bengali proverb with english translation-140704183320-phpapp02

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  • 7/13/2019 Bengali Proverb With English Translation-140704183320-Phpapp02


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    No smoke without fire.

    Nothing can come out of nothing.

    Where there is smoke, there is fire.

    Black will take no other hue.

    An Ethiopian will not change his skin.

    Ones own nature remains unchanged.

    An empty vessel sounds much.

    Too much indulgence, spoils a child.

    Spare the rod, spoil the child.
  • 7/13/2019 Bengali Proverb With English Translation-140704183320-Phpapp02


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    Every fox must pay his skin to the furrier.

    Too much cunning overreaches itself.

    Too much cunning undoes.

    Pride goeth (goes) before destruction.

    Pride will have a fall.

    Pride has its fall.

    Pride will have a fall.

    High winds blow on high hills.

    Too much courtesy, too much craft.

    Too much courtesy, full of craft.

    Care killed the cat.

    To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

    Grasp all, loose all.

    All covet, all lost.

    What is done, cannot be


    Bygone is bygone.

    Past is past.

    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

    () Let bygones be bygones.

    Past is past.

    Money is the root of all evils.

    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    Penny wise, pound foolish.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    What is everybodys business is nobodys business.
  • 7/13/2019 Bengali Proverb With English Translation-140704183320-Phpapp02


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    The more, the merrier.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    Perseverance begets success.

    Half truth is more frightening than falsehood.

    Every shoe fits not every foot.

    It takes time to get used to things.

    Quit not certainty for hope.

    Dont exchange substance for shadow.

    Practice makes a man perfect.

    David and Jonathon.

    Pair of devoted friend.

    Pair of devoted friend.

    David and Jonathon.

    Day and night are alike to

    a blind man.

    Day and night must be alike to the blind.

    Day and night are alike to a blind man.

    Day and night must be alike to the blind.

    A figure among cyphers.


    Waste not, want not.

    Dont poke your nose into the affairs of others.

    Arthur could not tame a womans tongue.

    None can control a womans tongue.

    Cut your coat according to your cloth.
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    Necessity knows no law.

    An old bird is not to be caught with chaff.

    Habit is the second nature.

    Discretion is the better part of valour.

    To cry in the wilderness

    Let us enjoy while in liesure.

    /Indolence is the mother of poverty.

    The indolent can never thrive.

    A sleeping fox catches no poultry.

    A little learning is a dangerous thing.

    Shallow knowledge turns ones head.

    Ill got ill spent.

    A friend in need is a fr

    iend indeed.

    Empty vessels sound much.

    Too much talk ends nothing.

    The pen is mightier than the sword.


    Pride goeth (goes) before destruction.
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    Bright gem in a dark cave.

    An ignoble person can never continue in a noble company.

    Ambition has no rest.

    Empty vessels sound much.

    Build castle in the air.

    He who spits against the wind spits against the own face.

    Handsome is he that handsome does.

    All weeds grow apace.

    Charity begins at home.

    Grapes are sour.

    One blames what one cannot


    ()A man is not man until he has a son.

    Necessity knows no evil.

    The pot calls the kettle black.

    Saucepan should not call the kettle black.

    Know thyself.

    - , -

    To the pure all things are pure.
  • 7/13/2019 Bengali Proverb With English Translation-140704183320-Phpapp02


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    Blood is thicker than water.

    Every dog is a lion at home.

    Oil your own machine.

    Mind your own business.

    Let well alone.

    Dont poke your nose into the affairs of others.

    Know thyself.

    Even a fool knows his business.

    Self preservation is the first law of nature.

    He who has nothing to spare must not keep a dog.

    The needy should not be lavish of their gifts.

    Dont beat around (about) the bush- get to

    the point.

    You cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

    , We live in deeds, not in years.

    Cut your coat according to your cloth.

    Spend within your means.

    ?A thing begun is half done.

    Well begun is half done.

    The nearer the church, the further from God.

    Interest is sweeter than the Principal.
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    Soon ripe, soon rotten.

    High winds blow on high hills.

    Morning shows the day.

    The morning shows the day.

    Child is father to the man.

    , To act on the spur of the moment.

    A thing begun is half done.

    Well begun is half done.

    Ill got, ill spent.

    The boot is on the wrong le


    One doth the scathe, and another hath the scorn.

