audience research and analysis

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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RIOTRock Magazine

Audience Research and Analysis

In this question I asked 5 completely random people if they'd rather have a physical or digital copy of a magazine. I asked this because I was interested to know if digital copies were more popular now with the technology of tablets, phones and new computers with new magazine hosting and downloading capabilities. This showed a close tie between the answers, though the physical copies do seem to be more popular than the digital copies. I myself would actually also prefer a physical copy. The feeling of getting a magazine as a physical copy that you can hold would be gone with a digital copy and just the general feel of having that copy to hold in your hands just is generally better.

In Question 2 I asked people what their favorite Genre of music was. I got a little bit of a range of results, though the main one that caught my eye was Metal. Metal as you may know is sort of a harder version of rock, and is known a lot throughout punk and rock culture as quite a popular genre, especially in our modern day. For my magazine I was going to have a sort of light rock feel to it, though with a re-think and analysis of my results here I think I will go for more of a metal feel to the magazine with its trending popularity, especially since the people who said they buy magazines, also chose the Metal genre.

In Question 3, I asked how much people would usually buy a magazine for. I got a range of results, scaling from £4.99 all the way down to £0/£0.99. Due to the decreasing popularity of magazines, especially in the music industry, I think my magazine will be relatively cheap, around the £1 - £2 range, especially since 40% of people were only willing to pay up to £0.99 for a magazine. My magazine would have to be cheap really, especially since it would be one which is new and coming into the market with a fan base and regular buyers at 0 people. It would have to be something truly special for that, and I'd have to pull off quite a stunt to get people to pay more than £2 realistically. I think for my magazine I will set the price at around £1.50, since it is reasonably cheap and around the price of your average magazine.

In Question 4 I asked the same people what their favourite artists were to get an idea of who I could feature in the magazine. With an exception of one answer which was not serious, I got a good collection of ideas for bands and artists I could feature in my magazine, especially since some, if not most were from the genre I was looking to make my magazine for. Slipknot, Bring me the Horizon, Metallica and AC/DC fit perfect for my magazine and I think this question went fairly well. Some of the other artists were of course from various other genres, some of course from the rap genre, and some I'd never even heard of before, like Chelsea Wolfe and A Day to Remember. These could even be ones to look into and even consider putting in my magazine.

Finally, in question 5 I asked the sample of people how often they'd buy magazines, just to get an idea of the popularity of magazines. I wasn't really too surprised to see that 50% didn't buy them at all, but even more surprised really to see that nobody at all from my sample bought magazines regularly. I think possibly my sample may not have been big enough to get a good idea, though it would definitely influence my price and target audience to see that it was only %50 of people that would even occasionally buy magazines, one person from my sample of people even skipped this question. This was overall a surprising collection of results, although again as I said, my sample of people may not have been big enough to make a full judgement of how many people actually buy magazines.

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