cbi may bulletin 2011

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CBI May bulletin 2011


VOLUME 5771 ISSUE 9 www.cbistpete.com

Shabbat Services 2

From Rabbi 3

Sisterhood/Men’s Club 9

Schools 11

Youth 12

Adult Studies 13

Buns Family Library 15

Fundraising Report 18

Family Programs 18

Life Cycle Events 19

Mitzvah Grams 21

MAY 2011 NISAN/IYAR 5771

Yom Hashoa 5

Mother’s Day Brunch 7

Federation Annual Mtg & Awards 7

Lag B’Omer Picnic 12

Yom Ha’atzmaut 13

Got Shabbat? Dinner 17

CBI Annual Meeting 22

Shavuot Schedule 26

Eilat, Israel

Page 2

CHILD CARE To request Shabbat morning childcare for preschoolers,

please call the Synagogue office by Wednesday prior to Shabbat.

Congregation B’nai Israel

727-381-4900 Contacts

Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D. 727-381-4900 Ext. 207


Hazzan Paul D. Goldstein 727-381-4900 Ext. 205 cantor@cbistpete.org

Executive Director, Sara A. Latham 727-381-4900 Ext. 202 execdir@cbistpete.org

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director Bonnie Halprin 727-381-4900 Ext. 211


Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education Director, Ilana Dayan

727-381-4900 Ext. 310 prttdir@cbistpete.org

Youth & Family Program Director Sandy Brasch 727-381-4900 Ext. 209


Torah Reader, Deborah Marmon

Office Manager, Pam Askin 727-381-4900 Ext. 203


Receptionist, Anita Helfand 727-381-4900 Ext. 201


Accounting, Barbara Jarvis 727-381-4900 Ext.204


PRTT Secretary, Patzi Gil 727-381-4900 Ext. 210 prttsec@cbistpete.org

President, Karen Sher kwsher123@aol.com

Sisterhood President, Alice Ettinger

Men’s Club President, Keyvan Kohan

USY President, Julia Halprin

Bulletin Committee:

Layout Editor, Masha Ronay

Coordinators, Pam Askin, Anita Helfand and Carol Marcin

B’nai Israel Review Publishes 11 times a year by

Congregation B’nai Israel 300 58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727– 381-4900 FAX 727-344-1307


All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Shabbat Services & Candlelighting


May 4 & 5, 2011

PARTICIPATE IN ALIYOT The Ritual Committee of Congregation B’nai Israel

encourages worshippers to participate in services by

performing aliyot. If you would like to receive an aliyah, please

call the synagogue office at 381-4900, or kindly speak to one of the ushers when you

enter the sanctuary, and every effort will be made to

accommodate your request. Those wishing to receive an

aliyah on Shabbat morning are asked to arrive at services no

later than 9:30 am. We look forward to your

participation. Shalom,

Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Saturday, April 30, 2011 Sedra – Kedoshim Shabbat Services 9:00 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am

Minha, Maariv & Havdala 7:45 pm Friday, May 6, 2011 Candlelighting 7:50 pm Musical Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm Got Shabbat? Dinner at the Kotel Saturday, May 7, 2011 Sedra – Emor Shabbat Services 9:00 am Daven at the Kotel Junior Congregation 10:00 am

Minyan Katan 10:45 am May Birthday Celebrants & Sisterhood Israeli Breakfast Kiddush Minha, Maariv & Havdala 7:50 pm Friday, May 13, 2011 Candlelighting 7:54 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Saturday, May 14, 2011 Sedra – Behar Shabbat Services 9:00 am Cholent Kiddush & Torah Study Junior Congregation 10:00 am

Minha, Maariv & Havdalah 7:55 pm Friday, May 20, 2011 Candlelighting 7:58 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm May Anniversary Shabbat Sit Down Oneg: Ask the Rabbi Saturday, May 21, 2011 Sedra Behukotai Shabbat Services 9:00 am Graduation Shabbat Summer Programs Sendoff Minha, Maariv & Havdala 8:00 pm

Friday, May 27, 2011 Candlelighting 8:02 pm Musical Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm Saturday, May 28, 2011 Shabbat Services 9:00 am Yom Yerushalayim Minha, Maariv & Havdala 8:00 pm Friday, June 3, 2011 Candlelighting 8:06 pm Kabbalat Shabbat at Beach 6:15 pm Upham Beach on St. Pete Beach 6700 Beach Plaza St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 Saturday, June 4, 2011 Sedra – Naso Shabbat Services 9:00 am June & July Birthday Celebrants Shabbat Minha, Maariv & Havdalah 8:05 pm


If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat on Friday evening, a Seudah

Shlishit on Shabbat afternoon or a L’Hayim following a

Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved one or a

special occasion, please

contact Synagogue office.


The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings in the

alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the Minyanaires

for the morning Shaharit service and relax and

schmooze over breakfast bagels, cream cheese,

coffee cake and coffee/tea.

DAILY SERVICES Please join our twice daily

Minyan which meets weekday mornings at 7:45 am Sunday

mornings at 9:00 am, National Holidays - Memorial Day on

May 30 at 9:00 am and weekday evenings at the

following times:

May 1 – May 5 7:50 pm May 8 – May 12 7:55 pm May 15 – May 19 8:00 pm May 22 – May 26 8:00 pm May 29 – June 2 8:00 pm

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From the Rabbi

The countdown is on! From the second night of Passover, we count the 50 days from Exodus to Sinai, from Passover, the barley harvest, until Shavuot, the wheat harvest. But why

do we rise and recite Sefirat Haomer, the Counting of the Omer every evening between these two holidays? Traditionally we count each new day as a reminder that we are closer to fulfilling our ultimate purpose – joining in the covenant with God. Others have suggested that in contemporary Israel the journey from Pesah to Shavuot has become a reiteration of our national autobiography in the 21st century. Essentially, the counting of the Omer recognizes a 50 day period filled with Jewish commemorations both ancient and modern. The 13th day of the Omer is Yom Hashoah – Holocaust and Heroism Day, May 1-2. The 20th day of the Omer is Yom Hazikaron – Memorial Day for Fallen Israeli Soldiers, May 8-9. The 21st day of the Omer is Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day, May 9-10.

