“sharing christ through caring service” · bethel newsletter 2019-06_layout 1 5/23/19 10:19 am...

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By Chuck Johnson,Administrator/CEO Bethel CommunityEffective October 1,

2019, the Centers forMedicare and MedicaidServiceswill elimi-nate thecurrent ResourceUtilizationGroupMedicarePart AProspective Payment System (PPS) and replaceit with a new PPS calledthe Patient-Driven Pay-ment Model (PDPM).Under PPS, providers/carecenters are rewardedsolely by the volume ofservices provided. PDPMis moving towards a pay-ment structure that holdsproviders accountable forpatient outcomes andcosts. This move is intended to advance thegoals of health care’s“triple aim”: • Improving the patient

experience of care (includ-ing quality and satisfaction),• Bettering the health of

populations and • Reducing the per-

capita cost of health care.These changes will

impact all aspects of theskilled nursing facility’s

operations including frontoffice, billing, resident assessment, care planning,and delivery processes. On May 7, 2019, Bethel

staff members attendedthe PDPM Academy presented by the AmericanHealth Care Association(AHCA) in cooperationwith the South DakotaHealth Care Association(SDHCA). During the one-day workshop, participantsreceived training on corecompetencies that allowedfacilities to assess readi-ness and were given toolsneeded to implement thenew payment system. Wewere given case examplesthat allowed us to see howinformation derived fromthe minimum data set isapplied to the new pay-ment model to determinereimbursement. By attend-ing the PDPM academy,each participant has accessto monthly webinars andresources. This allows usto stay current as changesoccur. We feel that withthis training, we have a better understanding ofhow PDPM functions andwere able to identify keyareas that will need someattention prior to going livein October. Thank you tothe Bethel Lutheran HomeFoundation for providing

financial support for staffto attend this important training.During the 2019 legisla-

tive session, nursing facilities in South Dakotareceived a 10% ongoing increase in Medicaid reim-bursement. This was a bigstep in the right directionin long term care reim-bursement funding forSouth Dakota but hope ourlegislators and GovernorNoem continue to focus onthis in the years to come. I think it’s important tothank them, while alsokeep them aware of howimportant it will be to stayfocused on our nursinghome residents and families.

Lastly, I would like toshare my appreciation forthe HUGE turnout we hadfor the 23rd Annual BethelFoundation Dinner.Mother Nature threw us a curve but your commit-ment to Bethel was nomatch! As this was my firstFoundation Dinner, I washumbled by the supportyou provide to Bethel.Thank you so much foryour on-going involvementwith us. Our next fund-raising event will be outdoors on August 2 atthe Madison Golf andCountry Club for the 14th Annual Bethel Golf Tourney. See more information on page 5 of this edition.

June 2019A Message from Bethel’s Administrator

BETHEL COMMUNITY FOCUS“Sharing Christ Through Caring Service”

Chuck Johnson

Bethel attendees of the AHCA and SDHCA PDPM Training for provider accountability for patient outcomes and payment requests. Pictured (left to right): Sabrina Susanen – RN, Diane Dawson – RN, Emily Hofman – RN, Chuck Johnson – Administra-tor, Stacy Ulwelling – Med. Records, and Stacie Thompson – DoN.

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Page 2 Bethel Community Focus June 2019

By Deb Rohde, Activities DirectorRemember as a kid

when winter seemed like it would never end. Well, it sure seemed like that

this win-ter. It’s always agood dis-cussionwhen wewonderwhat theground-

hog is going to see. One of our activities was on“What we did before wehad electricity” and anotherwas on “How we met ourspouse.” Both made for interesting conversation. In celebration of

Valentine’s Day we had asocial and learned aboutvalentines around theworld. We also learnedmore about our Presidentsin discussing President’sDay. Our chili cook-off was

fun. Staff and residents gotto taste and judge the entries. There were severaland they were all great!Two winners emerged.Congratulations to RyanMcCullough, Environmen-tal Services Director, and

Jill Eggert, Director ofCommunity Services, ontheir winning chili. Moving into March and

the Lenten season, wethank Pastor Feistner forAsh Wednesday Services.Confirmation classes fromTrinity came on Wednes-day afternoons to visit andhave game time with resi-dents. Colton LutheranParish did their Cantata for us on Palm Sunday.Also, St. Peter’s Lutheranfrom Wentworth did a special Good Friday Service for us. In addition, Ruth

