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Post on 22-May-2020






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Alan Magliocca

Copyright © 2019 Edge Marketing Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

A Brief Introduction of Me

Domain and Hosting


Click Funnels

Offer Vault

JV Zoo

Udimi Human Eyeballs

Solo Ad FaceBook Group

Traffic Optimization

Final Words

A Brief Introduction of Me

Hello, I’m Alan Magliocca. Thanks for choosing to trust me in your online business ventures! Before we begin, I want to tell you my brief story so you know WHY I’m writing this book.

I’ve been a successful internet marketer for about 7 years now. It’s crazy for me to think about, but I actually FAILED for 7 years before I made my first affiliate commission! How long have YOU been trying to earn your first sale online? I pray that it hasn’t been anywhere close to 7 years, but even if it has, I feel your pain.

Back in 2002, I was a freshman in college. I didn’t know the slightest thing about internet marketing or being a successful entrepreneur, but what I did know is that I wanted to make money the “lazy” way. Heck, all dreamers of financial freedom have this mindset at some point, right? But in the fall of 2002, I Googled a keyword phrase that would change my life forever: “how to make money online.”

At 18 years old, I was mature in many ways. After all, my childhood and high school experiences had truly taught me invaluable life lessons that have stuck with me to this day. But I wasn’t ready to start my own business. As I slowly became addicted to perusing websites, forums,

and sales pages, I noticed something. These Internet gurus were sucking me in!

Every time I stumbled upon a new website, I would find another tiny piece of the puzzle to making money online. After a few months of doing research on free sites, I started buying stuff. Seeing all of the fancy cars, mansions, and million-dollar “proof of earnings” on these pages made me take the bait every time. These guys would promise me that all I had to do was pay them $67 one time and I would learn the tricks of the trade. That I could literally copy and paste their “secret million dollar tactics” and get similar results to what they were getting. And I’ll admit, I bought into these “systems” hook, line and sinker.

As I continued through my first year of college, I found myself getting deeper and deeper into debt. I felt so close to finding the right product that would just set my business up to make millions, but I never found it. Without boring you, I’ll name just a few things that I tried to master:

SEO (search engine optimization)

Niche and review blogs

Google AdSense

Google AdWords

Various PPC campaigns (pay-per-click)

Envelope mailing (remember those?)

MLM companies

Forced matrix systems

Website flipping

Media buying (banner ads)

Do you know which one worked for me? Not a single one of them! I was tired, frustrated, embarrassed, fearful of failure, and felt defeated. What would I tell my parents I was blowing all of this money on? I could only drink so much beer. I could only eat so much food. And mind you, I did pack on the weight freshman year, but not enough to cover all the money I had blown on these systems!

My quest to make money online, even if it was just generating one sale, went into my senior year of college. By that point, I was on my way to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Yet I was so frustrated at myself for being a failure in my inability to make money online. If I was doing decent in my business courses, why wasn’t I able to apply that to the Internet to make some money? I finally decided to take an entrepreneurship class my first semester of senior year.

Entrepreneurship has been a passion of mine since I can remember. It’s the reason I went to college, and it’s what my dad has always been. I always thought it was cool for my dad to show up to school in dirty clothes driving a Mercedes. My friends would say, “Man, your dad doesn’t wear a suit or anything, but he’s rich! How does he do that?”

It was a great question, and again, I spent my college career trying to find all the answers I could on how I could do it too. The only difference was that my dad ran a hard, manual labor business. I wanted to make the same money he did, but I wanted to do it the lazy man’s way. I didn’t want to work hard. I didn’t want to wake up at 5 a.m. to start my back-breaking day of installing patio doors like he did. And that’s the reason I fell into all these scams. It all boiled down to me wanting to turn a profit without putting in the work.

Still searching for the magic answer, I knew my enrollment to the entrepreneurship elective class would provide me with exactly what I needed to help me make sense of things. I couldn’t have been more wrong!

I will never forget the first day of my entrepreneurship course. The first question the professor asked was, “Why does someone go into business?”

Someone in the back said, “To make money.”

I silently snickered to myself and thought, “What an idiot! That can’t be the answer he’s looking for.”

Then the professor said, “Yes, that’s correct.”

The simplicity of his question, followed by such a simple answer, has stuck with me to this day. As I look at many other people’s business models, I know now that it was actually great advice.

