illinois Valley Gas & Electric Co.1617Imperial Electric Light Heat &Power Co., St. Louis 852Imperial Paper Mills of Canada_ _1681Imperial Window Glass Co., Pitts. 979Incandescent Light & Stove Co.(Cinn.) 852

Improved Property Holding Co.,A Y 1365

Independent Telephone Co..Omaha 630, 979, 1242

Indian Refining Co., Cinn_376, 450Indiana & Michigan Electric Co.,

Elkhart, &c 170Indiana Union Traction Co 627Indianapolis & Cinn. Tract. Co_ _1170Indianapolis Crawfordsville &

Western Traction Co 372Indianapolis Traction & TerminalCo 1101, 1239

Indianapolis Water Co 1557Ingersoll-Rand Co 912, 917Inland Steel Co 505Interborough-Metropol. Co _234, 1491Interborough Rapid Transit Co.

499, 849. 976, 1170Inter-Continental Rubber Co.,

170, 376, 562, 1428Inter-Mountain By 697Internat. Agric. Corp., N.Y .630, 1557International & Great NorthernRR 1170, 1296, 1425

International Harvester Co 112,170, 306, 376, 450, 562

1099. 1105, 1242International Nickel Co_ _1493. 1553Internat. Paper Co_1428, 1493, 1557International Salt Co 852, 1100Internat. Silver Co.._ _505, 623, 1428Internat. Smelting & RefiningCo 450, 1552

Internat. Smokeless Powder &Chemical Co 450

International Steam Pump Co.,306, 376, 1293, 1298, 1674

Internat. Text Book Co 979Internat. Traction Co 1675Inter-Ocean Telephone & Tele-graph Co., Buffalo 112

Inter-State Commerce Comm'n_1676Inter-State Independent Tele-phone & Telegraph Co. of Ill_ _1493

Inter-State Rys..

Philadelphia,372, 771, 977, 1170, 1239

Investment & Railroad Intelli-gence_51, 102, 163, 230, 297,385, 443, 496, 554, 618, 689,764, 839, 908, 970, 1038, 1096,1162, 1233, 1291, 1356, 1418,

1481, 1548, 1607, 1670Iowa (Bell) Telephone Co 1105Iron & Steel Products Co., Phila.1681Iroquois Iron Co., Chicago_ _55, 112

Tackson (G. W.), Inc., Chicago_ 240acksonville (Fla.) Gas Co 450

Jamestown Franklin & Clear-field Ry 167, 697, 1554

Jamison Coal & Coke Co., Pitts-burgh 113, 376

Janesville (Wis.) Street Ry_697, 977Jefferson &Clearfield Coal &I .Co.. 1242Jeffersonville (Ind.) Water, Light& Power Co 1681

Jeffersonville (Ind.) Water Wks.Co 306

Jersey City Water Supply Co630, 1298Johnstown Passenger By _ _502, 849Johnstown (Pa.) Trac. Co_ _698, 849Jones & Laughlin Steel Co_505, 1365Jortlin & Pittsburgh (Electric) 914, 1170

Joplin Union Depot Co 502, 627Juanita Water & Water Power

Co., Huntingdon, Pa 306, 505

Kanawha & Michigan Ry 54,697, 849, 977, 1425

Kansas City Belt By 627Kansas City Ft. Scott & Mem.Ry1101Kansas City Home Tel. Co_702, 980Kansas City Mexico & OrientRy__105, 110, 236, 627, 849, 1170

Kansas City By. & Lt. Co_1044, 1363Kansas City Southern By 167Kansas City Stock Yds. Co. of Mo.107Kansas City Terminal By.. _ _54,

503, 559, 627, 698Kansas City Viaduct & Ter. Ry.1101Kansas City-Western By.. _110, 368Kansas Gas & Electric Co.;

Wichita, &c 852, 1046, 1557Kansas Natural Gas Co ._ _ _113, 1486Kellogg Switchboard & SupplyCo 306, 980, 1242, 1557

Kelly Ax Mfg. Co 1365Kennebec Light & Heat Co 852Kentucky Electric

Co., Louisv_ 562

Ky. & Ind. Bridge & 1211. Co_ 1878_1676Kentucky Wagon Co 1493Keokuk & Des Moines By 698Kessner Building, Chicago 1493Keystone Coal & Coke Co..Greensburg, Pa 1428

Keystone Telephone Co., Phila-delphia 170, 378, 852

Kings County Electric Light &Power Co 306, 623, 1428

Page.Kingston (N. Y.) Consol. (Elec-

tric) By 303Knickerbocker Ice Co., Chic_376, 445Knox Automobile Co., Spring-

field, Mass 113Kootenay By. ec Navigation Co_ 698

La Belle Iron Works 562ackawanna Bridge Co 980

Lackawanna Steel Co_ _170, 240,499, 505, 562, 847,

917, 980, 985, 1617Laclede Dallas & Western RR_ _1239Laclede Gas Light Co 376, 852La Crosse (Wis.) Gas & Elec. Co_1557Lake Erie & Western RR 692Lake Shore Electric Ry_.._ _110,

368, 372, 698, 1170, 1296Lake Shore & Michigan South-ern Ry_ 167, 236, 303, 627,

691., 707, 771, 849, 1045Lake Superior Corporation_170,

1047, 1105, 1299Lake Superior Iron & Chem. Co.1242Lake of the Woods Milling Co..

Montreal 562Lancaster Mills,Boston,&c.,Mass. 505Lanston Monotype Machine Co.,

1105, 1487Lanyon Zinc Co 852, 1299Lawyers' Mortgage Co., N. Y 163Leavitt Land & Lumber Co.,Dermott, Ark 852

Lehigh Coal & Nay. Co_ _55, 450,505, 562, 847, 853, 980, 1047,

1174, 1242, 1617Lehigh Valley Coal Co 1617Lehigh Valley RR_ _54, 238, 559,

698, 914, 1045, 1101, 1676Lehigh Valley Transit Co_ _167,

503, 849, 1171, 1363, 1676Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co.,

240, 702, 1299, 1428Lewisburg (Pa.) Milton & Wat-sontown By 1363

Lewiston-Clarkson (Wash.) Im-provement Co 1174

Libby, McNeill & Libby Co. ,Chic. 376Lima (Peru) Urban By 1239Lincoln (Neb.) Traction Co 1363Lindsay Light Co 1674Little Rock By. & Electric Co- - 698London & Lake Erie By. &

Transportation Co 1171, 1363Long Acre Electric Light &Power Co 1174, 1299

Long-Bell Lumber Co. ,Kan .City 1557Long Island RR_ _ _ _698, 1040, 1363Lord & Taylor Co., N. Y. City_ _1681Los Angeles Gas & Electric Corp _1174Los Angeles Pacific Co 236, 1363Los Angeles & Redondo (Elec-

tric) By 236Louisiana & Arkansas By 372Louisville (Ky.) Gas Co 55, 306Louisville Lighting Co 306, 376Louisville Ry.167, 372, 503, 977, 1101Louisville & Nashville RR _110,

167, 560, 627, 849Louisville Water Co 1428Lynchburg (Va.) Trac. & Lt. Co_ 167Lyons (N. Y.) Sugar Beet Re-

fining Co 306

Macarthur Bros. Co 377, 506McCall Ferry Power Co _ 450McCrum-Howell Co_ _917, 980, 1428Mackay Companies.. _500, 562,

702, 1428Madison River Power Co 113Mahonlng Coal RR 236Mahoning & Shenango ValleyBy. & Light Co_ _ _ _849, 1363, 1554

Mahoning SS. Co., Cleveland_ _ _ 630Maine Central RR 849Manhattan Bridge Three-Cent-Fare Line 698

Manhattan-Hudson Realty Co _1617Manila Electric RR. & LightingCorp 372

Manila By 303, 503Manistee & Grand Rapids RR_ _1296Manistee & North-Eastern RR_ _1363Manitoba & Saskatch'n Coal Co_1493Mankato (Minn.) Gas & Elec. Co.1242Mansfield (0.) Telephone Co..... _1105Manufacturers' Light & Heat Co.

'Pittsburgh_506, 624, 1242, 1428Manufacturers' By. of St. Louis_ 849Manufacturers' Water Co_ _773, 1365Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co.

of America 917, 1105, 1488Marinette & Menominee PaperCo.. Wis 630

Maritime Coal By. & Power Co.,Ltd 1681

Marquette & Menom. Paper Co_ 702Maryland Coal Co 377, 506Maryland & Pennsylvania RR _1171Mass. Coal & Power Co.. _702, 1493Mass. Consol. Mining Co 702Mass. Cotton Mills, Boston, &c.,Mass 506

Massachusetts Electric Cos.. _54,167, 1425, 1491

Massachusetts Gas Cos.._1242, 1617Massachusetts Lighting- Cos..

506, 630, 1681May Department Stores Co.,N Y 1617, 1681

Meadville & Conneaut LakeTraction Co 627

Memphis Dallas & Gulf RR_.. _1239Memphis Paris & Gulf RR 1239Memphis (Tenn.) Un. Station Co. 236Menominee & Marinette Light &

Traction Co 627Merchants' Coal Co., Pittsburgh_ 630Merchants' Heat & Light Co.,

Indianapolis 631Merchants' & Miners' rranspor-

tation Co 1242, 1494Mergenthaler Linotype Co 702Meridian (Miss.) Light & By. Co. 914Metropolitan &S. Co. of N. J _ _ _ _ 55Metropolitan St. By., Kansas

City, Mo 1045Metropolitan St. Ry. New York110, 168. 300, 441, 560, 627,850, 977, 1045, 1296, 1363,

1425, 1491, 1554, 1614Metropolitan Water Co., Kansas

City, Kansas 1428Metropolitan West Side ElevatedRR., Chicago_ 54, 236, 499, 1676

Page.Mexican International RR. 1554Mexican Light & Power Co_ 506, 1494Mexican Nat. Packing Co 377Mexican Petroleum Co., Los Ang.1047Mexican Telegraph Co 853, 912Mexican Telep. & Teleg. Co_853. 980Mexico North Western By 698Mexico (Mo.) Santa Fe & Perry

Traction Co 1614Michigan Central RR_ _236, 627

691, 710, 1554, 1614Michigan Lake Superior PowerCo 113, 917, 1299

Michigan Light Co 113Michigan State Telep. Co _917, 1047Michigan Sugar Co 853Michigan United Rys. Co_ __106, 914Michoacan Power Co 702Middletown Unionville & WaterGap RR 1363

Midland Valley RR 1676Midvale Steel Co. (Phila.) _ _370

562, 631Milford & Uxbridge St. By 914Milwaukee & Chicago Brew., Ltd. 853Milwaukee Electric By. & LightCo 372, 503, 627

Minneapolis Gas Light Co_ _ _631, 980Minneapolis General Electric Co.

55, 306, 1175Minneapolis & St. Louis RR_ __1677Minn. St. Paul & Sault Ste. MarieRR 503, 698, 1239, 1296

Mississippi Central RR 1171Missouri & Kansas (Bell) Tele-phone Co 506, 853, 1175

Missouri Kansas & Texas By.54, 503, 1239, 1491, 1554

Missouri Kans. & Tex. Term. Co. 914Missouri Oklahoma & Gulf By.

977, 1171, 1239, 1363Missouri Pacific Ry 237, 372,560, 698, 771, 1102, 1171, 1296

Missouri River Power Co 1047Mobile Gas Co 631Mobile & Ohio RR 503, 1614Mohawk Valley Co 698,1296Mohican Oil & Gas Co., Akron,O. 917Monogahela River Consol. Coal& Coke Co 234, 631, 1494

Monongahela Water Co., Pitts-burgh 773, 1047, 1681

Montana Coal & Coke Co_ _ _113, 1242Montreal Light Heat & Power Co.

450, 1494, 1553Montreal Steel Works 562Montreal Water & Power Co.._ _ _1175Mortgage Bond Co., N. Y_306, 773Morton Salt Co 853Mt. Airy & Eastern By 110Mount Whitney Power & ElectricCo., California 55

Muncie (Ind.) Electric Light Co_ 113Muscatine North & South Ry_ _1677Muskegon Grand Rapids & In-diana RR 110, 560

Muskogee (Okla.) Gas & Elec.Co.1681

Marragansett Elec, Ltg Co.__ 3771 lashville Chattanooga & St.

Louis By 168Nashville Gas Co 917Nashville Ry. & Lt. Co_ 506, 698,1677National Biscuit Co._450, 557, 702Nat. Breweries Ltd., Montreal


National Carbon Co 55, 558National City & Otay By 1554Nat. Enameling & Stamping Co_ 170Nat. Equipment.Co., Springfield,Mass 377, 773

National Fireproofing Co., 55, 623National Fuel Co 1175National Gramophone Co 631National Lead Co. 631, 975National Light, Heat & PowerCo., N. Y 980, 1242

National Packing Co 631, 853National Public Utilities Corp.,

Phila 1614National Rys. of Mexico, 627,

698, 1239, 1554National Refining Co., Cleveland

240, 506, 773, 1681National Starch Co., 55, 113, 306

853. 1175Nat. Sugar Ref. Co 170, 450

Natomas Consol. of Cal 113

Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co 240

Nebraska (Bell) Telephone Co 506

Netherlands Tramways Corp_ _ _ _ 560

Nev. Con. Copper Co_ _170, 631, 1299

New England Brick Co 1494

New Eng. Cotton Yarn Co 113New Eng. Invest. & Secur. Co.. _ 503

New England (Bell) Telephone &Telegraph Co 1242

New Hampshire Electric Rys 237New Jersey & N. Y RR 914New Jersey & Penn RR 772New Jersey Short Line RR_ _1364New London Northern RR 1677New Long Distance Tel. Co_ _ _ 450New Mexico Central RR., 168

772, 1554, 1677N. 0. Delta Drainage Co., 562,

917, 1105New Orleans Drainage Co 1047N. 0. Great Northern RR 373N. 0. Mobile & Chic. RR 168N. 0. By. & Light Co., 373, 445.

503, 627,772, 1167N Y. Air Brake Co 500, 1242

New York Bank Note Co 1494N. Y. C. & H. R. RR., 54, 168,237, 560, 627, 691, 698, 704,850, 910, 1239, 1296, 1491,

1614, 1677

N. Y. C. Lines, 910, 914, 977,1677

N. Y. Chic. & St. Louis RR., 237772, 972 503 1494



N Y. Connecting RRNew York Curtain CoNew York Dock Co New York Dock Ry New York Edison CoN Y. & Harlem RR., 560, 1614

N Y. & Long Island RR., 1554, 1614N Y. Mutual Gas Lt. Co 702N. Y. N. H. & Hartford RR., 503560, 698, 914, 1045, 1425, 1554

1614N Y.Ont. & W By 977N. Y. Penn By 698, 772N Y. Phila. & Norfolk RR_977, 1102

Page.N. Y. & Queens County Ry____ 373N. Y. & Queens Elec. Lt. de Pow.Co 562,853, 1175

N. Y. & Richmond Gas Co 450N. Y. State Rys_ _698, 914,1296,1425N. Y. Susque. & W. Coal Co.._. 450New York Susque. & WesternRR 373, 914, 1364

New York (Bell) Telephone Co..773, 917, 1242, 1299

New York Transportation Co.,1105, 1175

New York Westchester & BostonRR

Nez Perce & Idaho RR 914110

Niagara Falls Power Co., 224307,,506, 622, 632, 980, 1299, 1557

Niagara Lockport & OntarioPower Co 171, 306, 506

Niagara St. Catherines & TorontoBy 54, 1296

Nipissing Mines Co 1105Norfolk & Portsmouth TractionCo 1421, 1425, 1614

Norfolk & Southern By., 110,698, 772, 1171, 1239, 1554

Norfolk & Western Ry.,237, 303628, 698, 772, 1425

North American Co., 301, 370, 450North Amer. Biscuit Co ___ _ _1494North Butte Mining Co.... .632, 1681North Coast By 698North Georgia Electric Co_ _506, 1243North Platte Valley IrrigationCo 506

No. Shore Consol. Gas Co., Chic-ago


North Shore Electric Co., Evans-ton, Iii _698, 774, 917, 1105, 1175

Northampton Portland CementCo., Easton, Pa 1242

Northampton Traction Co.,1Easton, Pa 171, 1614

Northern California Power Co.,Consolidated 832, 853

Northern Central Ry., 237, 503,556, 500, 565, 914, 1677

No. Ind. Gas & Elec. Co 1682Northern Lakes SS. Co., Duluth 632Northern New Brunswick & Sea-

board By 3' 8Nor. Ohio Trac. & Lt. Co., 2237,134681

Northern Pacific By 698, 772Nor. Pacific Terminal Co 237Northern Securities Co 233Northern States Power Co_ _ _ _ _1299Nor. Texas Elec. Co.._ _373, 1239Northern Texas Traction Co.._ _ _ 628Northwest Light dc Power Co..

Everett, Wash 632, 1243Northwest Corp...._ _1102, 1240, 1617Northwestern Elevated RR.,Chicago 1171, 1240

Northwestern Gas Light & Coke1299, 1682Co., Chicago

Northwestern Improvement Co_1175Northwestern Long DistanceTelephone Co. of Portland, Ore1175

Northwestern Ohio Nat. Gas Co.1299Northwest. Term. By., Denver.. 503Northwestern Telegraph Co__ _1365Northwestern Yeast Co 171Norton Co., Worcester, Mass_ _ _ 562Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co.,

506, 980, 1106, 1428, 1487

Ou's Land & Irrigation Co..Millard County, Utah 854

Ocean Shore By., San Francisco,110, 1102, 1171, 1677

Oceanic SS. Co., San Fro0a75 01sc6o:11166882O'Gara Coal Co Ohio Electric Ry 698, 850Ohio Fuel Supply Co 854,

1047, 1365, 1136175Ohio Southern Gas Co


Oklahoma Natural Gas Co., Pitts-burgh 980, 1047, 1486

Old Dominion Copper Mining &Smelting Co 980

Olympia (Wash.) Gas & PowerCo

1469342;1681187Omaha Water Co Ontario Power Co. of Niagara

Falls 171. 306Ontario & San Antonio Heights

(Electric) RR 447, 1296Orange Co. (N. Y.) Trac. Co... _1425Oregon Electric Ry., Portland_ _1297Oregon & Southeastern RR 1171, 1297Oro Water Light & Power

Fr Co.,

San Francisco Osceola Consol. Mining Co_ _ _ _ _ _ 632Oskaloosa (Ia.) Water Co _854, 1299Otis Elevator Co_562, 844,

854, 1106, 1175Ottawa Electric By 447Ottawa Light, Heat & Pow. Co. 240Outer Harbor Dock & WharfCo., San Pedro, Cal 1494

Owensboro City (Ky.) RR 1364Oxford Linen Mills, North Brook-

field, Mass 113

P Coast Co 171

A settle Coast Power Co___111,1614977, 1102, 1425

Pacific & Eastern RR Pacific Express Co 307Pacific Gas & Electric Co., SanFrancisco_237, 1099, 1425, 1677

Pacific Hardware & Steel Co.,San

Light & Power Corp. of 834PacificFrancisco

Los Angeles 240, 832, 703Pacific Lighting Corp., San Fran. 632Pacific Mall SS. Co 1487Pacific Power 66 Light Co

1617Pacific Telephone & Telegragph Co 450, 703, 774, 854, 1047

Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit_ 632Pan-American Co

722727Pan-American RR 237,Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit.. _ _ _ 624Parkersburg Marietta & Inter-

urban By 447Parrot Silver & Copper Co 1043Parsons Pulp & Lumber Co 450Pasadena (Cal.) Land & Wa2t4e0r, 377Co

Passenger Fares 447, 772PeJepscot Paper Co..Brunsw.,Me.1682Penman's, Limited 703Penn Central Light & Power Co_1300Pennsylvania Canal Co _ 506

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Page.Pennsylvania Co_237, 303. 914, 1421Pennsylvania-Jersey (Elec.) Ry_1171Pennsylvania BR. _303, 373, 447,620. 628, 634, 915, 977,1240, 1425

Pennsylvania Rubber Co 1366Pennsylvania Steel Co 563,

1047, 1106. 1175, 1236Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Co.. 307Pennsylvania Water & PowerCo 377, 1558

Pensacola Electric Co 503People's Gas & Electric Co.,Oswego, N. Y 1175

People's Gas Light & Coke Co.,446, 451, 1682

People's Ice Co, Detroit 506People's Nat. Gas & Pipeage Co.1106People's Water Co., Oakland_ _ _1106Peoria & Eastern Ry 447, 699Peoria Ry 560Pere Marquette RR 303, 772Phelps, Dodge & Co.. N. Y____ 844Phila. Bait. & Washington RR_ 841Philadelphia & Camden FerryCo. 307Phila. & Chester St. Ry_ _1102, 1614Phila. Co. for Guarant'g Mtges_ _1682Phila. Co. of Pittsburgh_ _ _168,

303, 1102, 1360, 1368, 1554Phila. Elec. Co_307, 451, 1042, 1047Phila. Rapid Transit Co.560, 977,

1102, 1240, 1426, 1555, 1677Phila. Suburban Gas & Elec. Co. 563Phila. & Sub. Elevated RR_ _ _ _ 628Phila. & Western By 915Philipsburg & Susq. Vail. RR 447Phoenix Iron Co., Phila_ _1494, 1682Pioneer (Bell) Telephone & Tele-

graph Co., Okla. City_563, 980Pittsburgh & Allegheny Valley

St. Ry 373, 503, 850, 977Pitts. Ctn. Chic. & St. L. Ry.,303, 447, 560, 973, 982, 1555, 1614

Pittsburgh Coal Co_ _55, 451,694, 980, 1428, 1494

Pittsburgh (Land) Company_ _ _1882Pittsburgh Harmony Butler &New Castle By 447

Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR.168, 691Pittsburgh 011 & Gas Co_ _1176, 1485Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co_ _377,

451, 1489, 1682Pittsburgh Railways 1677Pittsburgh & Shawmut RR.,

237, 503, 560, 1045, 1102, 1364Pittsburgh Shawmut & North-

ern RR 503, 1103Pittsburgh & Westmoreland

(Electric) By 111Pittsburgh Westmoreland & Som-

erset RR 373Pittsburgh Youngstown & Ashta-

bula By 699, 915, 1364Pittsfield (Mass.) Electric StreetRy 503, 1297

Portage (Wis.) American Gas Co. 918Port Brownsville Sugar Lands Co.

