alpha-decay of rdac on the collective model and the spin of the acx nucleus

-ALPHA-DECAY OF RdAc ON THE COLLECTIVE MODEL AND THE SPIN OF THE AcX NUCLEUS S. G. Ryzhanov The most complete and exact energy level scheme for the AeX nucleus and th e a-decay scheme for the RdAc nucleus to these levels is given in Reference [1]; the a-particle yields in percent are also given (cf. Figure), According to the Bohr-Mottelson collective model of the nucleus [2] the ground state and excited levels of AeX with energies of 59, 286 and 332 key must be considered single-particle states because a-decay to these levels is most probable (cf. Figure). Apparently the levels at 110, 178 and 938 key are rotational satellites of the second level, forming a developed rotational band. Actually, according to [2] the energy of rotational excitations for an even-odd nucleus (AcX is Ra~ ) is given by the expression E r = B[I(I + 1)--K(K + 1)], (1) where I Is the rotational moment of the levelwhileK is the moment for the single-particle level; B is the n, rotation eomtant B = -~ (J Is the effective moment of inertia). In even-odd nuclei we have I = K. K + .1, K + 2,etc. It is easy to show that the difference in energies between the levels 110 -59; 1'13 -- 59; 238 -- 59 are tn good agreement with Equation (1) for K equal to 5/2, '//2 or 9/2 with a rotational constant of 6.97, 5.55 and 4.62 key,respectively. The level at '/9 key is apparently of nomotational nature. The probability for a-decay to a given level of the daughter nucleus is given by the Ter-Martiroslan formula [3] ILK (2) where C.~,~Kd,0 /s the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient, I is the orbital moment of the a-particle, C/s a con- stant for a given rotational band, a and 13 are semi-empirical constants the values of which are determined from empirical data. According to Equation (2) WK always falls off monotonically with increasing excitation I energy. However, in RdAc the relative yield of a-panicles to the 173-key level is twice as large as to the neighboring level. This departure may possibly be explained by assuming that single-particle levels of an odd nucleon in the field of a strongly-deformed nuclear core (cf.Ref. [4] ) with sp~n K are not very different in energy from rotational towels with spire K + 2 and .K + 3. Since the squares of the Clebsch-Gordan ecefficier~ fall off rather sharply with l~ereaslng I the probability of a-deozy to these rotational states becomes neglt~bly small and the observed yield~ ~f ~ -particles are actually determined only by the coatributio~ from the sin~e-pardele leveb with spin K, The factor C in front of the ex,eone~iZi is the same-for all ba~A~ being considered; henee, tl~ 100

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- A L P H A - D E C A Y OF R d A c ON T H E C O L L E C T I V E M O D E L A N D T H E


S. G. R y z h a n o v

The most complete and exact energy level scheme for the AeX nucleus and th e a - d e c a y scheme for the RdAc nucleus to these levels is given in Reference [1]; the a -par t i c le yields in percent are also given (cf. Figure), According to the Bohr-Mottelson collect ive model of the nucleus [2] the ground state and excited levels of AeX with energies of 59, 286 and 332 key must be considered single-particle states because a - d e c a y to these levels is most probable (cf. Figure). Apparently the levels at 110, 178 and 938 key are rotational

satellites of the second level, forming a developed rotational band. Actually, according to [2] the energy of rotational excitations for an even-odd nucleus (AcX is R a ~ ) is given by the expression

E r = B[I(I + 1 ) - - K ( K + 1)], (1)

where I Is the rotational moment of the levelwhileK is the moment for the single-particle level; B is the n,

rotation eomtant B = - ~ (J Is the effective moment of inertia). In even-odd nuclei we have I = K. K + .1,

K + 2,etc. It is easy to show that the difference in energies between the levels 110 - 5 9 ; 1'13 -- 59; 238 -- 59 are tn good agreement with Equation (1) for K equal to 5/2, ' / /2 or 9 /2 with a rotational constant of 6.97, 5.55 and 4.62 key,respectively. The level at '/9 key is apparently of nomotational nature.

