almanaque enciclopedia resident evil 96 paginas

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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OrkutResident Evil - Fenix BR - Jogos em Portugus BR - cmm=29629337

NDICESINOPSE................................................................................................................ ...03 VERSES............................................................................................................... ....04 PERSONAGENS...................................................................................................... ....09 INIMIGOS............................................................................................................... ...14 ARMAS................................................................................................................... ...17 ITENS..................................................................................................................... ...19 MANUAL SOBREVIVNCIA.....................................................................................53 DETONADOS (GUIA)..................................................................................................57 DICAS.................................................................................................................... ...77 GAMESHARK.......................................................................................................... ....79 FILES (ARQUIVOS).....................................................................................................90 DE

SINOPSELanado em 1996, para o PlayStation e posteriormente para o Saturn e para PC, "Resident Evil" foi o game que decididamente abriu caminho para o estilo Survival Horror, primeiramente criado com o lanamento do game Alone In The Dark. Mas a Capcom tinha um ingrediente diferente, misturando tecnologia, cincia e muita tenso na mesma trama. Com tudo isso, o game acabou sendo um sucesso de vendas e at mesmo eleito um dos melhores ttulos j lanados. A trama se passa em Julho de 1998, numa cidadezinha pacata no oeste dos Estados Unidos, chamada Raccoon. H algum tempo j, alguns habitantes esto sendo atacados na regio das Montanhas Arklay, que contorna toda a cidade. Todas as vtimas apresentando sinais de canibalismo em seus corpos. Muitas pessoas afirmam ter visto estranhos seres vagando pela rea, mas nenhuma delas tem provas. Com isso, a nica soluo que a polcia encontrara foi mandar um grupo especializado, os S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics of Rescue Service), at as montanhas para examinar o local, em busca de provas ou qualquer outra coisa que ajude a desvendar o mistrio. O grupo mandado foi o Bravo Team composto por Richard Aiken, Forest Speyer, Kenneth Sullivan, Rebecca Chambers, o capito Enrico Marini e o piloto Edward Dewey. Misteriosamente, o outro grupo, o Alpha Team - composto por Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, Joseph Frost, o piloto Brad Vickers, e o capito, Albert Wesker - perde contato com o Bravo. a que o Alpha entra em ao e vai atrs do grupo desaparecido nas montanhas. Chegando l, tudo o que encontram o helicptero do Bravo vazio, mas eles logo descobririam o por qu. Apenas alguns minutos procurando por pistas, o grupo atacado por ces, que estranhamente pareciam estar em estado de decomposio. Um deles, Joseph morre, e eles tentam correr at o helicptero, mas esse parte sem eles. Sem mais esperanas de sobrevivncia, eles comeam a correr sem rumo, tentando escapar daquelas criaturas, e eis que inesperadamente, diante de seus olhos, h uma sombria manso abandonada. Eles decidem se esconder l at passar o perigo. Mas... o Bravo Team tambm estaria l? O que essa manso esconde de to tenebroso? Bom, a com voc, entre na pele de Chris Redfield ou Jill Valentine e solucionar o que h de to misterioso por trs de toda essa histria.

VERSESResident Evil conquistou tantos fs que o game saiu para diversas plataformas, alm de, depois de um tempo, ainda colhendo os frutos do sucesso da nova franquia, a Capcom tambm criar a verso do diretor [Director's Cut], e at mesmo um Remake do jogo, a verso Resident Evil Rebirth [vide seo no menu Games, na pgina principal], sem contar a verso para o porttil DS da Nintendo [vide seo tambm no menu Games]. Confira abaixo as verses lanadas de Resident Evil: - Resident Evil para PC Ano de Lanamento: 1996

- Resident Evil para Saturn Ano de Lanamento: 1997

- Resident Evil Director's Cut Ano de Lanamento: 1997

- Resident Evil Director's Cut Dual Shock Ver. Ano de Lanamento: 1998 - RESIDENT EVIL PARA PC (Ano de Lanamento: 1996) A verso para PC no apresenta tanta diferena em relao ao game para o PSX. Os nicos "extras", se que assim podem ser considerados, presentes no game so as fotos de fundo onde aparece o tempo de jogo, e a presena de uma nova arma que habilitada como arma especial com munio ilimitada, uma Uzi [Ingram], que pode ser conferida na seo de Armas. Abaixo, as fotos novas das telas de ranking:

Tela Final - Chris Redfield Tela Final - Jill Valentine

- RESIDENT EVIL PARA SATURN (Ano de Lanamento: 1997) Em 1996, quando a srie RE foi lanada, a grande guerra dos consoles era entre Playstation, da Sony, e o Saturn, da SEGA. O primeiro RE foi lanado apenas para PSX, em 1996, mas de tanto se comentar, o Saturn recebeu uma verso do jogo, um ano depois, em 1997. Alis, RE1 para o console da SEGA saiu um dia depois que RE: Director's Cut, para PSX. A idia da verso Director's Cut, era colocar cenas censuradas nos EUA, como a apresentao, a morte de Kenneth por inteiro, alm de diferentes ngulos de cmera e novas cut-scenes. Mas podemos dizer que, alm dessa verso para PSX, a verso Saturn poderia at ser considerada como um outro Director's Cut. O jogo em si baseado na primeira verso lanada para o PSX, mas algumas diferenas foram feitas, talvez para chamar a ateno dos usurios do Saturn. E sobre isso que iremos analisar: as diferenas entre as verses originais de RE1 para PSX e para Saturn. Graficamente falando, a verso Saturn no foi igual lanada um ano antes, para PSX. Ela um pouco inferior, mas isso tem um motivo, vale at uma pitada de curiosidade! O projeto do SEGA Saturn no era, originalmente, para jogos 3D. Muitos no sabem, mas a Nintendo havia uma parceria de desenvolvimento de um perifrico para o SNES. Esse perifrico permitia rodar jogos em cd-rom. Esse aparelho todos conheceram depois com o nome de Playstation. O projeto era uma resposta ao SEGA CD, que podia ser acoplado ao Mega Drive e, assim, rodar jogos em cd-rom tambm. Mas quando o projeto PSX estava praticamente pronto, a Nintendo simplesmente cancelou a parceria com a Sony, esnobando-a. Do outro lado, vendo que o projeto da concorrente no vingou, a SEGA comeou as pesquisas no desenvolvimento do Saturn, voltado mais para jogos em 2D. A Nintendo, como resposta, comeou a desenvolver o Ultra 64, mais tarde, "Nintendo 64". A Sony, ento, ficou sem saber o que fazer com o projeto "Playstation". Pouco tempo depois, o anncio que mudaria muita coisa na indstria dos jogos: a Sony estava entrando no mercado com o Playstation. A conferncia da Sony fez o mundo se surpreender com os grficos que o PSX podia fazer. Com medo de ser engolida por Nintendo e Sony, a SEGA mudou todo o projeto Saturn, na tentativa de competir com o PSX. Mas, apesar dos esforos, o tempo foi grande inimigo da empresa de Sonic e Alex Kidd. O

Saturn foi lanado, com mdia baseada em CD, como o PSX, mas em ambientaes 3D, o console apresentava perdas. Em jogos 2D, no entanto, o Saturn levava a melhor em cima da Sony. Por isso, ento, voltando ao assunto original, que a verso de Resident Evil 1 para Saturn deficiente nos grficos. Porque o console, em si, no era to potente como o PSX. Uma das coisas que o Saturn dava "vexame" era em simular transparncias. Vemos, abaixo, que o console realmente no era nada satisfatrio nesse quesito.

Para voc poder veja a mesma cena consoles e tire a verso se saiu melhor nos grficos:

ter uma noo, em ambos os dvida de qual

Verso PSX

Verso Saturn

Pois bem, apesar dos grficos serem menos bonitos, outras diferenas compensavam o jogo, fazendo dele um atrativo a mais para quem j havia terminado o jogo no PSX. E que diferenas so essas? o que vamos ver agora! A primeira incluso da verso Saturn Battle Game. Alis, foi o primeiro modo de batalha na srie RE. Outros "Battle Mode" conhecidos so os de RE2, RE3 (Mercenaries), RECV e RE4 (The Mercenaries). Assim como os outros, o Battle Game consistia em fazer o jogador percorrer vrias salas do jogo principal, mas com uma semelhana maior com RECV:

Para passar de estgio, voc no poderia deixar ningum vivo, era obrigatrio voc matar todos e s assim, poderia acessar as outras salas. O Battle Mode era composto de nove fases, com trs chefes. A munio, claro, era escassa, assim como as ervas. Alis, outra "marca" desse tipo de extra na srie: Cada personagem vinha com um determinado armamento prprio. Nesse esquema de mini-game, haviam dois personagens que foram colocados especialmente no Battle Game: Um Wesker "zumbificado" e um Tyrant na cor dourada. Ao final do mini-game, o jogador recebia um valor de ranqueamento.

Outra vinda para a verso Saturn foi a incluso de um Hunter diferente daquele da verso PSX. Esse Hunter, tambm conhecido como Tick, tinha mudanas na textura de sua pele. Um desses poderia ser visto logo aps a conversa com Enrico, no subsolo da manso:

Talvez uma das maiores, seno a maior diferena entre as verses, seja a incluso de mais um Tyrant para o jogador confrontar, na ltima sala do laboratrio da Umbrella. Assim que voc terminava de matar um deles, um outro Tyrant quebrava o vidro de uma das cpsulas e tambm te atacava.

Para finalizar, essa no uma adio propriamente dita, pois na verso para PSX, ela j existe: Novas roupas. Mas o que muda? Em si, a idia apareceu realmente no console da Sony, primeiro, porm, a diferena da verso para Saturn, que so novas roupas. Chris, por exemplo, usa uma roupa do S.T.A.R.S. escura, deixando ele ainda mais "bombado", enquanto Jill, usa um uniforme azul do S.T.A.R.S., mas deixando a barriga de fora.

