2019 bindoon show sponsors · sponsors the bindoon show & rodeo could not stage this annual...

Post on 24-Sep-2020






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2019 BINDOON SHOW Sponsors

The Bindoon Show & Rodeo could not stage this annual Community event without the generosi-

ty of our sponsors and supporters. Now we ask the community to support them wherever possi-


If you would like to become a sponsor of the 2020 Show, Rodeo and Band please email your

interest to enquiry@bindoonshow.com

Major Sponsors



Koorunga Branch



Index Index Index Index SCHEDULESCHEDULESCHEDULESCHEDULE PAGEPAGEPAGEPAGE Welcome 2 Officials, Life Members, Stewards 3 2018 Prize Winners 4 General Information 6 Schedule of fees and prizes 7 Special Prizes 8 Rules and Regulations 9 SECTIONSSECTIONSSECTIONSSECTIONS Art 13 Brewing and Wine Making 14 Cattle 15 Cookery 16 Craft 19 Fleeces 22 Floriculture 26 Fruit and Nuts 30 Home Produce and Confectionary 32

Junior Section 35 Knitting - Hand and Crochet 40 Needlework, Patchwork and Quilting 47 Photography 51 Poultry 54 Spinning 60 Vegetables 61 HORSE AND PONY EVENTSHORSE AND PONY EVENTSHORSE AND PONY EVENTSHORSE AND PONY EVENTS Miniature Horse/Pony Events 41 Working Horse 62 COMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONS Koorunga CWA Lucky Draw 23 Bindoon Bakehaus Cake Baking 24 Tug of War 33 Edmond Rice College Bindoon Principal’s Prize 34 Talent Show Inside back cover COVERCOVERCOVERCOVER Congratulations Breanna Fox-Gray, aged 8 on winning the Bindoon Show Young Artists competition. Breanna’s prize is to have her art work appearing on the front cover of the Show Schedule, a free family pass to the Show and $10 spending money. Thank you to all the children for their fantastic entries.


Welcome from the President and Committee of theWelcome from the President and Committee of theWelcome from the President and Committee of theWelcome from the President and Committee of the

Bindoon & Districts Agricultural SocietyBindoon & Districts Agricultural SocietyBindoon & Districts Agricultural SocietyBindoon & Districts Agricultural Society

Welcome everyone to our 2019 Bindoon Show & Rodeo. Agricultural shows have remained an important event in hundreds of communities across Australia. Each year, people across the nation look forward to their local show with great anticipation and while each show might be only one weekend of the year, many spend a great deal of time preparing for the spectacle. With a mix of exhibitions, competitions, education and information the Bindoon Show and now the Rodeo has been many families’ annual traditional outing for generations. This is an opportunity to have a great day out, renew acquaintances, meet new people and exchange a few yarns. This year as we connect with our community this is your chance to take part in our show. We invite you to enter one of the many categories in this schedule. We once again offer art, cattle, cookery, craft, fleeces, floriculture, fruit & nuts, vegetables, home produce, junior section, knitting & crochet, needlework, patchwork & quilting, poultry and spinning. The Bindoon & Districts Agricultural Society could not stage the Show & Rodeo without the support of our sponsors, award donors, volunteers, schools and community groups. If you would like to join in and support this community event please contact the Secretary. We would love you to join us to enjoy the team spirit that brings our Show together. The Shire of Chittering has been a strong advocate and supporter of the show over many years. Putting on this Community Event is a year round activity for our volunteer committee and the requirements and funds required are ever increasing. We look forward to working with the Shire of Chittering in the future to ensure that the Bindoon Show & Rodeo continues. To one and all, have a wonderful day and we hope you will enjoy the experience of the Bindoon Show, Rodeo and Band.


SOCIETY OFFICE BEARERSSOCIETY OFFICE BEARERSSOCIETY OFFICE BEARERSSOCIETY OFFICE BEARERS Patron: Mr Shane Love MLA, B.Com Vice Patron: Mr Matthew Gilfellon CEO, Shire of Chittering President: Mr Mark Kay Vice President: Mr Robert Hawes Secretary: Mrs Annie Hudson Treasurer: Ms Sam Young Schedule Secretary: Mrs Shirley Kemp Committee: Joan Bathgate, Neva Harris, Jenny Johnson, Blake Howard, Lisa Kay, Sophie Lee, Amanda Oversby, Alister Oversby, Ali Reliti, Kat Scofield, Skye Smith, Wilko Wilkinson, Matthew Watterston LIFE MEMBERS PAST & PRESENTLIFE MEMBERS PAST & PRESENTLIFE MEMBERS PAST & PRESENTLIFE MEMBERS PAST & PRESENT Mr A Cooper Mr E Parkinson Mrs J Cooper Mrs P Parkinson Mr G Rickson Mrs B Stonehouse J Ferguson B Brisbane B Blizard STEWARDSSTEWARDSSTEWARDSSTEWARDS Chief Steward Sue Sim Chief Steward Assistant Angela Anspach Art Wendy Fox, Lyn Lyon, Polla Posavec Brewing & Amateur Wine Making Sue Carter Cattle Ros Maindock Cookery Joan Bathgate, Alison Adams, Joy Antunovich Craft Leanne Green Fleeces John Williams Floriculture A, B, C Margaret Oversby, Winsome Kelly Skye Smith Floriculture D Ruth Louden, Rhonda Fletcher Fruit & Nuts Ernie Parkinson, Shane Kay Home Produce & Confectionary Jan Peterson, Pat Parkinson, Janet Myers

Junior Section Helen Millsteed, Lucy Brownlie, Kerry Grant Knitting & Crochet Sue Carter Needlework, Patchwork & Quilting Helen Taylor, Gwyneth Jones, Polla Posavec Photography John Agnew, Lynda Arnold Poultry Kyle Crane Spinning Meg Bradford-Seeley Vegetables Ernie Parkinson


