alpha kappa alpha sorority, inc. presents

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presents. 1 of 24. End Show. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Xi Omega Chapter Marian A. Willard Basileus. 2 of 24. End Show. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Xi Omega Chapter Live Your Pearls-Don’t Just Wear Them. 3 of 24. End Show. AKA. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.


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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Xi Omega Chapter

Marian A. Willard


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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Xi Omega ChapterLive Your Pearls-Don’t Just Wear Them

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It all began over 75 years ago. On June 6, 1929, a group of sorors, dedicated to the ideals of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., was challenged to “live their pearls.” They established a graduate chapter in the Dallas area. This historic event has afforded us the opportunity to continue their legacy. Now, 75 years later, we must not be afraid of new ideas, new theories, and new philosophies. We must be creative, take the initiative, and be resourceful. The ideals of our Twenty Pearls will be used by this administration to ensure Alpha Xi Omega continues that legacy.

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The First Pearl stands for:Alpha. We shall be first in spirit, love, and sisterly relations.

The Second Pearl stands for:Kappa. Wisdom will endow every part of us.  We must roll up our sleeves and work until we get the job done.


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The Third Pearl stands for:Alpha. That completes our founder's dreams;we help each other for we know there’s are no other.The Fourth Pearl stands for:Our Motto. By merit and culture


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The Fifth Pearl stands for:Strength and Unity.  We must pull together not apart.

The Sixth Pearl stands for:Understanding and Respect. We must watch what we say and how we say it to each other.


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The Seventh Pearl stands for:Pride.  We must hold our head up high,  always looking our best and dressing for success. "Hold high the touch.” The Eighth Pearl stands for:Scholarship.  Continue to encourage high  academics.


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The Ninth Pearl stands for:Sacrifice.  Paying our dues, assessments, and  financial obligations.

The Tenth Pearl stands for:Spiritual sight.   We must have Christ in our lives and in our sorority, if we hope to accomplish  our goals.


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The Eleventh Pearl stands for:Courage...   one of the finest qualities.  We will stand up and speak out when others will not.  We must be committed to our community and service projects.The Twelfth Pearl stands for:Trust.   Trust our officers and each other, as this is the main ingredient of our sorority.


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The Thirteenth Pearl stands for:The heart. A sharing, caring, and giving heart focuses on the my/your attitude about self and others.The Fourteenth Pearl stands for:The mind. Using our talents, creative ideas, professional expertise, and intellectual competence.


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The Fifteenth Pearl stands for:Commitment,  and dedication. Our personal involvement is required.

The Sixteenth Pearl stands for:Purpose.  Foster thy teaching,continuing to strive to understand our Sorority's purpose, heritage and programs.


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The Seventeenth Pearl stands for:Knowledge.  A thorough understanding of our documents is needed so we can obey our laws. The Eighteenth Pearl stands for:Loyalty. Support chapter activities and each other.


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The Nineteenth Pearl stands for:Sisterliness.  Treat each other, as we want to be treated.

The Twentieth Pearl is the best of all. It pulls the strand of pearls together as set forth by our founders in 1908.  The Alpha Kappa Alpha vision is to be of "Supreme service to all mankind'."


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For you see Sorors, of Alpha Xi Omega Chapter, we must:

Live Our Twenty Pearls - Don't just wear them!"

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Alpha Xi Omega – 2004-2005

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Alpha Xi Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

A lp h a X I O m eg a C h ap te r F u n c tion s

P res id en ta lF reed om

S c h o la rs h ip



Y ou n g A u th orsP rog ram

R ead in gO n e to O n e

E d u c a tion C om ittee

N a tion a lF am ily

V o lu n tee r D ay

G ran d p aren t

C on n ec tion sM L K

D ay o f S ervic e

S is te rlyR e la tion s

E n c ou n te rs

F as h ion e tta

B lac k F am ily

H ea lth F a ir

S en io r C it iz en s

F am ily H ea lthC o llec tionP rog ram

C am p J u b ilee

H ea lth

K P M G -P H DP ro jec t

B lac kD o lla rD ay

W a lk sA id s

C an c er

Y ou n gF in an c ia lL ite rac yP rog ram

E c on om ic E m p ow erm en t

A ll C om m itees

Th e A rts

P rog ram C h a irS oro r S h ere l R iley

M arian A n n W illa rdB as ileu s

A lp h a X i O m eg a C h ap te rA lp h a K ap p a A lp h s S oro rity, In c o rp ora ted

