bibiliography and abbreviations - ancient and...

Post on 29-Mar-2018






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Lacau Stèle juridique Lacau, P. Un Stèle juridique de Karnak (=Cairo J.52453), SASAE XIII


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Leasing Eyre C.J. Peasants and “Modern” Leasing Strategies in Ancient Egypt =

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Leyd.(Denkm) Boeser, P.A. In Leyden, published in Beschreibung der aegyptischen Sammlung

… in Leiden, 12 vols., The Hague (1908-25). The vols. here used

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Reiches; vol II: Die Denkmaeler der Zeit zwischen dem alten und

mittleren Reich und des mittleren Reiches; erste Abteilung, Stelen

(the stelae are here, however, mostly quoted as Ley. V 3, etc., the

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Reiches, erste Abteilung, Graeber

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egyptien du Louvre, 2 parts, Paris 1874-8; A.Gavet, Musee du

Louvre; Steles de la XIIe dynastie, Paris 1889, in Bibliotheque de



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Mastaba Pepi-Nfr Daressy Inscriptions du Mastaba de Pepi-Nfr à Edfou = ASAE 17 (1917)

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MDAIK Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Institutes,

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Mill. A convenient transcription of the Milligan papyrus in AZ. 34,38-

49. See also G.Maspero, Les enseignements d’Amenemhait Ier a

son fils Sanousarit Ier in Bibliotheque d’etude de l’institut francais

d’archeologie orientale, Cairo (1914)

MIO Mitteilungen des Institutes fuer Orientforschung, Berlin

Mitt. Luedeeckens, E. Mitteilungen des deutschen Institutes fuer aegyptische

Altertumskunde in Kairo, 11

Mitt.VIII, IX Mitteilungen aus den oientalischen Sammlungen, G.Steindorff,

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Bogoslovsky E.S. On the Process of Apprarance of Money in Ancient Egypt =

Altorientalische Forschungen 14 (1987), 2, 227 – 236

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Moreno Garcia,


Moreno Garcia J.C. Études sur l’administration, le pouvoir et l’idéologie en Égypte de

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Denksteine aus sued-deutschen Sammlungen, II, Muenchen, von

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Nauri Edgerton, W.F. The Nauri Decree of Sethos I, JNES VI, (1947)

Nauri Griffith, F.Ll. JEA XIII, (1927)

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Newberry, BH. Newberry P.E. [and

Griffith F.Ll.]

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Nu The papyrus of Nu, containing an XVIIIth Dyn. version of the

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O.H. Černý, J. Ostraca hieratiques, (1930-35)

O.Michaelides 47 Goedicke & Wente Ostr. Michaelides, Wiesbaden (1962)

O.Nash. 2 ro Allam, S. see: O & P

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OHNL Černý, J. Catalogues des ostraca hieratiques non-litteraires de Deir el

Medineh, 6 vols., Cairo, (1935-70)

OLA Orientalia Loveniensia Analecta

OLA 5 Goedicke H. Cult Temple and State during the Old Kingdom in Egypt = OLA. 5

OLA 6 Janssen J. Jac The Role of the Temple (1979) = State and Temple Economy in

the Ancient Near East, II

Orientalia Orientalia, Nova Series, Rome.

Origin of Royal


Goedicke H. The Origin of the Royal Administration = L’egyptologie en 1979

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Ostracon 3.49887 Černý, J. ASAE XXVII (1927)

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Cenival, J.L.

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P. Anastasi II Gardiner A.H. Late Egyptian Miscellanies

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P. Ashmolean

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Gardiner A.H. “Adoption Extraordinary” = JEA., 26 (1940), 23 929

P. Berlin 11301 Posener, Krieger & de


Abusir Papyri

P. Bologna 1094 Gardiner, A.H LEM

P. BM 10401 Janssen, J.J. Requisitions from Upper Egyptian temples, JEA LXXVII, (1991)

P. BM., 10474 Griffith F. Ll. The Teaching of Amenophis Son of Kanakht = JEA., XII (1926)

P. Butler

P. Lansing Gardiner S.H. L.E.M.

P. Leopold II Gardiner, A.H. New Light on the Ramessid Tomb Robberies, JEA XXII, (1936)

P. Louvre AF6345

P. Louvre 3171 Gardiner, A.H. JEA 27 (1941).

P. Mook Spiegelberg W. ZAS., 63 (1928)

P. Salt 124 (BM.


Černý J. JEA., 15 (1929)

P. Turin 2021 Černý-Peet JEA., 13 (1927),

P.Abbott Peet, T.E. GTR, pls. 1-4

P.Amherst Newberry, P.E. The Amherst Papyri, London, (1899)

P.Anastasi V Gardiner, A.H. LEM

P.Berl. 10463 Caminos, A. JEA XLIX, (1963)