Congratulations to all

2018 Prize Winners

Art P Myers

Cattle—Grand Champion Female Edmund Rice College

Cattle-Senior Champion Female D Warner

Cattle—Junior Champion Female Edmund Rice College

Craft—Beading, Jewellery Making J Brown

Craft—Handcrafts S Sim

Craft—Stamping & Papercraft A Hudson

Craft—Woodwork R Ellis

Cookery A Anspach

Fleece—Sheep G Glover

Floriculture A J Healy

Floriculture B W Kelly

Floriculture C V de Plessis

Floriculture D D Mackey

Fruit & Nuts H Healy

Home Produce L Harper

Junior—Arts & Crafts B Gomersall

Junior—Cookery B Gomersall

Junior—Drawing, Printing, Handwriting B Fox-Gray

Junior—Handwork B Gomersall

Junior—Machined Work K DeVilliers

Junior—Photography M Dickerson

Knitting & Crochet—Crochet K Collins

Knitting & Crochet—Knitting L Green

Needlework—Handwork L Green

Needlework—Machined M Thomas

Needlework – Patchwork & Quilting B Hawker

Photography—Colour Enlargements B Foulkes-Taylor

Photography – Monochrome Enlargements B Foulkes-Taylor

Photography– Standard Colour Prints B Foulkes-Taylor

Standard Colour Prints B Foulkes-Taylor



Poultry—Barnyard Rooster J Johnson Poultry—Champion Game Bantams GR Ireland Poultry—Champion Heavy Breeds F & J Armstrong Poultry Champion Junior Classes T Coombs Poultry—Champion Large Game Birds GR Ireland Poultry—Champion Pairs T Spencer Poultry—Champion Soft Feathered Bantams GR Ireland Poultry—champion Standard Light Breeds P Coombs & N Flannigan Poultry—Champion Turkeys J Nivan Poultry—Champion Waterfowl T Spencer Poultry—Overall Champion Bird GR Ireland Poultry—Overall Reserve Champion Bird P Coombs & N Flannigan Poultry—Best in Section—First GR Ireland Poultry—Best in Section—Second G & J Armstrong Poultry—Best in Section—Third T Spencer Spinning I Seskas Vegetables R Schneider President’s Prize D Mackey Edmund Rice College Principals Prize B Gomersall Best Family Business-Outdoor Display Wootra Farm Best Community Outdoor Display Chittering Wildlfe Carers Koorunga CWA Junior Prize (2) Raspa Family Deviliers Family Bindoon Bakhaus—First S Kelly Bindoon Bakhaus—Second J Bathgate Bindoon Bakehaus—Third A Anspach Poultry—Best Bird on Day GR Ireland Cattle—Best Animal on Day Edmund Rice College Cattle—Most Points Edmund Rice College Sheep—Best Stock Exhibit on the day J Bennier—Alfrino Sheep Tug of War Edmund Rice College Junior Passport Competition L Udy




Exhibit Entry Details (Also listed at the beginning of each Section) Hall entriesHall entriesHall entriesHall entries to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm – 7.30pm Hall entry judging will be on Friday 18 Octoberr 2019 between 8.30am – 2.00pm Floriculture DFloriculture DFloriculture DFloriculture D to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm – 7.30pm Floriculture A, B & CFloriculture A, B & CFloriculture A, B & CFloriculture A, B & C to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm Friday OROROROR 18 October 2019 between 5.00pm— 7.30pm Fleeces; Fruit & Nuts; VegetablesFleeces; Fruit & Nuts; VegetablesFleeces; Fruit & Nuts; VegetablesFleeces; Fruit & Nuts; Vegetables to be delivered on Show Day before 8.45am Poultry and CattlePoultry and CattlePoultry and CattlePoultry and Cattle delivery details listed at beginning of each section PLEASE NOTE PLEASE NOTE PLEASE NOTE PLEASE NOTE Working Horse and Miniature PoniesWorking Horse and Miniature PoniesWorking Horse and Miniature PoniesWorking Horse and Miniature Ponies are run by associated Clubs. are run by associated Clubs. are run by associated Clubs. are run by associated Clubs. For entry details please see those section pages For entry details please see those section pages For entry details please see those section pages For entry details please see those section pages Miniature Pony/Horse Events page 41 Working Horse Events page 62 Entry FormsEntry FormsEntry FormsEntry Forms may be sent to the Secretary as follows:

Mail: PO Box 192 Bindoon WA 6502 Email: enquiry@bindoonshow.com Placed in the Society Office post box beyond the Bindoon Post

Office Entry FeesEntry FeesEntry FeesEntry Fees may be paid as follows:

• By Electronic Transfer to Bindoon & Districts Agricultural

Society (Inc) Bendigo Bank BSB 633000 Account No 117607671 Reference—your name

• Cash or cheque - by placing in the Society Office Post Box

• Cheque - by sending through the mail

All entries must be paid for prior to the closing date All exhibits will be open for viewing by the public from 10.00am on Show day.


Schedule of Fees and Prizes

GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral FeesFeesFeesFees – All sections except Fleeces, Junior, Cattle and Poultry are as follows: $1 is payable for each entry in each class and only 2 entries per person per classonly 2 entries per person per classonly 2 entries per person per classonly 2 entries per person per class Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes will be awarded as follows; Best in Class: 1st $4 2nd $2 Most points in sub section $50

JuniorJuniorJuniorJunior FeesFeesFeesFees 50c is payable for each entry in each class – only 2 entries allowed per person per classonly 2 entries allowed per person per classonly 2 entries allowed per person per classonly 2 entries allowed per person per class Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes will be awarded as follows Best in Class: 1st $2 2nd $1 Most points in sub section $10

FleecesFleecesFleecesFleeces FeesFeesFeesFees $2 is payable for each entry in each class Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes will be awarded as follows

Best in Class: 1st $5 2nd $2 Most points in sub section $50

PoultryPoultryPoultryPoultry FeesFeesFeesFees $1 is payable for each entry in each class PrizesPrizesPrizesPrizes will be awarded as follows Barnyard Rooster $10

Best in Class: 1st $5 2nd $3 Champion Bird in sub section: $25 Best Bird in section: 1st $50 2nd $30 Overall Champion Bird: $100

Overall Reserve Champion Bird: $50

Cattle Cattle Cattle Cattle FeesFeesFeesFees $5 is payable for each entry in each class PrizesPrizesPrizesPrizes will be awarded as follows

Best in Class: 1st $40 2nd $20 Grand Champion Bull $50 Grand Champion Female $50 Senior Champion Bull $20 Senior Champion Female $20 Junior Champion Bull $20 Junior Champion Female $20

Most Points in Stud Cattle section $100 - (if there are two or more exhibitors)


