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Automated Detection of Counterfeit Consumer Goods using ProductInherent Features

Christian HORN1, Matthias BLANKENBURG1, Jorg KRUGER1

1IWF, Technische Universitat Berlin, Pascalstrasse 8, 10587,,

Abstract – It is a fact that counterfeiting jeopardizes the success of companies all over the world through violating intellectualproperty rights and causing enormous economic damage. Therefore it has become necessary for companies to secure their brandsagainst counterfeiting. Existing technologies for automated counterfeit detection include the application of additional securityfeatures like Data Matrix Codes or RFIDs added to the brand product itself which raises the costs of the product. This text shows anew approach to secure a brand product by detecting product inherent features gained through the production process and the usedmaterials.

1. IntroductionThe annual ”Report on EU customs enforcement of in-tellectual property rights” of the European Union in2012 [1] shows a continious upward trend in the numberof shipments suspected of violating intellectual prop-erty rights. As for the Year 2011 the value of detainedarticles and their equivalent genuine products is esti-mated to be over 1.2 billion euro. This number onlyincludes the value of products actually detained onlyat the european border. The OECD report ”The Eco-nomic Impact of counterfeiting and piracy” [2] of 2008estimates a total loss of 250 billion dollars in the year2007 worldwide1. The OECD report covers the anal-ysis of international trade in counterfeit and piratedproducts. These estimates do not include domesticallyproduced and consumed counterfeit and pirated digi-tal products being distributed via the Internet. If thesewere also considered, the magnitude of counterfeitingand piracy worldwide could be several hundred billiondollars more than previously thought, and this increas-ing trend is quite alarming.With the magnitude of counterfeiting and piracy inmind, these reports emphasize the need for more ef-fective enforcement to combat the counterfeiting andpiracy on the part of governments and businesses alike.A key component for this enforcement is the develop-ment of methods for automated counterfeit detection.

2. State-of-the-ArtCommon automated counterfeit detection methods re-quire nowadays additional security features at the prod-uct itself. Several methods have been developed, but

1In 2007 [1] states 43.671 cases compared to 91.254 cases in 2011

main advantages and disadvantages remain similar.Additional security features require further steps in pro-duction to add these features to the product. This raisesexpenses, manufacturing time and development efforts,which is clearly a disadvantage. On the other hand thesecurity is enhanced and an original brand is easy to de-tect in an automated fashion, since there is a specificfeature to look for. But this could also be a main disad-vantage, if the security feature itself is easy to reproduceand could be added to any forged product.

2.1. Artificial Security TagsThe Anthology ”Identification technologies to provideeffective protection against product piracy” [3] gives acomprehensive overview of the latest efforts in productprotection. A reasonably well studied approach is theextensive supervision of supply-chains. Here the appli-cation of RFID tags plays a significant role, as the latestform of artificial security tags, which can easily be in-tegrated with existing logistic chains. The applicationof Data Matrix Codes (DMC) is discussed as well as acost-effective alternative.

2.2. Usage of Product-Inherent FeaturesA novel approach to protect high-value products fromcounterfeiting is adopted in the project Inherent-ID [4],initiated by the Fraunhofer Cluster of Innovation ’Se-cure Identity Berlin-Brandenburg’ and elaborated bythe Department of Industrial Automation Technologyat Technische Universitat Berlin. The Project aimesto answer the question: Which inherent features allowseparation of genuine products from counterfeits in anautomated fashion? The motivation of this question isthe assumption that genuine products must differ in its

properties from its counterfeit, since the product piratetries to maximize its profit by using material of inferiorquality and misusing a trademark of a genuine manu-facturer to feint the customer. One result of the projectis that only a combination of features can detect coun-terfeits at a decent rate for different products.

3. The New Counterfeit Detection Ap-proach in Detail

Optical 2D and 3D characteristics as well as olfactorycharacteristics are combined with one another to serveas proof of product identity. They form the basis onwhich electronic certificates of authenticity can be is-sued without the need for complicated explicit secu-rity markings. The identity characteristics captured bythis range of sensors serve both for product identifica-tion and product authentication. At the same time thisalso offers opportunities for improving documentationof product flows in the supply chain. Within the scopeof Inherent ID is the successful establishment of a lab-oratory providing multi-modal measurement equipmentcomprising multigas sensor array for olfactory analysis,high resolution camera for texture analysis and stereovision, as well as range cameras for 3D feature ex-traction. Further research is conducted with the aimfor increasing robustness of the sole test methods espe-cially under ambiguous environments, integration intoportable devices, implementing sensor data fusion forincreased detection ratio, effortless integration into sup-ply chains and developing efficient data models for stor-age of various features depending on the regarded prod-uct.

3.1. TextureThe Image texture itself is defined as a function of thespatial variation of pixel intensities [5]. A textural sig-nature capable of capturing inherent features, and inparticular capable of coping with various changes in theenvironment would be highly suited to describing andrecognising image textures. Furthermore, the mathe-matical description of image texture should incorporate,identify and define the textural features that intuitivelyallow humans to differentiate between different tex-tures. Numerous methods have been designed, whichin the past have commonly utilised statistical models,however most of them are sensitive to changes in view-point and illumination conditions. For the purposes ofmobile counterfeit detection, it is clear that this wouldbe an important characteristic for the signature to have,as these conditions can not be entirely controlled. Re-cently a description method based on fractal geometryknown as the multifractal spectrum has grown in popu-larity and is now considered to be a useful tool in char-

Figure 1: Multi-Fractal-Spectra of texture of a textileproduct (top) and its counterfeit

acterising image texture. One of the most significantadvantages is that the multifractal spectrum is invariantto the bi-Lipschitz transform, which is a very generaltransform that includes perspective and texture surfacedeformations [6].Another advantage of Multrifractal Spectra is that it haslow dimension and is very efficient to compute in com-parison to other methods which achieve invariancy toviewpoint and illumination changes such as those de-tailed in [7, 8]. One of the key advantages of multi-fractal spectra, which is utilised here is that they can bedefined by many different categorisations or measures,which means that multiple spectra can be produced forthe same image.This is achieved through the use of filtering, wherebycertain filters are applied to enhance certain aspects ofthe texture, to create a new measure. Certain measuresare more or less invariant to certain transforms, and thecombination of a number of spectra achieves a greaterrobustness to these. An example given in figure 1.

