2 administration specialty 075 marketing. - 201

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Program professional entrance examinations for foreigners for obtaining

educational degree "Master" branch of knowledge 07 "Management and

administration" Specialty 075 "Marketing". - 201. – 22 p.

The program has been prepared: Lyshenko M.O. – PhD, Associate

Professor, Head of the Statistics, analysis of economic activity and marketing


PhD, Professor V.M. Zhmaylov;

Doctor of Economic Sciences,

Professor Y.I. Danko;

PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Mushtay;

PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Shumkova;

PhD, Associate Professor N.O. Makarenko

PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Makarova

Considered and approved at the meeting of the Statistics, analysis of

economic activity and marketing Department.

Protocol __№10___ of ____12.03. 2019.

Approved by the methodical council of the Faculty of Economics and

Management. Protocol № 4 of 22. 03. 2019.

Head of the methodical council of the faculty ____________ N.I. Strochenko



Introduction 4

1. Requirements for compiling a professional entrance exam 5

2. Contents of the disciplines of the professional entrance examination 6

3. List of questions of professional entrance exam 19

4. Criteria for assessing knowledge 22



Program professional entrance examinations for foreigners in the form of

interview prepared in accordance with the Rules of Admission, developed by the

Admission Committee of Sumy National Agrarian University, approved by the

Academic Council on January 28, 2019, Minutes No. 8, in accordance with the

conditions of admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2019,

approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from

11.10.2018 y. № 1096 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

21.12.2018 y. № №1456/32908, and according to industry standards for higher

education, which regulate the content of educational programs and means of

diagnosing the quality of the Master's degree in the branch of knowledge 07

"Management and administration" on specialty 075 "Marketing".

The purpose of the interview is to assess the level of professional competence

on the ability to mastering the educational and professional Master’s program by

foreigners in the branch of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" on the

specialty 075 "Marketing".

Program professional entrance examinations for foreigners in the form of

interview includes content modules of normative academic disciplines in the cycle

of professional and practical training, a list of issues and recommended sources of





Professional entrance examination in the form of an interview is conducting

for citizens of foreign states, who enter the educational degree "Master".

Form of conducting: interview on the following disciplines:

- «Marketing»;

- «Marketing pricing »;

- «Logistics»;

- «Marketing Commodity Policy»;

- «Marketing communications».

Each entrant receives 5 questions of the above disciplines.




2.1. Marketing

Formation the theory of marketing. Methodological approaches to marketing

characteristics. Tasks and main stages of marketing development. Interconnection

of marketing with related disciplines. Marketing schools: American, European.

Evolution of economic theory as a factor in the emergence and development of

marketing theory. Marketing concepts. The logic of marketing concepts.

Contemporary marketing concept. Major marketing categories. Marketing

complex: emergence and content. The main elements of the marketing complex.

The components of the marketing complex, the types: "4P", "5P", "7P", "8P".

Types of marketing and their characteristics. Classification of types of marketing

depending on the orientation of marketing activities and applications.

Modern problems of marketing. New trends in society and the global

economy in the field of marketing. Modern marketing: global (international)

marketing, lateral marketing, creative and emotional marketing. Interactive

marketing. Individual marketing. Ecological marketing. Risks in the marketing.

Marketing researches as a basis for making managerial decisions. Stages of

marketing research. Questionnaire as the main survey tool. Research of the

marketing environment of the enterprise.

Theoretical aspects of marketing commodity policy. Marketing concept of

the product. Brand and its varieties. Strategies that are used during marking goods.

Packaging: its functions and varieties. Product range and nomenclature. The main

scenarios for the development of a portfolio of activities or products of the

company. Principles of marketing pricing. The essence and role of marketing

pricing policy. Characteristics of the steps of the algorithm for calculating the

price. Select a pricing method. Marketing pricing policy. The policy of

differentiated prices and their varieties. Policy of psychological prices.


The theory of marketing communications. Algorithm of planning of a

complex of marketing communications. The process of creating a marketing

appeal. The choice of means of disseminating marketing information. Advertising

and its types. Promotion of sales. Personal Sales. Varieties of trading agents,

promoters. Additional means of the complex of marketing communications:

exhibitions and fairs, sponsorship and patronage, branding, product placement,

integrated marketing communications. The theory of distribution marketing policy.

The nature of the traffic channels of goods. Classification of enterprises of retail

trade by forms of ownership. Management of distribution channels. Organizers of

wholesale trade. Estimation of distribution channels. Marketing Logistics.


