are you up for the hades & hella challenge? lose weight ... · lose weight, show off and win...

Post on 16-Jun-2020






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HiiT Session Two

Train Like A Pro

Are you up for the Hades & Hella challenge? Lose weight, show off and win some amazing prizes including a one-on-one training session with James Haskell. Remember to send us your selfie holding your pot of either Hades or Hella to @jhbodyfire and share your progress tagging #HadesChallenge #HellaChallenge


The Critical Importance of WARM-UPInjuries are common when training, but they’re mainly due to human error and easy to avoid; common causes of injury include insufficient or no warm-up, lifting with incorrect form, lifting too heavy weights or not stretching enough throughout the week.

Foam rolling is a key tool for anyone preparing to start training, undertaking training for the first time or when returning to training after a prolonged absence.

Every session you do, you need to perform a warm up and raise the core temperature of your body. We have called it Core Body Temperature or CBT warm up. CBT warm-up with mobility to take 15 minutes - no less






Inside Thigh


Quads Foot

W.1 - High KneesBasic high knees can be performed while running in place or moving over a distance. Stand in place with your feet hip-width apart. Drive your right knee toward your chest and quickly place it back on the ground. Follow immediately by driving your left knee toward your chest. Continue to alternate knees as quickly as you can.

Perform for 1 minute

Warm Up

W.2 - Heel FlicksThe aim is to have a fast cadence. Use you arms to balance the body and drive the movement. Try to kick your bottom with the heels of your foot. It’s not about the distance covered, it’s more about the speed of movement.

Perform for 1 minute


W.3 - Star JumpsPerform by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together and the arms at the sides.

Do 30 of these, rest for 15 seconds before performing a further 15 star jumps

W.4 - Ladder DrillsUsing cones or an SAQ ladder, start by facing to the side with both feet together. You are going to then place the inside foot (nearest the ladder) into the first square. You will then follow it with the outside leg. You then move the inside leg into the next square followed by the outside one. You then move the inside leg into the next square followed by the outside one. You do this as quickly as possible facing one way. Then you return off the other leg. Perform this twice off each leg

Then facing forward you place two feet in each square as quickly as you can moving forward. You then turn around and run back where you came from.

Perform this twice each way

There are other variations shown in the pictures that you can add in if you want to change things up, or do a lot of ladder work.


Out to side


Side on

W.5 - Walk Outs Standing tall, bending over walking your hands out into a press up position or as far as you can go while maintaining posture, then walking your hands back in to where you started, until you fold back up to standing. You will feel the pull in your hamstrings. If your flexibility is poor then you will need to bend your knees as you curl down or curl back up. The ideal is straight legs, but technique is more important.

Perform for 1 minute


W.8 - Lateral Side ShufflesWhen doing the Side Shuffle remember to bend your knees. Keep your head up. Don’t cross over your feet as you shuffle.

Make a lateral step to the right with your right foot. Bring your left foot to where your right foot was. As your left foot comes down, again move your right foot further right. When you have covered enough distance, ideally 10 metres, switch back and go the other way. Remember to keep your feet parallel to the direction you are moving. The Shuffle exercise gets harder the further you go, and the quicker you move your feet.

So increase the distance and speed at which you perform the exercise over time. Bend your knees more and more through the shuffle to work your glutes more effectively. You can progress this using mini bands around your knees and ankles. They add tension and really switch on your glutes.

Warm-up exercise note:Repeat all these movements increasing intensity for the whole 5-10 minutes

W.7 - Karaoke Drills These are side shuffles, but the side you are shuffling, to the other leg goes in front then behind, in front and behind as you shuffle sideways. You then come back the other way with the opposite leg going in front and behind.

Perform for 1 minute

W.6 - Lunge DrillsForward lunges, reverse lunges, lateral lunges and curtsy lunges (Lads: The key to executing these properly is to channel into your subconscious feminine side whilst performing these “curtsy-esque” lunges. Ladies, this should be a doddle for you - akin to a day-out at the Palace). Always make sure you maintain good form and imagine you have a weight pulling you down through your middle when you lunge out, backwards and forwards. You don’t want to lunge forward, with your knee travelling over your foot. The leg goes out and then you go down, feeling the stretch.