Para terminar, algumas verses de Resident Evil para Saturn, nos Estados Unidos e na Europa, vinham com as cenas no-censuradas, como a apresentao mostrando Joseph morrendo, e a queda da cabea de Kenneth. A verso Saturn era uma verso, apesar de mais pobre tecnicamente, interessante de se jogar. Claro, isso se deve aos extras que o jogo oferecia. Por isso, para qualquer f, um jogo que deve ser experimentado. - RESIDENT EVIL DIRECTORS CUT (Ano de Lanamento: 1997) a verso "avanada" de Resident Evil, ou seja, o jogo original, mas com alguns recursos adicionais. Foi lanado apenas para saciar a sede dos fs mais ansiosos, enquanto Resident Evil 2 estava sendo preparado. Com algumas poucas mudanas, o jogo vem com dois CDs. No primeiro, vem o Resident Evil, com a verso original (Standard), uma um pouco mais fcil (Training) e uma cheia de coisas diferentes, mais inimigos , e os grficos MUITO mais melhorados (Advanced), onde possvel trocar sua roupa mesmo sem terminar o game. J no segundo CD, voc pode jogar uma pequena Demo de Resident Evil 2, onde voc vasculha o R.P.D. com Leon apenas. Apesar da Demo ser um pouco curta demais, vale a pena conferir. Vantagens:

Os 3 modos de jogo so uma boa alternativa para testar a "capacidade" dos jogadores; Voc j vem com outra roupa, no modo Advanced, o que j muda um pouco; A Beretta vem equipada com balas Dum Dum, que estouram a cabea dos zumbis, em alguns momentos do jogo; Os grficos, no modo Advanced ficaram muito, muito melhores; Os ngulos da cmera foram uma tima pedida, pois aumenta ainda mais o suspense, ou seja, voc no v muito o que tem pela frente. Desvantagens: O CD Demo poderia ser um pouco mais longo; No h inimigos e itens novos no modo Advanced; Os finais so iguais ao original. ((E o Roteiro, muda? Muda, sim, senhor...)) - "O Zumbi Forest" Como j foi dito, algumas mudanas foram feitas no modo Advanced, como o maior nmero de inimigos, a melhoria nos grficos, os ngulos de cmera novos e a arma melhor, para fazer um Resident Evil do jeitinho que o diretor sempre sonhou. Uma das mudanas mais legais quando voc vai at Forest pegar a Bazooca, com Jill. O cara no gosta muito de os outros estarem pegando suas coisas sem pedir e se enfurece (Isso mesmo, ele se levanta!), se transformando em zumbi e indo atrs de voc. O nico jeito de acalm-lo descarregar a arma nele, sendo ou no um dos membros do Bravo. A grande mudana de seus amigos tambm terem se tornado criaturas horrendas e ficarem contra voc uma mudana no enredo. - "Rebecca fazendo seu trabalho" Jogando com Chris, ao ir at Richard, antes de ir para a Medical Room (a sala onde voc v Rebecca pela primeira vez no modo Original), voc encontra a jovem enfermeira cuidando do pobre rapaz, que foi envenenado pela cobra. Lembre-se que, com Chris, no era necessrio buscar o Serum para ele, por Richard j estar morto, no modo Original, mas dessa vez o rapaz est nas ltimas, e Rebecca lhe suplica que o ajude. Mais uma mudana no Roteiro original de Resident Evil.

- Resident Evil Director's Cut Dual Shock Ver. (Ano de Lanamento: 1998) No h muito que falar sobre esta verso, um Resident Evil Director's Cut compatvel com o Controle Analgico. Vem acompanhado de um CD Extra, com informaes, cenas de computao grfica e outras coisas mais sobre Resident Evil 1 e 2, alm de vdeos de Resident Evil 1.5 [verso anterior de Resident Evil 2]. As msicas do jogo tambm esto diferentes.

PERSONAGENS- Chris Redfield

Um dos personagens principais na histria. Antes de ser um S.T.A.R.S., Chris era um piloto da Fora Area Americana, mas ao ser despedido, ficou um tempo sem o que fazer, at que conheceu Barry, que o recrutou nos S.T.A.R.S. Chris se mudou para Raccoon, e trabalha no R.P.D. A aventura dele tem seus detalhes significantes, Chris no tem as "mordomias" de Jill, como o lockpick e a Bazooca, uma arma bem mais potente. Sua trama bem envolvente, voc vai descobrir mais sobre a Umbrella e seus planos, e porque acabaram dentro daquela manso.

- Jill Valentine

Tambm protagonista na histria, Jill se muda para Raccoon para se recrutar aos S.T.A.R.S.; especialista em destrancar fechaduras e em mquinas de esquadro. Por ser a nica garota do grupo, protegida o tempo todo por Barry e Chris, durante a trama, percebe-se isso rapidamente, pois Barry a ajuda infinitas vezes. Sua trama tambm a mais envolvente, por haver muitas revelaes e ligaes suspeitas entre os personagens. Conforme o desenvolvimento da aventura, voc vai entendendo o que h por trs da manso.

- Barry Burton

Veterano nos S.T.A.R.S. e formado na SWAT, Barry um expert em armas. Velho parceiro de Chris, muito preocupado com os amigos - principalmente com Jill - e com sua famlia. Por j estar recrutado h tantos anos, Barry o mais responsvel do grupo, por sua coragem e agilidade, o resultado de tantos anos de trabalho. Durante a trama, ele salva Jill de todos os perigos imaginveis e a tira de vrias enrascadas. s vezes, ele parece meio depressivo e cansado, mas ao desenrolar da histria, voc saber o porqu.

- Rebecca Chambers

A mais nova integrante do Bravo Team. Sempre preocupada com os amigos, faz de tudo para tentar ajud-los. Durante a aventura, ela acompanha Chris, e muito til, principalmente quando se trata de enfermagem, sua especialidade. Sua coragem, auto-estima e inteligncia levam Rebecca a ser

uma das sobreviventes deste caso terrvel e assustador.

- Albert Wesker

Lder do Alpha Team, Wesker se mostra autoritrio diante de seus companheiros de equipe. Por ser um dos principais responsveis pela construo de uma sede dos S.T.A.R.S. em Raccoon, ele acabou sendo promovido pelo Brian Irons para esse cargo, to invejado pelos outros membros das equipes. Mas nem sua personalidade forte, nem seu esprito aventureiro faro com que o tempo mostre o seu outro lado. Por trs dessa imagem de "bom rapaz", Wesker esconde um grande segredo, capaz de mudar a vida dos S.T.A.R.S. para sempre.

- Joseph Frost

Joseph um rapaz cheio de vida, sempre disposto a trabalhar e com um incrvel senso de responsabilidade. Todas essas qualidades o levaram a ser promovido para o Alpha Team, dias antes do Bravo Team partir para a misso na floresta da cidade. Essa promoo, oferecida repentinamente por Albert Wesker, causou inveja nos outros membros do Bravo, que no entenderam o motivo de uma deciso to inesperada. Mas... infelizmente o destino no reserva muito a Joseph, que morre brutalmente na misso de resgate do Bravo Team.

- Brad Vickers

Brad carinhosamente chamado de "Corao de Galinha" pelos amigos, mas, apesar de ser medroso, um dos membros mais inteligentes e hbeis da equipe, um expert em computadores e piloto de helicptero do Alpha Team.

- Kenneth J. Sullivan

Kenneth faz o tipo mais calado, talvez esse seja o motivo que o faa ser um bom espio. No bastasse isso, um perito qumico, e fica imaginando qual seria a utilidade de sua experincia em Raccoon City, ao ser recrutado pessoalmente por Wesker.

- Enrico Marini

Capito do Bravo Team, ele quem d as ordens quando Wesker est ausente. Dedicado ao seu trabalho, Enrico se sente um tanto ameaado com a chegada do Alpha Team, imaginando que Barry ou Chris pudessem tomar seu lugar de vice-lder. Infelizmente, o destino literalmente o trai.

- Richard Aiken

Membro muito importante dos S.T.A.R.S., Richard o responsvel pelo setor de comunicao no Bravo e no Alpha Team. Faz amizade facilmente com os novos membros dos grupos.

- Forest Speyer

Especialista em veculos e excelente atirador de elite do Bravo Team. Seu timo trabalho e sua dedicao fazem com que ele ganhe o respeito e a amizade de outros membros, como Chris.

INIMIGOSAqui voc encontra os tipos de inimigos que se enfrenta em Resident Evil.

- Zumbis Aparecem em quase todos os momentos do jogo, mas so fceis tanto de matar quanto de se desviar. Alguns podem ser mais rpidos, outros mais lentos, mas nada que um punhado de tiros de Beretta no resolva.

- Cerberus Ces mutantes, totalmente deformados e em decomposio, porm famintos. No so to difceis assim, mas tome muito cuidado com os eles, pois podem atacar rapidamente e ferem mortalmente. A Beretta pode dar conta deles tambm.

- Hunters Criaturas geis e espertas, pulam, correm e fogem de ataques. Todo cuidado pouco com eles, pois um movimento errado e voc pode at mesmo perder sua cabea. Os Hunters no morrem facilmente, portanto mande bala com a melhor arma que tiver, pode ser a Shotgun do Chris e a Bazooca da Jill. A Colt tambm uma boa pedida, basta um tiro.

- Neptune [Tubares] No aparecem constantemente no jogo, apenas na Casa de Guarda (Guardhouse). So fceis de fugir, nem preciso mat-los, morrem quando a gua que vazou do aqurio drenada.

- Chimeras So pentelhos e podem se pendurar no teto. Seus ataques so muito fatais e podem te matar rapidamente. Alm de geis, so criaturas rpidas, fortes e inteligentes. O mais recomendado correr sem parar. Caso queira mat-los, a Bazooca com munio incendiria [Jill] pode ser uma boa opo, assim como a Colt.