The 33rd day of the Omer is Lag BaOmer, May 22 with all night campfire celebrations commemorating the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome and the death of the mystical hero Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The 43rd day of the Omer is Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Reunification Day since the Six Day War, May 31-June 1. The 50th day of the Omer is Shavuot, the anniversary of the Giving of the Torah at Sinai and the bringing of the first fruits to the Temple, June 7-8-9. As you count, how are you marking our history and our heritage spiritually? Let us join together as a family and as a community to marvel at our heritage, to recognize our blessings and to move forward together.


Rabbi Jacob Luski

It’s that time of year again for the Friday evening talks on

GLIMPSES INTO JEWISH HISTORY. We will have these talks

every Friday over the summer. Please call Marvin Jacobs

if you are interested in giving one.

BAR/BAT Students who will become Bar or Bat Mitzvah, from August 2012 through August 2013, are scheduled to meet with Rabbi Jacob Luski, Hazzan Paul Goldstein, Sara Latham, Executive Director and our Synagogue leadership on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., in the Atrium. This meeting is mandatory for the Bar or Bat Mitzvah student and parents in order to minimize possible misunderstanding of expectations. The Synagogue, the clergy, and the religious school all take pride in our check and double check system for preparing our Bar/Bat Mitzvah candidates for their wonderful Simhas. If your child will celebrate Bar or Bat Mitzvah by August 31, 2013 and you have not received an invitation to the meeting, please contact Rabbi Luski in the synagogue office.

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I hope everyone’s Pesach was wonderful. As we begin to wind down our fiscal year, we have also begun planning for next year. Already underway are budgets, calendar meetings, committee planning for

events and soon, High Holidays arrangements will be underway. There is hardly time to breathe before we begin again. Our board and committees have been doing a great job this year, and I hope everyone will consider volunteering for a committee for next year. We need your help! The more members that volunteer, the more our endeavors are successful. Please call me to discuss your area of interest, and we’ll find the right spot for you. It’s crunch time for our operating budget. As a reminder, bringing your account current is necessary in order to meet end of year expenses. Personal checks are preferred since we do pay a fee for credit card charges. Nonetheless, your credit card will be happily accepted, either by phone or in person. Also, stocks or mature Israeli bonds can be used for your payments. This year’s annual congregational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. We have a full agenda and your attendance is important. We will be voting on our annual budget, electing new board members and officers, and presenting the 1st Annual Gail Warren Legacy for Leadership Award. Dr. Steven Warren, Allison and Michael will be making the presentation, so make sure and attend this honorable occasion. Gail was, and still is in our memories, an incredible person and a fantastic leader, not only in our synagogue, but in the community as well. The presentation of this award will pay tribute to the recipient and Gail as well. Please attend. I would like to thank our outgoing board members and officers, and especially Karen

From the Executive Director

Sher, who stepped up to the plate and began to steer our board in a direction of making positive changes for our congregation. Yasher Koach, Karen! Check your bulletin and/or website for details on this month’s programming – Mother’s Day Brunch, Daven & Dinner at the Kotel and the Lag B’Omer Picnic. Take care, and hope to see you soon.

Sara Latham Executive Director

Community Yom Hashoa Observance

Guest Speaker is Dr. Ken Hanson, Yad Vashem graduate and Asst. Professor in the

Judaic Studies Program at the University of Central Florida. Sunday, May 1, 2011, 2:00 p.m.

Florida Holocaust Museum

555 First Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida

Light Yellow Yom Hashoa Candles after dark.

Prayers were included with your Yom Hashoa Candle.

Planning is now underway for summer Shabbat services at CBI. Continuing our longstanding tradition, members of the Congre-gation will lead these services again this summer. This is your opportunity to recite a haftarah, deliver a D’var Torah, daven P’sukei D’Zimrah, Shaharit or Musaf or lead services from the Rabbi’s lectern. Our professional staff is ready to assist anyone in brushing up on old skills or in acquiring new ones. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Rabbi Luski at 381-4900.

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600 6th Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Page 7

You are invited to bring the whole family!

2011 Joint Annual Meeting

Jewish Federation of Pinellas &

Pasco Counties, FL

and its Beneficiary Agencies

Featuring Joel Mowbray, Award-Winning

Investigative Journalist,

Columnist & Author

“What’s Really Happening in Egypt,

Israel and the Middle East?”

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

6:30 pm: Hors d’oeuvres Reception

Program immediately following

Presentation of Dr. Edward N. Ludin

Young Leadership Award &

Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Awards

Congregation B’nai Israel Recipients:

Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Awards

Mr. Steve Wein

for Educator of Excellence


Dr. Michael & Mrs. Sandy Slomka

For Distinguished Community Service

Installation of Boards of Directors

and new Officers

Temple B’nai Israel

1685 Belcher Road South, Clearwater

Registration is FREE – but RSVP required

By Thursday, May 5

Call 727-530-3223 or register online at


Page 8

St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us! For membership information

please contact:

Susan Kagan – Membership VP



Page 9

and suggestions. We will post them and I will call you to see how we can work together to get these cluster groups started.

So help me to help you, Sisterhood and CBI. Get involved. Come to a meeting. Join a cluster group. I will call you—you can call or email me. I’m listed in the CBI Directory, but just in case you misplaced it, my home phone number is 727-954-4805; Cell is 732-259-3662; I’m good with email: aliceettinger@yahoo.com.

So let’s get to know each other better.

Below is the list of our current Sisterhood Board members. Say hello to them as well. Gail Frye, Joan Redisch, Starr Silver, Joanne Luski, Cynthia Goldstein, Jean Kraff, Marilyn Goldberg, Marilyn LeVine, Diane Litt, Susie Berman, Selma Gaby, Sheryl Sutton, Eileen Richman, Sheryl Feinman, Ellen Bernstein, Janet Augenbraun, Esta Blaxberg, Helen Kahan, Susan Scheinert, Anita Helfand, Jennifer Sternberg, Sandi Rodman, Ruth Ann Mizrahi, Thelma Gilbert, Kitty Jacobs, Naomi Berg, Sandy Elkins (moved), Barbara Noonberg, Ronnie Geffon, Myrna Rubin, Millie Gelfond, Ricki Lewis, Lynn Amy Levenson.

