1.why is ferdinand magellan's voyage considered a 6.what...

Post on 01-Jul-2018






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A) Portugal's claims to southern Africa wereestablished.

B) His ship was the first to land in the Americas.C) One of his ships was the first to circumnavigate

Earth.D) Britain's control of the seas ended.

1. Why is Ferdinand Magellan's voyage considered aturning point in world history?

A) Atlantic Ocean B) Sahara DesertC) Andes Mountains D) Mediterranean Sea

2. The Encounter occurred as a result of Europeanexplorers crossing the

A) find a more direct trade route to AsiaB) obtain military technologyC) make contact with the Empire of BeninD) trade in established ports in the Americas

3. One reason Spain sponsored the first voyage ofColumbus to the west was to

A) The Spanish established an exchange betweenEurope and the Americas.

B) The Ming dynasty launched expeditions to the eastcoast of Africa.

C) Muslim Arab armies succeeded in conqueringEgypt and Syria.

D) The British established control over new territoriesin India.

4. Why is the year 1492 considered a turning point inhistory?

A) Spanish rule in Latin AmericaB) pre-Columbian practices of Native AmericansC) attempts to halt the drug trade in South AmericaD) reduction of trade barriers in the Western


5. The encomienda system, the latifundia form of landownership, and the office of viceroy are all closelyassociated with

A) The importance of Mediterranean trade routes wasestablished.

B) The modem concept of universal human rights waspromoted.

C) The European view of the physical world wastransformed.

D) An understanding of the benefits of culturaldiversity was encouraged.

6. What was a result of the efforts of Prince Henry ofPortugal, Christopher Columbus, and FerdinandMagellan?

A) promoted religious diversityB) encouraged democratic reformsC) emphasized equal rights for womenD) supported the expansion of overseas trade

7. One way in which the Ming dynasty in the early 1400sand the Spanish monarchy in the late 1400s are similar isthat both governments

A) establishment of the line of DemarcationB) creation of the Hanseatic LeagueC) Columbian exchangeD) Glorious Revolution

8. ". . . (It) brought the potato, the pineapple, the turkey,dahlias, sunflowers, magnolias, maize, chillies andchocolate across the Atlantic. On the other hand, tens ofmillions died in the pandemics of the 16th century,victims of smallpox, measles and the other diseasesbrought by Europeans (and don't forget that the Africanslave trade was begun by the Europeans, to replace thework force they had decimated).". . . — Michael Wood,BBC History (adapted)

Which historical development is being described in thisquotation?

A) the abolition of the slave tradeB) the cooperative efforts of Christian and Islamic

missionariesC) a variety of geographic obstacles in AfricaD) a widespread unified resistance by African tribal


9. In the 1500s, European attempts to establish colonies inAfrica were hindered by

A) a monopolyB) an embargoC) banking systemsD) agricultural cooperatives

10. In the 1500s, the Portuguese seized trading ports inSoutheast Asia in an attempt to gain total control of thespice trade.

Based on this statement, one goal of the Portuguesewas to establish

A) establishment of European coloniesB) start of the Puritan RevolutionC) invention of the magnetic compassD) failure of the Congress of Vienna

11. The Age of Exploration led directly to the

A) had self-sufficient economiesB) lacked political unityC) rejected the practice of imperialismD) belonged to opposing alliances

12. One reason Italy and Germany were not major colonialpowers in the 16th and 17th centuries was that they

Base your answers to questions 13 and 14 on the mapbelow and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) Dutch B) PortugueseC) English D) French

13. The letter C indicates an area of Latin America that wascolonized mostly by the

A) A B) B C) C D) D

14. Which letter identifies the region in the AndesMountains where many Inca settlements were located?

A) imperialism B) revolutionC) alliances D) totalitarianism

15. • France gained control over Algeria.• Great Britain gained control over North America.• Portugal gained control over Angola.

What do these statements describe?

16. Base your answer to the following question on thepassage below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) the Aztec invasion of Mayan citiesB) the Ottoman invasion of HungaryC) immigration from Europe to the New WorldD) the transatlantic slave trade

"I was immediately handled and tossed up to see if Iwere sound, by some of the crew, and I was nowpersuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits,and that they were going to kill me. Their complexions,too, differing so much from ours, their long hair, andthe language they spoke . . . united to confirm me in thisbelief. . . . The closeness of the place and the heat of theclimate, added to the number in the ship, which was socrowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself,almost suffocated us."