- Aranhas So perigosas e mortais, mas manter a distncia a melhor arma contra elas. Nunca fique muito perto, pois corre o risco de ser envenenado. No representam muito perigo, por serem to grandes, so fceis tanto de matar quanto de se desviar.

- Corvos No so to perigosos, mas em bando podem encurralar e matar. Seja gil diante deles e, caso precise, use a Shotgun para matar vrios ao mesmo tempo.

- Abelhas, Serpentes e Aranhas Podem matar, mas s se voc estiver muuuuuuito distrado, pois podem ser enganadas e deixadas para trs facilmente. So os inimigos mais fracos do jogo, no h dvidas!

- Yawn [Cobra Gigante] um dos inimigos mais difceis, quando no se tem muita prtica na esquiva. No tente mat-lo no primeiro encontro, e procure ficar bem longe, para no correr o risco de ser envenenado. Mas no um simples veneno, esse s pode ser curado com o Soro (Serum), encontrado na sala mdica. J na segunda vez, ela no pode mais te envenenar, porque o antdoto do Soro impede um segundo envenenamento, ento encha-a de balas, Shotgun e Bazooca so as melhores opes. - Plant42 Essa planta pode ser muito perigosa. Alm de agarrar com os tentculos, ela solta cido por todos os lados. Distncia e rapidez so necessrios para mat-la. Para acabar com ela mais rpido, usada uma frmula, a V-Jolt, na sua raz. Mas no pense que s fazer a V-Jolt, colocar na raz e ela j est morta... voc ainda ter que enfrent-la e mat-la de vez. Bazooca e Shotgun so boas armas contra ela, seguindo o esquema atirar e correr. Tome cuidado com as bolas de cido que caem do teto. - Black Tiger [Viva Negra] Com essa aranha, deve-se tomar todo cuidado possvel. Ela muito gil, rpida e forte. Seu veneno pode matar rapidamente, se acertado vrias vezes. Recomenda-se o uso da melhor arma contra ela, Bazooca, Shotgun ou Magnum [a mais poderosa]. No fique parado, atire uma vez e corra para o lado, repita esse processo para evitar ser envenenado. - Tyrant A maior e melhor criao da Umbrella, uma verdadeira armabiolgica. Tem ataques muito fortes e suas garras tiram muita energia. Dependendo do transcorrer da trama, necessrio enfrent-lo duas vezes. Na primeira, ele estar devagar, mas na segunda, no heliporto, ele poder correr, e estar muito mais forte. A no adianta atirar, ficar se esquivando e esperar que te joguem o Lana Msseis para acabar com ele de uma vez por todas! Na primeira apario, use Shotgun, Bazooca ou Magnum.

ARMAS- Combat Knife [Faca de Combate] Capacidade de munio: -- praticamente intil. Pssima para matar qualquer inimigo. O melhor a se fazer deix-la no ba. Sua nica utilidade, durante o jogo inteiro, cortar teias de aranha, j na penltima parte do jogo.

- Beretta M92FS Capacidade de munio: 15 balas por vez. Arma usada por Jill e tambm por Chris. A munio no escassa e, apesar de ser uma arma razovel, boa para matar zumbis e ces, para no desperdiar munio de armas mais fortes.

- Remington M870 [Espingarda] Capacidade de munio: 7 cartuchos por vez. Uma boa arma para enfrentar qualquer tipo de inimigos, desde zumbis at chimeras. Costuma ser a preferida de todos os jogadores, que se divertem em mir-la na cabea dos zumbis e apertar o gatilho.

- Colt Python [Magnum] Capacidade de munio: 6 balas no tambor. uma das melhores armas do jogo, mata desde zumbis at hunters e o poderoso Tyrant com agilidade e pouqussimos tiros. , definitivamente, a melhor arma contra os Hunters, pois basta um tiro para acabar com um deles.

- Bazooka [Bazuca] Capacidade de munio: 6 cartuchos. Tipos de munio: Acid, Explosive e Flame Rounds. Arma usada somente por Jill, extremamente poderosa contra qualquer inimigo, e seja qual for a munio que estiver nela equipada. Costuma matar at as chimeras com apenas um tiro.

- Flamethrower Capacidade de munio: 100% de combustvel - no recarregvel. Arma usada somente por Chris, e por tempo limitado. No h munio para ela durante o jogo. No uma das melhores armas, fraca e o combustvel acaba com muita rapidez.

- Rocket Launcher [Lana-Msseis] Capacidade de munio: 4 tiros [ou infinita, usada como arma especial]. Durante o jogo normal, usada apenas para matar o Tyrant, na cena final. Mas, se voc for um bom jogador, possvel us-la durante o jogo todo [vide seo Dicas]! Chega at a no ter a mnima graa, pois simplesmente devastadora e mata qualquer inimigo com apenas um tiro. Apenas fique ligado com criaturas rasteiras [cobrinhas e zumbis cados], pois ela no mira nem para cima e nem para baixo. Mas quem precisa de mira com uma arma dessas?

- Ingram [Uzi] Capacidade de munio: infinita Esta arma s est disponvel na verso de Resident Evil para PC, e voc a adquire como arma especial e com munio ilimitada, aps terminar o jogo em menos de trs horas [vide seo Dicas]. uma boa arma, pode ser usada contra inimigos mais bsicos, como zumbis e Cerberus.

ITENSAcid Rounds Description/Information Large explosive-tipped rounds for use with the grenade launcher. Filled with highly concentrated sulfuric acid, these are generally considered the most powerful of the three types of grenade rounds. Especially effective against lickers. Comes in quantities of six.

Armor Key


"A carving of armor." During your various trips all around the mansions rooms, you will require the Armor Mansion Key to get into some new areas you've yet to explore. Here below is all the details that you will need on finding the key along also with which rooms in the mansion the Armor Key can be used in opening. Item Location Resident Evil: Found in the greenhouse of the mansion (1F that is) for both Jill and Chris you'll need to get past a plant to use it. Once gained you will have access to a large number of doorways. All doorways accessed will have the Shield etched below the keyhole according to your character. Resident Evil Director's Cut: The key has been moved to an interesting place, outside with the dead Forrest Speyer. Watch out though as when you go to pick it up, Forrest will attack. Kill him and then pick it up. Resident Evil Remake Before you can get this key you need the Imitation Key. Take it to the 3rd Floor area you can access at this point, and here you'll be able to swap the imitation key with the real Armor Key. Barry's Picture File Contents Something is written on the back of the picture "My dearest Moira and Polly, I hope you will grow up to be strong and beautiful women and help to cheer up mother. Your father will be watching you all from heaven. Dad."

File Location Should you be on the way for a bad ending, you will encounter Barry and he will give you this file, along with instructions on what he wants done with it.


Description "Now I can move the elevator." It's kinda freaky to think that all your adventures till using this item were for doing so. It's true. Everything you do is to get you to where the Battery is held, so this is a very important item in Resident Evil. Here below is all the details that you will need on finding the two batteries in the game (the the second one isn't so much of a problem in the original), and which elevators they need to be used with.

Item Location Resident Evil

The first Battery is found in a closet in on the 2nd Floor, near the library along with some ammo. This used in the middle of the courtyard to power the lift. The second is rather easy to locate, as it is sitting on the floor near where it is used, the escape lift to the Heliport. Resident Evil Director's Cut In the Directors Cut the first Battery is located near the same location, but has been moved to the hidden room off the Library. Be careful though as getting too close to the window will bring out some crows. The second Battery has been placed elsewhere also, this time in the Lab's Power Room on the B3 level. Resident Evil Remake Much like in the originals, the first (and only battery) of the Remake is located in a closet near the Library on the second floor of the mansion. Bazooka n/a Description/Information

Beretta M92F

Description/Information "Beretta M92FS Automatic loaded with 9 mm bullets" Information S.T.A.R.S. standard issue handgun. The Beretta will be your trusty weapon for most of the first part of Resident Evil. Of course for Chris you won't get it until about 5 minutes into the game. The handgun is at its best for long range combat, especially with slow enemies such as zombies. Taking on Hunters with this weapon would be a follish idea indeed. Ammunition Information The Beretta takes clips of 15 bullets. These are very common and can be found just about anywhere, usually sitting on objects around the mansion. You can carry a maximum of 250 bullets in one slot, and a max of 15 in the gun. Found

Resident Evil/Resident Evil Director's Cut Jill will find it in her starting inventory. Chris will find it when he returns to the main hall. Beretta M92FS Description/Information Also commonly referred to as the S.T.A.R.S. Handgun, this gun is the standard issue handgun for its members. This custom handgun sports a double safety lock, and a modified sliding bridge that prevents it from jamming. The Beretta will be your trusty weapon for most of the first part of Resident Evil. Of course for Chris you won't get it until about 5 minutes into the game. The handgun is at its best for long range combat, especially with slow enemies such as zombies. Taking on Hunters with this weapon would be a foolish idea indeed. The Beretta takes clips of 15 bullets. These are very common and can be found just about anywhere, usually sitting on objects around the mansion. You can carry a maximum of 250 bullets in one slot, and a max of 15 in the gun. Found In Resident Evil 1, Jill starts the game with this weapon in hand. Chris will find it on the floor when he returns to the main hall.