    () Nothing venture, nothing have.

    Example is better than precept.

    To cast pearls before swine.

    Cast pearl before swine.

    Pearls before swine.
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    --- He does not know the ABC of this subject.

    To kill two birds with one stone.

    A penny saved is a penny earned.

    One flower makes no garland.

    One shallow does not make a summer.

    To blow hot and cold in the same breath.

    It takes two to make a quarrel.

    Both are to blame in a quarrel.

    One mans meat is anothers poison.

    What is good for some people, very oft

    en in bad for others.

    Unity is strength.

    , United will stand, divided will fall.

    Unity is strength, disruption is ruin.

    If at first try you don't succeed, try, try again!

    , On the one hand ..

    To add fuel to the fire.

    To add fuel to the fire.

    Better late than never.
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    One mans meat is anothers poison.

    What is good for some people, very often is bad for others.

    ,! Saucepan should not call the kettle black.

    Alls well that ends well.

    , Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

    Fine words butter no parsnips.

    Action speaks louder than words.

    What cannot be cured must be e


    One must submit to the inevitable.

    What cannot be cured must be endured.

    One must submit to the inevitable.

    Being unnecessarily flashy is pointless.

    An Ethiopian will not change his skin.

    Ones own nature remains unchanged.

    Do or die.

    , Out of debt, out of danger.

    The masters will is law.
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    No pains, no gain.

    Strive and you will win.

    No pains, no gain.

    Strive and you will win.

    To be spoiled in early youth.

    , To bend the tree while it is tender.

    Too much indulgence spoils a child.

    A pet lamb makes a cross ram.

    No pains, no gain.

    Strive and you will win.

    Using a thorn to remove a thorn.

    To set a thief to catch a thief.

    One poison is antidote against another po


    One thorn drives away another.

    One nail drives out another.

    Like cures like.

    One thorn drives away another.

    One raven will not pluck anothers eyes.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    He who gets easy, loses easy.

    ()Slow of work but quick to eat.

    Catch at the shadow and lose the substance.

    , When the danger is gone, God is forgotten.

    We leave God alone when we are safe from danger.
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    To get ride of one who has served the purpose.

    A pet lamb makes a cross ram.

    To slay the slain.

    To tread on a crushed worn.

    To pour water on a drowned mouse.

    To break a bruised deer.

    To add insult to injury.

    Let sleeping dogs lie.

    Given the one, the other will follow.

    The fool strays from the safe path.

    Appearances are deceptive.

    , Physician, heal thyself.

    The cobbler should stick to his last.

    There is no account for taste.


    What is everybodys business is nobodys business.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    No smoke without fire.

    Nothing can come out of nothing.

    Every effect must have a cause.

    Where there is smoke, there is fire.

    , Neither a borrower, nor a lender be.

    , What is sport to the cat is death to the rat.

    Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

    , One's harvest month, is another's complete devastation.
  • 7/13/2019 Bengali Proverb With English Translation-140704183320-Phpapp02


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    One mans meat is another mans poison.

    What is sport to the cat is death to the rat.

    Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

    To count ones chickens before they are hatched.

    To sound the trumpet before victory.

    To pocket an insult.

    The indolent can never thrive.

    Indolence is the mother of poverty.

    - Bad news runs fast.

    Bad news spreads very fast.

    Bad (ill) news run faster than the air.

    Give him an inch and he will take an ell.

    Give no chance to an intruder.

    Habit is the second nature.

    - Better alone than an evil company.

    Better an empty house than

    an ill tenant.

    No man is bonr wise.

    Heart alone buys heart.

    A cat has nine lives.


    To get without spending.

    Rome was not built in a day.

    Worthwhile achievement takes time and perseverance.

    We leave God alone when we are safe from danger.

    When the danger is gone, God is forgotten.
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    Forgive and forget.

    Forgiveness is a great virtue.

    Hungry is the best sauce.

    Hungry gives taste to foods.

    Hungry is a great appetizer.

    Hungry is the best sauce.

    Hungry gives taste to foods.

    Hungry is a great appetizer.

    Hungry dogs will eat dirty pudding.

    A hungry fox is an angry fox.

    To search for a nibble in a bottle

    of hay.

    He that waits to beat a fog will easily find a stick.

    , , Go further and fare worse.

    He made himself worse by trying to better his future.

    Wait and see.

