41st annual case

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4 1 s t A n n u a l C A S E Beaver Run ResortBreckenridge, CO

C o n v e n t i o n










Investment in Colorado School Leaders is an Investment in Colorado Kids

July 26-227, 2010 Pre-CConvention

July 28-330, 2010 CASE Convention

Convention Highlights

7 Keynote and distinguished presentations by internationally renowned education leaders

Cyber Café – Check e-mail for free

Over 80 breakout sessions featuring best practices in K-12 education, organized by job-alike strands

The latest research and trends in educational leadership that will help you do your job better

Networking with colleagues from across Colorado

Opportunities for personal and professional renewal

New! P20 Conference

41 st Annual CASEInvestment in Colorado School Leaders

is an Investment in Colorado Kids

C o n v e n t i o n

Same affordable registration fees from 2008!


TThhiiss wwaass aa tteerrrriiffiiccooppppoorrttuunniittyy.. II aapppprreecciiaatteedd tthhee vvaarriieettyy ooffssppeeaakkeerrss aanndd tthheeiirrwwiilllliinnggnneessss ttoo ttaakkeeqquueessttiioonnss.. II lleeaarrnneeddaa LLOOTT.. TThhaannkk yyoouu!!

–2009 CASE Convention Attendee

Introducing the CASE Live Learning Center!New this year! 30 hours of 2010 Convention session content will be recorded andaccessible to you 24/7 via the online CASE Live Learning Center in streaming mediaformat or for download–even to your MP3 player for only $99. The sessions willcontain the audio and/or video fully synchronized to the presenters' PowerPointpresentations providing you with a true multimedia recreation of the sessions. Usernotes, online handouts, and the MP3 file for downloads are just some of theadditional features. This special price is only available with Convention registration.The recordings will be available to purchase after Convention for $299. The recordedsessions will include a selection of keynote, distinguished, and breakout sessionpresentations, depending on permissions granted from the speakers.










Great mix of speakers. It was nice to hear theirhonestopinions.–2009 CASE ConventionAttendee

Dear Colleagues,

I’m so pleased to invite you to the 41st Annual CASE Convention. This outstandingprofessional development event is one that our 2,000-plus members from across thestate look forward to year after year.

There is no way to sugar-coat it: as school leaders, we are facing incredibly tough times. Reduced funding, budget cuts, and new education initiatives have createdunprecedented challenges. Now more than ever, we need to draw together around our shared unwavering commitment to public education. The Annual CASE Conventionprovides the perfect opportunity to do just that.

This year’s Convention theme is Investment in Colorado School Leaders is anInvestment in Colorado Kids. I think that message really speaks to where we are at as educators. Now more than ever, we need to equip ourselves with the knowledgeand new ideas that will help us navigate this difficult environment. In fact, failure toattend may prevent you from securing the knowledge necessary to survive in thesecrazy times. Attending the CASE Annual Convention is a worthwhile investment inprofessional development that will yield the tools and insights to help us better meetthe needs of kids.

Expect a value-packed Convention program this year. Keynote speakers will engageand inspire you. Back by popular demand, our concurrent distinguished speaker serieswill offer four presentations on a variety of timely and relevant topics. And of course,plan on a range of breakout sessions that will pique your interest and challenge you to see things a bit differently. And don’t forget the networking that allows us to learnabout best practices from each other!

The 2010 CASE Annual Convention is a can’t-miss event at a time when all of us are looking for professional renewal. Please plan to join your colleagues inBreckenridge this July for new learning, strategizing about critical issues, and a chance to connect with one another. I look forward to seeing you there.


Glenn E. GustafsonCASE President-elect

This year’s Convention theme is Investment in Colorado School Leadersis an Investment in Colorado Kids. I think that message really speaks towhere we are at as educators. Now more than ever, we need to equipourselves with the knowledge and new ideas that will help us navigatethis difficult environment.”

–Glenn E. Gustafson, CASE President-elect







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PRE-CONVENTION SESSIONSTuesday July 27, 2010See page four for more details.

Supervision and Evaluation Series (July 26-27)New Superintendents OrientationNew Model Content StandardsImplementationP20 Conference AM Session P20 Conference PM Session Rural Educators Conversation


Keynote Speakers:Steven Berlin JohnsonEverything Bad is Good for You: What theGoogle Generation Needs to Learn – And What They Can Teach UsWednesday morning, July 28, 2010

Jennifer James Thinking in the Future Tense: Education in 2020Thursday morning, July 29, 2010

Andrew HargreavesThe Fourth WayFriday morning, July 30, 2010


Cile Chavez and Julie FairleyInspired Leadership: What It Is and What It Takes

Fred SchaferEntering the High Performance Zone in a High Demand World

Bob PasternackThe L in RtI: What Leaders Need to Know about Response to Instruction and Intervention

Darrell ScottRachel’s Challenge

BREAKOUT SESSIONSThis year’s Convention again features morethan 80 breakout sessions on current topicsrelevant to school leaders. These sessionshighlight best practices in schools across thestate and provide the latest information onregulatory issues. Whatever your role as aschool leader, you will find multiple sessionsdesigned with your interests in mind.

DEPARTMENT SESSIONSJoin your job-alike colleagues in specialsessions and meetings tailored to yourinterests. CASE departments include:

CAES (Colorado Association of Educational Specialists)CAESP (Colorado Association of Elementary School Principals)CALET (Colorado Association of Leaders in Educational Technology)CASPA (Colorado Association of SchoolPersonnel Administrators)CASSA (Colorado Association ofSuperintendents and Senior Administrators)CASSP (Colorado Association of Secondary School Principals)DBO (Department of Business Officials)

EXHIBITOR VISITSTime is scheduled throughout the Conventionto visit the exhibit areas, which showcaseproducts and services to help school leadersdeliver a high quality education experience.

AFTER HOURS FUNSee the sidebar on page seven for details.

MEALS Your Convention registration fee includes twocontinental breakfasts and one full breakfastbuffet, two lunches, and daily refreshmentbreaks. The resort will make every effort tomeet special dietary requests, but foodconsumption choice is the full responsibility of the Convention attendees and speakers.