In Resident Evil , Rebecca starts with this weapon. This is also her weapon in Resident Evil 1. In Resident Evil 3, Jill will start with this gun. Blue Gemstone (Blue Jewel) "It's shining beautifully." A blue jewel that is beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface. The tigers eye. If that doesn't give you a big clue as to where it is used, nothing else will. Unlike the Red Jewel, you'll need this to progress into the game. Here below is all the details that you will need on finding the Blue Jewel in the game, where exactly the Jewel is used, and what you get from using it. Item Location Resident Evil The blue jewel isn't too hard to find. On the second floor of the dining room you'll find a statue holding the jewel. Push it over the balcony to the 1st floor and it will break, dropping the jewel on the floor. Once downstairs pick up the jewel and take it to the tiger statue room to get another item. Resident Evil Director's Cut This time you'll need to do a little more work to get the jewel. Once you've gained the golden crest put it in it's spot in the dining room. The clock will move aside revealing the space in the wall where you'll find the jewel. It needs to be used in the same place however. Resident Evil Remake You will find this item after pushing the statue off of the edge of the second floor above the dining hall. After you search the debris you will locate it. Description

Botany Book

File Contents ~ About Medicinal Herbs ~ As you may know there are many plants that have medical effects. Since ancient times, humans have been healing wounds and diseases using various plants. In this book, we're going to sample three herbs that grow around the Raccoon Mountains and give examples of those plants with medical properties. Each herb has a different color and different effects as medical plants: the green one recovers physical strength, the blue one neutralizes natural toxins while the red herb does not have any effect by itself. The red herb is only effective when it is mixed with the other herbs. For example, if you mix the red with the green, you will get recovery tripled. By adjusting the amount and experimenting with these three herbs, you can create various kinds of

medicines but I'll leave the details to you because that's the best way to acquire knowledge. File Location Located in the Library found in the 2nd Floor of the mansion. The Botany Book will be found sitting on a small table. Broken Shotgun Description "It's broken and cannot be fired. Maybe there's another use for this?" At least the description in the Remake has been fixed from "It's too dangerous to fire! Dose it have another use?" As mentioned in the weapons section, the Broken Shotgun does have another use and that is to stop the trap you can trigger by taking the normal shotgun off the bracket. Below is where you will find the Broken Shotgun so you won't have to worry about setting the trap off. Item Location Resident Evil Found on a shelf in a small room of the mansions 1st floor (west wing) the broken shotgun will allow you to get the normal shotgun without triggering a trap. This is needed for Chris as it's the only way he can get the shotgun. Jill can do it with or without it. Resident Evil Director's Cut This time getting the broken shotgun is a little easier. It's found on the floor in the eastern save room under the stairs to the 2nd floor. You only need to backtrack a few rooms to use it and get the shotgun. Resident Evil Remake The Shotgun is back in the small room of the mansions 1st floor (west wing) again, and will still allow you to get the normal shotgun without triggering the trap.

Chemical (Herbicide)

Description A chemical agent that destroys plant growth. Your first instinct might be that this is the chemical you need to kill Plant 42, but alas you would be wrong. Use this chemical on the smaller plant with the flailing tentacles in the water fountain room.

Item Location Resident Evil The chemical mixture is found on the floor in the eastern save room under the stairs to the 2nd floor. From here you'll have to walk over to the greenhouse to use it.

Resident Evil Director's Cut This time getting finding the chemical just requires to move outside to the boiler behind the bathroom. The chemical is found sitting on the ground. Resident Evil Remake The "Herbicide" in the Resident Evil remake is located in the same place as in the Directors Cut, outside the eastern side of the mansion on the 1st floor. Colt Python Description/Information "Powerful gun can be loaded with .357 magnum rounds." The Colt Python has gotta be one of the better weapons of the game. With it you can feel confident to take on most opponents with ease. The Colt can take the head off a zombie, kill a hunter in a shot or two, and even knock around a Tyrant with little problem. It's awesome firepower makes it a good weapon in your collection, but it's lack of ammo can hinder your use of it. With the Directors Cut edition, beating the advanced/arrange game in under 3 hours will give you the Colt Python with unlimited ammo. The Colt Python holds one full round of six bullets. Ammo is very rare until nearer the end of the game, so I suggest only using it when you really need it. Originally concepts have shown that it was planned that some of the ammo in the game would have been Dum Dum rounds, but these were removed before the game went out. Found Resident Evil To get the Colt Python you'll need the Red Jewel. Once gained you can take it and use it on the Tiger Statue in the the statue room on the 1st floor of the mansion. Doing so will gain you the Python. Resident Evil Directors Cut In the Directors Cut edition you will find the magnum on the shelf where the Broken Shotgun usually is found. The small room off the Mansion west wings bottom stairwell. You will need a key to enter the room.

Control Room Key

Description "It's a key for entering the Control Room." When you get to the Guardhouse of the Mansion grounds you'll find and also need this key to access areas inside. It's located in a kinda of odd place if you look at the details below.

Item Location Resident Evil Draining the bathtub in the bathroom of Dorm 001 of the guardhouse will gain you the control room key. Take this with you to the basement of the guardhouse and you can use it to access the control room.

Resident Evil Director's Cut A bit of a change this time. You'll need to beat the Plant 42 and then check the fireplace for the Control Room Key then head on your way to the basement. Resident Evil Remake You'll find this key in the bathroom of Room 001 of the Residence. Doom Book 1 (Last Book) Description In the original Resident Evil, this book has the words "Eagle of East, Wolf of West" on the cover. In the remake it's "Eagle of South, Wolf of North". In both cases, when you open it you will find the Eagle Medal inside. "There was a medal in the book."

Item Location Resident Evil When you return to the mansion from the guardhouse, the first door you'll open will lead to the study (top of the eastern wing, near where you enter/exit the mansion). Near the bookshelf you will find the doom book 1, however you'll need to turn on the light switch from the desk first before you can actually pick it up. To use it, check it in your inventory, move it's pages into the main view as if you were going to open it to read, and click the action button. It should open up and display the medal for you. Resident Evil Director's Cut This time the doom book 1 is found in the hidden area at the rear library room on the western wing of the mansions 2nd floor. You need to solve a small puzzle to find it, but getting the medal out of it is the same as above. Resident Evil Remake Once you get past the second crusher trap in the mansions 2nd floor, you'll be able to get through and down to the hidden tomb of George Trevor. Here you'll find the Last Book Vol 1.

Combat Knife / Dagger

Description/Information The most basic of all Resident Evil weapons. Your last line of defense when all else is exhausted. The only time you will want to use this weapon is against zombies or lesser enemies. Generally, running away is a better option than knife attacks. The only exception to this is in Code Veronica where the knife works to a high level, however you will get a better selection of weapons to use eventually anyway. Found

In almost every Resident Evil game, the knife is an item that you start with. Doom Book 2 (Last Book) Description

In the original Resident Evil, this book has the words "Eagle of East, Wolf of West" on the cover. In the remake it's "Eagle of South, Wolf of North". In both cases, when you open it you will find the Wolf Medal inside. "There was a medal in the book."

Item Location Resident Evil After searching the underground, you'll come across a room with a small little pressure plate puzzle to open a wall panel. Inside the wall panel is the Doom Book 2. Once you have it, to use it, check it in your inventory, move it's pages into the main view as if you were going to open it to read, and click the action button. It should open up and display the medal for you. Resident Evil Director's Cut Not too much of a change. Outside the room mentioned for the original game and behind where the boulder is/was is a small space in the wall where the book will be sitting. Resident Evil Remake The Last Book Vol. 2 is located in the large Library on the Mansion's western 2nd Floor. You'll have to access it through the 3rd floor balcony, and also get past the Yawn snake to get it. Dorm 002 Key Description Key labeled with the number "002" on the handle. Used to open the 002 room in the Guardhouse Residence.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Director's Cut Found in the same location in both games, in the large room with the hive near a small table the key will be found. Be quick though as wasps will start to come out after a while. The key is then used to open the 002 dorm back out in the hallway.

Dorm 003 Key

Description Small key with the numbers "003" engraved on the handle. Used to open the 003 room in the Guardhouse Residence.

Item Location Resident Evil Once you've accessed the guardhouse armory through the control room next door you'll find ammo along with the 003 dorm key on a shelf on the rear right of the room. Go back upstairs and unlock the 003 dorm room with the key. Resident Evil Director's Cut In the Guardhouse, go into the bathroom of the 002 dorm room and kill any enemies you find. Then check

the sink to find the 003 Dorm Room key. Resident Evil Remake Located in the gallery, this key will be sitting beside the beehive. You'll have to get rid of the bees with the Insecticide first however.


Description "There's a scratch. Someone may have used it." A wooden crest with the Spencer Family emblem carved onto it. It's galled all around the edges due to frequent fitting.

Item Location Resident Evil On the back wall of the first floor of the mansions dining room you'll find the emblem. By picking it up you need to use it to replace another emblem which in turn will replace this one. Resident Evil Directors Cut Same idea except the original location of the first emblem has changed. It's now in the armor gallery on the mansions 2nd floor. You'll need to solve a gas puzzle to drop the gate to grab it. Resident Evil Remake You will find this item on the wall above the fireplace at the end of the Dining Hall.

Eagle Medal

Description "A medal from the first Doom Book." A gold medal with an engraving of an eagle on it. There is no trouble in telling where the Eagle Medal came from. But do you know where it is supposed to be used? Yeah it is rather obvious isn't... a couple of holes in the side a fountain which fit the medals.... gee, it couldn't be for that could it? :)

Item Location Found inside the Doom Book 1 (original Resident Evil) or the Last Book Vol 1 (Resident Evil Remake).


File Contents To: General Manager of Sanitation Division From: Special Committee on Disasters Raccoon Special Research Dept. This memorandum is strictly confidential and must be destroyed as soon as it is understood. Regarding the "T-Virus" outbreak, which occurred recently. This committee conducted a field survey. According to the survey results estimates on the amount of damage caused by the accident are considerably greater than reported earlier. Second, our security system is still in operation. However, our special security guard squad has nearly been destroyed. Because of that research information considered by our company to be Top Secret has been made available to outsiders. Counter-measures should be taken as soon as possible. Finally, many of the "Subjects" from the experiments have escaped and are out of control. We believe that some researchers were killed by these "Subjects" and their body's mutilated. By curious coincidence these events are proof of the success of our research. However there is also a very high risk that this news will be leaked to the press if we don't act immediately. The condition is very serious. Our operation to cover up the situation is difficult to attain, however we hope the problem will be solved quickly. We are especially concerned that the state police and S.T.A.R.S. are intervening to quickly. We need to act on this situation as well.

