book1-5 speak direct method

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 Book1 SPEAK DIRECT METHOD ® ENGLISH - sample international version

1. 1. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 182 BOOK 1

2. 2. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Page 2 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ®

3. 3. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 47 / 182 Section 4.2 Picture 2 a colour /ˈkʌlə(r)/ white /waɪt/ black /blæk/ blue /bluː/ red /red/ yellow /ˈjeləʊ/ THIS WINDOW IS WHITE. > This window is white. THIS DOOR IS BLACK. > This door is black. MY COMPUTER IS BLUE. > Your computer is blue. YOUR BOOK IS RED. > My book is red. THIS FLOWER IS YELLOW. > This flower is yellow. THIS BAG IS BLACK AND WHITE. > This bag is black and white. MY TABLE IS BLUE AND YELLOW. > Your table is blue and yellow. My mobile phone is black and your bag is red. This whiteboard is white and this window is blue.

4. 4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Page 48 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® WHAT COLOUR’S MY MOBILE PHONE? > Your mobile phone’s black. IS YOUR BAG RED > Yes, my bag’s red. WHAT COLOUR’S THIS WHITEBOARD? > This whiteboard’s white. IS THIS WINDOW BLUE? > Yes, this window’s blue. WHAT COLOUR IS THIS CHAIR? > This chair’s red. WHAT COLOUR IS THIS FLOOR? > This floor’s black. WHAT COLOUR IS THIS CEILING? > This ceiling’s white. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR MOBILE PHONE? > My mobile phone’s yellow / white / black. WHAT COLOUR IS MY PENCIL? > Your pencil’s black. IS THIS BOOK YELLOW? > No, this book isn’t yellow but it’s blue. IS THIS PENCIL WHITE? > No, this pencil isn’t white but it’s red. IS YOUR CHAIR YELLOW? > Yes, my chair is yellow. IS MY PEN BLUE? > No, your pen isn’t blue but it’s black. (the students make questions to the following answers) THIS TABLE’S BLUE. > What colour is this table? MY MOBILE PHONE’S BLACK. > What colour is your mobile phone? NO, YOUR CHAIR ISN’T WHITE. > Is my chair white? YES, MY BLACK PEN IS IN MY BAG. > Is your black pen in your bag?

5. 5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 49 / 182 Section 4.3 Picture 2 to have /hæv/ to like /laɪk/ a car /kɑː(r)/ hair /heə(r)/ I have a car. Do I have a car? I don’t have a car. We have a car. Do we have a car? We don’t have a car. You have long hair. Do you have long hair? You don’t have long hair. You (pl.) have nice houses. Do you (pl.) have nice houses? You (pl.) don’t have nice houses. He has a car. Does he have a car? He doesn’t have a car. She has long hair. Does she have long hair? She doesn’t have long hair. They have black hair. Do they have black hair? They don’t have black hair. I HAVE A BLACK CHAIR. > You have a black chair. SHE HAS A YELLOW CAR. > She has a yellow car.

6. 6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Page 50 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® WE HAVE BLUE TABLES IN THE ROOM. > We have blue tables in the room. THEY HAVE BLACK MOBILE PHONES. > They have black mobile phones. HE LIKES RED HAIR. > He likes red hair. WE HAVE LONG BLACK HAIR. > We have long black hair. KATE HAS SHORT BLACK HAIR. > Kate has short black hair. I LIKE LONG WHITE CARS. > You like long white cars. MY HAIR IS BLACK. > Your hair is black. YOUR HAIR IS RED. > My hair is red. SHE HAS LONG RED HAIR. > She has long red hair. I have a black car and black hair. The students have red books and red hair. She has a black car and black hair. He has a book and a chair. DO I HAVE A BLACK CAR? > Yes, you have a black car. DO I HAVE BLACK HAIR? > No, you don’t have black hair. DO THE STUDENTS HAVE RED BOOKS? > Yes, the students have red books. DOES SHE HAVE RED HAIR? > Yes, she has red hair.

7. 7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 1new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 51 / 182 DOES HE LIKE WHITE CARS? > No, he doesn’t like white cars. DOES SHE LIKE ENGLISH SONGS? > Yes, she likes

English songs. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR HAIR? > My hair is red. WHAT COLOUR IS MY CAR? > Your car is yellow. IS YOUR HAIR BLUE? > No, my hair isn’t blue but it’s black. DO YOU LIKE BLACK MOBILE PHONES? > No, I don’t like black mobile phones but I like white mobile phones. DOES SHE LIKE BROWN HAIR? > No, she doesn’t like brown hair. DOES SHE HAVE LONG HAIR? > Yes, she has long hair. IS YOUR CAR LONG AND WHITE? > No, my car isn’t long and white but it’s short and red. (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, YOUR HAIR ISN’T YELLOW. > Is my hair yellow? YES, I HAVE A BLACK CAR. > Do you have a black car? YES, I LIKE LONG RED HAIR. > Do you like long red hair? YES, MY CAR IS WHITE. > Is your car white? NO, I DON’T LIKE BLUE CARS. > Do you like blue cars? NO, YOU DON’T HAVE SHORT WHITE HAIR. > Do I have short white hair? YES, SHE HAS LONG HAIR. > Does she have long hair? NO, HE DOESN’T HAVE A BLACK CAR. > Does he have a black car? YES, JOHN STUDIES ENGLISH. > Does John study English? YES, I HAVE A MOBILE PHONE. > Do you have a mobile phone?

1. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 184 BOOK 2

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3. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 119 / 184 PART 26 Section 26.1 imperative imperative /ɪmˈpɛrətɪv/ to take /teɪk/ to come /kʌm/ to tell /tel/ without /wɪðˈaʊt/ to say /tʊ ˈseɪ/ (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) We use the imperative to tell people to do what we want: Come here! Take it! Tell me! Open the book! Close the door! Put it on the floor! I OFTEN USE THE IMPERATIVE WHEN I TEACH. > You often use the imperative when you teach. I TAKE MY MOBILE PHONE WHEN I TRAVEL TO ITALY. > You take your mobile phone when you travel to Italy. STUDENTS TAKE THEIR BOOKS WHEN THEY GO TO SCHOOL. > Students take their books when they go to school. I OFTEN TELL MY CHILDREN TO SIT DOWN WHEN THEY EAT. > You often tell your children to sit down when they eat.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Page 120 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® WE USE THE IMPERATIVE WHEN WE SPEAK TO DOGS. > We use the imperative when we speak to dogs. WHEN I COME HERE I SAY ‘HELLO’. > When you come here you say ‘hello’. THE STUDENTS SIT DOWN ON THE CHAIRS WHEN THEY COME TO THE CLASSROOM. > The students sit down on the chairs when they come to the classroom. I NEVER PLAY BASKETBALL WITHOUT MY FRIENDS. > You never play basketball without your friends. MY BROTHER NEVER DRINKS COFFEE WITHOUT SUGAR. > Your brother never drinks coffee without sugar. When my children come from school I take them to the park. I always tell them to take their bicycles. I usually go without my bicycle and watch my children ride their bicycles in the park. DO I TAKE MY CHILDREN TO THE PARK WHEN THEY COME FROM SCHOOL? > Yes, you take your children to the park when they come from school. DO I ALWAYS TELL THEM TO TAKE THEIR BICYCLES? > Yes, you always tell them to take their bicycles. DO I USUALLY GO TO THE PARK WITHOUT MY BICYCLE? > Yes, you usually go to the park without your bicycle. DO I WATCH MY CHILDREN WHEN THEY RIDE THEIR BICYCLES IN THE

PARK? > Yes, you watch your children when they ride their bicycles in the park. DO YOU TAKE YOUR MOBILE PHONE WHEN YOU GO TO SCHOOL? > Yes, I take my mobile phone when I go to school.