Hosek’s granddaughtercame in to give bear

hugs on Good Friday, just because. We thank Pastor Barry

Whipkey of UnitedMethodist Church for hisEaster message and theweather cooperated as residents had family visi-tors and were able to goout to the home of lovedones. Bethel is so blessed by and thankful for thesecelebrations. On March 25, the second

graders from MadisonCentral Elementary metwith residents of BethelHome and Suites. The students interviewed a resident about their life.The students returned inApril to read their writtenstories to their Bethelgrandparents. To see ourresident’s smile when their stories are read tothem makes our day. We do enjoy this educa-tional outreach and lookforward to meeting a new

class next year. As we move into May, we

want to thank the TrinityLutheran Chancel andCovenant Choirs for presenting “Roamin’Through Romans” for us. Warmer days and the

activities of summer aredays to look forward to.

Happenings at Bethel ... A Note From Activities

Members of Colton Lutheran Parish performed their Cantata on Palm Sunday.

Save the Date – Bethel Foundation 14th Annual Golf Tournament – Friday, August 2

Deb Rohde

St. Peter’s Lutheran children during their Good Friday Service.

Ruth Hosek’s granddaughtergave out bear hugs on GoodFriday, including one for hergrandmother.

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June 2019 Bethel Community Focus Page 3

Second-graders reading their stories from their interview withElsie Wiese.

Madison Central Elementary 2nd graders after reading their stories to residents they interviewed. Also pictured are (left to right)Becky Fjerstad -– teacher, Patti Skluzacek – paraprofessional, Valerie Wilkens – teacher, and Megan Janke – teacher.

The Trinity Lutheran Chancel and Covenant Choirs presenting“Roamin’ Through Romans.”

The Bethel staff and leadership are asking for yourhelp. We have two courtyards that have an opportu-nity to be improved with knowledgeable gardeners,tender loving care and interested helpers. We wantthe courtyards to be a sanctuary for residents andfamilies to enjoy even more. Currently the courtyardplantings have gotten overgrown and need replace-ment perennials, landscape rocks and foliage. A few minds are better than one and several hands

better than two when reestablishing our courtyards.We will work with a plan then develop a three-seasongarden within the two courtyards. Please let us know of your interest by contacting

Bethel at (605) 256 4539 and asking for Chuck orRosie or emailing chuck@bethelcommunity.com or rosie.bethelcommunity.com. Your interest is welcomed and appreciated. Spring is here so the time is perfect to begin.

Wanted: Bethel Friendswith a Green Thumb

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Page 4 Bethel Community Focus June 2019

Welcomed: Deloris AlfsonJean Collignon

(Asst. Liv. to BLH)Virginia EbsenHarriet EricksonJeanne GreenDean Haug

Charles (Chuck) HillJoanne Jensen (Apts.)Joseph LingbeckMavis RederthLouine Schaufler(Apt. to Asst. Liv.)Freda SlaughterGeorgia ThomasColleen Tucker

Said Good Bye To:Harriet EricksonRita Goebel

Allen RavenbergFreda Slaughter

In Loving Memory: Eugene (Stub) Alverson

Dorothy BlokerCharles (Chuck) HillGaylen JohnsonJoseph LingbeckGeorgia ThomasShirley Van Beeck

Bethel Resident UpdatesFebruary 1 – April 30, 2019

Bethel Lutheran Community From Cathy Stromberg, Social Worker

By Pastor Mary Feistner,Bethel ChaplainRomans 12:4, I Corinthi-

ans 12:7, 20, 27 . . . Manyparts of the body of Christ,with Christ Jesus as thehead, has Bethel function-ing for the benefit of all:• The recent fundraising

participants• The Bethel boards• The administrator• The staff – each and

every one• The residents and their

significant others• The volunteers • The neighbors• The friendsAll are here to fulfill the

goal of the good Lord Jesus

Christ’shands andfeet, heartand mind,at thistime andin thisplace. We are inter-

connected. We need eachother. I have witnessedhow individuals with different talents are present every day. Working together to ensure a healthy, peacefilled body for Christ Jesusadoration and worship. Thanks be to God!

