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Writing Skill- Story Writing

Grammar Practice


Read and do as directed.

Print the given worksheet, write your name and class on it and complete it by 9th May 2020.

Paste the completed worksheet in your English notebook to be submitted when the school reopens.

Worksheet 4


Activity 1- Story Writing

I) Watch youtube video from link (i) on guidelines and parameters of story writing

(i) https://youtu.be/W0HEqI3pJIM  

II) Watch youtube video from link (ii) https://youtu.be/PDHIyrfMl_U 

III) Now write the Story in the form of a children’s story book in about 150 words in your notebook comprising colourful pictorial description, graphics, drawings, sketches to add to the vividness of your story. The story should have grammatically correct sentences and language used should be fluent.

Activity 2- Grammar Practice


I) Re-arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences—

1. parents/are those/blessed/caring/and/who have/loving

2. flowers/parents/of his/a child’s life/the support/if he has

3. to us/provide/are/that/the pillars/strength/parents


4. in life/helps us/overcome/obstacles/their advice/our failures/not only/but also helps/remove


II) The following paragraph has one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct word in the space provided-

Error Correction

Some animal activist are horrified eg. activist activists

about the pitiable condition of the

animals in the zoos. They demands (a) ______ _______

ethical treatment from animals. According (b) _______ _______

to them, zoos are more then animal (c) _______ _______

prisons maintaining for human (d) ________ _______


कार्य� प्रपत्र 4


हिंदी कक्षा 9


1. छात्राएं हिंदी वि�षर्य के लि�ए दो नोटबुक बनाएगंीI2. �क� शीट का कार्य� प�ी नोटबुक में विकर्या जाएगा I3. नोटबुक पुरानी अथ�ा कॉपी के तेज विनका�कर भी बनाई जा सकती ैI 4. कार्य� पूर्ण� करने की वितलिथ 9 -5-2002 5. पाठ्य सामग्री extra marks, Diksha app, NCERT solution, cbse.nic.in के माध्र्यम से प्राप्त की

जा सकती ैI6. समस्र्या समाधान ेतु संपक� कर सकते ैं -- 88290042037. �क� शीट का कार्य� स्कू� खु�ने के पश्चात जांचा जाएगा

विनद8शानुसार कार्य� कीजिजए----(1) �ाक्र्य विकसे कते ैं?

अथ� के आधार पर �ाक्र्य के विकतने भेद ैं? ( परिरभाषा लि�खिखए उदारर्ण सवित)(2) उपसग� ए�ं प्रत्र्यर्य की परिरभाषा लि�खिखए I अवित, अप, अ�, अभिभ, दुर्, विनर्, प्रवित, विन, अध, सु --- उपसग� का प्रर्योग करते हुए 2-2 शब्द बनाए ं

आई, आक, आ�, आ�ट, आ�ु, अनीर्य, इर्या, आट, इक, ईर्य- प्रत्र्यर्य से 2-2 शब्द बनाइर्येI (3) पत्र �ेखन--- औपचारिरक पत्र

देश में फै�ी मामारी के समर्य नागरिरकों द्वारा अपने कत�व्यों को विनष्ठा पू��क विनभाने ए�ं इस संकट की घड़ी में �ोगों से देश का साथ देने की अपी� करते हुए विकसी प्रवितष्ठिष्ठत समाचार पत्र के संपादक को पत्र लि�खिखए I

(4) विनम्नलि�खिखत वि�षर्यों पर सारगर्भिभंत विनबंध लि�खिखए I

वि�ज्ञान �रदान र्या अभिभशाप, आधुविनक भारत की प्रगवित में बाधाएं


(5) चिचंतन ए�ं रचनात्मकता--- – समर्य का साथ�क उपर्योग करने ेतु

मनु भंडारी, पे्रमचंद, मादे�ी �मा� की काविनर्यां पढ़ें I भारत एक खोज ए�ं चार्णक्र्य धारा�ाविक देखें ( रू्यट्यूब पर)



GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Read chapter number Seven « L’Argent de Poche »Topic «  Les Pronoms Personnels et La Negation 1 » from your e Book. Above mentioned topics are taught in Online classes. 2. Do the given assignment in a separate note book, register or any sheet of paper and must show when school reopens.3. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to their respective class email ids.4. Name and section to be written on top right side corner of the worksheet.5.. Last date of submission of the assignments is 9th May, 2020.6. Students can ask their queries related to the topics via email ids given below.7. Class - 9D french9dmgd@gmail.com & 9E french9emgd@gmail.com.


