adoration evangelical lutheran church etce

Post on 14-Apr-2022






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A d o r a t i o n E v a n g e l i c a l L u t h e r a n C h u r c h

. . . O u r M i s s i o n C o n t i n u e s ETCE ERA

Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service

November 25 6:15 pm

Come and celebrate the blessings God has given us with a special service of thanks. All are welcome to join us at 6:15 pm for worship followed by a pie social and fellowship. Please see the sign-up sheet on the table in the gathering room.


Rev. Tim Singleton Office: 414-281-0414 Mobile: 414-345-7368 Email: STAFF

Lori Hamilton .................. Secretary Office: 414-281-0414 Email: Barb Regent..............Music Director Email: Janet McGinty...........Choir Director Email: Gina Alba .......... Interior Custodian Email: OFFICE HOURS

Monday-Thursday ........... 9:00-2:00 PASTOR’S NORMAL WEEKDAY


Tuesday, Wednesday.......9:30-2:30 Thursday........................9:30-12:30 Friday.............................12:00-2:30 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Thanksgiving Eve Worship ..... Pg 1

From the Pastor ....................... Pg 2

Church Council Highlights ...... Pg 3

Sharing God’s Bounty ............. Pg 3

Stewardship ............................. Pg 4

Our Adoration Family ............. Pg 5

Birthdays ................................ Pg 5

Important dates ..................... Pg 6-7

Meru & Mulala ........................ Pg 7

Kid’s Page.................................Pg 8

November Calendar ............... Insert

Worship Assistants ................ Insert

ETCETERA …Our Mission Continues 2


In the New Testament of the Holy Bible, we are instructed to “contend for the faith.” Specifically, in the Epistle

of Jude it says the following:

“Beloved, while eagerly preparing to write to you about the salvation we share,

I find it necessary to write and appeal to you to contend for the faith that was

once for all entrusted to the saints.” – (Jude 1:3)

But what exactly does it mean to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints”? Well, the

answer is two-fold: 1) We are called to vie for and campaign for the true gospel of Jesus Christ against any kind

of false gospel that is competing for our hearts and souls, and 2) We are encouraged to actively engage in

practices that strengthen our Christian faith.

Just as it was at the time of Jude and the early Church of the Apostles, we have to contend for our Christian

Faith (received from our Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles) amid the false claims of various pseudo-gospels.

While Jude specifically addresses those who have turned the gospel of Christ into a “licentious” philosophy

(an anything-goes philosophy), we today also contend with this same thing in addition to contending with other


In our world today, we “contend for the faith” against things like the Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that we

can be blessed with material wealth if we have enough faith or the right kind of faith. We also contend with

Radical Secularism, which seeks to strictly relegate faith to a mere freedom of private worship rather than a

true freedom of religious expression within both our private and public lives. Furthermore, we contend against

Radical Relativism, a doctrine stating that truth, knowledge, ethics and morality are completely relative to

culture and are not absolute.

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to resist going astray into these various theological and

philosophical distortions of the grace and truth of God. However, we cannot fulfill this calling without the power

of God in our lives to strengthen our Christian faith. So, this is where we are encouraged to actively engage in

practices that empower our faith. And these practices include worship, Holy Communion, fellowship, charitable

service, prayer, music, and devotional reading, but primary among these practices is BIBLE READING.

Privately reading the Bible as an individual and collectively reading the Bible with a Bible study group are

essential practices for maintaining a strong Christian hope and faith. There is power in the Word (Hebrews

4:11-16). Of course, regular personal Bible reading does not make us perfect people, but it does strengthen

Christian faith, hope, inner peace and joy. So, what are we self-feeding our souls throughout the week? Are we

reading the Bible to build up our faith and help us to contend for the Christian Faith amid all the false claims of

the various pseudo-gospels of the world?

“But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the

Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of

our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.” – (Jude 1:20-21)

Almighty God, strengthen us with power through the Holy Spirit that Christ may live in our hearts through faith!

By God’s Grace, Pastor Tim


ELCA WORLD HUNGER Year to date offerings of $1,670.11 for World Hunger. Thank you.


Here are some of the items discussed at the October Church Council meeting: The lawn weed and feed has been applied. A new spreader has been purchased. The closet is ready to be painted.

The parking lot will be repaired soon. An outdoor clean up will be scheduled.

