7th marine regiment - 1st battalion - historical ...7th marine regiment - 1st battalion - historical...

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    Korean War

    Korean War Project Record: USMC-2319

    CD: 23

    United States Marine Corps History Division

    Quantico, Virginia

    Records: United States Marine Corps

    Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

    Records Group: RG 127

    Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

    Location: College Park, Maryland

    Editor: Hal Barker

    Korean War Project

    P.O. Box 180190

    Dallas, TX 75218-0190



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400035

    i t



    Col!llllan41ng Officer. 7th Marinea Commazulant of the Marine Corpa

    • Hllhchc Jr-12 Sert ~,,,.

    ill JUll95l

    (J.) Commanding General. J.et Marine DiTiBion (J!einf) JK:r (2) Conunending General. ilaet Mar::ble Foree, Piie:l:t1c

    Historical Diaey

    1. Readdre88ed and forwarded.


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400036

    I f I'



    • 41.-J./r• nnt\1:. ~~..,..,

    Ser 0 0 8 5• 51 · IIIL 1 R l!t'il

    SECOl~D ENDORSENEl~T on CO, lstBn, 7tb.Mar, Historica!l:liaioi,.-· for June 1951, ltr ser 330-A of 9 July 1951.

    From: To: Via:


    Commanding General, let Marine Division, FMF Commandant of the Marine CorDs Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

    Historical Diary for June 1951

    l. Forwarded.

    2. The security classification of this endorsement ia r._ moved when detached from the basic letter.

    3~ Transmission by United States Registered Mall or raS1&tered guard mail is authorized in accordance with article 7-50 United States Navy Security Manual for Classified Matter.

    atl(ORE1 .-.

    J/JJJ_/_91. ~.-vuvvru

    H. S. WALSETH By direction


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400037

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    I I j r


    • • 0696/968 Al2 ser002 1B-~1

    JU L 31 1951

    THIRD QJDORSEMENT on CC, lstEn, 7thMar, Historical Diat7 tor June l9ol, ltr eer 330-A or 9 July 19ol

    From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant or the Marine Corps

    Subj: Historical Diary tor June 19ol, forwarding of

    1. Forwarded.

    2. This endorsement is downgraded to unclassified upon detachment ot the enclosure.

    3. Transmission by United States registered mail or registered guard ~il is authorized in accordance with United States NavJ Regulations.

    COpy to: CG, lstMarDiv (end only)


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400038

    ~ I I



    Beadqua.rtere lst Battalion, 7th Hazinee

    ut Marine DiYie1on (Be1n:f') l'KI' c/o ~leet Post Office

    ;mja/,j, ~

    San :rraueiiUlo. Calif'ornia. ;-~~

    - Commanding Officer 0-41Jic Gtmeral., l.et Xarlne DiY18icm (lie:l.n:t) J'KI' co-UDc Ofi'icer, 7th Marine•

    Sv.bJ& Historical DiarT

    Ref& (a) Diviaion General Order No. ~ (b) :Paragraph U4ol, Marine Corpe Xazmal

    llncl.: (l) Historical Dia27 for period l June to 30 June 1951, wi\h appendic-es I and Ill attached

    ; -~~-

    -' ..

    l. Enclosure (l) is forwarded in accordance with references (a) ancl (11).

    2. Appendices II, IV and VI pertain to higher echelon. £ppend1x T ie inco~~rated in enclo~~re (1).


    '.; ..

  • Korean War Project USMC-08400039DECLASSIFIED

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  • Korean War Project USMC-08400040DECLASSIFIED

    • ..... • l .rt1J:Illl l CJ Ill

    At 0800 1!" Oompa!l¥ moved to OPCU:W hill. ,305 f.\ l.5l7o J'r011 hill )05 IJI Oom~ pe.trol dispatched to oontaot ,_11 Marinee at f.\ l6l.S-Q;-ll. At 0900 ".A.1 Company followed b7 Weapons Oolllpllll;V and •o• Oom]ilaey moveli ou.t to eei11e hill 355 TA 1519 and hill in D. l6l9-i-O. At 1000 iil'W 0~ patrol pon~ tlacte4 · elements l/5. At 1000 O.P. received eix ( 6) rounds 105m art1lle17

    ~~ile!; ;~;; i!1

    !i~~i8:~eo1!;~ii:;;r:~;:·::Ii.!e:n(~~atb~~~ri~; ot eneJIIY fire vicini t;r '!A 1621. At 1330 •A• OompaliT reoeived h&av,- ene1117 mortar fire vicinit;r 161.9-H. At l~.JO •.A.• OC~t~~p~~.ey occupied poeitiona vicinit;r !'.&. 1519-J to 1619-K. At 1530 •o• 0011pany occupied poeit1one !A 1419-D to ~519-J. At 1545 1.A)! Compan7 4iapa.tched platoon patrol to fJ. 1~. "Ai Oompan;r patrol reported possible 8l1eDJiT mortar poaitiona TA l52()..ll. At 1800 •.1• Oompnn..y obseM"ed poesibl• •ne!!:' :!.n valle:- U l62o. A..~!ller;- called. in with unobserved re.alh. At 1Sl5 one platoon IJI Oom.pazcy" directed to re-inforce •o• 00111pan;r with baluoe •:B• Company in battalion reeerre in vicizl.it;y !1'A l6l.S.O-D. 1.&.• and •o• OOIIIJ*l!,Y received aporadic mortar and artille17 fire from. 1530 till dark. At 2000 elea1111tl at •A• Oompan;r contacted •o• Oompa~:~T l/5 v1c1n:i.ty TA 161.9-D. O,P. loeahci U. 1615-K. .A.t 2200 tank roadblock established 1619-K. Oasualtiee incurred liuring the 48¥ were 2 Marins enl.hted KIA and 21 enlisted Wll; l !!e.T:.l enliated WU. !rhe ;t:rength of the battalion on this date wae 31+ Marine otficere and 910 enl.ieted: 2 Naval ofticere and 32 enlisted,

    2 J1JNlll 1951

    At 0700 a platoon patrol dhJ*tohed from •.A.• Com}la.llY poaition north east along ridgeline to vicinity T.A. l521...x. Patrol W!l.!! fired v.~' brom cO!! tact and :retu.rned to 1 .A.1 Oom}la.llY poeition at 1000. l/7 directed to proceed :re,imental asaem.bl;r area v1cin1t7 TA 1113 ~-..&.ion reserve when relieved by elements 3il on or about 1000, O.P, begaD diaplaci~ at OSOO. At 0930 approximately eeven ( 7) rounde of S2mm mortar tire were received b7 :remaini:J& element; at o.:r. At 0930 'J" COiilpanJ wai rwl1•Ted 'bJ unita of 3/1 and began movement to regimental reear'f'e area 1zl. vioinit;r of TA 1113. At 1100 a large group of ene1117 were obeerved U! !U 152»-J. An air etril!!e wae called with unknown resulte. :B;r 1,300 •.A.1 Oom.lJ!UlT and Weapone 00IIJl8.1lT were relieved by elemente of 3/1. While being relieved b;r elements 3/1 •.A.• Oompmy received approximatel;r fift;r (50) rou.nde of S2mm 110rtar tire~ •o• Company was relieved at 11+30 b7 elemente of 3/1, !7 1800 all unita of 1/7 were eata.bliahed. 1n aasambly area. !rJ. 111,;-s. Cai'Ualt1ee incurred durlng dq• s action due to mortar and art11ler,y fire were 1 Marine officer WI.A. and lS enlisted WIA. A total at nine (9) J>OWI!!! WBl'!! taken during the ~. Galley was set up in late afternoon and served hot meala to all men oontinuouel;r until dark. O.P. located in !4 111}-S.

