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Third lllnuesota State Con­ference :oi ~ciiarltles alad ' . . ~.

· Corrections. ·


Delivered by the Venerable President, R. A. Mott, of



It any Dlsti ngufshed People Ara In Attendance as


The first session of the thlrcl stnte eout~rtonce ot the lllnn~too:a Associa­tion or Charities aud Correctiocs wa:s bdd last c.•vt.>ui IIJC at U uily ch u reh. While not all the ddt-J:nte~t h1ul arri\·~d, there wa:s a fairly large atlcmi:mce. A bamt ec•mposed of buys from the Fari~ bault !l<.·hool for th., ft'ebie-ruimlt"d en­llvealt'd Uw OJlt'ning whh ~e\·~rRl a.,atri­otie pieet•s. All will b~ awtiet'd In tlu: Jist oi deh-~ater., 111n11y lac.lies nre prel'• ellf, and lht·y evincu a det:p int.~rl!st In th~ pruce~din!!S.

Rev. Ur. Millard otrerrd the oprninJ' prilyt-r, :wet tllt'll s~crt:tnry llt.rt. <•t the a;tlltc lJnard uf eharilit:s 1111d corrt-ctluus, clfcr~tl a welcome on lJthnlf of the &iate and Go\·. l'lt-lsun, wlw. for obvious n•as(JilS, wa:s uuable to lle t>rc>~t:ut. Sec­retary Unrl was hnJlPY In his rt!mnrks, and his talk J!ro\·cu a good opl'uiug of the !'l':O~i(JnS. Spt'aldu~ "f the wtlrk of thc"loe:.lnnd

etatc as:fucialiuu:z, he cited the testimony of a nuu null'd lu thl:s llna or work who rt'ceully vlslteu ::!t. l'uul.

"That gt'nllemnll," snld Mr. Hart. Hnf&t-r bt!iu;c shuwu whnt are cal:ed tht: slum:~, the \"t>ry wur st we 11ave to show, ft'OJnrked : ·Why. you havt: uu slum~ in St. l,aul lil•e tht>y have In tht: olUt'r rountrics nud lu ulhl•r stalcll. You hllVt: 110 !luch nrgrt'~Riious cit ruisery as ure &et•n el~cwhere/"

Thill condit lou. Mr. llnrt asst»rted, ls Jargt'l)' owing to the wurk and lht! in- · Jut:nct: of tile associ:lliun.

'file annual :uhirt'ss or Presidt»nt R. ,J.. lio\t wa~ an exhaustlvtS review uf )he causes that made the a~soclalloaa a llt ct>ssi&~·. nnd also wt>ut uv~r in cl~lail lhc vnrluu!S phn~us oC th~ work. He t1 wttlt with es}'oclal vt>hemttuce on the

Jlt>Ct"l'Sity for more al&ert·~sh·e wurk kJ

eradicate the tSOnrce:~ of crimt>, puverty ami tlt"s"lnliou. lu thl:~ coun~ctiuu he laid down

~ome F'ort-lble Ideas he would like to s~e carrittd inlo t•fTt>ct. Brh·tJy these nr(&: First-G~ni!l':tl and thnronl!h intonuattun on tile law11 ur lire atHl th., auystt'rious lf:tnciity of he­n•uity. l:in<'ond-Un,li cal rl'furru of the laws uf marrla~t>. that shall prott'ct tho ri!chts of future famiii~s. 'l'hini-Cmn~

plt'h~ isolation uf souu.! of the tlefectiv 1

elnsses. with the ot•jt!c~ or sludyin~ nud ounlyzlllf.' spccial cnscs. lo'c•urth - Re· striclion or i&uml&;mtiuu. l•'aflh-ln ex­trttruc ca::c.>~. u .ulu conscrvnlive h.•gal rult•::, ~ut·girul imerfcrenct'.

Ou tht>st: prnJ,usltiuus tho president tnlkt-d poiutcdly uud at some lcu~tla. Jlls eur&H'~l :uui. lucid worJs demcn­aurntt"d the fact thnt ho has gi\'t'll the uanttt.>r u&uch tlwu~ht null Mtuh·. ln cfusing tho n•nmrliu!Jlc phllunth.rol>ist arrew r<'ally · cfuqucur. _His tribu te to the l.tioul·ers or blinrwsola auci the ulo· lll·t-rs lu the humnuitlll'1ati U.o\·cincnt was clumcc•l with palhJs anti lt:nder· llt-ss. nnd there \\·c·r~ fed who were not lllft'Ctt•d ns h~ fee lingly ret>llcd the lnst 8ht11Zn or burns' "John Anclerson. My Ju, John."

