+ social control. + every society develops norms that reflect it’s cultural values there are two...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Social Control

+Social Control

Every society develops norms that reflect it’s cultural values

There are two basic ways norms are enforced:

1. Internalization


+ Internalization of Norms

When people come to believe that a norm is good, useful, and appropriate, they generally follow it and expect others to as well

Internalization is the process by which a norm become a part of an individual’s personality

Thus, the person conforms to society’s expectations

+ Examples of Internalization

When you sit down, you automatically pick up your fork to eat.

When the traffic signal turns red, you stop without thinking about it

* You do not do these things because you think you will be punished if you don’t. Rather, you have internalized society’s norms.


SanctionsNot everyone internalizes norms, so they are motivated by sanctions.

Sanctions are rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.

+Positive SanctionsPositive sanctions

reward a behavior that encourage conformity to society’s norms

Examples of positive sanctions include praise, good grades, pay raises, cheers from teammates, and awards

+ Negative Sanctions

A negative sanction is a punishment or threat of punishment used to enforce conformity

Examples of negative sanctions are frowns, ridicule, rejection, fines, and imprisonment

The more important the norm is to social stability, the more serious the negative sanction

+Formal Sanctions

A reward or punishment given by a formal organization or regulatory agency, such as a business, school, or government

Positive formal sanctions: diploma, work bonus, promotion, awards, medals

Negative formal sanctions: low grades, suspension from school, fired from a job, speeding ticket

+Informal Sanctions The majority of norms are enforced informally

An informal sanction is a spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or group.

Positive informal sanctions: standing ovation, compliments, smiles, pat on the back, gifts

Negative informal sanctions: gossip, insults, rebukes, ostracism

+Social Control The enforcing of norms is called social control

The primary means of social control in all societies is self-control, which is learned through internalization of norms

However, external enforcement of norms is necessary as well through sanctions

Individuals must follow certain rules of behavior if society is to function smoothly

If people ignore norms, social order is in jeopardy

No society can exist without an effective system of social control

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