774, 854Portland (Me.) Electric Co 1243Portland Gas Co 55Portland (Ore.) Gas & Coke Co.55, 1176Portland (Ore.) By. Light &Power Co 850

Portneuf-Marsh Valley IrrigationCo., Idaho 980

Porto Rico By 54Portsmouth & Exeter St. Ry 237Portsmouth (0.) Steel Co 563Portsmouth (Va.) Suffolk &

Berkeley WaterCo 854Potosina Electric Co 703Pratt & Whitney Co 563Pressed Steel Car Co 113, 499Price Bros. & Co., Ltd 854Princess Furnace Co 1428Procter& Gamble Co., Cinn.1047, 1106Producers' 011 Co., Houston_ _ _ _1366Producers' Transportation Co_ _1494Providence & Danielson (El.) By. 447Providence Gas Co 506Providence Telephone Co 506Provident Loan Society, N. Y. _ 703Public Securities Co., Chic.1176. 1558Public Service Corp. of N. J_111,

699, 1236, 1293, 1301, 1614Public Service Investment

Co_- _ 628

Pullman Co_ _451, 506, 854, 1047,1176, 1617. 1882

Quaker Oats Co_ __ _451, 506,558. 563, 703

Quakertown & Eastern RR 1297Quebec Central By 1171Quebec & Lake St. John Ry_54,

111, 237, 303, 448, 828, 772, 1045Quebec Oriental By 111, 1491Quincy (Copper) Mining Co_505

632, 1386Quissett Mill, New Bedford. Mass1558

Rahway Valley RR 699aliroad Construction 54

Railroad & Power Develop. Co_ _1364Railway & Light Securities Co.

168, 913, 915Railway Steel Spring Co.632, 694, 703Rainey (Paul J.) Pier Co., Long

Branch, N. J 854Rates_1240, 1426, 1491, 1555, 1677Rates on Import Traffic 1297Raton Water Works Co 377Ray Consol. Copper Co., N.

Y_- _1300

Reading Co 504, 699, _1297, 1555, 1614

Reading (Pa.) Transit Co_ _373, 97Realty Associates Brooklyn 10Refining & Producing 011 Co_ _130Reo Motor Car Co 1366, 1618Republic Iron & Steel Co.. _300,

377, 451, 703, 854, 1048Rhode Island Co 699, 1677.Richelieu & Ontario Nay. Co.,

Montreal 508Richmond (Va.) & Henrico (Elec.)Ry 1615

Rio de Janeiro Tramway Light& P. Co. Ltd_643. 850, 1364, 1610

Rio Grande RR 560Roanoke (Va.) Light & Tract. Co. 188Rochester (Minn.) Light Heat doPower Co 240

Rochester (N. Y.) By. do LightCo 828, 703

Rock Island Co 188, 373, 1045Rock Island Arkansas & Louis-iana RR 628, 699

Page.Rockford (Ill.) El. Co 113, 703Rockville-Willimantic Light Co_ 113Rocky Mns. (Bell) Telep. Co_ _ _ 918Rogers(Wm.A.)Ltd., Toronto.55, 714Rogers-Brown Iron Co_56, 113,

'7'74, 1176Rogers Locomotive Works_ _ _1106Roscoe Snyder & Pac. Ry_9-77-, 1555Rotary Ring Spinning Co., Bost _1618Royal Baking Powder Co 774Rubbers Goods Mfg. Co.. _ _113, 1236Rutland RR 691

Saco & Pettee, Newton, Mass _1494acramento Vail. Irrig.Co., 56, 171

Saginaw-Bay City By. & LightCo 448, 1297

Saginaw & Flint Electric Ry____ 168St. Clair Incline Plane Co 373St. Joseph (Mo.) Waterworks Co. 855St. Louis Blast Furnace Co 855St. Louis Brownsville & MexicoBy 168, 628, 772, 1171

St. Louis County Gas Co 377St. Louts Iron Mtn. & Sou. RR.,

373, 504, 850St. Louis & Northeastern By... 304St. Louis Rocky Mtn. & PacificCo

3, 4St. Louis & San Francisco cR4' 772R8., 168, 560, 699, 915, 1045, 1171,

1297, 1426, 1615, 1677St. Louis Southwestern By., 560.

1045, 1364, 1991St. Louis & Springfield (El.) By. 304St. Louis Springfield & Peoria

(Elec.) RR 304St. Paul & Nor. Pac. By 1678San Antonio (Texas) Water Sup-

ply Co 1243San Diego Gas & Electric Co_ _ _ _1494San Diego Southern By 1555San Francisco Vallejo & Napa

Valley (Electric) Ry., Cal_ _ _ _1297San Joaquin Light & Power Co.,

Fresno, &c., Cal 632, 1558San Jose Lumber Co 377San Jose (Cal.) Railroads 1297San Pedro Los Angeles & SaltLake RR 111, 1491

Santa Fe Liberal & Englew. RR. 373Santa Fe Raton & Des M. RR__ 373Santa Fe Raton & Eastern RR__ 373Sao Paulo (Brazil) Tramway,

Light do Power Co., Ltd 1166Savannah Augusta & NorthernRR 373, 772, 1103

Sawyer-Massey Co., Ont 1176Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Co.,

976, 981, 1048Scranton & Carbondale Trac. Co.1045Scranton Dunmore & MoosicLake RR 448

Scranton Electric Co 563, 699Scranton & Pittston Traction Co.1045Scranton By 1045Scullin-Gallagher Iron & SteelCo 632, 703

Seaboard Air Line By., 111, 168,448, 504, 699, 915, 1171, 1297,

1555, 1678Sears-Roebuck Co., 171, 240,

363, 1106632, 714, 1048

Seattle Electric Co Seattle Lighting Co Seattle-Tacoma Power Co

56, 1819106

Seattle-Tacoma Short Line Elec-tric RR 111, 373

Sebasticook & Moosehead RR__ 977Sedalia Light & Traction Co.,

1555, 1615Sen Sen Chiciet Co., N. Y 241Shawinigan Water & Power Co.,

113, 377, 451, 695, 1558Sheboygan (Wis.) Lt.,Pow.&Ry. 111Shelby Co. (Ind.) Water, Gas &

Electric Co 1558Sherbrooke (Que.) Street By. ...1426Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleve-land 113, 855, 1300

Shredded Wheat Co 845Shreveport Gas, Electric Light& Power Co 703

Shreveport Traction Co 1491Shults 'Bread Co., N. Y 981Siegel Stores Corp 714Silversmiths' Co., N. Y.,


Singer Mfg. Co 11061494

Sioux City (Ia.) Gas & El. Co_ _ _ 56Sioux City (Ia.) ServiceCo.1171, 1555Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co.,

693, 844, 856South Bend (Ind.) Home Telep,Co 1048, 1488

South Bend & Mishawaka GasCo.1682South Dakota Central Ry 1240South Shore Traction Co 54South Side Elevated RR., Chi-

cago 304. 367, 373, 978, 1426Southern By., 168, 237, 304,

699, 978. 1045, 1240, 1364Southern Coal & Transport. Co_ _1300Southern Colo. Power & Ry____ 111Southern California Edison Co.,Los Angeles 1366

Southern Indiana By., 111, 237,899, 1364, 1491

Southern Iron & Steel Co., 563,695, 703, 774

Southern New England By.,448, 1045

southern New England Tel, Co 377Southern Pacific Co., 168, 373,448, 699, 850, 978, 1555, 1615, 4678

South. Pow. Co. (N. C. & S. C.) _ 855Southern Street By., Chicago_ _ _ 54Southern Wisconsin Power Co.,

Kilbourn, Wis____ 377, 451, 508Southwestern Oil Co 981Southwestern Street By., Phila-

delphia 915, 1103, 1491Spanish-American Iron Co_563, 1682Spencer-Kellogg Co 113Spencer, Kellogg & Sons 113Spokane & Inland Empire RR_ 978Springfield (Mass.) Breweries Co. 378Springfield (Mass.) Gas Lt. Co_ _1243Springfield (0.) Light, Heat &Power Co 1106, 1499, 1618

Springfield (Mo.) Water Co 1428Springfield (Mo.) Water Wks.Co.1297Spring Valley Water Co., San

Prancisco_56, 113, 241, 632, 1295Standard Chain Co 625

Page.Standard CordageTCo 113,

235, 918, 1048, 1243, 1428Standard Coupler Co 241Standard 011 Co_ _632, 1048,

1243, 1366, 1494Standard Screw Co_ _563, 1300, 1611Standard Underground Cable Co.

Pittsburgh 114, 714, 774Star & Crescent Milling Co 855Stark Electric RR., Alliance, 0.,

448, 700, 1171Stark-Tuscarawas Brewing Co.,Ohio 563

Steel Co. of Canada 1682Stephenville North & South Tex-as By 1045, 1103

Stevens-Duryea Co., ChicopeeFalls, Mass 106

Streets' Western Stable-Car Line,981, 1106, 1176, 1428, 1487, 1494

Sulzberger & Sons Co., N. Y.,981, 1048

Sunday Creek Co 1618Superior & Pittsburgh Cop. Co _1048Superior (Wis.) Water Light doPower Co 918

Susquehanna Bloomsburg & Ber-wick RR 1678

Susquehanna By. Lt. & Pow .Co.1103Swift & Co., Chicago 114, 165Syracuse Lake Shore & Northern

(Electric) RR 1171Syracuse Lighting Co_508, 632, 918

Tacoma Gas Co 632acoma By. & Power Co 1678

Tamarack Mining Co 714Tampa Electric Co 1045Tampa Northern RR 978Tefft-Weller Co., N. Y 1106Temple (Tex.) Electric Lt. Co_ _1300Tenn. Coal, Iron & RR. Co 307Tennessee Copper Co 563Terminal RR. Ass'n of St. Louis 373Terre Haute Indianapolis & East-Tr.Co_1103, 1240, 1364, 1991, 1555

Terre Haute Trac. & Lighting Co.1555Terre Haute & Western By 1555Texas Central RR _1426, 1492,

1556, 1678Texas Co., Houston_13613, 1494, 1618Texas City Transportation Co_ _ 583Texas & New Orleans RR 168Texas do Pacific Coal Co 918Texas dc Pacific By 767Textile Mills Corp., N. 0_ ..632, 981Third Ave RR.. N. Y _54, 164.

168, 373, 560, 628, 1045,1103,1297, 1615

Thompson-Starrett Co 918Toledo & Indiana By 237Toledo & Indiana Traction Co.,

448, 915, 978Toledo & Ohio Central By. _169,

560, 850Toledo Rys. & Light Co_ _ _504,

843, 1297Toledo St. Louis & Western RR.,

304, 772, 850, 1615Tombigbee Valley RR 978Tonopah & Goldfield RR 915Topeka (Kan.) Indep. Telep. Co. 378Topeka By 915, 978Toronto Electric Light Co 508Toronto By 692Torrington Co 378Trenton & New Brunswick (Elec-

tric) RR 1240, 1364Ti-City By. & Light Co., Dav-

enport, Ia., &c 1041Trinity Valley & Northern Ry 237Tuckerton RR 628Turner (J. Spencer) Co 241Twenty-Eighth & Twenty-Ninth

Streets Crosstown By.. N. Y..448, 628, 850, 1103, 1172,

1426, 1556Twin City & Lake Superior By.. 237Twin City Rapid Transit Co..

54, 111, 504, 842, 850Twin FalisLand&WaterCo.,Idaho 564Twin States Gas & Electric Co.(N. H and Vt.) 981

Underground Electric Rys. ofLondon 238, 560, 915, 973

Underwood Typewriter Co_632,788, 855, 1428

Union Bag & Paper Co.912. 1106,1300Union Electric Light & Power Co.of St. Louis 378

Union Ferry Co 114Union Gas Light & Fuel Co.,Anderson, Ind 855

Union Light Heat do Power Co..Fargo_1300

Union Natural Gas Corp., Pitts-burgh 451, 1485

Union Oil Co., California_ _ _ _508,714. 1177, 1484, 1682

Union Pacific RR_ _ _169, 238.304, 448, 700

Union Passenger By., Phlia.628, 1172Union Ry. of Memphis 448Union By. N. Y 1297Union Sand & Material Co 1494Union Springs & Northern By. 772Union Stock Yds.Co.(So.Omaha) 370Union Stock Yards & Transit Co.,Chicago 56

Union Sugar Co., California_ _ _ _ _ 981Union Switch & Signal Co_ _508,

624, 1618)alon Telephone Co., Michigan _1048

Co.,nion Traction Independ-ence, Kansas 1172

Union Traction Co.. Phl1a_1240,1426, 1678

Union Typewriter Co 768, 855Union Utilities Co., Morgantown,W. Va 373

United Bank Note Corporation 622United Box Board Co_ _241, 307,

378, 451, 508, 1294United Cigar Manufact. Co.171, 369United Coal Mining Co., Illinols_1558United Copper Co 241United Dry Goods Cos.171, 694, 1682United Electric Co. of N. J_114, 1106United Electric Securities Co.,

Boston 114, 241United Fuel Gas Co 853United Gas Co.. Wichita 508United Gas Improvement Co.,

Phl:a 451, 1235, 1652

Page. UnitedIrrigation & Rice Milling

Co., New Orleans 1106United Kansas Portland Cement

Co., Kansas City, Mo 1366United Light & Rys. Co United Metals Selling Co_ _ _633,1768788United Power & Transport. Co 374United Railroads of San Francisco

504, 1364, 1556United Railroads of Yucutan,

Mexico 6United Rys., Portland, 0_1297, 1136748

United edtimlys. & Electric Co., 1045, 1359

United Rys, Investment Co_169,172, 378, 1103, 1240, 1297,

1360, 1367, 1556United Rys. Co. of St. Louis

United Shoe Mach3.6C70,rp44.81651014. 11641286

U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Fdy. Co_1674U. S. Envelope Co_ ..788, 855, 975U. S. Finishing Co 56, 788U. S. Gypsum Co_ __ _241, 1048. 1169U. S. Lithograph Co., Clan_ 981U. S. Motor Co., N. Y _ _1177 .

U. S. Radiator Co 1494, 1618. 1682

1366U. S. Realty & Improvement Co. 171, 241, 307, 378. 508, 633,

U. S. Reduct. & Ref. Co. ..1.422508.,

U. S. Rubber Co_ _56, 307, 451,1177, 1293, 1300, 1366

U. S. Smelting Ref. & Mining Co.1361U. S. Steel Corporation.301, 633,768, 775, 1048, 1106, 1166,

U. S. Telephone Co 1177, 1495, 1618

918United Traction Co., Reading,Pa1172United Wireless Telegraph Co.

Universal Caster & F1d4y88. ,C1o6_1_8_,_ 1768883Utah Consol. Mining Co.. Boston

Utah Copper Co_ _241, 307, 465018.,981

564, 714, 1167, 1682Utah Gas & Coke Co., Salt Lake

City 916Utah Co.(Utah)Lt. & Pow. Co 918Utah-Idaho Sugar Co 916

Vandalla RR 850, 915

Victor-Amer. Fuel Co., 9D7e2n,v6e7r8_,_11648236Vincennes (Ind.) Light & PowerCo 633

Virginia By. & Pow. Co_ _1492. 1678Virginia & Truckee By 1103Vulcan Detinning Co_ _56,1294138,,


Wabash RR_ _55, 111, 238, 850.915, 1103

Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Ry.169, 504, 1103, 1240, 1556

Wages_ _ _304, 915, 978, 1045, 1556Waha-Lewiston Land & Wat.Co. 451Waltham Watch Co_ _171, 241, 1683Warren Bros. Co., BithullthicPavements, Boston 171

Warwick Iron & Steel Co.. ..379, 1243Washington Bait. & Annapolis

Electric By. _448, 628, 978,1172, 1297, 1364

Washington Gas Light Co 451Washington (D. C.) Ry. & Elect.Co 561, 973

Washington Water Power Co..Spokane 55, 564, 621.

Waterloo Cedar Falls & Nor. Ry.700, 850, 915

Waterloo (Ia.) Water Works Co_ 171Wells Fargo do Co_307, 379, 452, 564Welsbach Co., Phila.. __ _1558, 1683Werner Publishing Co., Akron.° 114Westchester Northern RR 915Westchester Street RR., White

Plains, N Y 504West End St. By., Boston_ _238.1676West India Elec. Co., Jamaica 786West Kentucky Coal Co 379West Jersey do Sea Shore BR.. _ -1359West Penn. Railways Co., 448,

504, 561, 628, 1297West Penn. Traction Co., 1364,

1556, 1615, 1676Western Electric 14C, o, 2.41C, hi3cavg,,o 624

Western Ice Co 452Western Maryland By., 238, 448.581, 628, 700, 772, 850, 916,

1297, 1364Western N. Y. & Penn. 811711..


Western N. Y. & Penn TractionCo 978, 1103

Western Ohio (Electric) By., 5041426, 1492, 1556, 1615

Western Pacific By 772Western Rys. & Lt. Co 236Western (Bell) Telephone do Tele-graph2 Co 41, 786

Western Union Telegraph Co..241, 508, 564, 714, 981, 1107, 1556

Western United Gas do ElectricCo., Aurora, Ill 1556

Westinghouse Air Brake Co.98i, 1683

Westingholtse, Church, Kerr &Co

161Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co.. 1672

Westinghouse Machine Co 1558,

Westmoreland Lumber Corp. of1638Richmond, &c

"'"Whatcom County Ry. do Lt. Co.. Bellingham, Wash 1615

Wheeling & Lake Erie RR., 169,448, 1240, 1556

Wheeling Mold& Foundry Co_ ...1364Wheeling Steel dc Iron Co_ _564. 714Whitaker-Glessner Co., Wheeling

564, 633, 714. 1177White & Black River Valley RR_ 504Wichita Falls & NorthwesternBy.... 448, 561, 700

Wichita Natural Gas Co_ _241, 1486Wilkes-Barre Gas & Electric Co.,

Wilkes-Barre By 452, 1107

374Wilmington (Del.) Gas Co_ _379, 508Wilmington Tr. Building Corp_ _1366Windsor Essex .& Lake Shore .1Rapid Ry 976

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Page.Winnipeg Electic Street Ry 561Winston-Salem Southbound By..

