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Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Year 8 English

*Creative WritingCharacter development

Learning Intention

*To describe characters, having a good hold on the descriptive words in our wonderful language.

*To visualise the character as fully as you can – draw it if you need to.

Success Criteria* I created an exciting


* I can use adjectives to describe my character/s in an engaging manner.

* I can use visual dictionaries to assist me with synonyms for adjectives.

*Character Development

*Key Vocabulary




*physical details

*personal qualities





*Hook – Loki (Character Study)


Loki – Character study

*Discuss whether Loki is a protagonist or an antagonist.

*What makes you think this?

*What words would you use to describe Loki?

*Find adjectives and synonyms using Visuwords/Lexipedia/WordSift

*Creating characters your readers will care about …

*Creating brilliant characters

*Creating your character

Source: http://www.creative-writing-now.com/how-to-teach-writing.html

*Creating your character

Source: http://www.creative-writing-now.com/how-to-teach-writing.html

*Character ActivityGoogle Images

*Who is this?



*General physical description:


*Relationship status:

*Current family:

*Family background (parents, previous marriages, etc.):



*Favourite pastimes:

*Favourite sports:

*Favourite foods:

*Strongest positive personality trait:

Google Images

*Writing about your character

*Use the information you created about the man pictured, to write a paragraph introducing him in a story.

Google Images

*Your main character

*Now, repeat this activity for your main character

Google Images


*When describing a character, I need to …

*Powerful/engaging adjectives are important because …

*The Web2 tool I used today was …

*The learning actions I used today were …

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