4 27 potted plant care

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Plant: Croton

Term: Topiary


Genus: Codieaum Requires Bright Light Water: Keep soil moist at all times Humidity: High Temperature: 70-80 Problems/Pests: Over all a fussy plant Propagate by cuttings


A plant that has been shaped into an artificial form

Caring for houseplants

Water• Most plants are killed by over-

watering• Scratch the surface of the pot, the

soil should be moist ½” down• Yellow leaves - too much water

Methods of Watering

drench and let dry completely

drench and let dry slightly keep media constantly



recommended temperature 50-85 F daytime night - drop 10-15 below

daytime temp locate plants away from air-

conditioners and drafts

Lighting: natural or artificial

measured in foot candles or klux Bright or direct sun – South facing

window Filtered light or partial shade –

North facing window Low light – away from windows

The Light Spectrum

Plants only use radiation energy in the visible spectrum.

Chlorophyll does not absorb in the green spectrum


Artificial Lighting

Incandescent bulbs don’t provide usable light to plants

Florescent bulbs provide light about 2’ from bulb

Grow lights provide more light in the correct wavelengths


% of moisture in the air varies with seasons low in the winter

Increase humidity by:

spraying with fine mist fill water tight tray with water

and pea gravel, set plants in it use a humidifier place plants in the part of the

house with the highest humidity


slow release small beads applied to the soil nutrients are steadily released plant absorbs nutrients as

needed avoids over feeding

Soluble fertilizer

liquid or solid dissolved in water before

applying Compost tea Fish emulsions Miracle Gro

Soil Mixture

varies with each plant African Violet Mix - sandy Orchid Mix – chunky: lots of bark Cactus mixes have sand

organic matter helps to improve water holding capacity

perlite helps to keep the mix loose and easily drained


drainage should be available – hole in the bottom

use well drained soil mix put saucer under pot to protect

furniture from water

Potting plants

1. select appropriate container and soil mix

2. provide drainage - put rocks or put shards in the bottom of container

3. add potting mix to cover rocks4. place plant in to check soil level 5. should be 1/2 inch below top of pot6. fill remainder of container with media


repot plants when they become root bound If roots are growing around the

root ball Roots appear at the top of soil Roots push the plant out of the



Separate roots to allow re-growth If plant is blooming, wait until after

flowering is completed Select pot or container of the next

larger size than the originalor

Trim roots to make plant fit in old container

General Care: Leaves

Clean occasionally with a fine spray of water Wipe top and underside of leaves Helps to remove dust and insects

do not use leaf shine products clogs the stomata makes it hard for plants to breathe

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