lieu. S:tmut>l n. Thayer. of Minnc­apulls. c•x,minister at The llngot», rt•nd D scholarly :uad Instructive papt'r on .. Tho Churiues of th" N~tllcrlnuus." llc traced the .:rowt h uf the chnrl talJie ami a.wnal iustitutious or Holland at

ltnJ{lh, and eular!(cd in detail on tbc fl'ntuns which ha\'C made n••tabiP. the

lJutch uaethudoJ of dealing with po\'erty ana crime. · llc drew the coucluswn that tho t»xcellent result~~ attained In lJ(Jllaud · nrc duo prlncip:ally to the bror.d tutl ennaJ>rt.'hcusint Jinrs ou wtalch the cl:nrilhble work and pun!~

tlvt: procEl•dlu(s are phumcd. The e!lu:sing SllJr~t·stiuu wa11 that. J>t>rb!l)lt-, the Auterh.-nu hunuuaihtrian movemc.>ut wuultt achieve l[nmtcr nnd better re­asults if Its scupe lll brvndt>ued anci pro­vision nuule for a cc:ntrnJization of authurily.


Tbc Lb't of Dcle ,;ateft

who rea:istertot.llnst ul~:ht h1 printed be­low. Most of thl.'lll nrc oftict>rs of cnun­tit>s 011d uf :.tate iu~tltutious dirf'ctly cutmt-ctt'd with th6 dts&Jtlt~ut iou of pub· lie charity ur the eufor~tn~nt of re­strulniug nud t>Uilith·e law~. There an•, hu\\'e\'t•r, n lllllllhcr or .. frimully vh.it­or~ ... UllGfticlnl dc.• lc.·~:atl•~ In the list :

~r. l'aul J)l•lt-g!lll's-Hcv. Dr. H. R. Jh•ffron, E. W. Pt-l·t, Nt>lii J . Ness, .1. 11. Moritz, Ut•~•t. ~L J. O'Counur, C. 1•'. l'usch. 1':\lrlck lluttt·r , .Ma·:4. J. H. Mul­)'h\·, Mn~. C. 1). ~III ith, Capt. U. 11. l ... Jc\wtt. Mrs. 11. ::;. l•'alrcbald, lluu. c. lJ. Kerr. · Jlou. John \\•. Willi:a, )llss Jl'lmio .E. Haukln, Airs. An~rus .Mncct,,naht, Amllruse PierC:l', l:l'\'. lJrny. ,J!)Itn K•·rwan, John D. J.u+• deu. Hl·V. W. U. Millard, Rt>\', UaYid )lur~eau. Ut!\ ' , \\'. C. l'cJpl'. J. Watscm Smith. J. J. Todd, P. A . AIJbott, M :ss :Mnrv Crumsit>, A. J•. Croot'(!Uist, Mr. attd • Mr>4. llt-ury Haas, lliss Luu1~c Enaury. )lr:;. G. W. Wylie, Mrs. A. A. Whitt', \V, L. Wilson,

Miuu~npuli~S Uelt•~:ntt•s-~rs. C. H. Grnhnm, 1\lr~. 1\1. ,J. 'l'lwmpsou, 1\lrs •• J. 11. Pray. Mrt~ • .McClrry, WHiinm Pow~ll. EuJ~;cN.• Fny, )ll·~ . 'J'. H. E~an, Miss )lary E~un nnd Miss A. 'J'. Lennard, Mr:~. lllcl:a('l~. Mrs. Lehrml'ittr, Geonce llrarket•, W. (;7. Hyrou, Mrs. D. U. 1Jon3!dson •. Mrll. W. H. Gerrr. Ur. W. A .• Jont'~, Juc.1ge Woods. Dl'lt'J!atc~S ~!'rom :State nt Lnr~e­

}' ra uk Tt>ml•lt>, :Stilhvatt'r: F. Whitney, Anoka; C. E. Mcllllla.l. Luvt-rne; Uev. Albt•rt Warren. Ltakc Ut•nton; ex~liov. J. H. WnlH:fil'ld, Blue Enrrh Cily; C. Amuud~ou, Sr. Peter; A. }". Anderson. lkd Wtn:!; ::>upt. J. W • .Drown, lt'.'d Win~ ; J . J. lJow, lo'"nrilJault; Hun. John F . Nurrisla and Juhn lletberington. Jjastin:is ; Gcotge D. Holt, llinckll•y; C. E. Uult, Duluth; \V. llod- I 1linv. Ft•Tf!US l '"alls; Rev. Uober& I :Mct;unt-. ~\ orll;iugtob : J . A. Jobnsou, i Nicollt'l: .r ... J. ,Johuscl!, Gvcdbue; N. J. Miller, :$rtndstone: John Marpby, Hast· ln.:s; Warden Wolter, Stillwater; J • .R. l ':arshall and. Dr. C. A. Uoaer!, F,u·l -