TICKETED LUNCHEON EVENTSThere is no additional charge for ticketed events.However, you must have a ticket to attend.

A Conversation with CommissionerDwight Jones and CDE Leaders LuncheonWednesday, July 28Don’t miss this session with Commissioner ofEducation Dwight Jones and other top leadersfrom CDE. They’ll share the latest work of thedepartment and information about key initiativesthat impact CASE members.

Women in Administration LuncheonThursday, July 29Join your women colleagues in administration fora luncheon featuring Jana Frieler, the new NASSPPresident. Take advantage of this opportunity tonetwork with successful women in differentschool leadership roles.


BREAKOUT SESSIONSFeaturing over 80 Breakout Sessions Targeting Job-alike Groups

Sample Topics*Leadership for School Improvement:

• Building a Culture of Learning • Collaborative Teaming for School Improvement • Community Engagement • Supervision and Evaluation • Systems Approach to School Improvement

Human Resources: • Personnel and Student Management Systems • Recruitment and Training • Reduction in Workforce Considerations • School and Employee Safety and Policies • Healthy Schools and Communities • Teacher Effectiveness and Evaluation

Public Relations and Communications:• Communicating to Staff and Community During a Budget Crisis • Forming Community and Corporate Partnerships

Operations, Finance, Budgeting, Facilities:• Financial and Budget Reduction Considerations• Economic Forecast and Considerations• Food and Nutrition Services

State and Federal Initiatives: • CAP4K: Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids • Race to the Top and Turnaround Schools • SB 163: Accreditation and School Performance Review • ICAP: Individual Career and Academic Plan • P-20 Alignment • Regional Services Areas and Support • Teacher Identifier Number and District Alignment

Assessment and Accountability / Data Management:• Longitudinal Growth Model Implementation• Formative Assessments• RtI: Response to Intervention

Curriculum and Instruction: • New P12 Colorado Model Content Standards • eTextbooks and eCurriculum • Brain Research • Standards-Based Classrooms and Schools • Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum • Closing the Achievement Gap • Equity and Diversity • Middle and High School Renewal • Special Education and Federal Programs

Informational and Educational Technology: • Globally Connected Classrooms • Using Social Networks for Learning • Online Education • Classroom Application of Web 2.0 Tools • Critical Thinking Skills and Media Literacy • Interpersonal and Communication Technology


JOB-ALIKE STRANDS FORCommunications Specialists

Curriculum Coordinators and


Elementary Principals /

Assistant Principals

High School Principals /

Assistant Principals

Human Resources and

Risk Managers

Information and Educational


Middle School Principals /

Assistant Principals

Higher Education Leaders

Rural Educators

School Business Officials

Superintendents and

Cabinet Level Administrators

* Please check the CASE Web site afterMay 14 for the final list of breakout sessiontopics. Descriptions and presenter nameswill also be available at that time. Throughour competitive Call-for-Presenters process,applications were solicited on the topicslisted to the left. With over 80 breakoutsessions, most of these topics will beaddressed. However, we cannot guaranteethere will be a session on every sampletopic listed. Our breakout sessions featurebest practices in K-12 education, schoolbusiness management, and regulatoryissues. Whatever your role as a schoolleader, you will find multiple sessionsdesigned with your interests in mind.

New Superintendents OrientationJuly 27, 2010 – 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

CASE Executive Director John Hefty and representatives from the ColoradoDepartment of Education will provide an overview of key information and issuesthat will help you be successful as a Colorado superintendent.

Supervision and Evaluation (4 day seminar)Presented by Barbara J. Conroy, Ed.D.2 days – July 26-27, 2010 (Monday/Tuesday), 8:30 am - 4:30 pm – Breckenridge, CO2 days – October 22-23, 2010 (Friday/Saturday) – Englewood, COThis series is for participants who are completing their administrative licensure or practicingadministrators in their first three years, and this series fulfills the CDE requirement for allevaluators to complete an approved evaluator training program.

Learn about effective staff and teacher evaluation methods:

Note: Any changes to the educator evaluation system that come about through the 2010legislation, the decisions of the Governor’s Council for Educator Effectiveness, or therecommendations of the School Leadership Academy Board will be addressed in this series.

Fee: $475 CASE Members, $650 Non-Members (includes continental breakfast, a working lunch,beverage break, and invitation to the Networking Reception with hosted appetizers and cash bar)















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Fee: $155 CASE Members, $195 Non-Members (includes continental breakfast, a working lunch,beverage break, and invitation to the Networking Reception with hosted appetizers and cash bar)


Board-superintendent relations

Connecting with support for superintendents

Connecting with the Colorado Department of


Matters new Colorado superintendents need to

...think about

...know about

...do something about

New Model Content Standards Implementation Planning for LeadershipJuly 27, 2010 – 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

At this session facilitated by CDE staff in the Office of Teaching and Learning and Standards and Assessment, participants will learn and apply key principles for successful standardsimplementation planning.

This Pre-Convention will equip instructional leaders with the tools necessary to best tackle thecomplexity of 21st Century standards implementation and curriculum design. Expect an interactiveand engaging session with plenty of time for discussion among attendees.

Fee: $155 CASE Members and $195 Non-Members (includes the P20 PM session, the RuralEducators Conversation, continental breakfast, a working lunch, beverage break, and invitation tothe Networking Reception with hosted appetizers and cash bar)

Examine the requirements specified in CDE’srules and regulations pertaining to teacherinduction, staff development, and teacherevaluation.

Examine the relationship between supervisionand evaluation, as well as quality instructionand school improvement.

Review models of supervision and evaluationrelative to standards-based practice.

Learn a variety of strategies to support andcoach teachers for improving individual and organizational results.

Enhance observation and conferencing skills,including skills for providing effective feedback.

Identify key factors to consider in evaluationreport writing and other written communicationassociated with supervision and evaluation.

Enhance skills for managing the supervisionand evaluation process.