238 448Wisconsin Central Ry__ _ _504, 1364Wisconsin & Michigan Radwav,

169, 304


Abbott Corn. S. D., Tex_ _ 645berdeen, Wash., 316,

796, 1690Aberdeen Ind. S. D., So.Dak 249, 316, 459, 572

Abilene, Kan 722Abilene, Tex 317, 1188Abington Twp., Pa 1188Abner, Tex 1435Accomac Co., Va 317Acquackanonk Twp. S. D.,N J 796, 925, 1055

Ada Co., Idaho 1114Ada S. D., Okla 1055Adams, Mass 1189Adam.s, N. Y 1502, 1587Agawam, Mass 1055, 1567Aiken, So Car 1189Ainsworth, Neb 864, 1502Ainsworth S. D., Neb 1625Akron, Ohio 1189, 1502Akron S. D., Ohio, 122,

1435, 1825Alameda, Cal__ _388, 645, 1435Alameda Dr. Dist. No. 2,Tex.925Alamo S. D , Cal 1502Albany, Ga 515Albany, N. Y.;_1502, 1567, 1625Albany, Ore 1313Albemarle, No. Car 722Albert Lea S. D., Minn.796, 1055Albertville, Ala 1690Albion, Pa 1690Alexandria, Minn 572, 796Alexandria, Ont 521, 729Algoma, Ont 66Alhambra, Cal 249Alhambra City S. D., Cal_ _ _ 122Alice, Minn 1435Alice, Tex 1055Allegheny Co., No.Car.,180, 249Allegheny Co., Pa., 515,796, 925, 1055, 1114,

1189, 1253, 1503Allegheny Co., Va 1690Allen Co., Ind 1435, 1690Allerton, Ia 388Allerton Ind. S. D., Ia.,722, 1568Aliquippa S. D., Pa., 249,

515, 796Alliance, Neb 864, 996Alliance, Ohio, 722, 1055,

1189, 1690Alliance City S. D., Ohio,

249, 317Alton, Ill., 249, 722, 1055, 1189Altoona, Pa 515Altus, Okla., 388, 459, 572,

864, 1114, 1189Alvarado S. D., Tex 1055Alvin, Tex 1435, 1503Alvin S. D., Tex 645, 796Alvin Dr. Dist., Tex 317Alvord S. D., Cal., 1055,

1377, 1568Amarillo Ind. S. D., Tex.,

317, 572, 722Amelia, Ohio 1189, 1435Amesburg, Mass 1625, 1691Amherst, N. S 1198, 1700Amherst Twp. S. D., Ohio,

996, 1055Amherstburg, Ont 183Amite City, La 180, 1625Amory, Miss 1568Amsterdam, N. Y 317, 645Anaconda, Mont 645Anaheim, Cal., 317, 1055,

1189, 1313, 1503Anderson Soh. City, Ind_ _ 249Andover, Mass_ _1377, 1435,1891Andrews, No. Car 796Angelina Co. S. D. No. 4,Tex 249

Angelina Co. Corn. S. D.No. 32, Tex 722

Angleton Ind. S. D., Tex.,249, 722, 996

Anna S. D. No. 37, ill., 722, 996Annapolis, Md 1691Anniston, Ala., 1189, 1377,

1503, 1891Anoka, Minn 1055, 1503Ansley, Neb 1691Ansley S. D. No. 44, Neb.

'249, 515Anson, Tex 63, 1503Anson Ind. S. D., Tex., 388, 459Ansonia, Conn 1503Antelope S. D., Cal.. _1114, 1377Appalachia, Va., 645, 722, 1253Aquilla Ind. S. D., Tex_ _ 122Aransas Pass, Tex 1691Aransas Pass Ind. S. D. ,Tex.1691Arcadia, Fla 722, 1055Archer Co., Tex 388Archer Co. Corn. S. D. No. 1,Tex 249, 722

Arcola S. D., Cal 63, 249Argentine Republic 721Argo Ind. S. D., Tex 1625Arizona 249, 1625, 1690Arkansas City, Ark 249Armstrong Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 1625

Arnold, Pa 1568Arnprlor, Out 1198, 1443ArP Ind. S. D., Tex 249Artemesia Twp., Ont 1122Arvada, Col 925Ashboro, N. Car 645, 1625Ashburn, Sask 1700Ashland, Ky 722Ashland, Ohio 1377, 1503Ashland, Ore_ _ _ _249, 459, 1691Ashland Co., Ohio., 1055,

1114, 1377, 1435Ashland S. D., Ore 1568Ashley Irr. Dist., Mont. .317. 645Ashtabula, Ohio 122, 180Ashtabula Co., Ohio_ _1055, 1114

Page.WolverIne-Portland Cement Co_1048Wood Worsted Mills 633Worcester Nashua & RochesterBR 504,628

Worcester (Mass.) & SouthbridgeStreet By 1297


Page.Worden (J. H.) Lumber & Shin-

gle Co 1107

Y aalenk eece Towne,l Mfg. C o _ 452 378, 1495

York Haven Water & Pow. Co.._ 633

Page.York Rys 169Youngstown & Ohio River RR.

1364, 1556Yukon Gold Co 769

Zanesville & West. By 851


Ashtabula S. D., Ohio, 1313,1501, 1631

Assinibola, Man., 258, 651,803, 930. 1198

Astoria S. D., Ore., 1055,1189, 1313

Atascosa Co. Corn. S. D.No. 23, Tex 864, 1691

Athens, Ala 925, 1055Athens, Ohio 996, 1253Athens, Tex 249Athens S. D., Ohio, 645,

864, 996, 1114Athol, Mass 864Atlanta, Ga., 459, 515, 996,1055, 1314, 1376, 1377, 1503

Atlantic City, N. J.. 925,1055, 1189

Attleboro, Mass , 249, 1114, 1435Auburn, Me 1314Auburn, N. Y 459, 722Auglaize Co., Ohio 122Augusta, N. Y 1625Aurora, Ill., 864, 1055, 1189,

1377, 1435Austin, Minn 1435, 1691Austin, Tex., 388, 645, 722, 864Avery S. D. No. 2453, Sask _1573Avon, N. Y 122Aylesburg S. D., Sask 463Aylmer. Que 130

Babylon, N. Y. -63, 180, 459ainbridge, Ga 1314

Bainbridge, N Y 249Baird Ind. S. D., Texas 722Baker City, Ore_ _388, 864,

1056, 1114, 1189, 1314Bakersfield, Cal 122Baldwin City, Kan_ _1377, 1503Baldwinsville, N. Y_.._388, 572Ballston Spa, N. Y.-925,

1056, 1114, 1435Baltimore, Md 63, 249,

1056, 1114, 1189, 1314,1435, 1503, 1568

Bangor, Me 249, 1253, 1691Banning Sch. Dist., Cal_ .....1691Barberton S. D., 0.. _1189, 1435Barre, Vt 515, 572, 645Bartlesville, Okla 317Bartlett. Tex 1056Barton Twp., Ind 1568Bartow County, Ga 515Basin, Wyo 515, 572Bastrop Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex.1114Batesville, Ind 1691Bath, Me 1314Bath, N.Y 645Battle Creek, Mich_ 1189,

1314, 1436, 1568Battieford, Sask. _395, 651, 729Baudette, Minn 249Bay City, Tex 122, 388, 996Bay City Ind. S. D., Tex _1114Bayonne, N. J 1503, 1568Bayot; Terre and Boeufs Dr.

Dist., La 123Bay Township, Ohio 1691Bear Swamp Dr. D., No.Car.1691Beatrice, Neb.63, 515, 1436, 1503Beaufort, So. Car 123Beaumont, Tex _180, 722, 1056Beaumont Imp. Nav.D.,Tex 249Beaver County, Pa 63Beaver Falls S. D.,Pa.1114, 1189Beaverton, Ont.1443, 1512, 1700Beckley, W. Va 1115Bedford, N. H 864Bedford City, Va 249, 1115Bee County, Tex 645, 1189Bee County Corn. S. D. ,Tex.

1503, 1691Beekmantown, N. Y 317Beeville, Tex 864, 1189Belding, Mich 1189Belgrade; Neb 1625Bell County, Tex 515Bell County Corn. S. D. No.89, Tel 388, 864

Bellaire S. D., Ohio 63, 123Belle Fourche, So. Dak_ _ _ _1691Bellefontaine, 0_925, 1056, 1436Belle Plaine, Minn._ __996, 1189Belleville, Ill 317Bellevue Spec. S. D., Ohio

1189, 1253, 1314Belmont, Mass 1568Belmont, Ohio 884, 996Belton School Dist., Sask._ 463Belvedere S. D., Cal- ...63, 180Belzona, Miss 645Belzoni, Miss 864, 1056Bemidji, Minn 1691Benicia, Cal 864, 1314Benoit, Miss 388Benson S. D., Neb 572, 645Bent & Powers Irr D., Col 460Benton County, Ind_ 796, 998Benton Harbor, Mich 1436Benzie County, Mich 1691Berea, Ohio 1115, 1189Berea Sp. S. D. No. 2, Ohio

• 515, 796Bergen Co., N. J_796, 996, 1115Berlin, Out 1198, 1382Bessemer, Mich 925Bethlehem S.D.No.15,N.Y.1568Betterton, Md 1503Beverly, Mass 1115, 1568Bibb County, G 1503Big Flats, N. Y.........180. 317Big Rapids, Mich 1189Big Spring Ind. S.D., Tex_ 123Big Spring Twp., 0_1438,

1568, 1691Big Stone Co., Minn_ ...388, 722Big Stone Gap, Va 249, 864Bijou Irr. Dist., Col_ . 645, 864Biloxi, Miss 1503Binghamton, N Y 796

Page.Birmingham, Ala_ _249, 644,

722, 864, 1115, 1189, 1691Bismarck, No. Dak___388, 516Blackfoot, Ida 864Blackstone, Mass 1115Blackwater Dr. Dist., Mo. 572Bladen Co., No. Car 388Bladworth, Sask 1632Blaine County, Ida- _ _ _ 645, 1189Blair S. D. No. 29, Neb_250, 796Blairsville S. D., Pa 722Blanco Co. Corn. S. D. No. 1,Tex 722

Bloomfield, Out 803, 1062Bloom Township, Ill 1314Bloomington, Ind 388Bloomington, Ill 1115, 1314Blue Bench Irr. Dist. No. 1,Utah 1115, 1503

Blue Township, Kan 1253Bluffs Sch. Dist., Ill..1503Bluffton School City, Ind.

123, 317, 516, 796Boise, Ida 865, 996Boissevaln, Man_ _729, 874, 1062Bonham, Tex 865Boone County, Ind 123, 250Boonton, N. J 925, 996Bossburg Sch. Dist., Wash_1691Boston, Mass _388, 1503, 1568Bottineau Co., No. Dak_516, 722Boulder, Colo 1115Boulder Co., Ind 250Bovina Corn. S.D., Tex_250, 645Bow S. D. No. 2107, Alta- 1443Bowden, Alta 1632Bowie Ind. S. D., Tex 996Bowling Green, Ky 1503Bowling Green, Ohio_1568, 1625Bowmanville, Ont_ _1382, 1632Boyer Sub-Dr. Dist., Ia 460Boyne City, Mich 1626Bozeman, Mont 1189Bracebridge, Ont 66Bracken Co., Ky 1438Bradley Beach, N. J_ _996, 1115Bradley Beach S. D., N. J.,

722, 865Brady, Tex 645Brady S. D., Tex_ _722, 1568Brady Twp., Ohio 123, 250Brainerd, Minn 1568Braintree, Mass 865. 1691Brampton, Ont__66, 183,

1321, 1573Branchville, N. J 123Brandon, Man 258,

1062, 1321, 1700Brantford. Ont 651, 803Bmtenahl S. D., Ohio 1626Bratenahl VIII. S. D., Ohlo_1436Brawley, Cal_ _250, 516, 1189Brazoria Co., Tex 1503Brazos Co. Imp. Dist., Tex_1189Breckenridge, Minn 123Brenda, Man 1512, 1632Brevard, No. Caro 645Brickbum S. D. No. 998,Man 1062

Bridgeport Ind. S. D., W. 45Va 317, 388, 722, 1568

Bridgeton, Me 1189Bridgewater, Mass 1115Brigdenley S. D. . Man1198, 1700Bristol, Pa 1188Bristol Co., Mass_ -1189,

1253, 1436, 1503, 1568Bristow, Okla 1314, 1568Britannia S. D., Man_1198, 1573Brockton, Mass 1189, 1503Brockville, Ont 651, 874Broken Arrow, Okla ..123,

180, 572, 1691Broken Bow, Neb 1189Broken Bow Sch. Dis., Neb.

1503,1626Brookhaven, Miss. 123Brookline, Mass 796. 1626Brookville, Miss_317, 1503, 1891Brown Co. Corn, S. D. No 49, Tex 123

Brownlee, Sask 1321Browns, III 1190Brownsville, Tex 317Brownwood, Tex 250, 1056Bruce, So. Dak 1503Bruce Co., Ont__ _183, 258, 463Bruce S. D., So. Dak 1314Bruno, Minn 460Brush, Colo 1503Bryant, So. Dak 1503, 1691Buchanan, Sask 1632Bucyrus, Ohio 63, 250Buffalo, Minn 645, 796Buffalo, N. Y_ _123, 317.388, 460, 572, 645, 796,

996, 1253, 1436, 1568Buhl, Idaho_ _389, 925, 1056Bulyea, Man 803, 874Buncombe Co., No. Caro.,

317, 460Burbank S. D., Cal 1691Burkburnett S. D., Tex.,

797, 865, 1626Burleson Co. Imp. Dist. No.

1, Tex_ -.63, 460, 645, 722Burley, Idaho 1436Burlington, N. J 123Burlington, No. Caro_ _645,

1503, 1626Burlington, W. Va 645Burnaby, B. C_1062, 1259, 1382Burnt Prairie Twp., Ill_ 123Bushnell, Ill_1190, 1503, 1626Busseron Twp., Ind 1190Butler Co., Mo 865,

1190, 1314, 1436Butler S. D., Mo 1626Butler S. D., Ohio 1504Byers S. D., Tex 865Byesville, Ohio 180, 389


Cadia, Ohio 1056, 1436adogan S. D., Alta 874

Cairo, Ga 1314, 1691Caldwell, Idaho 1190, 1568Caldwell, Ohio... _389, 645, 925Caldwell Co., Tex 123Caldwell Co. Rd. Dist., Tex.1314Calgary, Alta _183, 258,

1198, 1259, 1512, 1700Calhoun Co., Mich 1190Calhoun Co., Tex 645California 123Calloway Co., KY 1504Calmar Ind. S. D., Ia.1190, 1253Cambria S. D., Wyo 1691Cambridge, Md 645Camden, N. 3_723, 865,

1056, 1253, 1314Camden, N.Y 389Camden Co., N. J.460 , 865, 1056Cameron Co. Dr. Dist. No. 1,Tel 317

Camilla, Ga 1690Campbell Co., Va 317Campbelltown S. D., No.2297, Sask 130

Camrose, Alta_258, 521, 651, 930Canadian, Tex 1691Canadian Co. S. D., Okla_ .1190Canon City, Colo 573, 723Canon City S. D., Colo_925, 996Canonsburg, Pa 1115Canton, Alta 130Canton, Ill 996, 1115Canton, No. Caro 865Canton, Ohio_ 645, 797,

1504, 1626Canton Twp. S. D., Ohlo._1691Canton Un. S. D., Ohio,

317, 516, 573, 1436Canyon, Tex 123Canyon City, Tex 723Canyon Co., Idaho 1691Cape May City, N. J.1377, 1626Carberry, Man 183, 578Carbon Hill, Ala 389Carlton Ind. S. D., Tex.... 1190Carmaugay S. D., Alta_578, 652Carnduff, Sask 130Carnegie, Pa 1436, 1568Carpentersville, Ill 1115Carroll, Neb 123, 516Carroll S. D., Ohlo___1436, 1504Carrollton, Mo 573Carrollton, OhioCarthage, OhioCasey, Ill Cashmere, Wash Casseiton, No. Dak Castile, N. Y Castle Dale, Utah 63Castro Co.,Com. S. D. No. 1,Tex 645, 723



Centralia, Ill Centralia, MoCentre, Tex Chaffee, Mo Chamberlain S. D. No. 1513,

Alta 1632Chambers Co., Tex__573, 1504Chambers Co. Rd. Dist. No.

1, Tex 1314Chambers Co. Rd. Dist. No.2, Tex 1314

Charnbersburg S. D., Pa_ 123Champaign, 111 997, 1115Champaign Co., 01110_1626, 1691Chanute, Kan 1115, 1504Charles City, Ia 573Charles City Ind. S. D., Ia _1691Charleston, Miss 865Charleston S. D., Mn (125Chase Co., Neb 1436Chateaugay, N. Y._ _1253, 1504Chatham, Out 1700Chatham, Va 797Chattanooga, Tenn__

- _317.

387, 1190, 1568, 1626, 1691Chattanooga S. D., Okla..

997, 1436Chehalis Co., Wash 516Chehalis Co. S. D. No. 18,Wash 1190

Chelan ash 645Chelsea.

Co.,dass 250, 317

Cheitenlum Twp., Pa 316Cherokee, Han_ _250, 723, 865Cherokee Co. Coln. S. D.No. 73, Tex 389

Cherryvale, Han 997Chester, Pa 460, 516, 1692Chestertown, Md 1190,

1377, 1436Cheviot, Ohio 123, 250Chewelah, Wash _317, 865, 1056Cheyenne, Wyo_ _573, 723, 1056Cheyenne Co., Neb 865Cheyenne S. B., Okla 1436Cheyenne S. D. No. 61,0kla.1692Cheyenne Mills H Sch. D.,

Colo 1115Chicago, Ill_63, 180, 250,317. 723, 925, 1188, 1376,

1377, 1436, 1504Chicago Heights, III 1626Chicago Junction, Ill_797, 1115Chicago Junction S. D.,Ohio 1314, 1436

1504, 1691 1504

389, 119013141190

1504, 1691

Catawissa, Pa Catlettsburg, Ky Cavalier Co., No. Dak Cazenovia, N. Y Cedar City, Utah Cedar Rapids, Ia Cedar Rapids Ind. S. D.,Ia 1056, 1115

Center Point Ind. S. D.,Tex 797, 1504

Center Twp., Ind_ _1190, 1314Centerville Ind. S. D., Ia.,

317, 9971691

389, 79711901504

Page.Chicago Sanitary Dist., Ill.,

1504, 1692Chico, Cal_ _865, 1377, 1504Chicopee, Mass_ _865, 1056,

1115, 1190, 1436ChillIcothe,Mo_123, 317, 387. 797Chilliwack, B. C.. _521, 803, 874Chilton S. D., Tex 1436China Corn. S. D., Tex_573, 865Chippewa, Ont 1512Chippewa County, Mich.,

389, 645, 865Christian Co., Ky 1692Christiansburg, Va 1253Christoval Ind. S. D.,

Tex.'573, 723Cincinnati, Ohio_ __250, 318,388, 389, 460, 573, 646,723, 797, 097, 1056, 1377.

1568, 1625Cincinnati S. D., Ohlo_388,

573, 925Cienfuegos, Cuba 864, 995Circleville, Ohio 723Clairton, Pa 250Claremore, Okla__ _123, 646, 865Claremont, Cal_646, 1190, 1377Claremont S. D Cal 1692Claresholm, Alta 1700Clarkfield, Minn 1436, 1626Clarksburg, W. Va 516Clarksville, Ga 1115Clatsop Co. S. D. No. 1,Ore 516, 997

Clay Co., Miss 389, 573, 865Clayton, N Y 180, 250

,r Brook S. D., Waqh..1436Clear Spring S. D. No. 1578,Sask 1062

Clearview, N. B • 130Clearview S. D. No. 842,Man 652, 1321

Clearwater Co.'

Minn 997Clendenin, W. Ara 1504Cleveland, Ohlo.._180, 250,318, 389, 573, 865, 1115,1253, 1313, 1314, 1377.

1504. 1692Cleveland, Okla 1056Cleveland Hgts., Ohlo.1190,

1504, 1568Cleveland S. D., Okla 123Cleveland S. D., Ohlo.1190.

1378, 1568Cliffside Park S. D., N.

