हाी ाजाषा गर्व हाा -...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    हमारी राजभाषा ...गर्व हमारा !

    इस र्षव भी हमारे वर्द्यालय शििुर्न में ‘हहिंदी हदर्स’ मनाया गया| इसका आयोजन हदनािंक ९ शसतिंबर से १४ शसतिंबर के बीच ककया गया| इसके अिंतगवत वर्शभन्न वर्भागों में नाना प्रकार की गततवर्धियों का समार्ेि ककया गया| प्राथशमक और माध्यशमक स्तर पर अनेकों गततवर्धियााँ की गयी|

    हहिंदी अक्षरों, मात्राओिं और व्याकरण के आिार पर िब्दखेल, कहानी, मुहार्रे, कवर्ता तथा नाटक प्रस्तुततकरण ककया गया| हहन्दीहदर्स पर दो हदन प्रश्नोत्तर प्रततयोधगता आयोजजत की गईं। जजसमें अक्षरों को क्रम में लगाकर सही िब्द बनाना, धचत्र देखकर अिंग्रेजी िब्दों का हहिंदी अथव बताना तथा सामान्य ज्ञान के प्रश्नों को सजममशलत ककया गया| छात्रों द्र्ारा हहिंदी हदर्स की सभा में नई प्राथवना का सस्र्र गायन ककया गया, हहिंदी सुवर्चारों पर चचाव की गई, नाटक ‘हार की जीत’ प्रस्तुत ककया गया| हहिंदी हदर्स क्यों और कैसे मनाया जाता है इस वर्षय पर भी जानकारी दी गई| सभा आयोजन के दौरान छात्रों ने बताया कक आज के आिुतनक युग से जुड़ने के शलए अिंग्रेजी भाषा सीखना भी जरूरी है लेककन हमें अपनी राजभाषा हहिंदी को भी नहीिं भूलना चाहहए|

    By Meenal Kaura

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Dear mom and dad,

    If you cared to look at me, you would see my wound from the fall.

    If you cared to hear me instead of just pretend to nod, you would know I

    was bullied at school today.

    If you cared to question about my day, you would know I was touched


    If you cared to play with me, you would find your own childhood.

    If you cared to look into my eyes, I could trust you to keep my


    If you cared to laugh with me, I promise you would forget about your

    stress at work.

    If you cared to listen to me, you will have some memories of raising me.

    If you cared to talk to each other, we would know the basics of

    meaningful relationships.

    If only you cared to look beyond your phone,

    we would be a happy family!!


    Your child!

    By Hetal Dedhia

    Parent of

    Reyansh Dedhia - STD 2 Shraddha

    Aarohi Dedhia –Jr. Kg. Dhyaan

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    On 2nd October we celebrated, Gandhi Jayanti in our

    school. That day, after the prayers we were told to sit in a

    circle. A new teacher came to teach us ‘Nai Talim ’. All

    the children brought their old t-shirts to make an article.

    The teacher taught us to

    make tote bags out of the


    We enjoyed making the bags. Our teachers,

    Neelam and Prabha made bags too. They also

    helped us to cut and paste the materials. At the end

    of the session all the children had made beautiful

    bags with pockets. It was a fun activity.

    The teachers clicked pictures of all the students and their bags. The other classes

    made bags too! We all made bags out of waste materials and named the activity as,

    “Best out of waste”. I learned to make bags with t-shirts and enjoyed the activity

    very much.

    By Namra (STD 5 N)

    The Gandhian Way

    The principal idea is to impart the whole education of the body, mind and soul

    through the handicraft that is taught to the children ~ Mahatma Gandhi.

    Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated at Shishuvan School to commemorate the

    150th birth anniversary of the father of our nation - Mahatma Gandhi. It was

    celebrated along with interns from Nirmala Niketan College with great zeal and


    The school promoted Nai Talim: A Gandhian way of learning by teaching

    through various activities such as block printing, stencil printing, tote bag from

    old T-shirt, looping threads, fabric accessory, thread work, liquid embroidery

    and tie and dye.

