26401 st. josaphat drive warren, mi 48091 rectory & …sept. 10th, 17th, 24th oct. 1st, 8th,...

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September 06, 2015 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1

Nativity of the Mother of God

"The day of the Nativity of the

Mother of God is a day of universal

joy, for, through the Mother of God

the entire human race was renewed

and the sorrow of the first Eve, the

first mother was transformed into

joy. What was the sorrow of Eve?

It was the result of the great tragedy

that befell the human family, of

which Eve was the first mother. That

tragedy was the fall-the loss of the

original state of grace due to the

disobedience of Adam and Eve…

However, God did not abandon his children. He

prepared the way for a new relationship with them that

could not be broken. The Theotokos-the Birth-Giver-whose

birth we celebrate was the instrument by which that new

reunion was created. She became the new mother of the

new race, the new Eve. Through her, God the Son became

a human-the Godman, forever uniting in Himself divinity

and humanity. In him, and through Him, the separation is

brought to an end-shame, fear and death have come to an

end, and love, trust and life have won. What joy, for this

mother, this new Eve, to find that she and her children are

once more and forever safe and at home with the Father!

Truly sorrow has been transformed to joy." (St. John


"In and through this newborn girl, Christ-our gift from

God, our meeting and encounter with Him-

VOL. 51 / NO. 50 • SUNDAY OF FORE-FATHERS • TONE 2 • DEC. 14, 2014



26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399 www.stjoschurchosbm.com • Email: stjucch@aol.com

Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: stjosaphathall@aol.com

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: madario88@gmail.com

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM • Email: FrWalterR@yahoo.com

Office Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

SUMMER SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: (Ukrainian) 9:00 a.m.; (English) 11:00 a.m.

Saturday: (Ukrainian) 8:15 a.m.; (English) 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: (Ukrainian) 8:15 a.m.

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: (Ukr.) 9:00 and (Eng.) 7:00 p.m. Confessions - During Liturgies

Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion and Funerals - call the Office first.

For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

Різдво Пресвятої Богородиці

Церква не має звичаю

святкувати день народження

святих на землі, але їхній день

народження для неба — день

смерти. Виняток становлять двоє

найбільших святих у Церкві:

Пречиста Діва Марія і святий Йоан

Хреститель. Ми святкуємо не

тільки їхнє небесне, але й земне


Один з великих празників, що

стоїть на початку нашого

церковного року це празник Різдва Пресвятої

Богородиці. Як видно зі слів тропаря празника, то це

свято особливо радісне і важливе. Радісне, бо це день

народження Божої Матері і Владичиці неба й землі.

Важливе, бо доводить велику правду святої віри у

богоматеринство Пречистої Діви Марії, з якої "засіяло

Сонце Правди, Хритос Бог наш." Вже зійшла рання

зірка, тож і схід сонця недалекий. На велике значення

цього празника вказує і його велична назва в наших

богослужбових книгах: "Різдво Пресвятої Владичиці

нашої Богородиці і Приснодіви Марії."

Празник Різдва Божої Матері у Східній Церкві

належить до дуже давніх Богородичних празників, хоча

не можна точно визначити часу, коли він з'явився.

Празник належить до 12 великих свят нашого

церковного року. Він має один

день передпразденства і тільки (CONT. ON PAGE 3) (prodovwenn] na stor. 3)

September 06, 2015 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2


Sunday, September 06, 2015 (Archangel Michael) (Prayer Book pg. 224, 399) 2 Cor. 4: 6-15; Mt. 22: 35-46 (Molytovnyk. st. 218, 387)

9:00 For The Parish

11:00 #4328 + Gentile D'Andrea — M. Olesnavich

Monday, September 07, 2015 (St. Sozon)

Gal. 4:28 - 5:10; Mk. 6:54 - 7:8

8:15 #102 + Iwan Saladiak — T. Dulka

#444 + Oleksander Florchuk — L. Florchuk Prayer Families: B. Karpinsky / B. Morozovskyy