Bethel Chaplain Note

PastorMary Feistner

By Jill Eggert, Director of Community ServiceWe have seen some

changes in the faces atNew Hope Adult Day Serviceover thelast couplemonths.TeresaMiller,who hadworkedhere forthe last several years, lefther position at New Hopein March. We sure missher smiling face; however,wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors. We said goodbye to

Steve Strom and Bob Oas,who had attended NewHope for the last severalyears. We extend our

deepest sympathy to thefamilies of these two menand will miss them. Finally, we welcomed a

new staff person at NewHope, Linda Debilzen.Linda is working at NewHope two days a week,along with her hours inBethel Home. She bringsan extensive backgroundin working with the elderlyand we are very happy tohave her!We are looking forward

to the warmer weather ofthe summer months andthe many signs we see ofnew life such as greengrass, trees blooming,flowers blooming, birdssinging and sometimeseven baby kittens playingin the backyard of assistedliving.

What’s New at Assisted Living and New Hope Adult Day Service

Jill Eggert

Thank you to Teresa Miller for your service to New HopeAdult Day Service since September of 2007.

Thank You, Teresa!

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June 2019 Bethel Community Focus Page 5

By Ryan McCullough, Environmental Services DirectorMembers of the Bethel

Maintenance team areeager toput winterbehindthem. Thispast sea-son wasparticu-larly hardon some of the equipment. Our SkidSteer and snow blowers required several repairs inorder to keep up with thesnow removal. We are verythankful for Craig’s Weld-ing who quickly made several of those repairs inorder to ensure we could

keep up with the snow. Perhaps the most impor-

tant of all the maintenancethis past winter has beenthe backs of the mainte-nance crew. Visits to thelocal chiropractor, heatingpads and some aspirin keptus in the game. Did you know that every

time it snows the Bethelmaintenance team hasmore than 100,000 squarefeet of roadways and park-ing lots as well as 25,000square feet of sidewalks toshovel and plow? On aver-age, snowfall amounts of 4-8 inches can take up to18 hours to clear. In addi-tion, tending to the snowon the roof is another part of the winter season

job that has kept the maintenance team verybusy during the winter of 2018-2019. Bethel has71,052 square feet of continuous roof over thethree facilities and interiorto maintain.

The maintenance crewhas their work cut out forthem as they enter the newspring and summer seasonsince Bethel has nearly 6 acres of lawn to mow andmore than 100 trees andshrubs to maintain.

Change of Seasons Impact Bethel Community Environmental Services

Ryan McCullough

Members of the Bethel Maintenance Team (left to right) RhondaMyers and Lonny Stoltenberg are all smiles as they finally setout on the mowing season’s maiden voyage during the first fullweek in May.

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June 2019 Bethel Community Focus Page 7

By Rosie Jamison, Development DirectorAs I write this message to

each of you as friends ofBethel, the 23rd AnnualFoundation Dinner andAuction theme continued tocome to mind; “You Matterto Bethel ... by choosing togive of yourself, your timeand your treasure.” Thiswas so evident when 348friends registered for theBethel Annual Dinner andAuction and nearly 330 attended the event evenwith a postponement fromApril 11 to April 16 due to athree-day snow storm.Thank you to everyone in-volved in the preparation,donations, skills shared,participating, sponsoring,baking and generously bidding to help supportBethel. We are trulyblessed. This event hasgrown since the first BethelFoundation Dinner in 1996held in the Bethel DiningRoom and is so importantto Bethel. Indeed, you matter to

Bethel as a community offriends and supporters. Asvolunteers, loyal congrega-tions, generous donors andcare givers you collectivelyassist with resident qualitycare of body, mind andspirit through time and re-sources for residents whocall Bethel, their home. We appreciate many gath-ering in recognition of ourministry and to celebrate together!The opening was a table

activity of the reason forthe gathering and of the

positive impact each person has upon Bethel.This was led by Pastor Constanze Hagmaier, a