    1. liBOIDSUllll ( 1)



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400041

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    • • 3 JtJD 1951

    C.P. located same as on preT1ous da;r. •:a• Colllp8JI1' d.iapatobed a pat:rol. 6lrbc the mcrnincg to raconnu1 ter- the high ground aurroundi.Jlc the rea .. n ~ B-.;at1ve ene1117 contact duri:a& the da;r. Rot meala aelTad to all unite. 411 units o£ 1/7 took full ad:vant~es of cl.ea,n clothee and ahovere vh:!.c!L we.-: available to battalion on thia date. 0CIIIplni .. reponad a total ot 1!. lfar1M ot'i'icers, 15 enlisted and 3 Baval enlbted, as battle caaualtiea VIA ., 11~ STacuated durin&; previous week• • actiou. 13attal1on etrezagth oa th1• aa-. waa 33 Kar1ne ot'i'icers, 867 enliated and 2 Baval otficera, 3l ealided,

    B&'te.l.!on. loee.ticn r.a-ained. uneha.xii&d. All U.JU:t• n•\e6. G.urinc 4aT • vi Wa. ao patrols dhpatched. The companies reponed 4 Kar1ne enl1ate4 who -N previousl;r WIA, but not evacuated. Begatlve ens~ CO!ltact.

    5 .nrm: 1951 :Battalion location r-1ned unchrulged. Bo patrol& wn ccJUblate4 anA a11 unlta took the opportunit;r to rest. .&. llllited amowLt ot 712 gear, llhoea and clothing were replaced. :rile ahona,p ci' shoes, how..-er, vas atl11. 'ftl7 critical. 2 more Kar1ne enllsted Wll'• reponed i'roa prev1ou act!• .-ll not eTa.coa.te~ ITo enemy contact .. .,_:!.::g t!cy. l/7 4.1r&fiii4 "u lie pre~ •• e:ucde on order l!eglllental Operation Ordar 1-51.

    6 J1J'm 1951

    .&.11 units oi' 1/7 located Bailie aa previous da;y. Ap1n b!!.tb.11on l!.t1U11e · re"lTe area 1n order that all ..i rest. Bo ~ contact 4ar1ng a.r. 1 Karine oi'i'icer repl.ace-nt Joined the battalion. l Kar1ne oi't'1cer c& 10 enlisted transferred for rotatioA to u.s..

    1 JUD 1951

    :Battalion location raalned unchanged. i'or rotation to 'D'. s. 1 Ka.rine officer,

    Begative ~ contact. '!l'alad._.4 10 enl!.:t=d and l I'&Ta.l ealS..teat.·-·-~


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400042DECLASSIFIED

    • • g JUliE 1951

    At 0945 all units of l/7 boarded eiXt;r (60) tru.ck1 aliA displaced to recimental ,_., ,. .............. _ .. __ .. , __ -----·--'- -· -·-aiii8ilY.LT area .. A ..,. •;)"-:I ana. ..,. "-OJ. :I> "'T .u.uu a.J.J. J.f f un1 n were 1n ue regimental aesembl;r area, 8 £.1 Oompe.Dl' dbpato.hed ou platoon to patrol to !U 182J-Dl+ in or&.. to mAlta cOntact with let Je:tta.l!cm ot -!1!0• !hia patrol made contact with IMO at lJOO, than moved weat to oonaolidate with •£.• COIIIJ&ll'T for defenae in !'£. 182J-ol'. At 1500 •.a.• Company patrol reported IKO occu:wimg the high ground to their right front and were receiving artille%7 tire, At 14,30 •B• Oompa.q maved out to ocouw high ground in the vicin1t;r of 1623-I, At lltli5 =.a.= Oompa.q le11 one platoon moved northward toward regimental obJective ll b. !J. 1723. J.t 1500 the l/7 'fact1ca1 J.ir Control Part;r vehicle !t.rtJ.M en enemy AT mine completely de:cli;hine; aau, killing l- Marins offiuer and J enlisted attached from let Signal Battalion, J.t 1850 •J• Oomp&QY reported receiving approximately five (5) rounda of artillery fire in 'fA 1622. An ene~ artille%7 piece was obserred :ln U 162!;-T, £.rUlle%7 fire wa1 direota d on the t&rget w11h unknown results, •J• OompBZ~,T at 1900 reported occu;winc assigned pod tion extending from fA 162}-Jr to !'.A. 172.7-G. IT 1910 •.a.• OOIIIll\nT reported occupying aBBigiiB d poei tiona f1·om 'fJ. 172.)-G to 'fJ. 182)-J', During tha a!t:::noon 1.&" OoaipA.ilj" received. a.,~,~,t~rox1iia.telJ· one-hundred (100) rO't.Ulcia of 76mm a.rtilll%7 fire and •-hundred (100) rouada of 12aa.aortar fire. 1 01 0om];le.'ll1' was in regimental ruarve in U lT!.~T. l/7 .,,.. .... nd. group wae located in T.A 1722-V; tile rellainder of the C,P, in 'fJ. 16l.g..u..v. 1 laval officer and 16 Marine enlisted were transferred to u.s. tor rotation or reaarve relea .. , 'hul battalion joined 9 Marine officere, 164 e.nliated and 8 lll'aval enlisted. 1 Marine enlisted WIJ. on this date,

    9 .rom: 1951 At dawn it was aPJl!U'ent that •:a• Oompa!O' and 1£.1 COIIIJ8117 were approximatel;r fO\U'oohundred (l!oO} Tarde east of thair au:lgned and reported politione, •:r• Company 2/7 CH3o-Y.p1ed poiii tiOD.I ur1gina.ll7 asaigneci to =i• OompanJ. .At 0700 one platoon froa •:a• OOIII];le.'ll1' diapato.hed on Tan»-Iat..mngr patrol to fJ. 1726-V and !A.-1526-J ~ •A• 0Qmp!U!J' !!OTed O'l~t ·at 0!00 to attack obJective 13 in !A. 1725-.R. "B" Oompa.n;r T&n».Iaf...Jngr patrol at 0925 reported that through civilian interrogation ens~ waa believed to be located in TA 1526-I, Thia patrol also reported receiving sporadic amall arms and automatic weapons fire, •.a.• Company's advsme towards objective 13 was atrongl;r oppoeed b;r well entrenched eAamy and by 1015 they had reache ci 'EA. l72lj..li. At 1030 ii(jii Oompan;r was located in vicini t:r of the c()l!lmend group in TA 1722-V, 1111.d were directed to attack and •e1•• hill 363 T:lcin! t7 '!A 162lf-I. !rom th.e.t point tc auppcr t the advance of "A1 Oompan;r towards objective 13. Seinre of hill 363 waa reported by 101 Compan;r at 1425. •o• Oompe.Dl' wae then directed to contact liJI Oompaey patrol on rid&e 331 in U 1625-J,, upon making contact •c• ComJ&ll7 pabe6 was further directed to support and aeeht •.t.• Oompe.Dl' in an attapted ie1z~ of objective i3• =o= Oompany reportei occupation of hill JJS at 1700.