Special PrizesSpecial PrizesSpecial PrizesSpecial Prizes President’s PrizePresident’s PrizePresident’s PrizePresident’s Prize $100 will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Show, providing that these points are gained in not less than three different Senior Sections Edmund Rice College Principal’s PrizeEdmund Rice College Principal’s PrizeEdmund Rice College Principal’s PrizeEdmund Rice College Principal’s Prize $100 will be awarded to the junior exhibitor gaining most points in the Section—Junior Best Family Business Outdoor Display Certificate & PrizeBest Family Business Outdoor Display Certificate & PrizeBest Family Business Outdoor Display Certificate & PrizeBest Family Business Outdoor Display Certificate & Prize Awarded by Shane Love MLA to the display judged as best on the day Best Community Outdoor Display Certificate & PrizeBest Community Outdoor Display Certificate & PrizeBest Community Outdoor Display Certificate & PrizeBest Community Outdoor Display Certificate & Prize Awarded by Shane Love MLA to the display judged as best on the day Koorunga CWAKoorunga CWAKoorunga CWAKoorunga CWA Donation of 2 x $50 Family vouchers for The Maze home of Outback Splash as a Lucky Draw in the Junior Section Bindoon BakehausBindoon BakehausBindoon BakehausBindoon Bakehaus Cake Baking Competition will award 1st -$50, 2nd $30 and 3rd $20 Barnyard Rooster Barnyard Rooster Barnyard Rooster Barnyard Rooster A $10 prize will be given to the best “Barnyard Rooster” on the day Tug of War Tug of War Tug of War Tug of War A trophy will be awarded to the school/college for the best of three pulls Ute MusterUte MusterUte MusterUte Muster Prizes to be announced on the day CattleCattleCattleCattle Best Animal on Day – Bulker Bag of Premium Cattle Pellets Donated by Morgan Feed Supplies

PoultryPoultryPoultryPoultry Best Bird on Day in Poultry Class – Bag of Premium Layer Pellets Donated by Morgan Feed Supplies Horses in ActionHorses in ActionHorses in ActionHorses in Action Handy Pony Winner – Bag of Horse Pellets Donated by Morgan Feed Supplies


Rules and RegulationsRules and RegulationsRules and RegulationsRules and Regulations GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION GENERAL ADMISSION Adults $5 Children Under 18 $2 RODEO RODEO RODEO RODEO Adults $25, Children 6-17 $5, Children 0-5 Free CAMPING CAMPING CAMPING CAMPING $10 per person Purchase tickets online eventbrite.com.au before 1 September to receive discounts STRICTLY NO BYO ALCOHOL ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDSSTRICTLY NO BYO ALCOHOL ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDSSTRICTLY NO BYO ALCOHOL ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDSSTRICTLY NO BYO ALCOHOL ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDS Conditions for EntriesConditions for EntriesConditions for EntriesConditions for Entries 1. All entry forms must be in writing and be in the hands of the Secretary, or

placed in the slot of the Agricultural Society Office at the end of the oval, in a sealed envelope or by email; enquiry@bindoonshow.com on or before Friday 12 October 2019. All entry forms must be accompanied by entry fees or if paying electronically have proof of payment. NO LATE ENTRIES.

2. Every exhibit must be grown by or be the work of the exhibitor and must have been completed within the 12 months following the previous Show (where applicable)

3. Any exhibitor giving a wrong description of his or her exhibit with the

intention of deceiving or defrauding the Society shall be disqualified from exhibiting at any future Show, and particulars of the case shall be published in the proceedings of the Society and will be reported to the Royal Agricultural Society.

4. Exhibitors will be required to make a statutory declaration regarding their entries if the Committee so desires.

5. Committee members, stewards, volunteers and their families are eligible to enter in any Section or Sub Section at the Show, so long as no member of the entrant’s family is judging their entry.

6. All age limits are as at Show Day. 7. The Committee reserves the right of refusing, cancelling or accepting

conditionally any entry without giving any reason for so doing. 8. Should the Committee have reason to suspect that any exhibit is dangerous

or objectionable the exhibit may have to be removed 9. No previous entries at the Bindoon Show to be re-submitted in any section

other than Livestock and pot plants. 10. If there are fewer than four (4) entries in a Section or Sub-Section, no

Section or sub-section prizes will be given, only class prizes. 11. Prize money may be collected on Show Day and must be claimed by the

exhibitor. All monies not collected within 30 days will be forfeited and revert to the Society’s fund.

12. All Hall exhibits Hall exhibits Hall exhibits Hall exhibits must be in the Exhibition Hall, in position by 7.30pm on Thursday before Show Day. No Hall exhibits will be accepted on Show Day under any circumstances as Judging is carried out on Friday from 8.30am.

13. Floriculture A; Floriculture B; Floriculture C Floriculture A; Floriculture B; Floriculture C Floriculture A; Floriculture B; Floriculture C Floriculture A; Floriculture B; Floriculture C may be staged as above, or Friday 13th October between 5.00 – 7.30pm

14. All other All other All other All other exhibits must be in position by 8.45am on Show Day 15. All exhibits, when placed, must not be handled or removed except by

Stewards, before 4.00pm on Show Day.


CONTROL OF EXHIBITSCONTROL OF EXHIBITSCONTROL OF EXHIBITSCONTROL OF EXHIBITS 16. The whole arrangement as to position, classification and grouping of exhibits

shall be under the control of the Committee. 17. The accurate description of exhibits is the responsibility of the exhibitor. 18. The Society will take every reasonable care of exhibits but can accept no

responsibility in the event of loss or of damage to any exhibit. 19. The Society will not be responsible for any accident that may be caused

through or by any exhibit or exhibitor and the Society shall be held blameless against any charge arising from any such accident.

20. All exhibits must be delivered to the hall or show grounds personally or by agents. Under no circumstances can Show Officials accept exhibits.

21. If you are unable to collect your item by 5.30pm on Show Day, the Show office will be open between 10am and 12 noon the following day Sunday, 20 October 2019

22. All exhibits not removed by 12pm on Sunday 20 October 2019 become the property of the Society unless other arrangements have been made.

23. All entries are received subject to these rules and regulations. JUDGINGJUDGINGJUDGINGJUDGING 24. The Judges may withhold all prizes if they consider no exhibit worthy of a

prize. If there are not more than three entries in any one class, the prize may be curtailed. No equal prizes will be awarded.

25. The following points will be awarded: First -3 points, Second – 2 points. 26. Exhibitors must, unless otherwise stated, provide themselves with plates or

holders for their exhibits.