1. Balabanova L. V. Marketing of the enterprise: teaching. manual / L.V.

Balabanova, V.V. Kholod, I.V. Balabanova .- K.: Center for Educational

Literature, 2012. - 612 p.

2. Baryshev A.F. Marketing: A textbook. / A.F. Baryshev. - Moscow: VC

"Academy", 2015 - 324 pp.

3. Harkavenko S.S. Marketing: Handmade. for stud. econ. special. Higher

educational institutions. / S.S.Garkavenko - K.: Libra, 2014 - 712p.

4. Kotler, Philip. Fundamentals of Marketing: Professional Edition: / Philip

Kotler, Gary Armstrong; trans. from English ed. A.V. Nazarenko. - 12th ed. -

M; St. Petersburg; Kyiv: ID Williams, 2012. - 1067 p.

5. Marketing: [sub]. V. Rudelius, O.M. Azaryan, N.O. Babenko and others; Ed-

emphasis O.I. Sidorenko, L.S. Markov - 4th kind. - K .: Educational Center

"Consortium for the Improvement of Management Education in Ukraine", 2014

- 648 pp.

6. Marketing. Formation of professional competence of students of vocational

schools: a textbook / M. V. Vachevsky [and others]. - K.: Condor, 2010. - 372


7. Marketing in Examples and Objectives: Textbook / Editorial Board, ed. SM


Illyashenka - Sumy: VTD "University Book", 2006 - 400 p.

8. Marketing: a textbook / AO. Starostina, N.P. Goncharova, E.V. Kricavsky [and

others]; for ed. A.O. Starostinoy - K .: Knowledge, 2011. – 1070p.

9. Melnik L.G. Marketing pricing policy: Teaching. for stud. higher education

curriculum / L.G. Melnik, O. Korintseva, L.V.Starchenko. - Sumy: University

Book, 2012. – 240p.

10. Fedko V. Y. Merchandising and Sampling: Textbook. manual. / Bondarenko

V.A., V. Y. Fedyko - Moscow: ICD "March", 2011. – 210p.

2.2. Marketing pricing

The concept of price and the main criteria of price policy. Theories of value.

Methodology and pricing methodology. Essence and main factors of price policy.

Formation of price policy depending on the types of markets. Diversification of

prices and their types. Price as the most important element of the marketing

complex. The process of forming a company's price in a market environment.

Marketing decisions in the field of pricing at the enterprise. Variety of prices

depending on the features. Exchange prices, transport fares and prices for public

catering. Prices in the distribution system. Classification of factors of marketing

pricing. External factors. Internal factors. Taking into account external and

internal factors in pricing. Detection and analysis of basic errors when setting the

price. The process of pricing. Select a pricing method. Estimating costs when

substantiating price decisions. Determination of the cost of a unit of production

by the method of accounting for full costs. Setting the end price. Price

discrimination and price wars. Methods of surcharge to the price. Methods of

target pricing. The essence of the overall pricing strategy. Types of price

strategies and their economic characteristics. Price strategies for new products.

Choose a pricing strategy.

Price policy of an enterprise and elements of its definition. Concepts of

pricing in the marketing system. An analysis of cost-oriented concepts, on demand


and on competitors. Competition and its impact on prices. Competition as an

integral part of the pricing system.

Price as an economic category. Price features. Formation of price taking into

account the influence of individual factors. Formation of prices for sales of goods.

Duty and excise duty. VAT. Determination of the elemental composition of the

price. Calculation in the price of basic taxes. The calculation of the price structure.

Factors of marketing research in the process of implementation of price policy.

Price elasticity. Varieties of market analysis in marketing research. Estimation of

inflation expectations. Consolidated consumer price index for consumer goods and


Study of the causes of inflation and its impact on prices. Prices and money.

Estimation of inflation expectations during the establishment of contractual prices.

Price index for agricultural products. Concepts and causes of price risks in a

market economy. Stages of the analysis of price risks in marketing conditions.

Errors in setting the price. The main risks when pricing. The essence of state

regulation of prices. The main directions of state regulation of prices. Calculation

of prices taking into account the marginal levels of surcharges (surcharges).

Determination of the main directions of state regulation of prices. Short-term

actions of the state in the regulation of prices.


1. Antoshkina L.I. Pricing and pricing management [Tutorial] / L.I.

Antoshkina, N.P. Skrygun, LG Tsimbalyuk - Donetsk: OOO YUGO-EAST,

LTD., 2011. - 322 p.