Which event is described in this passage?

A) market its surplus agricultural productsB) obtain workers for its colonies in the AmericasC) establish collective security arrangementsD) settle its surplus population on new lands

17. In the 1600s, the interest of Europeans in Africa wasbased mainly on Europe's need to

A) Islamic culture spread across Africa and Asia.B) European influence spread to the Western

Hemisphere.C) Independence movements developed in Asia and

Africa.D) Military dictatorships were established throughout


18. Which was an immediate result of the European Age ofExploration?

A) a long period of peace and prosperity for thenations of western Europe

B) extensive migration of people from the WesternHemisphere to Europe and Asia

C) the fall of European national monarchies and theend of the power of the Catholic Church

D) the end of regional isolation and the beginning of aperiod of European global domination

19. A major result of the European Age of Exploration was

A) Many African communities faced economicdisaster.

B) European industrial factories were establishedthroughout Africa.

C) Animism was no longer practiced in Africa.D) Africans across the continent hired Europeans to

train their military.

20. What was a direct result of the trans-Atlantic slavetrade on African cultures?

A) a route through the Swiss AlpsB) a narrow body of water connecting two larger

bodies of waterC) the forced journey of enslaved Africans to the

AmericasD) the expulsion of Muslims from Spain

21. The Middle Passage is best defined as

22. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) Most of the slaves came from eastern Africa.B) Few people were taken from Africa to other continents.C) Several European countries participated in the slave trade.D) The slave trade began in southern Africa.

Which conclusion about the slave trade in Africa is supported by this map?

A) Silk Road tradeB) CrusadesC) Columbian ExchangeD) Scramble for Africa

23. • Maize and potatoes were grown in Europe.• Millions of Africans suffered during the MiddlePassage.• Smallpox had devastating effects on indigenouspeoples.• Spanish language is used in much of Latin America.

Which global interaction is illustrated by thesestatements?

24. Base your answer to the following question on thepassage below and on your knowledge of social studies.. . . And we cannot reckon how great the damage is,since the mentioned merchants are taking every day ournatives, sons of the land and the sons of our noblemenand vassals and our relatives, because the thieves andmen of bad conscience grab them wishing to have thethings and wares of this Kingdom which they areambitious of; they grab them and get them to be sold;and so great, Sir, is the corruption and licentiousness[lack of restraint] that our country is being completelydepopulated, and Your Highness should not agree withthis nor accept it as in your service. . . .— Nzinga Mbemba (King Affonso), Letters to theKing of Portugal, 1526

A) exploration of the African interiorB) discovery of gold mines in NigeriaC) Belgium's takeover of the CongoD) Atlantic slave trade

Which event in African history is described in thispassage?

25. Base your answer to the following question on thegraph below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) Little trade in enslaved Africans took place beforethe 1500s.

B) Slavery was most widely practiced in Sweden,Denmark, and Holland.

C) Conditions of slavery in Brazil were less harshthan those in the United States.

D) Most enslaved Africans were sent to the Caribbeanand Spanish America.

Which statement is supported by the graph?

26. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) The Industrial Revolution B) Imperialism in AfricaC) The Age of Discovery D) Atlantic Trade Routes

What is the most appropriate title for the map?

A) Colonies exist to provide raw materials andmarkets for a colonial power.

B) Wealth and power are based on land exchangedbetween nobles.

C) Goods and services are traded without governmentinterference.

D) Property is owned collectively and administeredby the state.

27. Which idea is most closely associated with theeconomic concept of mercantilism?

A) a decline in the spice tradeB) the destruction of the papacyC) the development of capitalismD) an increased reliance on bartering

28. What was one result of the European CommercialRevolution?

A) mercantilism B) humanismC) mass production D) scientific socialism

29. The Columbian exchange is most closely associatedwith the beginnings of

A) glorify the power and aggressiveness of themilitary

B) create laws which guaranteed individual freedomsC) teach the natives Christianity and offer them

protection in exchange for laborD) increase their supply of gold and silver through a

favorable balance of trade

30. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the primary goal ofmercantilism as practiced by European countries was to

A) the policy of mercantilismB) laissez-faire principlesC) trade cooperativesD) forts along the Silk Roads