Tuesday, September 08, 2015 Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Phil. 2: 5-11; Lk. 10:38-42, 11:27-28

9:00 #422 Happy & Blessed 2nd Birthday Charlotte Perring

— Grandparents Maciborski 7:00pm #133 God's Blessings for Goshko Children &

Grandchildren — M. Goshko Prayer Families: J. Karpinsky / G. Mordowanec

Wednesday, September 09, 2015 (Sts. Joachim & Anna)

Gal. 4: 22-31; Lk. 8:16-21

8:15 #446 + Michael A. Kostiuk - D. & O. Halushka & Family

#440 + Luba Petriw — Murskyj Family Prayer Families: J. Katsaros / B. Mordowanec

Thursday, September 10, 2015 (St. Menodora)

Eph. 1: 1-9; Mk. 7: 24-30

8:15 #425 + Michael Yurkanin — H. Yurkanin

Ukrainian Village 11:00 #4126 + Anna Danyluk — Family

Prayer Families: B. Kazewych / D. Moore

Friday, September 11, 2015 (St. Theodora)

Eph. 1: 7-17; Mk. 8: 1-10

9:00 Victims of Terrorist Attack

#4538 + Peter Krasicky — I. Krasicky Prayer Families: I. Kinal / E. Milowski

Saturday, September 12, 2015 (St. Autonomus)

1 Cor. 2: 6-9; Mt. 10:37 - 11:1

8:15 #209 + Luka Chovich — G. & M. Jacks & Family

4:00 #4510 ++ Walter & Eleanor Warshawsky

— Schaller Family Prayer Families: E. Kinnie / B. Melnyk

Sunday, September 13, 2015 (St. Cornelius) (Prayer Book pg. 225, 432) Gal. 6: 11-18; Jn. 3: 13-17 (Molytovnyk. st. 219, 419)

9:00 For The Parish

11:00 #4318 + John Binkowski — B. Kolton

Altar Cleaning

Olga Seniw and Mary Olesnavich

Terry Babenko, Steven Batkoski, Thomas Binkley, Sviatoslav Cherniawskyy, Amanda Cliffton,

Kataryna Czemerys, Kathy Dorosz, Christine

Lash-Farion, Mychajlo Fedorenko, Thomas Gula, Vasyl Halayda, Alfred Hetkowski,

Paul Hryshko, Dorothy Kail, George Kazaniwsky, Suzanne Kotas, Jaroslawa Kovch, Rolf Lorenz, Virginia Michaluk,

Brian Miller, Sophia Nigrans, Joseph Notarfrancesco,

Jesse Obriecht, Tamara Olszewski, John Paluch, Marty Peters, Douglas Podgorski, Walter Roback, Stephanie

Salata, Pearl Sawchuk, Quinn Shalay, Joshua Sherman, Nicole Sherman, Angela Shrubowich, Peggy Slowinski,

Rosemary Smith, Walter Stasyk, Michael Tereck Jr.,

Phyllis Tresh, Irene Tryciecky, Teri Turak, David Tyro, Dolores Tyro, Laura Wojcik, Anna Zajac. **Also, please pray for all our elderly that are ill, in nursing homes and home bound.**

Pray For All The Men & Women in the Military Service - In Active Duty - From our parish & families -

Vlady Calice, Michael Crill, John Darga, Michael Poff, Eugene Poterfield, Christopher V.., Jordan Wenson, Nicholas

Zablonski, Stanislav Zibrivskyy (Please inform the office of any updates

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church

cordially invites you to attend the:

Immaculate Conception Church

Choir 100-Year Celebration

Saturday, September 12, 2015

at the Ukrainian Cultural Center at 6:00p.m.

Tickets available at both parish offices - $50 per person.