I learned a lot in the entrepreneurship class, but the hardest part was at the end of the semester. We had a project where we had to think of our own business idea and create a business plan around the concept. It counted for a huge part of our grade, so I was really excited that I could get creative and have a cool business plan that I may even be able to use in the real world after I graduated! This was one of the happiest times in my college experience.

We had a few months to do the project, and I worked so hard on my idea. As the due date grew nearer, I tied up all the loose ends, crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s. My business plan was for a party boat business that I wanted to start, possibly in Wilmington. It would basically be like a limo service, but on a boat where a ton of people could chip in money and throw huge parties on the boat while slowly cruising in the ocean. I thought it was ingenious! Then I received my grade.

I got a “D.” I was infuriated. I marched down to the professor’s office right after class, and basically asked him what his problem was. He had marked up my entire business plan with red ink, docking me points on every page. As I flipped through the plan, I was shocked at all the negative comments he had made. Towards the end, his comments became less and less instructive, almost as if he were tired of grading my project!

He basically told me that the point of the business plan was to create a business with a PLAN. He stated that I had not planned anything out. I personally thought I had gone into deep planning, even down to the alcohol license required to let people drink booze on the boat! But he wasn’t buying what I was selling.

After 15 minutes of criticism, I left his office. At that point, I wasn’t angry anymore. My fear of failure became a reality that day. How could I fail in a course that I felt my whole life was going to revolve around? No, I didn’t feel angry. I felt defeated.

At what points in your life have you felt so good about something, only to be let down? How many times have you let yourself down? It’s not a good feeling at all.

I continued to spend money buying products online to make money fast, but all I did was dig a deeper hole in my pocket, and in my heart. I mainly used my grandmother’s “spending money” that she sent me on a monthly basis to fund these scams. That made me feel

even worse, but I almost couldn’t help it. I felt addicted to this game called “Internet marketing,” and I knew there had to be a legit way to make a lot of money on the web. I just couldn’t seem to figure out how.

After an uncountable number of attempts at making money online, my college career came to an end. It was time for me to come home and start working for my grandfather at our family business. As I packed up to head home, I felt such an odd mixture of emotions. I was happy to go back to my hometown of Charlotte, sad that I had to end one of the greatest chapters of my life, and defeated because I’d failed at my passion to start my own business. Little did I know, this was just the beginning.

If I were watching myself from the outside looking in, I would say, “Hasn’t this guy had enough failure? When will he learn to just give it up? He sucks at something, yet he’s still trying to make it. When will he stop? How long will this beating last?” This is the reason that I can’t blame some of my closest friends and family for thinking the same thing. I could tell from the way people reacted to me when I spoke of this “make money online” thing. The subject would quickly change, or they’d make a fake acknowledgment. Sometimes they would blatantly tell me to stop trying, and that I was just wasting my money. Finally, I learned to keep my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself.

When my “real job” began, I was happy to be able to make a consistent income. It wasn’t ideal for me, but it was good money. The job was also secure since my grandfather owned the business. I would have had to really mess up for my own grandfather to fire me! Life was comfortable, and most people are okay with a “comfortable” lifestyle. But I knew there was more. There had to be more freedom to do what I wanted. If I wanted to sleep late, I should be able to. If I wanted to stay up until 3 a.m., I shouldn’t have to worry about waking up at 5 a.m. to get to work. If I wanted to buy something nice, I should be able to. If I wanted to take a last-minute vacation to Vegas, I should have the money and freedom to hop right on the next flight! All of these things went through my head every day. The more the thoughts of freedom ran through my mind, the more determined I became. Then the economy collapsed.

I have a confession to make. I had my first anxiety attack when I was 15 years old. I struggled with anxiety throughout most of college, and now it was coming back again. How could I be settling into my new job and adjusting to my “comfortable” lifestyle, and then have the economy collapse? This really stressed me out, as I’m sure it did to many people across the country. My mind began to go crazy, yet again. What if we go out of business? How will I pay my bills? Where would I work? Would I even qualify for a job elsewhere?

That’s when I went from worry into panic mode. I had failed for five years to make my first sale online, so that

didn’t seem to be an option for me at this point. It was time to save, save, and save some more. So what did I do? I began spending, spending, and spending some more. I knew that if I continued to buy products online, I would eventually stumble upon something priceless.