J.'516, 646Clifton, Ky 723. 926Clifton Springs, N. Y 1115, 1190Clinton, La 1436Clinton, Mass 1692Clinton, Out 1321, 1700Clinton, Okla 1190Clinton Twp., Ind 1190Clover S. D.. So. Car_ _1115,

1314, 1436Cloquet, Minn 1436, 1692Clyde, Ohio 927Coahoma Co., Miss. ..885, 1115Coal Grove, Ohio 516Coalinga S. D.. Cal__ .180, 250Coalinga Union High S. D.,Cal 1190; 1314

Coaticook, Quo. .652, 729, 1198Cobalt, Ont 1198Cobourg S.D. No.2023, Alta_ 652Coeur d'Alene, Ida 1190Coeur d'Alene Ind. S. D.No. 1, Ida 1378, NH

Coffeyville S. D., Kan 250Colby, Kan 1253Colchester North Twp., Ont. 652Cold Spring, Minn 123Coldwater, Ohio 1190, 1626Coldwater, Out 1513Cole Co., Mo 1188Colebrook Special S.D.,N.H.1692Coleman, Tex 1504, 1692Colerain, Minn 1504, 1692College Hill, Ohio 646, 997CollegePark, Ga.1190, 1436, 1692Collin Co. Corn. S. D. No.62, Tex , 123

Collins, Ga 1314Collins Co., Tex 1692Collinwood, Ohio 123Collingswood, N. J 1190Colonial Beach, Va.._ _318, 723Colorado 318, 387. 1378Colorado, Tex 646Colorado Springs. Colo_180,

885, 1190Colorado Springs S. D. No.

11, Colo_180, 318, 723, 1692Colton, Cal_648, 865, 1190, 1692Columbia,So.Car.723, 1056, 1568Columbia, Miss 926Columbia City, Ind_389, 516Columbia Co., Pa__ _1253, 1568Columbia Heights, Minn_ 1504Columbia S. D,, Mo 1692Columbus, Ga_ _318, 516, 1504Columbus, Neb__ _318, 573.

723, 1253, 1692Columbus, Ohio_318, 389,460, 644, 648, 997, 1056,

1190, 1313, 1692Columbus S. D., Ohio- .797, 997Columbus Twp., Neb 1253Comanche, Tex 250, 723Commerce, Tex 389Comme Te S. D.. Texas._ _ _865Como, Que 463. 652Conconully, Wash 123, 251Concho Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 646, 1568

Concord, No. Car 1438Connecticut 460, 926, 1056Conroe Ind. S. D., Tex-- -.1692Conshohocken, Pa'..389, 516,573, 926, 1115, 1314,

1378, 1436

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Page.Continental S.D., Ohlo.997, 1190Contra Costa Co., Cal 1692Converse Co. S. D., Wyo_ _1115Conway, Fa 123, 573Cook Co., Minn 460Cooke Co., Tex 1314Cookeville, Tenn 250Cooper Ind. S. D., Tex 1692Copperas Cove Ind. S. D., .Tex 865, 1692

Cora,polls, Pa 573Cornish, Okla 1568Cornwall, Ont 183Cornwall Twp., Ont 1632Corona S. D., Cal 646, 997Corpus Christi, Tex.318, 389, 723Corpus Christi Ind. S. D..Tex 1504

Corsica, So. Dak 1253Corsicana, Tex 318, 1115Cortland, N. Y 723, 865Cortlandville, N Y 573Corvallis, Ore 1190Corydon, Ia 646, 1190Coshocton S. D., Ohio_ _389, 646Cote des Nelges S. D., Que_1421Cottage Grove, Ore.63, 251, 1190Cottle County, Tex 865Cottle County Corn. S. D.No. 1, Tex__ - _645, 1190, 1626

Council Bluffs, Ia 63, 179Council Bluffs Ind. S. D.,Ia.

646, 1314Court House Twp. S. D., So.Car 1626

Courort Bayou Dr. D., Ark.63, 251

Cove S. D. No. 14, Neb 723Coventry, R. I 1190Covington, Ky..63, 318, 573,

646, 926, 1504, 1626,1690, 1692

Covington, Tenn.865, 1115, 1693Covington County, Miss- _ 926Cowanville, Ont 1259Cozad, Neb 251Crab Orchard, Neb 723, 865Craighead County, Ark_ _ 573Crandon, Wis 865Crane Creek Irr. Dist., Ida... 926Crawford County, Ia 389Crawford Co. Road DistrictNo. 1, Ohio 1437, 1504

Crawfordsville, Ind_ _1190, 1504Crawfordsville Sch. Dist.,Ind 1253, 1693

Creston, Neb__ -1056, 1568, 1693Creston Sch. Dist., Wash__ _1190Crete, Neb 646, 1314, 1437Crookston, Minn 124Crooksville, Ohio__ :_1626, 1693Croswell Sch. Dist., Mich 124Crystal Springs, Miss 646Cuba S. D., Ohlo.865, 1190, 1569Cuero, Tex 573, 1056, 1115Culbertson S. D. No. 1, Neb.

1056, 1693Cumberland, R. 1.180, 646,

723, 1569Cumberland Co., N. J.866, 1115Cummings Valley S. D., Cal_ 124Curtis, Neb 1253Cushing, Okla.__ _389, 573, 1693Cusseta, Ga 318, 1191, 1569Custer City Sch. Dist., Okla. 573Custer County, Mont 1569Custer Co. S.D. No. 1, Mont.1626Custer Co. S.D.No.19, Mont. 646Cuyahoga Co., Ohio__ _124,

180, 646, 723, 866, 997,1115, 1191, 1504, 1626, 1693

DAde Co., Fla__ _251, 389,1191, 1504

Dade County, Mo 316, 864Dale S. D., Pa.-1378, 1569, 1693Dallas, So. Dak 1626Dallas, Tex- .573,723, 1056,

1314, 1693Dallas County, Mo 63Dallas Co., Ala_1314, 1437, 1505Dallas Co., Tex_ _ _573, 646,

997, 1056, 1437Dallas Co. Corn. S. D. No.32, Tex 251

Dallas S. D., Ore 1191,1253, 1437

Dalton, Ga 1191, 1437Danville, Va ' 318Dauphin, Man... _730, 930,

1199, 1259, 1513, 1573, 1701David City, Neb- 124, 318, 926Davidson, Bask 463, 652Davidson Co., Tenn_ _387,

389, 1253, 1693Dawson Co., Neb.318, 866, 1314Dawson Co.S.D.No.6,Mont_1693Dawson Ind. Sch, Dist., Tex 389Dayton, Ohio 318, 460,

516, 1191, 1314, 1437, 1626Dayton, New Mex 318, 723Dayton Ind. S. D., Tex_ . - 723Deaf Smith Co., Tex-. _251,

723, 1437Deanton Sch. Dist., Sask_1122Decatur, Ala_ _ _723, 1115,

1315, 1505, 1693Dedham, Mass 1437, 1693Defiance, Ohio 797, 1191Defiance Co., Ohio__ _1191, 1315Delano, Minn 124, 251Delaware, Ohio__ _318, 389,

797, 1191, 1505Delaware Co., Ohio_ _723, 926Delaware S. D., Ohio_ _866,

1505, 1569Delhi Dr. Dist., Cal.- _997, 1253Delisle, Sask 874Delisle Sch. Dist., Sask 874Dell Rapids, So. Dak 646Delphos S. D., Ohio__ _646,

723, 997, 1191Delta, B. C 1321, 1443,

1573, 1633Delta, Ohio 251Delta S. D., Colo 866, 1056Deming S. D., N. M..926, 1116Denbigh Sch. Dist., Va.__ _1191Denver Colo...316, 388, 389,

722, 1057, 1188, 1313,1376, 1502, 1625, 1690

Denver St. Vrain Irr.D.,Col. 516Derby School Dist., Tex...1505Des Moines, Ia 318, 389Des Moines S. D., Ia... 180, 997

Page.De Soto, Mo 1188De Soto County, Fla 723De Soto Parish, La 124Detroit, Ill 1505Detroit, Mich 124De Witt County, Tex 1505D'Harris Ind. S. D., Tex_ 460Diamond Hill Ind.S.D.,Tex. 723Dickey Co., No. Dak..1437, 1626Dickinson, No. Dak 1057Dickson, Tenn 723Dickson County, Tenn 1505Dieterich S. D. No. 29, Ill.

318, 1253Dillon, Mont 460Dillon, So. Car 1505Dilworth Sch. Dist., Minn_ _1315Dixon Sch. Dist., Cal 1626Dodge City, Kan 389, 1253Dodge County, Minn 251Dolores, Colo 866, 1693Dominion of Canada_ _395,

1259, 1382Dona Ana Co. S. D. No. 12,N. M 866

Donaldsonville, Ga 1315Donie Ind, III. D., Tex_ _389, 723Dormont Ildt. Dist., Pa_ 1191Dorval, Que 1321Dover, Minn 997Dover School Dist., Ohio... 806Doylestown, Pa 1253Dravosburg, Pa 573Drummer Township, Ill_ _ ..1626Dublin School Dist., Tex__ _1437Du Bois County, Ind 251Dubuc School Dist., Sask.._ 874Duquesne, Pa 926Dufferin Man 1199Duluth, Minn 318, 516,

723, 797, 997, 1057Duluth S. D., Minn_63, 251, 573Dundee, Neb 1693Dunkirk, N. Y. .516, 1315, 1437Dunkirk, Ohio 997, 1437Dundalk, Ont 1122Dunn Ind. Sch. Dist.. Tex 460Dunnville, Ont._ _ _395, 521,

652, 1701Duquesne, Pa 251Durant, Okla_180, 318, 723, 866Durant:School Dist., Okla 724Durham, Ont 183Dysart, Iowa 1505

Vagle Lake, Tex 180riagle Lake Ind. S. D., Tex. 997East Alton, Ill 1505East Baton Rouge Parish,La 1315, 1093

East Bridgewater, Mass.,1437, 1505

East Cleveland S. D., Ohio,124, 251, 318

Fast Dundee, Ill 1057East Grand Forks S. D.,Minn 516

East Hampton, Conn 1315East Kildonan S. D. No. 14,Man 652, 1122, 1573

Eastland S. D., Tex 1057East Liverpool, Ohio 1315East Milwaukee, Wis 1253Easton, Pa 998, 1693East Orange, N. J 124East Palestine, Ohio._ _124, 1693East Palisade Irr. Dist. ,Col. 251East Rutherford S. D. ,N.

1569, 1693East St. Louis, Ill 124, 318East Sparta S. D., Ohio,

1626, 1693East Spencer, No. Car 1057East View S. D., Ohio,1191, 1253East Youngstown, Ohio. 926Eaton, Ohio 860, 1116Eau Claire, Wis 516Edinboro, Pa3

646Edinglassie S. D. No. 195793%

Alta 930Edison, Ga 124, 573, 724Edison S. D., Neb 1315Edmond, Okla 124Edmonds, Wash 251, 646Edmonton, Alta.

' 183, 250,

324, 1199, 1382, 1513Egg Lake S. D. No. 429,A1ta1513Egremont Twp., Out 1633El Campo Ind. S. D., Tex.,

251, 724, 1569, 1693El Centro. Cal 460, 646Eldorado Twp. S. D. No, 67,

Iii 1569El Dorado Spec. S. D., Ark.1626El Dorado Ind. S. D., Tex 460El Dorado Paving Imp.

Dist., Ark 1191Eldred Dr. & Levee Dist.,

Iii 1315Elgin Ind. S. D., Tex 1505Elgin Twp. Un. S. D. No. 46,

Iii 63, 1693Elizabeth S. D., N. J 1505Elkhart Twp., Ind 1569Elkhorn S. D. No. 366, Man.,

. 1321, 1633Elkhorn S. D. No. 313 Man 1573Ellenville, N. Y 1569, 1693Ellice, Man 1199, 1513Ellis Co., Tex...1437, 1505, 1093Ellis Co. Dr. Dist. No, 1,Tex. 696Ellisville, Miss Elloree, So Car 1262571Ellsworth Twp. Ohio, 866, 998Ellwood City, Pa 389, 516Elmhurst Sanitary Dist., Ca1.925Elmira, Out 521Elmwood S. D., Neb., 1315, 1627El Paso, Tex., 646, 797, 1315El Paso Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex. 318Elphinstone Un. S. D. No.

196, Man 259El Reno, Okla., 64, 251, 389,

646, 1116, 1505Elsinore, Utah 998Elsinore.Un. high S. D.,Cal 251, 866, 1116

Elstow, Sask 183Emard, Que 1573Emery Co., Utah, 318, 516, 724Emporia, Kan 574, 1191Englewood, Colo 806Enid, Okla 724Enid S. D., Okla. 1057, 1116Ennis, Tex 1057

Page.Ephrata, Pa 998Erie, Pa 721Erie Co., Ohio 1693Erie S. D , Pa 1116, 1253Eros S. D., La 390Erwin, Tenn 1693Essex Co., Mass., 318, 460,

797, 866, 1693Essex Co., N. Y.,1191, 1254,1693Essexville, Mich 1569Estevan, Sack 1122, 1199Etna, Pa 1254Etobicoke Twp., Ont. _521, 652Euclid Twp., Ohio 574Eugene, Ore., 724, 1437, 1693Euphrasia Twp., Out 1321Eureka, Mont 1693Eureka S. D. No. 88, III.,

724, 1315Eureka S. D. No. 2174 ,Sask.1122Eupora, Miss-460. 926, 1116Evanston, Ill., 724, 1116, 1569Evanston S. D., III__ _1116. 1437Everett, Mass 1569Excelsior S. D., Cal_ _1315, 1505Exeter, Out 463Exeter Un. High S. D., Cal.,

180, 1191, 1437Eyebrow, Sask 1321

Falrbury, Neb_866, 1437, 1693airfax, Minn 724

Fairland, Tex 1191Fairlight, Sask_ _464, 652, 730Fairmont,W.Va.724, 1315, 1437Fairview S. D., Cal_ _574,

1254, 1437Falconer, N. Y 319Fall ng River S. D., Va.. _ _1116Fallon, Nev 251Fall River, Mass 251,

574, 797, 998, 1057, 1505Falls City, Neb 390Falls City, Ore 1057Fargo, No. Dak 390. 646Farmdale S. D., Cal_1116, 1254Farnham, Que 1633Favola Co., Tex 251, 998Fayette, Miss 926. 1057Fayetteville, Tenn 319Fenton, Ia 866Fergus Co. S. D., Mont_ ._ _1505Fergus Falls, Minn 319Fernle, B. C 1199Festus, Mo 251Findlay S. D., Ohio_ _124

180, 319, 460, 646Fisher, Ill 1315Fisher Co., Tex 251Fisher Co. Corn. S. D., Tex_ 998Fishkill Landing, N. Y.998, 1627Fitchburg, Cal 124Fitchburg, Mass_319, 460, 1505Flint, Mich_797, 1254, 1315.1693Flint S. D., Mich 1694Flora, Ill 1505Flora S. D., So. Dak- _866. 998Florence, Neb 1694Florence, So. Car_ _124, 390, 574Florence S. D., Neb.390, 460, 516Florence Co. S. D., So. Car_1191Florida S. D., Ohio 1694Floyd Co., Ind _251, 319, 390Floydada Ind. S. D., Tex.,

1437, 1627Foard Co., Tex_ _124. 516, 646Foard Co. Corn. S. D. No. 6,Tex 319

Forest City, No. Caro 124Forest Park, Ill 574, 797Forrest Co., Miss 1505Fort Atkinson, Wis 646Fort Bend Co., Tex 251, 797Fort Erie,Ont.730, 803, 874, 1122Fort Saskatchewan, Alta_ 130Fort Smith & Van Buren

Dist., Ark 1505Fort Smith S. D., Ark 1505Fort Valley, Ga 998Fort William. Out... _931. 1259Fort Worth, Tex. _251, 390,

648, 866, 1437, 1505Fort Worth Imp. Dist., Tex.1116Foss, Okla 180Fossil, Ore 646, 797, 1254Fountain Hill, Pa_ _ ..1378, 1694Framingham, Mass-926, 1627Francis, Okla 1627Frankfort, N. Y.390, 866, 1437Frankfort-on-Main 1313Franklin, No. Caro 1437Franklin, Tenn_390. 574, 1057Franklin Co.. KY 647Franklin Co., Ohio- _ .574,

647, 998Franklin Co., Tenn_ _ _251,

797, 1315Franklin Co., Va 797Frederick, Md_1191, 1254, 1437Frederick S. D., Okla _ 1116,

1191, 1254Fremont Co S. D., Idaho 866Fremont Co S. D., Wyo. _1116Fresno, Cal 1191, 1315Frontenac, Nan 647Frostburg, Md 1191Frost Public S. D., Tex 574Frulta, Colo 124Fruitvale S. D., Cal 1191Fullerton S. D., Neb_797, 1627Fulton, N. Y 1378, 1437Fulton Co., Ohio 1315,1437, 1694Fulton S. D., Mo 724, 1191Fulton S. D.

' So Dak 1254

Fulton Twp. S. D., Ohio.. _1505

nadsden, Ala. 390, 647, 1627Ga. 647. 724, 998

Gainsboro, Sack 1321, 1513Galesburg, Ill. _319, 390,

866, 1191, 1315Galesburg, Mich 1569Gallon. Ohio 1694Gallon S. D., Ohio 1315Gallatin S. D., Mo 516, 647Gallatin Co. S. D., Mont__ _1627Gallia Co., Ohlo.1569, 1627, 1694Galt, Ont_183, 1259, 1513, 1633Galveston, Tex_ -515, 797, I

1191, 1694 ,Galveston Co.. Tex -1505, 1627Galveston Co B. D., Tex _1627Ganton S. D

'Alta 184

Garden City, Kan 721Gardena S. D., No. Dak_ 574

Page.Gardner, Mass 1191Garfield Co., Okla 390Garrettsville, Ohio 516, 647Gary, Ind 1315Garza Ind. S. D., Tex 998Garza Co Corn. S. D., Tex.1057Gates, Tenn 124Geneseo Twp. H. S. D., 111_1627Geneva, N. Y 926Genoa S. D., Ohio 574, 647Genoa S. D., Tex 574George, Ia 794, 926Georgetown, Ky 460,

516, 797, 1057Georgetown, Out 130Gettysburg, So. Dak.1191, 1694Gilbert Plains, Man 1199Gilmer Ind. S. D., Tex _ _ _ _ 251Girard, Ohio • 1694Glendale, Cal 319, 797Glendale, Ohio 251, 390Glengarry S. D., Man 1260Glen Lake Irr. Dist., Mont.,

1254, 1437Glen Springs S. D. No. 82,So. Caro 319, 797

Glens Falls, N. Y 517Glenwood Springs, Colo 249Gloucester, Mass 319,

574, 866, 1254, 1438Gloucester, N. B. _ _ _1260, 1443Gloversville, N. Y. _724,

1057, 1315, 1505Goderich, Ont__184, 521,

652. 1199Golden-Littleton Irr. Dist.,

Colo 1191Goldsboro, No. Caro.797, 998, 866Good Hope, Ill 1191Gopher Head S. D., Alta 184Goshen Un. Fr. S. D., N. Y.,

1505, 1569Gotebo, Okla 460Gothenburg S. D., Neb.,

1057, 1438, 1627Gouverneur, N. Y....1191,

1378, 1438Graham S. D., Cal 1694Grainger Co., Tenn _319, 516Granda, Col 926Grand Encampment, Wyo_1438Grand Forks, No. Dak 251Grand Island, Neb 724Grand Rapids, Mich _647,866, 998, 1057, 1116,

1191, 1438, 1505Grand Rapids, Minn 124Grand Rapids, Wis.252, 460, 1116Grand Rapids S. D., Mich.,

124, 460, 574, 1378Grand Valley hr. Dist., Col.,

390, 1438Grand View, Man 1443Grandview, Tex 259, 1199Granite S. D., Utah 1191Grant City, Mo 574Grant City S. D., /do 864Grant's Pass, Ore 1569Grantville, Ga 1057. 1116Granum S. D. No. 1289, Alta.130Gray Co. Corn. S. D. No. 6,Tex 998

Grayson Co., Tex 124. 998Grayson Co. Corn. S. D., Tex 124Great Bend, Kan 998, 1254Greater Birmingham, Ala... 1378Greencastle, Pa 319Green Co. S. D. No. 72,0kla. 724Green Cove Spgs.,Fla.,647, 926Greene Co., N. Y., 252, 390, 1254Greene Co., Ohio 574, 647Greene Co. S. D. No. 8, Mo. 864Greenfield S. D., Mo 1188Greenport, N. Y 124Greensboro, No. Car., 318,

, 1627Greensburg, Ind 124Greenville, Ga 64, 318Greenville, No. Car 1505

, Greenville, Ohio 724, 926I Greenville, So Car., 574,

1116, 1694I Greenville, ar, .i11), 14117, 9398. 8,1627

1 Greenwich, Conn 574Greenwich, Ohio, 124, 390, 647Gretna S. D., Man 1573Grew Co., Ont 184, 652Gridley, Cal 797, 1057Grimes Co. Com. S. D., Tex 252Grimsby, Ont 1443Grinnell, Ia 647Groesbeck S. D., Tex 1438