PROTESTSPROTESTSPROTESTSPROTESTS 27. Protests by the exhibitors must be in writing and be in the hands of the

Secretary by 2pm on Show Day, accompanied by a deposit of $20 which will be forfeited if the protest is found to be unfounded, frivolous or vexatious.

ENTERTAINMENTENTERTAINMENTENTERTAINMENTENTERTAINMENT 28. No entertainment shall be allowed on the ground without special permission. 29. For safety reasons no guns, cap guns, laser pointers, knives (except kitchen

knives), explosive devices, a toy capable of firing a projectile and products

that contain easily accessible button batteries will be permitted on the grounds.

30. No swords, knives (except kitchen utensils), or any other sharp implements which could be construed as weapons will be permitted on the grounds. 32. No smoking implements or paraphernalia, including imitation or electronic cigarettes, smoking chambers or drug-like substances will be permitted on the grounds. 33. No explicit DVD’s, CD’s, magazines, books and videos will be permitted on the grounds.


. DISQUALIFICATIONDISQUALIFICATIONDISQUALIFICATIONDISQUALIFICATION 34. The Committee may at any time disqualify from exhibition either indefinitely

or for such period as it may think fit, any exhibitor who has, in the opinion of the Committee, been guilty of any breach of these regulations, or whose conduct, whether at or during any Show of the Society, has been, in the opinion of the Committee, such that he or she is unfit to exhibit at any Show of the Society.

35. No person who has been disqualified from exhibiting at any Show of the Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia (Inc) or at any Show of any Society affiliated therewith, shall, during the period of disqualification, be allowed to act as agent, representative or servant of any exhibitor at any Show of the Society.

36. During the period of disqualification by the Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia (Inc) or by any Society affiliated therewith, and should any entry be accidentally accepted, it shall be deemed to be void and entry fee paid will notwill notwill notwill not be returned.

37. The Committee reserves the power to eject any exhibitor, servant or attendant, or any visitor, from the Show, without being required to give any explanation or being liable for compensation.

38. The Committee reserves the right to postpone and further postpone, the Show from the advertised date, and to make what alterations it deems advisable in the Schedule of Prizes or other Show arrangements.

39. The decision of the Committee on all points shall be final and without recourse.

NO BIKES allowed on the grounds.

NO DOGS allowed on the grounds

NO BYO ALCOHOL on grounds at any time

NO SMOKING on grounds at any time


Ask a Farmer tentAsk a Farmer tentAsk a Farmer tentAsk a Farmer tent This year the Bindoon Ag Show will feature an Ask a Farmer tent. This tent is for you to come along and meet the

local farmers and produces of the area. They will

be there to answer all your questions you have

always wanted to ask. Whilst inside feel free to

explore the different varieties of grains and

produce produced in and around the local area.

Located inside the tent will be an appreciation

area where children and adults can “thank a

farmer” by drawing or writing a note and placing

on the display board.



Section - ART

Only 2 Entries per person per class


CLASSCLASSCLASSCLASS ART01ART01ART01ART01 Oils or Acrylic—any subject matter ART02ART02ART02ART02 Ink or Watercolour—any subject matter ART03ART03ART03ART03 Drawing—any subject matter ART04ART04ART04ART04 Collage or Mixed Media—any subject matter ART05ART05ART05ART05 Digital Art or Printmaking—any subject matter ART06ART06ART06ART06 Sculpture and 3D artworks—any subject matter, any media ART07ART07ART07ART07 Local scene or landscape—any medium ART08ART08ART08ART08 Local flora or fauna—any medium ART09ART09ART09ART09 Junior 15-18 any subject - any medium

NOTES: All names on entries must be covered

All works must have wire or similar to facilitate hanging

Do not use metal frames or frames with sharp edges

The maximum area of a 2 dimensional artwork that will be accepted for judging is 0.5 sq metres (5000sq cm) including frame and weighing less than 2.5 kilos. Artworks larger than this may not be accepted for judging but may be hung at the discretion of the Chief Steward

Diptych and Triptych works may be counted as 1 piece if mounted on 1 board or joined to form 1 piece providing it does not exceed 0.5 sq metre (5000 sq cm) in area and is able to be judged as one piece, otherwise they will be counted as separate pieces




Exhibits to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm

All entries must have been completed within the 12 months following the previous show




Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- BrewingBrewingBrewingBrewing

ClassClassClassClass BRB01BRB01BRB01BRB01 Lager - natural ingredients BRB02BRB02BRB02BRB02 Lager - kit ingredients BRB03BRB03BRB03BRB03 Stout - natural ingredients BRB04BRB04BRB04BRB04 Stout - kit ingredients BRB05BRB05BRB05BRB05 Ale - natural ingredients BRB06BRB06BRB06BRB06 Ale - kit ingredients BRB07BRB07BRB07BRB07 Ginger beer – alcoholic BRB08BRB08BRB08BRB08 Ginger beer – non-alcoholic BRB09BRB09BRB09BRB09 Cider any fruit – alcoholic BRB10BRB10BRB10BRB10 Cider any fruit – non-alcoholic

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- SpiritsSpiritsSpiritsSpirits


BRS01BRS01BRS01BRS01 Vodka BRS02BRS02BRS02BRS02 Brandy BRS03BRS03BRS03BRS03 Cocktails BRS04BRS04BRS04BRS04 Any other spirit

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Wine MakingWine MakingWine MakingWine Making

ClassClassClassClass BRW01BRW01BRW01BRW01 Fruit wine - dry white BRW02BRW02BRW02BRW02 Fruit wine - dry red BRW03BRW03BRW03BRW03 Fruit wine - sweet BRW04BRW04BRW04BRW04 Grain or root wine - sweet BRW05BRW05BRW05BRW05 Grain or root wine - dry BRW06BRW06BRW06BRW06 Novelty wine - sweet




Exhibits to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm


Section - CATTLE

Junior Paraders


CJP1 Junior Paraders

CJP2 Junior Cattle Judging

Stud Cattle – Interbreed


SSB01 Bull born on or after 1 April 2018 SSB02 Bull born on or before 1 January and 31 March 2018 SSB03 Heifer born on or after 1 April 2018 SSB04 Heifer born on or between 1 January and 31 March 2018

Note: All cattle to be penned before 8.30am on Show Day. Judging to commence at 9.00am Straw bedding will be supplied but must be cleaned up at end of day.