Every day after work I would come home, research and gain knowledge from these online courses until about 10 p.m., then go to bed to be up for work again the next morning. I did this for a couple years until one night, closer than ever to throwing in the towel, I came across a website that would change my life forever. Finally, the time had come. I had hit the jackpot!

In 2009, after 7 years of failure, I discovered what it took to make money online. And since then, I have been responsible for over $10,000,000 in digital sales being generated on the internet. Pretty cool, right?

In a nutshell, I’ve learned the hard way, and I do NOT want you going the same route as me. Instead, I want to eliminate all earning curves so you can get your first successful business started from the resources that I am about to discuss with you.

So let’s begin!

Domain and Hosting

If you’ve been looking into working from home for more than an hour, you know that a domain and hosting are not optional. In order for you to build and brand any business, you need a domain name and a hosting account to host your site. Some places online allow you to host your sites (domains) on their servers (hosting), but then you run into branding issues. How can you brand professionally when your website is hosted on a sub-domain for another company?

Example: If your website is hosted at YOURBRAND.COM, that’s much more professional than having your website hosted at YOURBRAND.BLOGGER.COM.

So although free hosting is available to you through some companies, it won’t help build a professional brand image for your business.

You Can Use This for Your Domain & Hosting.


People often ask me the all-too-familiar question, “If you could give me one tip on how to start my online business, what would it be?”

My answer is always, “An Auto-responder”!

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that the money is in the list. If you don’t have a list of subscribers to mail to, you’re never going to be a successful online entrepreneur. There are several reasons for this!

The first reason is sustainability. When you have a list of subscribers that you can promote anything you want to, anytime you want to, and get sales on demand, this is the only true “push button money method”. If someone tells you different, run for the hills!

As I mentioned, I failed to make a single sale online for 7 years. But one day, I hired my mentor. Within 2-3 weeks, I had a list of 11,697 subscribers and $5,000 in sales! This doesn’t even include the fact that I made several $1000’s per month from future email promotions to that list. This is TRUE sustainability.

The second reason is that people buy stuff through email FAR more than social media, PPC ads or anything of the like. Yes, it’s good to build brand recognition from these sources. But for sales-driven results, smart marketers

will build lists of subscribers from the very sources I just named. Building lists are the central focus of every successful online business owner!

So let’s use a simple example. If you see a website promoting a product on how to make money with FaceBook, how do you think they are making money from FaceBook? They’re building a list of subscribers FROM FaceBook and then promoting products to them via email!

It’s been studied and proven that most money made online comes from email marketing, because its action-driven. More people buy product via email than anywhere else!

So what do we take from this?

Use traffic sources to brand yourself and build a list, NOT to sell them on anything. The method of SELLING to them should almost always be via email marketing promotions!

GetResponse is one of the best places to get started building a list of subscribers to run email promotions!

Note: I also use Aweber as one of my main auto-responders and they work great as well.

Click Funnels

Have you ever wondered where the internet is headed? Did you know that traditional websites are dying by the day? A new era of the internet is birthing right before your eyes, and it’s imperative that you “catch this wave”!

Before we get into Click Funnels, let’s discuss what a funnel actually is, and why it’s so important to have one. A funnel is a sales process that consists of multiple web pages that converts traffic into leads, and leads into paying customers.

Now, in order for you to understand the functions of a funnel, I have coined a term that I discuss in more depth in my other book, “2-Step Business Plan”. The term is called the “OREFU Key”.

OREFU consists of 3 parts:

1. OR: Opt-in Redirect

2. E: Exits

3. FU: Follow Ups

Let’s begin with the opt-in redirect.

When someone comes to the first page of your sales funnel, there needs to be a strong call to action for the visitor. These pages are usually called “opt-in pages”,

“splash pages”, “squeeze pages”, and “lead magnets”. The primary focus of this page is to bribe the visitor with an irresistible offer or golden nugget of information in exchange for their email address.

Once their email address is submitted into the opt-in form, you collect them as a lead, or subscriber. But where do they go once they optin? In the old days, they would go to a confirmation or thank you page. The main problem with this is you can’t monetize a thank you page! So marketers began using what’s called an “opt-in redirect”. This is the link in which you send the new subscriber upon them submitting their information.