Flame Rounds

Description/Information Sometimes referred to as napalm grenades, these rounds fire a flame ball for a short distance, and leave a flame trail on the ground. At impact, the shell will detonate and the fluid inside is ignited, covering the target in liquid flame. Very handy against Crimson Heads, Tyrants, and Lickers. Comes in quantities of six.



A flammable liquid projector. It consists of a canister of refined petroleum, and a canister of pressurized inert gas as the propellant. The flamethrower has decent range, and is a lot of fun to wield upon zombies.

Found Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake Found easily by an entry door you need to grab this to make it past another door later on during the underground portion of the game. The lever it sits on locks that door and so you need it to open that door with another one of these panels. Best used on the large spider. Flare Description "I can signal Brad with this." Finding and using this signal flare shouldn't be too hard to do for most people. Just in case though.... :)

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut The last item of the game is easy to find and easy to use. Sitting in a crate by the elevator, just grab it, and use it. That's all you need to do.

Gold Emblem

Description A golden crest with the Spencer Family emblem carved onto it. It's galled all around the edges due to frequent fitting.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake After opening the secret room in the bar you'll find the gold emblem sitting in a statue. By picking it up

you'll be stuck inside, and you'll need to replace it with the wooden emblem. Once that is done take the gold emblem and use it in the dining room. Grenade Rounds Description/Information Large shells filled with plastic explosives. Travels a short range, but explodes on the ground. Its wide range can hit multiple targets. Generally considered the weakest of the three rounds for the grenade launcher. Comes in quantities of six.

Handgun Magazine (Clip)

Description/Information The Original and Remake's version of handgun bullet storage. Instead of boxes of handgun bullets, you will find these handgun magazines. Contains fifteen 9mm handgun bullets for use in most handguns.

Helmet Key

Description A silver key with an engraving of a helmet on the handle. Used to open doors in the mansion with the carving of a helmet on them.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Remake You'll need to beat the Plant 42 in the guardhouse/residence and then check the fireplace for the helmet key. This key unlocks the remaining doors in the mansion. Resident Evil Directors Cut Once you've accessed the guardhouse armory through the control room next door you'll find ammo along with the helmet key on a shelf on the rear right of the room.

Hex. Crank

Description "It's end is hex.-shaped." Needed to explore areas of the Underground, the crank opens paths and secret areas by using it on panels in the walls of the areas underground. For info on where the crank is located look below.

Item Location Resident Evil After the death of Enrico, run along the corridors until the low angle screen shows you the crank sitting on the ground. It's not hard to miss as long as your taking notice of the screen. This will now allow you to continue through the underground areas. Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake Probably changed because a lot of people missed it, Enrico now holds the hex. crank. Check him and you'll be told he is holding something. Ink Ribbon Description Used in conjunction with the typewriter to save your game. For each ink ribbon you possess you can save your game one time.

Keepers DiaryMay 9, 1998

File Contents

At night, I played poker with Scott the guard, Alias, and Steve the Researcher. Steve was really lucky, but I think he was cheating. What a scumbag. May 10, 1998 Today, a high-ranking researcher asked me to take care of a new monster. It looks like a gorilla without any skin. They told me to feed them live food. When I threw in a pig they were playing with it... pulling off its legs and pulling out its guts before they actually ate it. May 11, 1998 Around 5 'o clock this morning, Scott came in and woke me up suddenly. He was wearing a protection suit that looks a space suit. He told me to put one on as well. I heard that there was an accident in the basement lab. It's no wonder; those researchers never rest even at night.

May 12, 1998 I've been wearing this damn spacesuit since yesterday; my skin grows musty and feels very itchy. By way of revenge, I didn't feed those dogs today. Now I feel better. May 13, 1998 I went to the medical room because my back is all swollen and itchy. They put a big bandage on my back and told me that I don't have to wear the spacesuit anymore. I guess I can sleep well tonight. May 14, 1998 When I woke up this morning, I found another blister on my foot. I went to the dog's pen and ended up dragging my foot. They have been quiet since morning, which is unusual. I found that some of them had escaped. I'll be in real trouble if the higher ups find out. May 15, 1998 Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to go see Nancy. It's my first day off in a long time, but I was stopped by the guard on the way out. They say the company has ordered that no one leave the grounds. I can't even make a phone call what kind of joke is this!?! May 16, 1998 I heard a researcher that tried to escape was shot last night. My entire body feels burning and itchy at night. When I was scratching the swelling on my arm a lump of rotten flesh dropped off. What the hell is happening to me? May 19, 1998 Fever gone but itchy. Hungry and eat doggy food. Itchy. Itchy. Scott came. Ugly face so killed him. Tasty. 4. Itchy. Tasty.

File LocationKeepers Room, Mansion, 1F. Check the desk in the corner however watch your back when you do so. :)


Description A cigarette lighter. In most Resident Evil games one of the characters starts out with this item, and it comes in useful for solving many various puzzles.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut Same place in both games. In one of the researchers bedrooms on the 2nd floor, the top of a shelf holds the lighter. The main point of having the lighter is to get extra ammo or the 2nd floor map. Resident Evil Remake - Jill While Chris starts with his own lighter, Jill needs to find hers. Above the eastern rear stairwell is a small library/study and it's here where you'll find the lighter.

Resident Evil 2 - Claire A Again, while Leon already has his lighter. Claire will have to find hers. For Claire's A game you'll find the Lighter in plain sight, sitting ready for you to pick up from the eastern waiting room on the RPD's 2nd Floor, just off the 2nd Floor Main Hall. Resident Evil 2 - Claire B For Claire's B game, you'll need access to the File Room on the 1st Floor of the RPD (this requires the Spade Key). Sitting on the top of a shelf will be the lighter, to get it, push the steps up to the shelf and grab it. Resident Evil 3 In following Brad into the Bar Jack, after the cut scenes, check the table by the phone. On there will be the Lighter. Combine it with the Lighter Oil for it to be useable. During the game you'll need to use it in two major places, to burn an oily rope to open a gateway, and to clear a fireplace which will lead you to a new area. Resident Evil Code Veronica You'll start with the lighter in the game. If you return to Rodrigo later with the hemostatic medicine, you'll also give him your lighter - which in turn he'll give to Chris later on if you kill the Gulp Worm. Resident Evil Billy already has a lighter on him as one of his personal items, but before you can use it you need to find the Lighter Fluid first. Lockpick Description Jill uses this item to allow her to open simple locks without a key. It's the item that Barry gives to Jill near the beginning of the game when he dubs her the "Master of Unlocking". With this item, Jill has an advantage over Chris's game because she will not have to find and pickup small keys along the way to unlock certain doors.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Director's Cut/Resident Evil Remake Given to you by Barry at the start of Jill's game.

M80 Shotgun

Description/Information Your standard 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. It holds six shells at a time, and uses standard shotgun ammunition. The quality of the shotgun that stands out is its abillity to fire a burst shot that covers a wider range than your normal handgun shot. This is useful when surrounded by more than one enemy.

Found Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake The shotgun is hanging on a holder in the middle of the east wing of the mansions 1st floor. Jill can take it right away. This is because there is a trap after you take it. Jill will be saved by Barry if she takes it early, but otherwise you'll need to take the broken shotgun and put it on the holder after you take the shotgun to disarm the trap. MAC10 Ingram (PC) Description/Information

"A sub machine gun loaded with 9mm bullets." Only found in the PC edition by beating the game with Jill under certain standards or by hacking it out of the files, this weapon fires bullets at a high speed. It's not really that powerful, but it's bullets will kill enemies quickly and also pin them back from attacking you as you fire it. As one person told me to think of it like, it's only as good as the handgun having rapid fire, but still better than the games handgun overall.

Magnum Bullets

Description/Information Standard magnum bullets for use in the magnum gun. Comes in quantities of 6.

Master Key

Description A key that is used to unlock doors during emergency situations.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake Depending on your choices you might get this key off Wesker. This will allow you to open the cell door (not the passcode one but the door into the actual cell) and the emergency escape door which leads to the heliport. If other characters have still survived then these doors will already be unlocked for you. Minimi (PC) Description/Information

"A full-automatic light-weight machine gun." Like the Ingram, this gun only found in the PC edition (which also requires it to be gained with Chris by meeting certain conditions or being hacked out of the games files before being used) isn't too great. Why it's really been included in the game puzzles me as it does no real damage differently than the Ingram does also. Firing fast and keeping enemies back.


Description This chemical is created when combining UMB No. 3 with water. In the original Resident Evil, it is called NP-003, and in the Remake it's NP-004. See the V-Jolt page for more details.

MO Disk

Description "It appears to be a disk for rebooting a system of some sort." You will find three of these for use in the Laboratory area in the game. They are used in conjunction with one another to unlock the electronic security system.

Item Location Resident Evil The three locations of the MO disks in Resident Evil is as follows: 1. The hidden area in the rear library on the 2nd floor of the mansion. 2. The small storage area behind the 2nd bolder in the underground. 3. The desk outside the Visual Data Room, Lab B2. Resident Evil Directors Cut Here are the three new locations:

1. Book shelf in the Study of the 1st floor of the mansion. 2. Hidden shelf in the Visual Data Room, Lab B2. 3. Low shelf in the small lab area, Lab B3. Resident Evil Remake The three locations in the remake are: 1. Hidden in the Tiger statue in the Mansion's 1st floor western wing. 2. Sitting outside the Visual Data Room, Lab Level B2. 3. In the Visual Data Room, Lab Level B2. Moon Crest Description A golden crest with an icon depicting the moon engraved on it.