BethelFounda-tionBoardMember.We gath-ered “inthe Lord’sname” as

Pastor Philip Hofinga, Vice President of BethelGoverning Board asked forGod’s blessing upon thedinner and evening. Presi-dent, Mark Schultz of theBethel Foundation Boardwelcomed everyone and introduced speakers ChuckJohnson, Administrator andCEO and me as Develop-ment Director. We tried to portray how you matter to Bethel through picturesof people with residents.Wayne Bessman and RickBecker served as auction-eers for the live auction.The evening closed withJim Iverson, previousBethel Administrator, sharing the value of yourinvolvement with Betheland our gratitude for eachof you choosing to matterto Bethel residents. On April 16, friends

of Bethel raised a total of $53,085! The BethelDessert Silent Auctionraised $6,070, Silent Auction $1,950 and LiveAuction $11,895. We auctioned 45 deliciousdesserts, averaging $134.88each; donated and made bytalented bakers for Bethel.

Also, 26 donated silent auc-tion items and 39 donatedlive auction items plus twoMadison Chamber GiftCards for $250 were raffledwith attendees contributing$1,910 more. Twenty spon-sors partnered with us to-taling $9,500, two ThriventFinancial Action Team giftstotaling $500 and $515more was donated, as a result of the dinner. Forty-two tables of people wereeither hosted by friends ofBethel with guests or indi-viduals purchasing ticketsto the event for an addi-tional $12,200. We recog-nize and appreciate yourgift of time by attending.Due to friends being thereor bringing others to in-crease their awareness ofour mission; we continue toincrease the impact madeand potential of future giv-ing. Finally, Bethel Bene-factors responded with anadditional $8,845 by mailand at the dinner. Thankyou for your tremendousresponse in answering witha “YES” when asked at thedinner, for being a benefac-tor, Continuum of Care Endowment contributor,memorial donor or contin-ued contributor to theBethel Foundation. Youtruly do matter to Bethel by choosing to give!“Each of you should

give what you have decided in your heart togive, not reluctantly orunder compulsion, forGod loves a cheerfulgiver.”

~ 2 Corinthians 9:7

I continue to have validated the quality of care given and specialized training taken by staff toimprove what they do tobenefit residents. I witnessnursing, environmentalservices, dietary, activities,social services, assisted living, adult daycare andour chaplain making additional efforts daily todo the best job, as they “do unto others as you wouldhave done to you” skillfullyand compassionately. Thisin a nutshell is the Betheldifference experienced byresidents and families asloved ones are providedcare in the Bethel Commu-nity. I am humbled to repre-sent this special place!Mark the date of Friday,

August 2, for the 14th Annual Bethel FoundationGolf Tourney at the Madi-son Golf & Country Club.Get your four-person teamtogether or let us knowyour interest to play. Teetime is at noon. There willbe some fun tourney addi-tions this year. Refer to thead on page 5 in this editionfor more information. Also, as a participating

member of LutheranPlanned Giving (LPG) ofSouth Dakota we gain ac-cess to gift planning serv-ices and tools of LPGSD forindividuals and families forlong-term gifts, charitablecontributions, estate plan-ning and tax benefits inmaking gifts to Bethel, another LPGSD memberorganization or others.

Continued on page 8

Thank You for Being a Part of Bethel Community and Bethel Foundation

Rosie Jamison

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Page 8 Bethel Community Focus June 2019

Benefactor Gifts are welcomed the entire year and recognized annually. Thank you Benefactors! If you are not aBenefactor, please consider becoming a Bethel Benefactor by signing and sending in your membership and gift.

A Benefactor Gift does not include gifts from memorials, endowment, Christmas or fundraising events.

Bethel Benefactor Gifts: February 1 – April 30, 2019

SKYLIGHT: $1000 – $2499 AnnuallyRyan and Michele McCullough

KEYSTONE: $500 – $999 AnnuallyKolorWorks Paint and Decorating

Marlin and Linda BrozikMarv and Jackie EichDona HansenJim and Cheryl IversonGordon and HenriettaJohnson

Roger OrtonMark and Cathy Schultz

CORNERSTONE: $250 – $499 AnnuallyMads and Chloe AndenasIrma BeukelmanJeff and Debra BloomJoan Bloom-MantheyJody BossmanBrad and Christine CordtsMarlys DrewesDave and Carla EwaldTom and Joyce FarrellDick and Donna FawbushBillie FelkerDr. José-Marie Griffiths & Don King