Best in Class: 1st $40 2nd $20 Grand Champion Bull $50 Grand Champion Female $50 Senior Champion Bull $20 Senior Champion Female $20 Junior Champion Bull $20 Junior Champion Female $20 Most Points in Stud Cattle section $100 (if there are two or more exhibitors)


BOWEN THERAPIST Stress Relief, Pain, Injury, Hormone Imbalances,

Fertility Issues, Menopause Symptoms,

Scar Tissue Release

0429 942 032 Week days by appointment only


Section - COOKERY

Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- CookeryCookeryCookeryCookery ClassClassClassClass CRY01CRY01CRY01CRY01 1 x 500g loaf white bread CRY02CRY02CRY02CRY02 1 x 500g loaf wholemeal or wholegrain bread CRY03CRY03CRY03CRY03 1 x loaf sour dough CRY04CRY04CRY04CRY04 Bread plait CRY05CRY05CRY05CRY05 Loaf of machine made bread white CRY06CRY06CRY06CRY06 Loaf of machine made bread wholemeal or wholegrain CRY07CRY07CRY07CRY07 Loaf of machine made bread fruit CRY08CRY08CRY08CRY08 Machine made bread rolls - plate of 3 CRY09CRY09CRY09CRY09 Plain scones - plate of 3 CRY10CRY10CRY10CRY10 Sultana scones - plate of 3 CRY11CRY11CRY11CRY11 Pumpkin scones - plate of 3 CRY12CRY12CRY12CRY12 Cheese scones - plate of 3 CRY13CRY13CRY13CRY13 Muffins savoury - plate of 3 CRY14CRY14CRY14CRY14 Muffins sweet - plate of 3 CRY15CRY15CRY15CRY15 Sponge sandwich - cornflour, unfilled CRY16CRY16CRY16CRY16 Sponge sandwich - ginger, unfilled CRY17CRY17CRY17CRY17 Sponge sandwich - chocolate, unfilled CRY18CRY18CRY18CRY18 Plain cake - not iced CRY19CRY19CRY19CRY19 Orange cake - cooked in loaf tin, not iced CRY20CRY20CRY20CRY20 Chocolate cake - not iced CRY21CRY21CRY21CRY21 Carrot cake - no other fruit or nut, not iced CRY22CRY22CRY22CRY22 Banana cake - no other fruit or nut, not iced CRY23CRY23CRY23CRY23 Sultana cake - no other fruit or nut, not iced CRY24CRY24CRY24CRY24 Light fruit cake - not decorated CRY25CRY25CRY25CRY25 Fruit and/or nut loaf - bar tin CRY26CRY26CRY26CRY26 Dainty iced cakes - 6 CRY27CRY27CRY27CRY27 Plate of 4 different varieties of biscuits 2 of each dropped CRY28CRY28CRY28CRY28 Shortbread - plate of 3 CRY29CRY29CRY29CRY29 Biscuits made with named cereal - plate of 4




Exhibits to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm

Note: No prepared mixtures allowed in any class. Cooking must be done at least one day before judging.

All cakes must be cooked in 20cm (8”) round tins except orange cake (loaf tin) and decorated cakes.

No ring tins.

Plates will be provided


COOKERY continued

ClassClassClassClass CRY31CRY31CRY31CRY31 Lamingtons - plate of 3 CRY32CRY32CRY32CRY32 Cream puffs - plate of 3 CRY33CRY33CRY33CRY33 Pikelets - plate of 3 CRY34CRY34CRY34CRY34 Plum pudding - boiled CRY35CRY35CRY35CRY35 Plum pudding - steamed CRY36CRY36CRY36CRY36 Christmas cake - undecorated CRY37CRY37CRY37CRY37 Decorated cake - 2 tier special occasion foam shape CRY38CRY38CRY38CRY38 Decorated cake - Christmas 1 tier fruit cake only CRY39CRY39CRY39CRY39 Sugar art Christmas arrangement – candles, florist oasis, vases and bowls allowed CRY40CRY40CRY40CRY40 Decorated cake - novelty butter icing allowed unrestricted CRY41CRY41CRY41CRY41 Schedule cake - To be made from the following recipe

Boiled Fruit CakeBoiled Fruit CakeBoiled Fruit CakeBoiled Fruit Cake IngredientsIngredientsIngredientsIngredients

2 cups mixed fruit 1 cup sugar (preferable brown) 125g butter 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of (baking) soda 1 cup water 1 teaspoon mixed spice ½ cup Plain flour 1 ½ cups SR flour 2 eggs MethodMethodMethodMethod Place fruit, sugar, butter, carb soda, water and spice in sauce-pan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 1 minute only. Cool and add plain flour, SR flour and eggs Bake in moderate oven for 1 ½ hours

All Decorated cakes must be displayed on own boards





Internal upgrade - Flat Pak Kitchens - Splashbacks Walls removed or relocated - Doors and Windows

General Repairs - Gutter or Downpipe problems - Leaking roof Leaking Showers - Termite Damage

Painting - Wall and Floor Tiling - Brick Paving

Make a list and let us take care of it!


Mobile 0447 625 888


All shed works


Internal fit outs Lean-to roofs

Mezzanine floors

Doors and windows

Concrete floors

Erection service


Mobile 0447 625 888




Section - CRAFT

Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Beading, Jewellery MakingBeading, Jewellery MakingBeading, Jewellery MakingBeading, Jewellery Making

ClassClassClassClass CBJ01CBJ01CBJ01CBJ01 Beading - Threaded article CBJ02CBJ02CBJ02CBJ02 Beading - Loom article

CBJ03CBJ03CBJ03CBJ03 Beading - Knitted or crochet article CBJ04CBJ04CBJ04CBJ04 Beading - Knitted beaded purse CBJ05CBJ05CBJ05CBJ05 Beading - Brooch CBJ06CBJ06CBJ06CBJ06 Beading - Any other article featuring beading CBJ07CBJ07CBJ07CBJ07 Jewellery - Featuring dichroic glass CBJ08CBJ08CBJ08CBJ08 Jewellery - Featuring gold and/or silver work CBJ09CBJ09CBJ09CBJ09 Jewellery - Featuring wire work CBJ10CBJ10CBJ10CBJ10 Jewellery - Featuring any other medium (not beadwork)