Subject :- FrenchClass :- IX

1. Complétez avec l’Objet direct ou indirect :-

a. Le matin, on reçoit les parents.

b. On passe les jours a Mumbai.

c. Ma mère préparera le dîner.


d. Ma Sœur finira son travail scolaire demain.

e. Céline portera la robe rouge pour soirée.

2. Mettez les phrases au négatif :-

a. Il y a quelque chose dans le sac.

b. Je vais toujours au restaurant.

c. Pierre aime les bons et les gâteaux.

d. Il y a quelqu’un dans le salon.

e. Radha mange encore le gâteau.

3. Qui est-ce / Qu’est-ce que c’est( Ils sont connus pour ?)

Marie Antoinette

Massif Central


कार्य�-पत्रि�का-4 (2020-21)कक्षा – 9

त्रि�षर्य-संस्कृतसामान्र्य - त्रि�र्दे�शाः 1.अभ्र्यासकार्य� दिदरे्य गर्ये इ लि�ङ्क् से पढकर कार्य�पत्रक (worksheet ) � करे | E link - www.extramarks.com2.सभी कार्य�पत्रक एक �घु उत्तरपुस्तिस्तका में � करे | वि�द्या�र्य खु�ने पर उन्े जांचा जाएगा | 3.कार्य� पूरा करके लिशभिक्षका को e mail पर लिचत्र 9/5/2020 तक दिदखाने ै | 1. Mail id - sanskrit9cmgd@gmail.com – Mrs. Geetesh Sharma 2.Whatsapp to Mrs. Seema Sharma -9 B 9414320963_________________________________________________________________________________

त्रि�षर्य :- उपपर्दे त्रि�भक्तर्यः


1. मञू्जषातः उलिचतवि�भलिaपदं लिचत्�ा �ाक्र्यपूर्तितंः विcर्यताम् l

मञू्जषा – नृत्र्यक�ार्याम् , गुर�े , नगरम् , विपत्रा , वि�द्या�र्यम् , (क) सुविनता..................स आपरं्ण गच्छवित l (ख) ............................नमः l (ग) छात्राः.................... प्रवित गच्छवित l (घ) रमा........................कुश�ा अस्तिस्त l (ङ्)..................बविः ज�ाशर्यः अस्तिस्त l

2. मञू्जषातः उलिचतवि�भलिaपदं लिचत्�ा �ाक्र्यपूर्तितंः विcर्यताम् l मञू्जषा – विमा�र्यात् , ग्रामम् , �ृक्षस्र्य , पठने , रामेर्ण (क) ...........अभिभतः �ृक्षाः सन्तिन्त l (ख) सीता...............स �नम् अगच्छत् l (ग) गङ्गा.................... आरभते l (घ) ............उपरिर �ानराः सन्तिन्त l (ङ) सः..............कुश�ः अस्तिस्त l

3. प्रदत्तवि�कल्पेभ्र्यः उलिचतपदं लिचत्�ा रिरaस्थानाविन पूरर्यत – (क) त्�ं.................प्रवित गन्तुम् इच्छलिस l (अ) गृस्र्य (ब) गृम् (स) गृे (ख)..................ीनाः नराः पशुभिभः समानाः भ�न्तिन्त l (अ) धमा�त् (ब) धम�स्र्य (स) धम8र्ण (ग)कवि�ः कालि�दासः...................श्रेष्ठः l