5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 121 / 184 WHAT DO YOU TAKE WITH YOU WHEN YOU TRAVEL TO AFRICA? > I take my bags with me when I travel to Africa. CAN WE USE THE IMPERATIVE WHEN WE SPEAK TO DOGS? > Yes, we can use the imperative when we speak to dogs. DO YOU THINK I EVER COME HERE WITHOUT MY MOBILE PHONE? > No, I don’t think you ever come here without your mobile phone. TELL FRANK TO OPEN THE WINDOW, PLEASE. > Frank, open the window, please! TELL KATE TO CLOSE THE BOOK, PLEASE. > Kate, close the book, please. DO YOU EVER TELL YOUR CHILDREN TO EAT FRUIT AND VEGETABLES? > Yes, I often tell my children to eat fruit and vegetables. DOES YOUR FATHER EVER TELL YOU TO LEARN LANGUAGES? > Yes, my father sometimes tells me to learn languages. DO YOU THINK I OFTEN TELL MY STUDENTS TO REPEAT SENTENCES? > Yes, I think you often tell your students to repeat sentences. DO YOU EVER TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO BUY THINGS? > No, I never tell my friends to buy things. DO YOU OFTEN USE THE IMPERATIVE WHEN YOU SPEAK? > No, I don’t often use the imperative when I speak. (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I THINK YOU OFTEN TELL YOUR CHILDREN WHAT TO DO. > Do you think I often tell my children what to do? I TAKE SOME WATER WITH ME WHEN I RIDE A BICYCLE. > What do you take with you when you ride a bicycle? NO, I DON’T LIKE TO USE THE IMPERATIVE WHEN I SPEAK. > Do you like to use the imperative when you speak? NO, I DON’T LIKE TEA WITHOUT SUGAR BUT I LIKE TEA WITH SUGAR. > Do you like tea without sugar?

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Page 122 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Section 26.2 easy /ˈiːzi/ difficult /ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt/ a ball /bɔːl/ alcohol /ˈælkəˌhɒl/ to act /ækt/ a stage /steɪdʒ/ ENGLISH AND GERMAN ARE EASY LANGUAGES. > English and German are easy languages. I THINK IT’S DIFFICULT TO ACT ON STAGE. > You think it’s difficult to act on stage. WE USE A BALL WHEN WE PLAY WITH DOGS. > We use a ball when we play with dogs. I CAN’T MAKE ALCOHOL, I ALWAYS BUY IT. > You can’t make alcohol, you always buy it. I always tell my students that English isn’t a difficult language but it’s easy. My students always tell me they prefer to play with a ball than to learn English. Some people say it’s easy to speak English and act on stage after they drink alcohol.

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 123 / 184 DO I ALWAYS TELL MY STUDENTS THAT ENGLISH IS AN EASY LANGUAGE? > Yes, you always tell your students that English is an easy language. DO MY STUDENTS PREFER TO PLAY BALL THAN TO LEARN ENGLISH? > Yes, your students prefer to play ball than to learn English. DO SOME PEOPLE SAY IT’S EASY TO SPEAK ENGLISH AFTER THEY DRINK ALCOHOL? > Yes, some people say it’s easy to speak English after they drink alcohol. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU THINK ARE EASY? > I think riding a bicycle and running are easy sports. IS IT DIFFICULT TO DRIVE A CAR? > No, it isn’t difficult to drive a car. ARE YOU DRINKING ALCOHOL? > No, I’m not

drinking alcohol. DO YOU THINK IT’S DIFFICULT TO MAKE ALCOHOL? > Yes, I think it’s difficult to make alcohol. CAN YOU TELL ME WHICH LANGUAGES ARE DIFFICULT? > Yes, I can. Chinese, Japanese and Polish are difficult languages. DOES JENNY USE A BALL WHEN SHE PLAYS WITH HER CAT? > Yes, Jenny uses a ball when she plays with her cat. DOES YOUR SISTER THINK IT’S DIFFICULT TO ACT ON STAGE? > No, my sister doesn’t think it’s difficult to act on stage but she thinks it’s easy. DO YOU THINK ROBERT DE NIRO CAN ACT WELL? > Yes, I think Robert De Niro can act well. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE ALCOHOL? > My favourite alcohol is whisky/wine/beer. DO YOU SOMETIMES DRINK JUICE WITH ALCOHOL? > Yes, I sometimes drink juice with alcohol. DOES APPLE JUICE WITHOUT ALCOHOL TASTE GOOD? > Yes, apple juice without alcohol tastes good. IS IT EASY TO BE A TEACHER? > Yes, it’s very easy to be a teacher.

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Page 124 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® WHAT GAMES DO WE NEED A BALL FOR? > We need a ball for football, tennis and basketball. WHAT SENSE DO WE USE WHEN WE DRINK ALCOHOL? > We use the sense of taste when we drink alcohol. (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, ENGLISH IS AN EASY LANGUAGE. > Is English an easy language? YES, I THINK IT’S VERY DIFFICULT TO READ BOOKS IN CHINESE. > Do you think it’s difficult to read books in Chinese? YES, IT’S DIFFICULT TO ACT WELL ON STAGE. > Is it difficult to act well on stage? NO, MY BROTHER DOESN’T LIKE ALCOHOL. > Does your brother like alcohol? Section 26.3 something / anything / nothing something /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ anything /ˈeniˌθɪŋ/ nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ to wash /wɒʃ/ shampoo /ʃæmˈpuː/ soap /səʊp/

9. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 125 / 184 (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) We use ‘something’ in positive sentences. There’s something on the floor. The students have something in their pockets. We use ‘anything’ for negative sentences and questions. I don’t have anything on my table. Do you watch anything boring on TV? We use ‘nothing’ for negative sentences. My friends buy nothing in this shop. I have nothing in my bag. THERE’S SOMETHING UNDER MY CHAIR. > There’s something under your chair. THERE ISN’T ANYTHING IN MY POCKET. > There isn’t anything in your pocket. I HAVE NOTHING IN MY BAG. > You have nothing in your bag. I WASH MY HAIR WITH SHAMPOO AND MY HANDS WITH SOAP. > You wash your hair with shampoo and your hands with soap.

10. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Page 126 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® MY SISTER OFTEN WASHES HER CLOTHES. > Your sister often washes her clothes. I OFTEN WASH MY SOCKS BUT I SELDOM WASH MY HATS. > You often wash your socks but you seldom wash your hats. There’s something in my bag. I think it’s shampoo and soap. I need these things to wash my hair and my hands. I don’t need soap to wash fruit or vegetables. IS THERE ANYTHING IN MY BAG? > Yes, there’s something in your bag. WHAT’S THERE IN MY BAG? > There’s shampoo and soap in your bag. DO I NEED SHAMPOO TO WASH MY HAIR? > Yes, you need shampoo to wash your hair. DO I NEED SOAP TO WASH MY HANDS? > Yes, you need soap to

wash your hands. DO I NEED SOAP TO WASH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES? > No, you don’t need soap to wash fruit and vegetables. IS THERE ANYTHING UNDER YOUR TABLE? > Yes, there’s something under my table. DO WE USE SHAMPOO AND SOAP TO WASH CHILDREN? > Yes, we use shampoo and soap to wash children. I THINK THERE’S SOMETHING IN YOUR POCKET. WHAT IS IT? > It’s a pencil.

11. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 127 / 184 DO YOU THINK THERE’S ANYTHING BEHIND THAT BUILDING? > Yes, I think there’s something behind that building. HAS SHE GOT SOAP AT HOME? > Yes, she’s got soap at home. DOES YOUR FATHER HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS BAG? > Yes, my father has something in his bag. I THINK THERE’S NOTHING ON THE FLOOR. DO YOU THINK THERE’S ANYTHING ON THE FLOOR? > No, I think there’s nothing on the floor. DO YOU WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH SOAP? > Yes, I wash my hands and face with soap. DO YOU LIKE TO WASH YOUR CLOTHES? > Yes, I like to wash my clothes. DOES HE HAVE SHAMPOO AT HOME? > Yes, he has shampoo at home. DO YOU ALWAYS WASH YOUR HAIR WITH SHAMPOO? > Yes, I always wash my hair with shampoo. IS THERE SOAP IN YOUR BAG? > No, there isn’t soap in my bag. DO YOUR CHILDREN LIKE TO WASH THEIR HANDS? > No, my children don’t like to wash their hands but they like to wash their faces. ARE YOU WASHING YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP? > No, I’m not washing my hands with soap

12. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 2new Page 128 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® (the students make questions to the following answers) I WASH MY HANDS WITH SOAP. > Do you wash your hands with soap or with shampoo? YES, I LIKE TO WASH MY HAIR. > Do you like to wash your hair? YES, THERE’S SOMETHING IN MY POCKET. > Is there anything in your pocket? NO, I THINK THERE’S NOTHING UNDER YOUR CHAIR. > Do you think there’s anything under my chair? YES, I CAN SEE SOMETHING IN THE CLASSROOM. > Can you see anything in the classroom? Book3 SPEAK DIRECT ENGLISH ® - sample international version 1. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Copyright SPEAK.PL

DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 184 BOOK 3 2. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Page 2 / 182 Copyright


DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 105 / 184 Section 39.1 Irregular Verbs to wake up /ˈweɪk ˈʌp/ to get up /ˈɡet ˈʌp/ to sleep /sliːp/ to work /wɜː(r)k/ a factory /ˈfæktri/ (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) Some verbs are irregular and they don’t take “-ed” in the Past Simple Tense. eat – ate drink – drank wear – wore run – ran write – wrote read - read sleep – slept I WORK 9 HOURS DURING THE DAY. > You work 9 hours during the day. I ATE FISH AND CHIPS YESTERDAY. > You ate fish and chips yesterday. KATE WORE A PINK SKIRT THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY. > Kate wore a pink skirt the day before yesterday.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Page 106 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® I READ AN INTERESTING NEWSPAPER YESTERDAY. > You read an interesting newspaper yesterday. MY FATHER DRANK 2 BEERS LAST NIGHT. > Your father drank 2 beers last night. FRANK AND BETTY RAN TO SCHOOL LAST WEEK. > Frank and Betty ran to school last week. STEVEN KING WROTE MANY GOOD NOVELS. > Steven King wrote many good novels. MY FATHER WORKS IN A FACTORY BUT I WORK AT SCHOOL. > Your father works in a factory but you work at school. MY FRIEND WORKS IN A CITY HALL. > Your friend

works in a city hall. I wake up at 7 o’clock and go to work at 7.30. I work 9 hours during the day. My friend works in the city hall and she gets up at 8 o’clock. I sleep 7 hours at night but my friend sleeps 12 hours at night. WHAT TIME DO I WAKE UP? > You wake up at 7 o’clock. WHAT TIME DO I GO TO WORK? > You go to work at 7.30. HOW MANY HOURS DO I WORK DURING THE DAY? > You work 9 hours during the day. DOES MY FRIEND WORK IN THE CITY HALL? > Yes, your friend works in the city hall. DOES MY FRIEND GET UP AT 8 O’CLOCK? > Yes, your friend gets up at 8 o’clock.

5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 107 / 184 DO I SLEEP 7 HOURS AT NIGHT? > Yes, you sleep 7 hours at night. DOES MY FRIEND SLEEP 12 HOURS AT NIGHT? > Yes, your friend sleeps 12 hours at night. DO YOU WORK 12 HOURS DURING THE DAY? > No, I don’t work 12 hours during the day but I work 8 hours during the day. WHAT’S THE PAST OF ‘EAT’? > The past of ‘eat’ is ‘ate’. WHAT’S THE PAST OF ‘WRITE’? > The past of ‘write’ is ‘wrote’. WHAT DID YOU EAT YESTERDAY? > I ate a ham sandwich yesterday. WHERE DID YOU RUN ON FRIDAY? > I ran to the shop on Friday. WHAT DID YOU DRINK LAST WEEK? > I drank water last week. WHAT CLOTHES DID YOU WEAR 2 DAYS AGO? > I wore a black t-shirt, blue trousers and black shoes 2 days ago. DID YOU WRITE ANYTHING 2 WEEKS AGO? > Yes, I wrote something 2 weeks ago. WHAT DID YOU READ LAST MONTH? > I read a poem last month. WHAT’S THE PAST OF ‘DRINK’? > The past of ‘drink’ is ‘drank’. WHAT’S THE PAST OF ‘WRITE’? > The past of ‘write’ is ‘wrote’. DID YOU WEAR TROUSERS THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY? > Yes, I wore trousers the day before yesterday. DID YOU READ A GOOD NOVEL 2 MONTHS AGO? > Yes, I read a good novel 2 months ago. WHAT BEER DID YOU DRINK LAST NIGHT? > I drank Guiness last night. DID YOU LIKE TO DRINK BEER WHEN YOU WERE IN ITALY? > No, I didn’t like to drink beer when I was in Italy but I liked to drink wine. WHAT DO YOU THINK I ATE LAST WEEK? > I think you ate some fruit last week. WHAT’S THE PAST OF ‘RUN’? > The past of ‘run’ is ‘ran’. WHAT’S THE PAST OF ‘READ’? > The past of ‘read’ is ‘read’.

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Page 108 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® WHERE DO YOU WORK? > I work in a factory. DOES YOUR MOTHER WORK IN A CITY HALL? > No, my mother doesn’t work in a city hall but she works in a hospital. WHAT TIME DO YOUR CHILDREN WAKE UP? > My children wake up at 7 o’clock. (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, I DON’T WANT TO WORK IN A FACTORY BUT I WANT TO WORK IN A BANK. > Do you want to work in a factory? I ATE SOME ITALIAN FOOD YESTERDAY. > What did you eat yesterday? I DRANK SOME WINE LAST NIGHT. > What did you drink last night? NO, I DIDN’T WRITE A POEM LAST WEEK. > Did you write a poem last week? I WORE T-SHIRTS WHEN I WAS IN AUSTRALIA. > What did you wear when you were in Australia? NO, I DIDN’T READ ANYTHING THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY. > Did you read anything the day before yesterday?

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 109 / 184 Section 39.2 The Past Simple Tense of the verb To Be negative sentences and questions I wasn’t here /ˈaɪ ˈwɒz(ə)nt ˈhɪə(r)/ He wasn’t here /ˈhiː ˈwɒz(ə)nt ˈhɪə(r)/ Was she here? /ˈwɒz ʃi ˈhɪə(r)/ Were you here? /ˈwɜr ju ˈhɪə(r)/ rode /rəʊd/ around /əˈraʊnd/ a cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/ (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) We don’t use ‘didn’t’ in negative sentences with the verb ‘To Be’ in the Past Simple Tense instead we use the form ‘wasn’t’ and ‘weren’t’ I wasn’t We weren’t You weren’t You weren’t She wasn’t He wasn’t They weren’t wasn’t = was not weren’t = were not We don’t use ‘did’ in questions with the verb ‘To Be’ in the Past Simple Tense; instead we use the form ‘was’ and ‘were’ and put them before the doer of the action. Was I? Were we? Were you? Were you? Was he? Was she? Were they?

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Page 110 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® I WASN’T IN THE PARK LAST NIGHT. > You weren’t in the park last night. THE STUDENTS WEREN’T IN THE CLASSROOM

ON SUNDAY. > The students weren’t in the classroom on Sunday. WAS FRANK HERE YESTERDAY? > Was Frank here yesterday? WERE THEY AT THE CINEMA THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY? > Were they at the cinema the day before yesterday? MAKE A NEGATIVE SENTENCE WITH THE VERB ‘TO BE’ IN THE PAST SIMPLE, PLEASE. > I wasn’t here yesterday. MAKE A QUESTION WITH THE VERB ‘TO BE’ IN THE PAST SIMPLE, PLEASE. > Were you in Argentina last week? - Were you in the park yesterday? - Yes, I was in the park yesterday. - Were your children there with you? - Yes, my children were in the park with me, they rode bicycles around the park. - Was your brother with you? - No, my brother wasn’t with us, he was in hospital yesterday. WERE YOU IN THE PARK YESTERDAY? > Yes, I was in the park yesterday. WERE YOUR CHILDREN THERE WITH YOU? > Yes, my children were in the park with me.

9. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 111 / 184 DID YOUR CHILDREN RIDE BICYCLES AROUND THE PARK? > Yes, my children rode bicycles around the park. WAS YOUR BROTHER WITH YOU IN THE PARK? > No, my brother wasn’t with us in the park. WAS YOUR BROTHER IN HOSPITAL YESTERDAY? > Yes, my brother was in hospital yesterday. WAS I AT SCHOOL LAST WEEK? > Yes, you were at school last week. WAS BETTY IN THE PARK 2 DAYS AGO? > No, Betty wasn’t in the park 2 days ago. WERE YOU HERE THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY? > No, I wasn’t here the day before yesterday. WERE THE STUDENTS AT HOME LAST NIGHT? > No, the students weren’t at home last night. WERE WE IN THIS CLASSROOM LAST MONTH? > No, we weren’t in this classroom last month. DO YOU THINK I WAS IN CHINA YESTERDAY? > No, I don’t think you were in China yesterday. WHERE DO YOU THINK I WAS YESTERDAY? > I think you were at home yesterday. DO YOU THINK THE STUDENTS WERE AT THE CINEMA LAST SATURDAY? > No, I don’t think the students were at the cinema last Saturday. WHERE DO YOU THINK KATE WAS 2 WEEKS AGO? > I think Kate was on holidays 2 weeks ago. WERE THERE BOOKS IN THIS ROOM LAST WEEK? > Yes, there were books in this room last week. WERE THERE CARS AROUND THE SCHOOL THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY? > No, there weren’t cars around the school the day before yesterday. WHERE WERE YOUR CHILDREN LAST MONTH? > My children were in Argentina with their grandparents last month. WHERE WERE YOU LAST SUMMER? > I was in Italy last summer. WERE YOU IN FRANCE IN WINTER? > No, I wasn’t in France in winter but I was at home.

10. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 3new Page 112 / 182 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, I WASN’T HERE 2 DAYS AGO. > Were you here 2 days ago? YES, ANDREW WAS AT SCHOOL LAST WEEK. > Was Andrew at school last week? FRANK WAS HERE LAST MONTH. > Where was Frank last month? NO, MY CHILDREN WEREN’T AT THE CINEMA LAST NIGHT BUT THEY WERE AT HOME. > Were your children at the cinema last night?

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SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 59 / 187 Section 50.2 a lift /lɪft/ to lift /lɪft/ stairs /steə(r)z/ a reception desk /rɪˈsepʃ(ə)n ˈdesk/ a corridor /ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r)/ somebody /ˈsʌmbədi/ a waiting hall /ˈweɪtɪŋ ˈhɔːl/ to wait /weɪt/ THERE ISN’T A LIFT IN THIS BUILDING AND WE USE THE STAIRS. > There isn’t a lift in this building and we use the stairs. MY SISTER WORKS AT A RECEPTION DESK IN A BIG OFFICE BUILDING. > Your sister works at a reception desk in a big office

building. I ALWAYS WAIT FOR AN HOUR IN THE WAITING HALL WHEN I GO TO SEE A DOCTOR. > You always wait for an hour in the waiting hall when you go to see a doctor. THERE’S A LONG CORRIDOR IN THIS SCHOOL. > There’s a long corridor in this school. Most buildings in this city have stairs and lifts. Young people prefer to take the stairs and old people usually take the lift. In a high building sometimes we have to wait in the waiting hall or at the reception desk before we can get into a lift.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 4new Page 60 / 187 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® DO MOST BUILDINGS IN THIS CITY HAVE LIFTS? > Yes, most buildings in this city have lifts. DO YOUNG PEOPLE PREFER TO TAKE THE STAIRS OR THE LIFT? > Young people prefer to take the stairs. DO WE SOMETIMES HAVE TO WAIT IN THE WAITING HALL BEFORE WE CAN GET INTO A LIFT? > Yes, we sometimes have to wait in the waiting hall before we can get into a lift. IS THERE A LIFT IN THIS BUILDING? > No, there isn’t a lift in this building. DO YOU OFTEN USE THE STAIRS? > Yes, I often use the stairs. ARE THERE STAIRS IN YOUR HOUSE? > Yes, there are stairs in my house. IS THERE A RECEPTION DESK IN THIS SCHOOL? > Yes, there’s a reception desk in this school. WILL YOU GO THROUGH THE CORRIDOR AFTER THE LESSON? > Yes, I will go through the corridor after the lesson. DO YOU THINK THERE’S A COMPUTER AT THE RECEPTION DESK? > Yes, I think there’s a computer at the reception desk. DO WE EVER HAVE OUR LESSON IN THE CORRIDOR? > No, we never have our lesson in the corridor. DO YOU HAVE A LONG CORRIDOR IN YOUR HOUSE? > No, I don’t have a long corridor in my house. WHERE DO PATIENTS HAVE TO WAIT WHEN THEY GO TO HOSPITAL? > Patients have to wait in the waiting hall when they go to hospital. DO I SOMETIMES LIFT MY HANDS DURING THE LESSON? > Yes, you sometimes lift your hands during the lesson. DID YOU TAKE A LIFT IN YOUR OFFICE BUILDING YESTERDAY? > Yes, I took a lift in my office building yesterday.

5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 4new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 61 / 187 ARE THERE MORE YOUNG OR MORE OLD PEOPLE IN WAITING HALLS IN HOSPITALS? > There are more old people in waiting halls in hospitals. HOW LONG DID YOU WAIT FOR THE TEACHER LAST LESSON? > I waited 5 minutes for the teacher last lesson. DO YOU SOMETIMES WAIT FOR A BUS OR A TRAIN? > Yes, I sometimes wait for a bus or a train. DO BUSES SOMETIMES WAIT FOR YOU? > No, buses never wait for me. WILL YOU WAIT FOR A BUS TOMORROW MORNING? > Yes, I will wait for a bus tomorrow morning. IS IT PLEASANT TO WAIT FOR SOMEBODY FOR A LONG TIME? > No, it isn’t pleasant to wait for somebody for a long time. DID YOU TAKE THE STAIRS TO THE SCHOOL YESTERDAY? > Yes, I took the stairs to the school yesterday. (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, I DON’T LIKE TO WAIT FOR OTHER PEOPLE. > Do you like to

wait for other people? YES, THERE’S A RECEPTION DESK IN THIS SCHOOL. > Is there a reception desk in this school? YES, THE STUDENTS SOMETIMES WAIT FOR THE TEACHER IN THE CORRIDOR. > Do the students sometimes wait for the teacher in the corridor? I PREFER TO USE A LIFT. > Do you prefer to use the stairs or a lift?

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 4new Page 62 / 187 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Section 59.2 Present Perfect Tense (2) (negative sentences) I haven’t lost my keys /ˈaɪ ˈhæv(ə)nt ˈlɒst maɪ ˈkiːs/ you haven’t built a house /ˈju ˈhæv(ə)nt ˈbɪlt ə ˈhaʊs/ she hasn’t lost it /ˈʃi ˈhæz(ə)nt ˈlɒst ɪt/ they haven’t broken the window /ˈðeɪ ˈhæv(ə)nt ˈbrəʊkən ðə ˈwɪndəʊ/ (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) Past Participle of verbs close – closed am/is/are - been clean – cleaned eat - eaten watch – watched win - won In negative sentences in the Present Perfect Tense we add the word ‘not’ to the verb ‘have / has’ I haven’t finished this film. She hasn’t pushed the door. have not = haven’t has not = hasn’t

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 4new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 63 / 187 I HAVEN’T FINISHED THIS FILM. > You haven’t finished this film. SHE HASN’T PUSHED THE TABLE. > She hasn’t pushed the table. WE HAVEN’T CLOSED THE DOOR. > We haven’t closed the door. THEY HAVEN’T BEEN TO THE USA. > They haven’t been to the USA. YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THAT FILM. > You haven’t watched that film. HE HASN’T EATEN BREAKFAST. > He hasn’t eaten breakfast. MY BROTHER HASN’T WON THE GAME. > Your brother hasn’t won the game. MAKE A NEGATIVE SENTENCE IN THE PRESENT PERFECT, PLEASE. > I haven’t been to Africa. - Have you ever built a road or a bridge? - No, I’ve never built a road or a bridge but I’ve built a small house for my dog. - Did you build that house alone? - No, I didn’t. I had to ask my friends for help. HAVE YOU EVER BUILT A ROAD? > No, I’ve never built a road. HAVE YOU EVER BUILT A SMALL HOUSE FOR YOUR DOG? > Yes, I’ve built a small house for my dog. DID YOU BUILD THAT HOUSE ALONE? > No, I didn’t. I had to ask my friend for help.

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 4new Page 64 / 187 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® HAVE I CLOSED THIS BOOK? > No, you haven’t closed this book. HAVE YOU CLEANED YOUR HOUSE THIS WEEK? > No, I haven’t cleaned my house this week. HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED A FOOTBALL GAME ON TV? > No, I’ve never watched a football game on TV. HAVE YOUR CHILDREN EVER BEEN ABROAD? > No, my children haven’t been abroad. HAVE YOU EVER EATEN AN ANT? > No, I’ve never eaten an ant. HAVE YOU EVER WON A GAME OF CHESS WITH YOUR BROTHER? > No, I’ve never won a game of chess with my brother. HAVE I CLOSED MY EYES? > No, you haven’t closed your eyes. HAS ANYONE CLEANED THIS CLASSROOM TODAY? > No, no one has cleaned this classroom

today. HAVE YOU WATCHED A GOOD COMEDY THIS MONTH? > No, I haven’t watched a good comedy this month. HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE CINEMA RECENTLY? > Yes, I’ve been to the cinema recently. HAVE YOUR CHILDREN EATEN BREAKFAST TODAY? > Yes, my children have eaten breakfast today. WHO HAS WON THE BOXING FIGHT THIS WEEK? > Klitschko has won the boxing fight this week. (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, I HAVEN’T WATCHED ‘THE KING’S SPEECH’. > Have you watched ‘The King’s Speech’? NO, I HAVEN’T EATEN DINNER. > Have you eaten dinner? NO, KATE HASN’T CLOSED THE DOOR. > Has Kate closed the door? NO, THE STUDENTS HAVEN’T FINISHED THIS BOOK. > Have the students finished this book?

1. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 187 BOOK 5

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3. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 55 / 187 Section 65.1 a commercial /kəˈmɜː(r)ʃ(ə)l/ a break /breɪk/ to last /lɑːst/ advice /ədˈvaɪs/ advise /ədˈvaɪz/ an emperor /ˈemp(ə)rə(r)/ (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) Uncountable nouns The noun ‘advice’ is uncountable so we do not put ‘-s’ at the end to form the plural. If we want to express singularity of the noun ‘advice’ we say ‘a piece of advice’. COMPANIES PUT COMMERCIALS ON TV AND ADVERTISEMENTS IN NEWSPAPERS. > Companies put commercials on TV and advertisements in newspapers. COMMERCIAL BREAKS ON TV SOMETIMES LAST LONGER THAN FILMS. > Commercial breaks on TV sometimes last longer than films. SOME PEOPLE THINK THAT COMMERCIALS OFFER GOOD ADVICE. > Some people think that commercials offer good advice. PEOPLE OFTEN ADVISE THEIR FRIENDS TO TELL THE TRUTH. > People often advise their friends to tell the truth.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Page 56 / 187 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® SOME EMPERORS ATTACKED MANY COUNTRIES. > Some emperors attacked many countries. I don’t like watching films on TV because the commercials are too long. When the commercial break comes people are able to prepare dinner, take a shower and help their children with homework before it ends. I sometimes forget what film I was watching because those commercials last longer than the film. DO I LIKE WATCHING FILMS ON TV? > No, you don’t like watching films on TV. DO I THINK COMMERCIAL BREAKS ON TV ARE TOO LONG? > Yes, you think commercial breaks on TV are too long. ARE PEOPLE ABLE TO PREPARE DINNER DURING THE COMMERCIAL BREAK? > Yes, people are able to prepare dinner during the commercial break. DO

YOU SOMETIMES FORGET WHAT FILM YOU WERE WATCHING BECAUSE OF THE COMMERCIALS? > Yes, I sometimes forget what film I was watching because of the commercials. DO WE HAVE A BREAK BETWEEN LESSONS? > Yes, we have a break between lessons. DO YOU LIKE TO WATCH COMMERCIAL BREAKS ON TV? > No, I don’t like to watch commercial breaks on TV. WHO DO YOU TALK TO IF YOU NEED HELP? > I talk to my friends if I need help. DO YOU LIKE TO GIVE PEOPLE ADVICE? > Yes, I like to give people advice. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE AN EMPEROR. > Yes, I would like to be an emperor.

5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 57 / 187 HAS ANYBODY ADVISED YOU TO STUDY ENGLISH? > Yes, somebody has advised me to study English. DO YOU THINK EMPERORS EVER NEED ADVICE? > Yes, I think emperors sometimes need advice. HOW LONG DOES THE LESSON LAST? > The lesson lasts 50 minutes. DO YOU LIKE TO READ BOOKS ABOUT EMPERORS? > Yes, I like to read books about emperors. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A COMMERCIAL ABOUT WHISKY? > Yes, I’ve seen a commercial about whisky. (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, I DON’T LIKE TO WATCH COMMERCIALS ON TV. > Do you like to watch commercials on TV? YES, WE HAVE A BREAK BETWEEN LESSONS. > Do we have a break between lessons? YES, I’VE OFFERED ADVICE TO MY FRIENDS. > Have you ever offered advice to your friends? YES, I LIKE TO WATCH FILMS ABOUT EMPERORS. > Do you like to watch films about emperors?

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Page 58 / 187 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Section 73.1 soon /suːn/ ASAP /ˌeɪ es eɪ ˈpiː/ /ˈeɪsæp/ an acronym /ˈækrənɪm/ a shortcut /ˈʃɔː(r)tˌkʌt/ rather /ˈrɑːðə(r)/ an organisation /ˌɔː(r)ɡənaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ ASAP = As Soon As Possible FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigations CIA = Central Intelligence Agency WE WILL FINISH THIS BOOK SOON. > We will finish this book soon. I WANT TO GET HOME ASAP AFTER THE LESSON. > You want to get home ASAP after the lesson. MANY COMPANIES USE ACRONYMS IN THEIR NAMES. > Many companies use acronyms in their names. I ALWAYS TAKE A SHORTCUT WHEN I COME TO WORK. > You always take a shortcut when you come to work. THIS BOOK IS RATHER INTERESTING. > This book is rather interesting.

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 59 / 187 There are many organisations in the world that use acronyms in their names, like the FBI or CIA. When we create an acronym we take the first letter of each word in a name and put them together. A shortcut is a shorter way

people take to get somewhere faster. It often leads through a park, a forest, a field or through smaller streets of a town. We usually prefer to take a shortcut because it’s much quicker. DO MANY ORGANISATIONS IN THE WORLD USE ACRONYMS IN THEIR NAMES? > Yes, many organisations in the world use acronyms in their names. IS FBI A SHORTCUT? > No, FBI isn’t a shortcut but it’s an acronym. WHAT DOES THE ACRONYM ‘FBI’ STAND FOR? > It stands for Federal Bureau of Investigations. HOW DO WE MAKE AN ACRONYM? > We take the first letter of each word in a name and put them together to create an acronym. IS A SHORTCUT THE SAME AS AN ACRONYM? > No, a shortcut isn’t the same as an acronym but it’s something different. WHAT’S A SHORTCUT? > A shortcut is a shorter way of getting to a place. CAN A WAY THROUGH A FOREST BE A SHORTCUT? > Yes, a way through a forest can be a shortcut. WHY DO WE TAKE SHORTCUTS? > We take shortcuts because they are quicker than going the usual way. DO YOU TAKE ANY SHORTCUTS WHEN YOU GO HOME AFTER THE LESSON? > Yes, I take some shortcuts when I go home after the lesson.

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 5new Page 60 / 187 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® DO YOU OFTEN USE ACRONYMS WHEN YOU SPEAK? > No, I don’t often use acronyms when I speak. WILL YOU LEARN NEW ACRONYMS ASAP? > Yes, I will learn new acronyms ASAP. DO YOU WANT TO FINISH THIS BOOK ASAP? > Yes, I want to finish this book ASAP. DO YOU WORK FOR A BIG ORGANISATION? > No, I don’t work for a big organisation but I work for a small company. IS YOUR HOUSE RATHER NICE? > Yes, I think my house is rather nice. (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I WORK FOR A BIG ORGANISATION. > Do you work for a big organisation? ASAP MEANS ‘AS SOON AS POSSIBLE’. > What does ASAP mean? YES, CIA IS AN ACRONYM. > Is CIA an acronym? NO, I DON’T KNOW ANY SHORTCUTS TO THIS SCHOOL. > Do you know any shortcuts to this school?

1. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 190 BOOK 6

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3. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 41 / 190 Section 79.3 to make up /ˈmeɪk ˈʌp/ an excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/ to describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ a description /dɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/ a profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ to profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ a loss /lɒs/ CHILDREN LOVE TO MAKE UP STORIES. > Children love to make up stories. PEOPLE OFTEN MAKE EXCUSES IF THEY DON’T WANT TO CONFESS THEIR MISTAKES. > People often make excuses if they don’t want to confess their mistakes. WOMEN LOVE TO DESCRIBE WHAT THEY FEEL. > Women love to describe what they feel.

