blake house studio

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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mary, mary… quite contrary inspired by the line and form of Alexander Calder’s wire work and Louise Bourgeois’ sculptural explorations of architecture, gender and sexuality, my work is an exploration of wonder, absurdity and interconnectedness. informed by the women of the Bauhaus who pushed the boundaries of art and craft education and who thrived in spite of the bias toward the superiority and importance of men’s work. i use materials of divergent form and function to create sculptural pieces. by using traditional techniques in non-traditional ways, exploring themes of anatomy, architecture, community and belonging i hope to encourage conversation about art, craft, and women’s work.

journeys “the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes” m. proust a long time ago at my grandmother’s side i learned to sew, knit, embroider and darn. more than that i learned to find the beauty in things not thought to be beautiful and to experience the joy in living a life. i have lived and travelled around the world, sometimes staying for a short time and sometimes for much longer. throughout, my curiosity and love of learning have never wavered. it is that curiosity and serendipity that brought me to the craft and design program at sheridan college in oakville, and from there to here. what defines an artist, maker, craftsperson, designer, hobbyist, dilettante, dabbler? in trying to figure out just which label belongs to me i’ve come to the conclusion that i am all these things and more. i make, because i can. i craft, as a way to explore and explain the world around and within me. i create, because i have to.

this is the beginning of my latest journey…and just as when i am on the actual road, i invite you to travel along together on this path. let’s see what we can discover together.

burton stripe detail 2012 inspired by Ana, broccoli and “feeling the love” screen printed yardage pigment on cotton

magic  2012  exploring  themes  of  protec5on  hand  dyed  roving,  wet  and  needle  felted  20.3cm  diameter  

same  as  it  ever  was  2012  photo  transfer  on  co=on  66x137cm  

same  as  it  ever  was  detail  

bicycle  bag  2013  repurposed  red  leather  30.4x68.6cm  

bicycle  bag  2013    repurposed  blue  suede  30.4x73.6cm  

metamorphosis  detail  2013  inspired  by  roisin  screen  print,  crochet,  needle  fel5ng  pigment,  wool  on  co=on  45.7x45.7cm  

collage  for  fashion  detail  2013  mixed  media,  s5tch  28x35.6cm  

front  porch  collec5on  sample  book  2013  digital  print  co=on  20.3x20.3cm  

paris  balcony  2013  improvisa5onal  saturated  print  paste  with  resist  30.4x48.2cm  

please  lend  a  hand  2013  screen  print,  embroidery  co=on,  wire  pink  22.9x25.4cm,  blue  10.2x20.3cm,  green  10.2x20.3cm  



mary duncan 905.483.2538 85 blake street hamilton ontario

! emerging textile artist


education and workshops

Sheridan College, Diploma Craft and Design – Textiles 2014 (pending) Fanshawe College, Diploma Nursing 1983 University of Windsor, Bachelor of Human Kinetics 1979 (incomplete) Maxine Sutton, Contemporary Textile Studio Toronto 2013 Guatemalan Weaving, Textile Museum of Canada Toronto 2013 Thea Haines, Natural Dyeing Oakville 2013

group exhibitions

! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2014! Textile Studio Exhibition, Sheridan Gallery! ! 2013! Shed Project Toronto Design Offsite, Design Republic! ! 2012! Textile Studio Exhibition, Sheridan Gallery


professional memberships

! 2014 Craft Ontario (formerly Craft Council of Ontario) 2014 Surface Designers Association !



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