The walk to Meru fundraiser has received positive feedback.

The Evangelism committee is working on the cookie sale and trick or treat projects.

Committees are asked to create their budgets for 2016.

45 school bags were taken to Lutheran World Relief. We will be scheduling Divine Intervention meals soon.

There are 4 Temple Talks scheduled and a list of volunteers for calling membership is being created. Commitment

Sunday is November 22.

Kathy Albrecht has accepted the position to chair Fellowship.

Karen Anderson will now be in charge of scheduling greeters.

For more information on any or all of these items, please check the complete minutes of the meeting posted on the kiosk in the Gathering Space or contact one of your Council representatives.

Everything comes from you, Lord, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.

(1 Chronicles 29:14)

LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE Is committed to meeting basic humanitarian needs and upholding the rights of those fleeing Islamist persecu-tion, terrorism and warfare in the Middle East. They are working with our companion churches in Europe to provide food, diapers, blankets, water, health kits, hygiene kits, psychosocial services and spiritual support to assist those who have fled their homes in the Middle East to seek refuge. You can help with a donation to the ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response. Write “Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis” or “Where Needed Most” on your check’s memo line.

ASCENSION FOOD PANTRY Thank you for your continued support of food donations! Your generous gifts of food are helping families in need during the holiday season.

DIVINE INTERVENTION Help is needed on the following dates with serving dinners to our homeless neighbors:

December 7 January 18 February 15 March 7

See the sign-up sheet on the table in the gathering room. Arrive at Divine Intervention by 5:30pm, dinner served at 6:15pm. Serving approximately 25-30 people. Questions, see Sue Clark.

ETCETERA …Our Mission Continues 4

Dear Members of Adoration,

Attached for your review is a breakdown of our congregation's weekly giving in increments. We know that each

of our economic circumstances are different and that our members contribute of their time and talents in

immeasurable ways other than by financial gifts and that those contributions are vital to the functioning of the


That being acknowledged, we do have to meet our financial obligations to continue our ministries both outside of

the congregation and to support our personnel, building and operating expenses. Sadly, as you can see from the

attached chart, the great majority of our members contribute five dollars or less each week in furtherance of our


Stewardship really is not about budgets. It is a test of our faith. It is an

opportunity to respond to God's abundant goodness and generosity.

God does not expect this test to be easy. He wants us to wrestle with how

we, who have been given so much, give back.

We respectfully ask that each of us prayerfully consider our commitment to

the work of the church in the coming year. Take time to reflect upon God's

blessings in your life and how you can express your thankfulness by giving

back a portion of what He has provided.

This year we will be contacting each of our members by phone. When

contacted, you will be given the opportunity to look inward to determine

how you can better help Adoration with both your financial gifts and your

time and talents. In addition, when you are called you will also be able to

provide your input on how Adoration can better serve you.

Bob Yersin, Council President

Mike Roshar, Stewardship Chairperson

Commitment materials will be mailed out in early November.

Commitment Sunday is November 22.

“Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil

to the house of the Lord your God.” (Exodus 23:19a)

Members Weekly


132 No Contribution

30 .01 - 5.00

19 5.01 - 10.00

9 10.01 - 15.00

9 15.01 - 20.00

10 20.01 - 25.00

3 25.01 - 30.00

3 30.01 - 35.00

8 35.01 - 40.00

3 40.01 - 45.00

1 45.01 - 50.00

3 50.01 - 60.00

4 60.01 - 70.00

1 70.01 - 80.00

4 80.01 - 90.00

3 90.01 - 100.00

6 Greater than 100.00


I offer this day to you dear God. Thank you for the blessings you have given me. May I use these gifts to build your kingdom. May my actions be a reflection of your love. May what I do today bring others closer to you. May my words be kind and gentle and may they bring joy to others. Today, help me to give back a portion of what you have

given me. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.



