care dhaka gender workshop presentation

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Can dairy value chain projects change

gender norms in rural Bangladesh? Lessons from the CARE-Bangladesh Strengthening the

Dairy Value Chain Project

Agnes R. Quisumbing

Shalini Roy

Jemimah Njuki

Kakuly Tanvin

Elizabeth Waithanji

Workshop on Gender and Agriculture: A focus on Bangladesh

18 June 2014, Lakeshore Hotel, Gulshan, Dhaka

Overall objective of the SDVC project

Goal: Double the dairy-related incomes of smallholder farmers in northwest Bangladesh by addressing the major challenges to improving smallholder participation in the value chain by

• Mobilizing farmers through formation of small holder dairy farmer groups

• Building capacities of selected farmer group leaders, dairy collectors, livestock health workers, AI workers

• Increasing access to milk markets and productivity enhancing inputs

Targeted Beneficiaries: 36,400 smallholder dairy farmers of NorthWestBangladesh

• with weak dairy value chains

• prone to natural disasters such as floods

• functionally landless (less than 0.5 acres of cultivable land)

• earning about USD 20 – 30 equivalent per month

Map of study area

Women traditionally have responsibility for dairy cows

Many SDVC dairy farmers, farmer group leaders, value chain actors and service providers are women (85 percent of the 36,400 producers; 71 percent of the 3425 farmer group leaders; 22 percent of 201 livestock health workers ,9 percent of the 333 trained milk collectors and 52 AI workers)

Deliberate effort to increase women’s representation in nontraditional dairy activities (livestock health workers)

Training directed to women dairy producers, farmer leaders; formation of savings groups

Setting up of milk collection points within the village

How did SDVC take gender into account?

Photo taken by Akram Ali, CARE Bangladesh

Study Design Longitudinal quant impact evaluation (2008 and 2012); propensity

weighted regressions

Based on household survey with detailed questions on gender and


• Treatment group

• Control: same unions (with chilling plant) but not SDVC area

Qualitative research on gender related topics including ownership

and control over agricultural assets

Study sample selected from Phase 1 (early) beneficiaries; program

has subsequently been modified and so our results don’t reflect

program modifications

Key Questions

Questions Quant Qual

Did the SDVCP increase women’s and/or men’s

ownership of assets? What types of assets?

Did increases in some types of assets change

gender norms around ownership/control of those


Did participation in specific nodes of the dairy

value chain change gender norms regarding

decisionmaking in these areas?

Where there time costs? What were the tradeoffs


Quick summary of results

Impacts were not felt on expenditures and most dairy-related

outcomes, but on assets, their composition, and ownership (if you

weren’t looking for it, you wouldn’t find this impact!)

There was some indication of increases in women’s asset ownership,

but through joint ownership. Control of dairy animals and income

from dairy still mostly male

There is some indication that women’s decisionmaking and mobility

increased, around points of involvement with dairy value chain

Most of the time burden of dairying was borne by adult women, with

time possibly diverted from child feeding and care

Impacts on consumption, dairy outcomes,

and assets

Outcome variables Impacts relative to nonparticipants in unions with chilling plants

Consumption outcomes

Household consumption expenditures (tk) 215.66

Monthly household nonfood expenditure (tk) 138.04

Monthly household food expenditure (tk) 70.34

Impacts of the project on consumption

were not significant

Propensity-weighted ANCOVA regressions; *p<0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p<0.01

Limited impact on dairy outcomes, but

there was increased formal market

channel participationOutcome variables Impacts relative to

nonparticipants in unions with chilling plants

Proportion owning cows 0.05

Proportion producing milk 0.06

Proportion selling milk 0.02

Milk production (liters/hh/day) -0.96

Share with crossbred cows -0.06

Ln (value of cows) -0.02

Productivity per cow (hhs owning cows) -0.46

Whether household sold milk in formal



Propensity-weighted ANCOVA regressions; *p<0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p<0.01

Baseline asset ownership in participant

households was mostly in the form of livestock








Livestock assets Non-livestock assets Total household assets

Value of assets owned among participant HHs at baseline (Taka)

Baseline descriptives on sex-disaggregated

livestock ownership in participant households








Cows Goats Poultry

Number of livestock owned among participant HHs at baseline

Husband Wife Joint












Cows Goats Poultry

Value of livestock owned among participant HHs at baseline (Taka)

Husband Wife Joint

Although women tended to perform dairy maintenance / milking…

• Men tended to own more cows (high-value livestock)

• Women tended to own more poultry (low-value livestock)

• Considerable joint ownership of all livestock assets

Baseline descriptives on sex-disaggregated

non-livestock ownership in participant households

• Men tended to own more consumer durables, agricultural and non-

agricultural productive assets, and land

• Women only tended to own more jewelry

• Considerable joint ownership of all non-livestock assets except land












Jewelry Ag prod Non-ag prod

Value of non-livestock assets owned among participant HHs at baseline (Tk)

Husband Wife Joint










Area of land owned among participant

HHs at baseline (decimals)

Husband Wife Joint

Weak or insignificant program impacts on livestock

assets, with small magnitudes

Household Male Female Joint

Livestock holdings


Cattle –0.169 0.072 –0.039 –0.252

Goats 0.213* 0.086 –0.002 0.029

Poultry –0.332 0.110 –0.237 –0.206

Livestock holdings


Cattle –431.163 –3,796.393 603.722 1,911.730

Goats 320.328* 199.594 –62.991 51.148

Poultry 23.078 23.622 0.522 –14.648

Propensity-weighted ANCOVA regressions; *p<0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p<0.01