Item Location Resident Evil When faced with the large snake you need to run to the hole in which it used to enter the attic. On the ground you will find the whole moon crest. This needs to be used to unlock the rear door out to the courtyard. Resident Evil Directors Cut See the two half pages, here and here for details. Resident Evil Remake By using the Wind Crest you got earlier on in the panel you'll find in the smaller graveyard, you'll be given the Moon Crest as well as the Sun and Star ones as well. Examining the back of them reveals patterns which slot into the panel - revealing a 357 Magnum. Moon Crest Piece (Left) Description In Resident Evil Director's Cut, the Moon Crest is cut in two halves - requiring you to find both halves before you can use the whole item.

Item Location The left half is in a hidden spot in one of the researchers bedrooms on the mansions 2nd floor. You'll need to find a way of accessing the hidden area through pushing switches and moving items in the room. Moon Crest Piece (Right) Description

In Resident Evil Director's Cut, the Moon Crest is cut in two halves - requiring you to find both halves before you can use the whole item.

Item Location The right half of the crest is located in the same location as in the original, in the attic. With the large snake around you need to run to the hole in which it used to enter the attic. On the ground you will find the whole moon crest. This needs to be used to unlock the rear door out to the courtyard. Orders File Contents Top Secret July 22, 1998 2:13 To the head of the Security Dept: "X-Day" is approaching. Complete the following orders within the week. 1. Lure the members of S.T.A.R.S. into the lab and have them fight with the B.O.W. in order to obtain data of battles. 2. Collect two embryo's per B.O.W. type of all species except Tyrant. 3. Destroy the Arkley Lab including all researchers and lab animals in a manner which will seem accidental. White Umbrella File Location Study, Mansion, 2F. This is fairly easy to spot. Located on the table in the middle of the room.

Pass Code 01

File Contents "I swear by myself," declares the lord, "that because you have done this and not withheld your son, your only son... (Genesis 22:16)

File Location Found in the B3 lab area where you also find the Fax, check this desk for the passcode machine. By using the MO Disk you'll get the pass code which can be used to rescue your characters other.

Pass Code 02

File Contents ...I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies... (Genesis 22:17)

File Location Found in the lab areas morgue in the B3 level check this desk for the passcode machine. By using the MO Disk you'll get the pass code which can be used to rescue your characters other. Pass Code 03 File Contents ...and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you obeyed me." (Genesis 22:18)

File Location Found in the lab power areas in the B3 level, check this desk for the passcode machine. By using the MO Disk you'll get the pass code which can be used to rescue your characters other.

Pass Number Pass No. 8/083/0

File Contents

File Location If you stick around for Barry to return after dropping the rope then he'll give you this passcode. The code works for the door at the other side of the 2nd Floor. However because you have to receive the code in the

game before it is used and you can get to the area by another way it is basically useless apart from in the best endings. Plant 42 Report File Contents Four days have passed since the accident and the plant at point 42 is growing amazingly fast. It has been affected by the T-Virus differently than other plants have been and shows unique shape in addition to size. Looking at the way it behaves it is difficult to determine what kind of plant it was originally. There are two ways in which plant 42 gathers nutrition. The first one is through its root that reaches into the basement. Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and broke the water tank in the basement. Now the basement is filled with muddy water. It is easily imaginable that some chemical elements were blended in the water and promotes the incredibly fast growth of plant 42. Another part of plant 42 from the basement grows through the duct and hangs down like so many bulbs from the ceiling of the first floor. Many vines come out of these bulbs and they are the second source of its nutrition. Once sensing movement, plant 42 shoots its vines around the prey and holds it. Then it starts sucking blood, using the suckers located at the back of its vine. It also has some intelligence. It blocks the door by twining its vines around it especially when it captures prey or is sleeping. Several staff members have already fallen victims to this. May 21, 1998 Henry Sarton File Location Guardhouse 1F, Dorm Room 002. Found sitting on the bed the file will tell you what your soon to come across.


Description The mutant plant at point 42. Reading the files about Plant-42 in the game you'll likely be swearing the hopes to never to have to battle this thing, that somehow it was going to be missed out on. Too bad Capcom didn't feel like giving us a break for once. Crack out some weapons and get shooting. Of course there is another way around the plant, that is if you want to be making your way into a chemical store room to mix up a little bit of the V-Jolt and get rid of the plant with this chemical mixture.

Strategy Coming too close to the plant will let it whip you with it's vines. You'll be knocked forward and your character will fall to the ground. This can occasionally leave you open for another hit also. To avoid being

hit by the plants vines all you need to do is stick close to the walls. Apart from the vines, as you stand targeting the plant bits of the roof will fall down from acidity in the plant. Your indication is little drops falling before a large chunk will drop. If your character is underneath it, it will cause damage to them. To avoid this keep an eye on the drops of bits of the roof. Before the large bit drops run forward a few steps to avoid being hit. As for fighting - Jill should go for the Bazooka. Flame rounds are good. So are acid. Chris should have the trusty old shotgun which will do the trick. With both, run around the outside of the room (or upstairs in the Remake) taking potshots at the plant until you get a cut scene. Be careful of it's attacks and you'll be fine. A green herb or two might be needed if you think you'll get hit. Making the V-Jolt will allow you to kill the root in the basement, but it might not be enough and so you'll have to fight also. To learn more about the V-Jolt see the items section. The link is below. Power Room Key (Laboratory Key) Description Add odd-shaped electronic key used to open the doors to the Power Room in the Laboratory. An electrical symbol is imprinted on it.

Item Location Resident Evil The power room key is found in the hidden shelf in the Visual Data Room. You'll need to lower a panel and flick a switch to open the area. The key is used on the B3 level to access the other half of the lab. Resident Evil Directors Cut Oddly placed, the key is found in the underground's pressure plate puzzle room. You'll need to solve the puzzle before you can pick up the key. Resident Evil Remake The Power Room Key is back in the Visual Data Room in the Remake, but you'll have to get it from the side room you unlock by putting in the code you get from the slides. Red Book Description A red book with the words "Bandage With Blood" on the cover. All of the pages inside are completely blank.

Item Location Resident Evil The red book is found sitting on the bed in the 001 dorm room of the mansions guardhouse. It needs to be placed in a bookcase in the 003 dorm room. Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake A small change in location for both of these games puts the red book on one of the tables in the guardhouse/residence bar/recreation room. Watch out for the spiders in there though.

Red Gemstone (Red Jewel)

Description "It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface." The tigers eye. If that doesn't give you a big clue as to where it is used, nothing else will. Unlike the Blue Jewel, you'll don't need this to progress into the game, though it's reward for doing so is great. Here below is all the details that you will need on finding the Red Jewel in the game, where exactly the Jewel is used, and what you get from using it. In the Remake, the Red Jewel (Red Gemstone) is used for a different purpose - but you'll find a Yellow one for the same effect this Red one had - and you'll need to do it this time too. Item Location

Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake Found in a small sitting room on the west side of the mansions 2nd floor, you'll need to pull it out of one of the stuffed animals after you've turned out the lights. Take it to the tiger statue for a reward. :) In the Remake you'll need to use the Red Gemstone on one of the Jewelry Boxes you find instead.

Researchers Letter June 8, 1998 Dear Ada,

File Contents

Ada, by the time you read this I'll be something... different. Today's test turned out to be positive, just as I had expected. I feel crazy when I think about becoming one of them. Ada, your not infected and I hope you never will be. In case you're the only one left, take the material to the Visual Data Room and go to the Power room to operate the Triggering System before you escape. Make all this public through the media. If everything is in order, all the locks can be opened by the security system. You can access the system if you log in with my name, from the terminal in the small lab and enter the password. The password is your name. To unlock the door at 132 where the Visual Data Room is located, you'll need to access with our names first then enter another password.

I've written the code below, I'm sure you'll understand it easily. And this is my last hope - if you find me completely changed please kill me yourself.

PASSWORD Yours, John. File Location Lab Area B3. Researchers Room. Sitting on the desk you'll find this file. This is an important file which also contains a puzzle for an answer you'll need. Rocket Launcher Description/Information One of the most powerful weapons in the game, and a weapon that you will not be able to use until the final battle (unless you have a cheat device or earn the rocket launcher by beating the game with a good enough rank). Fires self-propelled rockets which are capable of taking out just about any enemy in its way. This four-slotted, shoulder-mounted version of the rocket launcher is slightly more powerful than its handheld sibling.

Found While on the helipad fighting the Tyrant for the final time, Brad will drop this weapon from the helicopter above. You will need to connect with a shot from this weapon to defeat the Tyrant.

Researchers Will My dear Alma,

File Contents

The fact that you have received this letter is both a joy and sadness for me. I could not even talk to you because of that guy in the sunglasses. Alma, be calm and read this. I think I told you that I moved to a pharmaceutical company's lab. They headhunted me. Last month, there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were studying escaped. All my colleagues who were infected by the virus are dead. To be accurate; they've become the living dead. They still wonder around. Some of them are knocking at my door desperately right now, but there is no sign of intelligence behind those eyes. That cursed virus takes away all humanity from the human brain. Love, joy, sorrow, fear, and humor... eternally. And Alma, even the memories of the days I spent with you...

yes, I'm infected. I did everything to delay it, but I could only for a few days. The most frightening thing is I forget more about you by the day. So I chose a peaceful death, rather than becoming one of the living dead. Within an hour, I will have entered my eternal sleep. I hope you will understand my decision... Goodbye and forever yours, Martin Crackhorn File Location Researchers Room, Mansion 2F. Found on the table in the corner is the will. However picking a certain path will put Barry in here with only half the file. Serum Description An anti-venom serum used to cure a person who has been poisoned. Your teammate Richard will need you to bring this item to him after his battle with the Yawn snake.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake When needed you'll be able to pick up the serum off the shelf in the western save room on the mansions 1st floor. You can either use it for yourself or one of your team mates.


