central pennsylvania chinese association cpca...

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CPCA Newsletter Page 1

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Inside This Issue Page 1 President’s Thoughts Page 2 2008 Events Flashback Member Announcements Page 3 Recent Event Highlights Page 4 Update from the Board Upcoming Events Page 5 Registration Form Page 6 Membership Form Board & Council Elections Page 7 Sponsors

The year of 2008 is coming to an end. Looking back, we arranged quite a few activities for our members this year. In addition to the usual picnics for the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival, we also organized rock climbing, a cooking contest, camping and rafting. All the activities were very well received by the participants. Also, after the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, we teamed up with five other Chinese organizations to hold a three-day earthquake relief fundraiser in Strawberry Square.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to a group of friends who

helped me plan all the activities. Their dedication has been rewarded by the applause from the event participants. The next and most important event will be the celebration party for Chinese New Year and the 40th anniversary of the CPCA. I hope there will be many more volunteers to help us prepare for this event. Together, we are dedicated to the common good of the CPCA.

I wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

Best regards, Cheng-mao Lin


Editor: Tracy Chou林采熹

President’s Thoughts….. 會長感言


CPCA 的會員們舉辦了不少的活動;除了慣有的端午與中秋節慶,我們還舉辦



Strawberry Square 舉辦了一連三天的賑災募款,希望能為在地震中受害的同





籌備工作,和我們一起為 CPCA 貢獻心力。

謹祝 佳節快樂

林正懋 敬上

CPCA Committee

CPCA Newsletter Page 2

Hong & Joy Zhang welcomed their second child – Vivian on October 16. She was 6 lbs 7 oz, 18.5 inches.

恭賀張洪- 劉方遒夫婦喜獲千金.

Congratulations to Denise Wang, daughter of Nai-Chen & Selina Wang, who walked down the aisle on September 27th, 2008.


- 如瑾 于歸誌喜!

Member Announcements….. 會員動態

2008 Events Flashback….. 活動回顧

DATE EVENT DATE EVENT 3/25/08 Rock Climbing 8/1/08 - 8/3/08 Camping and Whitewater

Rafting 5/3/08 Cooking Contest 9/13/08 Mid-Autumn Festival Picnic 6/10/08 -6/12/08 China Quake Relief Fundraising 10/18/08 Mt. Gretna Hiking

6/14/08 Dragon Boat Festival Picnic 11/8/08 Chickies Rock Park Hiking

The Honor Goes to… Chen-Yu Tsuei, President of CCAI, was one

of the four women who were honored with the “Women Who Care” Award on May 8th at Felicita in Harrisburg. These women were chosen because of their dedication to the community of Harrisburg and their support of the arts, among other attributes. The other three women were: Janice Black, CEO of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities, Dr. Cheryl Dellasega, Founder of Club and Camp Ophelia and Lorri Bernstein, Community Volunteer, Jewish Film Festival.

A New Book on the Shelf Dr. Yuefeng Xie has recently published a

book titled “Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water: Occurrence, Formation, Health Effects and Control” with the American Chemical Society (co-edited by Karanfil, Krasner and Westerhoff). On October 5th, Dr. Xie delivered the keynote presentation at the 13th Canadian National Drinking Water Conference in Quebec City, Canada. This past summer, Dr. Xie attended the inaugural Jasper Innovation Forum, hosted by the Alberta Research Council, in Jasper National Park, Canada.

新書上市 解躍峰教授日前與三位同行學者合編了一

本由美國化學學會出版的新書 --“飲用水之消毒副

產物: 發生,形成,健康影響及控制”, 並于十月五


幕演說. 今年夏天,解教授亦參加由 Alberta 研究

學會在加拿大 Jasper 國家公園所舉辦的首屆

Jasper 創新論壇會.

華人之光 中華文化藝術學會負責人崔珍瑜老師, 于五月

八日與其他三位女士, 獲頒贈”婦女關懷獎”. 他們都


獲此殊榮. 其他三位女士是 Janice Black - 強化社區基

金會總裁,Cheryl Dellasega 博士 - 奧菲莉婭俱樂部

創辦人和 Lorri Bernstein - 猶太電影節社區義工。

CPCA Newsletter Page 3

Recent Event Highlights….. 活動點滴

Mid-Autumn Festival - Fun in the Water and Sand The celebration for the Mid-Autumn Festival was held in Gifford

Pinchot State Park on September 13th. There were about 120 members and guests who gathered on a beautiful autumn day to enjoy a nice picnic and various outdoor activities, such as kayaking, valley ball and even chess. Thanks to the members who offered their kayaks and boats so that we could have exciting boat races followed by relaxed cruising on the lake. We also invited some medical students from the Penn State Hershey Medical Center who provided free blood pressure tests and health information to our members.