The probability for a - d e c a y to a given level of the daughter nucleus is given by the Ter-Martiroslan formula [3]



where C.~,~Kd,0 /s the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient, I is the orbital moment of the a -par t ic le , C / s a con-

stant for a given rotational band, a and 13 are semi-empir ica l constants the values of which are determined from empirical data. According to Equation (2) W K always falls off monotonically with increasing excitation

I energy. However, in RdAc the relative yield of a - p a n i c l e s to the 173-key level is twice as large as to the neighboring level. This departure may possibly be explained by assuming that single-particle levels of an odd nucleon in the field of a strongly-deformed nuclear core (cf.Ref. [4] ) with sp~n K are not very different in energy from rotational towels with spire K + 2 and .K + 3. Since the squares of the Clebsch-Gordan eceff ic ier~ fall off rather sharply with l~ereaslng I the probability of a - d e o z y to these rotational states becomes negl t~bly small and the observed yield~ ~f ~ -particles are actually determined only by the coatributio~ from the s in~e-parde le leveb with spin K, The factor C in front of the ex,eone~iZi is the same-for all ba~A~ being considered; henee, t l~


yield ratio for a-particles corresponding to the formation of levels with energies of 173 and 59 key (4%: 21%) is determined only by the exponential factor e" aEz which is due to the reduction in the penetrability of the potential barrier caused by the reduction in the e~ergy of the alpha particle owing to excitation of the daughter nucleus. The latter quantity is equal to the difference of energies of these levels. Thus. we find the factor a = 14.2. The above also applies for the energy levels at 238 and 173 key. Hence the yield ratio for a-particles


332 IS % $O7

t% Z85 :7%

,.8 (,Ts) (,,,,,3) w

t", x" e} ,73 0t,1 ,

.o (sf) 2%

59 t 0 ) - - �9 2 t %

Z9 " " 5 ~

0 ta% 17e x

Level scheme for AcX. E is the energy of the level with respect to the ground state in key; the figures in brackets are the energies of the rotational levels with respect to the level at 59 key. The figures at the right indicate the a-par t ic le yield (in percent) for a-,decay of RdAc with formation of the corresponding AcX level .

corresponding to the formation of these levels (2%: 4%), should be equal to the ratio of the exponential factors indicated above, i. e., e-'=-0-238/e--,t.0.t73 With a = 14.2, this ratio is close to the empirical value, L e., 1/2. To compute the constant 15 which appears in the exponential factor and which is determined by the height of the centrifugal barrier use can be made of the yield of a-particles corresponding to the formation of the level at 110 key (the first rotational satellite of the band).

We propose, that in accordance with conservation of parity, I can take on only even values of the natural series. The squares of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for K equal to 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2 and l = 2 are corres- pondingly 5/14. 56/165, 45/143 (the terms in Equation (2) with l > 2 can be neglected). The empirical ratio for the yields of a-particles corresponding to the form- ation of levels with energies of 110 and 59 key is 2~ 21%. while the energy exponent for these levels is 0.487. From this it follows that 15 = 0.365. The value of a is


clo~e to that of the exponent 170/#daeeay in the Bethe

formula [5] and is also close to the corresponding exponent for Am =41 [3] . The factor 15 is In exact agreement with that given for Am m [3]. This means that the nuclides AcX and Am ~r have the same elongation.* If ft is also assumed that decay is accompanied by a change of parity (odd l ) then 15 is found to be 0.166. This cannot be explained. Hence the authors of Reference [1] have appar- ently found it completely justifiable to assign the trans- Ition with an energy of 50,2 key to the levels with the energies of 286 and 238 key. However, the empirical multipolarity of the ),-lines found in Reference [1], do not find any direct reflection in the rotational scheme given in Reference [2].

Received May 31, 1957


[1] M. Fritley, S. Rosenblum, W. Waladares and G, Boussier, J. de Phys. et Rad. 15, 43 (1954); 16,378 (1955).

[2] A. Bo!-trandB. R. Mottelson, Problemy ,9~eremennoi Ftziki No. 9, 78 (1955); A. Bohr, and B, R, Mottel- son, Phys. Rev. 90, 717 (1953).

[2] L. L. Gol'din, L. K. Peker and G. I. NovDtova, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 59, 3,459 (1956).

[4] B, R. MotteL~on and S, Niel~en, P~oble~y Sovreme:nnoiF~zikINo. i , 186 (1956).

[5] H. Be =he, NuCle~rPh~ies (state Teeth P ~ , 1948) Chapter 2, p. 179,* *

�9 Hence ~he value K = 5/2 is tobe, ~r~fetred for ~ ,~:r band being considered. �9 * Russian translation~