There are two options that I have found to work the best. The first option is to send the new lead directly to a paid offer. The reason for this is to put them in from of a product that they are likely to buy, and do it immediately. The longer it has been since they signed up to your list, the less likely they are to buy anything from you. So why make them wait, right? Immediately sending them to a paid product means you are more likely to close the sale, since it puts them in a position to buy from you immediately upon them joining your list.

The second option is sending the new subscriber to a “bridge page”. A bridge page is a page in between the opt-in page and the paid offer page. The main benefit from this is tracking. If you are tracking your opt-in conversion rates from any given traffic source, and you are promoting an affiliate offer, you need to have a pixel placed on a page on your server to track that conversion.

Let me give you an example to better illustrate this concept. If you are an affiliate, and you are promoting any given affiliate product, you do not have access to the product owner’s page because you don’t own that domain. This means that if your opt-in redirect link goes straight to an affiliate link, you won’t be able to track your opt-in conversion rates.

However, if your opt-in redirect page goes to a bridge page hosted on YOUR server, then you can place any conversion pixels on that page and track appropriately.

Now, you may be asking, “How do I monetize a bridge page? Isn’t that the same thing as a thank you page?”

The answer is actually no. A thank you page usually has a download link for whatever product or “bribe” the subscriber just signed up for. In contrast, the bridge page has a button on it to click through to the affiliate offer that pays you commissions.

Here is an example of a bridge page:

As you can see, this bridge page is very short with only ONE call to action: CLICK.

So if someone inserts their information on your optin page and immediately sees a page like the one shown above, they know that their only next step is to click the big orange button. And where does this big orange button go? The affiliate product that you are promoting!

Now that we have established that you send traffic to an opt-in page, collect their email, and send them to a bridge page or directly to an affiliate offer, we can now move away from the opt-in redirect and move into exits.

Exit pages, or exit splash pages, are a crucial element in my OREFU key. The exit page acts as a final call to action to get the visitor to take your bribe.

I’m sure you’ve seen an exit page before. Have you ever visited a website and when you go to close the page, a

message pops up? It usually will say something like, “Hey Wait! Let me send you a free report on my 10 simple traffic methods! Click ‘Stay on Page’ to get a copy!” This is an exit splash page in action. The function of it is to do one thing: save the lead! Just because someone leaves your page doesn’t mean they are of low value to you! Let me give you an example.

If 1,000 visitors come to your opt-in page, and 400 of them subscribe to your lists, that’s pretty good, right? But where did the other 600 people go? They closed your page. With an exit page in place you can save some of those people who would have been forever lost, therefore helping you to get the most out of your traffic and advertising campaigns!

The final element of the OREFU key is the follow up series. Follow ups are a sequence of emails that are sent automatically via your auto-responder service (ie GetResponse). Instead of me giving a hypothetical situation, let me tell you about a recent product I launched.

Last year, I launched a product. The first day sales and conversions looked ok, but not high enough. I began looking at my sales funnel, and realized something. I had forgot to implement my follow ups!

I quickly added them in, and tracked the sales that came from the follow up series. At the end of launch, I calculated the sales. A whopping 12% of the launch sales came from the follow up series! What does this mean?

Simply put, for every $100,000 in revenue I made in launch, I generated an additional $12,000 from the follow up series alone! If this doesn’t illustrate the power of implementing these elements, I don’t know what will!

Now that we have the basics of a funnel covered, let me share my only source to create these funnels.

Over the past 8 months or so, I have been using a service called ClickFunnels. I am averaging over $100,000 per month using this service, so the measly $97 it costs per month is nothing compared to the value in it in the money it makes me and the time it saves me. It also makes me look like a professional website builder, when in reality it’s not at all my strong point.

ClickFunnels is a fairly new funnel building service that allows you to build out entire funnels in the click of a button. From there, all you do is fill in the blanks. It allows you to drag and drop pretty much whatever you want to, wherever you want to.

ClickFunnels also lets you integrate opt-in forms, 1-click upsells, pictures, videos, and even processing. It also allows you to run split tests on any page you want and builds clone sites for you to save hours of work. They even track all the clicks, leads and sales for you!