    By Sana Khatri

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    By Vedant Kartik (STD 2)

    By Krupa Shah (STD 4)

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Invigorating Environment

    “While the content of any learning experience is

    important, the particular content is irrelevant.

    What really matters is how students react to it,

    shape it or apply it”.

    - Rob Riordan

    A Fair is a cultural potpourri of a country, showcasing the cultural

    diversity of the region. Every alternate year, Shishuvan designs an

    Educational Fair - an interface for parents, teachers, students, artists,

    crafts persons and non-profit organisations. The aim is to bring diverse

    individuals and organisations into the school, connecting us with the city

    and adding value to our neighbourhood.

    The fair is open to everyone. The community and society at large have

    an opportunity to get a glimpse of the school’s teaching and learning

    process using a wide variety of resources. This is a student driven,

    student centred event and an occasion where the learning of the students

    are showcased through interactive games and activities, displays and

    celebrations. Our School Fair is a reflection and celebration of what

    students learn in their classrooms on a regular basis.

    The theme for the fair spans across all the classes from the Pre-primary

    to the High School. The interactive stalls, dance, street plays, quiz and

    treasure hunts are set up by each class after brainstorming and

    discussions. The theme for the Shishuvan Fair was ‘SKILL-O-LOGY

    UNLIMITED’ this year. As a school we believe that learning in today’s

    time is no more confined to the four walls of the classrooms and well-

    developed skills can make a person an expert in a particular field.

    This is a testimony of our school’s motto, ‘Every Child Counts’.

    By Sunil Dammewal, HoD Secondary Department

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    The Fun-filled, Fabulously Fantastic Fair

    A two-day joyous, fun-filled

    event at Shishuvan, awaited not

    only by the children, but every

    stakeholder in the school. What

    really makes this event a success

    is the effort put in by each one, be

    it the teachers, staff or the very

    helpful parents who volunteered

    for the event. The brainstorming

    for the theme of the fair starts months in advance. After the theme is

    finalised, the most interesting and equally difficult part is to identify

    activities to be conducted from the ideas that are discussed.

    Each child has numerous ideas and it’s a tough call for the organising

    team to finalise games and activities according to the gradation; be it for

    our tiny tots, or for the primary and secondary departments. After

    finalising the activities, the next step is to get the resources. One of the

    best things about the fair is, that

    the activities designed are eco-

    friendly and pocket friendly not

    only to the school but to the

    parents and children who are

    going to spend on it. Most of

    the activities are designed by

    hand and are made by the

    immense efforts of the teaching

    and non-teaching staff in the

    pre-primary, however in the older classes the children with the assistance

    of their teachers manage to do it independently. Getting the resources on

    time, arranging for materials and setting up the stalls often gets

    challenging, but as it said, “No pain, no gain”. The day the fair is

    inaugurated, the music and the event begin - the hard work takes a back

    seat and everyone is seen enjoying the fair. Just as the colourful bunting

    adorns the school and festivity fills the air, the people participating are

    surrounded by its fragrance. A month-long wait gets over in few hours in

    these two days, making us wait for two years for us to witness it


    By Nimisha Gupta, Pre-Primary teacher.

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    અહવેાલ લેખન

    શાળાન ું નામ : શશશ વન તારીખ : ૧૫/૧૧/૨૦૧૯ અને ૧૬/૧૧/૨૦૧૯ વાર :શ કવાર અને શશનવાર સમય : સાુંજના ૪ થી રાતના ૮ Theme- Skill-O-logy મેળોમાું શવભાજીત કરેલા ૭ ભાગ ૧ સર્જનાત્મક પ્રવતૃ્તી, ૨) ગાયન અને નતૃ્ય ૩) હળવાશની પળો, ૪) વવવવધ ખાદ્ય પદાર્થોની બનાવટ અને સેવન. ૫) પયાાવરણ જાણો, માણો અને જાળવો, (નાટક) ૬) સામાન્ય જ્ઞાન અને સમસ્યા ઉકેલ ૭) વવવવધ વવષયોને ધ્યાનમાાં રાખી રમતોની ઉજવણી.

