case iii social media up&up presentation

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Where Should I Post This?


‣ #hashtag

‣ #data

‣ #whatwhenwhere

‣ #riseandgrind

‣ #resources

Today’s Agenda

When it comes to #data… …you can excel.


90% of all data is right 50% of the time.


69% of pageviews will be

owed to video by 2017


Generation Z


80% of students will watch a

video from a college during their search

44% will watch a video

of current students during their search

66% say social media

conversations impacted their college choice


top 3 channels prospective students use to research schools




82% of the 18-29 age group

are on Facebook, which has

remained constant over the

past 3 years.

55% are on Instagram,

which is the fastest

growing channel.

32% of the demographic is

on Twitter - identical to the

percentage in 2012.

LinkedIn is the least

popular social channel,

with only 22% active on

the channel.


Generation X


79% of Gen X is on Facebook.

No other channel has more than 40% of Gen X.

Best Practices#whatwhenwhere


2-6% organic reach

10-30% organic reach


#protip: You can grow reach by keeping people in the know. The more likes and shares you get early, the better your chances to grow organic reach.


2-3 times per day

5+ times per day,

repeat stories at different times on

multiple days

1-2 times per day


Best Practices



‣Utilize Facebook’s default

when posting links can

double clicks

‣Keep posts short

‣ Invest in video tomorrow


9:45 AM 100%iPad

#whatwhenwhere9:45 AM 100%iPad

‣ It’s not me, It’s you

‣Keep it concise

‣Use compelling photos



‣ Photos boost retweets by 35%

‣ Videos boost retweets by 28%

‣ Personality connects with

your audience



‣Give glimpses of student life

that are unique to your school



‣Photo quality is key

‣ #hashtags



‣ filters boost views

and likes



You don’t have months to work on this.


Your competition is already working on their next

channel or making a current one better.


So let’s get started.


‣ 5-10 minute social media audit

‣ 5-10 minute persona build

‣ 20-30 minutes to work on your content strategy for a

new or current social channel


‣What content do you wish you could produce?

‣Who is killing it at your school? What are they doing great?

‣What are your competitors doing that you wish you could do?

‣ Is there an age group you feel you could engage better?

‣Could you cross-promote a struggling channel on a popular

channel to build more engagement?




Show and tell.












Colleen Bourdeau


Matt McFadden



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