beat it! procrastination

Post on 08-May-2017






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5 STEPS to

Do you ...

Answer emails while on the phone?

Bring your laptop to meetings and pretend to take notes?

Send texts while walking?

Eat lunch at your desk?

Multitasking is distraction

Distraction is procrastination

Why do you procrastinate?

Too much choice?

Gravity of habit?

Can’t focus?

Time to

Here’S HOW

Focus without interruption Crosshair

Designed by Jonathan Danger Granger 2012

Things like...

Allocate “work” time in your day —

Let your workmates know your plan

Set a start and stop time

Schedule your “work” time into

45-60 minute sessions —

Set an alarm on your computer or phone to notify you when time is up

Do this...

Block disruptions

Do this...

Find a quiet space to work —

Close your office door (if you have one) —

Use earphones

Resist distractions

Do this...

Close your email —

Focus on the task at hand —

Know you have a set stop time

Take regular breaks

Every hour...

Take a walk to the other side of the office —

Get a drink or some refreshments —

Do a few stretches


That’s how to

That’s how to

Want more?

We need heroes

at work

We need


We’ll show you how!

Get your

Image credits

Slide 2: Telephone Ricardo Moreira, from The Noun Project

Laptop Sam Ahmed , from The Noun Project

Slide 4: Meeting Olivier Guin, from the Noun Project

Slide 5: NFC Phone Andrew Forrester , from the Noun Project

Slide 6: Fast Food Jinju Jang, from the Noun Project

Architect Augusto Zamperlini, from the Noun Project

Slide 10: Confused Adam Gale , from the Noun Project

Slide 11: Refresh Mourad Mokrane, from the Noun Project

Slide 12: No Photography Simon Child, from the Noun Project

Slide 16: Crosshair Jonathan Danger Granger , from the Noun Project

Slide 19: Stopwatch Monika Ciapala , from the Noun Project

Slide 22: Road Barrier United Nations OCHA , from the Noun Project

Slide 25: Reminder Andy Omer Knapp , from the Noun Project

Slide 28: Walk James Thoburn , from the Noun Project

Slide 38: Click Rohan Gupta, from the Noun Project

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