    ગજુરાતી-મરાઠી વવષયમાાં પણ ભાષા કૌશલ્યને ધ્યાનમાાં રાખી વવવવધ રમતોનુાં આયોજન કરવામાાં આવ્ુાં હત ુાં. જેમાાં દરેક ધોરણ અને વગા માાંર્થી બે-બે બાળકોને રમત ગમતના સ્ટોલની દેખરેખ રાખવાની અને આવનારા લોકોને રમત રમાડવાની જવાબદારી આપવામાાં આવી હતી. તેમની સાર્થે વશક્ષકોને રાખવામાાં આવયા હતા.

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    ધોરણ : ૩ થી ૮ રમત અને skills

    ધોરણ: ૩ ‘કલરવ’ પક્ષીઓના અવાજ સાર્થે ચિત્ર જોડવા.( Find and Matching)

    ધોરણ: ૪ ‘પરરધાન’ભારતના રાજ્યોને તેના કપડા સાર્થે જોડો.(Identification)

    ધોરણ: ૫ ‘રીંગ માસ્ટર’ આપેલા ચિત્રોને ઓળખો અને તેના નામ સાર્થે

    જોડો..(Search and Match)

    ધોરણ: ૬‘બોલ બચ્ચન’ આપેલા વાક્યને યાદ કરીને મયાાદદત સમયમાાં યાદ કરીન ેયોગ્ય ક્રમમાાં મોઢે બોલવા. (Memory, Sequencing)

    ધોરણ: ૭ ‘ટાગેટ ધ બલનૂ’ જેટલા ફુગ્ગા ફૂટે તે અનસુાર આપેલી વયાકરણની દક્રયા કરવી. (Focus, Concentration, Aim)

    ધોરણ : ૮‘રોલ એંડ બોલ’ આપેલા િોકઠાાંમાાં બોલ ફેંકીને આવેલા નાંબર અનસુાર શબ્દ કોડની રમત રમવી. (Accuracy, Focus) ઉપરોક્ત આપેલી દરેક રમતનો મખુ્ય ઉદે્દશ બાળકો અને તેમના વાલીઓમાાં રહલેા વવવવધ કૌશલ્યને વધારવાનો અને પ્રગવત કરવાનો હતો. રમત સાર્થ ે ગમ્મત અને એ પણ ભાષા જોડે કરવામાાં આવ ે ત્યારે આપણી પોતાની માતભૃાષા વધ ુખીલી/ ઉઠીને બહાર આવે છે. શાળાના મેળા દરમ્યાન એક વાતનો અનભુવ લઈને ખબુ આનાંદ ર્થયો કે, લોકોમાાં અત્યારે પણ તેમની માતભૃાષા પ્રત્યેની પે્રમ, લાગણી, સહજતા અને ભાષા પ્રત્યે ગવાહજુ પણ જોવા મળે છે.

    By Neelam Dafda

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Collated by Prashika (STD 9)

    The History tool

    making and the


    painting was an

    innovative stall for

    all age groups

    Seeing the young

    students convincing

    visitors to buy their

    hand made goods was

    a sign of young


    The Fair should be held every

    year as it is productive for

    children as well as their


    The stage

    performances by

    the children

    were energetic

    The games in

    the stalls were

    creative and


    The delicious food and beverages

    created by the students should have

    been present in more quantity, since

    they got over in a short time, and

    many couldn’t taste them. Having

    adequate seating and fans would have

    also attracted more visitors. Overall it

    was great!