, Gross Point, III 1192Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.,

1627, 1694Grove City, Ohio 647Grove City S. D., Ohio, 724, 998Groveport . Ohio 124Grover Hill S. D., Ohio_ 866Groveton Ind. S. D., Tex_ .. 124Guadalupe Co., Tex., 318,

390, 574, 797Guelph, Out., 130, 803,

1122, 1260Gqernsey, Wyo., 180, 390, 1315Guernsey S. D., Sack 874Gueydan Dr. Dist., La 1690Guilford Twp., Ohio 1694Guntersville, Ala 647, 1192Gunton S. D., Man 1701Guthrie, Okla....252, 724, 1057Guthrie S. D., Okla 1057Gwinnett Co., Ga 866, 1315

Hickensack, N. J__ _1438, 1569tddon Heights S. D.,N.J. 798

Hageman S. D., New Hex.,798, 866

Halleybury, Out 1199Halbrite, Sask 130Halifax, N. S 874Halton Co., Out., 66, 259

1321, 1513Hamburg S. D..No. 13,N.Y. 647Hamburg Un. Fr. S. D.,N.Y 252, 517, 724, 866

Hamburgh, Ark 574Hamilton, Ohio, 64, 252,517, 647, 798, 926, 998,

1192, 1505, 1694Hamilton, Out., 184, 652,

1321, 1382, 1513Hamilton Roman CatholicSch. Dist., Out 1574

Page.Hamilton Twp. S. D., N. J.,

998, 1116Filmier, Ohio 252, 319Hammonton S. D., N. J____ 798Hampden Co., Mass 998Hancock, Md 998Hancock, Mich 1505Hancock Co., Ga 1694Hannibal S. D., Mo., 867,

1116, 1192Hanover Twp., Ind 724Harbor Springs, Mich.. 724,

867, 998Harden Co., Tex. 1694Hardin Co.. Ohio 318, 390Hardy, Neb 1694Harlingen, Tex 1505Harlingen Ind. S. D., Tex.. 1438Harlem, Ill 867Harlowton, Mont 1192Harlowton S. D., Mont.,

724, 1116, 1438Harper S. D., Cal., 1057,

1378, 1569Harper Ind. S. D., Tex... _ 252Harrietstown Un. Fr. S. D.No. 1, N. Y 252

Harris Co., Tex 252Harris Co. Corn. S. D. No. 4,Tex 180•

Harris Co. Corn. S. D. No.14, Tex 252,1694

Harris Co. Corn. S. D. No.17, Tex 1116

Harris Co. Corn:. S. D. No.25, Tex 252, 724, 1116 -

Harris Co. Corn. S. D. No.29, Tex 1057

Harris Co. Corn. S. D. No.31, Tex 1694

Harris Co. Dr. Dist. No. 2,Tex 1625

Harris S. D., Sask 464Harrisburg, Pa., 319, 517, 574Harrisburg S. D., Pa., 574, 724Harrison, N. J 1315Harrison Co., Ia., 124, 180,

647, 1506Harrison Twp., Ind 1192Harrisonburg, Va.. ..1378, 1438Hartford, Conn 1506Hartford, Ky 647, 798Hartford, Mich 724, 798Hartford, Vt 1192, 1254Hart Twp., Mich 1057Hartington, Neb 798Hartville, Mo 998Hartville S. D. No. 49, Mo.,

1192, 1569Hartwell. Ohio 647, 867Harvard S. D., Ill 1569Harvard S. D., Neb., 1569, 1627Haskell Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 798, 1438, 1694

Haskins. Ohio_ .998, 1057, 1192Hastings, Neb_319, 390, 798Hattiesburg, Miss_ _ _ _1315, 1694Haultain S. D. No. 2431,Sask 730

Havelock, Neb., 390, 574,998, 1116 .1438

Haverstraw Un. Fr. S. D.,N Y 1438, 1506

Haverhill, Mass., 63, 390,459, 517, 574, 867

Hawaii 1188Hawarden, Sask 652, 803Hawkesbury,Ont.,395, 874, 1382Hawkins Co., Tenn., 252,

461, 1192, 1254. 1438Hawkinsville, Ga 1506Hays Co., Tex 1192Hazel Twp. S. D., Pa 1067Hazeldell, Pa 647Hazlehurst, Miss 63Heaidsburg, Cal 1254Hebron, Neb 867 1057Helena, Mont 1376, 1567Helena S. D. No: 1. Mont.,

867, 998, 1315Hellertown S. D Pa 1694Hemet Un. High S. D., Cal.. 180Hemingsford, Neb. _ _ _125, 574Hemphill Co. Corn. S. D.No. 11, Tex 1116

Hempstead Un. Fr. S. D.,N.Y 1315, 1378

Henderson Co.' Ky 1506

Hennepin Co., Minn__ _459, 1254Henry Co , Mo 316Henry Co., Ohio 798Henryiyn Irr. Dist., Colo.,

517, 867Hereford Ind. S. D., Tex.,

125, 798Herkimer Co., N. Y 1694Hermiston S. D. No. 14,Ore 517, 647

Hernando, Miss 1254, 1694Herrick, So. Dak 252IIespeler, Out 1062Hiawatha, Kan 724Hickman Co., Tenn 63Hibbert Twp., Ont 1062Hickory, No. Car 1116Hidalgo Co. Corn. S. D. No.

11, Tex 647Hidalgo Co. Dr. Dist., Tex.,

125, 1116Higgins Ind. S. D., Tex 390High Bridge, N. J., 1057, 1569Highclere S. D. No. 2411,

Stork 652Highgrove, Cal 1254Highland Irr. Dist., Colo_ 647Highland Park, Ill_ _ _ _319, 1315Highland Park, Mich..1192, 1627Highland Park, Va 125Highland Park S. D., Va.. 867Highland Valley S. D., Sask. 395High Point, No. Car 252High River, Alta. 1701Hill Co. Corn. S. D., Tex__ -1506Hillman Twp. S. D.. Mich_ _1627Hillsboro, Tex., 867, 1116,

1506, 1694Hillsboro S. D., Ohio 319Hillsborough Bridge Fire

Dist., N. H 1192, 1627HilLsdale Twp., N. J 125Hinckley, N Y 1506Hinckley S. D., Minn 1627Hoboken, N. J., 319, 461,

1378, 1438, 1506, 1569Hochelaga, Que 1123, 1191

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Page. Page.Holbrook Irr. Dist., Colo__ 125 Johnston City, Ill 391Holden, Mo 864 Johnstown, N. Y 999, 1057Holland. Mich__ _724, 1254, 1627 Johnstown. Pa_ _125, 319.Holloway S. D., Ohio 1627 517, 574, 867Holly Beach City, N. J_125, Johnstown S. D.. Pa 1506

517, 1313 Joliet, Ill 648, 1506Hollywood, Cal 252 Jones Co.. Tex 867, 1506Hollywood Un. H.S.D., Cal_ 390 Jonesboro, No. Car_ ._125,Holtville S. D., Cal 1627 1254. 1628Holyoke, Mass____319, 461, Jonesboro Paving Dist.,Ark.1569

517, 647, 798, 1438, 1506 Joplin, Mo 320, 725. 798Somerville, Ga 180

' 252 Joplin S. D., Mo. 926,

Homestead, Pa 998, 1057 1057, 1192Homestead S. D., Pa 1057 Jordan S. D., Utah_ 798, 927Hominy, Okla 125 Josephine Co. S D. No. 7.Hondo Ind. S. D., Tex 461 Ore 648, 927, 1058Hood Co., Tex 319, 1254 Joshua Ind. S. D., Tex 125Hood River, Ore .319. 574, 1378 Juniata, Pa 125, 517, 1254Hopedale. Ohio__ -319, 390. 647Hopewell Twp. S. D„ Ohlo_1438 yalamazoo, Mich-1192, 1378Hopkinton, Mass 724 Al‘also, B. C 1513Hornellsville S. D., N. Y., Kandiyohl Co.. Sim- -320.

1315, 1694 798, 927Houlton, Me 1057 Kansas 481, 725, 1058Houston, Tex 798 Kansas City, Kan.181, 391,Houston Co. Corn. S. D. No. 648, 725, 798, 1438, 1628, 169556, Tex 1506 Kansas City. Mo_ _181, 648.

Houston CO. Corn. S.D. No. 725, 999, 1313, 1376,60, Texas 15(,6 1506, 1628

Howell, Bask 259 Kansas City S. D., Mo 1378Hubbard, Ohio 1116 Kasimir S. D. No. 1981,Alta. 184

Hubbard Co., Minn 252 Kathio Township, Minn__ - - 798

Hudson, N. Y 180, 252 Kaw Valley Dr. Dist., Kan.

Hudson Co., N. J__ _ _1057, 798, 867. 1058, 1192' 1116, 1254 Kearney, Neb 1506, 1570

Hudson S.D., Cal 125, 252 Keene, N. H 1628

Hudson Twp., Ont 130 Keephills Sch. Dist., Alta-- 130

Hugo, Okla 517 Kelowna, B. C_ _259, 464, 1513

Humboldt, Tenn_ .574,647, 926 Kemmerer Sch. Dist., Wyo.1628

Humboldt S. D., Kan_ _252, 724 Kenesaw, Neb 1695

Hunter Dr. Dist., Colo 1506 Kenmore, N. Y 574

Hunter Twp. S.D., So.,Car_ 998 Kenmore S. D., Ohlo_1628, 1695Huntingdon, Pa 319, 574 Kennebec Water Dist., Me.Huntingdon, Tenn_319, 461, 647 798, 867Huntington, Ark 1315 Kennett, Mo 1058Huntington, N. Y_181, 252, 390 Kennett S. D , Mo__ A188, 1315Huntington, W. Va__ _390. Kennett Square, Pa.. ..391, 648

867, 1315, 1506 Kent, Wash 517, 999Huntington Beach, Ca1.648. 1694 Kent Co. Corn. S. D., Tex.,Huntington S. D., Ark_ - _ _1506 798, 1695

Huntington S. D., Cal 461 Kentucky_ _ 316, 644, 795, 864

Huntsville, Ala.. .319, 390, 724 Kern Co., Cal 232, 461, 517Huntsville, Ont_1123, 1199, Kewanee, Ill 1695

1382, 1513 Keystone, W. Va._ -1254, 1570

Huron, So. Dak 319, 517 Key West, Fla 648. 1117

Hutchinson, Kan_ _648, 867, Kildonan, Man 7301192, 1378 Killarney, Man_ _325, 396, 578

Hyde Park, Mass_ _252, 319, Killeen Sch. Diet., Tex- 725724, 926 Kimball Irrig. Dist., Neb. .1192

King Co. S. D. No. 14,Wash.

Iberville Parish S. D., La., 1438. 15701116, 1192, 1690 King Co. S. D. No. 26,Wash.1506

Idaho Falls, Ida_999, 1192, 1438 King Co.S.D.No.120,Wash_1570

Ilford S. D. No. 2430, Sask. 464 King Co. 8.D.No.133,Wash.Illinois-387, 459, 644, 721, 1438, 1570

1313, 1502 King Co. S.D.No.162,Wash.1695

Imperial, Cal 390 Kingfisher, Okla 867

Independence, Ia 648, 867 Kingfisher S.D.,Okla_1508, 1628

Independence, Mo_ 517, 648, 867 King George County, Va_-.1695

Independence, Ore 648, 999 Kinghorn Sch Dist., Sask.-1513

Independence S. D., Ia-__ 999 Kingston, Ont 1513

Indiana 316 Kingsville, Ont 1382, 1701

Indianapolis S.D.,Ind.1506, 1627 Kingsville, Ohio 1507

Ingersoll, Ont 1633 Kiowa Co. Sch. Dist., Nan_ 252

Inglewood City S. D., Cal.. 1438 Kiowa Valley. Irr. D., Colo- 648Inglewood S. D., Cal 1694 Kirkland N Y 1628Inman, Kan 111 7K irkland Ind. S. D., Tex.

laniard Tw1).. Ont 1260 252, 461, 867Ionia, Mich 1506 Kissimmee. Fla_ -320. 798,Iola. Kan 798 867, 1117. 1438Ionia, Mich 1192, 1378 Klamath Co. S. D. No. 1,

Iowa Co., Ia 1694 Ore 64, 252

Ipswich, Mass 724 Klamath Co. S. D No.9,0re1315

Iredell Co., No. Car 1057 Klamath Falls, Ore. .J316, 1507

Irene Ind. S. D., Tex 1192 Kieburg Sch. Dist., Tex__ -. 320

Iron River S. D., MIch..648, Klickitat Co. S. D. No. 63,867, 999 Wash 1507, 1628

Irwindale S. D., Cal__ --125, 390 Klickitat Co. S. D. No. 50.

Italy Ind. S. D., Tex 1506 Wash 1628

Ithaca, N. Y 999 Knowles S. D., New Mex-- 1117Knox County, Ohio-- -867, 999

Tack Co. Corn. S. D., Tex_1506 Knoxville, Tenn__ _64, 181, 1570

4 acksboro, Tex_798, 999, 1117 Kossuth County, Ia 1570

Jacksboro Ind. S. D., Tex_ _1627 Kossuth Co. S. D. No. 4, Ia. 867

Jackson, Mich 1506, 1694 Krebs, Okia_252, 517, 798, 1058

Jackson, Miss.. _ _319, 517, 798 Kronsberg S.D.No.48,Sask. 653

Jackson, Ohio 1506 Krum Ind. S. D., Tex 725

Jackson Co., Ind . 1117, Kulak S. D. No. 2045, Alta_ 2591627, 1694

Jackson Co., Minn 125 j abette County. Kan 320Jackson Co., Okla.725, 867, 1117 Lao Broquerle, Man 1123Jackson Co., Tenn 125 Lachine, Que 1633Jackson Co., Tex 1057 Lac qui Pane Co., Minn_ .1695Jackson Twp., Ind 1569 La Crosse County, Wis 1695Jackson Twp., Ohio__ _1117, Lafayette, Ala 927

1569, 1627 Lafayette, Ga 320, 574, 927Jacksonville, Fla..125, 926. 1117 La Fayette Sch. City, Ind.Jacksonville, Ill 999, 1506 1192, 1316Jamestown, Kan 1117 La Grange, Mo 864, 1188Jamestown S. D., N. Y_252, 648 La Grande, Ore_ ..64, 517, 1192Jamestown S. D., No. Dak.. 725 La Grande Sch. Dist., Ore.Janesville, Fla 125 724, 867, 1058Janesville, Wis 319, 390 Lake Arthur, New Mex._ _. 574

Jansen S. D. No. 2428, Sask.11231Lake Charles, La - __ _1316, 1695

Japan - - _387, 515, 572, 721, I Lake Johnston S. D. No.995, 1252 2465, Sack 653

Jasper, Ala 574 Lakefield Sch. Dist., Alta_ 184

Jay Co., Ind 999, 1438 Lakeland, Fla_320, 391. 798, 867Jeanerette S. D., La 252 Lake Shore S. D. No. 2221,

Jeanerette S. D., Pa_ _1506, 1627 Sack 259

Jeff Davis Co. Corn. S. D., Lakeview Sch. Dist., Ore.. 798Tex 319, 390, 926 Lakeview Municipality No.

Jefferson, Ohio.. .319, 517, 337 Sack 1633, 1695 Lakewood, 0_ _64. 125, 867, 999

Jefferson, Wis 10571L.tmar Irrig. Dist., Colo_ . _ 391Jefferson Co., Ind 125 Lamesa Ind. S. D., Tex_ 252Jefferson Co., Ohio__ _1117, La Mollie, La 1695

, 1627 Lancaster, Ohio 125, 927Jefferson Co.. Tex 574, 1506 Lancaster, Pa 253, 391Jefferson City, Mo 391 Lancaster S. D., Pa_ 461, 575Jefferson Co. S. I). No. 4, Lancaster, Tex 253Mont 926 Longhorn S. D. No. 1461,

Jefferson S. D., Cal--

_798, Sask 10621378, 1627 Langhorne, Pa 1695

Jennings Twp., Ohlo_1254, 1506 Langola Township, Minn.__ 798Jersey City, N. J 181, 644 Lander, Wyo 320, 461Jerusalem Twp. S. D., Ohio, Lansdale Sch. Dist., Pa.- 575

1506, 1627 Lansing, Mich 1628Jewett, Minn 648 Lansingburg Union Sch. D.John Knox S. D. No. 463, No. 1, N. Y-868, 1058, 1117

Alta 1513 Laporte County, Ind 391Johnson City, Tenn.- ..926, Laramie S. D., Wyo_1316, 1695

ill 1117, 1378 Larchmont, N. Y 1695Johnson Twp., Ind 1569 Laredo Sch. Dist.,

Tex_- _ _1318

JOhnsonburg, Pa 1695 Lashburn, Sack 1513, 1633

Page.Las Vegas, Nev 64Las Vegas S. D. Nev. _391, 648Lauderdale County, Miss_ _ _1695Laurel, Mont 253, 1378Lavon School District, Tex_1695Lawrence, Kan 648Lawrence. Mass_ _125, 253,

575, 927, 1117, 1570Lawrence, N Y..- 64, 391, 517Lawrence County, Ohio- - -.1695Lawrence Co., So. Dak -1313Lawton, Okla_ _391, 1316.

1628, 1695League City S. D., Tex_ -1695Leavenworth, Kan_ _253, 1628Lebanon, Mo 868. 927.

1438. 1570Lebanon, Pa 253, 461Lee County, Iowa 1192Lee Co., No. Car.648. 1058, 1254Leechburg S. D., Pa.1117, 1316Leeds County, Ont.__ _578, 1062Leelanau Twp. S. D., Mich.

1192, 1316Leflore Co., Miss_ 253. 1507, 1628Lehi, Utah 1507Lehigh Co., Pa_ _868, 1058, 1192Leicester S. D. No. 2491,Sack 1199

Lemmon, So. Dak 320, 517Le Moyne S. D., Pa.. _798, 1117Lenox, Mass 1438Leominster, Mass___1254, 1378Leon Co. Corn. S. Di No. 4,Tex 125, 575

Leon Co. Com, 8. D. No. 30,Tex 1695

Leopoldville S. D. No. 2004,Alta 578

Lestershire, N. Y 798Le Sueur Center S. D.,Minn 1628Lethbridge, Alta 1199Lethbridge Protestant Pub.School District, Alta 1199

Level School District. Ohio-1695Lewis, Iowa 1507Lewis County, N. Y-798, 1695Lexington, Ky 461, 648Lexington, Mass 927Lexington, Va 1254, 1507, 1695Lexington S. D., Neb. 125.

517, 721Lexington Ind. S. D., Tex 725Lexington Twp., No. Car_ _ 181Liberal, Kan 798Liberty Co Dr. Dist. Tex_ 125Liberty Township, Ohio.-- -1507Lilyvale S. D. No. 2509,Sash 1382

Lima, Ohio 725, 868Lima S. D., Ohio 1117,

1192, 1695Limestone County, Tex_ _ _ _1695Lincoln, Neb. ...253. 1378,

1570, 1695Lincoln County, Ida 999Lincoln County, Okla 644Lincoln Co Dr. Dist., Col_ _1507Lincoln S. D., Neb___ _575,

1507. 1695Lincoln Co. S. D. No. 105,Okla_ _ 1316

Lincoln Un. H. S. D., Cal_ _1316Lindsay, Out 184, 578Lindsay Sch. Dist., Cal- -- -1695LInford Township, Minn_ -1192Lipscomb Co., Tex 1117Lipscomb Co. Corn. S. D.,Tex 1117

Little Golden Irr. Dist.,Colo 999

Live Oak Co., Tex 253Livermore, Cal__ _125, 253, 391Livingston S. D., Tex 461Lloydminster, Ont 184Lockhart, Tex 868, 1117Lockland, Ohio 125, 1570Lockney Ind. S. D., Tex-. 798Logan, Ohio 1695Logan Co., Ohio 125Logan Sch. Dist., Ohlo_725,

1255, 1316Lompoc S. D., Cal 1695London, Ont 325, 964,

1382, 1574Lone Tree S. D., Cal 125Long Beach, Cal 1193Long Beach S. D., Cal_575,

648, 868, 1059, 1193Long Branch, N. J 1313Long Branch Dr. Dist„Miss.1193Long Lake S. D., Alta 1063Longmont S. D., Colo 1117Longueull, Que 1260Longview, Tex 648, 1570Lonsdale, Tenn_ _868, 927, 1507Lonsdale S. D. No. 2394,Sash 1701

Lorain, Ohio_ _ _927, 1117, 1193Lorain Co. Rd.