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400043DECLASSIFIED

    • '3 JUNE 1951. ( COllTIHUJDD)

    Enemy resiatame increased oa obJectiTe 13 41lr!nc the late a:tte:r:noon, ad •.A.• Company wa.i torced to vi\bQraw. A\ liOO 1/i uni.lia wen ori.ered. b7 regiment to withdraw f'roa approaches to objJ.eotiTe #3· A:pproxillatalT seventy-five ( 75) :rQ~md!! of 12mm !!!O:rtar wre rMt!l?ed dtw!J!C •A• Company's e.d.va.nce, n;sn Company patrol retul'lllld at 2100 Mifing to:rwarded at 1400 three (J) POW's, one (1) enq;y mortar complete and one (1) S2mm mortar baeeplate and several enem7 docwaenta. At 1100 •B• Oompan7 reported

    ~~n::~:~t~~~:;:i~ti~~ ~~~~iteA~!;!!~~:::k~:~r::~~:::e~~ •A• Oom:pe.r17 tied in w1 th •:a• Oom:pe.r17 at 1725-Y and extended to tie 1n with non Oompa!lT at "'- 172~!:. •o• Comp~ ext-ended to f.! 1625-.! an! •:e• Oom);lall7 extended to !I!A 1721j...J, C,P, wae located in !I!A 1627J, Casualties resulting f'~em day's action were 1 Marine officer WLL, 3 enlisted KIA, 31 enlisted WlA and 1 Naval enlisted KIA, 1 en11ated wti.. Su~ functions and communications continued to function normal!T. Battalion strength on this date was ~Marine officera, 982 enlisted and 2 Naval officers, 35 enlisted,

    10 JtJD 1951

    At 0700 •c• Compe.ny and one platoon from "A• Com:pat~T c0111111enced assault on objective 13 1n !I!A 1725-J!, !his adY&II.Oe wa.e etro~:~&lT resisted 'liT BnBIDl' ~/A mcrta.r and. a.rtilleq fire. f.he iiGri&ri fitGii Weapon iii Comr•v· at 1000 displaced to TA 1625-R 1n order to better support the attack, At l04o "B" Com pall¥ was d1 rected to move to !!!A. 172;-..1' pn>pa~d on ordc to !!10'1'!! to positions vioinit7 !!!A. 1826-m.G to support the attack of 2/7. During this move 11:8 11 Compa.ll1" received intense mortar fire. :By 124o seizure of objective 13 wa.a completed. "A" Compa~cy" platoon then reJoined rt~~aill.der of compall3' • .Approximately .,, 1131; sixty~live ( 65) enemy were obeerved moving northaaet from objective 13 'by' =o= Oom]lB!lY" at l)OO, .i.rtilleQ" called upon the target with unknow results. COIIUII8Ad Group then moved up to objectiTe 13 in !I!A 1725-B: in o1·der to obeer?e e.ree. in front of th:!.: higb grc=!. J.t 1500 ":B" Company in position at !!!A. 17a5-o1 and receiving heav;y eneDcy" mortar fire, .A.t 16o0 "B' Compan7 wae directed to withdraw and occuw night defensive positions, At 2200 11A." Compaey in defensive poal.tion-from-!1!.6. 1625--L to !I!A 1625-!. •o• Oom:pany extended fr• !!!A 1625-Y to !I!A 1725-11. n;sn OompaJlY extended from T.i. 1626-ii to ii. 162;-L. =.A.= 0011pell1' a11.d •:u• 0011lpa!Q" each received a:pproximatelT fifty (50) rOWids of' 82111111 mortar during the late a+"+.•.,.,nn'l"' .A_+_ +.n.+_..,., ,...,. +"4•.- ·( ~;:\ v-+.1-t. 'l",..,...ft.., ~I .. .-..... + ... l.o.... ... """- ..... A-+-.._ .. _ ......... .,._. "'"'"" wwv~ w• • ..,,.._'.II -...--..--..... ·--••,.- U W"'r•v -~- Voi.I..CIIIoAoQ.VQ. •c• Compe.ny also captured three (3) Burp gUns, one (1) light machine gun tripod and one (1) heavy machine gun, C.P. located 1n !1!A 1625-l!. at close o:f' dq. Casual tie a rewlting from action th:la date were 3 Mal-ine enliated KIA., 24 enlisted WI.A and 1 Naval enlisted WLL.




  • Korean War Project USMC-08400044DECLASSIFIED

    • . ..

    u JUl1il 1951 .A.t 6830 the 1st Flatocm. of ":B" C~ 41ape.Mmecl on a 2:anki-Infant~ ~·1 ,_, to objective 16 !EA. 152&-0. At 1100 •B• 00IIIJliU11' ei&)lted •Dell¥ 1.11. !A. 1~ · artillery was called with good reau.l.h. Upon prece.,diJ!C to obJect:!.,~ H \ patrol found eneJIIY bad withdrawn and obJective vae occupied at 1215~,. ~· .. 1815 the 2d platoon of 1B• OOII:pal!T relieved the let platoem em the~ ~~CIIl. · on objective f6. :Jive imndred (500) pounda OC aesor,e4 ..U araa. 57itl~-4 rooltet aiiiDIWlition were :f01md in area of obJective 16. At inteZTal.B'!-~ !~lit t!;:O-:!!e:;ly~,!.=~d ..,.e!d ~::~~·~~;·:o::i:dl~;;;l. ·~ 82mt artillery :fell in val.ley vicinit;r of hill 3JS in !r.t. 1625'. Clae''(1. "; S2am eneJIIT mortar wae observed at vicinit;r U 1629-W. Artillery vas nQ.rtl in with unknown reau.l. te. Three (J) lrorth ll:orean POW deiertere wn 'tar~'i:': by •A• and •B• g,....~,.!.ea. '!!!.,. stated that. iiLUrale of the Borth &oreaaa W.:: ver;r poor and III8IIT 110:nt ..-ld desert i:f given an opportunit;r. There.,.. .• enellcy' contact cblrin& this period. Call11&lties dll8 to ene117 e.rti:Uer,- !!da'i 1. Xarine officer WIA, 23 enlisted WIA and 1 lfaval enlhted WU.. o.l'. J.ti•.a:ua nmained =changed. ~ .. .c

    12 Jtlliil 1951

    The aq• s order 1r-a.& to eon&oliOate ami patrol. At 0700 ou •c\f.OA .t' if..:e 110rtare were dhpatched to position south of obJective 16 for parpGM ot bringiJ:>.& fire em objective #'!J !A 15,30-! and objeet!?e flO !.+. 1731-ll. ~ .• OC15 one platoon from 1 .A.1 Company dispatched on a !anD-Intantl')"*iillgiae..-: . patrol to vicinity of objective 19. A land aine disabled. om (1) taak all,'· · huiir after being dispatched on patrol at !A 1629-M:. Contact with DIOis ·• · at U 1927-u wae made by a squad patrol from 1 01 OOIIJl&DT at 1200. 148 0~ proceeded up the forwa.."Pd approaches of cbje~iT& #'J, !4 1530-! .... reaohin& the proximity of the top by 1230 against bitter re~t.tanoe ef • well entrenched enem;y using ~1 arms. automatic weapons, gl"8J1adBs IUI4 lliOriars. At 1330 after a brief fire fi&)lt •A• 0~ patrol was dinoW to return to previous defensive positions. Durillg the daT there wae · · BpOradic enemy artillery and =crta.r fire atr-1lt1nc h Talley Tichit7- of · · fA 1625. J'ive ( 5) enBIIcy' XIA counted. fifteen (15) 8J1811Q" li:IA. est111ate4, one (1) POW taken. Oaanalties during thie dq wre 3 Karine officer!! 'flAo 2 enl.ieted KIA, 17 enlisted WU.. All 1/7 unite oocupie4 positions held ·, previous night.

