6a © educational publishing house ltd passive voice unit 5 when nature gets angry …

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Passive voicePassive voice

Unit 5Unit 5When nature gets When nature gets

angry …angry …

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Passive voicePassive voice

We use the passive voice to describe activities where the action is more important than the person who does it.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Example 1

The tree blocks the road.

The road is blocked by the tree.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Example 2

The cat licked my shoes.

My shoes were licked by the cat.

Children, Children,

now it’s your now it’s your turn.turn.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Question 1

My brother destroyed my robot.

My robot was destroyed by my brother.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Question 2

Air pollution causes the greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect is caused by air pollution.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Question 3

The cage traps the mouse.

The mouse is trapped by the cage.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Question 4

The dog bit the old man.

The old man was bitten by the dog.

6A Unit 56A Unit 5© Educational Publishing House Ltd

Question 5

A nice scent fills my room.

My room is filled with/by a nice scent.

The EndThe End

© Educational Publishing House Ltd

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