31. During the first Global Age (A.D. 1450–1770),European countries obtained both a source of rawmaterials and a reliable market for their finished goodsby developing

A) Alps B) AndesC) Zagros D) Urals

32. Which mountains were an obstacle to Simon Bolivar'sefforts to unify Gran Colombia?

A) Panama regained control of the Panama Canal.B) Simon Bolivar established Gran Colombia.C) Fidel Castro became the communist leader of

Cuba.D) The North American Free Trade Agreement

(NAFTA) was signed by Mexico, Canada, and theUnited States

33. Which event came first in Latin American history?

A) the region’s diverse landformsB) most of the region’s rivers flowed north to southC) the region’s location close to the equatorD) the region’s lack of natural resources

34. Which geographic factor most limited the growth ofLatin American unity of the early 19th century?

A) Protection of human rights has been a majorpolicy of most governments.

B) Foreign powers have had little influence in thearea.

C) Political power has been concentrated in the handsof the landed elite.

D) Church and state have been strictly separated.

35. Which generalization is best supported by a study of thehistory of Latin America?

A) wealthy landownersB) corporate executivesC) Maya and Aztec officialsD) peasant farmers

36. In many newly independent 19th-century LatinAmerican nations, power was often concentrated in thehands of the

A) geographic conditions that limited contact betweenpeople

B) presence of different religious groupsC) Dutch policies of colonizationD) rapid growth of many different political parties

37. Which factor was most important in the development ofregionalism in Latin America?

A) revolutions and political instabilityB) establishment of a state religionC) rapid industrialization by locally owned

corporationsD) widespread support for foreign intervention

38. Which condition is most closely associated withMexico between 1910 and 1930?

A) Martin Luther B) Catherine the GreatC) Simón Bolívar D) Adam Smith

39. “Americans today, and perhaps to a greater extent thanever before, who live within the Spanish system,occupy a position in society no better than that of serfsdestined for labor, or at best they have no more statusthan that of mere consumers. . . .”

This quotation, written in September 1815, representsthe views of

A) inequalities of income and powerB) communist governments were formed in most

countriesC) a small but powerful middle class that owned the

land and businessesD) family structure of native peoples was destroyed

40. Which outcome was a direct result of the socialstructure established during European colonization ofLatin America?

A) concentration of power in a small group oflandowners

B) minor political role of the militaryC) equal distribution of wealth among social classesD) economic control held by the Indian population

41. In many Latin American nations, a major effect ofcolonial rule has been the

A) ancient Indian village organizationsB) cultural exchanges with the United StatesC) English practices in the New WorldD) Spanish colonial rule

42. In Latin America, the emphasis on the role of themilitary and the strength of the Roman Catholicreligion have their origins in

A) The activities of the Church are controlled by thenational governments.

B) The Church has confined its activities to religiousissues.

C) The Church has become active in social andhuman rights issues.

D) Most people see the Church as having littleinfluence in daily life.

43. Which statement best describes the Roman CatholicChurch in most Latin American countries in the 1980's?

A) Democratic rule by civilian government is quicklyrestored.

B) Alliances are formed with Communist nations.C) Dictatorships are established.D) Divisions between the social classes are


44. In Latin America which situation has usually resultedwhen military leaders seize power?

A) the peasantsB) labor unionsC) Maya, Aztec, and Inca rulersD) military leaders

45. As independence was gained by most Latin Americancountries, the power once held by the King'srepresentatives was assumed by

A) introduction of communismB) establishment of democratic governmentsC) colonization of the regionD) movements to gain independence

46. Some developing countries rely on a single cash cropsuch as cotton or sugar cane. The origin of this practicecan often be traced to the

A) demand of world markets for such cropsB) lack of modern agricultural technologyC) inadequate supply of water and other natural

resourcesD) peasant ownership of most farmlands

47. Which factor best accounts for the existence ofcash-crop production as the major form of agriculturein many Central American nations today?