P20 Conference AM Session: Higher Education Association of the Rockies July 27, 2010 – 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

The Higher Education Association of the Rockies (HEAR), with its tradition of convening challenging and informationalgatherings of public and private higher education stakeholders, is pleased to announce this Pre-Convention workshopin association and alignment with the P-12 work of CASE.

In lieu of its annual conference, HEAR is holding this Pre-Convention session, and the morning session is targeted at highereducation representatives. Join your colleagues to learn the latest higher education trends and issues. We’ll offer information-rich presentations on the topics of greatest impact and also build in plenty of time for discussion. Areas of focus will includecurrent conditions, the higher education strategic planning process, and how higher education fits in the P-20 arena.

Come prepared to share best practices and strategize about common challenges. Morning Pre-Convention attendeesare encouraged to participate in the afternoon session.

Fee: $195 CASE Members and Non-Members (includes both the AM and PM sessions, Rural Educators Conversation,continental breakfast, a working lunch, beverage break, and invitation to the Networking Reception with hostedappetizers and cash bar)

P20 Conference PM Session: P20 Alignment Conversation July 27, 2010 – 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

P-20 is an increasingly talked-about concept, but what does it really mean? The second half of the P-20 AlignmentPre-Convention will bring together an impressive group that includes representatives from CDE, the Department ofHigher Education, K-12 leaders, higher education leaders, and members of Colorado’s congressional delegation todiscuss this very issue.

Participants will engage in candid discussion about how to focus and align K-12 and higher education and what thatmeans in light of the current push for comprehensive educational reform. Other issues we’ll cover include a statewidestudent longitudinal data system, educator preparation, and standards and assessments as they relate to CAP4K.

CASE members are encouraged to attend this session to make important connections with your higher educationcolleagues.

Fee: PM Session ONLY: $35 CASE Members and Non-Members (includes a beverage break and invitation to theNetworking Reception with hosted appetizers and cash bar)

How does the shift from formula to competitivegrants–including I-3 grants–impact your day-to-dayoperations?

How can you provide education options anddifferentiated instruction regardless of your enrollmentnumbers?

What do you need to do to take care of the people inyour district when the ground is shifting beneath them?

How do you to take care of the total child, includinghealth, safety, and nutritional needs?

What do your schools need to meet state mandates onstandards, assessments, accreditation requirements,evaluations, concurrent enrollment and more?

Come together with your rural colleagues to map out the influences and strategize on how you will get through thenext two years. We will provide the latest information you need to plan, share, and consider how to serve kids in thisrapidly changing environment.

Fee: $15 CASE Members, $35 Non-Members (includes a beverage break and invitation to the Networking Receptionwith hosted appetizers and cash bar) Register for either the New Model Content Standards Implementation Planning forLeadership or P20 AM-PM Conference and attend the Rural Educators Conversation for free!

Rural Educators ConversationJuly 27, 2010 – 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Education in Colorado has never been tougher. State resources are being cut from very low levels to begin with, yet,expectations continue to increase. The federal regulations for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act will changethe goals and will have disproportionate impact on rural and urban settings. Register for either the New Model ContentStandards or P20 AM-PM Conference and attend the Rural Educators Conversation for free.

Colorado Rural CaucusThe voice of Colorado’s rural schools



Everything Bad is Good forYou: What The GoogleGeneration Needs To Learn –And What They Can Teach UsSteven Berlin JohnsonWednesday morning, July 28, 2010

Expanding on his much-discussed bestsellerEverything Bad Is Good for You, Steven shares whatwe need to learn from the amazingly complextechnology and culture of the Google Generation.He explains how video games are transforming whathappens in the classroom, how digital books aregoing to revolutionize the way we obtain information,and why social network sites are actually trainingkids for the 21st Century workplace.

You don’t have to be a techie to get engaged inSteven’s argument that our modern culture isprofoundly impacting how we learn. While manyexperts say that the rise of video games and realityTV are actually making Americans dumber, Stevenasserts the opposite. Be prepared to challengeyour own assumptions as he walks us through thenew ways that we are learning in today’s techculture and what that might mean for education.


Steven Berlin Johnson is a brilliant cross-disciplinary thinker who applies broad-rangingresearch to key social problems. He makesintriguing insights about how we live, learn, work,and play. Author of three best-selling books,Steven is well-known for his forward-thinkingapproach and ability to see things from a differentangle. His writing has influenced everything fromhow political campaigns use the Internet, tocutting-edge ideas in urban planning, to how wecombat 21st Century terrorism.

Steven’s books are internationally read and havebeen translated into over a dozen languages. He’s the 2009 Heart New Media Professional-in-Residence at the Journalism School at ColumbiaUniversity. A contributing editor for Wiredmagazine, he’s also written for The New YorkTimes, The Wall Street Journal, and The Nation.Steven has been a guest on numerous TVprograms, including The Daily Show with JohnStewart, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and The Charlie Rose Show.

Thinking in the Future Tense:Education in 2020Jennifer James, Ph.D.

Thursday morning, July 29, 2010

When the educational and cultural ground aroundus continues to shift, acclimatizing to the newlandscape can be tricky. In fact, no generation ofeducators has ever been required to adapt thisquickly or comprehensively to the many changeswe’re facing.

Though we’ve gotten fairly adept at dealing withthe new and unfamiliar, it’s the truly fundamentalchanges–culture changes–that often rattle usmost. These changes challenge our beliefs aboutthe way things “ought to be.” Patterns of thoughtuseful in one age can become impediments tolearning in another.

Jennifer will help make sense of this and createconnections between where today’s students areand where they’ll be headed in the future. She’llprovide a framework for thinking about ourtechnological, economic, and demographic futurein order to help us take stock of the current stateof education and how we want it to look in theyears ahead.


Dr. Jennifer James is an Urban CulturalAnthropologist and was highly-regarded as aprofessor at the University of Washington MedicalSchool prior to developing her public lectures andseminars. She is a specialist in cultural change,diversity, and marketing intelligence. She’s well-regarded by audiences around the world for herinnovative and accessible approach tosuccessfully managing transitions and change.