~" .... .,.. ....,.... _ _,._

bau1t: J .. . lodrlan Johnson, St. Peter;·: .J. 1''. oar ... A~-}!'. Kjoa ttnd A.adrew I Larl'on,\ioodlaue ~ounty eommlnlonl"ra; ·-

Pn>sident R.A.llott ~f!J ueompauled · by hhs ware au<l" da'tr&l«ers AJJh.~· •nd r LoulaL · · ··" ~'" • . ..... . • ._:. - • S· · •

'l"odaJ"'• ~rograaupe. . Tln~ rut-et.lu,ai ~ch~r.lufett f~(t~A~ ~1 ,

be held at the a;tate' c~pltul. aad at'!_ aa. 1 foJli)WS: · .;. · • J•rnyt'r. · ~ · · .. "' • # •

Butliltess Meetlng-Repor' of commit· . ll'., ou nonuuntions.

9:30 n. m.-Cmumlttt-e on Insane and· ft>eiJle ... lntudt'd; c·hairnlan. G~rar~ o .. Wdch, M. 1>., F~r,:us Fnlltt. •'State Provision for the Jnsautt," tty the chair• tnnn (tifleeu mluutt>};). "l'uture. Pro- . vbion for the ln:suno of Aliunesota," Uc~. S. G. ~mllh, U. lJ •• ~t . I,aul (tiC· t~t· n mmuttt:.). "Crt>ati\'6 l\lunual Em­ployml'nt a Necessity In the Curative 'J'rt-autuent of Jn!'auil\·." U. A. 'l'omlin­!'1111, M. U •• ::>t. l,~trr '(liflel'n minutes). .. Tiw ~·uture of the F.-l'l.llt!·l\lindNt and the F:pih•ptict=," A. C . l{o,ers, .M.D., Fnril.lnult. ·

llu. m.-Commlttee on public care of thu puur: clulirmau, Jl .M.Pahn, Worth· htKUIII. " "l be Cuul}lY l!ot~r: .How Shall Thtty Hu Cart'd For~, by thn cholnnau. (J.o' itlt·ttn miuut.-s.) .. Public Provision fur th., Adult Blind." ~upPrlntendenL .1. J. Uow. Farlbuult. (Fi fll'l'll minutctt.) •·JJutit>s of the l,ul.llic to the Uneru­pl") t•d," lly lion. William H. EustiS. .M lnuenpolls. (lo' i rte~n mhautell.) J)is­CU!4~iun. (~crtion mcl'tin.: on pulllic ca t t' uf tilt! )wor 1111 'fhur:oday at 2 p. m.)

~:SOp. m.-Aupointment of commit· l\'t: ot; time..~ n11d pluce, and rommiLtee ou or"anizatiou or the lJt'Xl couter~ncl'.

S p. 111.-:St'ssion of th~ ~late board of rurrt'cltons and chulU~s,ht" excetrl'ncr. <;n\'. Knu tc ~c·lsou. prt'~ltlent. l,re­lilllilll\fY rt'mnrkl', liu\', Nelson. •·Ue· la riun of the ~tate Boart.l of Currectlons nnt.l Chctrith·s to the .~~oph! of the ~t att', " U. 1'. 'incginuls. D ulut11 (tiftt'Cil lltillllll'S). "Rt'lil lt<lll o t the :)tate llonrd ur Curn·ctiuns and Cltaritie M to the ~:ntc Lc•gislarure," Ht'v. S. G. ~mith, IJ. 1>., :::.r. l'nul (tifll'tm minutes ). ..Jteh\­tiun uf lhc ~~ate Buard of C crncdous 111111 Cliarit.i t'S t.u Ute ~tntt~ Jn:st ltutions," J . D. \\'ala•tit·Jd, Hluc E ;tl·th City (tif· lt'CII mlnul~:.). "Htd:tllOll or tltt: State J.>uarll o f Ci.ln~ct iou:t nml Ch arities to llll' (.;uunli t!S n Ull Municipalitil':s uf tius ~tah•," ll. H. Hart. ~t. P •lul (fittecu IIIIIIU leS) .

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