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- China painting, Ceramics, PotteryChina painting, Ceramics, PotteryChina painting, Ceramics, PotteryChina painting, Ceramics, Pottery


CCCP01CCCP01CCCP01CCCP01 China Painting - Wildflowers CCCP02CCCP02CCCP02CCCP02 China Painting - Naturalistic

CCCP03CCCP03CCCP03CCCP03 China Painting - Landscape/seascape CCCP04CCCP04CCCP04CCCP04 China Painting - Textures CCCP05CCCP05CCCP05CCCP05 China Painting - Nursery CCCP06CCCP06CCCP06CCCP06 China Painting - Glass painting nursery CCCP07CCCP07CCCP07CCCP07 Ceramics - Glaze any article CCCP08CCCP08CCCP08CCCP08 Ceramics - Underglaze any article CCCP09CCCP09CCCP09CCCP09 Ceramics - Stain any article CCCP10CCCP10CCCP10CCCP10 Ceramics - Over glaze gold mother of pearl over strokes and decals CCCP11CCCP11CCCP11CCCP11 Ceramics - Any article not covered above CCCP12CCCP12CCCP12CCCP12 Pottery - Hand built CCCP13CCCP13CCCP13CCCP13 Pottery – Wheel thrown CCCP14CCCP14CCCP14CCCP14 Pottery - Slip decorated or under glazed CCCP15CCCP15CCCP15CCCP15 Pottery - Glazed article CCCP16CCCP16CCCP16CCCP16 Pottery - Any other article

Note: Please note that all articles must have been completed with the 12 months following the previous Show




Exhibits to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm


CRAFT continued

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section –––– WoodworkWoodworkWoodworkWoodwork


CWW01 Turned article

CWW02 Carved article

CWW03 Pyrography

CWW04 Article of furniture

CWW05 Mallee root artistic

CWW06 Any other article featuring wood work

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section –––– HandcraftsHandcraftsHandcraftsHandcrafts


CH01 Collection of 4 different craft items own work

CH02 Folk art painting traditional CH03 Folk art painting decorative

CH04 Egg artistry

CH05 Article/Garment woven on a loom

CH06 Pressed flowers mounted

CH07 Traditional stained glass and leadlight design

CH08 Any article made from seeds nuts or pods

CH09 Any craft items using recycled material CH10 Christmas decoration

CH11 Article of glass slumping

CH12 Mosaic

CH13 Any article not mentioned above

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section –––– ScrapbookingScrapbookingScrapbookingScrapbooking


CSB01 Baby

CSB02 Birthday

CSB03 Christmas

CSB04 Outdoor activity

CSB05 Heritage

CSB06 Page "my theme" not specified elsewhere


CRAFT continued

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Stamping & PapercraftStamping & PapercraftStamping & PapercraftStamping & Papercraft


CSP01 Card Christmas

CSP02 Card general CSP03 Card featuring punch craft CSP04 Card featuring embellishments

CSP05 Card using parchment paper CSP06 Card any medium or theme not mentioned

CSP07 Decorated journal/album cover no larger than 31 cm x 31 cm

CSP08 Paper construction eg Origami teabag folding

CSP09 Paper tole any theme or medium

CSP10 Decoupage any article

CSP11 Decorated serviette/tissue work on fabric

CSP12 Decorated serviette/tissue work on tile

CSP13 Decorated serviette/tissue work on any other article





OPEN 7 DAYS 5.00AM – 7PM

PH: 08 9575 2364

Note Stamping & Papercraft Cards maximum size 210mm x 150mm. Square cards 150mm x 150mm. For classes CSP01 to CSP06 only the front of the card will be judged, no printing allowed inside the card.


Section - FLEECES

Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sheep FleecesSheep FleecesSheep FleecesSheep Fleeces ClassClassClassClass FSS01FSS01FSS01FSS01 Merino fleece - strong FSS02FSS02FSS02FSS02 Merino fleece - medium FSS03FSS03FSS03FSS03 Merino fleece - fine FSS04FSS04FSS04FSS04 Merino fleece - superfine FSS05FSS05FSS05FSS05 Merino fleece - lamb’s wool FSS06FSS06FSS06FSS06 Coloured fleece - fine FSS07FSS07FSS07FSS07 Coloured fleece -strong FSS08FSS08FSS08FSS08 Fleece suitable for hand spinning FSS09FSS09FSS09FSS09 Fleece suitable for carpet wool




Exhibits to be delivered on Show Day 19 October 2019 before 8.45am


Lucky DrawLucky DrawLucky DrawLucky Draw

Two $50 vouchers Two $50 vouchers Two $50 vouchers Two $50 vouchers to to to to

The Maze home of Out Back Splash The Maze home of Out Back Splash The Maze home of Out Back Splash The Maze home of Out Back Splash

((((One voucher per household)One voucher per household)One voucher per household)One voucher per household)

Open to all families exhibiting in the “Junior Section” Open to all families exhibiting in the “Junior Section” Open to all families exhibiting in the “Junior Section” Open to all families exhibiting in the “Junior Section”

of the Bindoon Showof the Bindoon Showof the Bindoon Showof the Bindoon Show


It’s easy just enter an exhibit into any class in the Junior Section It’s easy just enter an exhibit into any class in the Junior Section It’s easy just enter an exhibit into any class in the Junior Section It’s easy just enter an exhibit into any class in the Junior Section

of the 2019 Bindoon Ag Show. Exhibit entry forms are available of the 2019 Bindoon Ag Show. Exhibit entry forms are available of the 2019 Bindoon Ag Show. Exhibit entry forms are available of the 2019 Bindoon Ag Show. Exhibit entry forms are available

in the Show Schedule or online at bindoonshow.comin the Show Schedule or online at bindoonshow.comin the Show Schedule or online at bindoonshow.comin the Show Schedule or online at bindoonshow.com

Entries close 9.00am Saturday 12 October 2019Entries close 9.00am Saturday 12 October 2019Entries close 9.00am Saturday 12 October 2019Entries close 9.00am Saturday 12 October 2019


Deliver your exhibit to the Bindoon Hall between Deliver your exhibit to the Bindoon Hall between Deliver your exhibit to the Bindoon Hall between Deliver your exhibit to the Bindoon Hall between

3.00pm3.00pm3.00pm3.00pm----7.30pm Thursday 17 October 20197.30pm Thursday 17 October 20197.30pm Thursday 17 October 20197.30pm Thursday 17 October 2019