2. Biloblivsky S.V. Pricing as a component of enterprise management /

Economics. Finances. Right. - 2013. - No. 9. - p. 13-18

3. Danilova L. L., Petrovskaya S.V. Pricing and marketing pricing: Teaching.

manual - K.: KNTEU, 2016. – 130p.


4. Dubnitsky V.I., Zhukova O.V. Transfer pricing: teach. manual /

V.I.Dubnitsky, O.V.Zhukova. - K.: Debit Credit, 2013. - 480 p.

5. Dugina S.I. Marketing pricing policy: Teaching. manual - K .: KNEU, 2015

- 396 pp.

6. Kolesnikov O.V. Pricing: Textbook / O.V. Kolesnikov; Ministry of

Education and Science of Ukraine. - 4th kind. processing and add - K.:

Center for Educational Literature, 2010. - 157 p.

7. Lipsits IV, Pricing: a textbook and a workshop for academic undergraduate /

IV Lipsits. - 4th ed., Corrected. and add - M.: Publishing house Yurayt, -

Series: Bachelor. Academic course, 2014 - 368 pp.

8. Mazur O.E. Market pricing: Teaching. manual - K.: Center for Educational

Literature, 2012. - 480 p.

9. Marketing pricing policy. Teaching manual / І.Р. Loshenyuk, AM

Gumenyuk, Y.B. Chaplinsky ─ K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2008.

─ 182 p.

10. Oklander M. A. Marketing pricing policy. Teaching manual / M. A.

Oklander, O.P. Chukurna - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2012. -

240 p.

2.3. Logistics

The concept and essence of logistics. Origin of the term, modern definition

of logistics. Prerequisites, causes and stages of logistics formation. Basic principles

of logistics. Rules of logistics. Prerequisites for the development of logistics. The

purpose and tasks of logistics. Levels of logistics formation. Experience of foreign

countries in the application of logistics. The role of logistics in reforming the

economy of Ukraine. Objects of logistic management and logistics activities.

Concept and types of material flow. Information flows and their classification.

Financial flows and their classification. Main logistic functions and their

distribution among different participants in the logistics process.


Concept of material stock. Stock creation conditions. Classification of stocks

and their characteristics. Modern inventory management systems. Fixed inventory

management system. The inventory management system with a specified period of

replenishment of the stock. Determining the optimal size of stock in stock. Logistic

information systems. Modern information technology in logistics. Improvement of

information logistics flow management system. Definition of the concept of

"logistics". Types of Procurement in Logistics. Search provider. Analysis of

potential suppliers. Select supplier. Assessment of work with suppliers. Ranking

method. ABC analysis. Development of relationships with suppliers. Determine

the optimal order batch size.

Traditional and logistic approaches to the management of the distribution of

materials and finished products. Logistics channels, distribution centers,

distribution networks. Logistic intermediaries in distribution, their classification

and functions. Coordination and integration of logistic intermediaries. Distribution

channel design. Efficiency of logistics application in the management of material

flows in the sphere of circulation.

The concept of "logistic administration". Management of logistic operations,

functions and functional areas of the enterprise, information technologies and the

corresponding complex of technical means. Definition of "Local area network

administrator". Tasks administration logistics system, management functions:

planning: organization, analysis, control, and accounting. Complex of managerial

functions and procedures, carried out by personnel of logistic management with the

use of information and computer technologies. Principles of logistics personnel


The essence of logistics mediation and its types. Task of logistics mediation.

The role of logistics mediation in modern economic conditions. Types of logistics


The concept of logistics service and logistics services. Organization of

logistics of mediation in the subsystem of logistic service. SAGE technologies in

logistics management. Types of Resellers in Distribution Channels. Composition


and their functions. Features of warehouse operations at the enterprise. Warehouse

functions. Classification of warehouses. Components of the logistics process in the

warehouse. Strategy "Just in time" (precisely on time) in warehouse inventory

management. Placement and preservation of material resources and finished

products. Technological card of warehouse processes. Technological charts of

warehouse processes. Unloading and acceptance of goods. Inland transportation.

Warehousing and storage of resources, goods, products. Complete order and

shipping. Transportation а expedition of orders.

Ensuring the unity of the warehouse process with the transport. Logistic

evaluation of modes of transport. Methods of transportation of goods. Tariffication

of transportation and determination of transportation costs. Choice of carrier.