3.2. Visual Object Recognition using ShapeOne distinguishable feature of brand products is theshape itself. Shape matching is a well studied topic andseveral publications can be found over the last 15 years.Feature-based approaches have become very popularsince some years in image analysis (2D) due to robust-ness and less computational effort compared to otherapproaches. In shape matching (3D) feature-based ap-proaches have been introduced more recently and aregaining popularity in shape retrieval applications for thesame reasons. The major difference is whether the ap-proach uses global or local features. In [9] an overviewof shape matching principles and algorithms can befound.Many shape matching approaches use digital humanmade data like the Princeton-Shape-Benchmark [10] orthe SHREC datasets [11] to evaluate their algorithms.Scanned data from real world objects is different in a

Figure 2: Transformation of Shape Features

sense that holes2 and variations between two scans ofthe same object can appear.For that reason most approaches are not suitable forcounterfeit detection, where minor details of an objectcan be highly important. Therefore only approaches de-tecting local features were taken into consideration. Theshape matching algorithm requires a three dimensionalmodel of the product as input which can be matched toan abstract model of the brand product. The abstractmodel is a description of features that render the brandunique.In our approach the concept of Key-Points or Points-Of-Interest in combination with transformation is used.To do so, a feature detector [11] has to be applied andthe area surrounding the detected Key-Points is trans-formed into a meaningful descriptor.Figure 2 shows a transformation of the area surround-ing Key-Points into a 2D dense map using Spin Images[12]. A set of Spin Images is then transformed into adescription of the object that can be matched to the ab-stract brand model.

3.3. Odour Sensing - Electronic NosesMuch effort has been spent on how odour could be mea-sured. The European Standard EN-13725 [13] definesa method for the objective determination of the odourconcentration of a gaseous sample using so called dy-namic olfactometry. It is currently the only standardizedmethod for the evaluation of odour impressions.Every method claiming the ability to detect arbitraryodour emissions has to benchmark against this stan-dard. An overview of the development and applicationof electronic noses is given in Gardner and Bartlett [14].Beginning with the working principle of specific gassensors the concept of electronic noses as a combina-tion of sensor array and diverse pattern recognition al-gorithms for classification is introduced. A metal-oxideconductance sensor using 16 channels was utilized inthe project Inherent-ID [4]. Here the sample gas flow-ing alongside the sensor surface is changing the con-centration and configuration of oxide containing com-pounds, thus changing the conductance of the metal-oxide, which is then used as a measurement signal. Thesensor elements differ by the thickness of silicon diox-ide coating. Additionally the temperature is changedover time producing 16 analogue channels containing

2Holes are areas on the scanned object where the used scanningtechnique has troubles to capture data.

Figure 3: Olfactory pattern of a genuine jersey (top) anda counterfeit (bottom)

also transient responses, which are to be analyzed. Dueto its working principle these sensors deliver the mostunspecific data, which is both an advantage and a disad-vantage at the same time, since the sensors are suitablefor a broad variety of samples, but the signal processingis harder to implement.Most of recently published results in odour detectionare based on linear discriminant analysis and derivativesthereof cf. [15, 16] . These methods are efficient inclassification of complex sensor data, but with a man-ageable number of classes. And these methods needa significant amount of data present and are thereforenot suitable for the here elaborated problem of one tomany matching, as needed for the application in coun-terfeit detection. An additional obstacle is the sensitiv-ity to ambient conditions which result in wide varianceof measurement data from the same class of samples.Effort is made in the extraction of relevant features forthe purpose of reducing the dimensionality and the sup-pression of ambient influences which was done by inde-pendent component analysis. An attempt of designinga general odor model was made in [17], but was notsuccessful due to the sensors used and the fact that non-linear behavior was excluded in advance. So the usageof specific models is more promising.

3.4. WorkflowWith the features described above there is a strong ba-sis for automated classification of patterns. An advan-tage of the proposed algorithms for feature extractionis the possibility to utilize statistical frameworks sincethe features are represented by probability distributions.In general there are various approaches possible. Start-ing with a direct fusion of the features as proposed in[18], or a more sophisticated approach which is takingthe process of probing into account.Here the decision process is not necissarily based onthe utilization of all features, since some of them are

dispensible or could be misleading. Think of the prob-ing of shirt, obviously the 3D geometry cannot give arelevant contribution to the decision process and the 3Dscanning can therefore be ommitted. The classificationitself is done with an adjusted Bayesian approach wherespecial account was given to the detection of novel andtherefore unknown patterns. This was done with esti-mation of the Level of Signifcance distribution, whichgives a decision information and an additional value ofthe plausibilty of this decision, cf. [19].

4. ConclusionIt was shown that the Inherent-ID Project adopts a novelapproach to protecting high-value products from coun-terfeiting. The approach is based on the stationaryand mobile capture of key product features indissolublylinked with the product which enable its production pro-cess to be traced. This not only renders the applicationof security tags obsolete but also gives enhanced protec-tion against counterfeiting as the inherent characteris-tics that the high-quality production process impregnatein the genuine product are combined with one anotherto serve as proof of product identity.

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