    13 .rom; 1951

    D-=ing the day l/i units directed to consolidate and patrol. One ~tooa .en. •c• Com:paey was dispatched on Intantry-!l'anlo.'lngineer patrol at OS20 •• Tlcti.D.i\7 of objective 19 in ~A 153o-T~ As this patrol. ad.V'&lleed toward& vbJee,.1-n· . .,


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400045DECLASSIFIED

    • the enem;y resisted with sporadic l05Jg artiller.r f':!.re,. .Attached tanka .t'L-ed on pillbo>

  • Korean War Project USMC-08400046



    • • 14 JlJD 1951 ( COllTil!ltlD)

    1111pport1ng arme to f'ire on the obj@tiYe. .Lt 1500 •.L1 CCIIIJlBlll' re-4 -attack on obJectl. "''e 110 with progreee Tery =lev due ~c =a:'7 Wlifiii\J f'1~ . · •J.• and "B' Colllpllllies directed to return to poeiticme held em pl'8'Yloae -as.lt~ at 160o.lquad f'roa 1 01 CCIIIl:PBDT diepatched to protect tank• retnn.4 at l.tlio~ .Ueo at this time •c• C~ d1rected to eetablbh a roa4block at lA. 18~S C. Throughout the ~ •c• CompaD¥ !'rca U 1 • position on obJ ectiYe I'J 1a !'.A.. · 15~ part!al.l7 erJ.ppcrted. •J.• OompanJ! a ai'Nance w-ith -n azwe ai. ~ ... tic napons f'ire. •.L• Co:llpE!JlT captured three (J) u.s. lWl's which were 'IIi~ sllpl07ed b7 the BDQT. !rhree (J) prieonere taken thie date, one ot '!!h"*'!!~ted that objectiYe 110 is being 4e:fende4 b;r an Bl1BIQ" battalion. Oae (1) elllfiV' XU. COD.Dted, twenty (20) eneJD¥ l:ll estillated on this date. Caeaalt~ee ~4 during ~ ..:ere 1 Ka.rine of''fieer inA. lt. e.nliated AI& and 16 enl1ate4 WI.&. C.P. location remained unchallged. '

    Al.l"l/7 units reaainad. in positions: of previous ~. • 01 O=pary rG&4 ·u.ok in b,- i629-a requested illu.aillation to their f':ront at 0100 ae act1Y1t;r ..... reported in that area. Subsequent illumination f'ailed _to r.weal a..- _. activity. At 02)0 •c• Oompan;r roadblock reporte4 two (2) eneiQ' Xll in a group of' :five ( 5) att811ptlilg to inf'iltrate. !'hree (J) hoara later ten (~) ::~ ~~:~e:!~;:d o~:.:~;..,;~fth r~i~;~i. D-t;~JO~n!"~ !{!:~t ~Ted to COBipen;y was dispatched to objective 16 to eearch draw in ~t ricinU::r -~ then proceed to objective 19 in !1.'.1. 1529-J bef'ore retu.r!liDg to piZ'BVieaa position. 1:81 Compan;r moved to !l'.L 1528-0 at 0700 piZ'iOr \o c--t ··• as•ault on objective flO at Qgl5~ ~-t:llle.-r and Sa.pportiug araa were ...,a.,..a. aa cover for this aaeault. At 0910 Ill• COlllpaDT achieved poeition ti. 1~. • a1'ter encounteri!lf; onl;r light reeistence. At 10115 1.41 COil]IBJIY pe.t:re..l ~- ·~ to position without incident. .Lt 1010 1:81 Compan;r reported tvent;r leY.;.;, :17) r~ of' eneJD¥ artillery f'ire received in poei tion !l'A 162&-;1. 11118117 _ -~ &Z' f':!.re pinned ·~· OoJUper&J 1n v1e1nit7 !A li,3CM[ at llO~. Subs~qu.entl7 at_::lj35 f'orward elemente of' 1 :81 Compen;y received accurate and heav;r ..U .z.a-automatic wapona f'ire :from 'D8ak of' objective flO. l'ro!! 1l:IJO tc l6oo. supporting arms and artillezi. were used to f'ire on 8Il81Q' position& on o"'~Uw 110. '!he forward section of' WeapoDB Company co11.1118t1Dg of' 8lllm -rtare '••1n4 ,o-6o rounds of lBOriar fire 1D 1heir position o!a.ring the daT in vici:aiV. tt __ · objective 19. !!!hie element of Weapona ComPBJ17 app:rehende4 a :rorth XoHii~ eold1er dressed 1n o1v1liAn clothes. .!.t 16.30- •E• Ocmpar~ wa.s d1ree,w4 •. -:reAm to positions of' previous night. J.ir eupport vaa requeated throu&funat --4q. but apparently it vae not available. !ro cover •:a• CompeDT1 8 withdrawal.-. •e forward 4.2 mortar aect1on f'ired approximatel;r sixty ( 6o) rounda of' •oJ;;a, projectiles. Calll18l.tiea for the da¥ were 1 Karina of'f'icer XU., 22 alie\14 WU and 1 !Taval enlisted WU. !eY&nteen (li) prisoners taken ~· Gate. O.i'. location remained unch&Qged.


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400047





    • • 16 JUNE 1951

    li7 uni 'cs loc~ted as previously reported. The day's directive was to p¢ol lOcally ond on order attack objective #10 TA 1741-R end hill 872 TA 1732, T}._ .. e "'"~~ t .... ha ,..,..,..,..._, .. C!'h~ ""'"' ,.. ....... ,..ni,., ... t_i ............ ~ t_"h ~~~ ...... +1. .... _ ..... '"' .... .,., __ ..._ J.•.· ··-- v~ ~~ ~-~v-v~-~~-- ~ -~~----=-•v- ~·~- -/J v- v~~ ~~~~ ~~~ _ 0700 "A" and ''B" Comj,any '!)a trolled locally l.OOO yards to the front UDti~ 0930. No enemy contect r8'!'0rted. "C" Comp. Marin~ offic.,r. 98l" _j,;,li~t .. il 'llld 2 JC,ov,.J. offic~rs, 33 enlistee'. - . . ' - ·-------