Alice G Ettinger, Sisterhood President

We want you! As I begin my second year as Sisterhood President I am continuing as I began—asking for your help. However, this year I am retired and so now I can come and get you! I have so many ideas for the future of our Sisterhood and CBI. I need your help and I will be calling you to ask for it.

There are so many volunteers who are working very hard for Sisterhood and CBI. All of the Sisterhood Board Members have participated in so many activities both behind the scenes and out in the forefront. Now we need more.

I would like to interest you in joining a special interest cluster group. Consider spending some time with other women who have the same or similar interests as you: perhaps working mothers who are trying to balance their lives. How about retired women who are trying to figure out how not to get over involved? Women with special needs children; who are martini drinkers or want to share recipes; how about a music appreciation group? They are coming from my own interests and repertoire. You will have ideas of your own. I invite you to email your ideas





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Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Liz Sembler there were eight Sunday Seminars and the students and families

learned many interesting facts at all these events. The parents and students noshed while many fun activities were imparted. Guest speakers discussed a variety of topics and were on hand to discuss a variety of topics and shared a wealth of information with the students of PRTT. Mostly Sunday Seminars gave us the time to be together and build bonds with each other within our Synagogue Community. Todah Rabah to Mrs. Sembler for being instrumental in launching this exciting series.

On Tuesday, April 12, twenty-five students from PRTT shared a Seder with 30 residents of Benjamin Tower. They all had fun eating, singing and dancing.

This event was under the chairmanship of Rebecca Horowitz.

Please remember that the closing Junior Congregation program will be on Saturday, May 14th at 10:00 am.

Closing program will be on Sunday, May 15th. Mark your calendars and plan on coming to this event.

Thank you to the entire teaching staff of PRTT, Rabbi Jacob Luski, Hazzan Paul Goldstein, Patzi Gil and the entire front office. You are appreciated.

Shalom, Ilana Dayan, Education Director

JUNIOR CONGREGATION All B’nai Israel children, ages nine to thirteen (grades 3 through 7) are invited to participate in our special age-appropriate Shabbat Service in the Chapel. Junior Congregation will meet on Saturday, May 7 and May 14 at 10:00 a.m.


The school year is coming to an end. We have been keeping very busy all year. We began the year early with the High Holidays. Children learned about apples and honey and why we eat a round challah on these holidays instead of the regular Shabbat braided challah.

The children helped decorate our synagogue Sukkah, then enjoyed snacks and lulav shaking under the branches. We danced with the Torah in the sanctuary and chapel with the Minyanaires on Simchat Torah.

During the Hanukka season the preschoolers enjoyed latkes and dreidels.

Purim brought a special treat. The children all learned how to make hamentashen. What a delicious success!

Next, in April came Passover. All of the children had the opportunity to participate in a Practice Seder led by Rabbi Luski and Cantor Paul. We practiced singing the Four Questions and sang many songs.

The end of this month, on May 26, we will have our VPK Graduation. Look for a list of our graduates in your next bulletin.

2011-2012 registration, for Pauline Rivkind Preschool is now taking place. Classes are filling up quickly. We offer preschool for children ages one year through 5 years old. Call the preschool office, ext. 211, if you have any questions or need a registration form sent to you!

B’shalom! Bonnie Halprin, Preschool Director



Each Shabbat morning, children are invited to participate in Congregation Services by leading Ein Keloheinu and Aleinu at the conclusion of Musaf. Please make plans to have your child present at the assigned time. We look forward to hearing our children’s voices raised in song and prayer as they take their places along side all those who continue to make services meaningful, spiritual and successful here at CBI. This month the schedule for participation is as follows:

May 7 Grade 4 May 14 Grade 3

Twenty-one students have been enjoying the Spring Semester of Hebrew High School, which ended on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. Todah Rabah to our teachers: Rabbi Jacob Luski, Rivy Chapman, Sandy Brasch, Dr. Marc Reiskind and Mr. Byron Kolitz.



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Fortunate is the one who has found wisdom and acquired understanding

Proverbs 3:13


The month of April was filled with activities! The month began with CBI opening its doors to over 100 USYers from central and northern Florida as we hosted the Mercaz Sub Regional Convention! After months of planning and anticipation the weekend was a fantastic success. My sincere thanks to those who cooked, shopped, decorated, chaperoned, made signs and were always there as a support and willing to help where needed. Yasher Koach to the co-chairs, Julia Halprin, Alyssa Kobernick, Jesse Sokolov and Susan Marger LeVine. The entire committee worked together as a team and our success was largely due to everyone’s efforts! USYers represented CBI at the HaNegev Regional Convention in Orlando at the end of April which ended a full season of conventions. Fourteen seniors will be graduating high school and we wish them well as they begin a new chapter of their lives. Please join us Shabbat morning, May 21st for Graduation and Summer Program Sendoff Shabbat. The support of the parents during this year has been invaluable and I appreciate each and everyone who has stepped in to help when asked. Thanks to Cary and Karen Reich who chaired our Youth Commission and to each member of the committee who are dedicated to our children. We reached many of our goals and will continue to work together next year as there is always more to accomplish. Five times this year we provided dinner on Wednesday evening for our kids as part of the Dine and Dash program. I hope to expand that program next year and with your continued support we can do just that. Although our fundraising efforts fell a little short this year we were able to make donations to our beloved CBI, Jewish Federation, and more. People measure success in different ways. I measure it in the joy and laughter that fills the youth lounge and this year has been a success.

B’Shalom, Sandy Brasch

May Calendar: 5/6 “Got Shabbat” Dinner 5/14 USY Closing event 5/15 Kadima and Halutzim Closing events 5/21 Summer Send off/ Graduation Shabbat 5/22 Lag B’Omer Picnic

If your college student has changed mailing addresses or e-mail addresses this semester, please let the synagogue office know. The College committee sends holiday cards and information about travel, scholarship and educational opportunities throughout the year. Thinking ahead – if your child or children are graduating this year from high school, college or graduate school, please inform the office. We print this information in the B’nai Israel Review in June.

The College Committee


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New Beginning Hebrew Class

Ruth Mauer will start a new Beginners Hebrew class on Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 at 6:45 pm.

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn to read Hebrew in a small, friendly, casual group.