Dist.. Ohio,

461, 517, 1695Lorain S. D., Ohio_ _1628, 1695Los Altos S. D., Cal_ _648, 1058Los Angeles, Cal_ _391, 575,

648, 868, 1193Los Angeles S. D. No, 2476,Bask 1260

Los Feliz S. D., Cal 253Los Nietos S. D.. Cal- _725,

1117, 1507, 1696Loudon S. D., Man 130Loudonville, Ohio- -517.

1193, 1255Louisiana 1376, 1567Louisville, Ky_ _253, 799, 1255Louisville, Neb. _253, 999,

1316, 1507Love Co., Cal 125Lovington, Ill 1058, 1255Lowell, Mass_461, 517, 799,

999. 1117, 1255, 1316Lowell, Mich 181, 320Lower Merlon S. D., Pa_ _ _ 151)2Lowndes Co., Ala 391Lowryville S. D.. So. Car- -1696Lucas Co., Ohio_ _725, 927,

1117, 1193, 1316, 1438,1570, 1628

Lucasville, Ohio 927Lueders Ind. S. D., Tex 461Lufkin, Tex 648Luling, Tex 253Lumberiand, N. Y _799, 999Luna Co., New Mex.__ _ 64, 461Lusk, Wyo 1507

Page.Lusk S. D., Wyo 725Luverne Ind. S.D.,Ia _1507, 1628Luverne Ind. S. D. No. 2,Minn 725, 927, 1193

Luverne Twp., Minn 1628Lynn, Mass 868, 1438, 1570Lyons, Mich 868

McAllen, Tex 64McAlester. Okla 1378McCabe S. D., Cal_ _648.

1193, 1438McColl, So. Car 1696McCulloch Co., Tex 1507McCulloch Co. Corn. S. D.No. 7, Tex 1696

McGregor, Tex 725McKinney, Tex 320, 575Macklin S.D No. 2420,Sask. 578MacLeod, N. S 1633McMinnville S. D., Ore.868, 1507Macomb, Ill _ _ - _799, 1117,

1193, 1379Macon, Ga_ _320, 725, 868,

927, 1058, 1193McPherson S. D., Kan 1117Madera S. D., Cal 1696Madill, Okla 391, 575Madison, Fla 799Madison Co., Ala.721, 1507, 1628Madison Co., Fla 1193Madison Co., Ohio 799, 999Madison Co. S. D., Mont_ 724Madisonville, Ohio_ _ _ _253,

391, 1058. 1193Madoc, Ont 396, 521Magrath S. D., Alta_ - _578, 653Mahaska Co., Iowa_1255, 1439Mahoning Co., Ohio... _320, 575Maluen, Ill 1058Malden, Mass_ _125, 999,

1058, 1117, 1507Maiden, Mo 868, 999Malone, N Y 648, 999Mamornitz S. D., Sack.... 730Manassas, Va 1507Manatee Co., Fla 253Manchester, Mass_ _1507, 1570Manchester, N. 11_868, 927, 1628Manchester, Va 999.Mandam, No. Dak 181, 320Manhattan S. D., Kan____ 517Manistee, Mich. ..799, 1058,

1628, 1696Manitoba 804, 1123, 1260Manitou, Man 184Mankato, Minn 1378Mankato S. D., Minn 927Mansfield, Ohio 1378, 1507Mansfield S. D., Ohio 1628Monti, Utah 1316Mann City, Utah 1507Manville S. D., Wyo_ _1255,

1316, 1439Maplehill Twp., Kan 1255Marblehead, Mass_ ...1193,

1439, 1507Marcus Hook, Pa 517Marcy, N. Y 1628Marianna, Fla 125, 799Maricopa Co. S. D. No. 4,

Ariz 1696Maricopa Co. S. D. No. 8,

Ariz 1193, 1316Maricopa Co. S. D. No. 17,

Ariz 1696Marletta,Ohlo_517, 575, 648, 725Marietta S. D., Minn 1439Mann Co., Cal 999Marion, Ill 1439Marion, Ohio_ _999, 1193,

1507, 1570Marion, Va_ _ _1316, 1439, 1628Marion Co., Iowa 517, 575Marion Co., Ohio 999, 1058Marion Co., So Car_ .1439, 1570Marion S. D., Kan 799,099Marilposa, Out 1383Marlboro, Mass 253, 461Marlboro Graded S. D.,So. Car 999, 1255

Marlin, Tex 320Marlin S. D., Tex_391, 648, 1507Marshall, Tex 648Marshall Co., Ala 125Marshall Co., Ill 575Marshall Co., Ind 648, 1117Marshall Co., Minn _868,

927, 1117Marshall Co., So. Dak 725Marseilles. Ili 1439Marquez Corn. S. D., Tex 518Marquette, Mich 1507Mart Ind. S. D., Tex 1628Martinsburg, W. Va. -253, 461Martin's Ferry, Ohio 999Maryland- -125, 391, 795,

925, 995, 1058, 1114, 1379Maryland S.D. No. 4, N. Y ,

725, 1628Maryville, Tenn 927Marysville, Ohio 253Mason City, Neb 1316Mason Co., Ky 1628Mason Spec. S.D., 0_1507, 1696Massachusetts_125, 316, 320,391, 461, 795, 868, 996,1252, 1313, 1376, 1502, 1625

Massillon, Ohio 1255, 1379Massillon S. D., Ohio 253Matagorda Co. Dr. Dist.No. 1, Tex 320, 391

Matagorda Co. Corn. S D.No. 11. Tex 799

Matagorda Ind. S. D.. Tex_ 125Matteawan, N. Y 648Maywood, Ill 799, 927Maywood S. D. No. 89, Ill._ 868Mebane, No. Cam 999, 1316Medford, Mass- -461, 648,

927, 1316, 1570Medford, Okla_ - - _868, 999.

1193, 1507Medford, Ore 126. 1255Medford, Wis 799, 868Medford Twp., Minn 1439Medford Twp., N. J 320Medlapolis Ind. S.D., Ia.._ _1117Medicine Hat, Alta- _1199,

1514, 1633Medina Co. Rd. Dist., Ohio,

1507, 1629Medway, Mass 126Melrose, Mass. .253, 575,

999, 1439, 1507, 1029

Page.Melville, Sask__130, 1514, 1701Memphis, Tenn. .387, 699, 1696Mendenhall. Miss.__ .1508, 1696Mendon, Mich 481, 518Mercedes Ind. S. D., Tex.,

320, 725Merchantville S. D., N. J-.1379Meridian, Idaho 575, 999Meridian, Miss__ _126, 999, 1570Meridian, Tex 320, 725Meridian S. D., Cal 575Merkel, Tex 64Merry Home S. D , Sask... 464Mesa Co. Irr. Dist., Colo.253, 575Mexia, Tex 320, 999, 1629Mexia S. D., Tex 64, 518Miami Co., Ind 391

Michigan Co., Ohlo.927, 1193, 1316

64. 1376Midland, Ont 653Midland Park, N. J. _ _ 575,

649, 799, 1000, 1059Middle Kittitas Irr. Dist.,Wash 1508, 1696

Middle Lake S. D., Sash... 464Middleport, Ohio__ _799, 1193Middlesex Co., Mass__ _320,

799. 1439Middlesex Co., N. J__ _126,

649, 1255, 1379Middletown, N. Y____1117.

Middletown, Pa 1316, 11413179

Middletown, Ohlo,320, 391,1193, 1570, 1696

Middletown S. D., Ohlo.461,868, 1059, 1166966

Middletown S. D., Pa 4619

Midway S. D., Ky_391, 518, 799Midway S. D., Utah

1059, 1193Mom Co., Tex Milan S. D. No. 1, Mich..... 181Milano, Tex 320Miles, Tex 320, 725, 1696Miles City, Mont.1117, 1629, 1696Milford, Conn 1696Milford, Ia 126Milford, Neb 181, 320, 1117Milford Ind. S. D., Tex.,

575, 1193, 1316Milk River Valley S. D.,Alta 130Millburn Twp. S. D., N. J__ 253Mille Lacs Co., Minn Miller, So. Dak 1350981Miller City Village S. D., Ohio253Millersburg, Ohio_ __ _1059, 1696Millet S. D. No. 555, Alta_ 325Mills Co., Ia 320Milton, Fla 1255, 1696Milton, Ill Milton, Mass 11510938Milton, No. Dak

818' Milton S. D., Ohio 11019539Milwaukee, Wis_ _518, 799,927, 1000, 1059, 1313,

1376, 1379, 1439, 1696Minden, Neb 391Mingus Ind. S. D., Tex_126, 253hilniota, Man 259Minneapolis, Minn 181,253, 320, 391, 461, 518,575, 649, 927, 1193, 1378, 1570

Minnesota Mission, B. C

518, 1055, 1625874, 1063

Mississippi_ _388, 721, 796,1114, 1255, 1435, 1570

Missoula S. D. No. 1, Mont.,1059, 1696

Missouri 644, 1690Missouri Bend S. D., Cal_ - - 868Missouri Valley, la 126Mitchell, Ore 5Mitchell, So. Dak


Mitchell Co., Tex_ _ _ _1508, 1570Moberly, Mo 126, 1111177Moberly S. D., Mo Mobile Co., Ala 1508Modesto Irr. Dist., Cal- _ _ _1117Mohall, No. Dak 126, 391Moline, Ill 868, 1059Mona Harrison Dr. Dist. la 461Monarch S. D., Alta Monessen S. D., Pa 1856837Monett, Mo 63Monguagon Twp., Mich._ -1118286Monroe, Mich 1508Monroe Co., Mo Monroe Co., Tenn 575Monroe S. D., Mich 320Monroe Un. High S. D. No 103. Wash

Monson, Mass 1070909Montague Co. Precinct No.4, Tex 799

Montana 63Montcalm Co., Mich., 1117. 1255Montezuma, Ga 1696Montezuma Valley Irr.

Dist., Colo 1316Montgomery, Ala.. 126, 391,

1255, 1316, 1629Montgomery Co., Ohio, 126,

868, 927. 11609060Montgomery S. D., Minn_ -1059Monticello, Minn 461Monticello, N. Y Montmartre, Bask 130Montpelier, Vt 799Montreal. Que_ _1063, 1200, 1260Montreal Catholic S. D. ,Que. 66Montreal West, Que 1063Montrose S. D., Colo 1316Montvale, N. J 1193, 1316Moorhead Ind. S. D., Ia.. _1629Moose Jaw, Sask., 578, 931.

1474 ,. 1537838Moosomin, SashMorehead City, No. Car__ -12153Morrill Co., Neb


Morristown, N. Y 64Morristown, Tenn., 253,

581188, 1050078Morrisville, Pa Morton, Pa 254, 391Moscow, Ida 181, 392Moss Point, Miss 725, 868Motley Co. Corn. S.D., Tex .1696Mt. Airy Twp., No. Car. ,462, 649Mt. Ayr, Ia 462, 518Mt. Calm S. D., Tex., 1118, 1696Mt. Calm Ind. S. D., Tex _ . _1059Mount Gilead, Ohio 927Mt. Healthy, Ohio 649Mt. Healthy S. D., Ohio,

1059. 1193

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Page.Mount Kisco, N. Y., 927,

1118, 1194Mt. Olive S. D., Bask 396Mt. Penn,

Pa_- _ 1255

Mt. Pleasant, Ia., 392, 868. 928Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., 126,

518, 799Mt. Pleasant, Tex 254, 1194Mt. Pleasant S. D., Tex..- 518Mt. Sterling, III. .1194, 1439,1508Mt. Sterling, Ky., 126, 181,

320, 1059Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 254,

725, 868, 1000, 1069, 1696Mt. Vernon, Wash 1255Mt. Vernon Ind. S. D.. Tex_ 126Mt. Vernon S. D., Ind 1379Mt. Vernon S. D., N. Y..1118Mountain, Ont 464Mountain View, Okla.,1193, 1316Mountain View, Tenn. .254, 518Mountain View S. D.

' Cal.,

1255, 1508, 1629Moweaqua, Ill 725, 799Mullan S. D. No. 12, Ida.,

1439, 1570Mullins, So. Car 1570Municipal Bond Sales(monthly), 121, 386, 643,

994, 1251, 1566Murfreesboro, Tenn 1194Murphy, No. Car __1316, 1570Murray, Utah ., 1696Murray S. D., Utah, 1379, 1508Muscatine S. D., Ia 799Muskegon, Mich., 320,1118, 1379Muskingum Co., Ohio 1696Muskogee, Okla 649, 1000Myrtle Point, Ore 518

Meridian In.NamAtt, &., 181, 320, Ida .1383868Nanalmo, B. C Napa Co., Cal 575, 1000Napoleon, Ohio 1508, 1629Nashua, N. H 1629Nashville, Tenn., 392, 649,

799, 1059, 1379, 1567Nashville S. D. No. 107,Okla 1000

Nashville Twp. Road Dist.,No. Car 64, 320

Nashwauk S. D. No. 9,Minn 575, 649

Nauvoo S. D., Ill 1000Nassagaweya, Ont 804Nassau Co., N. Y 181Natchez, Miss 392Natick, Mass 1059National City, Cal 1194National High S. D., Cal.,

649, 1439Natrona Co. S. D., Wyo.__ _1255Navarro Co. Corn. S. D. No.6, Tex 392, 928

Navarro Co. Corn. S. D. No.21, Tex 799

Neapan, Ont 396Neapan Twp., Ont 1123Nebraska 575Nebraska City, Neb., 320,

1255, 1696Nebraska City S. D., Neb.,

1000, 1508, 1696Needham, Mass 868Neepawa, Man 464, 804Negaunee, Mich 1439, 1508Nelsonville, Ohio 126Neodesha, Kan 868Nephl, Utah 1508Nevada Co., Cal 575, 1194Newark, N. J., 64, 126, 392, 462New Albany Sch. City, Ind.,

1439, 1570New Alexandria, Pa 1194New Bedford, Mass., 254,

518, 575, 1379, 1439New Berlin, Ohio 1439Newberry Twp., Ohlo..725, 868Newhert Protection Dist.,

Cal 1629New Brighton, Pa_ _ _126, 254New Britain, Conn_1000, 1059Newburgh, N. Y 1629Newburg, Ohio 1697Newburg Hts., Ohio, 254,

320, 649Newburyport, Mass., 254,

799, 1697New Castle, Colo., 126, 726, 1629New Castle, Pa 181, 392Newcastle S. D., Ind 575New Castle Ind. S. D., Tex_ 254New Cordell, Okla 126New England S. D. No.2443, Bask 730

New Hamburg, Ont 1633New Hartford, N. Y., 462,

518, 1629New Haven Co., Conn 1508New Haven Twp., Ohio__ -1508New Jersey, 63, 864. 996,

1252, 1376New Kensington, Pa 1570New Lexington, Ohlo.1118, 1570New Liskeard, Ont..66, 579,

653, 874New London S. D., Iowa._ _ 254New London Twp., 0.1000, 1059Newman, Cal 321Newman, 111 1118, 1194Newmarket, Ont 66, 1063New Orleans, La.726, 1059, 1690Newport, Ky - _649. 1059, 1194

- -Newport, It. I. .799, 928,

1118, 1194, 1439, 1697Newport, Tenn 726Newport Beach, Cal__ _ 462,

649, 799, 1255Newport Sewer Dist. No. 1,Ark 575, 649, 868

New Prague Ind.S.D.,Minn.1194New Rochelle, N. Y 64,

649, 726, 868Newton, Kan 799Newton County, Ind 1059Newton Township, Ohio ...1570New Westminster, B. C.

130, 1514New Wilmington S. D., Pa _1118New York City, N. Y126,

179, 316, 392, 459, 649,721, 726, 796, 869, 1000,1114, 1252, 1255, 1313,

1376, 1508, 1625

Page.New York State.- _572, 721,799, 864, 925, 928, 1055,1114, 1118, 1188, 1252,1376, 1435, 1502, 1570,

1690, 1697Niagara Falls. N. Y._ __ 64,

126, 392, 1255, 1439Nicolet, Que 259Niles, Ohlo_254, 1118, 1194,

1379, 1508, 1697Niles, Tex 254Niles S. D. No. 1, Mich.

1508, 1629Niskayuna S. D. No. 5, N.Y.

928, 1059Nixon Ind. S. D., Tex 462Noble Township, Ohio 126Nocona, Tex 870Nogales, Ariz 870Norfolk, Neb 1571Norfolk, Va____1118, 1194,

1255, 1697Norfolk County, Mass. _799, 870Norfolk Co., Va. 726, 870, 1059Normal, Ill 321, 649Norman Sch. Dist., Okla__ 870North Adams,Mass.126, 726, 799Northampton, Mass_ _ _ .254,

462, 1317, 1439North Andover, Mass. .870, 1508North Attleboro, Mass_126,

1000, 1317, 1379North Baltimore, Ohio 1508North Bend Sch. Dist., Neb

799, 870, 1000Northbridge, Mass 1629North Carolina_ _179, 249,

649, 1194, 1379, 1508, 1571North Dakota _254, 392,

649, 1000, 1379, 1508North East, Md 1629Northern Delta Irrig. Dist.,Col 462, 1000

Northfield S. D., Minn 392North Hempstead, N. Y.

1255, 1317North Pelham, N. V__ _649, 870Northport, N Y 1317North Sterling hr. D., Col_ -1629North Toronto, Ont. _ _ _ 184,

579, 931, 1063, 1443, 1633North Vancouver, B. C.

130, 184, 396, 653, 730North Yakima, Wash 321Norton, Va_ 321, 649, 870, 1256Norwalk, Conn 321Norwalk, Ohio 254Norwalk Sch. Dist.. 0.575, 1000Nowata Co., Okla 462, 928Nowata Co. S. D., Okla. _ _ _1194Norwood, Ohio_ _321, 518,

799, 870, 1256, 1317, 1629Norwood S. D., Ohio._ _649, 726Notre Dame de Grace, Que.. 66Nottingham, 01110.254, 575,

870, 1256Noxubee Co., Miss_649, 726,

799, 1508, 1690Nueces County, Tex 126Nueces Co. Com, S. D. ,Tex.

575, 726

Oilc Creek Dr. Dist., Neb. 392akdale Irr. Dist., Cal.- 726

Oakland, Cal_ 518, 1114,1256, 1317, 1379, 1439

Oakland, III 649, 726Oakland S. D., Cal_ 126, 1508Oakley, Kan 870, 1317Oakley, Ohio 254, 462,

575, 870, 1059Oakley S. D., Ohio 649, 799Oakman, Ala 126Oakmont, Pa 1317Oak Park S. D. No. 97, Ill.

126, 321, 392Oberlin Sch. Dist., Ohio__ _1508Oblon, Tenn 726, 928,

1194, 1317Oceans County, Mich 1194Ocheyedan, Ia. _726, 928, 1697Ochre S. D. No. 919, Man.

1443, 1514Oconomowoc, Wis. _1194,

1317, 1439Odin, Minn 1118O'Donnell Sch. Dist., Alta.. 1383O'Fallon Township, III 1508Ogallala Sch. Dist., Neb._ _1118Ogdensburg, N. Y 1439Ohio 721, 1252, 1313011 City, Pa 1629, 1697Okeene, Okla 126, 576Okfuskee County, Okla_ _1118Oklahoma... 179, 644, 650,726, 864, 925, 928, 1114,

1188, 1625, 1690Oklahoma City, Okla_321,

392, 1059, 1571, 1629Oklahoma City S. D., Okla

870, 1571Okotoks, Alta 131Olathe City, Kan 1194Old River Dr. D., Tex_254, 726Oliver, Ga 1697Olney Ind. Sch. Dist., Tex_ _ 726Omaha, Neb.181, 254, 321,

576, 726, 1317, 1379.1502, 1508, 1697

Omaha S. D., Neb.- - _576, 1317Oneida, N.Y 1256, 1697O'Neill, Neb 1317, 1379Ontario 730, 1317Ontario, Cal 726, 1439Ontario Co., N. Y 870, 1118Ontario S. D., Cal 726,

1118, 1256, 1697Opelika, Ala 726, 928Orange, N. J 459, 462, 518Orange, Tex 726, 1059Orange, Va 1439, 1629Orange Co. Corn. S. D. No.

14, Tex 126, 254Orange Co. Nay. Dist., Tex.