    17 ,JTINE 19'il

    All 1/7 units d1 rec ted to con soli date end pe.trol dnring d8y. At 0700 at \ached air and A.rtiller;y observers left C.P. in order to direct intensive ~rting arms fire ~n objective flO in TA 1731-R and hill 872 !'A 1732-M. O.e pla'!loon -r... ........ 11~11 1"'! .... --._.,.._ ~4 ,__.._,..,..., ~ -- --+-, -+ r.flt"\n + ... m.a ,..,..,n "" """ ,. _____ ...... •• u.u• ..., "'V•.u:Jt».J.o1 ......... o-.~~- ... .....,...._..~ V ..... :"'='"""'..LU* ~u vo.JJVV "'V ...._ ..&.f .)'-'II(,• V \,r0--IJ~. 8.t;f the spme time d199atched .c.nother P"-trol to TA 1927-V. At 0945 "C" Co~ pe.trol upon reAching vicinity of TA 1730-Q received smal.l arms and aut~ic wee!'On" fire. !'his :patrol then took cover to a.llow B11:pnorting arms to_ ... re _.· U'OOn the objective. At 1015 :patrol resumed the assault end by 1100 halJJeizec!. &.,__,. _ _ ,_ ... __ ...... __ m.a. .,..,...,.. ..._ ...... ,,~,.. ll•tt ---" _.. ... -- • .... • ... • -·. -• -·· wte.Lt: OUJ_IBC"~V~ .a.·A .I../ y.J-"-l_• A\1- J.~:JV ""A'' BllC. -.D-· VOmpBJll.e 8 Q.1rec'1ieQ. ~0 ~t·.·. movement ".nd consolids.te their positions extending from !'A 18?8-U to T• :1727-!-X. At 12CJI) the second "C" ComoP.llY And "A" Comop.JlY 'OPtrol direct .. d tn ,...tn--. "AA+.l> :p~trols reoorted negE:tive eneJny contect !'~thoUgh 89&ra4ic mo~tez-~d-ar'ij.ll-;;.,;fire was ,-eceived during the morning. At 13M "C" CompPliY in !'A 1730-"[fepor ted recel.Vl.ng heevy mortpr I'lre. Ptt.trol then W2..S directed to retu.m to t~: . COJII!lallY !)OSition on objective #9. Two :prisoners were captured thia da~· Comnn_mic?tion lines were continu.B.lly being c'.isrupted b7 enemy mortar a:~~--~rt1llery fire. All comp~nies were remmnlied with ammunition this date. At. en4~f perto4 ?11 u.ni ts >rere cansolidpting in defensive nosi tions and m~king maxilnmll.:llle of Balld boes, liP mine~. tri-o fla.res and barbed wire. At 2130 "C" CompaJV fireeted to esta:dish a. roedblock TA 1629-C. One (1) h~ur after install,..tion of.Wa I"O[-db2.cck ::>t e:rrnrorl!!L'"ltely 2230 fifteen {15) enemy attacked. the nosit1GRe ~e enem;c were conte.ined ~fter having susteined three {3) counted XIA. 1 Marine enlisted WIA this dFte. C.P. location remeined unchanged.



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400048DECLASSIFIED

    • • lS J01l1& 1951

    1/7 units location remaiDed unobanged. All units directed to consolidate ... A .... 1 .&.'Lo. ~ .II &.t... .I •.a. ,..,..,.. IIA. A------ .:1.1-~-.&.-'---~ - --.&.--'1 a..a.1o1o pa.vro.a. as w.LL6 oru.er 0.&. ".u.e I.LSJ• A" uovv .. w·· wump~U;a.r ~ro~..z.wp:s"'"r.MA"u. a P'-".L·u.~o

    to objective f6 !A 1528-0. ••• Company dispatched a patrol to TOKIO~ !A 1927-u to contact IMO. n:s11 00l!IJ?!!11-Y d.i!!pe.tch8d e. pe.trol to TA 1528-T. One (1) hour after dispatch of patrols 4.~ mortars received approximately fifteen (15) rounds of mortar. fire at~ 1628-S. At 1130 •A• Company patrol returned with thirty-four (31+J civilians found 1D TOXXOX, and reported contact established with IMC. nc• and •:B• OompallT patrola returned at 1230 and 1300 respectively. MO e .. ~ contact reported by any of the patrols. At 2030 •c• OompallT obseXTed aix ( 6) enaiiQ" movl!lg north west 1D vicinity T!. 1631-~Q-·:U. !hey were taken under artillerY and. mortar :f'1re with unknown results. At the close of li.qls operations all companies returned to previously prepared pcsitiona. In view of tosaible ene_, air attack camouflage precautions-were tak8n. Casualties for the-~ were lhriDe enlisted VIA. -

    "C" 0amna:cY1 s roadblock at ~ 1629-H vas attacked at 0130 and 0430.~•aoh... .,.r..l_l:tnne4'~• Fifty (50) enemy participated iii both attaCks. Two (2) ene~ KlA's were counted and five POW•a ware taken. The mission of the

    - - . - ---- -- . -- ----- - - -- - - j_ enemy was to m1ne tile MliR, aocord1ng to the !'OW' a. 11Ur1D& thl day J./7 wa.a directed to coneolidate, patrol locally and be prepared to support the attack of 2/7 on obJeet!Ta #10 Tictnity ~A 173~. At appr~~taly 0900 thG forward 4.2mm mortar position vas taken under fire by enelllf artillery and mortars and were forced to w1 thdraw after eufferizut 11ven (7) WI.A.'•· At 1215 •c• Company di1patched a patrol to obJective f6 fA 15~S viUl misaion of contacting Weapone Company outpost, •earohi:ac out draws aDd brill&iDg in civilians. At the same time •»" Company vas given almiliar missions relative to bringing in civilian from tbe area of KAGO:bT-DONG ~ 1829-J)-I. At •:a• Oom~r~· at 1500 less one platoon ordered to &%tend trom !1 l827~·to !& 16~. !I'hl one platoon of •:a• Company covered the area. TA 1627-R to MP. to fA 1627-L and then north to TA 1628-W. •o• Company at this time became attached to 2/7 and was directed to patrol to maintain contact with 2/7 when their defense line was established. At 1530 •o• Company patrol turned in sixteen (16) civilians at the C.P. •:a• and •c• Company patrol returned to C.P. at 1715 8JI4 1750 respectivel~. llo 81lemy contact reported. At 2110 •c• Oom:pw:cy" aet up trip flares from ~A 1630-V to~ liJl-R be~ae p~sioal tie in with 2j7 impractical "O" Com~ established roadblock a.t TA 1629-04. n:sn Company dispatched two (2) equade ae protection !or tank roadblock at ~ l627~W. nc• Company reverted to 1/7 control at 2300. lll'o casualties 1D 1/7 during thie period. o.P. location rema.iDed unchanged.

    Q ".



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    • 20 JiJliE ~95~

    During ~ l/7 directed to proceed to division reeeiTe area in vicinlt7 of !A. 1518 when relieved by elements of let Marines. At 1130 •o• 0~ ~l.ieved. by e1-man\s of let Maxims md. began •oveaent to reaerYe area. At 1205 a 1/7 supply truck (a captured :Russian model) struck a laZII1 ldM CIA road ap:pro~hiDg O.P.. Four (4) XQl"~_n 1a.borer: vera ldlled au.4 app_:---:-i••iel1" twenty (20) Korean laborers vere wounded as a result of the ez:plo81oa.; . .At 1330 all 1/7 units were relieved by elements of 2/1 and boazded tn.cb at !A 162&-.li:. :By 1600 all. l./7 units were in divieiou reserve area in · vicini t;r of TA 1518. •A.• 00111pan;r established a aQ.\\&d outpost on hlp ,p-ound in Ticinity ot !A 161~= O~P• located at T£ 151~.