P. Berl. 3029 Goedicke, H. Festschrift zum 150 jaehrigen Bestehen des Berlinen Aegyptischen

Museums (1974)

P.Berl. P3047 Helck, W. JARCE 2, (1963

P.Berl.10242a Kaplony-Heckel Aegyptische Handschriften, 1971

P.Berlin See under Berlin

P.Berlin 10016 Sethe, K. ZAS LIX



P.Berlin 10073 Scharff, A. Briefe aus Illahun, ZAS LIX, (1924)

P.Berlin 10470 Smither, P.C. The Report concerning the slave-girl Senbet, JEA XXXIV, (1948)

P.Berlin 3024 Faulkner, R.O. The Man who was tired of Life, JEAXLII, (1956)

P.Berlin 9010 Sethe, K. Ein Prozessurteil aus dem Alten Reich, ZAS LXI, (1926)

P.Berlin 9784 and


Gardiner, A.H. Four Payri of the 18th Dynasty from Kahun, ZAS XLIII (1906)

P.BM 10052 Peet, T.E. GTR, pls 25-35

P.Bol 1094 Gardiner, A.H. LEM, BIFAO XXVII, 164-65

P.Bologna 1086 Wolf, W. ZAS LXV, (1930)

P.Boul.18 Mariette, A. Papyrus de Boulaq XVIII, published by A.Mariette, Les papyrus

egyptiens du Musee de Boulaq, Cairo (1871-72), vol. II, Pls. 14-

55; Quoted by the section numbers given in the transcription by

A.Scharff, published in Zeitschrift fuer aegyptische Sprache und

Altertumskunde, vol. 57, 1-24

P.Brit.Mus 10335 vs. JEA XI, Pls. 35-38

P.Brooklyn Hayes, W.C. A Papyrus of the Late Middle Kingdom, (1955)

P.Butler 534 (BM.


Kitchen, K.A. KRI. VII; LA IV, 695

P.Cairo 65739 Gardiner, A.H. A Lawsuit Arising form the Purchase of Two Slaves, JEA XXI,


P.Chester Beatty Gardiner, A.H. The Contendings of Horus and Seth, 1931; Late-Egyptian Stories

(1932), 37-60.

P.Florence 1774 LA IV, 704

P.Geneva MAH 15274, vs. 1-6, MDAIK XV, Pls. 37-38

P.Gourob Griffith, F.Ll. Hieratic Papiry from Kahun and Gurob, London, (1898)

P.Harris Erichsen, W. P. Harris I, Burxelles 1933

P.Kah. Griffith, F.Ll. Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob, 2 vols., London (1898)

P.Koller Gardiner, A.H. LEM

P.Lansing Caminos, A. JEA XI, (1935)

P.Lansing Gardiner, A.H. LEM. 107, 17-108 = Caninos, LEM. 404-405.

P.Leop. 4, 11 Gardiner, A.H. JEA XX, (1936)

P.Leyd. Chabas, F. (Leemans, C.) Aegyptische Hieratische Papyrussen I 343-71 van het

Nederlandsche Museum von Oudheden de Leiden, Leyden 1853-


P.Leyden 371 Gardiner/Sethe Egyptian Letters to the Dead, (1928), reprinted (1975)

P.Louvre 3171 Gardiner, A.H. JEA XXVII, (1941)

P.Louvre 3226 Brugsch, H. Papyrus of accounts published in Thesaurus Inscriptionum

Aegyptiacarum, Part 5 (Leipzig 1891), 1-79-11-6

P.Louvre 3228c Malinine, M Un Judgment Rendu a Thebes sous la XXV Dynastie, Rd’E VI,




P.Mayer A & B Peet, T.E. The Mayer Papyri A and B, London, (1920)

P. Millingen

P.Mook Spiegelberg, W. ZAS LXIII, (1928)

P.Petersburg Golenischeff, W. Les Papyrus hieratiques Nos. 1115, 1116 A et 1116 B de

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P.Prisse Żaba, Z. Les Maximes de Ptahhotep, Ceskoslovenska Akademie Ved, Skce

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P.Pushkin 127 Caminos, A. A Tale of Woe, Griffith Institute, (1977)

P.Rollin No.1885 Goedicke, H. Was Magic used in the Harem Conspiracy against Ramesses III,

JEA XLIX, (1963)

P.Sallier Gardiner, A.H. LEM

P.Salt 124 Cerny Papyrus Salt 124 (BM10055), JEA XV, (1929)

P.T. see Pyr., Sethe

P.Tebtunis Grenfell, B. and Hunt,

A.S., etc.