Also, for those who completed the last Beginning Hebrew Reading

class, Ruth is willing to continue into the next level with the 2nd book in the Hebrew series.

Please call the Synagogue office and tell us which class you would

be delighted to attend.

Torah For Seniors with Rabbi Jacob Luski Will meet on May 10th at 11:00 am at Philip Benjamin Tower.

Lunch with Rabbi Monthly Deli lunch and Mishnah study with Rabbi Luski will meet

at 12:00 noon in the Atrium on Wednesday, May 11th.

Please place your lunch orders to the synagogue office by noon on each Tuesday prior to class.

Talmud Made Easy, led by Stephen Wein Meets at 7:00 pm in the Buns Family Library on

Tuesday, May 10th Tuesday, Mary 24th

Wednesday, June 1st Wednesday, June 15th

CBI - Hadassah Book Discussion Club Meets monthly in the Buns Family Library at 10: am to discuss the

following book: May 18th THE THREE WEISSMANS OF WESPORT

by Cathleen Schine

Let’s Celebrate Israel’s 63rd

Independence Day Sunday, May 15


Community Yom Ha’atzmaut – Catch some fun

with the Rays! At Tropicana Field

Festivities begin at 11:45 am with a Community Pregame Party,

complete with a Kosher lunch and snacks followed by the Game at 1:40 pm.

Our own Hazzan Goldstein will present the National Anthem.

Tickets are $36 per person or $118.00 for a family of four-pack,

which includes the Pregame Party, Rays Game, a Rays Kipah, and interactive kids’ games

& entertainment. Ticket deadline is May 6


Tickets are available in the synagogue office.

Yom Yerushalayim

“Jerusalem Day”

Yom Yerushalayim, Wednesday, June 1, 2011, marks the

reunification of the city by Israel during the Six-Day War. For years Jerusalem has had access to the Old City and to the many religious and historical sites including the Western Wall, the only remnant of the Holy Temple. In 1967, on the 28th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, the city was made whole again. On Yom Yerushalayim we pray not only that the city remains undivided, but the Jerusalem will help bring about the union of all people. It will be celebrated at B’nai Israel at Shabbat morning services on May 28, 2011.

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The CBI-Hadassah Book Clubs will continue to meet monthly in the Buns Family Library

for lively discussions of current books. We will meet on Wednesday at 10:00 am. ON May 18, 2011 THE THREE WEISSMANS OF WESTPORT by Cathleen Schine

If you would like to lead a discussion group, please call Sheila Wasserman at 347- 5816!


The Invisible Bridge, by Julie Orringer Without a doubt, the most spellbinding novel I’ve read recently is The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer. The book was recommended to me by several friends, and was the featured book review in the March, 2011 Hadassah Magazine. Clearly this is a book people are talking about. Although there are nearly six hundred pages, the story is so compelling it’s hard to put down. This is an epic love story that starts in the 1930’s, and follows three Jewish brothers from a middle-class Hungarian family through their student days, the coming of Hitler and World War II, the Holocaust, and post World War II. It begins as the older two, Andres Levi and his brother, Tibor, are forced to leave Hungary to continue their studies in Paris and Modena because Hungarian schools have closed their doors to Jews. Subsequently, with the war imminent, their student visas are cancelled, and they are forced into the Hungarian labor service. The author has done a huge amount of research to write a novel of this proportion. Thirty-seven year old Julie Orringer, who lives in Brooklyn, based much of the book on her own grandfather and his experiences during World War II. In an interview, she spoke of her inspiration for the book:

“Ten years ago, a few weeks before I went to Paris for the first time, my grandfather told me he’d lived in that city for two years when he was a young man. That was the first I’d heard of it. He told me he’d been accepted to architecture school on a scholarship in 1937, but had to quit when the war began. Because he was Jewish, and a Hungarian citizen, he was conscripted into the Hungarian labor service and lost his student visa. Before that moment I’d never known he’d trained to be an architect. His war experience was even more patchy and abstract in my mind: he’d been in and out of forced labor camps, I knew, but I’d heard nothing about what he’d experienced and witnessed there. Over the weeks and months that followed, he and I began to talk about that time of his life—how he’d won the scholarship; what it had been like for him, a Jewish boy from rural Hungary, to move to Paris; how he’d survived there; what he’d studied; where he’d lived; who his friends were; why he’d had to leave. Then I started asking about what had happened during the war. Those questions gave rise to a cascade of stories, events that no one in our family had ever spoken of—what his time in forced labor had been like, how his relationship with my grandmother had developed during his furloughs, how his own brothers had been conscripted, imprisoned, and killed. As I listened, it occurred to me that few Americans knew the fate of the Hungarian Jews during the war—Hungary wasn’t occupied by Germany until spring of 1944, its Jewish population left mainly intact until the Final Solution had become such an efficient machine that it did away with more than half of Hungary’s Jews in a matter of months. As we talked, a narrative began to take shape in my mind— one that began in 1937 with a young Hungarian Jewish man and a scholarship to architecture school in Paris, and that extended through the war years. I knew this was a tale that demanded telling. “

The Invisible Bridge is available in the CBI Buns Family Library. Ruth Lebowitz

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Please patronize

our advertisers

You want to

place an ad? call Pam Askin

381-4900 ext 203

Page 17

The American Israel Public

Affairs Committee (AIPAC),

America’s Pro-Israel Lobby,


2011 will be held

May 22-24, 2011

in Washington D.C.

Learn more and register at:



Our annual Graduation and Summer Sendoff Shabbat is Saturday,

May 21, 2011. At that time, all family and friends are invited to

join us for Shabbat morning services. This gives parents and

grandparents an opportunity to honor their high school or college

graduates on their major academic achievements.

In order for all graduates to be recognized during services and in

the Congregation Bulletin, please RSVP their attendance and call

or e-mail the Synagogue office (officemgr@cbistpete.org) and

share their graduation information with us. For high school

graduates, please provide us the high school, their degree, and

the college or other future plans. For college and graduate

degrees, please provide their school, their degree and major and

their future plans.

Summer sendoff students will also be recognized during services.

Please inform the office of their attendance.