321, 726, 1629Orchard Mesa Irr. Dist., Col. 321Oregon 1313Oregon City S. D., Ore 1380Orient S. D., Wash_ _1317, 1697Orland S. D., Cal- .726, 800,

1000, 1118Orleans, Neb 1194, 1629OrovIlle, Cal 1118, 1439Orville, Ohlo 254, 800,

1194 1317

Page.Osage Co. S. D., Okla 1194Osakis, Minn 518Osborn S. D., Ariz._ _726, 1380Osborne, Kano 1256Osborne Sch. Dist., Kan


Osceola Co , Ia 1509,1629Osceola S. D. No. 19, Neb.

800, 1118Osgoode Township, Ont__-- 653Oshawa, Ont 653Oshkosh, Wis 726Osmond. Neb 518Osmond S. D., Neb_ __ _726,

870, 1194Osnaburg, Ohio 127Ospennla S. D. No. 2386,

Bask 804Ossining Un. Fr. S. D., N.Y.

1629, 1697Oswego, Kan 870, 1000Osyka, Miss 1697Otero Irr. Dist., Colo..1439, 1629Otsego, N. Y 392, 649Ottawa, Ill 1571Ottawa, Kan 1697Ottawa, Ont 131, 521, 1701Ottawa S. D.. Ohio 1629Outlook, Bask 931, 1063Outlook S. D. No. 2444,Sask.653Outremont. Que., 1200,

1443, 1514, 1633, 1701Owatonna, Minn 800, 1697Owen Co., Ind 649Owen Sound, Ont._ _1123, 1383Oxford, Miss 1439, 1697Oxford Co., Oct 1260, 1574Oxford S. D., Ohio 1697Ozark S. D. Mo_. _1439. 1571Oyster Bay S.D. . D. No. 9,N.Y.1697

Pacific Co., Wash 1380ainesville, Ohio 800

Painesville Twp., Ohio 1697Palestine, Tex., 127, 321,

462, 1118Paleto S. D., Cal 928, 1059Palisade Irr. Dist., Colo., •

127, 254, 392Palm Beach Co., Fla., 254.

321, 576, 650, 870. 1194Palmerston, Oct 730, 1443Palmyra, Mo 1194, 1380Panama City, Fla 462Paragon S. D., Sask 131Paris, Tex., 254, 321, 650,

1118, 1571, 1697Park City, Utah 1194Park Creek Irr. Dist., Colo.1118Park Rapids, Minn- -.1000. 1571Parker Co. Corn. S. D., Tex_ 726Parkinson Spec. S. D., Ohlo.1509Parkman Irr. Dist., Wyo.,

800, 870, 1194, 1439Parkville S. D., Mo. .1194, 1380Parry Sound, Oct 130Pasadena, Cal 254, 392Pasadena Ind. S. D., Cal_ 576Pasadena Ind. S. D., Tex--1000Pasco Co., Fla 392Passaic, N. J 726Paterson, N. J., 392, 800, 871Paullina, Ia 1194Paulsboro. N. J. 1509Paulson S. D. No. 2015,Alta.874Pawtucket, It. I 1194, 1509Paxville S. D., So. Car 1380Payette, Ida 321Payette S. D., Ida 1118Peabody, Mass 1571Pearsall Ind. S. D., Tex.,

1439. 1629Pecos S. D. No. 1, Tex 392Paler Twp., Ont., 184, 396, 1383Pelham Un. Fr. S. D., N. Y.1697Pelham Manor, N. Y., 1000,

1194, 1509, 1571Pelham Twp., Ont 1634Pellan Rapids, Minn 1439Pella, Ia., 462, 576, 800. 1000Pendleton Co., Ky. _1509, 1629Pendleton S. D., Tex., 576, 871Penelope Ind. S. D., Tex_ _1318Penetanquishene, Ont 579Pennsylvania 1055. 1253Penn Van, N. Y 1509, 1629Pensacola, Fla., 127, 1509, 1697Pense, Bask 1383Penticton, B. C 1634Peoria, Ill 1118, 1571Perris Un. High. S. D., Cal.,

254, 1059, 1194Perry, N. Y 1509, 1629Perry, Okla 1509Perry Co., Mo 316Perth Amboy, N. J., 1194,

1256, 1380Peru, Neb 127Peru Sch. City, Ind., 1440, 1509Peterboro, Ont 325Peterborough, Ont., 259,

804, 1634, 1701Petersburg, Neb..800. 1194, 1571Petrolia Ind. S. D., Tex.... 64Phelps Co., Neb 1571Philadelphia, Mies_ _ _ _64, 254Philadelphia, Pa., 127, 462.

518, 644, 650, 1059, 1118,1318, 1380

Philbrook S.D.No.20, Mont.1059Philip, So. Dak 1440, 1629Philip S. D., So. Dak 1440Phoenix, Ariz., 518, 650.

871, 1194, 1571Phoenix Un. High S. a.

Ariz., 800, 1509, 1630, 1697Macho S. D., Cal 254Piedmont, Cal 650. 928Pierce Co., No. Dak 1509Plercelleid, N. Y 928, 1118Pierre, So. Dak 650Piggott Spec. S. D., Ark.... 871Pike, N. Y 64. 127Pike Co., Ind., 181, 392, 800, 928Pike Co., Mo 316Pine Bluff, Ark 928Pioneer, Ohio 1380Pipestone, Man 131Pittsburg, Kan., 181, 576, 1697Pittsburgh, Pa., • 54, 515,

727, 864, 1195, 1313, 1697Pittsfield, Mass., 181, • 255,

462, 871, 1697Placerville S. D., Cal 392Plainfield, N. .1 1119PlainvIew, Neb 871. 1119

Page.Plainview, Tex 1000Plainview Ind. S. D., Tex -1630Platte City S. D., Mo_ _871. 928Platte Valley Irr. Dist., Col. 1380Plattsburgh, N. Y 127Pleasanton. Cal., 255, 650,

800, 928Pleasant Twp., 01110_1119, 1195Plum Bayou Dr. Dist.,

Ark 796, 864Plymouth Co., Mass., 1318,

1380, 1440Plymouth S. D., Ind 1571Pocahontas, Ia 255Pocahonats, Va 392Pocatello Ind. S. D., Ida"

1380, 1509. 1698Point Grey, B. C 804Poland, Ohio 127Polk S. D.. Pa 1380, 1698Polytechnic Hgts Ind S.D.; Tex 727

Pomeroy, Ohio 864Pomeroy, Wash 462, 650Point Grey, B. C 874Pontiac, Mich _462, 727, 1571Pontiac S. D., Mich., 1380,

1440, 1509Pontotoc Co., Miss 727Pontotoc Co., Okla., 255. 321Poplar Park S. D No. 2371,Sask 1443

Poquoson S. D.. Va 650Portage La Prairie, Man.,

653, 1574Portage LaPratrie S. D.,Man.931Port Arthur, Ont.,325, 521, 579Port Arthur Dr. Dist., Tex 321Portchester, N. Y 321, 576Port Dover, Oct. .184. 396, 464Portersville, Cal 1318, 1509Porter Twp., Ohio 1630Port Hope, Ont 1383Portland, Me., 576, 650,

928, 1119. 1440. 1630Portland, Ore., 127, 572,650. 727, 1000, 1119,

1380, 1440, 1571Portland S. D. No. 1, Ore.,

255. 321, 576, 1119Port Chester, N Y 519Port Hope. Ont.1123, 1514, 1574Port Lavaca Ind. S. D.,Tex 1440, 1630

Port of Nehalem. Ore_650, 1380Porto Rico 1376Portsmouth, Ia 1195. 1380Portsmouth, Ohio 255,

576, 1195, 1380Portsmouth S. D., Ohio,

392, 576, 871, 1195, 1256Portsmouth, Va_800. 864,

1195, 1571Pottawatomie Co., Kan _127, 519Pottstown, Pa 1380, 1509Poughkeepsie, N. Y 1000Prairie Grove S. D.. Ark __ _1257Preble Co.. 01110_800, 1257. 1509Prescott, Ont 184, 579Preston. Idaho 1698Preston, Ont 931Price, Utah 727Prince Albert. Sask.._ ..398,

579, 1634PrinceGeorgesCo.,Md.1440, 1509Princeton, Ill 576, 727Princeton, W. Va 727, 1001Princeton Borough S D.,N. J 69

Princeton H. S. D., Cal_ _1698Princeton Ind. S. D., Tex 727Prospect Park, Pa__ _519, 1257Providence, R. I 871, 1119Pruth S. D., Alta 931Pryor Creek, Okla 127Pulaski Co.. Ind 1059, 1257Pulaski Co., Ga 727, 1571Pulaski Co., Va 1001, 1195Pulaski Co. Dr. No. 1, Ark_1119Punta Gorda, Fla 800, 1119Purcell S. D., Okla 127Pushmataha Co., Okla 1059Putnam Co., Ohio 576, 650

Quanah Ind. S. D.. Tex_ _1001uebec, Que 579

Quincy Mass _127, 255, 321,519, 576, 928, 1001, 1060,

1195, 1257, 1571, 1698

Racine, Wis. _127, 321,392, 1119, 1195, 1698

Radford, Vs 1630Rahway. N. J 69Rainier, Ore_255, 462, 1060, 1195Raleigh,No.Car.1380, 1509, 1630Rails Co., Mo 316Ralston, Okla 392Ramapo Un. Fr. S. D. No. 1,N. Y...727, 1060, 1318, 1440

Randleman Twp., No. Caro. 871Randolph Co., Mo 255Randolph S. D., Cal._ _255, 928Randolph S. D., Is 519Rapid City, So. Dak 871Rapid City Ind. Sch. City,So. Dak 462, 576

Ravalli Co. S. D., Mont_ -1571Ravenden Springs Spec. S.D., Ark 255, 800

Ravenna, Ohio 1119, 1195Ravenna S. D., Ohio -871,

1060, 1195Ravenna S. D. No. 69, Neb.,

127, 321Raymond, Minn 1194, 1380Raymond, Wash 1630Rayville, La 1060Reading, Mass_727, 1195, 1630Readington Twp. S. D.,N. J 1440

Red Deer, Alta_464, 875, 1634Redford Twp., Mich_ _393. 462Red Lake Co., Minn....316,

462, 576Redlands S. D., Cal_ _ .576, 800Redlands H. S. D., Ca1.1119, 1257Redmon S. D. No. 80, Ill_ _1698Redvers, Bask 325Redwood City, Cal_ __928, 1060Reeves Co. S. D. No. 1, Tex.1698Regina, Bask. _653, 730, _ _

1063, 1260, 1634Regina S. D., Bask 1200Reidsville, No. Car_ .650, 800

Page.Rensselaer, N. Y----1060, 1119Republic of Bolivia 1567Republic of Cuba.388, 572, 694Revelstoke, B. C__ _ -1200, 1321Rhode Island_1055. 1253, 1376Rhome S. D., Tex 127, 462Rice Co., Minn 1195Richland and Richland Can.

Joint S. D., Wis.1119, 1257Richland Co., No. Dak_ 393Richmond, Va 727, 871Richmond S. D., Ind 393Richmond Twp., B. C 653Richton, Miss 1698Ridgefield Park, N. J__871, 928Ridgeway S. D., Alta 464Ridgway Twp. Ill 255Ridgewood Twp. S. D., N.J. 321Ringgold S. D., Tex 1257Rio Blanco Co., Colo 1502Rtppey, Ia 1509Rising Sun, 01110_127, 321, 393Ritzville, Wash 650River S. D. No. 2111, Alta_1383Riverside, Cal_ _ .._255, 519, 727Riverside, Tex 1630Riverside, Wyo 1509Riverside Ind. S. D.. Tex._ 800Riverton, Wyo 1698Riverton S. D., Neb_1509, 1698Riverton S. D., Wyo 1119Roanoke, Va. ..393, 800,928,

1380, 1509Roanoke S. D. No. 59, Ill 462Roberts Co. Corn. S. D. No.1, Tex 1698

Robinson, 111 1440Roby Ind. S. D , Tex 1509Rochelle S. D., Tex 1380Rochester, Minn 1440, 1571Rochester, N. Y.181, 255,393. 462, 519, 576, 650.727, 800, 1001, 1060,

1257, 1318, 1380, 1698Rochester, Pa.._ _ _127, 322,

1318, 1698Rochester Twp., Oct 804Rockford, Ohio 1698Rock Hill, So. Cam_ _ _ _322, 650Rock Island, Que.396, 875, 1443Rockland Co., N. Y 1571Rockport, Mass 928Rockport S. D., Ohlo.1318, 1440Rock Springs S. D., Tax... 1509Rocky Ford, Colo 255Rodney, Ont 804Rogers Co., Okla 1630Rome, N. Y. ..322, 1440, 1571Rosebud Ind. S. D., Tex.,

127, 576Roseburg, Ohio 1195Roseburg, Ore- - _322, 576,

800, 1318, 1509Rosedale S. D., Kan 1119Roselle Park, N. J 576Rosetown, Sat* 1200Rosetown S. D., Bask 1574Roseville, Cal 1509Ross, Minn 1630Roswell, New Max 871Roswell S. D., N. Mex_576, 1001Rotan, Tex 576, 727. 1001Rothesay S. D. No. 350,Man 1574

Round Plain S. D., Sask-

_ _ 325Roundup S. D. No. 55,Mont 727. 1060

Roxboro, No. Car 871Royston Ind. S. D., Tex_ - _ 871Rozilee S. D., Sask 1514Rudyard S. D. No. 2500,Bask 1063

Runnels Co.,Tex.127, 1318, 1509Rushville, Neb 1440Rushville S. D., Neb 1630Russia S. D., Alta 131Rutherford, N. J 127Rutherford S. D., N. J_181, 393Rutherford Co., Tenn 1195Rye Un. Fr. S. D., N. Y.800, 871

Su Co., Iowa 322acramento Co., Cal_ _800, 1698

Sacramento, Cal 1001Saginaw, Mich 322. 393St. Augustine, Fla 322. 800St. Anne, Man 804St. Bernard, 01110_255, 393.

650. 727, 1319. 1571, 1630St. Boniface, Man_ ...1200,

1260, 1514St. Catherines, Ont 66St. ClaIrsville, Ohio 64St. Croix Falls, Wis....393, 1440St. Francis Levee Dist.,Ark.1698St. Johns, Ore 1119St. Johnsville, N. Y 1630St. Joseph, Mich 576, 1195St. Louis, Mo 996. 1257St. Lucie Co., Fla_ ...255,

1119, 1698St. Mary's, Ont 1514, 1701St. Matthews S. D. No. 8So. Car 1060, 1319, 1571

St. Paul, Minn 519, 727St. Petersburg, Fla_ _1119. 1698St. Thomas, Ont 66, 804St. Vital, Man__ _131, 931,

1383, 1443, 1574, 1634Salem, Mass..127, 322, 1119. 1380Salem, Ohio- - _576, 1060. 1119Salem, Ore 322,800Salem S. D . Ore 576Salida S. D. No. 7, Oslo.... 127Salina, Utah 1319Salisbury Parish S. D., N.B..1063Salmon, Ida 1060Saltileet Twp., Ont 1260Salt Lake City S. D., Utah,

255, 727. 1319San Angelo, Tex 181, 650San Anselmo, Cal 322. 1380San Antonio, Tex 576,

1001, 1509, 1630San Arroya Irr. Dist., Colo.. 322San Benito Ind. S. D., Tex.1698San Bernardino S. D., Cal. .1001Sanderson, Tex 576Sanderson S. D., Tex 1195San Diego, Cal_1195, 1380, 1509Sandstone, Minn •' 577Sandstone Ind. S. D. No. 5.Minn 127, 255

Sandusky, Ohlo_255. 1509, 1630Sandusky Twp., Ohio 1698

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X VI IN 1) E X. [VOL. Lxxxx.

Page. Page. Page. Page. Page.Sandwich, Ont 1123 Southampton, Ont.875, 931, Taylor Co. Com. S. D. No. 1, Victoria S. D., Tex 1120 Weyburn, Sask 1200Sanford, Fla 255, 727 1574, 1634 Tex 728 Vincennes, Ind 1699 Weymouth, Mass 873, 1259Sanford,No.Car.1319. 1380, 1698 South Bend S. D., Ind 871 Taylor's Falls, Minn_ 1258, Virden, Man 1383 Wexford Co., Mich_ _ ..324, 1122San Francisco, Cal_ _64, 255,

721,1188,1195,1377,1380,1630South Bend Twp., Kan..... 871South Bethlehem, Pa 322

1440, 1572Taylor Sch. Dist., Tex 1699

Virden S. D. No. 144, Man _1701Virginla_121, 459, 722, 796, 1188

Wharton Co. Ind. S. D. No.1, Tex 257, 729

Sangerfield & Marshall Un.Fr. S. D., N. Y 1698

South Boise, Ida 1440Southbridge, Mass 572

Tehama County, Cal 1440Tekamah S. D., Neb. .1440,

Virginia City S. D. No. 1,Mont 872, 1631

Whatcom Co., Wash., 65,578, 729

San Jacinto High S. D., Cal.,127, 255, 577

South Carolina 572, 577South Haven, Mich_ _1631, 1698

1510, 1699Temple, Tex_256, 520, 728,

Virginia S. D., Minn 1259Visalia, Cal 728, 872, 1196

Wheatland, Wyo 1002Wheeler Co. Com. S. D.,

San Joaquin Co., Cal 1380 South Hutchinson, Kan _1060 1196, 1631 Visalia S. D., Cal 872, 1002 Tex • 1061, 1511San Lorenzo S. D., Cal_ _ __1572 South Milwaukee, Wis 65 Tennessee 925, 1060 Visalia Grammar S. D., Cal., Whiska Creek S. D. No.San Luis Rey S.D .,Cal.,1257,1510 South Myton Bench Irrig. Terra Alta, W. Va__1510, 1631 1196, 1441 2468, Sask 579San Mateo Homestead San.

Dist., Cal 127, 577District, Utah 256

South Newburgh, Ohio 181Terrace Park, 0_128, 1572, 1631Terre Haute, Ind .,1699

Visalia H. S. D., Cal_1196, 1441Viscount, Sask 131

White Co., Ind. 129, 257,1122, 1197, 1511

San Mateo Un. High S. D.,Cal 127, 322

Southold S. D. No. 16, N. Y. 128South Omaha, Neb_65, 128,

Terrell, Tex.256, 651, 1001, 1381Terrell Co. Com. S. D., Tex. Wabash, Ind 1120, 1196

Whitefish, Mont 1197White Plains, N. Y.

' 65,

San Saba Co. Com.S.D..Tex. 462 577, 801, 871, 1381, 1510, 1441, 1510, 1699 VV abasha Co., Minn 323 1320, 1512San Saba Ind. S. D., Tex.,

128, 519, 1630Santa Ana, Cal 1440Santa Barbara, Cal__1380, 1630

1631, 1698South Omaha S. D.,

Neb__- 256

South Orange, N. J__ -727,-871, 1001, 1119

Terry Co. Com. S.D. No. 1, •Tex 728

Terry Co. Corn. S. D. No. 5, •Tex 728

Wabaunsee Co., Kan_ _129, 257Waco, Tex_ _129, 577. 802,

929, 1511Wadena S. D. No. 1, Minn_ 872

Whitesboro, N.Y., 729, 873, 1631Whitesville, No. Car., 873,

1197, 1572Whiting Sch. City, Ind__ _ _ 803

Santa Barbara Co., Cal. .65, 800 South Orange Twp. S. D., Texarkana, Tex .. 1120 Wadesboro, No. Caro_ _728, Whitia S. D., Alta 1514Santa ruz 1 al 1195 N. J..._1060. 1119, 1381, Texas_515, 722, 796, 1188, 1002, 1121. 1381, 1511 Whitman, Mass 1259Santa Paula S.D., Cal_1195,

1380, 16301440, 1510, 1572

South Paris, Me 182, 5771313, 1625

Texas Co. S. D. No. 8, Okla_ 125Wadsworth, Ohlo 728, 872Wakefield, Mass_ 520. 872, 1441

Whitney Ind. S. D., Tex.._ 463Whittier Un. Hgh. S. D.,

Santo Domingo 796 South Pasadena, Cal_1510, 1699 Thamesville, Ont• 184 Wakonda, So. Dak.. _ _129, 802 Cal... .1122, 1259, 1512, 1631Santos, Brazil 1114 South Portland, Me 1001 The Dalies, Ore • 1060 Waldo, Ohio 577, 802 Wichita, Kan., 63, 65, 459, 1700Sapulpa, Okla 800. 1060 South River, N. J....1381, 1631 Thief River Falls, Minn., Waldorf S.D. No. 2422,Sask 396 Wichita Co., Tex 129, 1442Saratoga Ind. S. D., Tex.,

871, 1195, 1380South San Joaquin Irr. Dist.