    To bring an calamity by ones own imprudence.

    Empty vessels sound much.

    Murder will out.
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    Give him an inch and he will take an ell.

    Give no chance to an intruder.

    Good news is good, even it is proves false.

    One is not so soon healed as hurt.

    It is easy to pull down than build.

    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

    Let bygones be bygones.

    Past is past.

    Let the dead past bury its dead.

    Still water run deep.

    What cannot be cured must be endured.

    Nobody listen to the advice o

    f an ordinary man however good it may prove in the long run.

    To rob Peter to rob Paul.

    Rob Peter to rob Paul.

    To benefit one at the expense of another.

    Eaten bread is soon forgotten.


    Practice makes a man perfect.

    When the danger is gone, God is forgotten.

    Give a dog a bad name and hung him.

    We leave God alone when we are safe from danger.

    A self-constituted leader.
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    Fool to others, himself a sage.

    A fool to others, to himself a sage.

    To count ones chickens before they are hatched.

    To sound the trumpet before victory.

    Do not count your chickeds before they are hatched.

    To count ones chickens before they are hatched.

    , To reap the double advantage.

    , The ass of a king is still but an ass.

    Rumour spreads very fast.

    Rumour is a great traveller.

    A prophet is not honoured in his own country.

    Familiarity breeds contempt.

    Console a person after undoing him.

    Heaping of sorrow upon sorr


    Familiarity breeds contempt.

    No rose without thorns.

    There is no unmixed good.

    There are less to every wine.

    No pains, no gain.

    Strive and you will win.

    Beggars must not be choosers.
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    A burnt child always fears (dreads) the fire.

    Once bitten twice shy.

    Experiance teaches us caution.

    Wash ones dirty linen in public.

    To work for others without remuneration.

    A serpent under the flower.

    Killer in the house.

    Fifth columnist.

    , You must not see things with half an eye.

    You are after the honeycomb but have forgotten t

    he bees.

    Let sleeping dogs lie.

    The indolent can never thrive.

    Indolence is the mother of poverty.

    The indolent can never thrive.

    Indolence is the mother of poverty.

    As the boy, so the man.

    Give him an inch and he will take an ell.

    Give no chance to an intruder.

    To put the curt before the horse.
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    All that glitters is not gold.

    Trust not appearance.

    All seems yellow to the jaundiced eye.

    Practice makes a man perfect.

    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

    No rose without thorns.

    There is no unmixed good.

    There are less to every wine.

    Every man is for himself.

    Everyone for himself.

    Everyone looks after his own interest.

    ,, The pot calls kettle black.

    Soucepan should not call the

    kettle black.

    Prevention is better than cure.

    , Stealing is beneficial untill being caught.

    Nothing like stealing if it goes undetected.

    Good wine needs no bush.

    A known man needs no recommendation.

    Nothing venture, nothing have.

    Try your best, and you will win.

    Man can do everything.

    Eyes cannot see themselves.
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    The eyes are the window of the soul.

    , Out of sight, out of mind.

    Absence begets forgetfulness.

    To lock (shut) the stable-door when the steed is stolen.

    To be wise after the event.

    After death comes the doctor.

    , He runs with the hare and hunts with the hunts.

    Birds of a same feather, flock together.

    Like draws like.

    The devil would not listen to the scriptures.

    You cannot reform a rogue.

    As is the party so is the witnesses.

    To get ride of one who has s

    erved the purpose.

    What is fit for what.

    It is not the hood that makes the monk.

    A little leak will sink a great.

    Give him an inch and he will take an ell.

    Sue a beggar and get a bush.

    To build castle in the air.

    Dont nag me, and leave me in peace.
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    Childs plaything.

    A little leak will sink a great.

    Between the devil and the deep sea.

    I am between scylla and charybdes.

    Between two fires.

    Nothing succeeds like success.

    Success leads to success.

    Perversity brings losses.

    God never sends mouth, but sends meat.

    Life is but a walking shadow.

    Might is right.

    Knowledge is power.

    Knowledge rules the world.

    Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

    To add fuel to the fire.
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    All criminals turn preacher when under the gallows.

    -, Saucepan should not call the kettle black.

    Punish ones innocent daughter to correct the faults of ones daughter-in-law.

    To teach the guilty a lesson by railing at the innocent.

    Nothing venture, nothing have.

    No risk no gain.