Elizabeth JensenLyle and Sandra Johnson

Robert and Gert KingMark and Kathy KontzElora MathiasMichael and Tamara MillerMillie MoserMarlys SchultzTerry and Lori SchultzPeach SetenLeland and Carol WhiteMarian Wiese

FOOTINGS: $100 – $249 AnnuallyLarry Green, DDSWe Care Dental – Dr.Kevin & Angela Donlin

Norman Andenas & Cecelia Wittmayer

Greg and Vonnie BendaMichael and ArtyceBrooke

Les and JoLynn BulickEleanor EngaAgatha FodsPastors Dirk & ConstanzeHagmaier

Donald and Dianne Halverson

Donald HannemannEd and Sharon HansenGary and Barb HansonLowell and Sharyl HassLloyd and Rebecca Hegdahl

Gene and Marilyn Hexom

Stephany HolmesJoel and Jamie HusherLeonard (Bud) and Doris Janke

Joanne Jensen and Darla Jensen

Dennis and Fontelle Johnson

Kay JohnsonLana JohnsonRoger and Judy JohnsonCharlie and Donna JonesKerry and Stacy KarlsonJoe and Judy KeffelerRandall and LaverneLafrentz

Jerome and Nancy Lammers

Barbara LeonardLinda MeierTanchicca MeredithRobert and Marcia OlsonRandy and Linda ParryNorma PattersonGene and Patty PhillipsBill and Joyce RichterLarry and Joan RidenBerna SchaafDarlene SchoeberlDel Faye SederstromMyrle SederstromDan and Sharon Siemonsma

Viola SorensonAdelyne Stearns

Maynard and Pat StockBonnie StrattonJames and Maxine Swanson

Ronald and Verla Thompson

Justin and KrystenThorstad

Jack Walters and Sirje Kiin

Betty Wilbur

Continued from page 7LPGSD can assist with anyof the options. Let me knowif you want to investigatemore, visit http://lpgsd.org/or contact our LPGSD executive director, KathyMcHenry at C (605) 863-8754, O (605) 274-5030 orLPGSD@sdsynod.org. As I close, the Memorial

Holiday is to recognizethose who positively impacted us. It is a time of remembrance for lifelongmemories of loved onesand of sacrifices made bythose in all branches of themilitary, allowing us thefreedom we experiencetoday. Several at Bethelproudly wear items that

identify them as a Veteran.They are our silent heroes.No matter the time of year,take a few minutes to visitwith them and thank themfor their service.It is with heartfelt

gratitude that we live in agenerous community whogive of themselves or theirresources to help provide

the compassionate care andministry for our residents.See your gifts at work anyafternoon at 3 p.m. for coffee. You are always welcome! “As each has received

a gift, use it to serve oneanother, as good stew-ards of God’s variedgrace.” ~ 1 Peter 4:10

Resident Imogene Ellis andadministrator Chuck Johnsonadmire one of the six floweringpots given to Bethel by Imogene’s sister, Marlys Silver. Thank you Marlys!

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June 2019 Bethel Community Focus Page 9

Memorial Gifts: February 1 – April 30, 2019

In Memory of ArdethBachmann

Dan and Sharon CarlsonLana Johnson

In Memory of JamesHeldt

Rodney and Joy Renaas

In Memory of JaniceWalker

Leland & Diane Spilde

In Memory of Lori Liljegren

David and Brandi Trego

In Memory of Ron HeftyLeland & Diane Spilde

In Memory of Eugene(Stub) M. Alverson

Dakota Ethanol, LLCA. L. and Audrey ArndtDan and Rhonda BaldwinVern and Carol Baumberger

Dan and Judy BohlBill and Diane BrunsCort and Engeline CarnesAlice CarruthersGerald and Phyllis CizadloChrysella DanielGlen and Linda EricksonDean and Peggie Gulbranson

Mary HemmingsonEldon and Janice Hohwieler

Mark and Pam HotchkinJim and Cheryl IversonSteve and Dawn KochJames and Lois McAreavey