Dr. James has published seven books, more than50 academic articles, and wrote a column for theSeattle Times newspaper for 18 years. She hasfilmed two PBS specials "Thinking in the FutureTense" and "A Workout for the Mind," and alsohad a popular radio talk show program. Dr. Jameshas been recognized with numerous awards forher journalism accomplishments.







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tThe increasing complexity of TV, films and videogames are teaching us to think in more complexways. They are actually making us smarter bygiving us a cognitive workout.Steven Berlin Johnson

tMy most optimistic vision of the future of work is thatmany more of us will move into creative work that uses ourhighest skills, what Maslow called self-actualizing work.This vision has a negative side because this work requiresyou to be highly educated or talented, highly responsible.Jennifer James


The Fourth WayAndrew Hargreaves, Ph.D.

Friday morning, July 30, 2010

Without question, the push for education reform has picked up speed anda sense of urgency over the past few years. But unless it’s the right kind,change by itself isn’t the answer.

Don’t miss out on this presentation that’s never been timelier. Withthoughtful insight and clear sightedness, Andy will walk us through pasteducation reform efforts to point out what worked and what didn’t. Heexplains the previous two major changes in education and maps outwhere we’re at in the midst of this third change. Though it’s partiallymarked by a greater emphasis on professional involvement, he alsoargues that we’re facing arbitrary and imposed student achievementtargets, obsession with data over deep knowledge, and short term fixesthat just don’t work.

It’s time for a new approach – a “fourth way.” Andy will lay out a differentpath for education that’s characterized by shared, not imposed,educational targets, inclusiveness and personal responsibility, teacherprofessionalism, and an engaged public and community.

This inspirational keynote will resonate with anyone who is grappling withthe challenges facing public education. Learn how many school districtsare already headed in this new direction and putting into action Andy’s callfor greater interdependence, shared purpose, and more mindful teachingand learning.


Dr. Andy Hargreaves is the Thomas More Brennan Chair in the LynchSchool of Education at Boston College. His primary teaching and researchfocuses at Boston College are educational change, performing beyondexpectations, sustainable leadership, and the emotions of teaching.

He taught primary school and lectured in several English universities,including Oxford. He was co-founder and director of the InternationalCentre for Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies inEducation in Toronto. From 2000-2002 he was also Professor ofEducational Leadership and Change at the University of Nottingham in England.

Andy has authored or edited more than 25 books that have beentranslated into a dozen languages. He’s received numerous outstandingwriting awards and is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of EducationalChange. His most recent books are The Fourth Way with Dennis Shirley,Change Wars with Michael Fullan, and Sustainable Leadership with DeanFink.


tSuccessive waves of social and education reform have been fundamentallyflawed. It’s time for something bolder and better.

Andrew Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley


Relax and enjoy social time with yourcolleagues during these popular afterhours events. You won’t want to miss theconcert by Dakota Blonde.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010Honoring Colorado School Leaders: A Networking Reception Hosted by ExhibitorsCASEino Night

Thursday, July 29, 2010CASE Networking ReceptionDakota Blonde Concert

Dining Out AdventureNew this year! Like to meet new people,want to share interesting conversation,and enjoy dinner out? Join other Coloradoadministrators for dinner.

Be sure to check the dates (on the onlineregistration form) if you would like to joinother attendees for dinner at a localrestaurant on:

Wednesday and/orThursday

Wake Up and Shake UpStart each day of Convention with aninvigorating exercise routine guaranteedto get you going!

NNEEWW!!DDoonn’’tt mmiissss yyoouurrcchhaannccee ttoo hheeaarr DDaakkoottaa BBlloonnddee..

Dakota Blonde

Inspired Leadership: What ItIs and What It Takes

Cile Chavez and Julie FairleyHow do school leaders sustainmotivation, vision, relationships, and health during these challengingtimes in public education? CileChavez and Julie Fairley offer a“Rubric for Transforming Leadership”in which they share ten essentialfacets of leadership at threeascending levels. Additionally, they’llidentify “spirit movers” such as trust,

optimism, and courage which are the keys to growthand success as a leader.

At the end of this presentation, you’ll be betterable to understand how you influence others andsustain critical relationships, which directly affectsthe impact you make in your professional life.There is no magic one-size-fits-all leadershipformula; Cile and Julie will help you tap into yourunique strengths to really maximize youreffectiveness as a leader.


Cile Chavez, Ed.D is a nationally and internationallyrecognized consultant and motivational speaker onLeadership. She specializes in helping people andorganizations realize, develop, and celebrate theirpotential in order to achieve worthy goals. Herexpertise is grounded in her leadership andmanagement roles in higher education, assuperintendent of a metropolitan school district,and trustee of multiple public institutions andcommunity foundations.

Julie Fairley is a consultant, author, educator, andspeaker whose work targets both the mind and theheart. Her educational career has included rolessuch as: principal, college instructor, consultant,and mentor. She has presented to state, nationaland international audiences and consulted with avariety of corporate and public clients. Ms. Fairleyhas authored two previous books on the topic ofleadership.

Entering the HighPerformance Zone in a HighDemand WorldFred Schafer

Do you ever feel like you’re faced with a long listof competing demands and too few hours in theday to get it all done? In this challenging time ofreduced resources that collide with state andfederal education initiatives, it’s easy aseducators to feel a bit overwhelmed by it all.

This engaging and high-energy presentation willhelp you identify practical ways to counternegative stress and improve the quality of yourprofessional and personal life. Learn about thecommonly-overlooked step everyone can take tohelp enhance their success as a leader and ownsense of wellness. You’ll leave this session with ahost of new ideas that you can immediatelyimplement to improve your effectiveness as aschool administrator and that you can share withyour colleagues to inspire them to do great things,even in the face of tough times.


Known across the nation as a highly energizing anddynamic speaker, Fred Schafer knows firsthand theunique pressures that public school administratorsface. As a former School Nutrition Director andConsultant for 12 school districts, he’s well-versedin the challenges of providing quality programs forkids despite shrinking budgets.

