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CatholicQuiz  of  the  Week™  Part  A    The  Nativity  of  the  Lord  December  25,  2016  

1. From whom was Israel delivered that led Isaiah to proclaim, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings”? a. Assyrians b. Romans c. Babylonians 2. According to Psalm 98, “The LORD has made his _____ known: in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice.” a. salvation b. intentions c. anger 3. Who were the special people through whom the Holy Spirit spoke in the Old Testament? a. the Levites b. the shepherds

c. the prophets 4. According to Hebrews, angels enjoy equality with the begotten Son of God. a. True b. False 5. The prologue to the Gospel of John tells us that, in the beginning, the Word was created by the Father. a. True b. False 6. According to the prologue of John's Gospel, the story of the coming of Jesus is a retelling of what Old Testament story? a. creation b. the deluge c. Exodus 7. According to John's Gospel, how is the birth of Christ expressed? a. this is my body b. let there be light c. the Word became flesh © Copyright by 2016

Reproduce for educational use





 CatholicQuiz  of  the  Week™  Part  B  

The  Nativity  of  the  Lord  December  25,  2016  

Reflection and Discussion

Christmas is a time to give and to receive. It’s a time to bless and to receive blessings. It is a time to remember loved ones and to reach out to those who are alone. It is a time of heightened awareness of material gifts, but also a time to consider the spiritual meaning behind this holy season. The Scripture readings reveal that this is a time when the salvation promised from of old is revealed in the birth of God’s Son. But what does this mean that God’s son has come to our world?

• What gift/s do you hope to receive this Christmas? Does the experience of receiving gifts bring you excitement and expectation?

• What gift/s have you given this Christmas? Is there someone special to whom you wanted to give something of value?

• Whom do you remember during this holiday season? Is there someone with whom you should communicate that maybe you haven’t seen or talked to much during the year?

• What is most important to you about the celebration of Christmas? In what ways can this time be an occasion for spiritual renewal?

The Gospel of John talks about how in the very beginning the Word was with God, and that this Word is the light that enlightens all. The Gospel goes on to say that this Word became flesh and made his dwelling with us and that we have seen his glory. These powerful words suggest that human life has been affirmed as precious in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, and that his birth is God’s gift to our world – something that will sustain us in hope and in all that gives our lives meaning and purpose. Christmas is a true miracle and is the basis for the hope and joy that grounds our everyday living. This miracle makes it reasonable to feel expectation and joy, to share gifts and blessings, to reach out to those we love and to those who may have special need. The spiritual meaning of Christmas keeps before us the truth that the divine is forever mixed in our humanity and will be discovered there as we uphold the dignity of all the living.

Answers and References

1. c. Babylonians (Isaiah 52:7) 2. a. salvation (Psalm 98:3) 3. c. the prophets (Hebrews 1:1) 4. b. False (Hebrews 1:5) 5. b. False (John 1:1) 6. a. creation (John 1:1-18) 7. c. the Word became flesh (John 1:14)

© Copyright by 2016 Reproduce for educational use


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