Every household exhibiting will be entered into the Every household exhibiting will be entered into the Every household exhibiting will be entered into the Every household exhibiting will be entered into the

Lucky DrawLucky DrawLucky DrawLucky Draw

Winners will be drawn and Prizes presented on Show DayWinners will be drawn and Prizes presented on Show DayWinners will be drawn and Prizes presented on Show DayWinners will be drawn and Prizes presented on Show Day

Koorunga CWAKoorunga CWAKoorunga CWAKoorunga CWA


Cake Baking Competition Entry Form

Prizes kindly donated by Bindoon Bakehaus & Café

First �50 Second �30 Third �20

No more than 2 entries per person

(Recipe on next page)

Entry Fee �1

Cakes must be staged for judging on Thursday 17 October 2019

between 3.00pm – 7.30pm

Please Print Name _________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

Phone No ______________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________

Number of Cakes entered _________________________________

For office use only Cake 1 ________________________________ ID ________________________ Cake 2 ________________________________ ID _________________________


2019 Cake Recipe Moist Coconut Pound Cake


75 g softened butter 175ml coconut milk 290 g sugar 3 eggs (lightly beaten and room temp) 5 tablespoons of desiccated coconut 225 g plain flour 1 teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt

Method Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius Grease and line a 30cm x 12cm x 8cm deep loaf pan (you can use a different shape but do be aware the bake times vary) Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add eggs gradually not breaking the emulsion. Add half of the coconut milk and half of the dry ingredients and mix until lightly combined. Add remainder of milk and dry ingredients. Combine until just mixed. Bake for approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes until a skewer comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack and keep airtight.



Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Sub Sub Sub –––– Section Section Section Section ---- Floriculture AFloriculture AFloriculture AFloriculture A

ClassClassClassClass FL01FL01FL01FL01 Rose 1 cut - 1 flower per stem FL02FL02FL02FL02 Rose floribunda 1 cut FL03FL03FL03FL03 Rose 3 cuts same variety - staged singly 1 flower per stem FL04FL04FL04FL04 Rose 3 cuts different - staged singly 1 flower per stem FL05FL05FL05FL05 Rose 1 cut largest FL06FL06FL06FL06 Rose 1 cut perfumed (50% perfume 50% form) FL07FL07FL07FL07 Iris 1 cut FL08FL08FL08FL08 Hippeastrum 1 cut FL09FL09FL09FL09 Pansy 6 cuts with collars FL10FL10FL10FL10 Snapdragon 3 cuts FL11FL11FL11FL11 Larkspur 3 cuts FL12FL12FL12FL12 Gerbera 3 cuts FL13FL13FL13FL13 Stock 3 cuts

FL14FL14FL14FL14 Sweet peas 6 cuts FL15FL15FL15FL15 Geranium 3 truss single different FL16FL16FL16FL16 Geranium 3 truss double different FL17FL17FL17FL17 Ivy geranium double 3 truss different FL18FL18FL18FL18 Pelargonium 3 truss different FL19FL19FL19FL19 3 cuts of flowering shrubs, tree or climber different variety named FL20FL20FL20FL20 Kangaroo Paw 3 cuts FL21FL21FL21FL21 Strelitzia 1 cut FL22FL22FL22FL22 Garden flowers different genera no shrubs 3 cuts FL23FL23FL23FL23 3 cuts same variety not included elsewhere

NOTE: Bottles will be provided




Floriculture A to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019

between 3.00pm—7.30pm or Friday 18 October between 5.00pm—7.30pm



Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Floriculture BFloriculture BFloriculture BFloriculture B ClassClassClassClass FL01FL01FL01FL01 Vase of roses FL02FL02FL02FL02 Vase of roses floribunda FL03FL03FL03FL03 Vase of native flora FL04FL04FL04FL04 Bowl of roses

FL05FL05FL05FL05 Bowl of petunias FL06FL06FL06FL06 Bowl of nasturtiums FL07FL07FL07FL07 Bowl of sweet peas FL08FL08FL08FL08 Bowl of lavender FL09FL09FL09FL09 Bowl of mixed daisies

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Floriculture CFloriculture CFloriculture CFloriculture C ClassClassClassClass

FL01FL01FL01FL01 Arrangement depicting a film title FL02FL02FL02FL02 Arrangement featuring water FL03FL03FL03FL03 Arrangement featuring a wedding celebration FL04FL04FL04FL04 Arrangement featuring football colours FL05FL05FL05FL05 Floral arrangement within glass FL06FL06FL06FL06 Floral arrangement featuring a mirror FL07FL07FL07FL07 Miniature arrangement dry less than 10 cm overall all treated material

FL08FL08FL08FL08 Arrangement of silk flowers FL09FL09FL09FL09 Tall and elegant Arrangements:

All mechanics or hardware eg florist

oasis, flora wire, tapes etc to be


NOTE: Exhibits may not necessarily be grown by the exhibitor. All materials must be fresh unless otherwise stated.

Floriculture B to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019

between 8.30am—5.00pm or Friday 18 October 2019 between 5.00pm—7.30pm

Floriculture C to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019

between 3.00pm—7.30pm or Friday 18 October between 5.00pm—7.30pm

NOTE: Vase arrangements should be 1.5 times the vase height and coming to a point at the top. Bowl arrangements should be rounded.



Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Floriculture DFloriculture DFloriculture DFloriculture D


FLD01FLD01FLD01FLD01 Flowering pot plant (other than begonia) FLD02FLD02FLD02FLD02 Flowering pot plant, bulb (other than hippeastrum) FLD03FLD03FLD03FLD03 Flowering geranium in pot FLD04FLD04FLD04FLD04 Foliage pot plant FLD05FLD05FLD05FLD05 Fishbone fern in pot FLD06FLD06FLD06FLD06 Maidenhair fern in pot FLD07FLD07FLD07FLD07 Any other fern in pot FLD08FLD08FLD08FLD08 Cactus in pot FLD09FLD09FLD09FLD09 Succulent in pot FLD10FLD10FLD10FLD10 Flowering begonia any variety in pot FLD11FLD11FLD11FLD11 Flowering hippeastrum in pot FLD12FLD12FLD12FLD12 Hanging basket/container FLD13FLD13FLD13FLD13 Hanging basket in flower FLD14FLD14FLD14FLD14 Orchid in flower in pot FLD15FLD15FLD15FLD15 Multiple planting mass blooms in pot FLD16FLD16FLD16FLD16 Palm in pot FLD17FLD17FLD17FLD17 Miniature rose in pot FLD18FLD18FLD18FLD18 Pot plant climbing FLD19FLD19FLD19FLD19 Miniature garden in container FLD20FLD20FLD20FLD20 Plant in unusual container FLD21 Plant not specified elsewhere in pot