    The atmosphere

    was very lively

    and the stage

    decor was


    Fair Feedback


  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Experiences – help us evolve The Peek A Book lit fest organisers sent out mails and entry forms for children to

    participate under the Children Choice Awards Category. They had a few fun

    questions for the children to answer about their favourite books and characters. They

    also asked questions to ascertain the creative side of the child like - Complete the

    sentences :- ( in red are Shlokh’s response)

    a) The lion was hungry for words so he ate the words that came out from

    everybody’s mouth.

    b) I dream of a world where there is no sound to disturb me while I read.

    c) She woke up with a start and found that she was suddenly in a glass bottle.

    These entries were invited from different kids across the country and in November

    2019 they announced the Children’s Choice Awards Jury members. Shlokh was

    chosen for the age category of 5-6 years along with 3 other children from Bombay

    Scottish and Aditya Birla World School.

    As shared by Mala B. (Shlokh’s mother)

    By Shlokh. B (STD 1)

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Cobbler Cobbler, Mend my shoe As part of the ongoing theme, ‘Human Body’, children learnt the

    secondary parts of the legs wherein they also learnt that by wearing

    shoes we protect our feet from getting hurt while running, walking,

    jumping, jogging etc. Children these days don’t know much about a very

    important community helper – ‘The cobbler’, who mends shoes.

    Children are used to discarding their shoes more often than getting them

    repaired. The Jr. Kg children were taken to meet a cobbler at his shop

    and understand more about him, how he mends shoes and the tools that

    he uses.

    The cobbler ‘Shivaji Bahu’ was kind enough to show how he would

    stick the sole of the shoe and how to stitch up the shoe with his special

    needle. On their return, as a follow-up activity the students were asked to

    draw what they learnt during the Field Trip. Following are the pictorial representations done by our Jr. Kg students.

    By Manjiri Lavakare (Teacher Jr. Kg.)

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Paramparik Karigars….Keeping art alive

    To keep art alive, to make the children aware of the varied heritage we are blessed

    with as well as how these skills help us in life. These

    people still run their house hold expenses by keeping

    these traditional art forms alive. Every year a new art

    form is introduced to the students of Shishuvan, with the

    help of ‘Paramparik Karigars’, a group which works

    with various artisans across the country. The artist

    comes to the class room with the material required for

    the art, shares the process and the stories attached to it

    with the students and then the students learn that art

    form from the Karigar.

    This year the students of std 5th and 6th were given an opportunity to learn Phad

    Painting by Prakash Joshi (Rajasthan), Pattachitra by Pramod Kumar (Orrisa) and

    Daboo Painting by Rambabu Chhipa (Rajasthan).

    Hi friends!

    Mr. Prakash Joshi had come to our class and told us that he would teach

    us Phad painting. Phad painting or Phad is a religious style scroll of folk

    painting, practiced in Rajasthan, India. This style of painting is

    traditionally done on a long piece of cloth or canvas, known as a Phad.

    At first, Prakash Joshi got natural colours and mixed them on our palette.

    Later, he gave us cartridge sheets on which there was a drawing in which

    we had to paint. He drew the same design on a big piece of paper and we

    had to copy the design that Prakash Joshi was painting. We enjoyed a


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    It was a fun experience! I really did not know that our Indian culture is

    so vast. There were so many minute details of the art shared with us,

    information that helped me understand Phad Painting and I say that on

    behalf of 5th Shraddha, we had a lot of fun.

    Thank You!

    By Yashashvi (STD 5)

    A few weeks back we had a workshop on Phad Painting. It was a good

    initiative to tell children about Phad painting. Talking about the

    workshop, the teacher Prakash Joshi taught us nicely with materials like

    paints and brushes which were eco-friendly. The school should organize

    more workshops like these.

    By Yashvi Gala (STD 5)

    A glimpse of Daboo painting

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    Pattachitra - The Art from Odisha

    Things you ought to know The pictures are related to Krishna.

    This art is done on Canvas.

    Sarees, handkerchiefs, palm leaves and canvas are painted with

    this technique.

    The borders, outlines of the figures of Krishna and the ornaments

    are done with thin lines, pencil sketching.