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Xi Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

P u b lic ityA w ard sP ro toco l

A rts

E A FC h a ir S oro r V eron ica F raz ie r

C o C h a ir S o ro r C yn th ia S oreyE A F S ch o la rsh ip s & A p o llo

Y ou n g A u th ors P rog ramC h a ir TB D

Th e IV Y R ead in g A K A d em y P ilo t P rog ramR ead in g O n e to O n eS ig n a tu re P rog ram

S oror V ern a G ip son -S p ears , C h a ir

H B C UC h a ir S oro r C yn th ia S co tt A llenC o-C h a ir S o ro r F e lic ia M a lon g


S ch o la rsh ipC h a ir S oro r A va lyn P ace

P res id en tia l F reed om S ch o la rsh ipS ch o la rsh ip A c tivit ies

Targ e t I . E d u ca tionTarg e t L ead er

S oro r V ern a G ip son -S p ears

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Xi Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

P u b lic ityA w ard sP ro toco l

A rts

G ran d p aren tsS oro r E lin o r Jackson

P rog ram 1 : M L K D ay o f S erviceL oca l, S ta te an d N a tion a l E lec tion s

S oro r S an d ra B ib b , C h a irS oro r A n g ie R ich ard s , co -C h a ir

B lack F am ilyN ation a l F am ily V o lu n teer D ay

S oro r G lo ria K in g

E n con te rsS oro r L aS h aw n R u lles -B oyd , C h a ir

S oro r In g a M cG iu d es

S is te rly R e la tion sS oro r M arg ie R iley, C h a ir

S oro r G in a R ow e, C o-C h a ir

F ash ion e ttaS oro r W an d a Taylo r, C h a ir

S oro r B ob b ie W arin g , C o-C h a ir

Targ e t II . B lack F am ilyTarg e t L ead er

S oro r G lo ria K in g

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Xi Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

P u b licityA w a rd sP ro to co l

A rts

H ea lthP ro g ra m 1 : F a m ily H isto ry C o llectio n P ro ject

S o ro r S h a ro n W a sh

S en io r C itizen sP ro g ra m 3 : S en io r H ea lth a n d S a fety Issu es

S o ro r O ree D u kes , C h a irS o ro r W illie B . C u rry , C o -C h a ir

H ea lthW a lks

A id s; C a n cerC o m m ittee M em b er

H ea lthA n n u a l H ea lth F a ir

S o ro r D eb ra H o b so n

H ea lthC a m p J u b ilee

S o ro r G ev el J a ckso n

T a rg et III. H ea lthT a rg et L ea d er

S o ro r D eb ra H o b so n

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Xi Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

P u b lic ityA w ard sP ro toco l

A rts

F in an ceS oro r K eya M os tley, C h a ir

S oro r W an d a Taylo r, C o C h a ir

P rog ram 1 : Y ou th F in an c ia l L ite racy P rog ramC om m ittee M em b er

L ead ersh ipS oro r B everly C o lleym ore

P rog ram 2 : B lack D o lla r D ayS oro r B everly R an d a ll

A u d itS oro r M ich e lle L ass ite r-E w e ll, C h a ir

S oro r A lic ia F ish er, C o-C h a ir

P rog ram 3 : K P M G P H D P rog ramC om m ittee M em b er

Targ e t IV . E con om ic E m p ow erm en tTarg e t L ead er

S oro r B everly R an d a ll

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Alpha Xi Omega ChapterAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

P u b lic ityA w ard sP ro toco l

A rts

A rts S ig n a tu re P ro jec t E d u ca tion B lack F am ily F ash ion e tta

Targ e t V . Th e A rtsTarg e t L ead er

S oror L a tin a B ran chS oror K ris t in a P ag e

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Presented by

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Xi Omega Chapter

Marian A. Willard

BasileusLive Our Pearls in the Spirit of:

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04/19/23 09:06 PM

Click Here

To Visit Our Web Site.

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