    Make the best of an opportunity.

    Stick the iron while it is hot.

    Make hay while the sunshine.

    As the wind blows, you must set your sail.


    Riches have wings.

    Money makes a man.

    Money is the second God.

    Money can solve any problem.

    Moodiness is common feature of growing up.

    Money makes everything.

    Money begets money.

    Money makes money.

    Lend your money and loss your friend.
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    Riches have wings.

    Money makes the mare go.

    If you are too particular about a thing, you get it all wrong.

    ? A guilty mind is always suspicious.

    Learn by experience.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    What is everybodys business is nobodys business.

    A cat in a mesh calls the mouse its brother.

    What cannot be cured must be endured.

    Nothing like force.

    A cat in a mesh calls the mouse its


    Fingers were made before forks.

    Over dependence on technological devices may make us forgetful of our own natural power.

    Between a rock and a hard place.

    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    Much cry and little wool.

    Much a do about nothing.

    Penny wise, pound foolish.

    A reckless man comes by a violent death.
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    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    Much cry and little wool.

    Much a do about nothing.

    Penny wise, pound foolish.

    , A carpet knight.

    Tit for tat.

    Habit is the second nature.

    Sword makes a man soldier.

    Haste makes waste.

    Haste makes waste.

    Long title but little purse.

    Appearance is deceptive.

    He can hardly keep the wolf from the door.

    It is not the hood that makes a monk.

    To make a mountain of a molehill.

    Magnify trifles.

    Dont raise a tempest in a ten pot.
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    , What eill be will be.

    What is lotted cannot be blotted.

    To carry coal to Newcastle.

    Help one who needs no help.

    Oh the times! Oh the manners.

    The old merry times are no more.

    First deserve then desire.

    Only must not to desire also to be deserved.

    Flattery is the food of fools.

    Better alone than in bad company.

    - , - Old wine in new bottles.

    To be abashed.


    ?Love conquers all.

    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    Much cry and little wool.

    Much a do about nothing.

    Penny wise, pound foolish.

    Jack of all trades, but master of none.

    The opinion of the majority may turn a good man into a devil.
  • 7/13/2019 Bengali Proverb With English Translation-140704183320-Phpapp02


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    , Two heads are btter than one.

    Many a little makes a mickle.

    , The poor seeks food, the rich appetite.

    The poor man seeks for food, the rich man for appetite.

    Blessings are not valued till they are gone.

    We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

    / We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

    Blessings are not valued till they are gone.

    Long tittle but little purse.

    Apperance is deceptive.

    , Make hay while sun shines.

    Strike while the iron is hot.

    Procrastination is the thief of time.


    Too is company, three is no


    , A husband with wives can never be happy.

    ?No pains, no gains.

    There is no rose without a thorn.

    Strive and you will win.

    No pains, no gains.

    There is no rose without a thorn.

    Adversity often leads to prosperity.

    After clouds comes fair weather.

    ( ) Bad news runs fast.
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    To cherish a serpent in ones bosom.

    To be satisfied with an inferior substitute.

    Adversity often leads to prosperity.

    Better an empty house than an evil company.

    Better an empty house than an ill tenant.

    Better alone than an evil company.

    Blue are the hills that are fur from us.

    Even walls have ears.

    Look before you leap.

    Think before you act.

    Moodiness is a common feature of grow


    It is never too late to mend.

    The guilty mind needs no accuser.

    Virtue has its own reward.

    Brave actions never need a trumpet.

    Give a dog a bad name and hung him.

    To be imperfect educated.

    -To beat about the bush.Saying something totally irrelevant to the present occasion.

    , ()A man in debt is caught in net.
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    The indolent can never thrive.

    Indolence is the mother of poverty.

    A sleeping fox catches no poultry.

    Good value for ready money.

    , New lords, new laws.

    , Blue are the hills that are fur from us.

    (/) , If a man does not attain wisdom at the age of forty, he nev

    er be wise.

    There is many a slip between a cup and the lip.

    Something is better than nothing.

    A one-eyed uncle is better than no uncle at all.

    Half a loaf is better than no bread.

    A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

    An inefficient man complains of circumstances.

    , A spectator of bad deeds feels shame, but not the doer of it.

    Many men, many minds.

    As many men, so many minds.

    All feet tread not in one shoe.

    Self preservation is the first law of nature.

