ardreauna hayes

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Ardreauna Hayes . Figurative Language . Personification . Non-human things or abstractions are represented as having human qualities. Example: Cornbread is calling my name. Ardreauna…..come eat me! . Alliteration. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ardreauna Hayes

Ardreauna Hayes Figurative Language Non-human things or abstractions are represented as having human qualities.

Example: Cornbread is calling my name.


Ardreauna..come eat me! Repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of two words or more adjacent words or stressed syllables.

Example: The big blue bunny eats blueberry muffins.


Repetition of vowel sounds in words close together.

Example: I made my way to the lake. Assonance

Exaggerated figure of speech for emphasis or effect

Example: The book weighted a ton. Hyperbole

Use of words that sound like what they mean.

Example: buzz, purr, ding dong, slam.Onomatopoeia

Comparison in which the author describes a person or thing using words that are not meant to be taken literally.

Example: Boy is a mule. Metaphor

Comparison of two things that are different, usually using the words like or as.

Example: My love is like a red, red rose. Simile

Create a mental image in your mind.

Example: As my mama was in the kitchen cooking, I could smell steak.


An expression that has a different meaning from the literal meaning of its individual words.

Example: Have the upper hand or under the weather. Idiom

Constant sounds close together.

Example: I dropped the locket in the thick mud. Consonance

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