10 ediscovery terms you need to know

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Understanding ediscovery is increasingly considered a basic lawyerly duty. To make sure you're using the right vocabulary, here are 10 ediscovery terms that you should learn - from de-NISTing to native files. For more, visit http://blog.everlaw.com/2014/10/17/10-ediscovery-terms-learn-today


Ediscovery Vocabulary You Need to Know

October 2014

Ediscovery Phrase Book

Want to learn some of the most commonly-used vocabulary words in the ediscovery space? Here are 10 terms you need to know!

1) Batch Processing:

The processing of a large amount of data - such as multiple records - in a single step.

Reference: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Batch_processing, http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/glossary/b/batch-processing

2) Big Data:

The rapidly-growing collections of complex data sets that are hard to process using traditional database management tools. More data generally increases the likelihood of locating relevant information and patterns, if using the right tools to analyze that data.Reference: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Big_data

3) De-Duplication (De-Duping):

The process of removing from view - by either hiding or deleting - files that are largely or entirely duplicative of other files in a collection. This can save a great deal of money, but it can be controversial if “duplicate” is loosely defined.Reference: http://www.insidecounsel.com/2008/07/17/dispelling-doubts-about-deduplication, http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/glossary/d/de-duplication

4) De-NISTing:

Removal of system files, program files, and other computer-generated data (that is not relevant) from an ediscovery collection. The acronym refers to the National Institute for Standards and Technology, curators of the master list of files to be removed.Reference: http://us.practicallaw.com/1-521-1921, http://nlsblog.org/2011/12/14/demystifying-de-nist, http://ballinyourcourt.wordpress.com/2011/08/31/de-nisting-defective,

5) Document Family:

A set of documents related to one another as parent and children. Often, this is an email and its attachments, but it can also refer to any document that has other documents embedded within (the embeds are considered “children” of the parent document).Reference: http://us.practicallaw.com/0-521-0521

6) ESI:

Acronym for Electronically Stored Information. A fairly generic term that includes emails, documents, presentations, databases, voicemail, audio and video files, social media, and web sites.

Reference: http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/edrmsearchglossary/esi-electronically-stored-information

7) Metadata:

Data about data. For a document, its meta data might describe its characteristics, origins, usage, and/or validity. While not usually visible when viewing the printed or on-screen document, it provides key context for how it came to be, and what it’s all about.Reference: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Metadata, http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/glossary/m/metadata

8) Native File:

A file still in the format of the software that originally produced it. For example, Microsoft Office files still in .DOC, .XLS, or .PPT format, or emails still in the .PST container from Microsoft Outlook or Exchange.Reference: http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/glossary/n/native-file

9) Predictive Coding:

The process of analyzing the contents and metadata of documents that have been coded, in order to predict how all the other documents in a collection might be coded.

Reference: http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/grossman-cormack/predictive-coding, http://blog.everlaw.com/2014/10/03/predictive-coding-what-is-it-and-why-use-it

10) Spoliation:

Destroying or hiding relevant evidence, whether intentional or simply through negligence. It can have very serious legal consequences for the “spoliator.”

Reference: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Spoliation, http://www.edrm.net/resources/glossaries/glossary/s/spoliation

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