    21 JUNE 1951

    All units of 1/7 made lllaXillllll use ot reat; and rel.axat1ou Offered '117 ~J'ft al8 a. One squa4 _from •o• Com:PaiQ" relieved •A• Com.nA"'7 eqbd en :r....tiiO&i-~ Ticinit;r of TA. 161&-J. Hot meals were served to battaliCIA pe:rsOD.IIN f•~ first time in two weeks. lTew clothi:og ietUed to liz• collpll:l11aa. lhoWift &Ta!lable tc all p&riiOIUi.el. C.?. iocation remained uncha.Dged..

    22 JtllT.lll 1951

    All 1/7 again utilised rest and recreation facilitiee. lbergen

  • Korean War Project USMC-08400050

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    • • 24 JUBE 1951 ( CONTINT.T.lilD)

    •:e• Compa.n,y squad. relieved •A• Company squad in outpost at !A 16l&.J at 1500.

    25 JlDilll 1951

    At 0800 :Battalion training schednle p11t into ~feet for all wdte ~ i/'t• Training day to be from 0800 to 1200. •c• Co~ squad :reUeTed 1]!1 · Company squad on outpost. C,P. location remained unchanged,

    26 .rom: 1951

    All units of 1/7 again followed a battalion training acheclul.e froa OSOO to 1200. "A" CuwJ?"fiY squad relieved •c• Company sqaad in !A 1618-J. C.P.-location uncbaDged. ..

    2j J'Wi.E 1951

    All compa.nie., en&aged in training a--hadule from OSOO to 1200. At 1,3451f group consisting of :Battalion C(l!!!mending Officer and all Comp!m7 Coamatkh•e left C.P. in order to reconnoiter routes of approach in .,oco~e "'11>1\ r. :Regimental Operations Order f9-51. At 1500 1JII C~ squad. wliend IQ;I Company squad on outpost in fA 16l&.J. C,P, location unchanged. ··

    28 .rom: 1951 :Bat tali on trainlllt; schedule in effect for all units of 1/7 froa 0800 to 1.200. 1 CI Compo.ny squad relieved 1JII OOIIIJl!UIT squad at 1500 on outpost in !A 161J..J. o. P. location un~d in vicinity of !A 151!.

    29 JUEJC 1951

    All units of 1/7 engaged in training scheclul.e froa 0800 to 1200. At 1~ · 1A• CompaJJ.Y squad relieved •o• Com:Pan;r squad on outpost in !.1. 161g...,J. ~~ #2035921 struck b7 a f:IIJ

  • Korean War Project USMC-08400051

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    • • :• :Battalion training schdnl.e in effect for al.l. coapanies from OSOO to '~· At 1000 •:B 11 Company platoon at X Corps Radar :Bomber Group 1netall.at1•"'t' . at !rA 11.1.7 rel.1eved by a platoon from 2/7. •:B• OolllpUIT eqnad rel.'-"ec(,'· •!.• Oo'!!r"'~ey s;ru1.o1 en o-w.tpe•t i.u. TA 1618-J. ~attaiion strength on thia ·.\

    date W8,s 41 Marine officers, 937 enl.isted and 2 llraval otficere, 45 enl$jted. Al.l. 1/7 units l.ocation un~ed in regimental. asse111bly area in tU:rte~ :reaerre in vicinity of !I!A. l.5J.S. · · ·






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    APP.Bll."DIX I



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400053

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    lati llattalion 7tih Reg\.



    • • 'PD.&.Il 1'\'D,...,. ·-

    C. O. 1/7. 2/7, 3/7, 4.2, AIL\1-f~ ~ Oe~, _IIJI• ~~~~~, •.u• Jblcra, Ildo, e.G. lat Kartne Dirta1on, l.n Mar •.• , !:!~., liar. • ll th Mar. , !:.!!. c. . 3/'4. SA:!. s-1. !-2. 8-3 -a sl-~


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400054DECLASSIFIED

    • 0120;!1) 1 Jae1951

    !bia h '6fT l'rec Crier t120,. J'i:rat Ka:r1nea pane& thrnc:h 7th iiarinea at abnil 021000. :ieP OOAIIOliiatea eni Pl!!:ti'Ob l!llli n.pporia Jlrat Na:rlne• .. paaqce of llael h ettectet. 2/7 at oar700 pe.h-.1 a =::!.=: cf 1000 :u. tc fzrawat te locate te,.z:ete feZ' n;:;crti=c ._.._. &4 to prepare area for J'i:rat Ma:rlllea atte8ko 1/7 •' 020700 patrol a a:d.- of 1000 HI to fl'oat to locate ta:rceh for euno:rt1ng araa en4 to pN~pa:re area tor J'l:r•t Ka:rl~~oe• aUack. ~.2 II!Q.POri-Bect.- A.!. eo--.., ~:r~ Jlect. _Ill~ Oo.,_,.. !~1 ~:rt 1/J _eat 2h 'Ill~ tw p;atooii.B eac.a.. "'I R ''OI'I"D7 :ra.a 11q1p0n. ~If W!l. ,;a 011.e pJ.a'OOII. :P1'8PU' ... 111. ort.e:r to :renrt to !ali: Blll. .All 1111.1te ooneol14ate ill tef••he pol1t1one. On 2 J'azle r=ai:a.i: plaCe e:ept tc:r P&trc1s. Be prepare! = ori.or to .,Te to auaib17 uea ric 1214. Pat~le :retva -~~ to 02'1000. P:ro-'dl.e IIUilnla -rt tor &It Ma:rlll••· "D"l st:rat1Te ll••ta .,Te to anelabl7 area- at 020600.

    02181!; 2 Jane 1951

    !hh 11 rq J':reg O:rle:r 02181!;. Jlect :rel,S.ft' ... 1n poeit1o11.1 \7 Jl:rat Jla..~ne!!. NoT!! to U!U!abl:r area ill '"f1,c 1113-1 1a ~rt.tcm reeen-e. J.ll mh eata'blhh outpoat• on hlp gro11111 1n 1lllllle41ate 'do u1t aaaulll7 area aud :ro~ :pat:roll to pzoTS.Ie aec111'1t7 tor a~aembl7 area. .A.tto:rt :peraouel mazl.mam oppo:rt'QIIit;r to :rest, clea:n up, obtain ellen clothing aua. at.ecpa.te ration•. .IJ.l 'l.lllh check equip~~Gt aud weiiPOIU eal b-are r•tiinesa fox- n•RTe Jd.tud.u•.



