america’s pacific empire samoset middle school 8 th grade social studies

America’s Pacific Empire Samoset Middle School 8 th Grade Social Studies

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America’s Pacific Empire

Samoset Middle School

8th Grade Social Studies

Reasons for U.S. ImperialismReasons for U.S. Imperialism

EconomicU.S. now an industrial power Colonies provide raw materials

Colonies provide new markets

PoliticalNeed for strong naval bases Keep out other rival nations

Spread of democracy

SocialMoral superiority – obligation to spread American religious beliefs & culture = >

White Man’s Burden, Christian missionaries, “civilize the uncivilized”

Master of the SeasMaster of the Seas

Called for improving and enlarging the navy.

Argued sea power would protect shipping and provide access to world markets

Powerful navy would need overseas colonies where ships could be supplied and refueled.

By the early 1900’s the U.S. had the naval power it needed to back up an expanded role in world affairs.

Alfred Thayer MahanU.S. naval captain

HawaiiHawaii Chain of islands located in the Pacific Ocean

Rich soil, warm climates & plenty of rain for sugarcane & pineapples

American missionaries arrive in 1820 & planters arrive soon after

Americans gain more influence and in 1887 force Hawaiian king to accept new constitution giving them more power

Hawaii for HawaiiansHawaii for Hawaiians 1891 – Queen Liliuokalani ascends

to the throne Rejects the constitution and wants

“Hawaii for Hawaiians”

1893 – American planters rebel & the marines help overthrow Liliuokalani

“I yield to the superior force of the United States of America…To avoid any collision of armed forces and perhaps the loss of life, I do this under protest, and impelled by said force, yield my authority.”

1894 – Republic of Hawaii is formed with Sanford Dole (son of American businessman) as President. His brother, James, was founder of Dole pineapples. U.S. President Grover Cleveland refuses to annex Hawaii because he believes overthrow is illegal

1898 – Under U.S. President William McKinley, Hawaii is annexed.

Somoa (1899)Somoa (1899)

Chain of islands located in the Pacific Ocean with great harbors

United States, Britain & Germany all wanted control All 3 arrived at a peaceful settlement whereby U.S. & Germany

split the islands and Britain received other Pacific territories

Somoa (1899)Somoa (1899)

How did many Americans socially justify the takeover of Somoa in 1899?

China & the Open Door China & the Open Door PolicyPolicy China was torn apart by internal fighting and lacked industry that made

it too weak militarily to resist foreign powers who wanted to exploit its vast resources and markets

By the late 1800’s Japan and the European powers had claimed spheres of influencespheres of influence in China where each country had special rights and powers

U.S. leaders worried the country would be squeezed out of the profitable Chinese market so in 1899, Secretary of State John Hay proposed the Open Door PolicyOpen Door Policy under which each foreign nation in China could trade freely in the other nations spheres of influence

This soon changed in 1899, because a secret martial arts society known as the Boxersthe Boxers began a violent revolt to rid China of the “foreign devils”“foreign devils”

- Mark Twain; Berkeley Lyceum, New York, November 23, 1900 Mark Twain; Berkeley Lyceum, New York, November 23, 1900

China never wanted foreigners any more than foreigners wanted Chinamen, and on this question I am with the Boxers every time. The Boxer is a patriot. He loves his country better than he does the countries of other people. I wish him success. The Boxer believes in driving us out of his country. I am a Boxer too, for I believe in driving him out of our country.

The Boxer The Boxer RebellionRebellion

Many died during the revolt and for two months hundreds of foreigners were trapped in the capital city of Beijing

Foreign troops broke the siege and

defeated the Boxers.

After the rebellion a second Open Door proposal stressed the importance of keeping China independent and respecting its boarders