Tebtunis Papyri, Londong (1902 – 1938)

P.Turin Gardiner, A.H. LEM

P.Turin Peet, T.E. A Historical Document of Ramesside Age, JEA X (1924)

P.Turin Rossi, F. and Pleyte, W. Papyrus de Turin, 2 vols., Leyden (1869-76)

P.Turin 1882 Gardiner, A.H. Pharaonic Ecomium, JEA XLII, (1956)

P.Turin 1882 ro Gardiner, A.H. JEA XLI (1955)

P.Turin 2021 see Cerny-Peet

P.Turin 2031 Gardiner, A.H. JEA XIII, (1927)

P.Turin A vs Gardiner, A.H. LEM, Ramesside Texts relating to Taxation and Transport of

Corn, JEA XXVII, (1941)

P.Valancay Gardiner, A.H. A Protest against unjustified Tax-demands, Rd’E (1951)

P.Wilbour Gardiner, A.H. The Wilbour Papyrus, Oxford (1948)

Paheri Tylor, J.J. and Griffith,


The Tomb of Paheri at El Kab, bound up with E.Naville, Ahnas el

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A.H.Gardiner; Die Klagen des Bauern, in A.Erman, Literarische

Texte des mittleren Reiches (Hieratische Papyrus aus den

koeniglichen Museen zu Berlin, Bd. IV); Berlin 1908. The

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(Berlin 3023) and B 2 (Berlin 3025)

Per Shena Papazian H. The “Per Shena”. From Palace Estate to Sacred Storehouse (1999)

Personennamen Ranke Die Aegyptischen Personennamen, Glueckstadt, (1977)

Petr.Abyd Petrie, W.M.F. Abydos, 3 vols., London, Egypt Exploration Fund, (1902-4)

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Pierret Pierret, P. Recueil d’inscriptions inedites du musee egyptien du Louvre, 2

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Pirenne J. La Population egyptienne a-t-elle participe a l’administration

locale = R.d’E., 24 (1972), 137 ff.

Pr Jequier, G. Le papyrus Prises et ses variantes, Paris 1911. This abbreviation is

used only for the maxims of Kagemni, Pap.Prisse, pages 1-2. For

the maxims of Ptahhotpe, see below Pt.

PRAR Goedicke H. Die Privaten Rechtsinschriften aus dem Alten Reich (1970)

PRAR Goedicke, H. Die privaten Rechtsinschriften aus dem Alten Reiche, Wien,


Pri Goedicke, H. see PRAR

Price of Land Baer K. The Low Price of Land in Ancient Egypt = JARCE I (1962), 25 f.

Private Land Cuno K.M. The Origins of Private Ownership of Land in Egypt: A reapprisal

= International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (1992), 66

Property Custodian Barta M. The Title “Property Custodian of the King” During the Old

Kingdom Egypt = ZAS 126 (1999), 79 f.

Provinzialverwaltung Martin-Pardey E. Untersuchungen zur aegyptischen Prowinzialverwaltung bis zum

Ende des Alten Reiches (1976)

PSBA Preceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 40 vols.,

London (1879-1918)

Pt Devaud, E. Les Maximes de Ptahhotep, texte, Fribourg (Suisse), (1916).

Quoted by the number in the right-hand margin of Devaud’s


Ptah.(E.R.A.) Paget, R.F.E. and Pirie,


The Tomb of Ptah-hetep, second part of the volume entitled

J.E.Quibell, The Ramesseum, London, Egyptian Research

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Ptahhotep Żaba, Z. see P.Prisse

Pyr. Sethe, K. Die altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte, 4 vols., Leipzig (1908-22)

Quenbete et


Allam S. Quenbete et administration autonome = RIDA., 42 (1995)

Quibb.Saqq. Quibell, J.E. Excavations at Saqqara, 6 vols., Cairo (1907-23)

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egyptologiques, livraisons 9-11, Paris (1877-7). The plates run

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RAD Gardiner, A.H. Ramesside Administrative Documents, (1948)

RB Revue Biblique, Paris



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Regular Titles Quirke S. The Regular Titles of the Late Middle Kingdom = R.d’E., 37

(1986), 109

Rekh. Newberry, P.E. The Life of Rekhmara, London (1900)

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Edit. Byron E. Shafer

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Martin-Pardey E. Richten im Alten Reich und die st-Beamten = Essays in

Egyptology in Honor of Hans Goedicke, 157 ff.