We also invite you to make a donation in honor of your graduate

to the College Programming fund. These funds will be set aside

to help with our college activities during the upcoming school

year. We look forward to your children being with us this


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GIFT GIVING Please purchase gift cards for Mother’s day, end of the year teacher gifts and graduation gifts through the CBI SCRIP program!!! There are over 500 vendor card available and there is NO EXTRA CHARGE to purchase the cards. CBI makes a percentage of every purchase.

PLEASE READ*******PLEASE RESPOND******* As CBI Continues to explore ways to be more fiscally and environmentally efficient, I am asking you to please respond to the following: I would prefer to receive my CBI Review- the monthly bulletin

A. in hard copy in the regular mail B. delivered electronically only by e-mail

Respond with your answer to Pam LeCompte

plecompte@wittner.com Or call: 384-3000 ext 325


As the days become warmer our pace begins to slow down. This has been quite a year! As a Congregational Family we joined together at our “Got Shabbat” dinners five times. The goal of these dinners is to bring families together to share in the joy of Shabbat, not to mention give everyone a break from the kitchen. In an effort to keep the price reasonable and to continue with this wonderful tradition we will be experimenting with different formats. Is it necessary to be served or would a buffet be acceptable? Do we need to have seating pre-assigned? These are some of the questions I would appreciate you helping us answer. As always we appreciate feedback from YOU. Over these past months we have davened together, danced and laughed together and yes, cried together and supported one another. After all this is life and we are family. Your generosity has touched my heart. So many of you have volunteered your time in so many ways to make the programming at CBI a success. Thanks to each and every one of you. Shabbat evening May 6th we will dine at the Kotel as we enjoy our last “Got Shabbat?” Dinner of the year. Get your reservations in to the CBI

There will not be any changes made right away, we are simply taking a poll of your preferences. Remember, that the bulletin can be found online every month on the website. Believe it or not it is Membership Directory time again. Please plan to place either a personal or a business ad. If you respond early, you will be showing respect to your fellow congregants who are working on this project by saving them time with follow up phone calls. Please do your part and respond! If you would like to help with the project, please contact me. For online web searches and online shopping that benefit CBI- please go to www.goodsearch.com and enter Congregation B’nai Israel of St Petersburg in the spot that asks for your charity.

Laurie Reiskind, 3rd Vice President, Fund Raising

office so you don’t miss out. Sunday, May 22 is our 2nd annual Lag Ba’Omer Picnic at Lake Seminole Park. Thanks to the Mitzvah Men’s Club who will once again man the grills and prepare our delicious barbecue lunch. Mark your calendars now for Kabbalat Shabbat on the Beach, June 3rd! See the flyer in this bulletin for all the details. Wherever plans you have for this summer, slow down take a deep breath and enjoy the slower pace.

Sandy Brasch, Youth and Family Program Director

CBI Website

www.cbistpete.org www.jewishpinellas.org

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Mr. Samuel and Sandra Janofsky on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Alexander Berton Rudin.


Liesa Ariel Abel, daughter of Drs. Warren and Naomi Abel

Julia Lyn Halprin, daughter of Mr. David and Bonnie Halprin and

granddaughter of Mrs. Bette Schroeder.

Naomi Bracha LeVine, daughter of Dr. David and Janice LeVine and

granddaughter of Dr. Morris and Marilyn LeVine

Bernard Louis Marger, son of Mr. Bill and Carol Marger and

grandson of Mr. Bruce and Mary Ann Marger

Margaret Gray Marger, daughter of Mr. Bill and Carol Marger and granddaughter of Mr. Bruce and Mary Ann Marger

Erica Ashley Sheppard, daughter of Dr. Robert and Ina Sheppard

Michael Harris Warren, son of Dr. Steven Warren


Abraham and Rose Luski on their new home.

Robert Warsaw on his new home.

Arlene Ludin on her new home.

Todah Rabah to the following volunteers who have assisted with

the office work and special mailings this past month: Sally Swale, Murray Rubin, Kitty Jacobs, Marian Lustigman

Rooth and Carol Marcin. Through their efforts many tasks have been accomplished and

their time and assistance are greatly appreciated. Our apologies to anyone we may have inadvertently omitted. If you would like

to do volunteer work, please call the synagogue office at 381-4900.


We share in the sorrow

of the passing of:

HYMAN ROTCHTIN Father of Sharron Abrams


Brother of Rivy Chapman

“BOBBIE” BARBARA LUTZ KARPAY Stepmother of Dr. Richard Karpay

and Wife of Irwin Joseph Karpay

In honor of 60 years Joanne Luski Love, Stuart, Rhea, Max, Josiah and Mom April 29, 2011

Mazal Tov Harry Kraff, on his 90th Birthday , April 14, 2011

By Dear friends: Ellen Bernstein, Susie & Ira Berman, Bill Dolgoff, Gail & Mike Frye, Selma Gaby, Millie & Lenny Gelfond, Jack & Marilyn Goldberg, Sandy Heller, Barbara Jarvis, Sara & Phil Latham, Jeff & Diane Litt, Wendy Levine, Marian Lustigman-Rooth, Ruth Ann & Ralph Mizrahi, Helen & Ben Pertcheck, Joan & Phil Redisch, Shirley Sommella, Pei & Blanche Tuinakauvadra, Livia & Steve Wein

Page 20

Page 21

In Honor of: ________________________________

Check the names of everyone to you would like to send a Mitzvah Gram. Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation each, to: Congregation B’nai Israel, 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 *The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10. Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good

wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our

schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your donations to our Mitzvah Fund.

1 Alan Kay 2 Mandel Sher 3 Mona Feld 3 Audrey Kopelman 3 Mark Applefield 3 Peggy McAvoy 3 Hugh van Gelder 3 Lawrence Green 4 Seth Labinger 5 Edward Silverberg 6 Loren Pincus 7 Susan Scheinert 7 Eliot Dantowitz 8 Gerald Benstock 8 Diane Weiner 9 Peter Benstock 9 Edna Sonkin 12 Beulah Steel 12 Harold Pollack 13 Stephen Wein 13 Philip Hirschfield 14 Samuel L. Janofsky 15 Eva Fuchs 15 William Jacobs 16 Lawrence Lew 16 David Robbins 16 Robert Sheppard 17 Rita Jacobson 17 Ronen Madjar 18 Herb Brasch

18 Ilene Worman 18 Jim Gordon 18 Bernard Wolfson 18 Ben Thomas 18 Shana Gaines 19 Hannah Krassner 19 Eric Weston 20 Robert Weisberg 20 Vivian Lurie 20 Helen Kahan 20 Kitty Jacobs 21 Ronald Yogman 22 Ann Mark 23 Steven Feld 23 Cynthia Goldstein 23 Louis Frey 23 Stanley Weinstein 24 Rachel Domber 24 Sheryl Feinman 25 Ralph Mizrahi 25 Kim Zinkerman 25 Steven Kossoff 26 Irwin Ayes 26 Barry Augenbraun 28 Rose Polsky 29 Sheila Knapp 29 Leonard Mauer 30 Shelley Lynn 30 Rosa Russek

Friday, May 20 , 2011!


