第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译. 我国古代天文学十分发达,记载了古人对天象的观测和认识。我国古代的天文学,由于受到当时的时空条件和科技条件的限制,具有很大的局限性,但放在历时参照系上来观照,是相当先进的,对现代天文学的发展做出了重大贡献。另外,我国古代天文学的理论与实践是汉语言文化的一部分,在我国的古籍中古代天文学名词术语随处可见,在现代著作中也不乏其例。因此了解一点我国古代的天文学知识,对英语专业本科生,对他们从事翻译工作是很有好处的。. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译方面的词语英译

第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译

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我国有古老的观景台或灵台,是古人用以观测天文的。他们观测到了太阳黑子、彗星等自然现象,观测到了星有行星与恒星之分,观测到了行星与恒星之间的相对性,学会了以恒星为参照点或参照系来观测行星的活动规律。他们将观测到的七颗行星命名为“七曜”,将观测到的 28 个恒星组合称为 28 星宿,认为二十八宿与我国地理疆域间具有对应关系。古人所说的“七曜”指他们观察到的日、月、金、木、水、火、土等七颗行星;“二十八宿”指他们观察到的二十八个恒星组合,以方位分为四大组,分别是:

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七曜 七曜 东方苍龙七宿:角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕 北方玄武七宿:斗、牛、女、虚、危、室、壁 西方白虎七宿:奎、娄、胃、昴、毕、嘴、参 南方朱雀七宿:井、鬼、柳、星、张、翼、轸

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   斗、牛、女对应吴越和扬州; 虚、危对应齐和青州; 室、壁对应卫和并州; 奎、娄、胃对应鲁和徐州; 昴、毕对应赵和冀州; 嘴、参对应晋和益州;

井、鬼对应秦和雍州; 柳、星、张对应周和三河; 翼、轸对应楚和荆州; 角、亢对应郑和兖州; 氐、房、心对应宋和豫州; 尾、箕对应燕和幽州

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经查阅有关资料,我们才弄清楚,我国古代历法以三十年为一世,十二世为一运,三十运为一会,十二会为一元。所以一会为 10,800 年,一元为 129,600 年。我国古代用 10 天干(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、已、庚、辛、壬、癸)、 12 地支(子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥)相互交叉组合成 60花甲子

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  我国将一年分为四季即春、夏、秋、冬,每季约三个月。但季节的时间跨度过大,难以精确地反映季节变化,于是古人便将一年分为二十四等分,每个节气 15 天左右。二十四节气的记载,首先见诸于《淮南子》。另外,古人还将寒冷的冬季划分为九个等分,每个等分为九天,共八十一天。这些名词术语,家喻户晓、妇孺皆知,此处不赘。

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日 the sun; 月 the moon; 金 Venus; 木 Jupiter; 水Mercury; 火 Mars; 土 Saturn 


启明 morning star; 长庚 evening star; 太 白 bright star


第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译

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二十八宿直译加意译如下:二十八宿直译加意译如下: 二 十 八 宿 the twenty-eight lunar mansions or

constellations 东 方 苍 龙 七 宿 the Green Dragon, the eastern

group of 7 constellations 北方玄武七宿 the Tortoise, the northern group of

7 constellations 西方白虎七宿 the White Tiger, the western group

of 7 constellations 南 方 朱 雀 七 宿 the Scarlet Bird, the southern

group of 7 constellations

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   天干、 地支一般分 别直译 为 : the Heavenly

Stems 和 the Earthly Branches 或 the Ten Heavenly Stems 和 the Twelve Earthly Branches 。但是天干地支的具体名称以及由天干地支组成的六十花甲子 (the 60 pairs) ,多半采用拼音的方式予以翻译。如果是翻译一本书,书中有许多关于用天干地支以及六十花甲子纪年、纪月、纪日或用地支纪时的文字,最好要增加一个附录,对天干地支、六十花甲子以及它们在中国古代的应用予以系统说明。例如:

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  The Ten Heavenly Stems: jia, yi, bing, ding,

wu, ji, geng, xin, ren, guiThe Twelve Earthly Branches: zi, chou, yin,

mao, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, haiThe Sixty Huajiazi (with two elements

forming a pair, one from the Heavenly Stems and the other from the Earthly Branches, 60 pairs in all; and the 60 pairs together forming a cycle):