RIDA Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antique, Brussels

Rifeh Tombs of Rifeh, quoted by tomb number and line, as published by

F.Ll.Griffith, The Inscriptions of Siut and Der Rifeh, London


Rouge, Inscr. de Rouge, J. Inscriptions et notices recueillies a Edfou,(1880)

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Leprohon R.J. Royal Ideology and State Administration in Pharaonic Egypt, 279

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A.M. Middle-Egyptian Stories Part I, being Bibliotheca

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SAE Service des Antiques de l’Egypte, Cairo

SAK Studien zur Altaegyptischen Kultur, Hamburg

SAR Lurie Studien zum altaegyptischen Recht des 16. bis 10. Jahrhunderts

v.u.Z, in Forschungen zum roemischen Recht, 30, (1971)

SASAE Supplements aux Annales du Service des Antiquites de l’Egypte

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Sebekn. Tylor, J.J. The Tomb of Sebeknekht, in Wall Drawings and Monuments of El

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Semnah Disp. Smither, P.C. The Semnah Dispatches, JEA XXXI, (1945)



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Egypt ; “The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant” = JNES., 51 (1992), 1

– 18

Simpson Polygamy . Simpson W.K Polygamy in Egypt in the Middle Kingdom = JEA., 60 (1974), 100

– 105

Sinai Gardiner, A.H. and Peet,


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koeniglichen Museen zu Berlin BD.V), Leipzig (1909). The

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F.Ll.Griffith, The Inscriptions of Siut and Der Rifeh, London


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Terre et Dépendance Menu B. Terre et Dépendance en Égypte ancienne = Dialogues d’histoire

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Teti Pyramid Firth C.M. & Gunn B. Excavations at Saqqara. Teti Pyramid Cemetaries, (1926)

Teti, Cemet Firth, C.M. and Gunn, B. Teti Pyramid Cemeteries, (1926)

TGHS Brunner, H. Die Texte aus den Graebern der Heracleoplitenzeit von Siut, 1937

Th.T.S. De Garies Davies, N. and

Gardiner, A.H.

Theban Tomb Series, edited by Norman de G.Davies and Alan

H.Gardiner, London, Egypt Exploration Fund (Society), 1915-26.

Vol. I, The Tomb of Amenemhet, by Nina de G.Davies and Alan

H.Gardiner; Vol. II, The Tomb of Antefoker and of his wife Senet,

by Norman and Nina de Garis Davies; Vol. III, The Tombs of Two

Officials of Tuthmosis IV, by Norman and Nina de Garis Davies;

Vol. IV, The Tomb of Huy, by Nina de Garis Davies and Alan


The Hebrew Book of


see Simpson, D.C

The jnw - Tax Bleiberg E. The King’s Privy Purse During the New Kingdom: An

Examination of the jnw = JARCE 21 (1984), 155 f.1111

The Six Temples Petrie, W.M.F. Six Temples at Thebes, London, (1897)

The Teachings of


see Simpson, D.C

Theban Tombs Gardiner A.H., Weigall


A Topographical Catalogue of Private Tombs at Thebes

Time & Work Kadish G.E. Observations on Time and Work Discipline in Ancient Egypt =

Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson (1996)

Tombs at Thebes Saleh Three Old Kingdom tombs at Thebes, (1977)

TR Peet, E.T. The Great Tomb-Robberies of the Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty,




Turin Stelae quoted by the numbers given in A.Fabretti, F.Rossi and

R.V.Lanzone, Regio Museo di Torina, 2 vols, Turin (1882-8)

Turin Strike Papyrus RAD, 45

Turin Taxation Pap. RAD, 35

UMR Sethe, K. Urkunden des Mittleren Reiches, 1935

Unt. Sethe, K. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Aegyptens, 7

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UPAR Martin Pardey, E. Untersuchungen zur aegyptischen Provinzialverwaltung bis zum

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vols, Leipzig 1906-9; Section V, H.Grapow, Religioese Urkunden,

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URK., 18 Dynastie Helck W. Urkunden der 18 Dynastie

URK., I Sethe K. Urkunden des Alten Reichs (1903)

URK., IV Sethe K. Urkunden der 18 Dynastie (1906)

VA Varia Aegyptiaca, San Antonio Texas

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VDI Vestnik Drevnej Istorij, Moscow

Verwaltung Helck, W. Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reiches, (1958)

Verwaltung des A.R Andrassy P. Zur Struktur der Verwaltung des Alten Reiches = ZAS., 118

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Wien Wreszinski , W. Aegyptische Inschriften aus dem K.K.Hofmuseum in Wien,

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Wilckers Wilckers, V. Griechische Ostraca aus Aegypten und Nubien

Wolf, Bewaffnung Wolf, W. Die Bewaffnung des altaegyptischen Heeres, Leipzig (1926)

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Work Organization

in the N.K.

Eyre C.J. Work and the Organisation of Work in the New Kingdom = M.A.

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Studies 1987)

xntyw-S im A.R. Andrassy P. Die xntyw-S im Alten Reich = Aegyptisch Tempelstruktur

Funktion und Programm.

ZAS Zeitschrift fuer aegyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde

Zur Struktur der


Andrassy P. Zur Struktur der Verwaltung des Alten Reiches = ZAS 118 (1991)

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