WRITERS OFTEN PUT MANY DESCRIPTIONS IN THEIR BOOKS. > Writers often put many descriptions in their books. SOMETIMES IT’S DIFFICULT TO MAKE A PROFIT BY WRITING BOOKS AND WRITERS SOMETIMES MAKE A LOSS. > Sometimes it’s difficult to make a profit by writing books and writers sometimes make a loss. When I come to work late I always have to explain what stopped me. Sometimes I’m afraid to tell the truth and I prefer to make up stories. I often use things I heard in films or read about in books to make my stories more interesting. I think it’s necessary to describe everything that happened in detail. The person who asks me why I’m late usually gets tired after two or three descriptions of people who attacked me on my way to work.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 42 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHAT STOPPED US WHEN WE COME TO WORK LATE? > Yes, we always have to explain what stopped us when we come to work late. AM I EVER AFRAID TO TELL THE TRUTH WHEN I COME LATE TO WORK? > Yes, you’re sometimes afraid to tell the truth when you come late to work. WHAT DO I DO WHEN I COME TO WORK LATE? > You make up stories when you come to work late. DO I USE DETAILS I HEARD IN FILMS WHEN I MAKE UP STORIES ABOUT THE CAUSE OF MY LATENESS? > Yes, you use details you heard in films when you make up stories about the cause of your lateness. DO I TRY TO MAKE MY STORIES INTERESTING? > Yes, you try to make your stories interesting. DO I THINK IT’S NECESSARY TO DESCRIBE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN DETAIL? > Yes, you think it’s necessary to describe everything that happened in detail. DOES THE PERSON WHO ASKS ME WHY I’M LATE USUALLY GET TIRED AFTER A FEW MINUTES? > Yes, the person who asks you why you’re late usually gets tired after a few minutes. DO I GIVE MANY DESCRIPTIONS OF PEOPLE WHO ATTACKED ME ON MY WAY TO WORK? > Yes, you give many descriptions of people who attacked you on your way to work. CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD TO ME? > Yes, I can describe my neighbourhood to you. My neighbourhood is very quiet, green and safe. DO YOU LIKE TO USE EXCUSES WHEN YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU’RE LATE TO WORK? > Yes, I like to use excuses when I explain why I’m late to work. CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR BEST FRIEND? > Yes, I can. My friend is tall and slim. She has long brown hair and green eyes. CAN YOU GIVE ME A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR HOUSE? > Yes, I can. My house isn’t very big but it’s beautiful. There’s a nice garden with many fruit trees around it.

5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 43 / 190 DO ALL ORGANISATIONS MAKE A PROFIT? > No, not all organisations make a profit but some make a loss. DID YOU ATTACK ANYBODY GOING TO WORK TODAY? > No, I didn’t attack anybody going to work today.

DO COMPANIES SOMETIMES MAKE A LOSS? > Yes, companies sometimes make a loss. DOES JAMES MAKE UP EXCUSES WHEN HE’S LATE TO SCHOOL? > Yes, James makes up excuses when he is late to school. (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I’M SOMETIMES LATE TO WORK. > Are you ever late to work NO, I DON’T LIKE TO USE EXCUSES WHEN I SAY WHY I’M LATE. > Do you like to use excuses when you say why you’re late? YES, I OFTEN MAKE UP STORIES ABOUT PRINCESSES WHEN I PUT MY CHILDREN TO SLEEP. > Do you often make up stories about princesses when you put your children to sleep? NO, I DON’T ALWAYS MAKE A LOT OF PROFIT. > Do you always make a lot of profit. Section 85.2 ambition /æmˈbɪʃ(ə)n/ ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ a genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ a prodigy /ˈprɒdɪdʒi/ whatever /wɒtˈevə(r)/ to come cross /ˈkʌm əˈkrɒs/

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 44 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® We use the word ‘prodigy’ about a young person who has an amazing talent or ability. He is a mathematical prodigy! She is a musical prodigy! We think these people will become geniuses. Irregular verbs come – came – come AMBITION IS VERY IMPORTANT IN MANY PROFESSIONS. > Ambition is very important in many professions. SOME PEOPLE ARE AMBITIOUS IN WHATEVER THEY DO. > Some people are ambitious in whatever they do. PARENTS OFTEN BELIEVE THEIR CHILD IS A GENIUS. > Parents often believe their child is a genius. I’VE NEVER COME ACROSS A PRODIGY IN MY LIFE. > You’ve never come across a prodigy in your life. When Amadeus Mozart was a child he was called a prodigy because of his great talent for music. At the age of 5 he already played musical instruments and composed different melodies. When he was an adult people called him a genius and when we listen to his operas it’s easy to understand why. He was a very ambitious man and people loved to listen to whatever he composed.

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 45 / 190 WHAT DID PEOPLE CALL AMADEUS MOZART WHEN HE WAS A CHILD? > People called Amadeus Mozart a prodigy when he was a child. WHY DID PEOPLE CALL AMADEUS MOZART A PRODIGY? > People called him a prodigy because of his great talent for music. DID MOZART PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT THE AGE OF 5? > Yes, Mozart played musical instruments at the age of 5. WHAT DID PEOPLE CALL MOZART WHEN HE WAS AN ADULT? > People called Mozart a genius when he was an adult. WAS MOZART A VERY AMBITIOUS PERSON? > Yes, Mozart was a very ambitious person. DO YOU THINK LAWYERS HAVE TO BE AMBITIOUS TO BE SUCCESSFUL? > Yes, I think lawyers have to be ambitious to be successful. ARE MOST CHILDREN PRODIGIES? > No, most children aren’t prodigies. CAN CHILDREN LEARN AMBITION AT SCHOOL? > Yes, children can learn ambition at school. ARE YOU A PRODIGY? > No, I’m not a prodigy.

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CALLED A GENIUS? > Yes, I’ve been called a genius. WILL YOU COME ACROSS AN IGLOO IN THE FUTURE? > No, I won’t come across an igloo in the future. HAVE YOU EVER COME ACROSS ANYONE FAMOUS? > Yes, I’ve come across someone famous. ARE YOU AMBITIOUS IN EVERYTHING YOU DO? > No, I’m not ambitious in everything I do but in some things I am.

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 46 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I THINK OUR TEACHER IS VERY AMBITIOUS. > Do you think our teacher is very ambitious? YES, I THINK EINSTEIN WAS A GENIUS. > Do you think Einstein was a genius? NO, I’VE NEVER COME ACROSS A HUNTER IN A FOREST. > Have you ever come across a hunter in a forest? YES, MOST PARENTS EXPECT THEIR CHILDREN TO BE VERY AMBITIOUS AT SCHOOL. > Do most parents expect their children to be very ambitious at school?

 Book6 BOOKS DIRECT METHOD - sample international version 1. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL

DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 190 BOOK 6 2. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 2 / 190 Copyright


DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 41 / 190 Section 79.3 to make up /ˈmeɪk ˈʌp/ an excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/ to describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ a description /dɪˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/ a profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ to profit /ˈprɒfɪt/ a loss /lɒs/ CHILDREN LOVE TO MAKE UP STORIES. > Children love to make up stories. PEOPLE OFTEN MAKE EXCUSES IF THEY DON’T WANT TO CONFESS THEIR MISTAKES. > People often make excuses if they don’t want to confess their mistakes. WOMEN LOVE TO DESCRIBE WHAT THEY FEEL. > Women love to describe what they feel. WRITERS OFTEN PUT MANY DESCRIPTIONS IN THEIR BOOKS. > Writers often put many descriptions in their books. SOMETIMES IT’S DIFFICULT TO MAKE A PROFIT BY WRITING BOOKS AND WRITERS SOMETIMES MAKE A LOSS. > Sometimes it’s difficult to make a profit by writing books and writers sometimes make a loss. When I come to work late I always have to explain what stopped me. Sometimes I’m afraid to tell the truth and I prefer to make up stories. I often use things I heard in films or read about in books to make my stories more interesting. I think it’s necessary to describe everything that happened in detail. The person who asks me why I’m late usually gets tired after two or three descriptions of people who attacked me on my way to work.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 42 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHAT STOPPED US WHEN WE COME TO WORK LATE? > Yes, we always have to explain what stopped us when we come to work late. AM I EVER AFRAID TO TELL THE TRUTH WHEN I COME LATE TO WORK? > Yes, you’re sometimes afraid to tell the truth when you come late to work. WHAT DO I DO WHEN I COME TO WORK LATE? > You make up stories when you come to work late. DO I USE DETAILS I HEARD IN FILMS WHEN I MAKE UP STORIES ABOUT THE CAUSE OF MY LATENESS? > Yes, you use details you heard in films when you make up stories about the cause of your lateness. DO I TRY TO MAKE MY STORIES INTERESTING? > Yes, you try to make your stories interesting. DO I THINK IT’S NECESSARY TO DESCRIBE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN DETAIL? > Yes, you think it’s necessary to describe everything that happened in detail. DOES THE PERSON WHO ASKS ME WHY I’M LATE USUALLY GET TIRED AFTER A FEW MINUTES? > Yes, the person who asks you why you’re late usually gets tired after a

few minutes. DO I GIVE MANY DESCRIPTIONS OF PEOPLE WHO ATTACKED ME ON MY WAY TO WORK? > Yes, you give many descriptions of people who attacked you on your way to work. CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD TO ME? > Yes, I can describe my neighbourhood to you. My neighbourhood is very quiet, green and safe. DO YOU LIKE TO USE EXCUSES WHEN YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU’RE LATE TO WORK? > Yes, I like to use excuses when I explain why I’m late to work. CAN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR BEST FRIEND? > Yes, I can. My friend is tall and slim. She has long brown hair and green eyes. CAN YOU GIVE ME A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR HOUSE? > Yes, I can. My house isn’t very big but it’s beautiful. There’s a nice garden with many fruit trees around it.

5. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 43 / 190 DO ALL ORGANISATIONS MAKE A PROFIT? > No, not all organisations make a profit but some make a loss. DID YOU ATTACK ANYBODY GOING TO WORK TODAY? > No, I didn’t attack anybody going to work today. DO COMPANIES SOMETIMES MAKE A LOSS? > Yes, companies sometimes make a loss. DOES JAMES MAKE UP EXCUSES WHEN HE’S LATE TO SCHOOL? > Yes, James makes up excuses when he is late to school. (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I’M SOMETIMES LATE TO WORK. > Are you ever late to work NO, I DON’T LIKE TO USE EXCUSES WHEN I SAY WHY I’M LATE. > Do you like to use excuses when you say why you’re late? YES, I OFTEN MAKE UP STORIES ABOUT PRINCESSES WHEN I PUT MY CHILDREN TO SLEEP. > Do you often make up stories about princesses when you put your children to sleep? NO, I DON’T ALWAYS MAKE A LOT OF PROFIT. > Do you always make a lot of profit. Section 85.2 ambition /æmˈbɪʃ(ə)n/ ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ a genius /ˈdʒiːniəs/ a prodigy /ˈprɒdɪdʒi/ whatever /wɒtˈevə(r)/ to come cross /ˈkʌm əˈkrɒs/

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 44 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® We use the word ‘prodigy’ about a young person who has an amazing talent or ability. He is a mathematical prodigy! She is a musical prodigy! We think these people will become geniuses. Irregular verbs come – came – come AMBITION IS VERY IMPORTANT IN MANY PROFESSIONS. > Ambition is very important in many professions. SOME PEOPLE ARE AMBITIOUS IN WHATEVER THEY DO. > Some people are ambitious in whatever they do. PARENTS OFTEN BELIEVE THEIR CHILD IS A GENIUS. > Parents often believe their child is a genius. I’VE NEVER COME ACROSS A PRODIGY IN MY LIFE. > You’ve never come across a prodigy in your life. When Amadeus Mozart was a child he was called a prodigy because of his great talent for music. At the age of 5 he already played musical instruments and composed different melodies. When he was an adult people called him a genius and when we listen to his operas it’s easy to understand why. He was a very ambitious man and people loved to listen to whatever he composed.

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 45 / 190 WHAT DID PEOPLE CALL AMADEUS MOZART WHEN HE WAS A CHILD? > People called Amadeus Mozart a prodigy when he was a child. WHY DID PEOPLE CALL AMADEUS MOZART A PRODIGY? > People called him a prodigy because of his great talent for music. DID MOZART PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AT THE AGE OF 5? > Yes, Mozart played musical instruments at the age of 5. WHAT DID PEOPLE CALL MOZART WHEN HE WAS AN ADULT? > People called Mozart a genius when he was an adult. WAS MOZART A VERY AMBITIOUS PERSON? > Yes, Mozart was a very ambitious person. DO YOU THINK LAWYERS HAVE TO BE AMBITIOUS TO BE SUCCESSFUL? > Yes, I think lawyers have to be ambitious to be successful. ARE MOST CHILDREN PRODIGIES? > No, most children aren’t prodigies. CAN CHILDREN LEARN AMBITION AT SCHOOL? > Yes, children can learn ambition at school. ARE YOU A PRODIGY? > No, I’m not a prodigy. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN CALLED A GENIUS? > Yes, I’ve been called a genius. WILL YOU COME ACROSS AN IGLOO IN THE FUTURE? > No, I won’t come across an igloo in the future. HAVE YOU EVER COME ACROSS ANYONE FAMOUS? > Yes, I’ve come across someone famous. ARE YOU AMBITIOUS IN

EVERYTHING YOU DO? > No, I’m not ambitious in everything I do but in some things I am.

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 6new Page 46 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I THINK OUR TEACHER IS VERY AMBITIOUS. > Do you think our teacher is very ambitious? YES, I THINK EINSTEIN WAS A GENIUS. > Do you think Einstein was a genius? NO, I’VE NEVER COME ACROSS A HUNTER IN A FOREST. > Have you ever come across a hunter in a forest? YES, MOST PARENTS EXPECT THEIR CHILDREN TO BE VERY AMBITIOUS AT SCHOOL. > Do most parents expect their children to be very ambitious at school?


DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 1 / 186 BOOK 7 2. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Page 2 / 186 Copyright


DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 123 / 186 Section 101.2 (a) knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ nowadays /ˈnaʊəˌdeɪz/ international /ˌɪntə(r)ˈnæʃ(ə)nəl/ to communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ a subsidiary /səbˈsɪdiəri/ a percent /pə(r)ˈsent/ DRIVING A CAR DOESN’T REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE. > Driving a car doesn’t require any special knowledge. MR. HUGHES WEARS A SUIT AND A TIE TO THE CRICKET NOWADAYS. > Mr. Hughes wears a suit and a tie to the cricket nowadays. IT TAKES A LONG TIME TO GET A GOOD INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION IN FILM MAKING. > It takes a long time to get a good international reputation in film making. IF PEOPLE DON’T COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER AT WORK THE COMPANY MAY GET INTO TROUBLE. > If people don’t communicate with each other at work the company may get into trouble. COCA-COLA’S GERMAN SUBSIDIARY PROVIDES 8% OF THE COMPANY’S TOTAL INCOME. > Coca-cola’s German subsidiary provides 8% of the company’s total income.

4. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Page 124 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Job advertisements in quality European newspapers often ask for a good knowledge of English. Nowadays, large international companies often use English to communicate between the main office and the subsidiaries in different countries. 75% of all letters and emails are in English and 80% of all the information in the world’s computer systems is in English. That is why organizations need employees who speak good English. Europeans feel that English sometimes helps them to get a better job. WHAT DO JOB ADVERTISEMENTS IN QUALITY EUROPEAN NEWSPAPERS OFTEN ASK FOR? > Job advertisements in quality European newspapers often ask for a good knowledge of English. WHAT LANGUAGE DO LARGE INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES USE TO COMMUNICATE BETWEEN THE MAIN OFFICE AND THE SUBSIDIARIES? > Large international companies use English to communicate between the main office and the subsidiaries. WHY DO COMPANIES NEED THEIR EMPLOYEES TO SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH? > Companies need their employees to speak good English because most information in the world’s computers is in English. IS IT TRUE THAT EUROPEANS OFTEN FEEL THAT ENGLISH HELPS THEM TO GET A BETTER JOB? > Yes, it’s true that Europeans often feel that English helps them to get a better job. HAVE YOU ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT KNOWLEDGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES IS VERY IMPORTANT? > No, I haven’t always thought that knowledge of foreign languages is very important. WHAT LANGUAGES DO PEOPLE IN AMERICA SPEAK NOWADAYS? > People in America speak English, Spanish, Portuguese and French nowadays. WOULD YOU EVER CONSIDER WORKING FOR AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY? > Yes, I would consider working for an international company.


has about … subsidiaries in Europe. DO YOU THINK MORE THAN 50% OF PEOPLE IN OUR COUNTRY SPEAK A FOREIGN LANGUAGE NOWADAYS? > No, I don’t think more than 50% of people in our country speak a foreign language nowadays but I think the number is smaller. (the students make questions to the following answers) I DON’T THINK MY GRANDFATHER WILL EVER LEARN TO COMMUNICATE WITH ME OVER THE INTERNET. > Do you think your grandfather will ever learn to communicate with you over the internet? NO, THERE AREN’T MANY SUBSIDIARIES OF BIG COMPANIES IN MY CITY. > Are there many subsidiaries of big companies in your city? I DON’T KNOW IF YOU HAVE EVER WORKED FOR A LARGE INTERNATIONAL COMPANY. > Do you know if I have ever worked for a large international company? I THINK YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE TO WEAR COLOURFUL CLOTHES NOWADAYS. > What clothes do you think young people like to wear nowadays? Section 101.3 a department store /dɪˈpɑː(r)tmənt ˈstɔː(r)/ a buyer /ˈbaɪə(r)/ a supplier /səˈplaɪə(r)/ exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ regularly /ˈreɡjʊlə(r)li/ a collection /kəˈlekʃ(ə)n/

6. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Page 126 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® (the teacher explains the following in the students’ native language) We use the expression ‘to be used to’ when we are familiar with something and it doesn’t surprise us any more. I live alone. I’m used to it. I’m used to living alone. Jack always gets up at 5 a.m. He is used to it. Jack is used to getting up at 5 a.m. The expression “to get used to” describes the process of becoming familiar with something. When Jenny moved to England she wasn’t used to driving on the left. After one year Jenny got used to driving on the left. Jill and Frank don’t have hot water at home, so they have to wash in cold water. They are used to it, but I don’t think I would ever get used to washing in cold water. REMEMBER: the infinitive never appears after ‘be/get used to’ in this meaning

7. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 127 / 186 MOST DEPARTMENT STORES IN BIG CITIES PROVIDE ALL KINDS OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. > Most department stores in big cities provide all kinds of products and services. IT TAKES A LONG TIME TO GET USED TO DRIVING ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD. > It takes a long time to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road. SOME BUYERS SAY THAT WORKING WITH SUPPLIERS ISN’T VERY EXCITING. > Some buyers say that working with suppliers isn’t very exciting. SPORTSMEN HAVE TO EXERCISE REGULARLY IF THEY WANT TO BE THE BEST IN THEIR DISCIPLINE. > Sportsmen have to exercise regularly if they want to be the best in their discipline. I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A LARGE COLLECTION OF OLD AMERICAN CARS. > You would like to have a large collection of old American cars. Alex comes from Spain and this is his third month at the department store. ‘I manage three big departments and I usually have a lot of meetings. I often have five or six meetings with buyers in one day. In my three departments there are fifty buyers. They visit designers and suppliers and often travel around the world looking for exciting quality products for the store. We meet regularly to talk about ideas for our collections – the groups of new products for the next season.’ HOW LONG HAS ALEX WORKED AT THE DEPARTMENT STORE? > Alex has worked at the department store for three months.

8. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Page 128 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® HOW MANY MEETINGS DOES ALEX HAVE WITH BUYERS IN ONE DAY? > Alex has five or six meetings with buyers in one day. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DO THE BUYERS HAVE TO MEET WITH? > The buyers have to meet with suppliers and designers. WHAT DOES ALEX TALK ABOUT WITH HIS BUYERS? > Alex talks about ideas for new collections with his buyers. HAVE YOU GOT USED TO ANSWERING MANY QUESTIONS DURING THE LESSON? > Yes, I’ve got used to answering many questions during the lesson. DO YOU THINK YOU’D GET USED TO WORKING IN A DEPARTMENT STORE AS A BUYER? > No, I don’t think I’d get used to working in a department store as a buyer. IS THE WORK OF A SUPPLIER EXCITING ENOUGH TO MAKE A FILM ABOUT IT? > No, the work of a supplier isn’t exciting enough to make a film about it. HAVE YOUR

MOTHER EVER TOLD YOU TO EAT AND EXERCISE REGULARLY? > Yes, my mother has told me to eat and exercise regularly. WILL YOU EVER GET USED TO WEARING A SUIT TO WORK? > Yes, one day I will get used to wearing a suit to work. CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT NEW FASHION COLLECTIONS FOR THIS AUTUMN? > No, I can’t tell you about new fashion collections for this autumn. IS IT EASY TO GET USED TO WAKING UP AT 5 A.M.? > No, it isn’t easy to get used to waking up at 5 a.m. HOW LONG DO YOU THINK IT TAKES TO GET USED TO THE WEATHER IN THE NORTH OF RUSSIA? > I think it takes one month / ten years to get used to the weather in the north of Russia. WHAT KIND OF WORK DO YOU THINK IS THE MOST EXCITING? > I think the work of an actor / a doctor / an engineer / a fashion designer is the most exciting.

9. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 129 / 186 (the students make questions to the following answers) NO, I WILL NEVER GET USED TO SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR. Will you ever get used to sleeping on the floor? I THINK THERE ARE FOUR OR FIVE DEPARTMENT STORES IN MY CITY. How many department stores do you think there are in your city? YES, I THINK IT’S IMPORTANT FOR BUYERS TO KNOW ALL THE SUPPLIERS IN THEIR BUSINESS. Do you think it’s important for buyers to know all the suppliers in their business? NO, MY SISTER DOESN’T HAVE A COLLECTION OF OLD LAPTOPS. Does your sister have a collection of old laptops? Section 104.4 all over /ɔːl ˈəʊvə(r)/ huge /hjuːdʒ/ a variety /vəˈraɪəti/ to consume /kənˈsjuːm/ at least / ət ˈliːst/ a population /ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ PEOPLE LEARN ENGLISH ALL OVER THE WORLD. > People learn English all over the world. MOST BIG SHOPS OFFER A HUGE VARIETY OF PRODUCTS. > Most big shops offer a huge variety of products.

10. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Page 130 / 190 Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® PEOPLE NOWADAYS DON’T CARE MUCH IF THE FOOD THEY CONSUME IS HEALTHY. > People nowadays don’t care much if the food they consume is healthy. WE SHOULD EAT AT LEAST THREE TIMES A DAY. > We should eat at least three times a day. THE POPULATION OF MOST COUNTRIES IS STILL GROWING. > The population of most countries is still growing. Chocolate was introduced to Europe from Mexico by the Spanish in the sixteenth century. In the next century sugar was added, and chocolate was made into a hot drink. As it was very expensive at that time it was drunk only by the rich nobility. The first chocolate factory was opened in Switzerland in 1819. Since then, chocolate has been produced by factories all over the world and a huge variety of chocolate products has been developed. In many countries today chocolate is consumed daily. In Britain, for example, chocolate is eaten at least once a week by 75% of the population. WHEN WAS CHOCOLATE INTRODUCED TO EUROPE? > Chocolate was introduced to Europe in the sixteenth century. WHERE DID CHOCOLATE COME FROM? > Chocolate came from Mexico WHAT WAS ADDED TO CHOCOLATE BEFORE IT WAS MADE INTO A HOT DRINK? > Sugar was added to chocolate before it was made into a hot drink.

11. SPEAK.PL DIRECT METHOD ® English (INT) Book 7new Copyright SPEAK.PL DIRECT ENGLISH ® Page 131 / 186 WHY DID ONLY RICH NOBILITY DRINK HOT CHOCOLATE IN THE PAST? > Only rich nobility drank hot chocolate in the past because it was very expensive. TELL ME SOMETHING YOU REMEMBER ABOUT THE FIRST CHOCOLATE FACTORY? > The first chocolate factory was opened in Switzerland in 1819. HOW MANY PEOPLE IN BRITAIN EAT CHOCOLATE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK? > 75% of the population in Britain eat chocolate at least once a week. ARE THERE CHOCOLATE FACTORIES ALL OVER THE WORLD? > Yes, there are chocolate factories all over the world. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE KIND OF CHOCOLATE? > My favourite kind of chocolate is milk / dark chocolate. CAN WE SAY THAT BEARS ARE HUGE ANIMALS? > Yes, we can say that bears are huge animals. DO YOU CONSUME A BIG VARIETY OF CHOCOLATES? > No, I don’t consume a big variety of chocolates. DO YOU THINK ALL THE STUDENTS SHOULD STUDY ENGLISH AT LEAST THREE TIMES A WEEK? > Yes, I think all

the students should study English at least three times a week. TELL ME THE NAMES OF SOME FAMOUS CHOCOLATE BRANDS, PLEASE? > Some famous brands of chocolate are: Lindt, Cadbury’s, Milka, etc. IS THE POPULATION IN YOUR COUNTRY INCREASING? > Yes, the population in my country is increasing. (the students make questions to the following answers) YES, I THINK ALL PEOPLE LIKE CHOCOLATE. > Do you think all people like chocolate? NO, I DON’T OFTEN DRINK HOT CHOCOLATE. > Do you often drink hot chocolate? THE POPULATION OF CHINA IS BIGGER THAN THE POPULATION OF INDIA. > Which population is bigger, the population of China or of India? WE COME HERE AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK. > How often do you come here?

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