be more social media savvy

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Offices were once crammed full of people writing by hand and

making telephone calls. Things were quite slow, maybe more


Typewriters became commonplace and enabled a level of

formality and efficiency as we drove toward our need for speed.

And can you imagine the revelation when facsimile (fax) was


And when email was first introduced in to the workplace… Well.

There would be a solitary special ‘email computer’ where a

designated person would log on periodically during the day, print

out the emails and hand them out. Imagine that!

Pope’s inauguration 2005 vs. 2013.

The average person reportedly unlocks their phone over 110

times a day…

So attached to these devices that in the UK approximately 20% of

road traffic accidents are mobile phone related…

We live in a world of socially awkward dilemmas. …

And separation loss can be hashtag #traumatic…

Apparently, $178 billion in employee productivity is lost in the U.S.

annually due to internet misuse…

71% of marketers believe more has changed in the last 3 years

compared to the last 50 years. But have they..?

With an average 5 second attention span, we flick through an

incredible amount of information overwhelmed by choice, not

looking beneath the surface.

Afterall, Ain’t Nobody Got Time for Dat

Keeping it real is important…

And so is keeping it relevant.

Facts and figures alone don’t win over hearts and minds.

Its not about blasting out messages in to the ether hoping people

will respond anymore….

Its about talking about the issues, in your own words, showing

your passion and belief and helping to shift mindsets.

And knowing you can contribute in multiple ways. Sharing content,

ghost writing, showing thought leadership…

Follow this simple formula…

And remind people you exist and what you stand for.

And ask why! We have a lot to learn from children. Why do you

come to work? Why are we doing what we’re doing?

Ignorance is not bliss.

Don’t rely on being spoon fed information from the brand you work

for. It won’t come across as genuine - people will see through it.

Keep up to date,

redefine strategies,

try new things, don’t

stay behind.

Click the text above for a cool short film about the importance of

social media…

Be more social…


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