9 tips to know if he's "the right one"

Post on 02-Apr-2016






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Learn how to spot relationship red flags before getting emotionally attached.


Tips To Know If He’s

“The Right One”Learn to spot relationship red flags early in dating before

getting emotionally attached!


Table of Contents

3: Introduction4: Tip One7: Tip Two10: Tip Three13: Tip Four16: Tip Five

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19: Tip Six22: Tip Seven25: Tip Eight28: Tip Nine31: Conclusion33: The Next Step

IntroductionSociety has generally portrayed love as something that simply happens to us by chance. Mainstream media, romance movies and novels perpetuate this idea of love at first sight being the norm with a focus on high chemistry. When the process of relationship formation is bypassed, emotion driven relationships become the pattern in love, which does not lead to the heart’s desire. It is only though establishing a strong foundation of mutual love, respect and trust built on a solid friendship that real lasting love happens.

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Intensity is Not a Sign of Genuine Love and Devotion

It is important to remember that relationships do need time to mature and go through the steps of dating and determine if that person is trustworthy, honorable, respectable and possesses high integrity. Many people tend to romanticize love and believe they will intuitively know the right one when they meet by chance.

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He pushes for exclusivity quickly.

Whirlwind romances are so appealing because they boost the ego: you are put on a pedestal, treated as a cherished object of love, given gifts and flowers, perhaps even treated to over the top outings, trips and dinners to lavish places. Intuitively, you probably know this type of treatment is not sustainable nor does it lead to substance. It is like the icing on a cake and very superficial. However, it is fun and glamourous. It is easy to rationalize away thoughts of why this person is so enamored without knowing much information about you. Additionally, there is not much effort on your part; it is a one sided experience.

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Beware of the Rescuer.

While the media loves to portray women needing a white knight in shining armor who will swoop in and save her from a boring, monotonous life, it is not authentic and should not be your aspiration for commitment. It is easy to be susceptible to and attracted to men who make huge displays of affection and create an urgency about spending as much time with you as possible. It is important that you are comfortable with your authentic self before you make the decision to commit to exclusivity.

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Relationship Truth

The Right One will be selfless in love. In lasting relationships there is a willingness to give and receive love. He will be transparent with you and feel worthy of your affection without trying to earn your love through grand gestures of “fixing” your life.


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He monopolizes your time.

Men who are insecure and self-centered will slowly start dominating your time and try to pull you away from established friendships and family ties. They are jealous and suspicious of your whereabouts when they are not with you. This neediness and controlling behavior is not a sign of the right one. The longer you date a man who smothers you, the harder it will be to end it.

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He discusses major future plans too soon.

The trap for women is the appeal of wanting to be a couple right now. Dating can be tedious, emotional, full of highs and lows, but ultimately it is your future which should not be taken lightly. Talks of inclusion such as vacationing together or spending the holidays with one another very early on in the dating process is a red flag. If he starts talking about how beautiful your children will be from the first few dates, you should hear a loud alarm in your head. Learning more about his character is vital before you decide if he is worthy of your love and heart.

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He quickly introduces you as a couple.

Taking you to meet the family, close friends and children from a previous marriage or relationship before mutual trust and respect have had time to develop is jumping ahead too rapidly. When people want to become exclusive very early on, it is generally a sign they are trying to hide from you their true nature. They believe if you got to know them better, you would not want to be in their life.

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He tells you it feels like you’ve known each other forever.

Part of dating involves the discovery of mutual interests, experiences and shared morals and values. Men who tell you they feel you are the woman of their dreams from the get-go is another red flag. Naturally, it is very appealing to hear such statements of affection, but it is wise to listen to you intuition and not override your internal checks and balances.

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He shares too much information too soon.

The mark of being open and vulnerable to another person does not demand that you hear his life story from date one. Not revealing aspects of your life to each other is not hiding the facts; it is gradually getting to know each other in different settings to establish if that person is trustworthy and has good character. You should be an open book, but like friendships, love relationships start superficial and gradually work toward inner circle commitment.

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ConclusionThe most romantic, lasting relationship with the right one will develop over time. It will be mutually nurturing and have the foundation of shared love, honor, respect. He will be trustworthy and stable in his emotions. He will dependable and reliable. Those positive character traits are more desirable and romantic than any idealized grand gestures in the short term.

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And the most important

Relationship Truth?

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Relationship Truth

The Right One will have faith in God. He will have a steadfast faith in the Lord and place his confidence in God. There will be a mutual commitment to encouraging each other to grow in faith and godliness. When difficulties and challenges arise, clouding our vision, mutual faith strengthens couples with reminders to trust in God and His perfect plan and will.


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What’s Next?

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So that is it for “9 Tips To Know if He’s The Right One” but what’s next in finding the right relationship?

Are you meeting men who fit your criteria for lasting love and commitment leading eventually to marriage?

Let me take a minute and share my background ...

When I was a matchmaker, many people talked about finding the right one, but were very resistant to taking the steps necessary to meet that person. Their thoughts, words and actions kept the goal in the future and never in the present.

During my over 20 years of matchmaking and relationship coaching, I have worked with countless women who have successfully navigated the dating process, attracted their right relationship and married the love of their lives. The key is your willingness to prepare for love, which I will show you how to do.

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If you're like many women I’ve worked with during my career as a former matchmaker and presently as a relationship coach, finding your dream man is anything but a great time overall. You want to be in a committed relationship, but the thought of going through the process of figuring out who to date is enough to make a girl think single might not be so bad after all.

We’ve all been through that experience before a date: not trying to get too excited - because if he’s a jerk, the let down is pretty deflating, but wanting to be at least a little excited without too many raised expectations. Then of course are all the little decisions from what to wear and whether you trust this guy enough to pick you up for the date. And that’s only date number one!

Do you want to know how to attract the RIGHT relationship?For the first time ever, I am revealing my relationship transforming plan in my mini-course,

“Attract The RIGHT Relationship”

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In this 3 lesson mini-course, I am going to teach you:•What will my right guy look like and how will I be treated?•How can I attract eligible, compatible men?•How can I progress from dating to a marriage proposal with the right man for me?

... and so much more.

Click the link to the right and get INSTANT ACCESS to my very special course,

“Attract The RIGHT Relationship”It will be the best $9 investment (that’s right, I said NINE DOLLARS) you have ever made!

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Hope to see you on the other side of this offer and help you make the transition from attract “Mr. Wrong” to:

Attracting The RIGHT Relationship!Many blessings, Nancy

P.S. The couples portrayed on the Relationship Truths slides are a few of my success stories ... REAL clients who had the same challenges in love as you do. I am looking forward to adding your engagement and wedding photos to my collection!

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