(अ) कवि�षु (ब) क�ेः (स) कव्योः (घ) रोगी.....................वि�श्वलिसवित l (अ) लिचविकत्सकम् (ब) लिचविकत्सक: (स) लिचविकत्सके (ङ) माता .................स्निस्नह्यवित l (अ) पुत्रः (ब) पुते्र (स) पुते्रर्ण 4. उपपद वि�भक्त्र्यान् आधारिरकृत्र्य आरेखम् (chart) रचर्यत l __________________________________________________________________________






1. Read the chapter Number System from the NCERT book of class 9 (download the chapter from the attached link http://www.ncertbooks.guru/ncert-books-pdf/amp/).

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.

3. Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.

4. Click a clear picture using cam scanner (or any similar app).Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment-4:Maths and attach it as a pdf document to mail id.

5. The last date of submission of assignment is 9th May, 2020.

6. First student must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to the following email ids mentioned in the worksheet, according to their class and section.

Class and section Subject Teacher Email ID

IXA Mrs Archana Raj math9amgd@gmail.com

IXB Mrs Gayatri Mishra math9bmgd@gmail.com

IXC Mrs Nidhi Gupta math9cmgd@gmail.com

IXD Mrs Vandana Gupta math9dmgd@gmail.com

IXE Mrs Mamta Khatri math9emgd@gmail.com

IXF Mrs Sarika Joshi math9fmgd@gmail.com

IXG Mrs Archana Raj math9gmgd@gmail.com

Students may send their queries at the same email id of their class and section





Q1.) If P(t) = t3+2t2+t ,then find P(1), P(-1) and P(2).

Q2.) Write the degree of each of the following polynomials:

(a) 3x2 + x + 5 (b) 2 + √5x3 (c) 0

(d) x3 + 2x2 + 4 (e) 6 (f) 2 - y -y2

Q3.) Write the coefficient of x2 in each of the following :

(a) 5+3x-2x2 (b) (x-7)2 (c) (2x+1)2

Q4.) Find the zero of the polynomial in each of the following cases :

(a) P(x) = 2x-3 (b) P(x) = 3x2-1

(c) P(x) = 4x (d) P(x) = 1+5x

Q5.) Find the remainder when P(x) = x4- 3x2 + 4 is divided by (x-2) , by using remainder theorem.

Q6.) Use the factor theorem to determine whether g(x) is a factor of p(x) in each of the following cases :

(a) p(x) = x3 - 5x2 + 4x - 3 , g(x) = (x-2)(b) p(x) = x3- x2 +11x + 69 , g(x) = (x+3)

Q7.) Find the value of k if (x-1) is a factor of 4x3 + 3x2 - 4x + k .

Q8.) Write each of the following in expanded form :

(a) (4x + 5y)3 (b) (3x – y)3 (c) (3 + x – 4y)2

Q9.) Evaluate each of the following : (a) (104)3 (b) (48)3 (c) (5.1)3 (d) (9.8)3

Q10.) Factorise :

(a) 8y3 – 125z3 (b) 1+ 27x3 (C) x3 + 27 y3- z3 +9 x y z




GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Read the chapter -MOTIONfrom the NCERT book ( Download the chapter from the

link given below)http://ncert.nic.in/textbook/textbook.htm?iesc1=0-15 (e-book NCERT)

For reference you can take help from





2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 3. Write your Name , Class and Section on the top right side corner.4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as

Yourname.Assignment- 4 : PHYSICS and attach it as a pdf document to mail id 5. The last date of submission of the assignment is 09/05/ 2020. 6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email

ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section7. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class

& section9A - Physics9amgd@gmail.com

9B- Physics9bmgd@gmail.com

9C- Physics9cmgd@gmail.com

9D- Physics9dmgd@gmail.com

9E- Physics9emgd@gmail.com

9F- Physics9fmgd@gmail.com

9G- Physics9gmgd@gmail.com


Subject: Physics Class IX

Date of Submission-09/05/2020

1. If the displacement of an object is proportional to square of time, then the object moves with:

(a) Uniform velocity                       (b) Uniform acceleration

(c) Increasing acceleration              (d) Decreasing acceleration

2. From the given v-t graph, it can be inferred that the object is


(a) At rest(b) In uniform motion(c) Moving with uniform acceleration    (d) In non-uniform motion

3. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object is:

(a) Always less than 1         (b) Equal to 1 or less than 1(c) Always more than 1 (d) Equal to 1

4. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius r.