File Contents RACCOON TIMES - MAY 27 1998 ANIMAL ATTACK? WOMAN MUTILATED! May 20. Around 10pm a 20-year old woman's body was found by a passer-by on the left bank of the Marble River in the Cider district of Raccoon City. Raccoon Police assume it to be a grizzly or other animals doing as there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and left foot that show considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on her other foot it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this woman. RACCOON WEEKLY JUNE 16, 1998 MONSTERS IN ARKLAY MOUNTAINS? Some people claim to have seen monsters in the Arklay

Mountains. The monsters are supposedly dog size and run in packs like wolves do. This may sound like a pack of ordinary wild dogs, but these are surpassingly fierce and hard to hurt. They say these dogs wont bother you unless you wake them while they are sleeping. So you smart readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being. But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try? RACCOON TIMES JULY 9, 1998 MYSTERY ON ARKLAY MOUNTAINS -Mountain Road BlockedDue to the successive disasters in the Arklay Mountains, the city authorities have decided to block the road leading to the foothills. At the same time, Raccoon Police intend to search for lost people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. team members. They expect great difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the primeval forest that covers most of the area. Also people are still reporting sightings of grotesque monsters in the mountains. File Location Library, Mansion 2F. Found in the shelves near the back is this file. One of the people from the mansion was keeping newspaper clippings on the problems they were causing. Shotgun Ammo Description/Information Standard 12 gauge

Shield Key

Description A golden key with a shield engraved on the handle. Used to open doors in the mansion with the shield carving on them.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Remake Originally this key is found behind the dining room clock after you use the gold emblem. The shield key allows you to access the attic of the mansion. Resident Evil Directors Cut For the re-release the key has been moved behind the small tiger statue. You'll need the blue jewel to access the area which is behind it.

Slides (Slide Filter)

DescriptionA slide carriage for use in a slide projector. The Remake contains filters, with red colored slides inside of it.

Item Location Resident Evil The slides are found on the floor of the small lab on the B3 level of the lab. To view the slide cartridge take it to the Visual Data Room on the B2 level and use it on the slide machine. Resident Evil Directors Cut This time taking the slides to the room isn't such a big task as they are sitting on the desk right outside the Visual Data Room, just pop inside and view. Resident Evil Remake The Slide Filter needs to be taken and used on the Projector in the Visual Data Room. You'll find the filters in the fuel room on the western side of the Lab's B3 level.

Security System BASEMENT LEVEL 1

File Contents

Helicopter Port Executives and government officials only on helicopter port. This restriction may not apply in case of an accident. Passage to Helicopter No one is allowed to enter unless a Research Consultant or Security Director attends them. All others will be shot on sight. Elevator The Elevator stops during emergencies. BASEMENT LEVEL 2 Visual Data Room The Visual Data Room is within the control of Special Research Division. Keith Arving, the room manager, is designated to have jurisdiction over room usage.

BASEMENT LEVEL 3 Prison Sanitation Division controls the usage of the prison. Consultant Researchers (E. Smith, S. Ross, and A. Wesker) must be present if virus is used. Triple Lock Door No one is allowed to enter unless he presents all pass-code documents. The Chief Researcher of each block must create pass-code documents on the specialized output machines. Power Room Only headquarter supervisors may enter. This restriction may not apply if the Consultant Researcher has received special instructions. Pass-code Output Machines No one is allowed to use the machines but the Chief Researchers. BASEMENT LEVEL 4 TOP SECRET Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after use of the "T-Virus"... (The remaining document is unreadable) File Location All the way in the corner of the Visual Data Room on the B2 level of the lab you will find the Umbrella Security System file. One of the most overlooked files in the game.

Special Key (Closet Key)

Description Also known as the Closet Key, you will get this item after defeating the game. It allows you to enter a special room filled with new costumes for your character when you start a new game.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake By beating the game with the best ending you'll gain this key. The key will access the one area in the mansion you couldn't get into which has changes of clothing for your character. In the advanced game for Resident Evil Directors Cut you don't need this key as the door is already unlocked. Sheet Music (Music Notes / Missing Music) Description

Titled "Moonlight Sonata", a section of the music is missing, leaving only the beginning and the end.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut Not too hard to find. The music notes are hidden behind a pushable shelf in the bar/lounge room where they need to be used on the piano. They gain access to a hidden area however Chris will require some help from Rebecca before he can get inside. Resident Evil Remake Near the attic will be a hallway leading into a small dining area. Use the lighter on the candles to light the room, the push the shelf across to find part of the musical score. The remaining part of the music is found where it was in the original and Directors Cut, behind the shelf in the Piano Room. Combine the two parts to get the completed musical score. Square Crank Description "It's end is square-shaped." Found just before the garden section of the Mansion grounds, the Square Crank allows you to continue your progress of moving through the mansion grounds.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Director's Cut Found in the small garden shed before the courtyard you'll need to push the steps up to the high shelf to grab it. You will use it in the courtyard to drain the water out of the path you need to cross. Resident Evil Remake The Square Crank in the Remake is found way out in the forest path, inside a cabin you'll come across at the end of the path. At the back of the cabin will be a small hall and the crank will be sitting on the ground. Small Key (Old Key) Description In Chris' game, you will find these keys scattered about. He must use them to open certain doors that Jill has the luxury of using the lockpick on.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut The small keys found in the original are in the same places as in the Directors Cut editions. Those places are: 1. Shelf in passage to outside on the mansion's 2nd floor. 2. Bathroom bathtub, mansion 1st floor. 3. Barrels in the shed, mansion 1st floor. 4. Paper cup in Dorm Room 001, Guardhouse 1st floor. 5. Crate in meeting room, Guardhouse B1.

6. Basement kitchen, Mansion B1. These keys will access various desks that Jill uses lockpicks for. Most contain shotgun and magnum ammo. Resident Evil Remake The keys are located in the following places: 1. Keeper's bedroom on the western side of the 1st floor Mansion. 2. Sitting in the bathroom in the eastern side of the 1st floor Mansion. 3. Sitting in the basement Kitchen, B1F Mansion. 4. The storeroom under the stairs on the Eastern side of the mansion. 5. Researchers bedroom on the eastern side of the 2f Mansion. Star Crest Description A golden crest with an icon engraved on it depicting a star.

Item Location Resident Evil To get the star crest you'll need to go to the art gallery in the mansions first floor. You'll need to solve a puzzle which will drop the last painting to reveal the crest which can be used on the lock at the back of the mansion. Resident Evil Directors Cut The star crest has been moved to the breakable statue on the dining room on the 2nd floor. Push it over the side and collect the crest from off the floor. Resident Evil Remake By using the Wind Crest you got earlier on in the panel you'll find in the smaller graveyard, you'll be given the Star Crest as well as the Sun and Moon ones as well. Examining the back of them reveals patterns which slot into the panel - revealing a 357 Magnum.

Sun Crest

Description A golden crest with an icon depicting the sun engraved on it.

Item Location Resident Evil The sun crest is found in the armor gallery on the mansions 2nd floor. You'll need to solve a gas puzzle to drop the gate to grab it from his holding place. Resident Evil Directors Cut

The sun crest is found behind the plant and fountain on the wall mounting in the Greenhouse. You'll need to get past the plant first to get it however. Resident Evil Remake By using the Wind Crest you got earlier on in the panel you'll find in the smaller graveyard, you'll be given the Sun Crest as well as the Moon and Star ones as well. Examining the back of them reveals patterns which slot into the panel - revealing a 357 Magnum. Sword Key Description A gold key with an engraving of a sword. Used in the mansion to unlock doors with the sword symbol engraved on them.

Item Location Resident Evil The only mansion key Chris gets that Jill doesn't (Jill uses her lockpick for Sword Key doors). Found on the bed in the western save room the key unlocks some general doorways. Resident Evil Directors Cut In the re-release you'll find the Sword Key upstairs in the small dining room near the attic. You'll need the lighter first though because the room needs to be lit up by the candles and the shelf moved to access the small back room before you can get it. Resident Evil Remake You'll find this key on the back of the Book of Curse will be this Sword Key. This is found down in the hidden tomb at the back of the graveyard, which you'll need to use the arrowhead to open.

Transceiver (Com. Radio)

Description A handheld radio that can be used to contact Brad who is flying around in the helicopter above the mansion.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut/Resident Evil Remake You'll recieve this radio from one of your supporting Bravo Team members during a point of the game. Either directly handed from them or you'll find it on the corpse of one of them. UMB No. 13 Description

"This is needed to generate V-JOLT." The mixture in the bottle is used to make the "V-Jolt." A chemical mixture you will use on the roots of Plant-42 in the basement to kill it. To learn the full mixture you should check out the V-Jolt page.

UMB No. 2

Description "This is needed to generate V-JOLT." The mixture in the bottle is used to make the "V-Jolt." A chemical mixture you will use on the roots of Plant-42 in the basement to kill it. To learn the full mixture you should check out the V-Jolt page.

UMB No. 4

Description "This is needed to generate V-JOLT." The mixture in the bottle is used to make the "V-Jolt." A chemical mixture you will use on the roots of Plant-42 in the basement to kill it. To learn the full mixture you should check out the V-Jolt page.

UMB No. 7

Description "This is needed to generate V-JOLT." The mixture in the bottle is used to make the "V-Jolt." A chemical mixture you will use on the roots of Plant-42 in the basement to kill it. To learn the full mixture you should check out the V-Jolt page.

V Jolt


A distinctively brown liquid that is used to kill Plant 42. This chemical is created by mixing the UMB No. 3 with the VP-0017.

