caltrans division of aeronautics grants and loans tony sordello, caltrans - division of aeronautics...

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Caltrans Division of Aeronautics

Grants and Loans

Tony Sordello,Caltrans - Division of AeronauticsSeptember 12, 2012

What Can Caltrans Do For Your Airport?

1. Annual Credit Grants

2. Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Matching Grants

3. Acquisition and Development (A&D) Grants

4. Airport Loan Program

Annual Credits Eligibility

Cities, counties, and airport districts with general aviation includes non-NIPAS airports.

Cannot be a reliever or a commercial service airport

List of eligible costs on our website

Annual Certification Required (DOA-0007 CAAP Certification)

Disbursement Request: As needed—can accrue funds for 5 years/$50,000

AIP Matching Grants Eligibility

Cities, counties, and airport districts with general aviation and reliever airports.

Complete State AIP Matching Application (DOA0012) and current FY CAAP Certification DOA-0007 on file

Project must be included in the current Capital Improvement Program (CIP).

No AIP Matching allowed prior to sponsor’s acceptance of the federal grant or if the project is started or completed prior to State allocation

Title 21, Division 2.5Chapter 4. California Aid to Airports Program

Article 3. Project Eligibility.§4059. Ineligible Projects.Payments from the Aeronautics Account are

not allowed for any of the following projects:

(a) With the exception of projects for “Land Acquisition” and “Project Services” as defined in section 4052, those projects that the sponsor has already started or completed, prior to allocation of AIP Matching or Acquisition and Development (A&D) funds.

AIP Matching Rate

•Local match for AIP is currently 5%.

•State Matching Grants pay for 5% of the Federal Grant.

•Fed = 90%, State = 4.5%, Sponsor pays 5.5%

A&D Grants

• Eligible airports must be publicly owned and open to the public. These include cities, counties, and some types of special districts.

• Eligible : GA, Reliever, Commercial Service, and NonNPIAS.

• ALUC’s -- An airport land use commission (ALUC) can receive funding to prepare/update an airport land

use compatibility plan (ALUCP).

A&D Grants•Grants cannot be provided for projects that have already

been completed or have started construction prior to execution of agreement.

•The 10% match cannot come from state funds such as Annual Credits or State Loans.

•Capital Improvement Plan ▫A sponsor initiates its A&D request through the Capital

Improvement Plan (CIP).

A&D Grant Process1. Submit a complete application to the Department.

2. Department reviews application and determines if it can be funded. If decision is to fund then:

3. Allocation by CTC.

4. Submit PS&E for approval to Department.

5. Department approves contractor.

6. Department prepares grant agreement.

7. Progress payments can be made with 10% retention pending final inspection.

• Loan Eligibility:– Cities, counties, and airport districts– Most projects that benefit the airport are eligible, especially

revenue-generating– Local Match for FAA AIP grants is eligible

• Loan Approval Considerations:– Economic feasibility is a major factor for revenue-generating

projects such as hangars and fueling facilities– Sponsor’s overall financial status– Sponsor’s repayment history on previously funded loans

Airport Loan Program

Loan Process:– Submit completed application to Department

– Department conducts public and internal hearings

– Loan agreement is prepared by Department

– State Controller’s Office prepares loan payment for disbursement 6-8 weeks after the loan is approved

– Total time is 2-3 months to process loan

Airport Loan Program

Airport Loan Program • Loan Conditions:

– First payment on loan is due one year from the date the warrant was issued by the SCO

– Loan terms vary from 8 to 17 years

– Simple interest is charged. Current rate is 4.24%

– Loans may fund 100%; a local match is not required – Loans are subject to audit

State Dollars for Your Airport

• State Dollars for Your Airport is on our website: The document can be found under “Publications and Forms”.

• This is a “How to…” manual for airport managers, sponsoring agencies, and ALUC’s to better understand the funding programs and application procedures.

Aeronautics Budget FY 2012-13

• Due to a decrease of revenues of approximately 25% and $4.0 million transferred from the State Aeronautics Account to the State General Fund in FY-2009-10, grant funding is limited.

• Grant funding is limited, but as many grants as possible will be funded. Please check funding status @

Aeronautics Funding

FY-2012/13 Projected Expenses

For Information, Forms & More Visit our Website

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