animal report by steven cravens mountain lions. introduction you think a person can jump high on a...

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Animal Reportby Steven Cravens

Mountain Lions


You think a person can jump high on a trampoline, the mountain lion can jump 20 feet in the air. That’s higher than a 2 storied building. Did you know there is no difference between a mountain lion, a puma, and a cougar? Mountain lions is from the cat family, too. Those are facts about the interesting mountain lion.

Body Parts

Did you ever want to know the looks, the weight, size of the mountain lion. A mountain lion’s fur is gray-brown and white. It has a long tail. The mountain lion also has very sharp claws. Their babies have spots. They have very sharp teeth, I will tell you why later. They have brown eyes. Their babies weighs 1 pound. Males weigh about 200 pounds. Females weigh 100 or less. Those are cool facts about a mountain lion’s body.

Life cycle

A mountain lion has an incomplete life cycle. The life cycle of a mountain lion goes like this: baby, kid, adult. Female can give birth up to 3 to 6 cubs at a time. Baby cubs drink milk from their moms. The babies learn to hunt when they are 2. The babies lose their spots when they are 1. That is the life cycle of a mountain lion.


Did you know that a mountain lion lives in both Americas. A mountain lion can’t live in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia because people hunted them to much. It lives in any temperature. A mountain lion lives in high places. That’s the habitat of the lions of the mountains.

Food and nutrition

Did you know the mountain lion is the predator of the mountains and woods. Mountain lions eat deer and things it can catch. The mountain lion uses it’s claws and their jaws to kill their prey. A mountain lion eats 8-10 pounds every day. An adult mountain lion can jump a 9 foot fence with a sheep in its mouth. It is a conveyor. That is why the mountain

Enemies and Survival

Did you know a mountain lion’s adaptation is it’s razor sharp teeth because it helps mountain lions to capture it’s victim. The enemy of the mountain lion is man. The male hunts, because the mom has to nurse its little ones. It uses its razor sharp teeth and claws to hunt. Read more to learn more.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that the mountain lion is the mascot for the Penn State Nittney Lions. Penn state chose the Nittney lion because of the location and animal. Nittney means “single mountain” to the native Americans. Before the 1880’s mountain lions roamed all of Pennsylvania. Nitteny and Penn valley’s western side views the campus. These majestic animals are endangered because of hunters. The mountain lion lives in all of California. The mountain lion can eat deer to insects. Those are some interesting facts.

Closing Paragraph

Did you know a mountain lion uses its razor sharp teeth and claws to hunt. A mountain lion goes though an incomplete life cycle. A baby mountain lion needs a lot of food for hunting. A mountain lion lives in the Colorado mountains so hunters can’t get to them. Mountain lions don’t live together, but they do mate. Mountain lions are carnivores. I chose the mountain lion because of the Penn State Nittney lions.

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