11/1 Edward Douangmala

11/2 Brandon Eigner

11/2 Gabrielle Lynn

11/7 Teresa Swift

11/8 Kevin Ziolkowski

11/9 Cheryl Hagfors

11/10 Britney-Lee Hessel

11/10 Lynda Wood

11/12 Lori Glisch

11/13 Gary Kerlin

11/16 Joani Bettin

11/16 Jacob John

11/17 Jeanette Nowakowski

11/17 Larry Schultz

11/17 Jason Williams

11/19 Mary Anne Markiewicz

11/19 Caitlin Schilling

11/22 Jeff Cwiklinski

11/22 Susan Wilde

11/23 Rachel Wesel

11/24 Jennifer Pinterics

11/24 Katie Schmidt

11/25 Ellie Wachowiak

11/26 Steve Bauer

11/26 Brandon Glisch

11/27 Myron Wargolet


is being held on Friday, November 20—Sunday, November 22. Those interested in attending should see Pastor Tim to obtain a registration and health form. This years theme is BAPTISM.

We will walk in the waters of our Baptism and remember who we are and whose we are.

Cost of $45 per person includes 4 meals, snacks, lodging, and the program. Checks payable to Adoration Lutheran Church.

Confirmation Class will not be held on Thursday, November 26 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

HOME BOUND MEMBERS Remember our homebound members during the holiday season by sending them a letter or greeting card to brighten their day. A list of our members is available in the gathering room on the kiosk

A Fall Prayer for Changing Times

Lord, there is so much happening in our world right now,

In the midst of it all, It’s so good to know You’re in control.

Your love is never-ending, and You provide for us.

As the trees turn colors, and the nights grow cooler,

may we be reminded that every season of our lives

is a part of Your loving plan.

Southwest Interfaith Outreach Program has an updated Older Adult Resource Directory. Pick up your free copy in the narthex. Information on Energy Assistance, Exercise and Fitness, Education, Consumer Problems, and much more are all available in this free guide.


Thrivent Representative, Ryan VanDeLoo, will be joining us on Sunday Nov. 8 following the worship service for a workshop entitled “Retire Wisely”. This workshop addresses six risks retirees face, including outliving your income, and rising health care costs. You’ll learn how to confidently meet these challenges. Please sign up in the gathering space so we can make sure he has plenty of materials for all who are interested in attending. WALL OF CROSSES

Thank you Jessica Hodgson for your donation to our cross wall! Jessica purchased a cross in Ataco, El Salva-dor while participating in a joint Thrivent/Habitat for Humanity build. The houses on the cross remind her of the purpose for going there. The cross is wooden and sand coated with paintings of bright colored birds, animals, and houses.

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”

Hebrews 3:4

ETCETERA …Our Mission Continues 6

Mark your calendar for these important dates!

November 22 Christ the King Sunday Commitment Sunday November 25 Thanksgiving Eve Worship Pie Social following Worship November 29 Advent by Candlelight Event December 1 AAA Christmas Party December 2 — December 16 Wednesdays in Advent 6:15pm Worship December 5 Crosstown Harmony Chorus December 6 “We Love Our Church” Auction December 12 Christmas Cookie Sale Christmas Rummage Sale December 19 Caroling to homebound members December 20 Children’s Christmas Program December 24 Christmas Eve Worship 4:30 & 9:00pm December 25 Christmas Worship 10:00am


“The Colors of Christmas” November 29 6:30-8:00 pm

(doors open at 6 pm)

A night you won’t want to miss! Set aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations and join us for an evening of fellowship, dessert, and reflection, as we focus our hearts and minds on the season of Christmas.

Watch for a sign-up sheet in church the beginning of November. Space fills quickly so sign-up early.


The Auction Committee will sponsor our 11th annual “We Love Our Church” Auction. The auction will be held December 6 after service. All proceeds from this auction will go to our general account. It should be noted that much of our Lord’s work that we do comes from the general account. There is more to the general account than operating costs and we need to do as much as we can in serving our Lord. Our membership is blessed to have so many talented people who do woodworking, basket weaving, quilting, painting, and much more. This was demonstrated last year by what was donated. I am asking these people once again to donate one or more of their craft items. Perhaps you would like to donate one or more of your famous cakes, pies, or batch of cookies. We will all be busy with Christmas shopping and you may want to purchase an item or two for the auction. What ever you can do to support this auction will be greatly appreciated. Last year $1,413.00 was brought in, let’s see if we can top that amount. To donate items please contact Ted or Mardy Lazaris at church or call 421-0848.

Thank you for your support. Ted and Mardy Lazaris -Auction Committee


The Crosstown Harmony Chorus is having a winter concert here at Adoration Lutheran Church on December 5. Performances will be at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM . To get more information about this event and purchase your tickets, see Janet McGinty.