Item Location Resident Evil/Resident Evil Directors Cut To make the V-Jolt, follow these steps: 1. Get an empty bottle and fill it with water from the sink. 2. Get another empty bottle and fill it with UMB No. 2 (shelves). 3. Mix the Water and UMB No. 2 together to make NP-003. 4. Fill a bottle with UMB No. 4 and combine it with NP-003 to make UMB No 7. 5. Get more UMB No. 2 and UMB No. 4. 6. Combine them to make Yellow-6. 7. Combine UMB No. 7 with Yellow-6 to get UMB No. 13. 8. Combine UMB No. 13 with a second batch of NP-003 (Water + No. 2) to get the V-Jolt. Resident Evil Remake To make the V-Jolt, follow these steps: 1. Get an empty bottle and fill it with water. 2. Get an empty bottle and fill it with UMB 3. 3. Combine the Water and UMB 3 to get NP-004. 4. Combine the NP-003 with a bottle filled with Yellow-6 to get UMB 10. 5. Get some more water and combine it with another bottle of Yellow-6 to get UMB 7. 6. Combine UMB 10 with UMB 7 to get VP-017. 7. Fill a bottle with UMB 3 and combine it with the VP-017 to get the V-JOLT. 8. Never combine UMB 10 with NP-004 as it creates a toxic gas.

V-Jolt Report

File Contents As I stated in the last report there are some common features found in the cells of the plant infected with the Tyrant Virus. We have also found another interesting fact through some experiments. We found an element that destroys these plant cells rapidly in "UMB. No. 16" one of the series of Umbrella Chemicals that we used for the experiment. We named this "UMB. No. 16" as "V-Jolt." In our calculations, it will take less than 5 seconds to destroy plant 42 if we put the "V-Jolt" directly on the root. You need to mix some of the UMB series chemicals in an order to make the "V-Jolt." But the UMB. Series of chemicals may generate a poisonous gas, which is harmful to the human body. Extreme caution should be taken when handling these chemicals.

Following are the types of UMB. Chemicals and their brief characteristics: UMB. No. 2 - Red NP-OO3 - Purple UMB. No. 4 - Green Yellow-6 - Yellow UMB. No. 7 - White UMB. No. 13 - Blue (Stimulating Smell) UMB. No. 16 - Brown "V-Jolt" File Location Checking the shelf in Door Room 003 located on the first floor of the Guardhouse. Replace the empty space with the Red Book. Wind Crest Description A golden crest with an icon depicting wind engraved on it.

Item Location Resident Evil The wind crest is found behind the tiger statue. To gain it you will need the blue jewel. Once you do you can use it to unlock the back door and get out to the courtyard. Resident Evil Directors Cut The wind crest now takes the place of the star crest, it is located behind to the last painting in the art gallery. You'll need to solve a small puzzle to gain it. Resident Evil Remake You'll find the Wind Crest in the Researchers Rooms on the eastern side of the Mansion's second floor. After solving the puzzle with the bee and the hook you'll reveal this item. Later on in the game when you are outside, by using the Wind Crest on a panel that you'll find in the smaller graveyard, you'll be given the Moon, Sun and Star Crests. Examining the back of them reveals patterns which slot into the panel revealing a 357 Magnum. Wolf Medal Description A silver medal with an engraving of a wolf on it.

Item Location You will find this item inside the Doom Book 2 (original Resident Evil) or the Last Book Vol. 2 (Resident Evil Remake). Yellow 6 Description

"This is needed to generate V-JOLT." The mixture in the bottle is used to make the "V-Jolt." A chemical mixture you will use on the roots of Plant-42 in the basement to kill it. To learn the full mixture you should check out the V-Jolt page.

MANUAL DE SOBREVIVNCIA RESIDENT EVIL(DICAS PARA JOGAR MELHOR) NDICE: 1. Introduo 2. Inventrio 3. Para no perder tempo: 3.a. Evite ir a lugares desnecessrios 3.b. Lugares opcionais. 3.c. No preciso 4. Macetes 5. Salvando o jogo

6. Coletando ervas 7. Autoavaliao 8. Crditos ........................................................................................ 1. INTRODUO: Antes de qualquer coisa, este manual contm dicas e conta detalhes da estratgia de Resident Evil, portanto, se voc NUNCA terminou o jogo, NO leia este manual. Este manual foi feito com o intuito de ajudar aquelas pessoas que nunca conseguem terminar o jogo em menos de 4:00. Parece ser difcil, mas com um pouco de treino, se pega a manha rapidinho. Vamos por partes. Essa a verso 1.0 desse manual, e est dividida em seis partes de dicas, lembrando que no necessrio seguir todas de uma s vez, v atingindo sua meta aos poucos. Podemos dizer que o jogo se divide nas seguintes partes fundamentais: inventrio, quebra-cabeas, salas de salvamento, armas e itens de vida. Aqui vamos explicar direitinho como lidar com algumas complicaes relacionadas aos termos citados acima. Caso voc se saia bem e este guia tenha sido de bom proveito para voc ou em caso de crticas ou dvidas, mande um e-mail para, e responderemos sua dvida assim que pudermos. Bom, sem mais o que dizer, vamos s dicas. Boa sorte a todos! ........................................................................................ 2. INVENTRIO: - Levar somente um tipo de arma, dois no mnimo. Lembre-se que seu espao limitado, e que Chris tem dois espaos a menos que Jill. - Nunca se esquea dos itens que deve usar adiante. Para isso, sempre que passar por perto de uma sala de salvamento, lembre-se do que vai precisar. Recomenda-se no deixar itens de quebra-cabeas dentro do ba, deixe apenas itens de vidas e armas.

........................................................................................ 3. PARA NO PERDER TEMPO: [a] Evite ir a lugares desnecessrios: - Sala onde se troca de roupa. - Sala onde se pega o isqueiro. - Sala que d para o lado de fora, onde h uma caldeira e alguns cachorros e ervas. - No banheiro da manso (1 andar) - Na Guard House, sala onde h a mesa de sinuca. - Sala de preparo da V-JOLT, que s pode ser aberta com uma senha. S ir l com Rebecca. No jogo de Jill desnecessrio. - Sala da raz, onde se usa a V-VOLT. S ir com Rebecca tambm. - Sala onde se usa o isqueiro para pegar o mapa (2 andar). S ir l na segunda ida a manso, quando a manso estiver infestada de Hunters. Nessa sala, h uma porta vermelha, a sala de msica, que voc abre com a chave Helmet e ter que enfrentar a cobra de novo. - Sala perto de onde se enfrenta a cobra, onde se usa o isqueiro para acender um candelabro. - Cortina vermelha, na Galeria (porta azul do Hall Principal). - Sala onde se usa o Pass Number (2 andar) - Sala do quadro com as letras em grego. [b] Lugares opcionais: - No laboratrio, a sala onde h dois caixotes e uma escada, para organizar e ir para o necrotrio. - Sala onde tem vrios zumbis, perto da cela de Chris e Jill. - Sala onde se pega a jia vermelha. (2 andar da manso). [c] No preciso: - Ver o slide na Visual Data Room, s ir l para pegar a chave P. Room. - Pegar mapas. - Ficar coletando todas as ervas, pegue apenas quando tiver espao no inventrio e estiver perto de uma sala de salvamento. - Matar as aranhas marrons. Elas no fazem nada se voc for rpido. - Coletar todos os Files (arquivos/livros) do jogo. - Coletar Small Keys (chaves para destrancar gavetas, s usadas por Chris). - Preparar a V-Jolt, apenas no jogo de Chris, com Rebecca. - Matar os tubares.

- Matar todo zumbi ou qualquer outro inimigo que aparea. Lembre-se de economizar munio, principalmente com Chris. - Verificar o corpo de Forest, porque depois uns corvos vo pra cima de voc. Pegue a Bazooca (com Jill)/clip (com Chris) e saia. - Ter pressa para levar o Serum para Richard, ele morre de qualquer jeito mesmo. ........................................................................................ 4. MACETES: - Para matar um zumbi mais facilmente: quando estiver com a Shotgun, mire na cabea do zumbi e atire. - A cobra gigante no deve ser morta quando for buscar o Moon Crest, pois voc a enfrentar mais adiante. A sim ter que mat-la. Na primeira vez, apenas fuja dela e corra at o buraco na parede, de onde ela veio. Pegue o Crest e saia. - Mate os Hunters, com Jill, com tiros de Bazooca equipada com Explosive Rounds. Com Chris, tem que ser com a Shotgun mesmo. - Essa dica s funciona com Jill, e dependendo de como foi o decorrer dos fatos na manso. Na Guard House, assim que escutar Barry e Wesker conversando num dos quartos, no entre agora, mesmo tendo a chave. Entre na sala ao lado e saia. Agora volte ao quarto onde eles estavam e entre. Quando for enfrentar a Plant42, d uns 5 tiros de Bazooca, a planta ir te agarrar, mas Barry aparece para ajudar. Por isso no deve entrar no quarto, seno voc j ter encontrado Barry e ele no te ajudaria. - Para passar por um zumbi sem precisar mat-lo, basta dribl-lo, mas lembrese que pode driblar apenas os que esto em corredores largos. Fique num canto e espere ele vir, quando estiver se aproximando, saia correndo pelo outro lado, assim voc economiza tempo e munio. ........................................................................................ 5. SALVANDO O JOGO: No necessrio que se salve o jogo a cada cinco ou dez minutos. Basta ser cauteloso e no se "jogar" em cima dos zumbis. Para isso, leve sempre uma erva para o caso de

precisar e tenha algumas disponveis do ba. E lembre-se de salvar o jogo apenas antes ou depois de enfrentar algum inimigo como a cobra ou a Plant42. ........................................................................................ 6. COLETANDO ERVAS: No fique coletando TODAS as ervas, pegue apenas quando precisar. Se quiser se prevenir e guardar umas no ba, s pegue se tiver espao no inventrio ou por perto de alguma sala de salvamento. ........................................................................................ 7. AUTOAVALIAO: Agora com voc! Depois de ler atentamente a esse manual, jogue Resident Evil, seguindo as dicas dadas aqui. Caso d certo e voc consiga o Lana-Msseis, parabns!

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