Believe me when I tell you I have tested other alternatives, other services, and yes, even the old school manual funnel creation. I can tell you this: ClickFunnels is a life saver if you want to build out profitable sales

funnels but are not the techy type. Funnels used to be only something gurus benefited from. Now anyone with a computer and $97 can build a funnel in a matter of minutes. Other than an auto-responder, ClickFunnels is my most profitable resource!

Now that we have the basics of building a list and a funnel, let’s get into where to find profit-pulling offers!

Offer Vault

What if there was a place you could go to find tens of thousands of offers from multiple networks and you could search for them by name, category, payout and network? It would make finding the best offers that will work for you simple, right? You wouldn’t have to join dozens of networks and weed through their current offers only to find out that nothing matches your niche.

The good news is, there is such a place! It’s called Offer Vault. Simply put, Offer Vault is a search engine and database for network offers that will get you paid. There are many different types of offers to choose from, beginning with CPAs, toolbars and leads to downloads and sales. You can select the type that works best for you and add it to your site.

Keep in mind, Offer Vault is not a network, meaning that they are not the ones that pay you. You will still have to join the networks that you will be marketing for in order to get the links or code needed to add their offer to your site.

Offer Vault is a free service, although you must register and become a member to reap all the benefits offered, such as access to their webinars and other helpful resources. Members can also set up customized search preferences to pinpoint offers that are best suited to their individual needs and save time.

JV Zoo

JV Zoo is an affiliate network and vendor sales agent that offers mainly information based products. If you can successfully market products such as How-To eBooks, video based tutorials, apps, plugins and software, JV Zoo is a great network to get started with.

The way JV Zoo works is simple. Sellers list their products with JV Zoo who helps them find affiliates and proven marketing channels to sell their products. As an affiliate, you can choose the products you want to promote via your email list, blog, website, etc. When someone buys their product through your affiliate link, the seller pays you a commission directly through PayPal.

Some of the benefits of using JV Zoo are:

1. No charge backs or payment disputes for the affiliate. Once you are paid from the seller, you’re done with that transaction for good. If disputes arise, they are handled by the seller, not by you.

2. Real time conversion and EPC details from their Affiliate Marketplace. You will know what kind of performance you can expect from a product based on how many are sold in relation to how often the ad is clicked or the site visited.

3. Real time tracking of your traffic and earnings. Want to know if your site is getting the hits you need to make the money you want? JV Zoo can tell you, even if you’re running multiple campaigns across several platforms.

4. Automatic bonus delivery. Encourage prospective customers to buy from your affiliate link by offering exclusive bonuses. JV Zoo’s bonus delivery system allows you to upload a bonus product. Whenever somebody buys from your affiliate link, they will automatically receive your bonus, as well as the product purchased. It’s great incentive for the buyer and promotes value, which leads to more sales.

In addition to the excellent affiliate benefits, JV Zoo has its own line of products that can help you grow your business. They offer web hosting, customer built software for selling online courses, as well as email marketing tools and software licensing products.


Solo ads can be a great way to get your product, website or affiliate links to a targeted audience for not a lot of money. The concept is simple; you create a single ad that has a catchy subject line, put some interesting and informative language into a short, easy to read email, and include links to what you are promoting. Sounds pretty easy doesn’t it? It is, and Udimi takes the guess work out of finding the right audience to send your ad to.

Don’t be put off by Udimi’s home page, it has only a signup box and customer reviews and testimonials. You must create a free account to get access to any other information from Udimi.

Once you’re in, you will have access to Udimi’s resources, which include a Swipe builder (Swipes are the emails you intend to send out via solo ad senders) and a list of sender/sellers who will shoot your email to their targeted list of subscribers.

The senders will charge you based on clicks, not total emails sent, so you only pay when someone visits your link. You can buy blocks of clicks based on your budget, and track your optin and conversion rates.

Early on, you’ll be better off buying small blocks of clicks from many different sellers in the niche you’ve selected. That way you can track the lists that get you the most

traffic to your site.

Udimi itself has a vetting and rating process for all of its sellers, similar to eBay, so you can tell how legitimate and effective each seller is. Buying advertising for solo ads can be daunting, even dangerous if you aren’t familiar with the people you’re working with. Udimi takes the risk and guess work out the process and gets you clicks quickly and easily.