9:00 AM


4 Richard & Liz Benator 6 Jack & Judy Buns 7 Stella & John Maganiaris 19 Mark & Lori Alperstein 19 Mark & Noelle Walters 22 Craig & Tertia Kunins 24 Aaron & Helen Applefield 24 Carl & Gail Rubinsky 24 Charles & Joanne Given 24 Jimmy & Robin Post 25 Joseph & Eva Fuchs 25 Jeffrey & Diane Hilton

26 Mark & Susan Applefield 26 Michael & Lisa Zimmer 26 Scott & Johanna Pinsker 27 Herb & Sandy Brasch 28 Larry & Helen Freid 29 Samuel & Beulah Steel 29 David & Vicki Greenfield 30 David & Lisa Hertz 30 David & Rachel Wein 31 Shimon & Mona Bines 31 Stanley & Nancy Rosenberg 31 Martin & Zina Rosenblum

Page 22

Page 23

So what’s the Difference among the “M” Organizations

MERCAZ USA, the Conservative movement’s Zionist

Organization: a membership organization; with yearly dues.

Represents Conservative Judaism in the World Zionist

Organization (WZO) & the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI).

Advocates for funds from these organizations on behalf of

our Conservative (Masorti) Institutions in Israel & in the

Diaspora, eg. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism’s

Conservative Yeshiva & NATIV College Leadership program

at the Fuchsberg Center, Jerusalem; Ramah & USY trips to

Israel; the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies; & Masorti

kehillot/synagogues throughout Israel. It promotes religious

pluralism, fosters Zionist & Hebrew language education

programming within our Conservative Movement in the US,

promotes short/long term Conservative movement programs

to Israel for youth/adults & supports the Aliya activities of

our movement. MERCAZ USA needs your membership to

increase our influence & expand our important activities.

MERCAZ means “center” in Hebrew indicating that Zionism

is “centra”l to Conservative/Masorti Judaism. To join


http://www.mercazusa.org or contact 212-533-2061 or


THE MASORTI FOUNDATION, is a philanthropic

organization, raising funds in North America to support the

Masorti (Conservative) movement in Israel, including the

kehillot (congregations) & their educational projects/

programs, eg. NOAM, USY’s counter-part for Israeli youth.

The foundation subsidizes programs in multi-lingual

publications & offers services for new olim (immigrants to

Israel) as well as veteran Israelis. It assists Kibbutz

Hannaton & the Shorashim communal settlement, both in

northern Israel. The Masorti Foundation needs your help to

assist the Masorti movement grow and flourish. Masorti

means “traditional” in Hebrew and is the name of the

Conservative movement in Israel. To find Masorti

synagogues in Israel or make a donation to the MASORTI

Foundation, visit http://www.masorti.org or contact

212-280-6039 or mail@masortiolami.org

MASORTI OLAMI, the formal representative in the WZO of

Masorti synagogues/programs around the world & the

philanthropic organization to promote the growth &

development of Masorti Judaism in Europe, South America

& areas outside of North America & Israel. Affiliated with

Masorti Olami is MAROM OLAMI, the worldwide

association of Masorti students/young adults, and MERCAZ

OLAMI, representing the movement’s Zionist organizations.

Masorti means ‘traditional’ in Hebrew, & is the name of the

Conservative movement outside of North America. To find

Masorti synagogues in Europe, South America, etc or make

a donation to MASORTI OLAMI, visit

hpp://www.masortiworld.org or call 212-280-6039 or


Page 24


Adult Studies In Honor of

Ellen & Steve Cades Jesse Rodman, Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Adult Studies In Memory of

Barbara Jarvis Diane Washam

Cantor's Fund In Honor of

Dolores Diamond Happy Birthday to Jay Kauffman & Shirley Bulkin

Jesse Rodman, Mitzvah Men's Club Man of Year

David & Teddi Robbins In appreciation

Dr. Warren Abel In appreciation

Jacobs' Beautification Fund In Memory of

Bob & Debbie Jacobs Jacqueline Jacobs

Abby & Bill Jacobs

Library Music Fund In Honor of

Bev & Mort Sherman Happy Birthday - Vera Green

Happy Anniversary - Larry & Vera Green

Minyan Fund In Honor of

Barbara Jarvis Jesse Rodman, Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Jane Markowitz Happy Anniversary - Larry & Vera Green &

Lee & Marvin Leibson

Sally & Joe Cohen Speedy Recovery to Millie Gelfond

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Happy Birthday to Jayne Weissman,

Hazzan Paul Goldstein, Dr. Marc Reiskind, Laney Kay,

Laurie Reiskind, Joan Benstock, Dr. Barnett Stein

Happy Anniversary to Linda & Steve Grau,

Joan & Phil Redisch, Jayne & Ron Weissman

Steve & Livia Wein Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Joel & Betty Sue Shayne Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Happy Birthday to Shirley Bulkin;

Happy Anniversary to Joan & Phil Redisch on their 55th

Speedy Recovery to Pam Askin

Ed & Vivian Lurie Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Allen & Betty Tut Polon Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Ruth & Lenny Mauer Ana Masri - in gratitude; Shoshana Russek - in

gratitude; Marilyn Benjamin, Mazal Tov on Peninah

Benjamin's Bat Mitzvah & In gratitude

Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Gift & Craft Show Committee Mali & Fred Feld on engagement of Mandi Feld &