Deadline — Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ukra\ns/ka Katolyc/ka Parafi]

Neporo;noho Za;att]

zapro'u[t/ Vas na

100-litt] Cerkovnoho Xoru Benket

v subotu, 12-ho veresn], 2015 6:00 ve;.

v ukra\ns/komu kul/turnomu centri

Kvytky ($50 vid osoby) mowna prydbaty

v parafi]l/nyx kancel]ri]x do nedili, 6-ho veresn].

September 06, 2015 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

чотири дні попразденства з огляду на празник

Воздвиження Чесного Хреста.

Прихід на світ тієї, що мала бути Божою Матір'ю, є

особливим джерелом радости для її батьків, Йоакима й

Анни, для неба, для землі і всього створіння. А святий

Йоан Дамаскин у проповіді цього дня каже: "День

Різдва Богородиці є днем всесвітньої радости, бо через

Богородицю увесь людський рід обновився і смуток

праматері Єви перемінився у радість."

З Різдва Пречистої Діви Марії найперше радіють

її батьки. На стихирах Стиховні малої вечірні Церква

закликає їх: "Радійте, Йоакиме й Анно, радійте, бо

від неплідної родиться Причина нашої радости і


St. Josaphat Church Donation

+ In Memory of Mychajlo Onyszczak

$ 1,000.00 — Myroslawa Meredith

Immaculate Conception School

Child Sponsorship Donation Fund

$ 1,000.00 — Bohdan Melnyk

comes to embrace the world. Thus, in celebrating Mary's

birth we find ourselves already on the road to Bethlehem,

moving toward the joyful mystery of Mary as the Mother of

God…The Virgin Mary, the all-Pure Mother demands

nothing and receives everything. She pursues nothing, and

possesses all. In the image of the Virgin Mary we find what

has almost completely been lost, in our proud aggressive

male world; compassion, tender heartedness, care, trust,


We call her Our Lady and Queen of heaven and earth,

and yet she calls herself "the handmaid of the Lord." She is

not out to prove anything, yet her presence alone, in its

light and joy, takes away all the anxiety of our imagined

problems. It is as if we have been out on a long, weary

unsuccessful day of work and have finally come home, and

once again all becomes clear and filled with happiness

beyond words which is the only true happiness. Christ said,

"Do not be anxious…Seek first the Kingdom of God." (Mt

6; 33) Behold this woman, Virgin, Mother, Intercessor-we

begin to sense, to know not with our mind, but with our

heart, what it means to seek the Kingdom, to find it, and to

live by it."

'The spiritual beams of the whole world's rejoicing have

shone upon the lands at your birth, pure Lady, foretelling to

all, the Sun of glory, Christ our God. For you have shown

yourself the mediator of true rejoicing and grace.'

'This is the day of the Lord: Rejoice, therefore, O

nations! Behold the chamber of Light and the scroll of the

living Word has come forth from the womb. The gate that

opens to the rising Sun and is ready for the entrance of the

High Priest, is here today. She is the only one who

introduced Christ, and Christ alone, into the world for the

salvation of our souls.'

Today is the beginning of our salvation, O people; for

behold, the Mother and Virgin who was chosen from all

generations to be the habitation of God is born and comes

forth from the barren one. She is the flower from Jesse

and possesses the rod from his root. May our forefather

Adam rejoice and be full of joy; for behold, she who was

created from the rib of Adam declares that her daughter

and descendant is blessed. She says: My deliverance has

been born to me. Through her, I will be freed from the

bonds of Hades. May David rejoice, play on his harp, and

bless God; for behold, the Virgin comes forth from the

womb of the barren woman for the salvation of our souls.

It’s almost fall and our Rummage Sale is just around

the corner. The Sale will be held on Friday, October

23rd and Saturday, October 24th.

We are in dire need of young strong men for set-up

and moving furniture. We also need patient people

for sorting, sales, food servers and clean-up. If you

would like to help, please contact Karen Holowchak at

248-960-9612 or email at kayholow2755@gmail.com.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. All pro-

ceeds will go for church renovations.