Logistic solutions in transportation. Cargo delivery systems. Transportation costs

and tariffs. The essence of transport tasks and methods of their solution.


1. Afanasenko I.D. Commercial logistics: a textbook for universities / I.D.

Afanasenko, V.V. Borisova; The third generation standard. -Spb .: Peter,

2012. – 352 p.

2. Dudar T.G. Fundamentals of logistic: Manual : Recommended by Ministry

of Education and Science of Ukraine for students/ T.G. Dudar, R.V.

Voloshin; [Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine]. ─ K.: Center for

Educational Lithers, 2012. ─ 176p.

3. The economy of logistic. Manual / E. V. Krikavsky, O.A. Pokhilchenko, N.

V. Chornopiska, O. S. Kostyuk, N. B. Savina, S. M. Nіkshich, L. Y.

Yakimishin.- Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014 - 640 pp.

4. Logistics for economist. Manual / E. Krikavsky. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic

Publishing House, 2014 - 476 pp.

5. Logistics: Textbook for bachelors / A.M. Gadzhinsky. - 21st form. - M:

Publishing House "Dashkov i K °", 2013. - 420 p.


6. Logistics: theory and practice: manual / V.M. Kisliy, O.A. Bilovodska, O.M.

Olefirenko, O.M. Solyanik - K .: Center of Educational Literature, 2010. -

360 p.

7. Logistic systems. Manual / E. V. Kryavsky, N.V. Chornopiska - Lviv:

Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2012. - 312 p.

8. Organization and planning logistics systems: mannual / Ed. prof. M.P.

Denisenka, prof. E.T. Lekovtsya, prof. L.I. Mikhailovoy. - К.: Center of

Educational Studies, 2010. - 336 p.

9. Basics of Logistics: Textbook / B. Gerasimov, V. Zharikov, V. Zharikov. -

M: Publisher: Infra, 2010.- 304 p.

10. Paul Schönsleben. Integral Logistics Management: Operations and Supply

Chain Management Within and Across Companies. Taylor & Francis Group,

LLC, 2016.

11. Panasenko E.V. Logistics: personnel, technology, practice. / E.V.

Panasenko. - Moscow: Infra-Engineering, 2011. - 224 p.

12. The Logistics Handbook. A Practical Guide for the Supply Chain

Management of Health Commodities (The USAID | DELIVER PROJECT,

Task Order 1, is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development

under contract no. GPO-I-01-06-00007-00, beginning September 29, 2006.)


13. Prof. Dr. Thorsten Blecker Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Kersten Prof. Dr.

Christian M. Ringle. Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain

Management Current Issues and Emerging Practices.- 1st pdf edition.-

August 2014 https://hicl.org/sites/hicl.org/files/books/2014/blecker-2014-


14. G. Giani. Introduction to logistics systems. Planning and control.





15. GS1 Transport & Logistics and Customs Reference Book - 2014/15


16. Alan Harrison and Remko van Hoek. Logistics Management and Strategy.

Competing through the supply chain. - 3rd edition.


17. Basic Concepts of Supply Chain Management –


2.4. Marketing commodity policy

Content of the commodity policy of the enterprises of marketing orientation.

Determination of the place of goods in the market. Marketing comprehension of

the product. Diversification of commodity policy. Types of strategies for

diversifying commodity policies. Factors that determine the organization of

product management. Organizational product management schemes. Goods and

services in marketing activities. The essence and role of marketing in the modern

economy. Basic marketing functions. Types of marketing. Main market

characteristics of the goods. Nomenclature and product range. Product range and

its evaluation. Product nomenclature and its indicators.

Value of the price in the system of market characteristics of the goods.

Indicator of price elasticity of demand. Products of low elastic and highly elastic

demand. Pricing policy depending on product properties. Methods of pricing and

calculations of basic prices.

Definition and evaluation of quality. Product quality management. Service

culture. Indicators of product quality. Product quality assessment. Market

understanding of high-quality and high-quality products. Product quality

management. Competitiveness of the product and its indicators. Concept of

product competitiveness. Evaluating the competitiveness of the goods and its


indicators. The rating of the goods and the procedure for its determination. The

image of the goods. Planning a new product and product development. The

concept of a new product. Stages of development of new products. Life cycle of

the product on the market. Marketing at different stages of the product life cycle.

Life cycle management of the product.

