arkansas library association conference hot springs october, 2009

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1

Arkansas Library Association Conference Hot Springs October, 2009 Slide 2 Customer Service Discussion Positive Customer Service Experiences Slide 3 Customer Service Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead Slide 4 Customer Service Purpose Attract Customers Retain Customers Bond with Customers Slide 5 Customer Service Etiquette Welcome Make eye contact Look approachable Dont do busy work Slide 6 Customer Service Libraries must provide high quality: Facilities Services Resources Staff Slide 7 Customer Service Library image/Staff image Polished Professional Slide 8 Customer Service Service Give them what they want not what you think they want Slide 9 Customer Service Economics Satisfied customers support library funding Slide 10 Customer Service Library Supporters Keep them well informed Ask for help in achieving goals Slide 11 Customer Service You are the library 76% of Americans visited a public library last year American Library Association, 2008 Slide 12 Customer Service Todays reality 41 states cut public library funding American Library Association, 2008 Slide 13 Customer Service Todays reality Passionate librarians win financial support OCLC, 2008 Slide 14 Customer Service Ohio Public Libraries Vote 38/251 libraries Nov. 3 20% average drop in income Slide 15 Customer Service Welcome Make a great first impression Slide 16 Customer Service Welcome Make your customer feel special Slide 17 Customer Service Welcome Remember your manners Slide 18 Customer Service Welcome Present a positive experience Slide 19 Customer Service Welcome Minimize wait times Slide 20 Customer Service Welcome Be flexible Be adaptable Slide 21 Customer Service Welcome Give people the benefit of the doubt Slide 22 Customer Service Interactions Transaction-based Relationship-based Slide 23 Customer Service Interactions Speak Listen Learn Slide 24 Customer Service The library isnt in the business of connecting people with information, the library Slide 25 Customer Service Customers are not always right but they are your customers Slide 26 Customer Service Customer complaints 2 4% tell you Most tell at least 7 people Slide 27 Customer Service Customers right or wrong Assume their innocence Look for teaching opportunities Believe your customer 3 strikes and you are out! Slide 28 Customer Service Find ways to say yes Improve current products and services Implement new products and services Slide 29 Customer Service The longer customers wait The shorter that they will be with you. David Freemantle Slide 30 Customer Service Quality RATER Reliability Assurance Tangibles Empathy Responsiveness Slide 31 Customer Service Reality Check Tips for managers (and future managers) Slide 32 Customer Service Reality Yesterdays solutions wont cure todays problems Slide 33 Customer Service Reality Present trends will not always continue Slide 34 Customer Service Reality Ignoring new service opportunities offered by future changes Slide 35 Customer Service Reality Internal customersemployees Management by walking around Slide 36 Customer Service Reality Managers model the behavior of senior management Slide 37 Customer Service New reality Be real Be appreciative Be interested Be nice Slide 38 Customer Service Other realities Changing demographics Intergenerational communication Slide 39 Customer Service Changing American demographics Age Race Ethnicity Gender roles Values Slide 40 Customer Service 21% of people in US speak little or no English Bowker Annual, 2009 Slide 41 Customer Service Spanish most supported Smaller communities serving larger % of non-English Low-level literacy Bowker Annual, 2009 Slide 42 Customer Service Intercultural communication Respect Simplify speech Clarify language Avoid using slang Slide 43 Customer Service Intergenerational communication The Greatest Generation Baby Boomers Gen X Gen Y Slide 44 Customer Service People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents. Arab Proverb Slide 45 Customer Service The Greatest Generation-pre 1946 Formal Stability Consistency Conformity Loyal customers Slide 46 Customer Service Baby Boomers 1946-1964 Individuality Want personalized treatment Believe in collaboration Future oriented Slide 47 Customer Service Gen Xers 1964 1980 Independent Self-reliant Flexible Skeptical Adaptable Slide 48 Customer Service Millennials 1980 - 2000 Connected High expectations Goal and achievement oriented Global world view Optimistic Willing volunteers Slide 49 Customer Service Creating the new library experience Slide 50 Customer Service The only way to predict the future is to create it. Tom Peters

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