Weak impacts on non-livestock assets, but of fairly large

magnitude, suggesting joint income diversification outside dairy

Household Male Female Joint


productive assets (Tk)

1,303.246* 940.329 183.395 –95.315


productive assets (Tk)

452.581* 253.683 60.187 127.737**

Consumption assets


4,874.666 347.580 70.948 485.543

Jewelry (Tk) 3,401.685 1,625.968 –19.080 1,365.358

Land (decimals) 7.646 6.916 0.479 –0.183

Findings from qualitative work among

program participants

The intervention resulted in an increase in assets owned by HH

Cattle were the main asset that increased owing to increase in

milk income (note: different from quantitative work)

Assets mainly controlled by men

Joint assets purchased and controlled jointly, but men’s

decisions take higher priority than women’s and their decisions

are final

Women unlikely to inherit land, most women believe that they

should but the Hindu law prevents them from inheriting

Impacts on decisionmaking and mobility

Photo credit: Akram Ali, CARE-Bangladesh

Some positive impacts on women’s role in dairy


Outcome Husband Wife Other maleOther female

Decision to buy a cow –0.001 0.020 0.009 –0.008

Decisions on dairy-

related expenses

(feed, livestock)

–0.033 0.055** 0.013 –0.018

What type of feed to

provide –0.081 0.103** 0.005 –0.022

Whether to provide

vaccinations 0.003 0.016 0.015* –0.031

Where to purchase

inputs and services –0.017 0.037* 0.013 –0.030

How to use income

from dairy sales–0.047 0.067 0.004 –0.020

Decision to sell milk 0.030 0.000 –0.002 –0.014

Decision to give milk

to children0.059 –0.055 0.008** –0.009

Impacts on non-dairy decisionnmaking

Program did not affect who decided on most categories of

household expenditures

Program increased the proportion of households in which both

the woman and her husband were primary decisionmakers on

whether to take a loan, or in which women participated in the

decision to take the loan

There were additional impacts on mobility, particularly

in relation to value chain services

Who decides whether woman can go by herself to: She

herself Husband Both





(solely or


NGO training outside


0.021 0.006 0.105** 0.008** 0.126*

NGO training in


0.041 0.025 0.074 0.006* 0.114

Milk collection point

outside community

–0.023 0.047 0.057 0.014** 0.033

Visit livestock health


–0.051 0.049 0.084 0.011** 0.033

Friends outside the


–0.028 –0.138 0.003 0.003 0.138

The bazaar or market –0.052 0.036 0.013** 0.013** 0.063

Hospital/clinic/doctor 0.010 –0.100 0.007* 0.007* 0.071

Cinema/fair/theater –0.023 0.032 0.005* 0.005* 0.029

Insights from qualitative work

Culture of seclusion determined who sold milk from where –

women sold milk mainly from home and men delivered milk

to the market

Other factors that determined who controlled income from

milk were who received the money, how much money and the

intended expenditure purpose of the money

Generally women received less money, and controlled money

for smaller investments than men

Impacts on mobility

Quant: Greater acceptance of women’s going to places related to value chain in program areas (input dealers, milk collection points, whether inside or outside the village)

Qual: Women’s seclusion determined their engagement in training and the type of training they received

Women were more involved in the training if it was conducted at or near home

Women were trained more than men in activities that could be conducted at home (e.g. production), whereas men were trained in activities that could be conducted outside the home (e.g. marketing – milk collection and transportation)

Owning skills in disease control enhanced women’s mobility

Impacts on time allocation

Impacts on time allocation

Adult women appear to increase time on dairy activities (e.g.,

cleaning of milking area, taking animals for AI), decrease time on

household activities (including child feeding and care)

Adult men and young boys appear to somewhat increase time to dairy

activities as well

Young girls appear to somewhat increase time to household activities but

not enough to compensate decrease in adult women’s time

Household overall

Adult Women

Adult Men

Young Girls

Young Boys

Weekly hours in past 30 days

Feeding young children -1.225* –1.347** 0.037 0.083** 0.002

(0.675) (0.671) (0.024) (0.039) (0.002)

Looking after young children -1.612* –1.574* 0.079 –0.119 0.003

(0.824) (0.835) (0.057) (0.249) (0.003)

Cooking -0.479 –0.913 0.132** 0.315*** –0.014

(1.011) (1.004) (0.066) (0.115) (0.052)

Impacts on time allocation

In absolute terms, adult women still contribute the largest amount of

time in the household to both dairy-related and household

maintenance activities.

Results suggest that adult women are likely to experience

disproportionate time burden from program participation, diverting

time from household activities such as child feeding and care

Total weekly hours over dairy and household activities in the past 30 days at endline

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Total dairy

Total household

Total dairy & household

Women Men Girls Boys

Main messages

• Overall value of assets not changed

• However, apparent reallocation of asset portfolio toward

agricultural and non-agricultural productive assets

• The gender asset gap still persists, although there is an increase

in joint assets.

• Gender norms regarding mobility and decisionmaking are

changing around some value chain activities

• Decisionmaking is still mostly male, particularly around higher-

return activities (involving cash)

• Most of the time burden of dairy activities is borne by adult

females, with possible unintended consequence of reducing time

for child feeding and care

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