Christianity: a Jewish Faith (Christianity is not culturally Jewish, but it is a form of Jewish



The Spring Jewish Festivals

& Jesus' Earthly Ministry (Judaism's Spring Festivals reveal the spiritual significance of Jesus'

earthly ministry.)


The Fall Jewish Festivals &

Jesus' Heavenly Ministry (Judaism's Fall Festivals reveal the

spiritual significance of Jesus' heavenly Ministry.)


Join our Family of Faith! We are offering a new member class for individuals

who are interested in joining our congregation. Join Pastor Tim on Saturday,

November 14 at 10:00 AM. To participate see Pastor Tim or call the church.


Tuesday, December 1

12:00 noon

Potluck and Gift Exchange



It’s time to look in your cookbooks for some yummy Christmas cookies recipes! Our annual Christmas Cookie Sale will be held on Saturday, December 12. We need volunteers to bake 3-4 dozen cookies for our sale.

Make a cookie that you would like to see on a Christmas dessert plate or give as part of a holiday gift.

Make your cookies small – about 2” in size – as we try to put about 30 assorted cookies in each box.

If you make a bar cookie, cut in small squares; no rice krispy squares, please.

Please bring your cookies to church the week of December 7 between 9:30—1:30 p.m. We will be packaging cookies on Friday, December 11. Thank you for your support and donations.



The Partnership Committee is hosting a Christmas Rummage Sale on Saturday, December 12 in conjunction with our Christmas Cookie Sale. Funds received from the sale will be sent to Mulala Parish to help support our Tanzania partnership. You can help make this sale a success by bringing in your unwanted Christmas decorations and ornaments. Items may be brought in and placed in the room across from the Martin Luther Room. Thank you!


Join us Saturday, December 19 as we share the carols of the holiday season with some of our homebound members. See Janet McGinty for questions. The more the merrier!


We were blessed to have 7 people in a delegation from the Diocese of Meru come for a two week visit. In a true part-nership, there have to be visits both ways. This will be Bishop Akyoo's last visit as Bishop, as he will retire next year, as he has been the only Bishop the Diocese of Meru has had since it was formed in 1997. At the gatherings there were many people from various partner congregations and it was truly wonderful, but yet there are only 22 partnerships and 51 parishes in the Diocese. They sent two young pastors with this delegation who preached at various churches hoping that this connection would produce another partnership. Our love offering that Sunday was for $375 and it will go to the Diocese instead of Mulala, to help some of these other parishes without partners.

We were fortunate to have Mr. Elibariki Simon Sanguya join us at church on Sunday the 18th. He thought our church was beautiful and enjoyed the conversa-tion, meeting the children, and the delicious meal following it. Later that day, there was a meal and farewell worship for them as they leave on Tuesday, the 20th. There were comments about the partnership from our Bishop Jeff, and Bishop Akyoo and both agreed that this connection in prayer and giving help and hope was what Jesus would do. There may be hunger in Tanzania again, as Emil Nanyaro, head of the coffee project in Meru, stated that last year he harvested 200 bushels of maize and this year, only 21. They depend just on the rains to come at the right time and although Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, is in the Western part of Tanzania, there is no technology to get water to the people.

This coming year, they will have the election of a new Bishop and also the election of a new President of the country and have asked for our prayers regarding both of these events, as well as prayers for enough food for the people. I may never get to go there again because of Larry's health problems, but when I see these wonderful people, I feel like they are family and always close to my heart and in my prayers. ~Sandy Ringwall



Milwaukee, WI

Permit No. 2449

Address Serv ice Requested


Mission Statement: Living in God’s love we share the good news of Jesus through spirited worship, serving God in our daily lives, creating a welcoming space to all, providing outreach, educating the young and old, and creating worldwide partnerships.

Reconciling in Christ: Adoration Evangelical Lutheran Church identifies itself as a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation and publicly welcomes all persons to full membership and participation in the ministry we share without regard to race, ethnicity, social status, ability, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Adoration Lutheran Church 3840 W. Edgerton Avenue

Greenfield, WI 53221

Phone: (414) 281-0414

Fax: (414) 281-1094





Pastor: Rev. Tim Singleton

Worship Times:

Sunday Morning……………………………………...9:00 am

Wednesday Evening …………………………….6:15 pm



Volume #20, Number #9

Published Monthly

Dated Material — Please Expedite


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