Perform for 1 minute


IMPORTANT WARNING It is very important, if you have any doubts or concerns whatsoever about your ability to perform any of the recommended exercises, that you consult either a doctor, if a medical concern or a qualified personal trainer, if it is a technical or execution issue. Under no circumstances should you attempt to undertake any exercise if you have medical issues or physical injuries. James Haskell Health and Fitness can accept no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from any physical exercise set out in one of our packages or programmes. By unilaterally choosing to follow our guide, you are voluntarily accepting the inherent potential risk associated with any physical and/or resistance training. Should you suffer from any medical condition, are carrying an injury, have any allergies or are in any doubt whatsoever, about any aspect of the programme. We strongly recommend you do NOT proceed to partake in any activity but instead seek the relevant professional advice. Any supplement[s] featured within the programme are entirely optional and personal recommendation only. They must always be taken in strict accordance with the manufacturers stated recommendation and usage. Again if you are in any doubt, please always consult a doctor.

Please remember there is a risk associated with undertaking any form of exercise. Therefore when training, always ensure you do it in a proper, suitable and safe environment as well as always ensuring you warm-up correctly BEFORE attempting any exercise. It is critical to ensure your technique is correct and most importantly, you always train within your own capabilities as well as observing any and all safety practices/codes of conduct which may be present within your own gym or chosen training area.

COPYRIGHT Any and all packages, training guides, programmes, manuals, videos and the like, exclusively developed, written and produced by James Haskell Health and Fitness, are subject to our standard terms and conditions, including any disclaimers and are fully protected by IP and International copyright. Full details are shown on the website As such any attempt to replicate, sell, rent, re-sell, copy, lend, duplicate, pass-off, any aspect or element of this or any JHHF package, either in full or part, without express written consent and proper authority, is strictly prohibited

HIIT Session MenuThe following session is meant to be done in its entirety. If you struggle with any of the exercises you can substitute something in, or if you have never done weights before you can leave them out and just do the body weight version of that exercise. If this level of training is a step too far then you need to take two of the exercises, perform them as session on its own, and then a day or so later, perform the remaining two. So you are splitting the session up into two parts. James Haskell Health & Fitness is all about control and finding the training to suit your personal level.

HIIT Session 2

H.2.1 - Metabolic Conditioning Set the rower up at medium resistance, with a good range of movement in your technique. Row as fast as you can to reach 500 metres. ** You need to time this element. Once you have reached 500 metres, stop the clock and detail the time it has taken you to achieve this. Then rest for the same exact period of time.

Repeat a further 4 more times. Work-out your average time and send it over to us on social media with your name Twitter @jhbodyfireFacebook



Combining a stimulating pre-workout supplement and powerful fat burner in one innovative product, Hades and Hella are taking the fitness industry by storm. The cutting edge formulas used for both the male and female versions deliver exceptional results.

Hades & Hella were created by England Rugby International James Haskell and renowned nutritionist Katherine Andreasen, Hades was originally for James’ personal use to help him stay in peak physical condition and perform at his very best. However so impressive were the results that James decided to bring not only Hades but a bespoke female version Hella to the wider fitness community. Both products are now available to anyone serious about maximising their training results without compromising their health.


• 20% Acetyl [N] L-Carnitine – most other products have less than 5%

• Caffeine helps to increase alertness and improve concentration.

• Green Tea, Yerba and Capsicum may help to maintain a healthy weight when used alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan.

• B Vitamins (B1,B2, B3, B5, B6 & B12) contribute to normal energy yielding metabolism.

• Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism.


• Hades & Hella will help boost your training, and allow you to push yourself harder for longer

• It gives a controlled energy surge when tired• Hades & Hella are the ultimate aids to help

you with your body transformation goals• Hades & Hella will not give you negative

side effects associated with other caffeine supplements. It allows you to focus and perform.

• Hades & Hella are tested to the highest level under informed sport testing. Which means it is safe for members of the armed forces, professional athletes and members of the public.

Pre Workout Energiser & Fat Burner


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