Commodity policy of the enterprise. Content of the commodity policy of the

enterprises of marketing orientation. Determination of the place of goods in the

market. Value of development of new products for the commodity policy of

enterprises. Estimate the ability to create a new product. Standard and target

product. Parametric row and assortment set. Criteria for optimal solutions.

Generating ideas. Marketing support for an innovative product. New product at the

stages of the product life cycle. Diversification of commodity policy. Product

management. Trademark as part of the product. Types of Trademark and

Trademark Designations. Brand manufacturer. Private Stamps Common brands.

Bar coding. Encoding information on packaging and goods. Assignment of bar

codes. Constructing a Global Product Number. Features of identification of goods

of different types. The location of the barcode mark on the label or package.

Packing and its marketing essence. Packaging functions. Packing as a

positioning tool, design and packaging design. Organization of work on packaging.

Choice of packaging manufacturer. Signs of conformity and safety.


1. Balabanova L.V. Marketing commodity policy in the system of enterprise

management: Teaching. manual. - K .: "Professional", 2012. - 336 pp.

2. Balabanova L.V. Marketing commodity policy in the system of enterprise

management: a manual / L.V. Balabanova, OA A. Brindin. - K.: PH

"Professional", 2006. - 336 p

3. Illyashenko S.M. Marketing Commodity Policy: Textbook. - Sumy:

Publishing house "University's book ", 2006 -284p.


4. Illyashenko, S.M. Commodity Innovation Policy [Text]: Textbook / S.M.

Ilyashenko - Sumy: Publishing house "University's book ", 2007. - 281 p.

5. Kardash V.Y. Marketing commodity policy: A Manual for Self-study of the

Discipline / Kardash V.Y. - K.: KNEU, 2003. - 250 p.

6. Kardash V.Y. Marketing commodity policy: Textbook. - K .: KNEU, 2008.-

270 p.

7. Kryktseva N.O. Marketing Commodity Policy: [sub]. / N.O. Kryktocev,

L.G. Sargsyan, N.V. Kortelova; - K.: Knowledge, 2012. - 183 p.

8. Krikavskiy E. Marketing commodity policy: manual for students / National

Unitary Enterprise "Lviv Polytechnic"; Rivne Institute of Slavic Studies,

Kyiv Slavonic University. - Rivne: Publisher O.Zen, 2007 – 268 p.

9. Marketing: Bachelor's Degree: Teaching. manual / According to the general

editorship of doctor of economics, prof. S.M. Ilyashenka.-Sumy: Publishing

house "University's book ", 2004.-976 p.

10. Popova L.O. Marketing commodity policy: a manual in structural and

logical schemes / L.O. Popova, A.M. Pryadko - 2nd form. unchanged. - Kh.:

KHDHTT, 2013 - 77 p.

2.5. Marketing communications

The essence and place of communication in modern marketing. Key

elements of communicative policies: advertising, sales promotion, public relations

(public relations), personal sales, direct marketing, branding, sponsoring, product

placement. The notion of communication channels. The essence of such concepts

as "marketing communication", "communicative policy", "target audience".

Characteristics of participants in marketing communications. Basic principles of

classification of carriers of communication.

The main goals of marketing communication policy. The difference between

the content and the form of communicative growth. Basics of classification of

concepts in marketing communications. Classification of types of marketing


communications. General classification of marketing communications system.

Strategies for marketing communications. Development of communication

marketing strategies.Program of marketing communications. Components of

marketing communications programs. The main blocks of communication program

implementation. Stages of Marketing Communications Planning.

Product promotion. Definition of advertising. Types of advertising and

classification of advertising. Organization of advertising business at the enterprise.

Stimulation of sales and features of its use. The essence and expediency of the use

of sales promotion, its features. Promotional items: consumers, intermediaries, sales

staff. Concept of product life cycle and peculiarities of sales promotion application.

Public relations and its importance in marketing communications policy. Necessity

of work with wide circles of the public. Public relations units in the organization's

functional structure. The decisive importance of working with the media in the

public relations system. Advertising on-site sales. The nature of advertising on-site

sales of goods. Classification of advertising means, their evaluation and choice.

Planning an advertising activity of a trading enterprise.

Direct marketing. The essence, meaning and perspective of direct marketing.

Modern means of direct marketing. Concepts of direct marketing. Forms of direct

marketing. Elements of the direct marketing system.

