all have sinned – except the righteous! lou di lorenzo 27 nov 2011 rom 2:17-3:20

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All Have Sinned – Except The Righteous!

Lou Di Lorenzo

27 Nov 2011

Rom 2:17-3:20

Hypocrisy – Rom 2:21-24

• Engages in the same behaviours

they condemns others for• Professes certain ideals, but fails

to live up to them. • Holds other people to higher

standards than they hold themself.

  See Matt 23:13-32

The only thing reliable about an organised religion is a flock of hypocrites who feel that only their hypocrisy is divinely sanctioned. (Urban Dictionary)

 Rom 2:17-3:20

The Problem Of Sin – Rom 3:9-20

Sin – We don’t know God, we don’t want to know God, we don’t fear God.

Jews clothed their sin in righteousness. Instead of supporting aging parents, we now give it to God, nullifying the biblical command. Mark 7:9-13

How do we today clothe our sin in righteousness?

Rom 2:17-3:20

How Do We Excuse Sin

Do we have pride in being a Christian, as the Jews did. Rom 2:25-29

Do I wear the Christian badge, but the reality is very different?

Do I excuse sin under the pretence of grace? Eph 5:3

Right actions with wrong motivation of the heart is sin. 1 Sam 16:7; Matt 5:21-22; 27-28

Rom 2:17-3:20

How We Excuse Sin“What is wrong with the world today? Dear Sir; I am. Yours faithfully G. K. ChestertonRom 3:9-20

Let’s not rush to grace before we fully Understand the depth of our sin and the Holiness of God. Eph 2:1-5

We are to live in such a way as to show God’s holiness to the world. 1 Pet 1:15

John the Baptist: “Fruit in keeping with repentance”. Matt 3:8

Rom 2:17-3:20

ApplicationWe Cannot Traffic in Unlived Truth!

If you start judging people, you’ll have no time to love them. Mother Teresa

Rom 2:17-3:20

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