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400055DECLASSIFIED

    • • 7 J".me

    ~· 1a a;r :rrac Order 072245. 7th Mann•• II!Dus 3/7 M1Ms :pN'Oo ' tlons of D1via1on objs •o• and •D• 111. sone, prepazed 011. D1Tlsi011. oz-.-dtJr to revert_ to D!.vi::!..o:. ==n• ~m.d _..,.. "-0 &&Hii'Ul.7 ~-. W ._ .-.... igaated. 2/7 w11;h 4.2 platoon and .A.,'l', •oUOD. a1;1;aobed &t 0806oo ' aove by aotor to a .. eab1:y area no 1619. .A.t 081.00 attack f- no 1522 111. close ooordiD.aUon with let KeZ. on 1eft to •1•• 01:, Pt. f2 at 152}-N prepared lo Hiae obJ •c• 111. sone. .A.t 080900 sen4 ~G:a :in: claa...-ance 't&aii Uii.dei' m protec'kion to clear alae• alone --.. ~~ 'Ul Joined b;r taDks. .A.t 081000 send two 'fJIX-DIJI-D!DI. ..... &1GJIC xs:a. Firat tank platoon working with infant17 em left. See.ond tank ~to= to cover pa .. and first platoon. Prepa to pa .. through first an4 c.wtr b;r fire drawa on either aide of road and to search for aortara p081Ua "l:uu:e 1n nor~.D. 'o vic 1.626. Coordi..Date nre on ea•t of roa4 With X.K.-0• Be prepared on order to contact X.M.C. no ex. Pt. 11 at 172}-C. lie ,.:... pared to oMa.h ar\illel"T and air !P.!pporl aeinc :ror=r-= 4Mmk. :& ~ pared on oi-d.r"to conaolidate for night in Tic ex. Pt. &. vic 1524. 1 , -at 080800 move b:y actor to asaeab1;r ana in liegt'l reMrvs. IIJI• Co~ Tanks will support 2/7 wHh two platoon•. •D• Coapan;r Jlngrs. will_.... · vide for mine clearance. .fJ.l. unih will dig in when and wbere polllsi~• Troops rill be kept~ off e!cylint. and awa:; fro;a :1iiii6d1a"- T1e ~ • .m.riilc daylight and w111 be warned of dazl&er froa enea;r ariUler;r and aoriara. Saoke pob and saoke ;plane will be U88d to oonr JIDps aartng '"- oJ,~ anoe. Regt'1 ce• ant~ will diaplaoe at 080800 to rio 171&-B ,-


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400056DECLASSIFIED

    • • S hael951

    !l'hte h 111r J'nc 0~ OSlllll!;. llect c•IIDlttaha at 011.700 _., ·· • a'tiiCks at C9QSt'Cl l/7 at CSJ.;cc eua&Vlllatea W no li23 ia o•••~··~ vUh 1110 • :dcht. Yic 1~ •1. ta eoatact 14th 2/7 aat. •• c.,., f': !rllllb oa left Yic 16~1. 1/7 at 090800 attaR: 1a coo~'"aU

  • Korean War Project USMC-08400057, \


    • •

    1019)0 lo J1me1951

    1110800 11 .7aae 1951

    ~~~ ill 11fT hag Ori.er lUOSOO. llect coneoUI.atee at 1U700 IIIII. · "1:-at 120600 will coniw:i: combat pat:tole in aellipei. sone. tiaih ~-

    ::~:!~: !:a~:~r:;~;::..,::r: :;~rio 1{l;!-1~.,: obN1"1'e4. arUlle17 Are on tarce\e 1n Tall.IIT DOrtll ot ebJ 19 •I obJ f,LO. 2n ~t •. '!~~ !'~~ .!U-!~~ :patnl to- obJ fC no 11~/Q. a& to lUll. .. 33 T.Lc 16~. »1rec~ olJserTIIil. arlllle%7 :a.ree on ob,Jo 1n Talley D obJ 18. 4.2 111q1p0rt 2/7 with two 'platoons tor ai&ht .._ :fee e. •l;tCZ"t 1/7 ea4 2/7 1t! th one platoon each f'cr :patrcl. ~ pzorti.e lld.!Le ol~e te-a for patn1e ana. CoD.t!.Dae 111pr0...-t et XII.


    - .;;

    ,_ ..


    -:~ .

    . '

  • Korean War Project USMC-08400058


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    I I f !


    • • 121.61D 12 June 1951 l '-

    !hia is ., J'rag Ori..zo 121640. llect conaolllatea at 121.900 1a.

    poaltiona OCCilPie41a MC!~Ce ~th., ~-~~~-111l4.a!.. ,, 1)0800 conti11:aea to patrol. au. a.eapea ·--ra_.,,. ~T.O.-oa u'lt., .,- •. ,. , 117 at l,lllo aen4 ~~lt colbat patrol to obJ fiJ ftC 16H , ::.\'· pr,..-rea, en cr"..ezo tc contt .. ,.. pe.tro1 to ob,1 f.1.0 'ric 172J..Jt. ~atftl. ;:· to obj f9 Tic 16'J)-!" prvparet. on ort.er to contia.e patrol te obl tiD.: ~ 171J,.lt to call ob8en" ... arillle%7 tlna oa o'I:IJeDta o~ opJI!:rtmd.t:r. · '''-~': 2/7 at 1,SSO aend ~I~Jl patrol to obj fi no li29 •it~• .. 'ji Jllzoeot arlillB%7 tlree Oil tarcete in both -u__,- aaf. ti.-18)G-JI. . ~a\rola to r•t-u%il 'b7 131700. 1!-.2 ocnthuee ~zt of 'l/7 .. ., 2/"! .. \• v1th one pl.atoon eech for colbld; patrol•. •:D• :lien p:roTib ldae' elttarance 4eta.11e for patrol• an4 atan 1.--ta of 1111. 1/J 'be p1'WP&:re4 on ori.er to ext.U. to outpo.t ffS 811.4 tie in vitll. elJia lat Marine• Tic 15,..X.

    13 Ja.e 1951

    ~·h., J'rag Ori.er 131730. Begt ooaaoliiatea at 13J.90Q .... , continues to attack at llloSOO attack 811.4 aelse obj ~'ric 17~ . -pnpa:re4 on ori.er to continue attack BiLl. Belae li16h growul ,.....c lT~f; lla1D.bin ou1:poat on obJ f9. 2/7 at 13J,90Q oonaolliata aa abo1111 oa · · ·-cverl---3". At ll!Oa;)O in coo:rdinatlon v1 th 1/7 attack 811.4 aebe hldl c:ro=a. Tic 1733-L/K~. lt-.2 aapport 1/7 ... -2/7 vlth one platoonc to~,,, t.efcae. &apport 1/7 a4 2/7 attack v1th one platoen each. 8])8 ._; -· continue work on llliK ana. pro'ri.b lline cl.earance t- for i;eJUal ..-:~port!Dc attack.

    lit- Jane 1951

    ~~~ ia ., hac Ort.er 1in6,. llect conaoliktea at 1in!IOO 1a ,,; poaltlolia ocCilPie4 in acco:rt.ance vlth., hllc Ort.er 1317, ... a\ ''t 150800 eont1nuea a:tta.ck to &else 6114. t.:tZD7 ==;r 1: a.c=ipo!. === __ ; · tor of DlT1alon obJ •11•. Z/7 at 150800 attack atl aelae obj IJ,8 · p1"ffp&%'ed on orqr an .. in coortinat1on vlth e1aB 1110 to aelse b1&h : ·• C1'011D.d '1'1c l.S~~/0. 1/7 at 150800 att•k ani. aelse hlU 872 'flo 1 372-Jl. l.2 an4 ~- t. contbra.e to aa;pport attack. •• ClollpnJ' !!llllb · · w;pport l/7 aa. '47 IIIith one platoOli ~