    To the pure all things are pure.

    Deaths day is the dooms day.

    Know thyself.
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    Oil your own machine.

    Mind your own business.

    Comment your own post.

    Let well alone.

    Dont poke your nose into the affairs of others.

    All his geese are swans.

    Ones own things are the best.

    To blow ones trumpet.

    To indulge in ones praise.

    Eyes cannot see themselves.

    None sees ones own falts.

    To cut off ones nose to spite ones face.

    Act out of malice to ones injury.

    To dig one's own grave.

    To indulge in ones praise.

    To blow ones trumpet.


    Sausage for the master, beef steak for the dog.

    Even a fool knows his business.

    He who has nothing to spare must not keep a dog.

    The needy should not be lavish of their gifts.

    Even a fool knows his business.

    All his geese are swans.

    Ones own things are the best.

    Sweet is the wine, but sour is the payment.
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    After meat comes mustard.

    Hunger waits for no delicacy.

    Let us enjoy while in leasure.

    , One who makes excuses when one is to part with anything.

    A pauper has nothing to loss.

    Beggar may sing before a pick-pocket.

    A burnt child (dreads) fears the fire.

    Experience teaches us caution.

    ()All seems yellow to the jaundiced (eye).

    To a biased mind everything is in fault.

    Empty vessels sound much.

    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    Empty vessels sound m


    , If the cap fits, wear it.

    , Look before you leap.

    Think before you act.

    A serpent under the flower.

    Much ado about nothing.

    Many a penny makes a pound.

    Many a little makes a mickle.
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    Diligence is the mother of good luck.

    Industry is the mother of success.

    Cleanliness is next to godliness.

    No one knows the weight of anothers burner.

    One beats the bush, another catches the bied.

    One sows another reaps.

    Harm watch, harm catch.

    To make a cats paw of a person.

    You cant catch an old bird with chaff.

    None but a fool is always right.

    , A mad man and an animal have no diff


    None but a fool is always right.

    The grasp are sour.

    One blames what one cannot get.

    Every sin carries its own punishment.

    The wages of sin is death.

    Ill got, ill spent.

    Virtur is never unpaid.

    Virtue is its own reward.

    Old habits die hard.
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    All that is old is not bad.

    Old is gold.

    Pain is forgotten where gain follows.

    Quit not certainty for hope.

    Dont exchange substance for shadow.

    The grasp are sour.

    One blames what one cannot get.

    All are not saint that go to church.

    Trust not appearance.

    It is not the hood that makes the monk.

    Nothing venture, nothing have.

    What cant be cured must be endured.

    Necessity knows no law.

    Necessity is the mother of i


    Love is blind.

    One may fall in love with anybody.

    Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind.

    Love conquers all.

    Love conquers all.

    All is fair in love and war.

    , Love is blind.

    One may fall in love with anybody.

    Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind.
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    A tree is known by its fruits.

    ( )We leave God alone when we are safe from danger.

    When the danger is gone, God is forgotten.

    There is no rose without thorn.

    Great boast, small roast.

    Penny wise, pound foolish.

    Lowliness is young ambitions ladder.


    Self help is the best help.

    Self help is the best hel


    ,, If a man does not attain wisdom at the age of forty, he never be wise.

    , Easier said than done.

    It is easy to say something but it is difficult to perform it.

    Give him an inch and he will take an ell.

    Give no chance to an intruder.

    Much cry and little wool.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    Too many helpers make a mess of the things.
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    The nearer the church, the further from God.

    , Like father, like son.

    - The parents life is the child copybook.

    A superabundance of occasions for celebrations.

    , When the cat is away, the mice will play.

    The chip is tougher than the old block.

    Think before you act.

    Look before you leap.

    , Fools rush in where angels fear in tread.

    , Art is long, life is short.

    When God wills, all will brings rain.

    Many a drops make a show


    Drops of water make the ocean.

    No smoke without fire.

    Nothing can come out of nothing.

    Where there is smoke, there is fire.

    Prevention is better than cure.

    Misfortunes come in battalions.

    Misfortune never comes alone.

    Misfortune seldom comes singly.

    All criminals turn preacher when under the gallows.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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    Sweet are the uses of adversity.

    Suffering is the test of virtue.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Virtue thrives best in adversity.

    Suffering is the test of virtue.

    ,Sweet are the uses of adversity.