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jiazi, yichou, bingyin, dingmao, wuchen, jisi, gengwu, xinwei, renshen, guiyou, jiaxu, yihai, bingzi, dingchou, wuyin, jimao, gengchen, xinsi, renwu, guiwei, jiashen, yiyou, bingxu, dinghai, wuzi, jichou, gengyin, xinmao, renchen, guisi, jiawu, yiwei, bingshen, dingyou, wuxu, jihai, gengzi, xinchou, renyin, guimao, jiachen, yisi, bingwu, dingwei, wushen, jiyou, gengxu, xinhai, renzi, guichou, jiayin, yimao, bignchen, dingsi, wuwu, jiwei, gengshen, xinyou, renxu, guihai

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甲午战争:甲午战争:the Jiawu War, a war by Japanese to annex

Korea and invade China, beginning in the year of Jiawu, the eleventh year in the 60-year cycle of the Chinese chronology. In the International System, the war broke out in 1894.

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庚子赔款:庚子赔款: the Gengzi Indemnity or the Boxer Indemnity. In

the year of Gengzi, or 1900, the Eight Powers of the West joined their forces called the Eight-Power Allied Forces attacked Beijing to suppress the Yihetuan Movement or the Boxer Movement and defeated the latter. The next year, they compelled the regime of the Qing Dynasty to sign the Xinchou Pact with them, which forced an indemnity upon the Chinese people, hence the Gengzi Indemnity.

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戊戌变法:戊戌变法:the Wuxu Reform, a reform movement that

took place in late Qing Dynasty in the year of Wuxu or 1898 and lasted for only 100 days, hence another name the 100-Day Reform Movement. The movement led by Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Tan Sitong and others, supported by Emperor Guangxu but suppressed by conservative courtiers led by Cixi, the Grand Empress.

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辛亥革命:辛亥革命:the Xinhai Revolution, a revolution led by

Sun Yat-sen that broke out in the year of Xinhai or 1911. The revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established the first republic in China.


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纪时: 纪时: (可用意译、音译加注释、音译加同位

语等方式予以翻译)– Numbering the Chinese hour:– In ancient China, a day was divided into twelve

Chinese hours, each equal to two hours in the International System, and the twelve hours are named after the Twelve Earthly Branches, namely, zi, chou, yin, mao, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, hai.


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二十四节气:二十四节气:– 立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨;立夏、小满、芒种、夏至、小暑、大暑;立秋、处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降;立冬、小雪、大雪、冬至、小寒、大寒

– (可用意译加注释的方式予以翻译)–  

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The twenty-four seasonal divisions:The twenty-four seasonal divisions: On the Chinese calendar, a year is divided into four

seasons, each lasting 3 Chinese months. They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each month in turn falls into two seasonal divisions, each lasting about 15 days or half a month, hence the 24 seasonal divisions. The 24 seasonal divisions are Beginning of Spring, Rain Water, Waking of Insects, Spring Equinox, Pure Brightness, Grain Rain; Beginning of Summer, Grain Full, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, Great Heat; Beginning of Autumn, Limit of Heat, White Dew, Autumn Equinox, Cold Dew, Frost’s Descent; Beginning of Winter, Slight Snow, Great Snow, Winter Solstice, Slight Cold, Great Cold–  

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二十四节气歌:二十四节气歌:– 春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处白秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒


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The Song for the 24 Seasonal The Song for the 24 Seasonal

Divisions:Divisions: Spring begins while rain water wakes insects,

spring equinox comes before days of pure brightness and rain for grains; summer begins when grain is full and soon in ears, summer solstice comes before heat slight and then great; autumn begins with heat limited and dew white, autumn equinox comes before dew cold and descent of frost; winter begins with snow slight and then great, winter solstice comes before cold slight and then great.–  

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九九歌:九九歌:一九二九不伸手,三九四九冰上走;五九和六九,河边看杨柳;七九河冻开,八九燕子来;九九加一九,耕牛遍地走。–  –  

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The Song for the Nine Nines: The Song for the Nine Nines: So cold as the first and second nines are that you cannot

hold your hands out bare; the third and fourth nines see the coldest days with people traveling or playing on ice everywhere; the fifth and sixth nines are days in early spring with willows by the river turning green and budding; the seventh nine sees the river free of ice and running while the eighth nine witnesses the swallows merrily returning; the ninth nine and then another nine, and cattle come to the fields plowing. (Note: On the Chinese calendar, there are eighty-one cold days, divided into nine nine-days or nines, with the third and fourth nines being the coldest)–  

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练习 (见练习册相应部分)练习 (见练习册相应部分)–  

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