Millie MoserDarrell and Jeannie MullerBev NugentBill and Joyce RichterPhilip and Nyla SonenNicholas and Bonnie Spielmann

Grace Wolf

In Memory of DorothyA. Bloker

AnonymousJohn and Joyce DragsethJoanne Jensen and DarlaJensen

Roger and Judy JohnsonBill and Joyce RichterBonnie SmithBob and Diann Wuttke

In Memory of Leo C.Bloker

Bonnie SmithBob and Diann Wuttke

In Memory of Maxine L.Bloker

Bob and Diann Wuttke

In Memory of DanBruns

Carsten and KarenBergheim

In Memory of JoyceFarr

Martin and Eleanor Morse

In Memory of Gaylen L.Johnson

Randy and Linda Cundy

In Memory of Joseph G.Lingbeck

Gene and Marilyn HexomGary G. and Rochelle Johnson

Lana JohnsonMary Lingbeck

In Memory of Gene andRose Mathison

Gene and Marilyn Hexom

In Memory of ShirleyOverskei

Family of Shirley Overskei

John and Joyce DragsethLinda Schroeder

In Memory of Eldon N.Seten

Double O TractorZen Fitness LLCAnonymousClair and Gayla AndersonRebecca AndersonCarsten and KarenBergheim

Deanna BergheimPaul and Kristi BermanDoug and Sandy BordewykGene BorgardLisa DeGrootJohn and Joyce DragsethTerry and Rita DragsethDoug EggebraatenLisa FriedrichJeff and Glenda HaglundCurt and Kim HansenDavid and Barbara HansonWayne and Nicole HegdahlMatt and Martha HeyneBarb HylandMary Ann HylandScott and Rosie JamisonJoanne Jensen and Darla Jensen

Lyle and Sandra JohnsonNancy Kadous and Pat Keating

Kyle and Robin KelseyJon and Dawn KlassyShirley KnutsonElaine KohlMichael and KathleenKowalczyk

Joel and Amy KunkelJohn and Laurel LarimerArvin and Rosemary Limmer

Dwaine and Helen MinorRon and Linda MoeSusan MolsknessKaren MuthDennis and Carol NordlingDaNeil OlsonKim OlsonMark and Heather OlsonRobert and Marcia OlsonRoger and Bonnie OlsonShirley Palli

Pete and Sue PedersonDan and Jodi PhelpsMarlys PickardKent and Terri PlimptonDoyle and Deb RenaasRodney and Joy RenaasTim and Kathy RiedelLinda SchroederMark and Cathy SchultzMarlys SchultzTerry and Lori SchultzDon SetenBonnie StrattonCorey and Brenda StromGreg TealRon and Angela TealDennis and ShirleyVanDamLeland and Carol WhiteTerry and Robin WicksDan and Maureen WilsonBruce and Bev WosjeConnie Wosje

In Memory of Steve P.Strom

Roger and Judy JohnsonElla KoeppJoe Minnaert

In Memory of GeorgiaL. Thomas

Bill and Diane BrunsMatthew and Kim BrunsMichael ThomasTom and Patti Thomas

In Memory of Shirley M.Van Beek

Shirley Van Beek EstateBarb HylandMary Ann HylandKarl and Jacki LiesterRobert and Marcia OlsonDebi WillenbergRolland and Garnet Wosje

In Memory of DonaldW. Woldt

Dan and Judy BohlDan and Sharon CarlsonMarlys PickardMark and Cathy Schultz

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Page 10 Bethel Community Focus June 2019

Gifts to Other Funds: February 1 – April 30, 2019

CHAPLAINCY FUNDLinda FischerIn Memory of DavidWilcox

CHURCH GIFTSFirst Lutheran Church Endowment FundColton, SD

Trinity LutheranChurch–ELCA (3)

GIFTSAbundant Life ChurchKolorWorks Paint and Decorating, Kim Ebsen

Nancy ClaussenCurtis and Virginia Ebsen

Peggy HoffBernadette JacobsonPeter KurowskiShirley PalliVictor and Zona Sanderson

RESTRICTED–GENERALTom Tabor Estate – to assist caregivers with

resident care on the floor $1,800.00

Lois Alverson – to assistwith technology enhancements and aidcaregivers for residentcare $5,000.00In Memory of Eugene(Stub) M. Alverson