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400059DECLASSIFIED

    151815 15 June 1951

    This h .., J'rac Orle:L! 15115. :Reg\ con101Uatee at 151900 .ia

    ::: 8;;ro::=i~!7~-~d mt;ilo~";! :!t!:CS:co!: ::·· orur obj 10 no 17-u..t "'lrepar.a. on orl~ .to o.onU:ru:te attack to sei:e h1ch croU:ot 1a oooioihatioiil. wtth 2/7. ltrepe.rel on oriel' a:at in coortin-ation wtth elllt DID on richt to continue attack; to aeiae hith aoun4 Too 18)2;.U}'IiO. . Be pre.PM"et to npport 2/7 wt th one pl.atooD. lj" Ooa. ~ !alike. •D• ~· coatinue improva~~ct on Mill. !'rente lli:a.e o1ea,r.. ance 4itd.l tor ax plat 1t' ttillse& in· attack. ">;


    '· '~" 'i": •··~


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400060DECLASSIFIED



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400061DECLASSIFIED

    • 1Sl5J>

    Thia 1t 7ll1 J'rag Ori.eJ 1815,0. Beet coaaoUdatee a .. 1818QO el: at 19:1500 attack to .eecni.re ,.,._ Line i~; lOBe. 1/7 conaolib.tea )n preaant poana. In let reslP:Te bt prepared. to n;pt. attaCk. 2/7 consolidate• in :present :pOQI 8:114 tie • 11'1tll 'J/7 no 1829-&. At 190700 att.ack llld eeize Bro~II

    ' Jl. 1




  • Korean War Project USMC-08400062DECLASSIFIED

    • • 21 J-ane 1951, :Jio 11'116 Oriw IP11M tb.te tate.

    221900 22 Jane 1951

    !l!his 1s rq ll'ra& Ort.er 221920 • lllet at 2}i.lj((i a.s SWDea reapO:;;..

    lib1l1t:r for orcanisaUon Cl.4 defcse of J:a.eaa L1D.e betwec !!!A 10::5-!r

    and ll27..;T. 1i7 ana. 217 in ~ :resa..'"'i'e ;--a•n in present a!l!e!dbly

    area. l/7 respontd.ble for seeuit;r 1'8W 1nsWle.Uon "fie !A 1U7.

    3/7 with one ple.toon 4.2 ~d. one uoUon 75 reooilesa. a.tteche~ at ,

    2:Jl900 move by motor llla.l'Ol1 to e.ueuilal;r area. Tlo 12~. liT 231!100 z-..

    l1r.e ,.,_,., ht -.nnes. or&anise ud tefcl Ia~~.taa L1l!.e in sone. Jle-

    t$11111h contact with elme )rl :rm: llc1; 6!!- lett ani let Marines on rl;;ht.·'"" · 4.2 and A.'!. llll.ppo11 3/7 aa 1naicate4. I!.eQ ar no chance.

    23 hne 1951

    This 11 rq J'ra& Orter 2316115. llc1; continues tc conso1Uate ._..;

    • f=:.:es ll!l lein!!!U Line in lOne. Inetall :Dnllle Apron wire, Jl mines

    ant Over Red. l!!aplac•entl. Patrol locall7 in sone IIDd s&i Collba.t-

    Recon :patrol inc1 u4inc Arty 10 to Tic 1028-1\. :a.,ort by lSOO t7,Pe. atren,cth, composition, route •. ·tin ot ~e.Pazt~ru ant r~Stu...-.n c

    f petrol.

    :>h .T-· lql)l -. --- --~-Thh 1a rq Free Or4c' 2la616. :B.ect. con11DU4,atea alll patrol. 1/


    and 2/7 in Itect ~eaerve continue rsoJ.'Can111DC r .. 4ifF.ipinc ana. traioing.

    lllilphalis tc be placed on acout ani:pe:r.' training and night o:perationa.

    3/1 continue :ad.•aion of conaolid.ation ot· X.su tin* 1:1 :=e .eDi oar17

    out local patrols. A.T. co!IQ)l~tll! mils10J1. At ~ll:lOaEIILl coeat patrol

    with mpporttng a.-:: to "f!c 10~. ltt:l.'ect obeerve4 fire• on &liDO' in

    sone, Maintain contellt with elms 31"4 .a>Z ~ on left and lat Marines

    on right. ·

    25 Jane 1951

    !rhis is flO" rrac Order 251820. :B.ect continues to consolidate and patrol. iii aA4 .. 2/7 in legt roe~e contin:tte present mias1on.. 3/7

    continue coneoliiation on !tan• Line 1l1 sone and patrol 1ocl)l.J.7, At 26o!OO eec.d eomat l"eeon patrol tc ·rtc 1129-A. Direct obee

    rvl euppo:rting

    al'llls fire on elleDQ" in so:a.e. Main te.1n con teet w1 th elms 3rd :SOX Rect

    on left and lat Me;r1D.ea on right.



  • Korean War Project USMC-08400063r




    26 J1IU 1951 ,.

    !his is 'IllY :rrag Order 26182o. :be' ooaUJIUa t;o -aol1d&te0 • ;pa\nl aDd \rain, 1/7 and 2/7 continua present w:!.!!!don. J/7 C!O:n\tnae \.(. ccmaolid&tion of Xanaaa Ioms ill aODe alld patrol loceu7. .A.\ 270800 ~ Hnd co.bat-reccm. pa1irol to Tic 10~. llinct obHZ'I'e4 :tina em ..__,. · f· h acme. iiaintaill contact with 3rd liOi: Begt on len &114 lilt Karlnaa -. ri&ht. ·


    2f ·.JUne 1951

    ~h!e :!.e ~q h=c 01-'-er 2Sl6JO. ~' continua• to aoiUiol1GaW "" hrzain ric Ian~• lo1Da 1n sene. 2/7 end 3/7 continua ooaaolid&tiona ef l'anaaa lome ill sou and concblct local patrol. Coordinate patrol• wit~ patroh o:t bt Karina•. llamtain contact with alae 3r4 101: Jlec' on 1e:tt and let Xar1Daa on right.

    291500 29 J1IU 1951

    !hia 1a 'IllY :r~ Ord.er 291500. Regt continuaa t;o conll0li4ate end patrol. 1/7 and 2/7 contiJIU re)dt1t1oa o:t pre-\ wiaai•. 2/7 at ,30l.OOO is aesign!id reaponaibiliV tor HCIU'U7 o:t B11:4ar ll•ber 1Jn1t Ylo-1117. 1/7 relined reaponeib1lit7 at that tiae. 3/7 continua ccmeoli- . dation ot beat ])Oe:l,icm.e on Xa!!_-ae Lin= in :c=. A.t )00800 aead rata- ·.: :toroed platoon ];&trol to Tic hill 537 !.&r-10)1-Q,o D1reot ObHn'ed :tizee on en.,q ill aone. llaintain contact with elaa 3r4 liOI: Bs«t on left end l.at iiarinee on ri&:ht. ·


  • Korean War Project USMC-08400064

    I 0


    Jll'Hll."DIX II I



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