Now an author, consultant, and speaker, Fredhas a strong business background and hasreceived national recognition for his employeerecruitment and retention success. He holds aMaster’s Degree in Health Services and ispassionate about helping people unlock theirpotential. His presentation audiences includebusiness corporations, health organizations, andschool administrator and school boardassociations.




















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tToday’s stress forecast? A torrential downpour of deadlines, demands, and lack of resources.America is the most emotionally overstressedculture in history.Fred Schafer

tWhen you identify the “spirit movers” such astrust, optimism, and courage you will find thekeys to growth and success as a leader.

Cile Chavez and Julie Fairley

The L in RtI: What LeadersNeed to Know about Responseto Instruction and InterventionBob Pasternack

Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) isattracting major interest among educators acrossthe country. An evolution of evidence-basedpractices and curriculum base managementcombined with universal screening and progressmonitoring, RtI2 is something ALL school leadersare learning about.

When successful education reform happens, ithappens at the building level and because of thepresence of a strong instructional leader. In thissession, participants will learn about the context forRtI, how to implement an effective RtI model, andwhy this is a fundamental piece of educationreform. Think you already have a good handle onRtI? Come prepared to gain some new perspectivesand ideas that you can implement right away inyour daily work.


The Honorable Robert H. Pasternack, Ph.D.served as Assistant Secretary for the Office ofSpecial Education and Rehabilitative Services(OSERS) at the U.S. Department of Educationfrom 2001 to 2004. During his tenure, he wasresponsible for the 2004 Reauthorization of theIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)and the implementation of No Child Left Behind(NCLB).

Prior to being appointed by President Bush, Dr. Pasternack was the State Director of SpecialEducation in New Mexico. During his distinguished40 year career in education, Bob has been ateacher, a superintendent, and a schoolpsychologist. He is the Senior VP at CambiumLearning Group, the country’s largest provider ofintervention services for struggling students.

Rachel’s ChallengeDarrell Scott

Rachel Scott was the first person killed atColumbine High School on April 20, 1999, buther legacy of kindness continues to make apositive impact more than ten years later. Herbelief in treating everyone with compassioncoupled with the contents of her six diaries hasbecome the foundation for the powerful programRachel’s Challenge – the largest school assemblyprogram in America.

This program tackles head-on serious schoolissues like bullying and student violence. It’sdesigned to help school administrators, parents,and students create a safer and more productiveplace to learn and achieve. The goal is to equipadministrators and students with the key toolsthey need to help ensure that every member oftheir school community feels safe, valued, andaccepted. You’ll leave this session inspired tomake positive changes in your own school anddistrict culture.


Darrell Scott is Rachel Scott’s uncle and thefounder of the Rachel’s Challenge program.He has spoken to over five million people around the world and appeared on numerous TVprograms such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, LarryKing Live, CNN, and the Today Show. He hasauthored or co-authored five books and meetswith politicians and educators regularlyconcerning issues of school violence.


tWhen successful education reform happens, ithappens at the building level and because of thepresence of a strong instructional leader.

Robert H. Pasternack

tThe goal is to equip administrators and studentswill the key tools they need to help ensure thatevery member of their school community feelssafe, valued, and accepted. Darrell Scott









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Stay in one of our spacious hotel rooms. Choose a studio unit with mini-kitchen and spa bath, ora large suite with up to four bedrooms, a fireplace, balcony, and gourmet kitchen. Premiumsuites also have spa baths. To make your stay even more comfortable, there’s 24-hour phoneservice, front desk, house-keeping and bell service, plus wireless Internet access, indoor parking,grocery/deli, and sports clothing store. Enjoy the fine dining at our award-winning Spencer’sSteak and Spirits. You can also ride our shuttle or take a short walk into town to sample themany restaurants and browse through shops and galleries.

The historic mining and resort town of Breckenridge is located two hours west of DenverInternational Airport via Interstate 70 and Colorado Highway 9 southbound. Arriving from Denver,you’ll drive westbound on I-70 and through the Eisenhower Tunnel as you cross the ContinentalDivide. At Highway 9 you’ll travel south 9 miles to Breckenridge. If you arrive from ColoradoSprings, the drive is approximately two and one-half hours northwest of Colorado Springs Airportvia U.S. 24 and Colorado 9 northbound. This scenic drive crosses the Ute, Wilkerson, and Hoosierpasses, all well maintained year-round.

Beaver Run is located at the base of Peak 9 at 620 Village Roadjust a couple of blocks from downtown Main Street. From I-70 takeColorado Highway 9 southbound through Breckenridge to ParkAvenue. Turn right on Park and veer left at the “Y” onto Village Roadwhere you will drive right to Beaver Run Resort.

For pricing see the facing page. Online reservations areavailable for Beaver Run Resort. Visit the CASE Web site fordetails, www.co-case.org.

For reservations visit www.beaverrun.com or call 1.800.265.3560.


Beaver Run Resort is a platinumsponsor of the 41st Annual CASE Convention!

Valued Sponsor


Beaver Run Resort, 620 Village Road, Breckenridge, CO 80424 FAX 970.453.7234 Phone 800.525.2253 Web site www.beaverrun.com

Same great rates from 2008!

41st Annual CASE Convention – July 26-30, 2010 – Fax or Mail in FormOOnnlliinnee RReeggiissttrraattiioonnGo to the Beaver Run Resort Web site at www.beaverrun.com. Click on Meetings and Retreats, then on Group Reservations (in the middle ofthe left navigation) and enter the password – CASE2010. Detailed information about room layouts and other amenities is also available onthe Web site. Pets can stay for an additional charge; please call to reserve a pet friendly room.

PPhhoonnee-iinn RReeggiissttrraattiioonnCall 1.800.265.3560 and use “CASE” for group discount code.

AAccccoommmmooddaattiioonnssPlease indicate your first (1) and second (2) choices below. Use this form for one room or unit only.