    The full design takes a lot of time, to the extent of one year.

    All the pictures are imaginary they revolve around the stories of

    Ramayana, Ganesha and Krishna.

    Every piece is a unique design.

    From childhood, they (the artist) start practicing the figures of

    birds, animals, gods, flowers and trees.


    The tamarind (imli) seeds are crushed and gum is extracted by

    grinding it.

    The paste is formed from Mud and this gum is added to it.

    The sticky substance is applied on the canvas and dried in the sun.

    Then the cloth is smoothened with a polishing stone, which gives

    an excellent soft surface.

    The cloth is now ready for painting.

    The colours used for painting are also made naturally- White from

    Seashells, Black from Kajal (the soot collected from castor oil

    flame), Red from stone and other colours from metals and natural


    The brush used for painting is made from a large rat’s hair – it

    lasts long, the brush stick is made out of bass sticks.

    The rats are not killed for this, normally the brushes are used by

    generations, whenever they want to make a new brush, they take

    few hairs off the rat.

    From the workshop done with Paramparik Karigar, STD 6

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    Shishuvan School has been organizing AISM

    volleyball tournament from last 6 years. We

    successfully conducted the AISM Volleyball

    tournament arranged on 19th, 20th and 21st

    August 2019 and 22nd August was a buffer day

    for competition if the rain interrupted the

    tournament. There were heavy rains in the month

    of August but luckily there was no rain during

    the tournament. This tournament was a

    successful event in Shishuvan’s history with

    more than 70 teams and more than 25 schools participating in the event. The

    preparations for these competitions started almost two months prior to the

    competition. Each sports teacher was allotted a different job to make sure the

    competition was conducted smoothly.

    On the first day, the matches for boy’s in various age

    groups were conducted. On the second day, girl’s teams

    of various age groups had their matches. During the

    tournaments, players were being observed for selection

    for the CISCE National Volleyball Tournament to be

    held in Tami Nadu. We proudly share that 2 boys and 2

    girls from our school were selected for the nationals and

    their national camp was held from 23rd to 27th

    September 2019. Nationals were held between 29th September to 1st October along

    with a team manager, coaches and a lady escort.

    This event wasn’t possible without the support of parent volunteers who helped us in

    coordinating the event along with our students. The various roles were staying with

    players in case of injuries, certificate writing, ensuring that everyone has food and

    much more. Even the school leadership team’s support helped keep a check on the

    tournament and logistics. We cannot forget the effort of school staff and the student’s

    council who spent three whole days tirelessly working for the smooth functioning of

    the tournament.

    This event wouldn’t have been successful without the support and guidance of our

    honourable Principal Ms. Prachi Ranadive, our High School HOD Ms. Rachana

    Swar, our Secondary HOD Mr. Sunil Dammewal, sports team, support staff, sports

    committee members and The Management of Shishuvan School and Shri Hirji

    Bhojraj & Sons K.V.O. Jain Chhatralaya.

    By Nilesh Bansode

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    My sports experience behind the lens

    I, Darshil Furia from VIII Neeti, am very passionate towards photography, it is

    everything to me. I have learned many types of photography, (sports, food, wildlife,

    macro etc.) and this time I was tested for my sports photography as I was selected to

    cover the AISM Volleyball tournament.

    I had to take leave from school for three days and go to our pavilion for the same.

    There were many students, teams who participated, school management, and famous

    personalities known for their passion for volleyball were present during the opening

    ceremony. Everyone cheered for the tournament to start! All the players played

    enthusiastically. I joyfully captured the pictures of glory, spirit of sportsmanship, and

    acceptance of losing. The Sports Ministers and I had fun watching the matches and

    knowing about the new game. I also enjoyed watching the Shishuvan matches as no

    one gets to see that during school hours, I was the lucky one. I clicked pictures of

    students playing for our school and also

    cheered for them to motivate them.

    All the teams played wonderfully, but

    some teams played with great

    coordination and won in their age group.