2019 Bethel Dinner Gifts and Event Donors

DINNER SPONSORSPremier – $1,500Lewis Vast BUSINESSSilver – $500Builders First SourceEide Bailly, LLPFirst Bank & TrustGoodcare, LLCGreat Western BankHowalt+McDowell Insurance, a Marsh &McLennan Agency

Keppen Construction, Inc.Marco, Inc.Montgomery’sSDN Communications, LLCSODEXO-DSU Dining Services & Catering

Bronze – $250Christiansen CompleteWater

Edward Jones InvestmentsInnovative NonProfitLake Madison LutheranChurch

Presto X & Tom McCormick

Sunshine Food – MadisonWoltman Group PC

DINNER TABLE HOSTS2nd Street Diner – Blaineand Sharie Eliason

East River Electric PowerCooperative, Inc.

Grace Lutheran ChurchHowalt + McDowell Insurance, a Marsh &McLennan Agency

Infotech Solutions, LLCLake Madison LutheranChurch

Madison Regional HealthSystem

Mustang SeedsProstrollo Auto MallNorm Andenas and CeceliaWittmayer

Dr. Richard and Marilyn Belatti (2)

Dan and Judy Bohl

Marlin and Linda BrozikGary and Bonnie CalliesJohn and Linda CollignonLarry and Mary Ann Collignon

Marv and Jackie EichDave GilbertEd and Sharon HansenDavid HylandRon and Bobbi JankeChuck and Brooke JohnsonLana JohnsonNancy Jensen-MillerDon and Jackie MilesJoe MinnaertMarc and Lana MolsknessMillie MoserMark and Cathy SchultzDale and Marilyn Shumaker


Lois AlversonMaria AndersonEthelle BeanBethel DietaryDeb BloomBonnie CalliesLinda Collignon (2)Joyce Dragseth (3)Jill Eggert (2)Jackie EichBob and Cindy Ellsworth (2)

Mark EvenPastor Shelly GehringMarilyn HexomKathy McHenryMichele McCullough (2)Jackie MilesNicky’s Restaurant &Lounge (2) – Carol &Shelby Skinner

Glenda Odegaard (2)Old Farmhouse Café –Chester (2) – Virginia Heidelberger

Mary Ann Olson Norma Patterson (2)Cathy SchultzCarrie StuderSherry Van Liere (2)Ardella Van Rosendale (2)Jack Walters and Sirje Kiin (2)

Cecelia Wittmayer (3)


Bethel Business OfficeBethel Environmental Services Department

Bethel Nursing Department Bethel Social Services, Dietary and Activities Departments

Bob Bauman (2) Colman Building Center

Become a Bethel BenefactorAn annual gift to Bethel is a blessing and always welcomed. Please consider your support as a

2019 Bethel Benefactor. It is a tremendous way to “make a difference” to your Bethel Community and residents for continued quality of care. A Bethel Benefactor Form is located on the final page.

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June 2019 Bethel Community Focus Page 11

Colton Area LutheranChurches Quilters

Denny and Sharri (Ravenberg) Danielson

F & M CoopDick and Donna Fawbushand GrandStay Suites –Rapid City

Gaylen’s Homegrown Popcorn – Gaylen andShirley Backus

Jerry Gehrels (2)John Green Studio –John Green

Hart Ranch Camping andResort Club – Rapid City

Family of Helen HegdahlJim and Cheryl IversonRosie JamisonJohnson Organic Farm (2)Laddusaw Agency – Ladditude Pleasure Cruise– Jeff Laddusaw

Madison Country Club Madison Lawn Care Bob MartinKathy McHenryMarc MolsknessMustang SeedsDarin and Teresa Namken –Infotech Solutions

Joel and Clint OverskeiFamilies

Allen Ravenberg Small Town Girlz – KimDybdahl

Stemper Auto BodySturdevant’s Auto PartsTop Gun Hunting Lodge –Kevin Shumaker

The EyeCare Center – Drs. Michael Brooke and Jodie Larson

Trinity Lutheran ChurchPiece Makers

Paula Ullom

SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS Anytime Designs – Winnie Giles