登高觀紅葉 秋高氣爽,正是出遊的好時

光。二十九位會員在解躍峰先生的帶領下來到 Mt. Gretna 登山觀賞紅葉。年紀最小的登山者 Alicia Xie 才只有三歲半。登上山頂後,那兒還有一座八



中秋野餐 九月十三日,近一百二十位 CPCA 同仁相聚在 Gifford Pinchot 公園歡度這一團圓佳節。這

天,天公作美,萬里無雲。公園裡的青山綠水及白沙灘, 顯得格外清新。大家一同享用午餐,西瓜和月餅;




Mt Gretna Hiking Trip – Foliage Watch in October On a beautiful day in fall, twenty-nine people joined a foliage

watch hiking trip in Mt. Gretna lead by Mr. Yuefeng Xie. The youngest member, Alicia Xie, was only three and a half years old. The hike started at the entrance of Governor Dick Recreation Area on Pinch Road and ended at the summit of Governor Dick Hill. At the summit, the beautiful foliage of the surrounding countryside could be viewed from the top of the eighty-foot observation tower.

Chickies Rock Park – Hiking Trip Sequel in November By great demand, Mr. Yuefeng Xie organized another hiking trip to Chickies Rock Park, a place also popular for rock climbing. The trail led everyone to a place overlooking the Susquehanna River. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful surrounding view so much that they forgot about how tired they were.

秋季健行又一章 在十一月份, 一群健

行愛好者, 又在解躍峰先生的籌劃下來到 Chickies Rock Park. 健行步道引領大家來到一處可俯瞰

Susquehanna River 的絕佳景點, 每人都踏著愉快

的歩伐欣賞湖光山色, 疲憊盡消.

Please visit our website at www.cpca-harrisburg.org

for more pictures.

CPCA Newsletter Page 4

2009 Chinese New Year Celebration & CPCA 40th Anniversary When: January 24th, 2009, 3:00 – 9:30 pm Where: First Church of God, 201 E. Green Street. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, (717)766-7501

The activities include entertainment from our own CPCA talents, a delicious Jumbo Buffet Dinner, door prizes, Karaoke and dance. It will be the CPCA’s 40th anniversary in 2009. Each member’s family will take home a special souvenir. The seats are limited to the first 400 registered people. No late or walk-in registrations will be allowed. Please fill out the attached registration and 2009 membership forms, and mail it to Lynn Hess before January 5th, 2009. Please see the registration forms for more details.

二零零九年春節暨 CPCA 四十週年慶祝晚會 慶祝晚會活動包括精采節目表演, Jumbo Buffet 的豐盛自助晚餐, 卡拉 OK, 交誼舞和抽獎. 二零零九年適逢

CPCA 四十週年, 每一個會員家庭都將獲贈精美紀念品一份. 限於場地,參加人數以四百位優先報名者為限,

額滿後恕不再受理. 且不接受逾期或臨時報名, 敬請見諒. 有意參加者, 請填妥報名表格, 並於二零零九年一月

五日前寄至游敏鈴女士處. 詳情請見報名表.

3:00 – 4:00 pm: Registration and Social Time 報到, 聯 誼

4:00 – 6:00 pm: Entertainment 節目表演

6:00 – 7:30 pm: Dinner 晚餐

7:30 – 9:30 pm: Karaoke and Dance 卡拉 OK, 交誼舞

Upcoming Events….. 活動預告

Update from the Board…. 董事會簡訊

CPCA is in the process of establishing a supporting group system to assist the President with specific functions. This will help the Association to operate more efficiently and make the transition each year smoother. Each supporting group will have two to four members and focus on only one specific function. The following people are currently appointed by the Board. There are more groups to be named, as needed.

New Year Program – Tracy Chou Sound System Control – George Chou Website Maintenance – Vivian Dominick

If you have any suggestions or would like to recommend people for a group, please contact us at president@cpca-harrisbury.org.

CPCA 將成立一個輔助小組系統,以協助會長執行特殊事務。這將幫助本會運作更加有效率,並讓每年的會

務交接更為順利。每 一個輔助小組將有二至四位成員而專注於一項特殊事務。


新年表演節目 – 林采熹

音效系統控制 – 周治善

網站維護 – 張激

如果您有任何建議或想要推薦任何小組成員,請與我們聯繫 president@cpca-harrisbury.org

We would like to hear from you. If you have any information and would like to share it with us, please email your article to president@cpca-harrisburg.org.

歡迎大家踴躍投稿, 與我們分享您的消息. 請用電子郵件寄至 president@cpca-harrisburg.org.

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