48. Base your answer to the following question on thecartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) South Americans asked the United States toprotect them

B) international cooperation maintained peace inSouth America

C) the Monroe Doctrine was no longer enforceableD) the United States forcefully extended its influence

into South America

The main idea of the cartoon is that in the early part ofthe 20th century

A) economic differences between social classesB) end of slavery in the encomienda systemC) rapid economic reformD) oil production policies

49. What was a major cause of the civil wars in manyCentral American nations in the 1970s and 1980s?

A) Paraguay B) NicaraguaC) Haiti D) Costa Rica

50. Which Latin American nation has a long history ofstable democratic government?

A) poor farmers B) the militaryC) union leaders D) the middle class

51. In many Latin American nations, which group has mostresisted social and economic changes since the end ofWorld War II?

A) poor city workers and labor union leadersB) military leaders and owners of large estatesC) independent subsistence farmers and educated

professionalsD) religious leaders and landless peasants

52. Throughout much of Latin America, political power hastraditionally been held by

A) isolationism B) mercantilismC) democratization D) imperialism

53. Which term best describes the political trends inArgentina, Panama, and Chile during the 1990's?

A) Haiti's lack of industrialization has led toeconomic stagnation.

B) Haiti's limited experience with democracy hasmade it difficult to establish this form ofgovernment.

C) The desire for democracy has led Haiti to neglectits development of modern technology.

D) The presence of American industry has failed toimprove Haiti's economy.

54. Base your answer to question 17 on the cartoon belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

What is the main idea of this 1994 cartoon?

A) colonial governorsB) Marxist governmentsC) democratically elected governmentsD) military dictatorships

55. During the last 10 years, many Latin American nationsexperienced major changes in their governments thatresulted in an increase in the number of

A) successful Communist revolutionsB) an increase in the number of popularly elected

leadersC) a growing dependence on Cuba for economic

supportD) a return to their former colonial status

56. During the last 10 years, what has occurred in many ofthe nations of Latin America?

A) movement toward popularly elected governmentsin many nations

B) increasing hostility between the members of theOrganization of American States (OAS)

C) adoption of communism by many nationsD) increasing economic and military domination by


57. Which trend has occurred in Latin America since the1980s?

A) The strongest leaders are those who are electeddemocratically.

B) Spain generally supported independencemovements in Latin America.

C) Latin America has a strong tradition of monarchy.D) People will often support dictators who promise to

restore stability.

58. Which conclusion about Latin American politicalhistory could be reached after a study of the rise topower of Juan Perón in Argentina and AugustoPinochet in Chile?

A) Elections in several Central and South Americannations have brought Communist governments topower.

B) Military governments or dictatorships have beenreplaced by democracies in many Latin Americannations.

C) Most Latin American governments areencouraging subsistence agriculture.

D) Debts owed to most foreign nations have beenpaid.

59. Which statement is most accurate about Latin Americatoday?

A) achieved their goals through the use of peacefulresistance

B) worked to protect citizens' rights to freedom ofexpression

C) led revolutionary movements that establishedCommunist governments

D) considered Capitalism to be the best economicsystem

60. One similarity between Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro isthat they

A) The United States imposed a naval quarantineagainst Cuba.

B) The Soviet Union built missile sites in Cuba.C) Fidel Castro forcibly took power in Cuba.D) The communist government in Cuba seized

foreign properties.

61. Which development in the history of Cuba occurred first?

A) wealthy landownersB) government officialsC) peasant farmersD) foreign investors

62. Fidel Castro was successful at leading a revolution inCuba because he gained the support of

A) established free trade with the United StatesB) opposed communismC) prohibited the practice of CatholicismD) raised the standard of living for many Cubans

63. Although Cuba has lost support from many nations, onereason Fidel Castro has remained in power is that hehas

A) the success of democracy in improving conditionsin a developing nation

B) a nation in which the efforts of the United Nationshave improved human rights

C) a Communist government struggling to maintainpower despite economic problems

D) the successful reform of agriculture fromsingle-crop to multi-crop production

64. Under the leadership of Fidel Castro, Cuba has becomean example of

A) Cuba adopted a communistic economic andpolitical system.

B) Cuba was denied admission to the United Nations.C) All social classes united to support the new

government.D) The power of the Roman Catholic Church in Cuba

was greatly increased.

65. Which situation resulted from the 1959 CubanRevolution?

A) achieved their goals through the use of peacefulresistance

B) worked to protect citizens' rights to freedom ofexpression

C) considered Capitalism to be the best economicsystem

D) led revolutionary movements that establishedCommunist governments

66. One similarity between Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro isthat they

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