    On the prize distribution day, our

    Principal, Prachi and all the HOD’s

    were present. It was a pleasure to click

    their pictures with the coaches and

    teams. Overall I had fun and an

    exhausting day as it was very sunny, but

    seeing the matches made me forget about the heat.

    By Darshil Furia (STD 8)

    It was a great experience being a part of organising team for AISM Volleyball

    Tournament 2019-20. We even got a chance to be there and help during the opening

    ceremony. It was such a great feeling looking at the matches, announcing the scores,

    compering and cheering for the fabulous players out there. We were also given an

    opportunity to distribute the trophies and medals during the prize distribution

    ceremony. It was an honour with a sense of responsibility to be a part of everything

    that took place at our pavilion.

    By the Sports Ministers (Urja and Shamit STD 9)

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    painting This year wall painting was introduced as part of Art activity and students of

    Standard 10 painted the pillars in the stilts area of the school building.

    We learnt about a new kind of painting technique so it was a different experience for me. This was one of the best activities!

    We did have problems while painting on the rough surface of the wall But we were able to do it with our sir's guidance.

    -Hitanshi.K It was an interesting activity, I enjoyed it. It was new to me, fun and different from the other activities we have done so far. -Pari

    It was a fun activity as we could do it with our friends and were able to choose from a wide variety of pictures to draw on the wall.

    -Dhruvil K

    It was an interesting experience. Painting on the walls was unique and new for me! Definitely worth the wait. -Mouli R.

    Painting on the walls was a fun idea, and a creative

    one too! Wall painting is a different and a new art form! -Siya Gandhi

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Comic Strip – A Winning entry

    This comic is based on the topic “land and marine animals discussing on solving

    problems that humans aren’t”. It was drawn on the spot during the ‘quirky comics’

    comic making competition of the event ‘ASTITVA’ which took place in St. John

    universal school. This comic also got first position! This comic is redrawn and

    coloured for you, Samachar readers, to enjoy!

    Lending a hand claw and fin to the environment

    By Dhruti Karandikar (STD 8)

  • Volume 3 December ’19 (2019 – 2020)

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    Getting Nostalgic

    The very word ‘School’ carries a lot of emotions with it and we are

    transported to a world where we spend half of our day studying, reading

    and writing, then enjoying other co-curricular activities such as sports,

    dance, music, art etc. We imbibe a lot of knowledge in the school, where

    our personalities and characters are shaped and we are prepared for

    building the nation. The foundation of our early years is very important as it

    forms our future. This very foundation is being laid down by our school.

    Other than academics, I thoroughly enjoyed other co-curricular activities,

    such as being a part of the table tennis team, ministry etc. The entire

    journey was really exciting and I have grown as a person and as an

    individual. It is rightly said that “school life is the best life” and this phrase

    sums up the whole crux of it because during the entire 14 year period we

    learn something new and something innovative every day. School provided

    us with a stirring environment where we grew, we learnt, experienced new

    things, made friends and gained the confidence to face the world outside. It

    is therefore the best phase in a student’s life where he/she greatly evolves

    and gain the ability to think critically.

    Besides academics it encouraged us to take part

    in a lot of extracurricular activities. School laid a

    foundation for us to lead different initiatives in our

    lives now, by giving us opportunities during school

    days to lead our houses and making us a part of the

    ministry. Our annual days themselves taught us a

    vast number of things like acting, directing, costume and prop making and

    technical activities like controlling the lights and sounds.

    School also teaches us discipline and the value of time without which we

    can never achieve our aims and goals in life. The exams that we gave

    during the school days helped us prepare for the big challenges in life.

    There is no reason for me to doubt that it is a place where we experience an

    overall development of our being, where our scholastic abilities grow,

    where our horizon widens and we are exposed to numerous possibilities of

    learning new things and moulding our personalities in the best way


    By – Yug Philip Shah (Ex Student – 2018)

    Art Credits for Volume 3 – Dhruti and Ananya (STD 8)

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