Michael Gross

Bill Dolgoff Ann Meyers 60th Birthday

Myrna & Murray Rubin Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Sara & Phil Latham Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Sally & Joe Cohen Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Jean & Harry Kraff Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Mizrahi Hartung

granddaughter of Ruth Ann & Ralph Mizrahi

Lee & Marvin Leibson Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Esther Piper

Rebecca & Warren Simmons Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Liz & Greg Sembler Karen Reich being selected CEO of Bon Secours, Florida

Lee & Marvin Leibson Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Monast

Allen & Betty Tut Polon David & Teddi Robbins - State of Israel Bonds Honorees

Beverly Dikman Happy Anniversary - Iris & Ben Bush

Thelma Rothman In appreciation to Rabbi Luski & all attending physicians

Sheryl Feinman Thank you to Vivian Lurie & Linda Goldfarb

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Happy Birthday to Joan Redisch, Naomi Berg,

Joanne Luski, Steve Warren; Happy Anniversary to

Harold & Anita Pollack

The van Gelder Family Happy Birthday to Dr. Marc Reiskind & Laurie Reiskind

Marilyn Benjamin Speedy Recovery to Pam Askin

Ruth Dikman Happy Birthday to Roz Geller, Lil Grau, Susan Turner,

Dr. David H. Gross, Joanne Luski, Dr. Steven Warren

Arthur & Bebby Marlin Speedy Recovery to Nancy Gordon Frank

Janet & Ed Shapiro Millie Gelfond

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Joann Bush Joseph Elias

Lucile Urvater Beatrice Bula

Audrey Kopelman Dr. Harvey M. Kopelman, Norman Halem, Beverly Halem

Murray L. Fink Benjamin Fink, Mollie Fink

Harold Wolfson Julia Wolfson

Mussie Eidelman Loved ones

Robin Perlman Anne Perlman

Ann Fructman & Dr. J. L. Azneer

Peter M. Castagna

Dee Dinsfriend Wyn Lowther

Charles Possick Loved ones

Bill Dolgoff Ben Dolgoff

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Joseph Elias

Liz & Greg Sembler Dr. J. L. Azneer

Nan Speller Dr. J. L. Azneer

Thelma Rothman Dr. J. L. Azneer

Jim & Margie Green Dr. J. L. Azneer

Carin & Bruce Zwibel Dr. J. L. Azneer

Sara & Phil Latham Diane Washam

Sheryl Goff Dr. J. L. Azneer

Steve & Livia Wein Hyman Rotchtin, Maximus Bloom

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Dr. J. L. Azneer, Hyman Rotchtin

Lana Rubinchik Bronya Inger

Margot Benstock Max Fisch

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Joseph Elias

Barbara Jarvis Hyman Rotchtin

Susie & Alan Schwartz Maximus Bloom

Allen & Betty Tut Polon Diane Washam, Hyman Rotchtin

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Hyman Rotchtin

Murray Rubin Dr. J. L. Azneer

Sara & Phil Latham Hyman Rotchtin

Marian Samson Joseph Jules Lowengard

Phyllis Eig Loved ones

Cary & Karen Reich Dr. J. L. Azneer

Arthur & Bebby Marlin Eva Marlin

Page 25

Lee & Marvin Leibson Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Esther Piper

Rebecca & Warren Simmons Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Liz & Greg Sembler Karen Reich being selected CEO of Bon Secours, Florida

Lee & Marvin Leibson Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Monast

Allen & Betty Tut Polon David & Teddi Robbins - State of Israel Bonds Honorees

Beverly Dikman Happy Anniversary - Iris & Ben Bush

Thelma Rothman In appreciation to Rabbi Luski & all attending physicians

Sheryl Feinman Thank you to Vivian Lurie & Linda Goldfarb

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Happy Birthday to Joan Redisch, Naomi Berg,

Joanne Luski, Steve Warren; Happy Anniversary to

Harold & Anita Pollack

The van Gelder Family Happy Birthday to Dr. Marc Reiskind & Laurie Reiskind

Marilyn Benjamin Speedy Recovery to Pam Askin

Ruth Dikman Happy Birthday to Roz Geller, Lil Grau, Susan Turner,

Dr. David H. Gross, Joanne Luski, Dr. Steven Warren

Arthur & Bebby Marlin Speedy Recovery to Nancy Gordon Frank

Janet & Ed Shapiro Millie Gelfond

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Joann Bush Joseph Elias

Lucile Urvater Beatrice Bula

Audrey Kopelman Dr. Harvey M. Kopelman, Norman Halem, Beverly Halem

Murray L. Fink Benjamin Fink, Mollie Fink

Harold Wolfson Julia Wolfson

Mussie Eidelman Loved ones

Robin Perlman Anne Perlman

Ann Fructman & Dr. J. L. Azneer

Peter M. Castagna

Dee Dinsfriend Wyn Lowther

Charles Possick Loved ones

Bill Dolgoff Ben Dolgoff

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Joseph Elias

Liz & Greg Sembler Dr. J. L. Azneer

Nan Speller Dr. J. L. Azneer

Thelma Rothman Dr. J. L. Azneer

Jim & Margie Green Dr. J. L. Azneer

Carin & Bruce Zwibel Dr. J. L. Azneer

Sara & Phil Latham Diane Washam

Sheryl Goff Dr. J. L. Azneer

Steve & Livia Wein Hyman Rotchtin, Maximus Bloom

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Dr. J. L. Azneer, Hyman Rotchtin

Lana Rubinchik Bronya Inger

Margot Benstock Max Fisch

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Joseph Elias

Barbara Jarvis Hyman Rotchtin

Susie & Alan Schwartz Maximus Bloom

Allen & Betty Tut Polon Diane Washam, Hyman Rotchtin

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Hyman Rotchtin

Murray Rubin Dr. J. L. Azneer

Sara & Phil Latham Hyman Rotchtin

Marian Samson Joseph Jules Lowengard

Phyllis Eig Loved ones

Cary & Karen Reich Dr. J. L. Azneer

Arthur & Bebby Marlin Eva Marlin

Alan Gross William Gross

Arlene Ludin Sally Rubenstein

Jack Eidelman Charles Eidelman

Anita & Arlen Helfand Lillian Solomon

Pauline Rivkind Fund In Memory of

Gail Frye Anna Pearlstein

PRTT Fund In Honor of

Jerry & Barbara Rubin In appreciation

Prayerbook Fund In Honor of

Frank & Roberta Florence Harry Kraff's 90th birthday

Prayerbook Fund In Memory of

Larry & Sheryl Feinman Dr. J. L. Azneer

Preschool Fund In Memory of

Debbie & Mark Sokolov Maximus Bloom

Rabbi's Fund In Honor of

Michael & Mavis Wallace Happy Birthday - Marilyn Isaacs

Mr. & Mrs. David Robbins In appreciation

Marvin & Kitty Jacobs Misheberah for Pam Askin

Shirley Sommella Speedy Recovery to Herbert Norosky

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Speedy Recovery to Marvin Jacobs

