american colonies

American Colonies By Eduardo Vega

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Post on 09-Aug-2015



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Page 1: American colonies

American Colonies

By Eduardo Vega

Page 2: American colonies

American Colonies

Jamestown Virginia was one of the first places immigrants settled.

They went there seeking for wealth, sent by investors also looking for wealth.

So many people were looking for wealth that it soon became very crowded.

It was being overrun by livestock.

Page 3: American colonies

o King James was ruling over people with his catholic ways and was very unfair with people who didn’t like it.

o The Dutch prince of Orange had to interfere with the unfair ruling of king James.

o The Dutch prince William came to save the Protestants.

o He went there trying to form a Dutch alliance.

o The attack was known as the “Glorious revolution.

Page 4: American colonies

• Travel became very popular around the 18th century, it tripled in a period of one hundred years.

• The ocean went from being an obstacle that people had to fight through, to a bridge that people used to cross to different lands.

• Since only a specific group of people were able to migrate, the gap between the societies was really big, also between freedom and slavery.