Floriculture D to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm




Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Fruit & NutsSub Section Fruit & NutsSub Section Fruit & NutsSub Section Fruit & Nuts


FNT01FNT01FNT01FNT01 Collection of citrus - not more than 12 varieties in own tray FNT02FNT02FNT02FNT02 Navel oranges - plate of 3 FNT30FNT30FNT30FNT30 Valencias - plate of 3 FNT04FNT04FNT04FNT04 Lanes late oranges - plate of 3 FNT05FNT05FNT05FNT05 Mandarins Honey Murcott - plate of 3 FNT06FNT06FNT06FNT06 Mandarins Late Emperor - plate of 3 FNT07FNT07FNT07FNT07 Mandarins other - plate of 3

FNT08FNT08FNT08FNT08 Grapefruit - plate of 3 FNT09FNT09FNT09FNT09 Lemons - plate of 3 FNT10FNT10FNT10FNT10 Lemonades - plate of 3 FNT11FNT11FNT11FNT11 Tangelos - plate of 3 FNT12FNT12FNT12FNT12 1 large grapefruit FNT13FNT13FNT13FNT13 1 large lemon FNT14FNT14FNT14FNT14 Distinct cluster of valencias FNT15FNT15FNT15FNT15 Distinct cluster of grapefruit FNT16FNT16FNT16FNT16 Distinct cluster of lemons FNT17FNT17FNT17FNT17 Spray of valencias (approx. 7) FNT18FNT18FNT18FNT18 Spray of lemons (not more than 60 cm long) FNT19FNT19FNT19FNT19 Strawberries - plate of 6 FNT20FNT20FNT20FNT20 Loquats - plate of 6 FNT21FNT21FNT21FNT21 Passionfruit - plate of 6 FNT22FNT22FNT22FNT22 Cherry tomatoes - plate of 6 FNT23FNT23FNT23FNT23 Nuts mixed at least 2 varieties –plate of 6 FNT24FNT24FNT24FNT24 Nuts same variety - plate of 6 FNT25FNT25FNT25FNT25 Macadamia nuts - plate of 6 FNT26FNT26FNT26FNT26 Mulberries - plate of 6 FNT27FNT27FNT27FNT27 Kumquats - plate of 6 FNT28FNT28FNT28FNT28 Blueberries - plate of 6 FNT29FNT29FNT29FNT29 Any other named variety not mentioned above FNT30FNT30FNT30FNT30 Novelty face constructed from fruit and nuts

Note: All fruit & nuts must be grown by the exhibitor

Note: Plates will be provided for exhibits




Exhibits to be delivered on Show Day before 8.45am




Only 2 Entries per person per class

Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section Sub Section ---- Home ProduceHome ProduceHome ProduceHome Produce ClassClassClassClass HPP01HPP01HPP01HPP01 Collection of home products arrangement considered HPP02HPP02HPP02HPP02 Butter half kilo pat HPP03HPP03HPP03HPP03 Hen eggs - brown 6, cartons provided HPP04HPP04HPP04HPP04 Hen eggs - tinted 6, cartons provided HPP05HPP05HPP05HPP05 Hen eggs - white 6, cartons provided HPP06HPP06HPP06HPP06 Hen eggs - any other colour 6, cartons provided HPP07HPP07HPP07HPP07 Duck eggs – 6, cartons provided HPP08HPP08HPP08HPP08 Bantam eggs – 6, cartons provided HPP09HPP09HPP09HPP09 Goose eggs – 2, cartons provided

HPP10HPP10HPP10HPP10 Eggs pickled - 1 jar HPP11HPP11HPP11HPP11 Lemon cheese/butter - 1 jar HPP12HPP12HPP12HPP12 Marmalade - orange 1 jar HPP13HPP13HPP13HPP13 Marmalade - grapefruit 1 jar HPP14HPP14HPP14HPP14 Marmalade - 3 fruits 1 jar HPP15HPP15HPP15HPP15 Any other marmalade 1 jar HPP16HPP16HPP16HPP16 Grape jam 1 jar HPP17HPP17HPP17HPP17 Fig jam 1 jar HPP18HPP18HPP18HPP18 Apricot jam 1 jar HPP19HPP19HPP19HPP19 Plum jam 1 jar HPP20HPP20HPP20HPP20 Melon and lemon jam 1 jar HPP21HPP21HPP21HPP21 Strawberry jam 1 jar HPP22HPP22HPP22HPP22 Any other jam 1 jar HPP23HPP23HPP23HPP23 Fruit jelly any variety 1 jar HPP24HPP24HPP24HPP24 Fruit leather naturally dried 5 pcs HPP25HPP25HPP25HPP25 Fruit dehydrated 5 pcs HPP26HPP26HPP26HPP26 Cauliflower pickle 1 jar HPP27HPP27HPP27HPP27 Tomato pickle 1 jar HPP28HPP28HPP28HPP28 Mixed vegetable pickle 1 jar HPP29HPP29HPP29HPP29 Clear pickle 1 jar HPP30HPP30HPP30HPP30 Pickled onions 1 jar HPP31HPP31HPP31HPP31 Chutney labelled 1 jar HPP32HPP32HPP32HPP32 Relish labelled 1 jar HPP33HPP33HPP33HPP33 Tomato sauce 1 bottle HPP34HPP34HPP34HPP34 Bottle of herb vinegar HPP35HPP35HPP35HPP35 Preserved fruits, 2 varieties, in jars HPP36HPP36HPP36HPP36 Olives 1 jar HPP37HPP37HPP37HPP37 Honey - extract light in jar HPP38HPP38HPP38HPP38 Honey - extract dark in jar

Note: All Jars must be clearly labelled and dated with unmarked or covered lids. Jam jars are to be 300ml or over. (Use clean jars with no strong odours)



SUB SECTION MOST POINTS $50 Exhibits to be delivered on Thursday 17 October 2019 between 3.00pm—7.30pm

Egg colour chart is available on the website www.bindoonshow.com

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