Cal 1821060, 1196

Thief River FallsS.D.,Minn 1060Waldron, Sask 1063, 1383Walkerville, Out 804

Wichita Falls, Tex.. 129,324, 578, 1700

Saratoga Spgs., N. V. _727, 1001 South Side Irr. Dist., Colo__ 871 Thermalito Un. S. D., Ca1.65, 182 Wallaceburg, Ohio 66 Wicomico Co., Md___1442, 1572Sargent, Neb 1001, 1572 South Vancouver, B. C_ -1701 Thermopolis, Wyo 1699 Wallaceburg, Ont 259 Wilbarger Co. Corn. S. D.,Sargent Co., No. Dak _1001, 1195 Sparta, Ga 1381 Thermopolis S. D., Wyo_ 929 Walla Walla S. D., Wash_ _1631 Tex 1002Sarpy Co.. Neb 1440,-1630 Sparta, Tenn 128, 256 Thomasville, Ala_ _1381, Waller Co., Tex 129 Wilcox Co., Ala 1197Sarpy Co. S. D. No. 37, Neb. 255 Spencer, Mass 1119, 1699 1510, 1099 Waller Co. R.93. No. 1,Tex. 1121 Wild Cat Twp., Kan 257Saskatoon, Sask_521, 653.

804, 1574Spencer Ind. S. D., So. Dak-1381Speneerport, N. Y._ _1258, 1381

Thorah Twp., Out 1701Thorold, Ont 579, 730

Wallowa Co. S. D. No. 6,Ore 323, 929

Wilkinsburg S.D., Pa.1002,1122, 1320

Saskatoon S. D., Sask 1701 Sperling Consol. S.D., Man _1260 Thurmont, Md 1196 Walnut Grove S. D., Mo.. 577 Willard, Utah 651, 1197Saugus, Mass 1119, 1195 Spokane, Wash_ _128, 463, Tift Co., Ga 1510 Walpole, Mass 929 Willcox S. D., Ariz ..258,Sauk Center, Minn 1257 577, 651, 1001, 1319 Tlmpson, Tex 1510 Walsh Co., No. Dak 1699 1512, 1632Sauk Co., Wis 928 Spokane Co. S D. No. 81, Tippecanoe Twp., Ind 1572 Walter, Okla 129, 520 Williamson, Tex 1003Savannah, Ga 128, 577 Wash 1381 Tipton S. D. No. 6, Mo.. _1188 Walterboro, So. Caro 182 Williamson, W. Va_1320, 1572Savannah, Mo 1195 Spokane Co. S. D. No. 143, Tiptonville, Tenn 802 Waltham, Mass., 129, 872, 1572 Williamson Co., Tex_ _258,Sawtelle, Cal 1440 Wash. 1381 Titus Co. Com. S. D., Tex., Wapashoe S. D. No. 2104, 651, 729, 873, 1003, 1700Scandia, Kan 727, 1630 Spottsylvania Co., Va_256, 728 651, 1572 Sask 1123 Williams Un. H. S. D., Cal_ 258Scarboro Twp., Ont. .1514,

1574, 1634Spring Creek Dr. D., 111_182, 256Springfield, Ill 1319

Tofield, Alta 875, 1701Toledo, Ohlo_128, 256, 728,

Warden S.D. No. 301,Alta_1514Ware Co., Ga 1511, 1699

Willmar, Minn 1632Willow Marsh Dr. Dist. ,Tex . 515

Schenectady, N. Y...577,800, 1630

Springfield, Man 931Springfield, Mass_ _128, 323, 459

1001, 1196Toledo S. D., Ohio_ ...651.

Warren, Ohio 129, 182Warren Co., Ga 929

Willow Springs, Mo 129Wilmette, Ill 1442

Schoenthal S. D. No. 2461,Sask 521

Springfield, 0_ _1060, 1119, 1196Springfield, Ore 394, 1060

728, 802, 1699Tom Bean S. D., Tex_323,

Warren Spec. S. D., Ark.__ 929Warren S. D., Ohio 1699

Wilmette S. D., Ill___ _729,1003, 1197

Schultz Twp. High S. D.,So. Car 1572, 1698

Spring Lake Drainage & Le-vee District, Ill 394

• 577, 1441. 1631Tom Green Co. Com. S. D.,

Warrensville Twp. S. D.,Ohio 577, 872

Wilmington, Del_ _324, 395,463, 1061, 1122, 1512,

Schuyler, Neb • 577, 1119 Spring Valley S. D., Minn. Tex 1441 Warrenton, Ga 1320 1573. 1700Scotia, N. Y 1698 1319, 1572 Tonawanda, N. Y 1258 Warrenton, Va 1699 Wilmington. No. Car 65Scott, Sask 259 Springville, Utah 928 Topeka, Kan 651, 1441 Wasco Co. S. D. No. 12, Wilmington S. D., De1.258,Scott Co., Kan 644 Stafford, Kan_ _801, 1001, 1196 Toronto, Ohio 257, 323 Ore 1196. 1441 324, 395Scottdale S. D., Pa _ _577,

727, 800, 928, 1440, 1572Stambaugh S. D., Mich_801, 871Stamford, Conn 1119,

Toronto, Ont 875, 1063Toulon, Ill 1699

Washburn, No. Dak ___ 1061Washington 182

Wilmington S. D., Ohlo_324, 873Wilson, Kan 1632

Scottville, Mich 1001 1319, 1631 Trafford City, Pa 129, 257 Washington, N. J., 394. Wilson Hill S. D. No. 2511,Scranton, Pa 1001, 1195 Stamford Ind. S. D.

' Tex Traverse City, Mich 1196 1631, 1699 Sask 1443

Scurry Co. Com. S. D. No. 577, 651, 1196, 1631 Travis Co. Corn. S. D. No. Washington, Ohlo.....1511, 1631 Winchester, Ky_520, 578. 100313, Tex 255 Stamford Twp., Ont_ _875, 41, Tex 323 Washington, Pa 128, 257 Winchester S. D., Ohio__ _1061

Sea Isle City, N. J 1698 1321, 1514 Trenton, Mo 728, 1002 Washington Co., Neb. 1320, 1510 Winchester Twp., Out 66Seamans, Sask 131, 653 Stanislaus S. D., Cal...1258, 1440 Trenton, N. J. _323, 728, Washington C. H., Ohio_ ..1121 Winchester Village S. D.,Seamans S. D., Sask 131 Stanton S. D., Neb_ _394, 872, 929, 1441, 1631. 1699 Washington Ind. S. D., Ia., Ohio 873Searcy, Ark 1319, 1380 1120, 1440 Trenton, Tenn_ _129, 323, 1631, 1699 Windham, Conn 129, 520Seattle, Wash_ _ _ _128, 322, State Center Ind. S. D., Ia_ _1572 1319, 1510 Washtenaw Co., Mich 1196 Windsor, Ont 1634, 1701394, 462. 577, 801, 1001,1060, 1119, 1195, 1380,

1510, 1572, 1630

Statesville Twp., No. Caro.871, 1381

Ste. Agathe des Monts, Que_ 1383

Trenton S. D., Ohio_1381, 1441Trenton S. D., Sask 1200Trinidad S. D., Colo_1441, 1572

Waterbury, Conn., 182, 520,802, 873, 1061, 1121,

1381, 1699

Windsor S. D., Mo 651, 729Winfield S. D., Kan 183Wingello S. D. No. 2361,

Seattle S. D. No. 1, Wash.,255, 394

Stayton S. D. No. 77, Ore__ 651Steelton S. D Ill 1440

Trinity Co., Cal 1510Trinity S. D., Tex 1120

Waterloo, Iowa 183Waterloo, N. Y 179

Sask 396, 653NVingham, Ont.- -66, 184, 579

Sedley, Sask 1200 Sterling County, Tex 1120 Troy, N. Y__182, 257, 394, Waterloo, Out., 66, 184, Winnetka Park Dist., Ill_ _1632Sedro-Woolley Un. HighS. D., Wash 577

Stettler, Alta 875Stettler Sch. Dist., Alta_ ..1321

463, 520, 577, 651, 802,929, 1259, 1510. 1699

1123, 1200Watertown, Mass., 129, 802,

Winnipeg, Man_ ...66, 931,1063, 1200, 1574

Seguin, Tex 1510 Steubenville, 0_ ___256, 394, 651 Trumbull Co., Ohio_ _ _ -577, 873, 1572 Winnipeg S. D. No. 1, Man.,Sellersville, Pa 727, 871 Stevens Point, Wis 1440 1381, 1510 Watertown, N. V. _1121, 1196 131, 325Seminary, Miss 1630 Stevensville, Mont _323, 519, 651 Trumbull Co. Rd. Dist., Watertown, Wis 1196 Winnsboro, Tex 1062Seneca Twp., Ohio...1196, 1381 Stigler, Okla 1060, 1196 OhIo 1061, 1120 Water Valley, Miss 395 Winslow, Ariz 258Seven Mile S.D., Ohio 1257, 1630 Stirling, Ont 259, 325, Truscott, Tex 651 Waterville, Minn_ 1196, 1320 Winterset, Iowa 258Severy, Kan__1196, 1440, 1698 730, 875, 1063 Tugaske, Sask 1321 Wathena, Kan 129 Winthrop, Mass_ ..651, 729,Sevier Co., Tenn 394 Stillwater, Minn 1196, Tulare, Cal 1510 Watkins, N. Y., 520, 651, 1121 930,1062,1259,1382,1573,1700Seward Co., Kan 650 1440, 1510, 1572 Tulare S. D., So. Dak 1441 Watson, Sask 1701 Winton S.D. No. 2438, Sask .1123Seymour Sch. City, Ind.,

1196, 1572Stoneham, Mass 1381Stonewall Co., Tex__ _256,

Tulla Ind. S. D., Tex 728Tulsa, Okla___802, 872, 1120

Watsonville, Cal 1699Waupaca, Wis 1002

Wise Co. Com. S. D. No. 7,Tex 1700

Shadyside Spec. S. D., Ohio,128, 255

651, 1120Stonycreek Twp. S. D., Pa_ 728

Tulsa Co., Okla 1377Tuolumne Co., Cal 394

WAU 'a, Neb 1511Wausau, Wis 395

Wise Co. Com. S.D. No. 48,Tex 1700

Shannon Separate S. D.,Miss 871, 1060

Storm Lake S. D., Iowa...871Story County, Iowa 128

Tupelo Dist., Miss 1441Turlock Irr. Dist., Cal 1196

Wauseon, Ohio 1061Waverly, Ohio 728, 929

Woburn, Mass 395Woltville, N S 1701

Shawnee, Okla 128, 871 Stowe Twp., Pa__ _463, 577, 651 Turlock S. D., Cal_ ._1259, 1381 Waverly S. D. No. 12, So. Woodbridge Twp. S.D N.J. 324Shawnee Co., Kans._ _577, 1196 Strassburg, Sask. .259, 325, Turon S. D., Kan 129 Car 395, 929 Wood Co., Ohio 1197, 1259Shawnee S. D., Okla 1698 521, 804 Tuscaloosa, Ala_65, 1320. Waxahatchle, Tex_ _ _ 257 Wood Lake, Neb 873, 1062Sheboygan, Witt 577 Stratford, Ont 1200 1510, 1699 Wayland, Mass 1631 Woodstock, III 395Shelburne, N. 5 464, 931 Strathcona. Alta 396, 579 Tuscola, Ill 1061 Wayne Co., Mich., 930, Woodstock, Ont _875, 931, 1383Shelby, Mias___727, 871, 1119 Streator, III 1196, 1258 Tyler Co., W. Va 1699 1002, 1061, 1121. 1188, 1320 Woodville, Out 1383Shelby, Ohio 128 Stromsburg S. D., Neb 1631 TymochteeTwp.,Ohlo.1196, 1441 Wayzata S. D., Minn 129 Woodward, Okia__ - -1382, 1632Shelby Co.. KY 1257Shelby Co., Tenn_462, 727, 1060Shelby S. D., Ohlo 128

Stuttgart Sewer Dist. No. 1,Ark 1060, 1120, 1258

Struthers, Ohio 128, 323

Tyndall, So. Dak_ .1441, 1572

Ohio_ 929,

Weatherford, Tex 728, 1001Webb City, Mo., 316, 1061,

1121, 1699

Woodward Co. S. D. No. 55,Okla 129

Woonsocket. R. I 1197Shelbyville, Ind 128 Sturgeon Falls, Ont_ _66, 1123

Uhrichsville,1510, 1631 Webb City S. D., Mo -728. 930 Wooster, Ohio 129

Shellman, Ga 650, 727 Sturgis, Mich 577, 728, 801 Union, Ore 1381 Webb Sch. Dist., Sask. _ _1321 Worcester, Mass_ _129, 183,Shelton S. D., Neb_ _727, 1001 Sudbury, Out 1123 Union City, Ga 1002, 1120 Webster City S. D., Ia.,129, 1381 324, 520, 651, 803Sheridan, Wyo 1698 Suffolk, Va 1572 Union S. D., la 1196 Weehawken Twp., N. J.,520, 577 Wrightsville, Ga 578, 729Sheridan Co. S. D. No. 33,Wyo 1630

Suffolk Co., N. Y-519, 577, 728Sullivan, Ind 1440, 1699

Uniontown S. D., Pa_ -257. 520Union Twp. S. D., N. J_323, 394

Welland. Ont-804. 875, 1063Wellesley, Mass., 395, 651, 1381

Wyoming Co., N. Y. _1512, 1700Wyomore, Neb 1700

Sherman, Tex_ _ _ _ 128, 727,871, 1060, 1510

Sullivan County, N. Y 928Sully County, So. Dak 1510

Union Twp. S. D., Ohio- 323United States of Brazil_ 572

Wellington, Ohio 1699Wellington S. D., Mo 1002 Co., Wash 1512

Sherwood S. D., Ohlo_1440,1630, 1698

Sultan, Wash 1510Summerland, B C 1634

United Townships of Neelon& Carson, Out... _1123, 1200

Wellsville, Ohlo, 129, 183,728, 802, 930

Yakimaakhna Co. S. D. No. 39,Wash 1062, 1197

Shreveport, La....128, 650, 1001 Summit Co., Ohlo.871, 928, University City, Mo 182 Wellsville, Utah 728 Yakima Co. S. D. No. 50,Sidney, N. Y 181 1258, 1381 UniversityParkInd.S.D.,Ia 1510 Wellsville Un.Fr.S.D.,N.Y..1699 Wash 873. 1003, 1573Sikes School Dist., Tex- - -_ 577 Sumner, Miss 128 University Place S. D., Neb.1120 Wenatchee, Wash_ _ _ .323, 520 Yakima Co. S. D. No. 52,Silver City, New Mex 1119 Sunnydell Irr. Dist., Ida_ _1631 Upland, Cal 1196 Wentworth Co., Ont 1383 Wash 1320, 1442Silver City S. D., N. M_322, 1196 Sunny Glen S. D., Alta-- - 931 Utica, Minn 394, 1196 Wesley Twp., Ohio 1061 Yakima Co. S. D. No. 6.3,Silver Creek Sch. Dist., Neb.1001 Sunny Hill S. D., Alta 730 Utica, N V. _1120, 1320, 1381 West, Tex 324, 729, 1002 Wash 1062, 1198Silver Hills S. D. No. 2393,Sask 579

Sunset Ind. S. D., Tex 1001Sunset S. D., Cal_ _1572, 1631

Utica, Ohio 872, 1061.1196, 1510, 1631

West Allis, Wis., 651, 728.1381, 1511

Yakima Co. S. D. No. 88,Wash 258, 395

Silverton S. D., Col 1319 Superior, Wis 128, 256 Uvalde Co. Corn. S. D. No. West Alexandria S. D., Yakima Co. 5. 13. No. 89Silverton S. D., Tex 1510Sinclair S. D., Man 579, 653

Sutter Co. Levee Dist. No. 1,Cal 65, 182

9, Tex 129, 929 Ohio 1002, 1121, 1196Westborough, Mass 1197

Wash 1320, 1442Yallobusha Swamp Laq61

Sioux City, Iowa 577 Sutton, Neb 1060, 1440 Wale, Ore 1320, 1510 Westbrook Ind. S. D., Tex .1061 Dist. No. 1, Miss_ _ .211R, 729Sisseton, So. Dak 1258 Swarthmore Sch. Dist., Pa _1381 V alentine, Neb 1441, 1510 West Chester, Pa., 577, Yamhill Co. S.D.,Ore_1198, 1442Skagit Co. S. D., Wash_ _ _1440 Sweetwater Ind. S.D., Tex. 1001 Vallejo, Cal 1320 1121, 1259, 1511'Yancey S. D., Tex 65Skagit Co. Union High Sch.

Dist., Wash 928Swift Current, Sask 131Sylvan Beach, N. Y - _ _577, 801

Vallejo S. D., Cal 1631Valley Stream Fire Dist.,

Westchester Co., N. V•,324, 395, 1631

Yankton, So. Dak 651Ar-azoo-Mississippi Delta Le-

Skamania Co. S. D., Wash_ _1572 Sylvania, Ga 1699 N. Y 802, 1002 West Cheater S. 13., Pa_ 257 vee Dist., Miss 324Slippery Rock, Pa 1630 Sylvania, Ohlo 1001, 1060 Valley River S. D. No. 825, Westfield, N. J., 1061, 1191, Yonkers, N. Y-578, 651,Smith County, Tenn 651 Syracuse, N. Y- 128, 872, Man 1634 1259, 1382 873, 930. 1512, 1573Smith's Falls, Ont_184, 396,

521, 653, 16341631, 1699 Van Buren Twp. S.D., Ohio 1631

Vancouver, B. 0_131, 325,Westfield, N. V 1699West Frankfort S. D., Ill_ _1572

Yorkton, Bask 396, 579Yorktown S. D., Tex...729, 1198

Snohomish County, Wash-- 727 Taber S. D. No. 933, Alta_1634 521, 1063, 1200, 1443 West Hartford, Conn 1567 Young S. D. No. 2417, Sask. 653Snyder, Tex 871, 1001 A acoma, NVash_ _128, 182, Vandalla S. D., Ill 1120 West Hoboken, N. J., 577, Youngstown, Ohio- .129,Somerset Graded S. D., Ky. 1196, 1440, 1510, 1631 Vanderburgh Co., Ind 323 930, 1121, 1572, 1699 1382, 1442, 1632

801, 871, 1001 Taft S. D. No. 2483, Sask__ 464 Venedocia, Ohio 1120 West Klamath S. D., Ore. .1002 Youngstown City S. D.,Somerset Sch. Dist., Cal_ ..1381 Talbot Co., Md _1319, 1381, 1699 Ventnor City, N. J. _ _ _257, 651 Westmoreland Co.. Pa 1567 Ohio 930, 1122Somerville, Mass_577, 1196, Talladega, Ala 728 Vermilion, Alta_1004, 1200, Westmount. Que 804, 1123 Youngstown S. D., Ohio_ -.1320

1440, 1510, 1698Sommerville Co. Com. S. D.,

Tallahassee, Fla 1258,1572, 1699

1383, 1514Vernal City, Utah 728

Weston, Ohio, 1121, 1197,1511, 1572

Yukon, Okla 1198

Tex 128 Tarboro, No. Car 323, 651 Vernon, Conn 1631 Weston, Out 1200, 1321 Ohio. .129, 463,Sonoma. Cal 1196, 1630Sour Lake Ind. S. D., Tex__ 462

Tarrant Co. Imp. Dist. No.1, Tex 872, 1001, 1258

Vernon, Tex 577, 1120Vernon Twp., Ohlo 182

Weston S. D., W. Va., 578,803, 873, 1442

Zanesville,873, 1442, 1512

Zavalla Co., Tex 1198South Amboy, N. J_ _1258, 1381 Tarusa Sch. Dist., Cal _ _ 1196 Victor S. D. No. 9. N. Y., West Virginia 572 Zealandia, Sask 875Southampton, N. Y. ..1001, Taunton, Mass 128 651, 802 Wetaskiwin, Alta. .259, 396, 875 Zeeland, Mich, 1198

1060, 1319, 1630 Tay Township, Out. .464 1634 Victoria, B C 730. 1574 Wetaskiwin, Out 259 Zora S. D., Man 931

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