Human Eyeballs

Like Udimi, Human Eyeballs is in the business of helping you buy and sell clicks. Human Eyeballs connects email marketers from around the world for the purpose of buying and selling specialized lists to each other in an effort to grow traffic.

Human Eyeballs has developed a safe, well streamlined product that allows users to both buy and sell from one account. It does not separate the sellers from the folks like you who may only want to buy clicks and increase their own traffic. Human Eyeballs assumes that once you are comfortable inside the world of email marketing, you will want to sell parts of your valuable, hard earned list to others.

Human Eyeballs is more than just an email advertising site. It's a community where buyers and sellers can personally interact, learn from each other and share knowledge. There are a number of experienced sellers who will help new marketers like you get their foot in the door and even help you optimize your pages to get higher optin and conversion rates.

The Human Eyeballs dashboard is attractive and easy to use, especially for beginners. You can control multiple campaigns, initiate “fire sales” to sell clicks faster and cheaper and track your money coming in and going out, with ease.

Solo Ad FaceBook Group

It’s no secret that Facebook handles A TON of traffic. Zuckerberg and crew manage about 1.2 billion active users every month and while the conversion rates and revenue per dollar spent aren’t as high as email marketing, the sheer volume of potential customers that can be reached still makes Facebook a viable venture.

One of the best ways to get a good bang for your buck is through Facebook Solo Ad Groups. In your Facebook app, type in a search for solo ads and select Groups from the search category. You will get hundreds of groups, both public and closed, to choose from.

The great thing about finding solo ad groups on Facebook is the stats and testimonials you can read at a glance. Since so many people are on Facebook already, the communities and groups you can visit will have tons of information and reviews on each group and the list providers within each group.

If your less patient and more skeptical, a good idea for getting started is to type “Top Facebook Solo Ad Groups” into Google and see what comes up. You will get sites that list the top 10, top 35, even top 100 groups, giving you a place to start. Keep in mind, many of these sites are blogs written by the group members, so do your homework and verify their performance by reading the testimonials on each Facebook page.

Traffic Optimization

Once you’ve got your site up and running and your list growing, you will begin to get an idea which channels and categories work the best for you. Say you’ve decided on a diet and exercise niche that has little or no saturation in terms of marketing searches and ads. You’ve tailored your site to reflect your platform and have chosen several compatible network offers to promote.

Now that you’ve gotten a taste for how this business works, it’s time to think about traffic optimization. In order to take the guess work out of your marketing efforts, you will want to employ a service called Click Magick. Whether you’re an affiliate marketer, solo ad provider, doing CPA marketing or other types of online marketing, ClickMagick offers you a host of tools to ensure you're getting the best ROI (return on investment) and EPC (earnings per click).

Some of the services they offer are;

1. Conversion tracking- Whether you track optins or sales, you will know which ads are performing the best

2. Link cloaking- Allows you to hide your affiliate link so others cannot steal your commission.

3. Bot Protection- Identifies and protects you from fake traffic

4. Geo Targeting- Ensures your customers reside in the specific countries that a network will pay for. Not all networks pay you for clicks from all countries.

5. Traffic Blocking- The ability to block unwanted traffic which costs you time and money. Their traffic blocker can be set to certain countries or even individual IP addresses.

6. Logs and Stats- As the name implies, ClickMagick offers you the ability to view and download your click logs, generate reports and share your statistics with clients and colleagues.

Once you have the best information at your fingertips it becomes easier for you to make decisions regarding your business. Knowing which campaigns work the best and why they work, is necessary to grow your business and pinpoint which niches, networks and email lists give you not just the highest traffic, but the most profitable traffic.

ClickMagick is not a free service, but when you look at the tools and safeguards you get, it is a small investment to make for the peace of mind alone. Monthly packages start at just $29 for 25,000 clicks and go up to $349 for 2,000,000 clicks. Your price per click is so minute compared to the information and security you're receiving, this is not the place to skimp out on if you

want to be a successful, effective online marketer.

Final Words

So there you have it! If you implement these resources into your internet business, you can see massive success while eliminating your learning curve. You may still have questions about specific details of the process, as this book was intended to explain the broad approach that you need to take to achieve your online business goals. If you are really serious and would like more in depth details about creating and growing a highly profitable business online, feel free to get my Accelerator Training here.

Thanks so much for reading, and all the best to you and your internet business!

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