    , Before you marry, be sure of a house where into tarry.

    Think twice before you take a risk.

    Before you marry, be sure of a house where into tarry.

    Think twice before you take a risk.

    Justice delayed is justice denied.

    Delays are dangerous.

    Faith will move mountains.

    Faith will move mountains.

    A serpent under the flo


    Like cures like.

    One poison is antidote against another poison.

    One thorn drives away another.

    Fortune favours the brave.

    ? A tree in known by its fruit.

    , Little birds may peck a dead lion.

    Much a do about nothing.

    Too much fun and little are done.
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    Familiarity breeds contempt.

    Familiarity breeds contempt.

    A fool cannot be silent.

    All fool laughs when others laugh.

    He laughs best who laughs last.

    Fools laugh ten times.

    Failure are but pillars of success.

    Failure is the pillar of success.

    Manners make the man.

    Manners make the man.

    Still waters run deep.

    Harm watch, harm catch.

    To be over-cautious is to be trapped.

    Brothers will part.

    What belongs to all belongs to none.

    Everybodys business is nobodys business.

    An ass that is a common property, is always worst saddled.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    Fortune favours the brave.
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    Fortune favours the brave.

    , Who lost his wife can marry; who lost his cows can do nothing.

    What is lotted cant be blotted.

    What is lotted cant be blotted.

    What is lotted cant be blotted.

    Lost credit is like a broken glass.

    Look before you leap.

    Think before you act.

    , Look before you leap.

    Think before you act.

    Love is blind.

    One may fall in love with anybody.

    Love looks not with eyes, but w

    ith the mind.

    Virtue is its own rewarded.

    () Civility costs nothing.

    Honesty costs nothing.

    Its a cunning part part to play the fool well.

    A good beginning is half the battle.

    Beggars must not be choosers.

    None can prosper by begging.

    To stir up a hornets nest.
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    Cowards die many times before their death.

    Too err is human.

    Even the saints sometimes err.

    None but a fool is always right.

    It is natural for man to make mistakes.

    The nearer the church, the further from God.

    He who gets easy, loses easy.

    Do or die.

    Risk all to win.

    Death keeps no time.

    Virtue is paid after death..

    Blessings are not valued till they are


    We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

    Call no man happy till he dies.

    Call no man happy till he dies.

    To add insult to injury.

    To break a butterfly on a wheel.

    To take a hammer to spread a paster.

    Greak minds think alike.

    To get without spending.

    A beggar can never bankrupt.

    Bachelors wives and maids children are always well taught.
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    Brevity is the soul of wit.

    Habit is the second God.

    Habit is the second nature.

    Man is the architect of his own fortune.

    Nature goes adverse to men.

    To err is human.

    Even the saints sometimes err.

    None but a fool is always right.

    It is natural for man to make kistakes.

    () Man can do everything.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    Absence begets forgetfulness.

    Too much courtesy, too much craft.

    Dont teach your grandmothe

    r to suck egg.

    The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

    Mother influences the child and through him the world at large.

    , Pitch your aim high.

    A lier ought to have a good memory.

    Fair (fine) words butter no parsnips.

    Sweet laugh same to love.

    Sweet laugh is a sign of love.

    Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
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    The blind leading the blind.

    Face is the indicator of mind.

    ,A honey tongue, a heart of gall.

    , Great talkers are little doers.

    To err is human.

    Even the saints sometimes err.

    None but a fool is always right.

    It is natural for man to make kistakes.

    Death keeps no calendar.

    ?Who is to bell the cat?

    One shower does not make a summer.

    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    Silence gives consent.

    Silence is a sign of consent.

    Silence gives consent.

    Silence is a sign of consent.
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    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    The more, the merrier.

    More haste, less speed.

    All are blaming nobody.

    After sweetmeat comes sour sauce.

    , A drowning man catches at a straw.

    While there is life, there is hope.

    Hope springs eternel in the human breath.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    When in Rome, do as Romans do.

    Rumour has some elem

    ent of truth in it.

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

    Less love, more censure.

    Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee.

    Keep your shop and your shop will keep you.

    The cobbler should stick to his last.

    Harm watch, harm catch.

    , The more they get, the more they want.
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    The more one has, the more one desires.

    Plenty is the father of want.

    The wearer (best) knows where the shoe pinches.