Room Type RateHotel Room $112Deluxe Studio* $136Colorado Suite* $1461 Bedroom Condo $1461 Bedroom Premium* $1852 Bedroom Condo $2242 Bedroom Premium* $265Corporate Suite* $3103 Bedroom Condo $2944 Bedroom Condo $366

* Indicates a spa tub in room.

Note: Except for the basic hotel room, all other accommodations includea sofa bed in the number of beds listed.

Maximum occupancy cannot be exceeded. The above rates do notinclude state/local tax and resort fees (16.21%). The resort fee of 5% isstill applicable if you are tax-exempt. Check-in time is 4:00 pm. Checkouttime is 11:00 am. Pets are welcome for an additional charge;please call to reserve a pet friendly room.

Please Type or Print Your Information Below



City, State, Zip Code

Home Phone (including area code)

Work Phone (including area code)

Name of Contact Person For Group Reservation

E-mail Address or Fax Number for Confirmation

Please list the names and genders of all those sharing therequested unit:Name M/F

The first person listed will be responsible for payment of room,tax, and all incidental charges.

PPaayymmeennttOne night’s deposit is due with this reservation.

One night’s deposit is required within 5 days of booking. Reservations mustbe cancelled at least 72 hours prior to arrival to receive refund less $35processing fee. Cancellations made less than 72 hours from arrival dateare subject to a one night’s cancellation fee. Reduction in length of stay orroom type within the 72-hour penalty period, no shows, late arrivals, andearly departures are considered cancellations, and are therefore non-refundable.

Enclosed is a check for $_________________

I authorize the deposit amount of (one night’s lodging)$_______________to be charged to my credit card.

Please check the appropriate card.Visa MastercardAmerican Express Diners Club

Credit Card Number

Expiration Date

Name As It Appears On Card (Please print)


IMPORTANT!Please submit a copy of district tax-eexempt certificate (p.15) upon check-in. Please assist the hotel by following these state requirements. Thehotel will have to charge state sales tax if you do not furnish thisdocumentation. The 5% resort fee will still apply to the rate, even if youare tax-eexempt.

Beds Max Occ.2 42 42 42 42 44 43 6

3-4 6-85 87 10


















The Great Divide LodgeThe Great Divide Lodge completed a guest room renovationin 2005 and is the only full-service hotel in Breckenridge. Itfeatures 208 beautifully refurbished deluxe hotel roomsaveraging 550 sq. ft. and includes extensive amenities suchas refrigerators, coffee makers, cable TV, in-room movies,

and much more in every room. The elegant atmosphere complements theexceptional staff service provided to our guests.

If you wish to remain on-property, 9600 Grill serves breakfast and dinner daily. On-property heated indoorpools, hot tubs, a fitness center, and heated underground parking serve our guests’ every need. Let ourconcierge service arrange an in-house massage.

____ Classic Hotel Room $105____ Deluxe Hotel Room $125____ Mountain View Hotel Room $132

Hotel room includes two queen-size beds or one king-size bed. The above rate does not include lodging tax(10.68%) and a resort surcharge ($3.82).

For reservations call 1.888.525.1787.

Mountain Thunder LodgeMountain Thunder Lodge, a luxurious and elegant all-condominium-suite retreat, is ideally located in a quietforest in Breckenridge. The lodge and townhomes are ski-in/gondola-out and walking distance to Main Street.Featuring a distinctive stone-and-timber design andsuperb amenities, including state-of-the-art exercise

facilities, outdoor pool and hot tubs, ski lockers, and wireless Internet access. Mountain Thunder Lodgeseamlessly combines seclusion, accessibility, and casual mountain ambiance.

____ Premium One Bedroom (One Bed/One Bath) $159____ Premium Two Bedroom (Two Beds/Two Baths) $185____ Premium Three Bedroom Suite $225

(Three Beds/Two Baths)

Mountain Thunder Lodge, a luxurious and elegant all-condominium-suite retreat. Choose from one, two andthree bedroom suites. Each unit also has a moss rock fireplace, full gourmet kitchen, DVD player, multipletelevisions,high-speed wireless and hard-wired Internet (complimentary first hour), and a private balcony/patio.The above rates do not include lodging tax (10.68%), resort surcharge ($3.82), and a (2%) civic assessment.

For reservations call 1.888.525.1787

Breckenridge Hospitality – Additional Lodging Group Code BC9CCSO – good for lodging on pages 12-13











Crystal Peak LodgeNestled in a mature grove of aspens and pines,Crystal Peak Lodge enjoys Breckenridge’s most

desirable setting. Ranging in size from one to four bedrooms, eachmountain retreat at Crystal Peak Lodge will feature a level of finish thatwill set it apart from the ordinary. Owners of these elegant residenceswill note a heightened level of craftsmanship, as well as appealingarchitecture perfectly suited to the alpine environment. Heavy timbers, moss rock, wrought iron, and agenerous use of glass combined with rich interior appointments to give each residence a rugged, yetrefined personality. Features like a lockable owner’s closet, a five-piece master bathroom suite, a washerand dryer and spacious decks enhance your ownership experience.

____ One Bedroom Condo (One Bed/One Bath) $159____ Two Bedroom Condo (Two Beds/Two Baths) $185

Crystal Peak Lodge occupies a coveted spot at the base of Peak 7. This stunning new property offers one, two,and three bedroom suites. The above rates do not include lodging tax (10.68%), resort surcharge ($3.82), and a (2%) civic assessment.

For reservations call 1.888.525.1787

One Ski Hill PlaceThis elegant lodge features legendary RockResortsservice with a staggering list of amenities. In this

unique mountain community, you will find just the right mix of family fun,year-round activities, and colorful culture to share with friends and family.And to ensure your continued enjoyment of these magnificent RockyMountains, RockResorts is committed to sustaining the environment. Everyresidence will adhere to Green Globes guidelines – a respected basis to measure environment and socialperformance. With its prime location, stunning architecture, spectacular views, and extravagant details, One SkiHill Place is the perfect place to enjoy your stay.

