360identity™ - innovation design

Post on 01-Jun-2015






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360iD™ – Activating Visions through 360iDentity™


brands without a transformational vision lose valuable equity through the lack of focus

[ transformational vision is key ]

identifying a brands focus helps to design it’s vision. a transformational vision thatkeeps it ahead of its competitive landscape

[ to have vision you need focus ]

360iDentity™ is powered by 360iSight™, a proprietary visioning model that unlocks 360º of perspective

[ visioning is a process ]

so what is the benefit? 360iSight™ produces a key SHIFT™ in thinking by opening up new perspectives and transforming initial thoughts into breakthrough ideas

[ new perspectives create breakthrough ]

which is why the 360iSight™ visioning model was designed to deliver a transformational vision for brands by aligning it’s focus to commercial realities

[ ideas need commercial direction ]

how does 360iSight™ make a difference?it ensures a core focus is at the centreof the thinking to deliver a structured design approach with full perspective

[ full perspective delivers real focus ]

a transformational vision keeps a brand true to it’s purpose. it’s the missing link that has kept brands suffering from stagnant propositions from achieving exponential growth

[ transformational trumps stagnant ]

activating a transformational vision aligns stakeholders. invigorates the brand identity. drives innovation. challenges category conventions and delivers commercial alignment

[ activation drives traction & momentum ]

in summary, 360iDentity™ activates visions through the 360iSight™ visioning model, by designing and bringing to life transformational brand visions

to find out how 360iDentity™ can deliver a transformational vision for your brand, start a conversation with 360i today

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