    None but the sufferer knows his trouble.

    , One beats the bush, another catches the bird.

    One sows another reaps.

    Be true to your salt.

    The wearer (best) knows where the shoe pinches.

    None but the sufferer knows his trouble.

    , One may fall in love with anybody.

    Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

    , Those who make sword shall perish by the sword.

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

    Less love, more censure.


    Harm watch, harm catch.

    None so blind as those that will not see.

    , When in Rome, do as Romans do.

    , Those who make sword shall perish by the sword.

    Distance lends enchantment to the view.

    He who gets the power misuses it.

    Danger often comes where danger is feared.

    As you sow, so you reap.
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    As you brew, so you drink.

    As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

    As is the evil, so is the remedy.

    , When in Rome, do as Romans do.

    , Like father, like son.

    , As is the evil, so is the remedy.

    Like master, loke man.

    Blood is thicker than water.

    Many a little makes a mickle.

    Many a penny makes a pound.


    God favours, all favour.


    While the kings make war, the civilians die.

    Light alternates with darkness.

    Joy and sorrow come by turn.

    Trust not appearances.

    Good value for ready money.

    After death comes the doctor.

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    Rome was not biolt in a day.
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    Fortune is fickle.

    Riches have wings.

    Those who live in glass-houses should not pelt stones at others.

    Give no chance to an intruder.

    Give him an inch and he will take an ell.

    Nunky pays.

    , Nunky pays.

    Might is right.

    The pen is mightier than the sword.

    A jest driven hard, loses its pain.


    Avarice leads to vice, vice le

    ads to death.

    In greed is sin, in sin is death.

    Tit for tat.

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. (arab)

    Give the devil his due.

    We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.

    (), Fish and visitors smell in three days.
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    Hide in superficial way.

    To try to hush something up, when it already known to many.

    Spare the rod spoil the child.

    A tree is known by its fruit.

    ? Learn by experience.

    Fair (fine) words butter no parsnips.

    Empty vessals sound much.

    Too much talk ends nothing.

    Build castle in the air.

    Well begun is half done.

    A thing begun is half done.

    Delays are dangerous.

    Alls well that ends well.

    He laughs best who laughs


    Alls well that ends well.

    He laughs best who laughs last.
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    What suits one may not suit another.

    What is sauce for the gander is not the sauce for the goose.

    What suits one may not suit another.

    What is sauce for the gander is not the sauce for the goose.

    A man is known by the company he keeps.

    Virtue is never unpaid.


    Honesty is the best policy.

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

    Less love, more censure.

    Truth will out.

    ()Success leads to success.

    Jack of all trades, but master of none.

    Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

    Patience has its reward.

    All things come to him who waits.

    Time and tide wait for none.

    Time loss is the great loss.

    Strike iron while it is hot.

    Time is money.
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    Time cures more than a doctor.

    A stitch in time saves nine.

    A drop in the ocean.

    A drop in the ocean.

    Honour is love in silence.

    , At irremediable state.

    Live and let live.

    Be tolerant.

    , If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.

    Honesty is the best policy.

    The cautious suffer no loss.

    Safe bind, safe find.

    To be forewarned is to be for


    Fortune favours the brave.

    Nothing venture, nothing have.

    Light alternates with darkness.

    Joy and sorrow come by turn.


    Every dog has his day.

    All our sweetest hours fly fastest.

    Strike iron while it is hot.

    Strike while the iron is hot.

    He who gets power misuses it.
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    Make hay while the sun shins.

    Make the best of an opportunity.

    As the wind blows, you must set your sail.

    , !! A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    , Oh the times! Oh the manners.

    The old merry times are no more.

    To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

    A womans advice leads to unhappy result.

    A rolling stone gathers no moss.

    Call a spade a spade.

    Speak plain and spare none.

    Better to reign (rule) in hell than to serve

    in heaven.

    A leopard cant/ doesnt change its spots.

    One cant change ones nature.

    Cheap goods are dear in the long run.

    Self help is the best help.

    () God helps those who help themselves.

    God favours those who spare no pairs.
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    A painting dog cannot be a hunting dog.

    The cat is out of the bag.

    To wash ones dirty linen in public.

    , Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

    , A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    The shaft once shot does not return.

    What is done cannot be undone.

    The die is cast.

    Ill got ill spent.

    , One does not know whether to laugh or weep.
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