____ Studio $165____ One Bedroom Condo (One Bed/One Bath) $189____ Two Bedroom Condo (Two Beds/Two Baths) $215

One Ski Hill Place, A Rock Resort, features luxury studios to three bedroom condos. You will find full kitchens,private balconies, and high-end finishing. The above rates do not include lodging tax (10.68%), resort surcharge($3.82), and a (2%) civic assessment.

For reservations call 1.888.525.1787

Breckenridge Hospitality (pages 12-13)















BRECKENRIDGE Besides the beautiful scenery, there are activities in all directions.We want to help you take advantage of everything our area has tooffer and make this vacation your best! Beaver Run Resort’sConcierge is an excellent source of information and can arrangeall of your activities at no additional cost. For more detailedinformation and reservations, or if you just have some general questions, we are just a phone call away. Call 800.288.1282 forthe Concierge.

Gold Mine ToursThe Country Boy Mine takes youover 1,000 feet underground tosee how miners made theirmillions. History is all around youin the buildings and many tools of the trade back in the gold rushdays. Try your hand at panning in Eureka Creek and take home some gold! Tours areapproximately 45 minutes long.Drive time is 10 minutes or ourhotel shuttle service can take you.

GolfChoose from four beautiful coursesthat Summit County has to offer.Breckenridge Golf Club is a JackNicklaus-designed course and ispriced at $120 for 18 holesincluding cart. Keystone Ranch GolfCourse is priced at $140 for 18holes including cart. Copper CreekGolf Club is priced at $89 for 18holes. Raven Golf Club is priced at$149 (weekdays) and $119 (Fri.-Sun.) for 18 holes including cart.

HikingFind beautiful hiking trailsthroughout Summit County or take advantage of anexperienced guide leading theway. Guided hikes can rangefrom two hours to a full-day14,000-foot mountain hike.

Horseback RidingWhether you want a gentle walkon the mountainside or a niceride through the plains, Coloradoby horseback cannot be beat.Breck Stables offers rides for 1½hours for $50. Breakfast anddinner rides are also available for $75 and $89.

Hot Air BallooningImagine soaring with the eagleswhile enjoying the breathtakingviews of the Rocky Mountains. A once in a lifetime experience!Priced at $225 per person.

Jeep RentalExplore the majestic Coloradobackcountry and experienceviews of the 14,000-foot peaks,the Continental Divide, the Ten-Mile Range, beautiful wildflowers, and occasional wildlife in the Arapaho National Forest.Jeep rentals are available for$175 per day.

KayakingExperienced kayakers or thosejust beginning enjoy the beautyof paddling on Colorado’sbeautiful mountain lakes andrivers. Lessons are available in a swimming pool or right onthe lake.

Mountain Biking

Try out the Mountain Bike Parkat Breckenridge’s Peak 8 FunPark and bike trails of varyingdifficulty. The bike path is freeand there are several bike rentalshops in Breckenridge. Bikerental is $18 for a half day.

Fun ParkSummer in Breckenridge is notcomplete without the thrills of theFun Park! The Fun Park offersattractions for visitors of all agesand abilities. Enjoy MountainBiking, SuperPutt, Hiking, HumanMaze, Climbing Wall, Quad PowerJump, Alpine BBQ, and theChildren’s Center. Operations areweather dependent and subjectto availability.

Pottery PaintingPaint your own pottery piecesand have them fired. A variety ofpottery pieces are available. Takea great reminder of your vacationhome with you. A nice, relaxingactivity!

White Water RaftingShooting the rapids on theArkansas River or Clear Creek is one experience you won’twant to miss. Choose half- orfull-day trips. Drive time is 1½ to2 hours depending on arearafted. Transportation can alsobe provided. Price range is $51-$84 varying by length of trip andarea rafted.

Breckenridge Chamber of CommerceFor more information about whatto do in Breckenridge contact thelocal Chamber of Commerce athttp://www.gobreck.com/



Name & Address of Organization or School District:

Event/Meeting/Conference Name:

Reservation Name and Number:

Dates of Stay:

Tax Exempt:

State of:Exemption #:


Please circle your answer to the following questions and return affidavit to your hotel.

NOTE: All questions must be answered “YES” for the purchase to qualify as tax-exempt.

YES/ NO Is the organization a governmental entity, a not-for-profit school, a qualified religious organization, or a qualified charitable organization?

YES/ NO Is this purchase billed directly to the organization and paid for directly by the organization from funds of the organization?YES/ NO Is the purchase paid for out of the budget of the organization and not reimbursed back to the organization by any

individuals who attend this meeting or event?YES/ NO Is the purchase being made for use by the organization in its exempt capacity?

The undersigned attests that the answers to the above statements are true and that he/she has the capacity, as a representative of theorganization, to complete this document.

NAME: ________________________________________ TITLE: ________________________

SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: ________________________

Attachments required:-Copy of Exemption Certificate-Group Master List indicating all individuals applying for the exemption as outlined above. This Master List will be provided by a

Conference Services representative during the event and will need to be signed off by a representative of the group at that time.

41st Annual CASE Convention



YES _____ NO _____



GovernmentalNot-for-Profit School

BEAVER RUN RESORT (see Breckenridge Hospitality tax exemption form below)AFFIDAVIT OF EXEMPTION SALES/ACCOMMODATIONS TAXThe State of Colorado and the Town of Breckenridge require that an affidavit must be completed byany organization requesting exemption from Sales and Accommodations Tax at local lodges orhotels. If an organization does not complete this form, exemption will not be granted. Pleasebe aware that a 5% resort fee remains applicable to all reservations.

















ual C









Please read carefully before registering at www.co-case.org

Complete Your Registration Online. It’s Easy!Visit the CASE Web site: www.co-case.org Click the “41st Annual CASE Convention” link to access the registration form.

In the event you do not have Internet access, please contact Leisa Sacry at 303.762.8762, ext. 100, to register.

Register Early and Save!Register by June 1, 2010, to receive an early-bird member rate of $355 (After June 1: $399). Please checkthe CASE Web site for a detailed registration fee chart. You can register for one or a combination of days.

