12 flashback review post wwi amer

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Flashback Review #12 Name: _______________________________Post WWII America - Chapter 29 Period: ____ Date: __________________

1) After WWII, soldiers were aided by the ____ Bill. It helped by: _______________________________________

2) _________________ was the “middle of the road” president who symbolized the good life of the Fifties.

3) Soaring birth rates after WWII became known as the ________________________.

4) People were moving to the _____________ because more cars and roads were being built than ever before.

5) The music of the 1950s → _________________ New technology that connects America → ________

6) Some young people see America as materialistic (buy stuff to be happy) → the __________ (yo daddy-O)

7) _____________ fought for black rights, end discrimination & segregation.

8) This made segregation legal after Civil War → ________________v._____________________ Case

9) Integration in baseball → _________________________ Pres. Truman → integrated the __________________

10) Court case ends segregated schools → ________________________________________

11) To test integration of schools → ____________________________________

12) End segregated busing, Rosa Parks refuses & MLK becomes a leader → _________________________________

13) MLK, Jr. used civil disobedience to make social changes – this means …


14) What was unique about JFK? ____________________________________________

15) “..ask not what your ____________ can do for you, ask what you can do for your ____________.” - JFK

16) JFK starts the US space program to put a man on the ________ (happens 1969), fought to end ___________ in

the US and worked with civil rights leaders (unsuccessfully).

17) ____________________________ assassinated JFK in Dallas, TX in Nov. 1963. Jack Ruby kills the assassin and

numerous conspiracy theories arise.

18) LBJ works to be like FDR by proposing the ________________________. It would improve America by helping

the poor, expand social security for elderly and provide job training for unemployed. ________________ used up

money that would have paid for these programs – although we have many of these programs today.

19) Nixon’s greatest blunder was Watergate. What was Nixon doing with his presidential power?



20) Pres. Ford _________ Nixon because the nation had been humiliated by his crime & the investigation.

21) Carter’s administration comes after the Vietnam War & Watergate Affair. America was looking for a president

they could ________________. The economy of the late '70s is in a ______________ & Carter can't stop inflation.

22) More protest for civil rights → __________ at lunch counters or _________ rides on buses through South.

23) MLK's ___________________________ speech in Washington, DC is finally realized after JFK is killed and LBJ

pushes Congress to pass...

a. Civil Rights Act (1964) - ___________________________________________________________________

b. Voting Rights Act (1965) - ______________________________________________________________________

24) _________________ , a leader in the Black Muslims, believes in force & does not trust whites. (labeled the

angriest black man in America). He starts to change & work with whites & MLK, he is _______________________.

25) The Black _____________ is another militant group. “Black Power” is a chant that represents pride in black

history and culture (something blacks were told was insignificant).

26) After MLK's ________________________ and fact that even with laws passed, blacks were still frustrated at

discrimination. A series of ________ riots across north cities break out.

27) People like ____________________ see discrimination of women as another civil rights issue and she writes a

book about it called __________________________________.

28) ___________ works to fight for womens issues like the ________ Pay Act.

29) Cesar Chavez fought to help __________________________. He used boycotts and rallies to get people to see

the unfair treatment of mostly Hispanic workers.

30) Native Americans in the 1970s formed groups like _______. It wanted the govt to...


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