We will start to collect donations for our rummage sale


Tuesday, September 8th, 2015.

Collection dates and times are as follows:

(Please try to bring donations at these times)

Tuesdays: 10am — 3pm:

Sept. 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Oct. 6th, 13th

Thursdays: 3pm — 8pm:

Sept. 10th, 17th, 24th Oct. 1st, 8th, 15th

Saturdays: 10am — 3pm

Sept. 12th, 19th, 26th Oct. 3rd, 10th, 17th

Please do not leave items outside the garage since

there will be no one to attend to them. Last year, it

rained a couple of times and items got wet and were


September 06, 2015 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4

+ In Memory of Ewhenia Babij +

Liturgies at St. Josaphat

Dave & Linda Schulte Anna Kowal John & Helen Hryshko Peter Bilyk Myroslaw & Irene Pryjma Basil Sopczuk Lydia & Len Wroblewski

Liturgies at Immaculate Conception

Robert & Stephanie Bologna Lydia & Len Wroblewski Peter Bilyk Basil Sopczuk

St. Josaphat Church Donation - $50

Maria Finlay

Immaculate Conception Schools - $20

Bohdan Melnyk

Wishes of the Family

John & Teri Turak George & Joyce Szykula

Paraska Szykula Bohdan Korbiak

Roma Remeniuk Maria Goran & Family

Rosemary Dyell Ihor & Linda Zajac

Jerry & Stefania Szawronskyj Nick Prychitko

Sofia Stasyk Marta Batchynsky

Paul & Anna Bytz Bohdan & Lesia Florchuk

Michael & Rebecca Holowaty Lesia Liss

+ In Memory of Paraska Klochko +

Liturgies at St. Josaphat

Maria Blonsky Bohdan Cap Pauline Futiak Katherine Krawetz

Wolodymyr & Maria Kusznir Anastasia Rychtyk Taras & Irene Skorupa Len & Lydia Wroblewski

St. Josaphat Church Donation - $25

Bohdan & Sophie Koshiw

Immaculate Conception Church Restoration - $50

Michael & Anna Lukasik

Immaculate Conception Schools - $20

Eustace & Pat Hawrylko

Please Remember Them In Your Prayers.

+ In Memory of Andrea Haliw +

Liturgies at St. Josaphat

Orysia Lonchyna Leonard & Irene Maciborski Bohdan Haliw Alexandria Duggan

Olga Denysenko Lubomyr & Lydia Jachnycky

Education Fund for Aryanna Haliw - $3590

Michael & Natalie Rudnycky Carl Olszewski

Natalia (Kot) & Bob Cash Lesia (Kot) Samp

Victor & Sandra Wowk Connie Caster

Dr. & Mrs. Buhay & Family Olha & Anna Bohm

Robert & Barbara Dundon Yura & Lana Wonsul

Len & Lydia Wroblewski Peter & Lydia Woryk

Martha Jovanovic Jaroslava Skypakewych

Bohdan & Maria Lisowski Rob & Liz Joslin

Katerine Kizyma Roy & Patricia Joslin

Jerry & Anna Czykalowskyj Chrystyna Nykoriak

Ksenia Fedak Bohdan & Donna Fedorak

Andrew & Anna Jakymowych Raymond & Mary Stecko

Roman & Julianna Maziak Roman & Zirka Zubar

Greg & Debbie Paliczuk Walter Kozar

Alex & Irene Maritczak Walter & Mary Pytiak

Irene & Daria Nestorowicz Jim & Nora Smith

Marion & Oksana Zarewych Luba Szajenko

Wolodymyr & Anna Czubatyj Jerry & Motria Fedirko

Mykola & Lydia Hryhorczuk

Robert & Stephanie Bologna

Dr. Jaroslaw & Nadia Sawka

Jerry & Stefania Szawronskyj

+ In Memory of Irene Petraszko +

Liturgies at St. Josaphat

Mary & Angela Goshko Maria Brunec Erika Pawlyk Members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

