andrew goodwins music video conventions

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media

products?Andrew Goodwin had seven different conventions that which was what we used as a guide for our

music video. The seven conventions were, Intertextuality, Star Iconography, Star

Identification, Voyeurism, Genre, Music and Visuals and Lyrics and Visuals.

We looked at different Indie Pop music videos to see which of Andrew Goodwin's conventions that they mostly used. We tried to use as many of the conventions in our music video and felt as if we used, star iconography, star identification, genre

and music and visuals.

GenreThroughout our video we tried to show the genre of indie pop

through the fashion of what our characters were wearing and the special effects on the video. I feel as if the special effects on the video was the most important aspect of making the video stand out to be Indie-Pop. We used a filter throughout our entire video that gave the clips purple undertones, I feel as if this made the genre stand out as indie pop as it gave a calming effect to the

video, which you usually associate with Indie. We also used another filter to express the flashbacks in the video. The filter

expressed the loss and gave a dull effect to the clips which also made it stand out as indie pop. We were inspired to use cool

undertones in the video by Lana Del Rey’s music videos, I feel as if it gives the video the feel of being indie and dark.

Star IdentificationThroughout the majority of music videos in general (especially Indie) we found that they used a lot f close up shots of the artists so that there is instant star identification. The close ups allow a more intimate and personal for the artist

which allows the audience to connect with the artist. We noticed that the song by Florence and the Machine- Spectrum, which is the indie genre of music used a lot of close ups in the video as this allowed star identification and you instantly know that she is the artist. We found that most videos used close ups for star

identification so we decided to use close ups in our video for this reason.

VoyeurismWe feel as if we used voyeurism a little bit throughout

the video, as we use a lot of close ups of the girls bodies and concentrate on the female form. We feel as this is voyeurism as we wanted the girls to look as if they were naked and pure in the video. We found

that by doing this it brought out the sex appeal in the video.

LocationWe felt as if we used a lot of different locations throughout the

production of our music video, being in the studio with a black back drop, and shoots in the Forest of Dean, shoots in the street etc. We felt that if we used different locations then it may emphasize the

fact that she is travelling through a period in her life where she has lost someone. We feel as if our locations are suited to our genre of indie/pop, because we tried to use unique shots of the forest and tried to make it dark. Our locations that we used, helped to create narrative throughout the video, of the 2 girls that had fallen in love

and how many memories that they had shared.

Lyrics and visualsIn our video we included the convention of the relationship between the lyrics

and visuals. We have done this in our music video and took the convention and developed it into our music video. For example the lyrics “Dancing in the dark

in the pale moonlight”, we decided to develop the lyrics and make it match with the visuals by taking a video of the moon and over lap the 2 video clips of the

girl dancing so that the lyrics matched with the visuals. The moon moves across the screen so that it looked as if she had been dancing in the moonlight until

the morning.

Another example of this would be from the lyrics being “Telephone wires above, a sizzling like a snare, honey, I’m on fire I feel it everywhere nothing scares me anymore” We decided to also overlap 2 clips into 1 again for this lyrics so that the visuals matched the lyrics. The telephone wires were taking from a moving vehicle so that when the video plays it is like they are on a journey, with the girl

who passed away signing in the background.

Inter-textual references and Star Iconography

We haven’t used these conventions in our music video. We chose to not use star iconography because

we wanted out music video to seem as if it were 2 normal girls that were in love, and a video of their

past memories. We didn’t want our main character to stand out and have their own iconography.

We also didn’t use inter-textual references in our music video, as we felt as this a necessity to help tell

the story in the song. We also felt this convention wasn’t necessary because we felt that we couldn’t include it so therefore wouldn’t match the genre.

Promotional Package

We feel as if our digi pak followed the average conventions of usual digi paks. On the front cover we used a main image that related to the genre of the music video, being Indie/Pop, the name of the artist being ‘Aviana’ and

the name of the album being ‘Pretty Demons’. On the back we included the track list of the album, and our

record label, logo and barcode.

Promotional Package

The advert related to our digi pak, because we decided that we would

use the same colour scheme throughout the whole of the

promotional package, being blue, black and white. We decided to use these colours because we wanted to use landscapes for our backgrounds

for the promotional package. We included the artists name, the album name, and the name of our song from our music video at the bottom, which

created synergy between both the digi pak and the music video.

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