Bethel Assisted Living &Adult Day Care

Bob BaumanLes and JoLynn Bulick (5) Campbell Supply Company Children’s Museum ofSouth Dakota

Colman Lutheran ChurchWELCA

April Cundy Dakotaland Federal CreditUnion

First Lutheran Church ofColton

Grace Lutheran ChurchWOL

Jack’s Cold Storage and“The Meat Market” – Jeff Jankard

Madison Ace Hardware Madison Area MinisterialAssociation

Nunda Bar – Chris HansenSchade Winery – Jim andNancy Schade

St. Jacob’s Lutheran Church St. Jacob’s Lutheran ChurchWELCA

The Bucket List Long ArmQuilting – Karen Beckerand RaeLynn Maher

The Floral Shop at MadisonNursery – René and BillBrunner

Trinity Lutheran Church Office

Trinity Lutheran WELCA

DINNER TICKETSAbundant Life ChurchSt Jacob’s Lutheran ChurchWELCA

Don and Jane BarthelGreg and Vonnie BendaDr. Michael and ArtyceBrooke

Leon and Lisa BusserNeal and Betty BusserScott and Jeri DanielsMarlys DrewesBob and Cindy EllsworthPastor Shelly GehringDr. José-Marie Griffiths & Don King

John and Millie Gross

Lloyd GundvaldsonPastors Dirk and Constanze Hagmaier

Phil and Eileen HalversonDelores HammerGene and Marilyn HexomJim and Cheryl IversonWarren and Marilyn Jackson

Scott JamisonGary G. and Rochelle Johnson

Kay JohnsonMark and Kathy KontzPastor Conrad KrahlingGary & Valerie KuhlJerome and Nancy LammersDr. Jodie and Chad LarsonKathy and Larry McHenryLinda MeierAlex and Brooke NurnbergJeff and Jean OrdalAllen RavenbergLynn and Terry RyanVictor and Zona Sanderson

Pastor Rick SennerSteve and Nancy SershenDarrel and Patti SimonSherry Van LiereJack Walters and Sirje KiinRep. Marli WieseJames and Janice WillardGary Zay

DINNER FUNDInterlakes Wireless LLCPenner Patient Care, Inc.Lois AlversonAnonymousDave and Carla EwaldDirk and Constanze Hagmaier

Bob and Norma MartinBill and Connie Smith


Donors are listed by amount of their gift made to this Bethel Lutheran Home Foundation endowment.

Continuum of Care Endowment Pledges and Gifts:

February 1 – April 30, 2019

$5,000 to $9,999John and Linda Collignon & Family

Scott and Brooke CollignonMax Hodgen & Suzy Collignon-Hodgen

Tim and Sara WishardFamily of John and Linda Collignon

Ronald M. NelsonDarrel and Patti Simon

$2,500 to $4,999Peach Seten and Family In Memory of Eldon Seten

Thank You for Choosing to Matter to Bethel

Bethel Foundation Board of Directors

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PeRMit nO. 168

Bethel Lutheran Home, Inc.1001 South Egan AvenueMadison, SD 57042

Notify Bethel of a change of address using “Contact Us” atwww.bethelcommunity.com

If you would like to receive theBethel Community Focuselectronically, please sendyour email address to


Enclosed is a gift of support to continue Bethel’s Ministry and community of care

Benefactor Information

Print Name(s):________________________________________________________________________________As your name(s) should be printed and recognized. Please provide your current contacts for the Foundation database.

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________________

I/We wish to participate annually at the giving level marked below, until notification is given to discontinue:

_____ Footings $100–$249 _____ Cornerstone $250–$499 _____ Keystone $500–$999

_____ Skylight $1,000–$2,499 _____ Builder $2,500–$4,999 _____ Architect $5,000 or more

_____ Send information about planned giving to provide a gift to Bethel and help secure my future fixed income

Please make your check payable to Bethel Foundation and return it with this form toBethel Lutheran Home Foundation, 1001 S Egan Ave, Madison, SD 57042

Contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you for choosing to make a difference to Bethel!

For additional informationabout this edition, contact Rosie Jamison, Bethel Community Focus editor

You Matter to Bethel ... by choosing to giveof yourself, your time and your resources.

RetuRn SeRvice RequeSted

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