Special Membership Discount (for non-members) If you qualify as a first-time, active CASE member (never having been a CASE member), pay the member ratefor the full Convention plus $225 to include CASE membership for one year.

For previous CASE members whose membership has lapsed, a one year CASE membership is included whenyou register for the full Convention at the non-member rate ($680 through June 1; $725 after June 1).

Registration ConfirmationWhen your online registration is completed, you will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail. Conventionname badge(s) and event tickets will be mailed to the preferred mailing address you provide on the onlineregistration form.

Pre-Convention Registration Pre-Convention sessions have separate registration. Click on the Convention registration link on the homepage for details.

Online registration ends July 23, 2010 at 4:00 pm.You must register by close of business on July 23, 2010. If you are unable to pre-register by the deadline, onsite registration will be available at Beaver Run Resort Conference Center beginning July 27, 2010 from 3:00 until 7:00 pm and each morning of the Convention. Onsite registration will include an additional $50 fee.

Payment InformationPayment MUST be received within two weeks of online registration. Payment options include:

Credit cardCheck (Please make checks payable to The CASE Center. Mail to: The CASE Center, PO Box 1405,Englewood, Colorado 80150-1405)Invoice (for payment with check)

Cancellation PolicyPlease submit your cancellation via e-mail to lsacry@co-case.org. Refunds will be processed after the Convention.If you cancel:

Before July 1: $30 cancellation fee will apply

July 1 – July 16: $60 cancellation fee will apply

After July 16: No refunds. Guarantees are made to the hotel in advance; therefore, no refunds will be made after July 16. In the event of a medical emergency, please contact the CASE office at 303.762.8762.

College Credit or Contact HoursCDE contact hours or college credit (through Adams State College) will be available for attending the CASE Convention. Forms will be available onsite.

Questions? For Convention registration and information, contact Leisa Sacry at 303.762.8762, ext. 100 or lsacry@co-case.org.

PLEASE NOTE: Consent to Use Image or Voice: Registration and attendance at a CASE events and activities constitutes an agreementby the registrant to CASE’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendees’ image or voice inphotographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audio tapes of such events and activities.

Aramark Education/ING Foundation/AASA 2010 Superintendent of the Year

Cindy Stevenson

MetLife/NASSP 2010 Colorado HighSchool Principal of the Year

Mark Strakbein

MetLife/NASSP 2010 Colorado Middle Level

Principal of the Year Lori Smith

VALIC/NAESP 2010 Colorado National Distinguished

Principal (Elementary) of the Year Mary Kay Sommers

NASSP/Virco 2010 Colorado Assistant

Principal of the Year Lori Wagner

Consortium for School NetworkingVolunteer of the Year

Neil Schaal

2010 CASE Pre-Convention and Convention Agenda((PPlleeaassee cchheecckk tthhee ffiinnaall SScchheedduullee-aatt-aa-GGllaannccee ttoo ccoonnffiirrmm ddaatteess aanndd ttiimmeess..))

Monday, July 26, 20107:30 am - 9:30 am Pre-Convention Registration and Materials Pick Up7:30 am - 8:30 am Pre-Convention Continental Breakfast8:30 am - 4:30 pm Supervision and Evaluation Series (Part 1)

Tuesday, July 27, 20107:30 am - 9:30 am Pre-Convention Registration and Materials Pick Up7:30 am - 8:30 am Pre-Convention Continental Breakfast8:30 am - 4:00 pm New Superintendents Orientation8:30 am - 4:30 pm Supervision and Evaluation Series (Part 2)8:30 am - 12:30 pm New Model Content Standards Implementation8:00 am - 12:30 pm P20 Conference AM Session: HEAR Conference

12:45 pm - 2:15 pm P20 Conference PM Session: P20 Alignment Conversation2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Rural Educators Conversation4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Pre-Convention Attendees Networking Reception

Wednesday, July 28, 20106:00 am - 6:45 am Sunrise Exercise Class7:00 am - 4:30 pm Registration and Materials Pick Up7:00 am - 4:30 pm Visit Exhibit Halls and CASE Bookstore6:45 am - 7:45 am First-Time Attendees Breakfast 7:00 am - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast8:00 am - 10:00 am Opening General Session

10:30 am - 11:45 am Breakout Session I12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Lunch for All Attendees12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Ticketed Luncheon: Commissioner Dwight Jones

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Concurrent Distinguished Speaker Session3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Breakout Session II4:45 pm - 6:00 pm Networking Reception6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Dinner Groups7:30 pm - 10:00 pm CASEino Night

Thursday, July 29, 20106:00 am - 6:45 am Sunrise Exercise Class7:00 am - 3:00 pm Registration and Materials Pick Up7:00 am - 1:00 pm Visit Exhibit Halls and CASE Bookstore7:00 am - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast8:00 am - 10:00 am Thursday General Session

10:30 am - 11:45 am Breakout Session III12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Lunch for All Attendees12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Ticketed Luncheon: Jana Frieler, NASSP President

1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Breakout Session IV3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Department Meetings4:45 pm - 6:00 pm Networking Reception6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Dinner Groups8:30 pm - 11:00 pm Dakota Blonde Concert

Friday, July 30, 20106:00 am - 6:45 am Sunrise Exercise Class 7:00 am - 10:00 am Registration and Materials Pick Up7:30 am - 9:30 am Legislative and Policy Issues Breakfast

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Closing General Session

See you in July!


2010 CASE awardwinners!





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Upcoming CASE EventsSupervision and Evaluation

Series (4-day seminar)July 26-27, 2010


October 22-23, 2010Englewood

Superintendents RetreatSeptember 23-24, 2010

Colorado Springs Marriott

Leadership DevelopmentDiversity Program

(Starting fall 2010)

11th Annual CASE WinterLeadership Conference

February 2-4, 2011 The Westin Westminster

eLearning Program On-demand Webinars




Phone 303.762.8762 s Fax 303.762.8697 s Web site www.co-case.org s E-mail case@co-case.org

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