Principles of direct marketing. Advantages and disadvantages of direct

marketing. Features of direct post advertising. Components of poster advertising

and the factors that determine the use of this ad. Brobayside, their development and

design. Catalogs and prospectuses. Personal sales as a personal type of

communication. Direct or indirect influence of the seller on the image of the

product he sells. Elements of persuasion, in addition to providing information that

contains the presentation of the product. Key elements of the tactics of negotiation.

Organization of marketing communications. The main directions of organization of

research on the effectiveness of marketing communications. Investigation of the

effectiveness of advertising of products that are on the market. Toolkit and


methods used in controlling the effectiveness of communications. Features of the

organization of selective research on the effectiveness of advertising.


1. Burnet J., Moriati S. Marketing communications: an integrated approach /

Trans. with English. Ed. Bozhuk / J. Burnet., S. Moriati. - St. Petersburg:

Peter, 2011. – 864p.

2. Bratko O.S. Marketing communications policy: Manual / O.S. Bratko. -

Ternopil: Carte Blanche, 2008. – 275p.

3. Zakharova I.A. Branding as a method of positioning a company in a

competitive environment [Electronic resource] / I.A. Zakharova. - Mode of

access to the document: www.pressclub.host.ru.

4. Dibrova T.G. Marketing communications policy: strategies, national tactics:

Teach. Manual / T.G.Dibrova. - K.: Publishing house "Professional", 2012. -


5. Jeffkins F. Advertising: Practice. manual: per. from 4th English / F. Jeffins,

D. Yadin (additional and ed.) - 2nd Ukrainian. - K.: Knowledge, 2011. –


6. Keller Kevin Lane. Strategic brand management: creation, valuation and

management of brand equity / Kevin Lane Keller; trans. with English. - 4 th

ed. - M .: Publishing house "Williams", 2013. - 704 p.

7. Lukyanets T.I. Marketing Communication Policy: Educational Manual for

yourself. learn discipline - K.: KNEU, 2008 -272c.

8. Marketing Communication Policy: Teach. manual for stud. higher ed. Ch. 1.

Theoretical bases and examples of application of communication

technologies / G.V. Affenchenko, O.V. Bogoyavlensky, V.S. Verloka, M.D.

Zherdev, O.E. Naumov - Kh., 2010. - 332 p.

9. Noritsina N.I. Marketing communications policy: Course of lectures. -K .:

MAUP, 2012 – 120p.

10. Primak T.O. Marketing communications: Tutorial / T.O. Primer - K .: Elga,

Nika-Center, 2008. – 280p.



1. Contemporary marketing concept.

2. Elements of the marketing complex.

3. Marketing research as a basis for making managerial decisions.

4. Individual marketing.

5. Ecological marketing.

6. Marketing concept of the product.

7. The essence and main factors of price policy.

8. Formation of price policy depending on the types of markets.

9. Calculation of the price structure. .

10. Factors of marketing research in the process of implementation of price policy.

11. Pricing elasticity.

12. The theory of marketing policy distribution

13. Management of distribution channels.

14. Types of Resellers in distribution channels.

15. Features of warehouse operations at the enterprise.

16. Types of Procurement in Logistics.

17. The essence of logistics mediation and its views.

18. Information flows and their classification.

19. Financial flows and their classification.

20. The concept of logistics service and logistics services.

21. Marketing comprehension of the product.

22. Value of the price in the system of market characteristics of the goods.

23. Competitiveness of the product and its indicators.

24. Product range and its evaluation.

25. Marketing at different stages of the product's life cycle.

26. Determination of the place of goods in the market.

27. Value of development of new products for the commodity policy of


28. Rating of goods and the procedure for its determination.

29. Assessment of the possibility of creating a new product.

30. Packaging and its marketing essence.

31. Public relations and its importance in marketing communications policy.

32. Features of identification of goods of different types.

33. Characteristics of participants in marketing communications.

34. Development of communication marketing strategies.

35. Types of advertising and classification of advertising.

36. Promotion of sales and peculiarities of its use.

37. The essence and place of communication in modern marketing.

38. Modern means of direct marketing. .

39. Personal sales as a personal type of communication.

40. Basic elements of the tactics of negotiations.



The professional entrance exam in the form of an interview is evaluated by a

two-point system of assessments: "recommend for enrollment" or "not recommend

for enrollment".

The mark "recommended for enrollment" exposed if an applicant has

provided a complete and detailed response, demonstrates knowledge of basic

concepts and categories, logical and meaningful analysis of the material.

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