The displacement  after half a circle would be:

(a) Zero    (b) πr (c) 2r             (d) 2πr

5. Which of the following can sometimes be ‘zero’ for a moving body?

i. Average velocityii. Distance travellediii. Average speed         iv. Displacement

(a) Only (i)(b) (i) and (ii)(c) (i) and (iv)(d) Only (iv)

6. Which of the following statement is correct regarding velocity and speed of a moving body?

(a) Velocity of a moving body is always higher than its speed

(b) Speed of a moving body is always higher than its velocity

(c) Speed of a moving body is its velocity in a given direction

(d) Velocity of a moving body is its speed in a given direction

7. When a car driver travelling at a speed of 10 m/s applies brakes and brings the car to rest in 20 s, then the retardation will be:


(a) + 2 m/s2                       (b)  − 2 m/s2(c)  − 0.5 m/s2                                   (d) + 0.5 m/s2

8. A car of mass 1000 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. If the velocity-time graph for this car is a horizontal line parallel to the time axis, then the velocity of the car at the end of 25 s will be:

(a) 40 m/s                                 (b) 25 m/s(c) 10 m/s                                        (d) 250 m/s

9. A car is travelling at a speed of 90 km/h. Brakes are applied so as to produce a uniform acceleration of – 0.5 m/s2. Find how far the car will go before it is brought to rest?

(a) 8100 m                            (b) 900 m(c) 625 m                                        (d) 620 m

10. In a free fall the velocity of a stone is increasing equally in equal intervals of time under the effect of gravitational force of the earth. Then what can you say about the motion of this stone? Whether the stone is having:

(a) Uniform acceleration            (b) Non-uniform acceleration(c) Retardation          (d) Constant speed

11. A body is moving uniformly with a velocity of 5m/s. Find graphically the distance travelled by it in 5 seconds.

12.What is the nature of the distance−time graphs for uniform and non-uniform motion of an object?





from the NCERT book ( Download the chapter from the link given below)Attach link-https://youtu.be/indKRv5uKOA

The tutorial links/ Other links are also given for the support.https://youtu.be/duT6xgx7ChI



2.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 3.Write your Name , Class and Section on the top right side corner.4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assignment-: IV Chemistry and attach it as a pdf document to mailid 5.The last date of submission of the assignment is 9thMay 2020. 6.First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

7.For example students of class 9A will send their completed worksheet of science to sciencechem9amgd@gmail.com whereas students of class 9B will send their completed worksheet to sciencechem9bmgd@gmail.com8.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sections.


Chemistry Class -IX

Date of Submission-09/05/2020

Q1. Differentiate between:

a. Evaporation and boiling b. Fusion and sublimation

Q2. What is sublimation? Name any two substance which sublime on heating.How can you separate a mixture of ammonium chloride and common salt by sublimation. Draw the labeled diagram of experimental set up.

Q3. Give reasons:

a. Steam gives more severe burns than water at 1000C.b. Ice at 273 k is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature.


Q4. The heating curve of a pure water at one atmospheric pressure is shown in the following figure:

Now answer the following questions:

a. What is the physical state of the substance at points A, C and E?b. At what points do:

i. both solid as well as liquid state co -exist.

Ii both liquid as well as gas state co- exist.

c. What is the melting point and boiling point of the substance.d. What happens to the temperature when the substance is changing its state . Give





GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Read the chapter –Tissues- plant tissues- Meristematic and Simple Permanent tissues

from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below)http://ncertbooks.prashanthellina.com/class_9.Science.Science/CHAP%205.pdf www.askiitians.com › Revision Notes › Class 9 Science are also given for the support.