+ In Memory of Michael A. Kostiuk +

Liturgies at St. Josaphat

Robert & Stephanie Bologna John & Helen Hryshko Gloria Duzey John & Teri Turak

St. Josaphat Church Donation - $100

Vera & Yara Zubalskyj

September 06, 2015 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5

Calender of Events

Sept. 7th…………...Labor Day Sept. 12th………….IC Church Choir 100-Year Celebration at 6:00pm at Ukr. Cultural Ctr Oct. 4th…………...First Day of Fall Liturgy Schedule 8:30am, 10:00am & 12:00noon

Oct. 18th…………. IC Schools Benefit Banquet at 4:00pm at St. Josaphat Banquet Ctr

Oct. 19-31st………Trip to Brazil & Argentina Oct. 23-24………...Rummage Sale Oct. 30th………….Steak Out at St. Josaphat

Solemn Holy Communion Class

Please register now for children that are making their Solemn Holy Communion

in May of 2016.

Classes will begin: Sunday, September 13, 2014 - 10:30a.m.

Please note: A meeting for the parents will be held on Sunday, September 13th at 10:30a.m.

Cathecism & Religion Class for Children

Please register now for children (ages 8 to 14) who would like to attend the Cathecism

and Religion class (in English).

Classes will begin: Sunday, October 04, 2014 - 10:30a.m.

Please call the call the office at 586-755-1740

for more information about the classes.

Meetings / Sxodyny

O.L.P.H. Sodality and Holy Name Society – Tuesday, September 8th – Rosary at 1:00pm followed by a meeting. Hostesses: Luba Nestorowich & Helen Hryshko

St. Josaphat Knights of Columbus #8441 will hold their meeting on Monday, September 21st - 7:30pm.

House For Rent

House (1300 sq. ft.) for rent near the area of St. Josaphat

Church. It has a kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms,

2 1/2 baths, finished basement and 2 car attached garage.

For more information, please call Andrij at 248-941-4153

or email avygnanski@gmail.com.

Upper Flat For Rent

A partially furnished upper flat for rent — student or

single person preferred. For more information, please call


Right to Life Natural Life Chain

Sunday, October 4, 2015 2:00pm -3:30pm

Location will be on Gratiot Ave. between 15 & 16 Mile

Roads. For more information, please call Right to Life


Steak Out!!

Steak Dinner Event

Friday, October 30, 2015 5:00 to 8:00p.m.

more information in upcoming bulletins.

Parish of St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

cordially invites you to celebrate:

25th Anniversary of Priesthood — Fr. Valeriy Kandyuk

Sunday, September 27, 2015 Solemn Divine Liturgy at 11:00am Banquet at 1:00pm

Tickets available at St. Josaphat Church office - $25 per person.

Deadline — Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ukra\ns/ka Katolyc/ka Parafi] sv. Ivana Xrystytel]

zapro'u= Vas na sv]tkuvann]

25-litt] sv]qenstva paroxa o. Valeri] Kand[ka

v nedil[, 27-ho veresn], 2015

Arxy=rejs/ka sv. Liturhi] - 11:00rano Benket - 1:00p.p.

Kvytky ($25 vid osoby) mowna prydbaty

v kancel]ri\ sv. Josafata do nedili, 20-ho veresn].

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

Mnoha] Lita!

Ksenia Kuczer, Michalina Maslowsky, Stefanija Iwasyszyn, Helen Hryshko,

Lubomyr Lypeckyj, Bernard Gucwa, Marie Petrovitch, Anne Karpinski, George Woronowycz, Natalia Jabra,

Kristen Kulak, Helene Zarewych, Lyubov Lazurko,

Katherina Sawka, Ruslan Hnatievych, Eduard Castellano, Charlotte Perring,

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