Ed Bailey & Dr. Nancy Landfish In appreciation

Harold & Charlotte Goldberg Dr. Bernardo Stein - for his kindness, care &

In appreciation

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Flisser In appreciation

Cynthia Goldstein In appreciation

Shiva Group Meals for Pearlstein Home

Shirley Sommella Jesse Rodman - Mitzvah Men's Club Man of the Year

Rabbi's Fund In Memory of

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lachter Morty Lachter

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Colen Dr. J. L. Azneer

Miriam Barshefsky Gus Barshefsky

Mindy Jo Siegel Dr. J. L. Azneer

Barbara Baccari Vincent Baccari

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Janofsky Carrie Janofsky

Hannah Krassner Dr. J. L. Azneer

Drs. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Dr. J. L. Azneer

Dr. & Mrs. Martin Rosenblum Dr. J. L. Azneer

Dr. Eric D. Weston Jerome P. Weston

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jacobs Diane Washam

Shirley Sommella Dr. J. L. Azneer

Michael & Mavis Wallace Charles Boux, Dr. J. L. Azneer

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Frank & Arlene Moss Dr. J. L. Azneer & Raela & Norman Moss

Arlene LeVine Max & Alys Levitt

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Colen Maximus Bloom

Dr. & Mrs. Frank Mendelblatt Leah Blacker

Lewis Unterman Eileen Unterman

Dr. Eric Weston Shirley Goodman

Anita Sher Dr. J. L. Azneer

Dr. Warren Abel Paul Abel, Bernard Pestronk

Mr. Herb Sirota Morris Sirota

Marian Lustigman Rooth Elaine Lustigman Rooth

Yvette Lew Dr. Harvey Gars

Alan Koenig Gladys Koenig

Meni Kanner Loved ones

Jean Wittner Ted Wittner, Lucile West

Larry & Aldena Lew Lena S. Lew

Sharron Scott Lena S. Lew

USY Fund In Honor of

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Joan & Phil Redisch's 55th Wedding Anniversary

Vivian Neumann Anita Sher's greatgrandchild, Paige Conroy

Arlene Ludin & William Burcat Anita Sher's greatgrandchild, Paige Conroy

Dr. Warren Abel In appreciation

Louisa & Mark Benjamin David & Teddi Robbins Israel Bond Honorees

USY Fund In Memory of

Carol & Bill Marger Harvey Mandell

Henry Kahalas Ruth Sahl

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Moore Philip Katz

Jayne & Ron Weissman Dr. J. L. Azneer, Maury Goldblatt, Howard Weissman

Billie & Morry Bornstein Lee Schwartz

Mel & Dee Dinsfriend Jenny Dinsfriend

Vivian Neumann Diane Washam

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Goldberg Alex Goldberg

USY Pilgrimage In Honor of

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Rachel Piper's Bat Mitzvah

Alice & Larry Ettinger Joan & Phil Redisch's 55th Wedding Anniversary

Myrna & Murray Rubin Special Birthday - Harry Kraff

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Happy Birthday to Warren Simmons

Susie & Ira Berman David & Teddi Robbins' Israel Bond Honorees

Leah Sandler Happy Birthday to Roz Geller

USY Pilgrimage In Memory of

Janet & Barry Augenbraun Diane Washam, Dr. J. L. Azneer, Helen Wertel's mother

Shelley Lynn Dr. J. L. Azneer

Dr. & Mrs. Morris Pearlman Dr. J. L. Azneer

Leah Sandler Robert Arthur Sandler

Susie & Ira Berman Maximus Bloom, Dr. J. L. Azneer

Warren Simmons John M. Simmons

Page 26

This is an appropriate season for you and your family to begin reading the Bible on a weekly schedule. A suggestion that you begin with “The Jewish Bible for Family Reading.”

On Shavuot, one should make every attempt to attend Synagogue Services. Read the story of Ruth from the Bible to your family as part of the Shavuot Eve dinner.

You might encourage the children in your family to plant a garden or even a window box plant.

To enjoy the festival spirit, you should do all your shopping before the onset of the holiday. Decorate your table with a Shavuot motif, such as summery flowers, a lovely tablecloth and your best silverware. Bring out your polished silver Kiddush cups. Like Shabbat, you should light the candles, recite the Kiddush, say Hamotzi, and chant the Grace after Meals.

Traditional Shavuot foods would be delicacies like blintzes, noodle pudding and cheese cake.

Suggestions for a table centerpiece. Arrangements of greens around a Torah scroll, individual baskets of fruit, small books between bookends.

It is customary, just before lighting the candles for the holiday, to put some coins in a Tzedakah box. The children should be invited to participate in this philanthropic experience.

The proper greeting for the festival is HAG SAMEAH – Happy Holiday!


for Leadership

Laurie & Marc Reiskind Jean Wittner being selected for Ms. Sun

Speedy Recovery to Pam Askin

Dr. & Mrs. Mike Slomka Speedy Recovery to Pam Askin

Gail S. Warren Legacy In Memory of

for Leadership

Pam & Morris LeCompte Hyman Rotchtin

Laurie & Marc Reiskind Dr. J. L. Azneer


Tuesday, June 7, 2011 – Erev Shavuot Candlelighting 8:08 pm

Shavuot Services & Tikun Leyl Shavuot 8:00 pm

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Shavuot Yom Tov Services

Includes Bounty of Babies Ceremony 9:00 am Yom Tov Evening Service 8:00 pm

Candlelighting 9:08 pm

Thursday, June 9, 2011 Shavuot Yom Tov Service and Yizkor 9:00 am

Minha, Maariv & Havdala 8:15 pm

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