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .


3. Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.

4. Click a clear picture using cam scanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment- 4:Biology and attach it as a pdf document to the mail id given below

5. The last date of submission of the assignment is 9th May, 2020. 6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email

ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section

7. For example students of class 9A will send their completed worksheet of science to sciencebio9amgd@gmail.com whereas students of class 9B will send their completed worksheet to sciencebio9bmgd@gmail.com

8. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & section

9A- sciencebio9amgd@gmail.com

9B – sciencebio9bmgd@gmail.com

9C – sciencebio9cmgd@gmail.com

9D- sciencebio9dmgd@gmail.com

9E- sciencebio9emgd@gmail.com

9F- sciencebio9fmgd@gmail.com

9G- sciencebio9gmgd@gmail.com


Subject: -BIOLOGY Class -IX

Date of Submission - 9 th of May, 2020

Q 1. Define- Tissue.Q 2.. (a) Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues in plants (b) Define the process of differentiation Q 3. Differentiate between Apical, lateral and intercalary meristem as regards their location and function. Q 4. Draw a neat and well labelled diagram showing different types of meristematic tissues.Q 5. Differentiate between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma as regards the thickenings present in them and their function in a plant.Q 6. What is the difference between chlorenchyma and aerenchyma?Q 7. Give reasons for


(a) Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole. (b) Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues.Q 8. List the characteristics of cork. How are they formed? Mention their role.Q 9. Water hyacinth float on water surface. Explain.Q 10. Why is epidermis important for the plants? What is the thickening present in cuticle?




SUBJECT: Social Science (History)General instructions:

1. Read the chapter- Pastoralists In The Modern World from NCERT book. Download the chapter from online link www.cbse.nic.in , You can also refer to other online links like NCERT e-pathshala, Dikska app, Extramarks app.

2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.3. Write your name, class, section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are

doing your assignment.4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your

Name, Assignment -4: History and attach it as pdf document to given mail id.5. Last date of submission is 9th May, 2020.


6. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send it to the following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.

7. Students may send their queries related to the chapter at the same email id of their class & section.

8. The Email Id’s areIXA sst9ageoecomgd@gmail.com, IXB sst9bmgd@gmail.com, IXC sst9cmgd@gmail.com , geo9cmgd@gmail.comIXD sst9dmgd@gmail.com, IXE sst9emgd@gmail.com, IXF ssthistorydp9f@gmail.com, sst9fgeoecomgd@gmail.comIXG sst9gmgd@gmail.com,



Subject: HISTORY Class IX

Date of Submission - 9/05/2020

1.Kurumas&Kurubas are the pastoralists of _____________________.

2. Which one of the following taxes in colonial India had the most severe effect on pastoralists?

i. Land Revenue ii. Pass/permit Tax

iii. Tax / cattle iv. Grazing Tax

3. What does Kafila mean?

4. The main areas of Maasai cattle herders of Africa are ____________ &______________.

5. Name the main pastoral nomads of Maharashtra.

6. Who are nomads? Mention any 2 factors which are responsible for the annual movement of the pastoral communities.

7. List out the similarities which you notice in the lifestyles of the Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu & Kashmir and the Gaddi Shepherds of Himachal Pradesh.

8. How did the various laws passed by the British affect the Indian pastoralists?

9. Mention the restrictions imposed by the colonial Government on the African Pastoralists.

10. How did the pastoralists cope with these changes?

11.Give reasons to explain why the Maasai community lost their grazing lands.

12. Describe the annual movement of any five pastoral nomadic communities of India.

13.There are many ways in which modern world forced changes in the lives of pastoral communities in India & East Africa.- Explain

14.What does the word Maasai mean? Where are they found?


15. Discuss why the colonial government in India brought in the following laws.

i. Waste land Rules

ii. Forests Act

iii. Criminal Tribes Act

iv. Grazing Act



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